Side by SIDE

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Sketch completed 3 June 2004
Drawing Copyright by Ulrich Lotzmann. All rights reserved.
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Ulli writes, " This little sketch deals with the problems Al and Pete had deploying the SIDE (Suprathermal Ion Detector Experiment) and CCIG (Cold Cathode Ion Gauge) experiments. Must to their frustration, the CCIG/SIDE connecting cable retained a great deal of memory and kept turning the lightweight CCIG on its side and making it very difficult to get the CCIG properly pointed."

"At 117:53:35 MET, Pete decided it was time to exert his authority. 'Don't fall over,' he odered. But, as with the tide and King Canute, the CCIG ignored the Apollo 12 Commander."

"Later, Alan recommended: 'Let's move it around here and just let it lay on its side. You know, it doesn't know the difference.' And that finally worked."

"Because of the stiff connecting cable, a 30-second job took 5 minutes."

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