Higher and Higher

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Sketch completed 11 January 2004
Drawing Copyright by Ulrich Lotzmann. All rights reserved.
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Ulli writes:

The story behind this sketch is another example of the special spirit of the Apollo 12 crew.

Here's part of the story, from the Apollo 12 Lunar Surface Journal:

116:00:58 Conrad: Okay, Al; watch (as I open the S-band umbrella).

116:01:01 Bean: Wait a second. I got to...How does that (TV picture) look, Houston?

116:01:05 Gibson: Still looks the same, Al. We have a very bright image at the top and blacked out for about 80 percent of the bottom.

116:01:14 Conrad: (Laughing heartily as the S-band umbrella springs into position) Man, oh, man; did that thing deploy! (Laughs)

The rest of the story comes from the Apollo 12 Post Mission Crew Press Conference on December 12, 1969.
Conrad (explaining a 70mm Hasselblad photo to the journalists): "In the foreground there is the cover of the S-band erectable antenna. And I guess it illustrates a good point on the S-band antenna. I know many of you've seen it deployed in practice. It said on the instructions (that) when you deploy it, it unfolds and springs out. But it (also) said (to) hold on to the leg; and I really didn't hold on to the leg too well; and, when I deployed it, it jumped about 4 feet in the air."

Bean: "Gets higher and higher every day."

Gordon: "It does. It was 2. (Laughter). That's right, it was 2 feet yesterday." (Laughter)

Conrad: "You got to watch Dick. He's got a good memory. He's remembering my stories ."

Gordon: "First time we heard it, it was 6 inches." (Laughter)

(Later in the press conference)

Conrad: "I guess one other thing I've been sitting here thinking about; that antenna really went 5 feet in the air." (Laughter)

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