The Crew / A Colorful Crew

The Crew

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Sketch completed 24 March 2003
Drawing Copyright by Ulrich Lotzmann. All rights reserved.
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A Colorful Crew

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Color Version completed 3 December 2003
Drawing Copyright by Ulrich Lotzmann. All rights reserved.
Click on the image for a larger version.
Ulli writes:

"Pete Conrad, Dick Gordon and Al Bean - the colorful Prime Crew of Apollo 12 - were all highly-trained Naval Aviators and a very close-knit trio. Three fun-loving boys who are 'friends forever'."

"How best to illustrate the spirit of this very special crew? Al Bean has already done it with his great painting Conrad, Gordon and Bean: The Fantasy, so I used Al's motif - sorry Al - and drew Pete, Dick and Al together on the lunar surface, only from a different point-of-view. I've left out Pete and Al's chest-mounted Hasselblad cameras so that I could mark their first names on their RCUs."

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