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Day 9, part 1: Orbital Science and Crew Rest Journal Home Page Day 10, part 1: Orbital Science, Rev 68 & 69

Apollo 15

Day 9, part 2: Orbital Science, Rev 62 to 64

Corrected Transcript and Commentary Copyright © 1998-2024 by W. David Woods and Frank O'Brien. All rights reserved.
Last updated 2023-05-14
Index to events
Photo PADs 199:09:54 GET
UV photo PAD 200:47:00 GET
TEI-69 contingency manoeuvre PAD 202:49:57 GET
This chapter covers the final three lunar orbits before bedtime on 3 August 1971, the ninth day of the Apollo 15 mission. The spacecraft has just gone around behind the Moon as seen from Earth. During this farside pass, they will begin Rev 62 and about 6 hours from how will begin their rest period having completed two further orbits. This time will be filled with an intense session of orbital science and photography, both with the handheld Hasselblad cameras and the two high resolution cameras mounted in the SIM bay, the Mapping Camera and the Panoramic Camera.
We join the transcript as the crew are talking among themselves, as recorded on the DSE equipment. They are passing over the lunar night and won't pass the sunset terminator until about 6 minutes before Acquisition Of Signal.
197:52:04 Scott (onboard): [Garble].
197:52:09 Irwin (onboard): Well, I think I'd - stick it under the couch there. That's where I kept it before. But, of course - Huh?
197:52:17 Scott (onboard): [Garble].
197:52:19 Worden (onboard): [Laughter]
197:52:21 Scott (onboard): [Garble].
197:52:22 Irwin (onboard): May be, David. The empty ones, you mean. Oh, that's what you're talking about. Empty one. Yes. Yes. A-2.
197:52:37 Scott (onboard): Okay, Jimmy, you got 8 minutes to go.
197:52:59 Irwin (onboard): [Garble].
197:53:01 Scott (onboard): Hey, listen. You - you - you're bugging me a little bit. If you're going - if you're going to exercise, you ought to at least have the decency to put your biomed on (laughter). There's no sense wasting all that on us. Let the doc see it.
197:53:23 Scott (onboard): Ooh, applesauce. Their applesauce is good stuff.
197:54:05 Irwin (onboard): You have Cannon towels, no doubt.
197:54:06 Worden (onboard): Yes.
197:54:07 Scott (onboard): I think I've been holding this many of them before.
197:55:31 Scott (onboard): Oh, yes. Yes, we were in darkness about the time ... We'll be on the dark side for about 20 minutes now.
197:58:06 Scott (onboard): Two minutes to go, Jim.
Flight Plan page 3-310.
198:00:42 Worden (onboard): Hey, Jim.
198:00:46 Scott (onboard): Okay, Jim.
198:01:24 Worden (onboard): [Garble] regular [garble] heartbeat.
198:01:34 Scott (onboard): Huh? Yes. After - after a while it gets to be working, moving your legs around again, you know?
198:01:45 Irwin (onboard): [Garble].
198:01:53 Scott (onboard): [Garble] boy, oh boy.
198:02:38 Scott (onboard): How do you mean?
198:02:48 Worden (onboard): No?
198:02:53 Scott (onboard): Oh, my eyes - my eyes were playing funny tricks on me for a while. [Garble]?
198:02:58 Worden (onboard): So am I. Yes.
198:03:01 Scott (onboard): I'll think I'll see a - yes. Yes.
198:03:09 Irwin (onboard): Oh, yes, I seem to be getting them.
198:03:17 Scott (onboard): Well, that's like a [garble].
198:03:19 Irwin (onboard): Too early.
198:03:22 Scott (onboard): No. My brain is seeing them when you're not.
198:03:35 Worden (onboard): Hey, Dave, you any good at putting hot water in?
198:03:38 Scott (onboard): Oh, God, yes. Let's - Okay.
198:03:42 Worden (onboard): How about doing some pea soup for me when you get around to it?
198:03:45 Scott (onboard): Huh? Where's your spoon, Jimmy?
198:03:56 Worden (onboard): Is it in here?
198:04:12 Worden (onboard): [Garble] Jimmy's spoon.
198:04:19 Irwin (onboard): It's in the - oh, okay. [Garble].
198:04:32 Worden (onboard): You mean like these?
198:04:45 Worden (onboard): What spoon?
198:04:49 Scott (onboard): How many?
198:04:59 Worden (onboard): Oh! Gee, what'd I do? Try to get rid of them?
198:05:46 Scott (onboard): What?
198:05:55 Irwin (onboard): You're getting [garble] for a [garble].
198:05:57 Worden (onboard): Yes.
198:06:02 Scott (onboard): [Garble].
198:06:35 Scott (onboard): [Garble]. [Clears throat]
198:06:46 Worden (onboard): Yes.
198:06:50 Irwin (onboard): [Garble].
198:06:53 Worden (onboard): Watch it. He'll be bitching about that.
198:07:42 Irwin (onboard): [Garble].
198:07:45 Worden (onboard): Yes.
198:07:50 Irwin (onboard): Give it to Al.
198:07:57 Worden (onboard): Give me the little white tool.
198:08:17 Worden (onboard): Thank you, Dave.
198:09:15 Worden (onboard): [Garble] got in the way here.
198:09:18 Irwin (onboard): [Garble].
198:09:21 Worden (onboard): Yes. It really is. Yes. I wish you guys would go somewhere.
198:09:45 Irwin (onboard): [Garble].
198:09:47 Worden (onboard): Because he doesn't want the gray to show.
198:09:50 Irwin (onboard): [Garble].
198:09:51 Worden (onboard): [Laughter] He'd be perfectly happy if we had pens instead of erasers.
198:10:15 Worden (onboard): [Laughter]
198:10:49 Irwin (onboard): [Garble].
198:11:22 Scott (onboard): Hey, how about exporting it?
198:11:34 Scott (onboard): [Garble]. Yes. [Garble].
198:12:20 Worden (onboard): [Garble].
198:12:43 Scott (onboard): You guys [garble]?
198:13:15 Irwin (onboard): [Garble].
At about 198:15 GET, Endeavour begins its 62nd orbit of the Moon. Soon after, Al reduces the deadband to ½° for the sake of a period of Mapping Camera photography which is due to begin at 198:32:10, just as the spacecraft crosses the terminator into lunar day. However, they will miss this start time and instead start the camera 14 minutes later after a prompt from Mission Control.
For half an hour, the crew have an exercise period. They then continue with some handheld photography of features on the far side, though rather than following the targets suggested in the Flight Plan, they elect to spread their picture-taking over this and the next orbit.
They have two Hasselblad cameras in use. One has a Réseau glass plate fitted which imprints crosses on the photographs for photogrammetry purposes. It has magazine QQ attached loaded with black and white film adn its current lens is a 500-mm telephoto. The other camera has magazine O with colour film (Ektachrome) and a 250-mm medium telephoto lens. It has no Réseau plate fitted. During a sequence of 19 images taken with the latter combination just before AOS, AS15-97-13175 to 13193, they will photograph target number 10 as given in the Flight Plan, the ancient 130-km crater Sklodowska.
The first five images of this sequence look towards their northern horizon and across the crater Kondratyuk. With two smaller, but not insubstantial craters on either side of its floor, Kondratyuk is distinctive and is best seen in AS15-97-13177.
AS15-97-13175 - View north towards crater Kondratyuk - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-97-13176 - View north towards crater Kondratyuk - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-97-13177 - View north towards crater Kondratyuk - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-97-13178 - View north towards crater Kondratyuk - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-97-13179 - View north towards crater Kondratyuk - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
Before reaching their target, they take an excellent image of crater Koval'sky P which obscures the entire southwest rim of Kovalsky.
AS15-97-13180 - View north towards crater Kondratyuk - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-97-13181 - Small crater on the southern rim of Koval'sky Y; 20.8°S, 100.02°E - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-97-13182 - Eroded crater between Koval'sky U and Koval'sky Y; 21.09°S, 99.2°E - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
The next 11 images, AS15-97-13183 to 13193 scan across the 127-km crater Sklodowska travelling in a SE-NW direction. Not far away from this feature is the slightly larger crater, Curie, which gives a hint of where the former got its name, for Sklodowska is the maiden name of Marie Curie, 1867-1934, the Polish physicist and chemist who twice won the Nobel prize, first in physics along with her husband Pierre for whom the other crater is named, and then in chemistry.
AS15-97-13183 - Crater Sklodowska J and beyond it, crater Sklodowska itself - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-97-13184 - Crater Sklodowska with central peak and crater Sklodowska in the foreground - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-97-13185 - Crater Sklodowska with central peak and unnamed crater beyond its northwest rim - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-97-13186 - Crater Sklodowska with central peak and unnamed crater beyond its northwest rim - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-97-13187 - Northwest rim of crater Sklodowska with unnamed crater beyond - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-97-13188 - Northwest rim of crater Sklodowska with unnamed crater beyond - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
Note the heavily slumped wall where the small crater formed just beyond the rim. It is easy to imagine that the slump could have been caused by the shock of the small crater's impact.
AS15-97-13189 - Unnamed crater beyond northwest rim of crater Sklodowska - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-97-13190 - Unnamed crater beyond northwest rim of crater Sklodowska - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-97-13191 - Northwest rim of crater Sklodowska - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-97-13192 - Northwest rim of crater Sklodowska with unnamed crater - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-97-13193 - Northwest rim of crater Sklodowska with unnamed crater - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
198:20:30 Scott (onboard): [Garble].
198:20:35 Worden (onboard): [Garble], Dave.
198:20:37 Scott (onboard): Where? I don't see [garble]. Huh?
198:20:44 Worden (onboard): Right there.
198:20:46 Scott (onboard): [Garble].
198:21:07 Scott (onboard): Yes. I can see [garble].
198:21:10 Worden (onboard): [Laughter]
The Mapping Camera is due to come on at 198:32:10 to take a complete daylight pass. However, they have missed the start time and have to be reminded by Joe Allen at 198:42:53.
198:33:34 Scott (onboard): Don't forget, we got [garble].
198:33:37 Worden (onboard): Yes.
198:35:50 Irwin (onboard): What a sport.
198:36:06 Irwin (onboard): What a sport!
198:36:08 Worden (onboard): [Garble].
198:36:09 Irwin (onboard): You are.
198:36:11 Worden (onboard): [Laughter] Yes. Yes.
198:36:29 Irwin (onboard): Enough!
198:36:32 Worden (onboard): Yes.
198:36:33 Scott (onboard): Enough's enough. [Garble].
198:36:39 Irwin (onboard): Yes.
198:36:41 Scott (onboard): [Garble]...
[Download MP3 audio file. Clip courtesy John Stoll, ACR Senior Technician at NASA Johnson.]
This is Apollo Control at 198 hours, 37 minutes. We should be acquiring Endeavour shortly on its 62nd revolution of the Moon. We'll stand by live during this pass.
[Download MP3 audio file. Clip courtesy John Stoll, ACR Senior Technician at NASA Johnson.]
198:41:15 Allen: Hello, Endeavour. This is Houston requesting Reacq and Narrow. [Long pause.]
Al's reply is extremely weak on the PAO recording and was not in the original transcriptions.
198:41:25 Worden: Okay, Houston [garble] Endeavour [garble.] [Long pause.]
198:41:50 Allen: Okay, Al, thank you very much. Some time during this pass, we're going to be requesting an ISA [Interim Stowage Assembly] weight which you have in your Lunar Surface Checklist, page 3-2. And we'll have a Map Camera and a Pan Camera PAD to send up to you. [Long pause.]
The ISA was used for stowage in the LM during Dave and Jim's stay on the surface and to carry items from the LM to the CSM.
198:42:23 Worden: Okay, Joe. That all sounds very good. [Long pause.]
198:42:53 Allen: Endeavour, this is Houston. We're showing your Mapping Camera not on at this time and are requesting it on. It may be just to reverify from your 198 plus 32 plus 10 on the Flight Plan. Over.
198:43:15 Worden: Rog, Joe.
Very long comm break.
Mapping Camera photography for this pass begins at about 198:46 with AS15-M-2093. It appears that the camera is still moving out on its track to its fully deployed position when the photography starts. As well as this initial image, about every tenth image will be presented starting with AS15-M-2105.
AS15-M-2093 - Metric Camera image of craters Ansgarius and Behaim. At this moment, the Mapping Camera unit was still being deployed, hence the obstruction to the right. Image taken at about 198:46. (250 megapixel version), (labelled version) - Image by NASA/ASU.
The photography continues in black and white using magazine QQ and the 500-mm telephoto lens of an unusual, small crater, La Pérouse A, which lies northwest west of the much larger limb crater, La Pérouse. Two shots are taken, AS15-81-10906 and 10907. This crater is like so many of the other small, flat-bottomed, bowl-shaped craters on the Moon, except for a remarkable slump on one side.
AS15-81-10906 - Crater, La Pérouse A at 9.27°S, 74.70°E. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10907 - Crater, La Pérouse A at 9.27°S, 74.70°E. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-M-2105 - Metric Camera image of area northeast of crater Langrenus, including crater Barkla. Image taken at about 198:51. (250 megapixel version), (labelled version) - Image by NASA/ASU.
[Download MP3 audio file. Clip courtesy John Stoll, ACR Senior Technician at NASA Johnson.]
This is Apollo Control at 198 hours, 52 minutes. There will be a change of shift briefing at the end of this shift. It will begin in a few minutes after Loss Of Signal on this revolution. Stand by please.
This is Apollo Control. That - that change of shift briefing should start in approximately an hour, approximately 4:30. We'll continue to stand by live in this pass. The crew busy with orbital science. We're showing cabin temperature in Endeavour of 75 degrees Fahrenheit [23.9°C], cabin pressure of 4.8 pounds per square inch [33.1 kPa].
AS15-M-2115 - Metric Camera image of eastern Mare Fecunditatis. Image taken at about 198:55. (250 megapixel version), (labelled version) - Image by NASA/ASU.
AS15-M-2125 - Metric Camera image of crater Taruntius. Image taken at about 198:59. (250 megapixel version), (labelled version) - Image by NASA/ASU.
Orbital photography returns to the colour camera with 15 frames across northeastern Mare Tranquillitatis of visual target 4, the 12.4-km crater Cauchy and its rilles and scarps. These were also imaged on the previous orbit.
The first is AS15-97-13194 which looks northwest across the mare towards the target. Cauchy is in the foreground and Rima Cauchy can be seen north of the crater meandering under an almost overhead Sun.
AS15-97-13194 - Mare Tranquillitatis including crater Cauchy - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-97-13195 is similar but aimed slightly further south to take in Rupes Cauchy, a scarp which becomes a rille at its far end. Cauchy is at the top edge of the frame.
AS15-97-13195 - Mare Tranquillitatis including Rupes Cauchy - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-97-13196 - Mare Tranquillitatis including crater Cauchy and Rima Cauchy - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-97-13197 - Crater Cauchy - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
Cauchy is the major subject of AS15-97-13198 which shows its flat floor and smooth walls. Some slight banding is visible around the top of the crater walls which reflects the layered structure of the mare basalt.
AS15-97-13198 - Crater Cauchy - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
The northwestern end of the rille is shown in AS15-97-13199.
AS15-97-13199 - Crater Cauchy - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-97-13200 to 13208 track along Rupes Cauchy. Four of these frames have been composited to show the length covered by these shots. Two small sections of rille are at the left end of the composite.
Composite of four images of Rupes Cauchy.
AS15-97-13200 - Rupes Cauchy - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-97-13201 - Rupes Cauchy - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-97-13202 - Rupes Cauchy - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-97-13203 - Rupes Cauchy - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-97-13204 - Rupes Cauchy - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-97-13205 - Rupes Cauchy - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-97-13206 - Rupes Cauchy - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-97-13207 - Rupes Cauchy - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-97-13208 - Rupes Cauchy - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
Flight Plan page 3-311.
[Download MP3 audio file. Clip courtesy John Stoll, ACR Senior Technician at NASA Johnson.]
This is Apollo Control at 199 hours. The Flight Dynamics staff has computed the final update on the LM impact point. The coordinates are 26.362 degrees north latitude, and .253 degrees east longitude. The final aim point was 26.2 degrees north and 1.1 degrees east. The impact point represents about a 13 [nautical] mile [24.1 km] down track miss from the aim point. The impact time, final update on that was 181 hours, 29 minutes, 36.24 seconds.
AS15-M-2135 - Metric Camera image of eastern Mare Tranquillitatis including crater Sinas and Rupes Cauchy. Image taken at about 199:02. (250 megapixel version), (labelled version) - Image by NASA/ASU.
Image 13209 is marked as 'No frame' in the Apollo 15 photo catalogue. As Endeavour approaches the boundary between Mare Tranquillitatis and Mare Serenitatis, three photographs are taken of Jansen and its environs, AS15-97-13210 to 13212. Jansen is a flooded crater, 23 kilometres in diameter named after Zacharias Janszoon, 1580-1638, who was a Dutch pioneer of the telescope. The crater is well shown in 13210. The slopes show up light coloured in the high sunlight, as do the slopes of Jansen Y, the bright crater inside Jansen.
AS15-97-13210 - Crater Jansen - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
13211 and 13212 look to the north at Rima Jansen, a sinuous rille. Jansen L is cut off at the corner of 13212.
AS15-97-13210 - Rima Jansen - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-97-13210 - Rima Jansen and crater Jansen L top right - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
Right on the boundary between the two great mare are craters Dawes and Plinius. Whoever is concentrating on the photography in the spacecraft returns to using the camera with black and white film and the 500-mm lens.
AS15-81-10908 and 10909 are a spectacular pair looking into the 18-km Dawes lit by a high Sun. Compare this with an earlier frame from the Panoramic Camera, AS15-9562P.
AS15-81-10908 - Crater Dawes. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10909 - Crater Dawes. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
The next six images are all of details within Plinius, a classic centre-peak crater, 43 kilometres in diameter. This crater was named after Pliny the Elder, 23-79 AD, whose full name was Gaius Plinius Secundus. Pliny is credited with writing an encyclopedia on natural history which held sway until the middle ages. With the 500-mm lens, the extent of Plinius cannot be captured in one shot.
AS15-81-10910 - Crater Plinius, east rim. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10911 - Crater Plinius, central peak. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10912 - Crater Plinius, central peak. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10913 - Crater Plinius, west rim. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10914 - Crater Plinius, central peak. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10915 - Crater Plinius, northwest rim. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-M-2145 - Metric Camera image of the junction between Mare Serenitatis and Mare Tranquillitatis, including craters Plinius and Al-Bakri. Image taken at about 199:06. (250 megapixel version), (labelled version) - Image by NASA/ASU.
The line between the darker basalts around the edge of Mare Serenitatis and the lighter basalts in its interior is very prominent in this Mapping Camera image. The current explanation is that the dark basalts are older and once filled the Serenitatis Basin. Their great weight caused the centre of the mare to sink, creating a depression that was later filled with lava from a different source and hence composition.
[Download MP3 audio file. Clip courtesy John Stoll, ACR Senior Technician at NASA Johnson.]
199:08:46 Allen: Endeavour, this is Houston. We copy the Gamma-ray Gainstep, Shield, On. And Al, we have photo PADs to you when you're ready to copy. Over.
199:09:00 Worden: Okay, Joe. Go ahead.
199:09:03 Allen: Okay. In your Flight Plan, at 199:20, you can strike PCM Cable, unless your relativistic speed has managed to lengthen that cable, I guess. At 199:25, you can strike the 3 lines "CMC Mode, Verb 22, and CMC Mode." And, then I have a PAD for you at 200 plus 20, when you're ready. [Pause.]
On the second day of the flight, the crew had discovered that a PCM cable was missing with only short ones available. The purpose of the cable was to encode the firing of the camera shutter into the spacecraft telemetry.
AS15-M-2155 - Metric Camera image of the southwest margin of Mare Serenitatis including craer Sulpicius Gallus and Lacus Odii. Image taken at about 199:10. (250 megapixel version), (labelled version) - Image by NASA/ASU.
199:09:50 Worden: Rog. Go ahead with the PAD at 200:20.
199:09:54 Allen: Okay, Al. At this time, it's a camera configuration for terminator photos that we missed a little earlier. And the lines should read "CM4/EL/250/VHBW, IVL, f/5.6 at 1/125th, infinity, six frames, Mag Romeo." Over. [Pause.]
199:10:48 Worden: Rog, Joe. Understand. Terminator photo PAD at 200 plus 20 is CM4/EL/250/VHBW, and that's with the intervalometer, IVL, at f/5.6, 1/125th, infinity, six frames and Mag R.
The photography will be through the right hand rendezvous window using the electric Hasselblad camera fitted with a 250-mm lens. The very high speed black and white film is contained in magazine R. The intent is to photograph the terminator with very low-angle lighting to pick out very subtle details in the shape, or topography, of the landscape.
As Joe Allen and Al continue with future plans, the photography is continuing with 4 images taken of Béla, the arcuate feature which is the source of Rima Hadley. Two of these, AS15-81-10918 and 10919 have been composited and show it well though the Sun is high and the features are becoming less distinct.
AS15-81-10916 - Béla, the south end of Rima Hadley. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10917 - Béla, the south end of Rima Hadley. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10918 - Béla, the south end of Rima Hadley. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10919 - Béla, the south end of Rima Hadley. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
199:11:13 Allen: Readback's correct, Al. And, the next entry is at - 200 plus 25, which is open the Map Camera covers and extend the camera per page S/1-39. And, at that time, Map Camera, Image Motion to On. And then, coming up to the time 200 plus 27 plus 56, EL On; and 200 plus 29 plus 36. EL Off. At the time 200 plus 30 plus 36, Map Camera, On; Image Motion, Increase; talkback to barber pole, plus 4 steps; Laser Altimeter to On; Pan Camera Mode to Standby, Power, On; Stereo, Exposure, Normal. Over. [Pause.]
199:13:06 Worden: Roger, Joe. At 200 plus 25, open Mapping Camera covers and extend the Mapping Camera. Turn the Image Motion, On. At 275 - 200:27:56, EL On, and at 29:36, EL Off. At 30:36 Mapping Camera, On; Image Motion to barber pole, plus four; and Laser, On. And then Pan Camera, Standby, Power, On; Stereo, Exposure, Normal.
199:13:41 Allen: That's correct, Al. And continuing on through a few more steps here, and I'll read them all, and then stand by for your readback. 200 plus 33 plus 29, Pan Camera, Mode to Operate. 200 plus 49 plus 32, Pan Camera to Mono. 200 plus 54 plus 27, Pan Camera, Stereo. 200 plus 59 plus 22, Pan Camera, Mode, Standby; Pan Camera, Power to Off on MSFN cue. And, moving right along, 201 plus 17 plus 00, Pan Camera, Image Motion, Increase. I'm sorry, Al. That was misread. That should be Map Camera, Image Motion to Increase; talkback barber pole. 201 plus 28 plus 21, EL On. 201 plus 30 plus 01, EL Off. 201 plus 30 plus 21, Map Camera, Off; Laser Altimeter, Off. And the final one, 201 plus 32 plus 00, retract camera and close covers per the page in your checklist. Over. [Long pause.]
AS15-M-2165 - Metric Camera image of the Apennine Bench Formation. Image taken at about 199:14. (250 megapixel version), (labelled version) - Image by NASA/ASU.
199:16:27 Worden: Roger, Joe. Understand at 201:17:00, Mapping Camera, Image Motion, Increase to barber pole; at 201:28:21, EL On; at 201:30:01, EL Off; 201:32:00, Off. No, back to 30:01, after EL Off, read Map Camera, Off; Laser, Off. And, at 201:32:00, retract and close the Mapping Camera covers.
199:17:08 Allen: Okay, Al. And read back to me 4 more lines, beginning with 200 plus 33 plus 29. You didn't go back quite far enough, and that - that one should read Pan Camera, Mode to Operate.
199:17:24 Worden: Oh, okay.
199:17:25 Allen: And I'm standing by.
199:17:26 Worden: Roger. At - at 33 - at 200:33:29, Pan Camera to Operate. At 49:32, Pan Camera to Mono. At 54:27, Pan to Stereo. And, at 59:22 Pan to Standby; Power, Off, on MSFN cue. [Long pause.]
AS15-M-2175 - Metric Camera image of central Mare Imbrium including crater Heinrich. Image taken at about 199:18. (250 megapixel version), (labelled version) - Image by NASA/ASU.
199:18:00 Allen: Okay, Al. Sounds real good. But double check for me one line, which I may have goofed. It's the 201 plus 30 plus 21, Map Camera, Off; Laser Altimeter, Off. [Pause.]
199:18:20 Worden: Roger, Joe. Understand. At 201:30:21, that's 20 seconds after EL Off, we get the Mapping Camera, Off and the Laser, Off.
199:18:33 Allen: Yes sir, that's affirmative. And, I guess - we're still waiting for an ISA weight. Other than that, we're doing real fine.
199:18:47 Worden: Okay, Joe. [Long pause.]
[Download MP3 audio file. Clip courtesy National Archives and Records Administration.]
199:19:10 Worden: Houston, 15.
199:19:11 Allen: Go. [Pause.] Go ahead, Al. And, we're waiting for a Image Motion talkback to barber pole.
199:19:28 Worden: Okay. Dave's going to get the ISA weight out for you and call you.
199:19:33 Allen: Okay. If he's able to weigh it right there, I'd like to know how he's going to do it. I assume he's got it written down, though.
Of course Dave cannot "weigh" the ISA in the spacecraft as he is in a weightless environment. On Earth, or as they do on the Moon, the force acting upon an object due to the gravity field it is in can be measured by having it act on a calibrated spring. This gives the weight for the object in that particular gravity field.
Though they are near the Moon, they are in freefall around it and the force of gravity is exactly counterbalanced by the centrifugal force of their path. This makes them weightless. How might the mass of an object be determined in this environment? One way would be to use the object's inertia. Set the object in motion in the spacecraft at a known speed and measure the force it applies when it is brought to a halt. Similar to this would be to spin it around on the end of a string or pole at a known rotational rate and measure the force on the string. The distance from the centre of rotation to the object's centre of mass would also have to be known.
199:19:43 Worden: He's got it written down. He just has to get it out.
Long comm break.
[Download MP3 audio file. Clip courtesy National Archives and Records Administration.]
199:22:47 Irwin: Houston. This is 15.
199:22:50 Allen: Go ahead, 15. [Pause.]
199:22:56 Irwin: Yes, Joe. I have weight information on the ISA. The ISA total was 64 pounds, which includes bags 4 and 6, and 8 pounds return items. And the ISA, by itself, without anything loaded in it, was 8 pounds. Over.
199:23:19 Allen: Okay, Jim, copied that. Sounds like there might be a stone or two in there. [Pause.]
199:23:29 Irwin: Yeah. Bags 4 and 6, for sure. [Pause.]
199:23:38 Allen: Thank you, Jim.
Long comm break.
Joe Allen is replaced at the CapCom console by Robert Parker.
AS15-M-2185 - Metric Camera image of western Mare Imbrium including crater Caventou. Image taken at about 199:23. (250 megapixel version), (labelled version) - Image by NASA/ASU.
AS15-M-2195 - Metric Camera image of Oceanus Procellarum including Rimae Prinz and crater Krieger. Image taken at about 199:28. (250 megapixel version), (labelled version) - Image by NASA/ASU.
[Download MP3 audio file. Clip courtesy National Archives and Records Administration.]
199:28:47 Parker: Apollo 15. We'd like Gamma-ray Shield, On, please. [Pause.]
199:28:58 Scott: Roger, Dr. Parker. Shield, On. [Long pause.]
199:29:48 Parker: And, 15. Time to start the terminator [photography] now.
199:29:54 Scott: Rog.
Comm break.
AS15-M-2202 - Metric Camera image of Montes Agricola and the Aristarchus Plateau. Image taken at about 199:31. (250 megapixel version), (labelled version) - Image by NASA/ASU.
Endeavour is about to cross the terminator and the current period of Mapping Camera photography will soon stop. Before it does, a sequence of photographs are taken with the Hasselblad on high speed film of the northwest corner of the Aristarchus Plateau. The sequence extends from AS15-98-13327 to 13335.
AS15-98-13327 - Montes Agricola and the northern part of the Aristarchus Plateau, terminator image shot on high-speed film - Image via National Archives.
AS15-98-13328 - Montes Agricola and the northern part of the Aristarchus Plateau, terminator image shot on high-speed film - Image via National Archives.
AS15-98-13329 is a good example from the series. It shows the old, heavily cratered surface of the Aristarchus Plateau along the bottom of the shot. Bottom left is Raman, an 11-km crater at the western apex of the plateau named for the Indian physicist Chandrasekhara V. Raman, 1888-1970. Running along the upper third of the picture is the Montes Agricola mountain chain which extends for about 160 kilometres parallel to the northwestern edge of the plateau and about 40 km offshore. Note the rille which temporarily runs along the base of the hills to the right. Georgius Agricola, 1494-1555, was a German naturalist and physician.
AS15-98-13329 - Montes Agricola and the northern part of the Aristarchus Plateau, terminator image shot on high-speed film - Image via National Archives.
AS15-98-13330 - Montes Agricola and the northern part of the Aristarchus Plateau, terminator image shot on high-speed film - Image via National Archives.
AS15-98-13331 reaches the terminator itself. The southwestern end of Montes Agricola is along the lower third and a part of a wrinkle ridge system, Dorsa Burnet, runs north-south to its left. The ridge is named after an English naturalist, Thomas Burnet, 1635-1715. Looking at images like this, it is easy to imagine how pre-space-age illustrators of the lunar surface came away with the notion that lunar hills were extremely jagged. The terminator has always been attractive to telescopic observers of the Moon and this is where vertical scale is exaggerated.
AS15-98-13331 - Montes Agricola and the northern part of the Aristarchus Plateau, terminator image shot on high-speed film - Image via National Archives.
AS15-98-13332 - Montes Agricola and the northern part of the Aristarchus Plateau, terminator image shot on high-speed film - Image via National Archives.
AS15-98-13333 - Montes Agricola and the northern part of the Aristarchus Plateau, terminator image shot on high-speed film - Image via National Archives.
The penultimate image in this sequence, AS15-98-13334, shows the sunlight catching the raised rims of the craters and the peaks of the wrinkle ridges.
AS15-98-13334 - Montes Agricola and the northern part of the Aristarchus Plateau, terminator image shot on high-speed film - Image via National Archives.
AS15-98-13335 - Montes Agricola and the northern part of the Aristarchus Plateau, terminator image shot on high-speed film - Image via National Archives.
[Download MP3 audio file. Clip courtesy National Archives and Records Administration.]
199:32:00 Parker: Mapping Camera, Standby, please. [Long pause.]
199:32:13 Scott: Rog. Standby. [Long pause.]
199:32:49 Parker: Laser Altimeter, Off, please.
Comm break.
[Download MP3 audio file. Clip courtesy National Archives and Records Administration.]
199:34:27 Parker: Apollo 15, Houston. If you have a chance, we'd like to talk to Dave and Jim about this LCG connector problem some time.
Parker is referring back to problems the crew had in obtaining a good pressure integrity check yesterday at 177:56:39 prior to jettison of the LM.
199:34:37 Scott: Okay, stand by.
199:34:41 Parker: And Auto on High Gain [Antenna], please.
199:34:46 Scott: Auto. [Long pause.]
199:35:02 Scott: Houston, 15. Go. [Pause.]
199:35:09 Parker: 15. Two questions we'd like to ask. First one's specific, and that is, if you noticed anything about the connector between the LCG and the suit when you took it out in order to put the plugs in yesterday afternoon. Was it already out? Was it loose? Was it not lock-locked? Or what? And secondly, a general question building up from this. Can you tell us anything - any insights you acquired in taking the suits off and looking at the connector or just, in general, about what this problem may have been caused by? [Pause.]
199:35:51 Scott: Well, I guess - I guess our first indication was lack of a good integrity check. As a matter of fact, we couldn't get much more than about a pound in the suit. And the first - In thinking it over, we - we thought the only thing it could be would be those connectors, because that was the on - only semi-open port, even though it shouldn't - shouldn't be leaking. And, everybody checked their helmet and gloves and they appeared to be locked, so we broke open the helmet and gloves and Jim reached in through my zipper and pulled out the LCG connector and stuck in the plug. And then we rezipped, or I did. Jim rezipped me. And we tried another integrity check, and it worked okay. I guess beyond that - I don't have any explanation for it, other than the only possibility is that the LCG connector was leaking, or that somebody's glove or helmet was leaking, because the suits have been, as you know, very tight all the way through.
199:36:55 Parker: Roger. Did Jim notice when you - when Jim took out your connector there, to put the plug in, did he notice it as being loose, unattached, or not lock-locked? Did he have any - could he tell any of that just reaching in with his fingers? [Pause.]
199:37:15 Irwin: Bob, this is Jim. The lock-lock was engaged on that water connector on Dave's suit.
199:37:22 Parker: Okay, copy. And do we understand that Dave's suit was the only one that did not pass the integrity check that first time around?
199:37:32 Scott: No. You can't isolate it. The whole suit circuit is the integrity check. It's spacecraft plus three suits. So, there's no way to tell.
199:37:40 Parker: Roger. But on - what I mean is that you did not put - did you put plugs in Jim's suit, too, or just in Dave's suit?
199:37:50 Scott: No, only - only in one suit. But we did go through the operation of taking off helmets and gloves, which also may have been the problem.
199:37:57 Parker: Roger. Copy that.
199:38:02 Scott: In - in other words, there may have - even though we checked the lock-locks on the helmets and gloves, why, somebody could have had a cocked one and - and missed it. These - es - especially the - the surface equipment was - had an - an awful lot of lunar dust on it, and it's sort of hard to work. We're - we're going to get them cleaned up before the EVA, but after three runs down there, why, the connectors were getting pretty tough to work, even though we did lubricate them.
199:38:31 Parker: Roger. Copy. I don't think we have anything else, Dave. We noticed you did seem to have some trouble getting a suit integrity check the second time around, also. Is that right?
199:38:48 Scott: Yeah. There was a glove that wasn't locked.
199:38:51 Parker: Okay, guess I wasn't on the loop. Thanks. [Long pause.]
199:39:09 Scott: I think the suit circuit's tight. I think that just might have just been one of those things, because the last one we ran was real good. It - the flow dropped down to like 6 or 7 tenths, I guess, and it would have stayed there all day long. I think we've got a good suit loop, but - I'm not worried about that at all. Just a matter of getting all the connectors cleaned up so they all work well, and ensuring that everybody gets a good lock-lock.
199:39:35 Parker: Rog, Dave. We agree too. I - it seems to us that that sounds like it was just one of those situations we run a suit integrity check for.
199:39:45 Scott: Rog. That's exactly right.
Very long comm break.
[Download MP3 audio file. Clip courtesy National Archives and Records Administration.]
This is Apollo Control. The suit integrity check, being discussed with Dave Scott, was one that was performed last night prior to jettisoning of the Lunar Module. This check is a routine check of the suit loop, generally performed by pumping the suits up to about 9 pounds per square inch of pressure or perhaps a little bit more and then monitoring the decay rate and also the oxygen flow rates to the suits. On, I believe it was about 2 occasions, Scott reported, and we were able to monitor on the ground, a high flow rate, indicating that a good pressure integrity was not being maintained. After making some adjustments to the suit and particularly after inserting some auxiliary plugs in the fittings which normally, while the suits are being worn in the Lunar Module or on the lunar surface, would have water hose connections to the back packs, but which are connected to nothing when used in the Command Module. The plugs were inserted inside the suits and the subsequent pressure integrity check showed the suits to be good. Throughout the day, we've been working on the problem here on the ground to attempt to understand what had happened and the conversation with Scott was to attempt to gain some additional information. As you heard, both the ground analysis and Dave Scott's analysis is that we do have, at the present, time a good suit circuit - good suit integrity checks, and that the suits and the suit circuits are maintaining pressure as they should. And the implication from the conversations is that a most likely suspect is some dirt in some of the fittings. In Mission Control at the present time, we're completing a shift handover, Flight Director Glynn Lunney and his team of flight controllers will be replacing Gerry Griffin and his team. The spacecraft communicator on this shift is Astronaut Bob Parker.
[Download MP3 audio file. Clip courtesy National Archives and Records Administration.]
199:49:49 Parker: And, 15; Houston. You're Go for LOS. [Pause.]
199:49:57 Scott: Thank you very much, Houston.
Very long comm break.
We have about 30 seconds now until loss of radio contact with Endeavour. Spacecraft completing its 62nd revolution of the Moon and we'll be reacquiring in a little over 45 minutes. There will be a change-of-shift press briefing probably in about five minutes in the MSC News Center. The participants in the briefing will be Flight Director Gerry Griffin, and spacecraft communicator Joe Allen. At 199 hours, 51 minutes; this is Apollo Control.
This far-side pass is a quiet one for the crew. The spacecraft is flying pointy-end first in what is called the "+X Forward SIM Attitude" which has the SIM bay facing the Moon. All the major instruments are operating, Gamma-ray, X-ray, Alpha Particle and Mass Spectrometers. Note that in this attitude, the inlet to the Mass Spectrometer is not facing the direction of travel so native atoms from the lunar atmosphere are not being selectively sampled.
Flight Plan page 3-312.
The 63rd orbit of Apollo 15 commences at about 200:12 GET.
Once again, as 200:30:36 as they reach the terminator, the Mapping Camera will be brought into use to photograph the daylit side. In preparation for this, both of the experiment booms are retracted and while the Gamma-ray instrument is kept powered, the Mass Spectrometer is switched off. The Panoramic Camera is also brought into play three minutes later, at 200:33:29, for nearly half an hour taking 224 frames in all, most of them in stereo. Handheld photography during the coming revolution will be even more intensive than the last.
According to the Apollo 15 Index of SIM bay photography, Mapping Camera images AS15-M-2206 to 2350 will be taken, 145 in all that look vertically down. Starting with AS15-M-2213, every tenth image will be presented here in context.
AS15-M-2213 - Metric Camera image of farside craters Alden and Scaliger. Image taken at about 200:34. (250 megapixel version), (labelled version) - Image by NASA/ASU.
AS15-P-9942 - Panoramic Camera image of farside craters Alden and Scaliger. Image taken at about 200:34. A 385 megapixel PNG format version can be had from the ASU Apollo Image Archive - Image by NASA/ASU.
[Download MP3 audio file. Clip courtesy National Archives and Records Administration.]
This is Apollo Control at 200 hours, 35 minutes and we're about 1 minute away from regaining radio contact with Apollo 15. Spacecraft now in it's 63rd revolution of the Moon. While the spacecraft has been behind the Moon, Flight Director Glynn Lunney has completed a status review with his flight controllers. Everything appears to be progressing smoothly at this point. And the Flight Activities Officer [FAO] reports that we should be pretty much back on the normal Flight Plan by the scheduled time for the crew to begin their rest period tonight, which would be at 203 hours, 40 minutes, or a little over 3 hours from now. And leading up to that time, well we'll primarily be completing the configuration of experiments in the SIM bay, getting the spacecraft squared away and ready for the sleep period. We should have acquisition - we do have Acquisition Of Signal now. We'll stand by for a call to the crew.
AS15-P-9962 - Panoramic Camera image of farside craters Koval'sky H and Titius J. Image taken at about 200:36. A 385 megapixel PNG format version can be had from the ASU Apollo Image Archive - Image by NASA/ASU.
AS15-M-2223 - Metric Camera image of the southeast quadrant of crater Sklodowska and the landscape beyond. Image taken at about 200:38. (250 megapixel version), (labelled version) - Image by NASA/ASU.
AS15-P-9982 - Panoramic Camera image of craters Sklodowska and Curie G. Image taken at about 200:38. A 385 megapixel PNG format version can be had from the ASU Apollo Image Archive - Image by NASA/ASU.
AS15-P-0002 - Panoramic Camera image of crater Schorr. Image taken at about 200:41. A 385 megapixel PNG format version can be had from the ASU Apollo Image Archive - Image by NASA/ASU.
AS15-M-2233 - Metric Camera image of eastern limb crater Gibbs. Image taken at about 200:43. (250 megapixel version), (labelled version) - Image by NASA/ASU.
As seen from Earth, the Moon is approaching full. Most of their far-side passes are in darkness while most of their near-side passes are in sunlight. According to the 'Apollo 15 Index of 70-mm Photographs,' the crew use five different camera magazines during the coming near-side pass, taking 125 photographs on black and white, very high speed black and white, colour and ultraviolet sensitive film.
Handheld photography begins with images of the small crater seen on the rim of the 77-km crater Gibbs at the Moon's eastern limb, as seen in the above Metric Camera photo. AS15-90-12267 and 12268 are taken with the relatively wide-angle 60-mm lens.
AS15-90-12267 - Bright ray crater on the northeast rim of Gibbs - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-90-12268 - Bright ray crater on the northeast rim of Gibbs - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
Meanwhile AS15-81-10920 and 10921 use the 500-mm to show the detail of this spectacular crater. The eastern rim of Gibbs runs from top-left to bottom-centre. Unlike most small, fresh craters, this one displays dark ejecta excavated from the larger crater's rim.
AS15-81-10920 - Bright ray crater on the northeast rim of Gibbs. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10921 - Bright ray crater on the northeast rim of Gibbs. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-P-0022 - Panoramic Camera image of craters Gibbs and Gibbs D. Image taken at about 200:43. A 385 megapixel PNG format version can be had from the ASU Apollo Image Archive - Image by NASA/ASU.
AS15-P-0042 - Panoramic Camera image of craters Ansgarius and Black. Image taken at about 200:45. A 385 megapixel PNG format version can be had from the ASU Apollo Image Archive - Image by NASA/ASU.
An unusual crater with a one-sided slump, La Pérouse A, first discussed after 198:43:15, is revisited in AS15-81-10922.
AS15-81-10922 - Crater, La Pérouse A at 9.27°S, 74.70°E. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10923 spots another small crater within the floor of the larger 78-km La Pérouse.
AS15-81-10923 - Crater, La Pérouse A at 10.54°S, 75.84°E. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
When the 500-mm lens is trained towards the horizon, the result is, in the opinion of this author (Woods) a quite breathtaking portrayal of the Moon's forbidding, desolate beauty as depicted in AS15-81-10924.
AS15-81-10924 - View NNW towards Mare Undarum. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
The picture looks NNW past crater Maclaurin, the east rim of which is visible in the foreground. Colin Maclaurin was a professor of mathematics in Aberdeen and Edinburgh in Scotland, and lived 1698-1746. The dark, simple crater just below and left of centre is unnamed. Running along the left is the eastern rim of Mare Spumans (The Foaming Sea) and the dark plain on the upper right is Mare Undarum (Sea of Waves).
The Réseau glass plate that is mounted directly in front of the film is dirty and as a result, a pattern of dark spots that repeats on every exposure is apparent.
AS15-81-10925 - Unnamed irregular crater with unusual lineated floor at 7.3°S, 68.8°E. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
[Download MP3 audio file. Clip courtesy National Archives and Records Administration.]
200:46:14 Parker: Endeavour, this is Houston. Over. [Pause.]
200:46:21 Worden: Hello, Houston; this is Endeavour.
200:46:24 Parker: Rog. We got the usual Flight Plan updates, if you'll get a Flight Plan out and copy them in, please. [Pause.]
200:46:37 Worden: Okay; stand by one.
200:46:39 Parker: Okay; and if someone could give us High Gain Antenna to Auto, we'd appreciate it. [Long pause.]
AS15-M-2243 - Metric Camera image of Craters La Pérouse and Kapteyn. Image taken at about 200:47. (250 megapixel version), (labelled version) - Image by NASA/ASU.
AS15-P-0062 - Panoramic Camera image of craters Kapteyn A, B, D, F and Z. Image taken at about 200:47. A 385 megapixel PNG format version can be had from the ASU Apollo Image Archive - Image by NASA/ASU.
200:46:59 Worden: Go ahead with the update.
200:47:00 Parker: Okay. First one is the UV photo plan at - PAD at 201:05 in the Flight Plan. The T-start for that will be 201:11:19. Over.
200:47:17 Worden: Understand. UV T-start 201:11:19.
200:47:22 Parker: Roger. Next, at 201:20, we will delete "PCM cable." [Pause.]
200:47:35 Worden: Okay; got that.
200:47:37 Parker: Roger. At 202:30, it's Discriminator, Low, in that line on the Mass Spec. [Pause.]
200:47:52 Worden: Okay. Discriminator, Low, at 202:30.
200:47:56 Parker: Roger. At 203:21, we will delete "Laser Altimeter, Off." [Pause.]
200:48:11 Worden: Understand. Delete "Laser Altimeter, Off" at 203:21, and let's hold up on the rest for now. [Long pause.]
200:48:47 Parker: And 15, 30 seconds to Pan Camera, Mono. [Long pause.]
AS15-P-0082 - Panoramic Camera image of craters Langrenus M and X. Image taken at about 200:49. A 385 megapixel PNG format version can be had from the ASU Apollo Image Archive - Image by NASA/ASU.
200:49:05 Scott: Hey, go with the rest of the updates, Bob.
200:49:08 Parker: Okay. At 203:23, we'll delete the "Mapping Camera Track, Retract, talkback barber pole, 4 minutes, gray then Off, center;" that whole line. [Long pause.]
200:49:37 Scott: Okay; that's deleted. Next. [Pause.]
200:49:44 Parker: And we want Pan Camera, Mono, please. [Pause.]
200:49:55 Scott: It's there.
200:49:57 Parker: Roger; sorry.
According to the Flight Plan, the time when the Panoramic Camera is switched to Mono is also when they should be taking Hasselblad photos of a point on Mare Fecunditatis where the Soviet probe, Luna 16, landed in September 1970. This spacecraft is notable for having been the first successful sample return mission mounted by the Soviets bringing back 0.1 kg of dust in a 35-cm core. A high quality suite of photographs, both by the Mapping Camera and the onboard cameras, will help in determining the context of the returned samples. The crew do eventually photograph this site extensively during rev 69.
Just now, they are taking ultraviolet photographs of the landscape north of one of the most prominent craters on the eastern side of the Moon's disc, Langrenus, a classic 132-km feature with heavily terraced walls and a dominant central peak. Michel Florent van Langren, c. 1600-1675, was a Belgian who produced one of the earliest maps of the Moon with named features, yet the only name which has survived from that map is for the great crater which he named after himself. This UV photography may be a replacement for the photography missed at 196:56:19, though that was intended to look at a mare area whereas these photographs are of the Langrenus ejecta blanket.
In this sequence, ranging from AS15-99-13457 to 13466, ten shots are taken, two each through UV filters 4, 1, 2 and 3 with a final pair taken through filter 4. All ten scans presented here have had their contrast severely stretched to show the imagery within but links are included to an unprocessed version.
AS15-99-13457 - Ultraviolet photograph of the north rim of crater Langrenus and crater Acosta, taken through filter 4. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/JSC/Arizona State University.
AS15-99-13458 - Ultraviolet photograph of the north rim of crater Langrenus and crater Acosta, taken through filter 4. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/JSC/Arizona State University.
The 13-km Acosta, formerly Langrenus C, gets its name from Cristobal Acosta, 1515-1580, a physician from Portugal. Along the top left, the southern rim of Atwood is just visible.
AS15-99-13459 - Ultraviolet photograph of craters Acosta and Atwood, taken through filter 1. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/JSC/Arizona State University.
AS15-99-13460 - Ultraviolet photograph of craters Acosta and Atwood, taken through filter 1. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/JSC/Arizona State University.
AS15-99-13461 - Ultraviolet photograph of craters Acosta, Atwood, Naonobu and Bilharz taken through filter 2. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/JSC/Arizona State University.
AS15-99-13462 - Ultraviolet photograph of craters Acosta, Atwood, Naonobu and Bilharz taken through filter 2. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/JSC/Arizona State University.
AS15-99-13463 - Ultraviolet photograph of craters Atwood, Naonobu and Bilharz taken through filter 3. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/JSC/Arizona State University.
AS15-99-13464 - Ultraviolet photograph of craters Atwood, Naonobu and Bilharz taken through filter 3. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/JSC/Arizona State University.
The 29-km Atwood, named for a British mathematician and physicist, 1745-1807, is one of a triplet of craters which have recently been renamed from their previous alphabetic designations with respect to Langrenus. Atwood was formerly Langrenus K while Naonobu was formerly Langrenus B, a 35-km crater which, like Atwood, is heavily degraded and which was named after Ajima Naonobu, 1732-1798, a mathematician from Japan. The largest of this trio is the 43-km Bilharz which is partially cut off on the left of 13464. It was named after a German physician, 1825-1862.
AS15-99-13465 - Ultraviolet photograph of craters Atwood, Naonobu and Bilharz taken through filter 4. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/JSC/Arizona State University.
AS15-99-13466 - Ultraviolet photograph of craters Atwood, Naonobu and Bilharz taken through filter 4. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/JSC/Arizona State University.
200:49:59 Parker: Okay; 203:27, we'll delete "Mapping Camera/Laser Experiment, Covers, Closed, talkback barber pole, grey then Off, center;" et cetera. That whole line there. 203:27. [Pause.]
200:50:18 Scott: Okay. Next?
200:50:20 Parker: Okay; now we have here a little test the guys down here would like to run with the Laser [Altimeter] to see if we can zap it a little bit and rejuvenate it, perhaps. The first step is back on 201:30. We will delete the "Laser Altimeter, Off" and "Mapping Cover/Laser Altimeter Cover, Close." At 201 plus 30. Over. [Pause.]
200:51:00 Scott: Are you making an update to the update?
200:51:03 Parker: Stand by here. Stand by a minute.
200:51:09 Scott: Okay; I didn't exactly find that one.
200:51:12 Parker: Yeah, stand by. I got to check with OSO.
Comm break.
AS15-M-2253 - Metric Camera image of the northern half of crater Langrenus and crater Acosta. Image taken at about 200:51. (250 megapixel version), (labelled version) - Image by NASA/ASU.
AS15-P-0102 - Panoramic Camera image of area west of crater Langrenus. Image taken at about 200:51. A 385 megapixel PNG format version can be had from the ASU Apollo Image Archive - Image by NASA/ASU.
200:52:29 Parker: Okay, 15. We got a clarification on that. The "Laser Altimeter, Off" is at 201:30. The "Mapping Camera/Laser Altimeter Cover, Close" is called out at 201:32. And we want to delete both of those.
200:52:48 Scott: Stand by, Bob. We're taking pictures. We'll come back to you.
200:52:50 Parker: Yeah, give me a call. [Long pause.]
AS15-P-0116 - Panoramic Camera image of Mare Fecunditatis including crater Smithson. Image taken at about 200:53. A 385 megapixel PNG format version can be had from the ASU Apollo Image Archive - Image by NASA/ASU.
200:53:45 Parker: And 30 seconds to Pan Camera, Stereo.
Comm break.
AS15-M-2263 - Metric Camera image of northern Mare Fecunditatis including crater Anville. Image taken at about 200:54. (250 megapixel version), (labelled version) - Image by NASA/ASU.
Handheld photography continues on magazine QQ and the 500-mm lens.
AS15-81-10926 - Catena Taruntius, south east of crater Taruntius. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10927 - Sinus Concordiae. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
Image AS15-81-10927 looks across Sinus Concordiae on the eastern shore of Mare Tranquillitatis. The foreground hills include the extremely degraded crater da Vinci. For such a great figure of science and art as Leonardo da Vinci, 1452-1519, it is perhaps surprising that such an inconspicuous crater should bear his name. With regard to lunar science, history credits him with being the first person to explain the mechanism behind the phenomenon of Earthshine. Beyond Sinus Concordiae in the distance can be seen the light-coloured walls of Proclus A. Proclus itself is the subject of AS15-81-10928 and 10929.
AS15-81-10928 - Crater Proclus. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10929 - Crater Proclus. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
This interesting crater was the subject of study by Al Worden during his solo mission at 128:07:19 and 143:52:09. The crater's distinctive ray excluded zone can be seen at the lower left.
[Download MP3 audio file. Clip courtesy National Archives and Records Administration.]
200:55:33 Worden: Okay, Houston; 15. Go ahead with some updates, if you've got them.
200:55:43 Parker: Okay, Al. Did you copy? What we're doing is we're changing that update, deleting the Laser Altimeter, Off at 201:30. And then, we're also deleting at 201:32, the callout to "Close the Mapping Camera/Laser Altimeter Cover." Over. [Pause.]
200:56:10 Worden: Okay; I understand. At 201:30, you want the Laser Altimeter left On, and the Mapping Camera left out and the Covers, Open.
200:56:20 Parker: That's affirm. Okay; now after the Mapping...
200:56:24 Worden: Is that what you want?
200:56:25 Parker: That's affirm. And now, after the Mapping Camera is Off at 201:30, we want to cycle the Laser switch Off for 1 second, then On for 15 seconds, Off for 1 second, On for 15 seconds, et cetera, for 20 cycles. And after 20 cycles, we will leave the Laser Altimeter, On, for MSFN analysis. Over. [Long pause.]
200:57:08 Worden: Okay; understand. You want at 201:30 - you want to cycle the Laser Altimeter, Off for 1 second and On 15 seconds, for 20 seconds [correcting himself] for 20 cycles, and then leave it turned on.
200:57:23 Parker: That's a Roger, and we'll get back to you at that point. [Pause.]
200:57:30 Worden: Okay. [Pause.]
200:57:38 Parker: And that's all we have for right now, Al. [Pause.]
200:57:45 Worden: Roger.
Comm break.
The Laser Altimeter has been failing and as a last ditch effort, they are hoping that by cycling its power switch, they might bring it back to life.
AS15-M-2273 - Metric Camera image of eastern Mare Tranquillitatis including craters Cauchy and Zähringer. Image taken at about 200:58. (250 megapixel version), (labelled version) - Image by NASA/ASU.
200:58:56 Parker: And, Al, 30 seconds to Pan Camera, Standby, Power, Off.
Comm break.
The next subject for the Hasselblad and 500mm lens is the Cauchy region of Mare Tranquillitatis which was extensively photographed on the previous two orbits using different film/lens combinations. The pair of linear features, Rima Cauchy and Rupes Cauchy, are the main interest of all this photography. AS15-81-10930 to 10933 look along these features from a distance.
AS15-81-10930 - Rima Cauchy. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10931 - Rupes Cauchy. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10932 - Rupes Cauchy. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10933 - Rupes Cauchy. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
500mm photography moves out into Mare Tranquillitatis near Rupes Cauchy.
AS15-81-10934 - Near Rupes Cauchy, centred at 7.25°N, 37.68°E. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10935 - Near Rupes Cauchy, centred at 7.05°N, 39.48°E. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10936 - Near Rupes Cauchy, centred at 7.78°N, 37.87°E. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
Cauchy crater is well shown in AS15-81-10937 and 10938 with the high Sun bringing out the slopes of the walls.
AS15-81-10937 - Crater Cauchy. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10938 - Crater Cauchy. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10939 to 10944 continue the coverage of the rille and scarp.
AS15-81-10939 - Rima Cauchy, centred at 11.41°N, 37.15°E. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10940 - Rima Cauchy, centred at 11.13°N, 37.50°E. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10941 - Rupes Cauchy and crater Cauchy B, centred at 9.93°N, 35.64°E. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10942 - Rupes Cauchy, centred at 10.19°N, 35.31°E. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10943 - Rupes Cauchy, centred at 10.35°N, 34.87°E. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10944 - Rupes Cauchy, centred at 10.45°N, 34.45°E. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
Perhaps with a thought to Al's earlier observations of the Taurus/Littrow area, and the suggestion of cinder cones, the large lens is swung round to look north up the eastern rim of the Serenitatis basin in AS15-81-10945. At the bottom of the image, just right of centre, is the dark valley floor where Gene Cernan and Jack Schmitt will explore seventeen months hence. The bright slope to the left of the valley floor is the North Massif. The South Massif, the other well-known landmark from that site is off the bottom of the frame.
AS15-81-10945 - Crater Littrow (just above centre left). At the lower right is the dark valley floor that will be the Apollo 17 landing site. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
Photography returns to Rupes Cauchy and its environs.
AS15-81-10946 - Rupes Cauchy, centred at 10.51°N, 34.38°E. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10947 - Elongate crater, NE of Jansen T, centred at 11.86°N, 33.24°E. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10948 - Elongate crater and Vitruvius G. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10949 - Crater pair including Jansen U. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10950 - Crater Jansen K. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10951 - Hill NE of Jansen F, centred at 13.41°N, 32.43°E. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10952 - Crater Jansen. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
Flight Plan page 3-313.
AS15-M-2283 - Metric Camera image of Mare Tranquillitatis including craters Jansen and Carrel. Image taken at about 201:01. (250 megapixel version), (labelled version) - Image by NASA/ASU.
[Download MP3 audio file. Clip courtesy National Archives and Records Administration.]
201:01:08 Parker: And, 15, we verify the Pan Camera lens is stowed. When convenient, we'd like Battery B Charge - Battery Bravo Charge terminated.
201:01:21 Worden: Understand, B terminated.
Long comm break.
As Endeavour passes just south of Mare Serenitatis, the 500-mm lens looks at part of the Rimae Plinius system in AS15-81-10953. These rilles are part of the arcuate rille systems that surround most of the major maria and which are believed to be caused by the weight of the mare sinking and stretching the land around its periphery.
AS15-81-10953 - Part of Rimae Plinius, centred at 17.60°N, 22.97°E. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
Further west, Menelaus A is a small crater within the Montes Haemus range which is the subject of three photographs, AS15-81-10954 to 10656. Notice the two bright streaks running down the crater wall.
AS15-81-10954 - Crater Menelaus A. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10955 - Crater Menelaus A. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10956 - Crater Menelaus A. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-M-2293 - Metric Camera image of southern Mare Serenitatis including crater Menelaus. Image taken at about 201:05. (250 megapixel version), (labelled version) - Image by NASA/ASU.
[Download MP3 audio file. Clip courtesy National Archives and Records Administration.]
201:06:16 Parker: And, Endeavour; Houston. One more request, please.
201:06:20 Worden: Go ahead, Bob.
201:06:21 Parker: Rog. Since we don't have the PCM cable, we'd like to, for these UV photos, to have you give us a mark each time you press the shutter button, please, on the air-to-ground.
201:06:36 Scott: Okay; if you'd like. [Long pause.]
Mission Control have misunderstood the situation regarding the PCM cable. When the problem first arose, they found that the cables they had would not reach from a camera eyepiece of the sextant where they had a camera attached, to one of the wall outlets. Mission Control have come to believe that no cables are available but the truth is that there are, they are only long enough for using with the cameras looking out of the main windows.
On the southwestern shore of Mare Serenitatis is Sulpicius Gallus and a system of arcuate rilles. These rilles and other small features are photographed on magazine R in frames AS15-81-10957 to 10968. The high sun angle washes out a lot of the detail in these images.
AS15-81-10957 - Elongate crater west of Sulpicius Gallus, centred at 19.85°N, 10.57°E. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10958 - Small ray crater northwest of Sulpicius Gallus, coordinates 20.4°N, 11.2°E. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10959 - Rille northwest of Sulpicius Gallus, centred at 20.07°N, 11.14°E. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10960 - Part of Rimae Sulpicius Gallus, centred at 20.6°N, 10.6°E. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10961 - Part of Rimae Sulpicius Gallus, centred at 20.75°N, 10.36°E. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10962 - Near Rimae Sulpicius Gallus, centred at 20.63°N, 10.11°E. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10963 - Small ray crater northwest of Sulpicius Gallus, coordinates 20.54°N, 8.93°E. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10964 - Depression feature southeast of crater Sulpicius Gallus M, centred at 20.18°N, 9.00°E. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10965 - Crater Sulpicius Gallus M. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10966 - Crater Sulpicius Gallus A. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10967 - Part of Rimae Sulpicius Gallus, centred at 22.17°N, 9.52°E. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10968 - Small ray crater south of Sulpicius Gallus A, coordinates 21.54°N, 8.93°E. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
201:07:29 Worden: Houston, 15.
201:07:30 Parker: Go ahead. [Pause.] Go ahead, 15.
201:07:42 Worden: Okay, Bob. Would you like me to hook up the PCM cable to it?
201:07:48 Parker: Well, the word that I was given down here was that you couldn't reach with the PCM cable.
201:07:55 Worden: No, we're taking - we're taking the pictures out of window 5, and that's where the scientific instrument outlet is.
201:08:03 Parker: Stand by. [Pause.] 15, if you can do that, that's fine.
201:08:14 Worden: Okay; I'll tell you what, Bob. I'll go ahead and hook up the PCM cable, and - and you tell me if you're getting a signal down there after I start taking pictures.
201:08:23 Parker: Okay. [Pause.]
201:08:31 Worden: And the word you got on it was - was correct. It looks like window 5's about the only window that can be used for the PCM cable.
201:08:38 Parker: Roger.
Comm break.
The ultraviolet photography, which the crew is preparing to perform in about 2 minutes, is done with the Hasselblad electric camera, mounted on a special window bracket. The purpose of the experiment is to obtain ultraviolet photographs of the Earth and the Moon, and these will be used in a study of planetary atmospheres. They'll also be used for investigation of short wavelength radiation from the lunar surface.
AS15-M-2303 - Metric Camera image of the area southeast of the Hadley landing site inclding craters Conon, Aratus and Galen. Image taken at about 201:09. (250 megapixel version), (labelled version) - Image by NASA/ASU.
201:10:21 Parker: And, Endeavour, we won't be able to see that PCM real time, but we'll just assume that it's coming down if you've got the PCM cable hooked up.
201:10:30 Worden: Okay, Bob. I got it hooked up. [Long pause.]
201:11:07 Parker: 30 seconds to UV photos.
201:11:13 Scott: Okay; thank you.
Long comm break.
AS15-M-2313 - Metric Camera image of Mare Imbrium including craters Feuillée and Beer. Image taken at about 201:14. (250 megapixel version), (labelled version) - Image by NASA/ASU.
The second period of UV photography on this orbit is centred around the crater Conon and the Apennine Front to the southwest of the crater. This photography is intended to cover an area of terra, or lunar highland as opposed to the earlier sequence which was to photograph mare. The pattern follows the previous example at Langrenus except that only one of the first pair of images is taken, making nine in all.
AS15-99-13467 - Ultraviolet photograph of crater Conon and Mons Bradley, taken through filter 4. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/JSC/Arizona State University.
AS15-99-13468 - Ultraviolet photograph of Mons Bradley with Conon cut off at bottom of frame, taken through filter 1. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/JSC/Arizona State University.
AS15-99-13469 - Ultraviolet photograph of Mons Bradley with Conon cut off at bottom of frame, taken through filter 1. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/JSC/Arizona State University.
AS15-99-13470 - Ultraviolet photograph of Mons Bradley taken through filter 2. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/JSC/Arizona State University.
AS15-99-13471 - Ultraviolet photograph of Mons Bradley taken through filter 2. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/JSC/Arizona State University.
AS15-99-13472 - Ultraviolet photograph of Mons Bradley and the area northwest, taken through filter 3. Image is contrast stretched. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/JSC/Arizona State University.
AS15-99-13473 - Ultraviolet photograph of Mons Bradley and the area northwest, taken through filter 3. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/JSC/Arizona State University.
AS15-99-13474 - Ultraviolet photograph of the area northwest of Mons Bradley taken through filter 4. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/JSC/Arizona State University.
AS15-99-13475 - Ultraviolet photograph of the area northwest of Mons Bradley taken through filter 4. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/JSC/Arizona State University.
Returning to magazine QQ, six photographs are taken of Beer and Feuilée, a pair of craters, 10.2 and 9.5 km in diameter respectively, situated between Archimedes and Timocharis on the eastern side of Mare Imbrium. The six images can be divided into two sequences that scan across the pair, one of which has been composited from AS15-81-10972 to 10974.
Composition of images AS15-81-10972 to 10974 showing craters Feuilée and Beer - Images by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10969 - Crater Beer and Beer A. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10970 - Craters Feuilée and Beer. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10971 - Crater Feuilée. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10972 - Crater Beer. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10973 - Craters Feuilée and Beer. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10974 - Crater Feuilée. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
Of particular interest in this area is the crater chain leading up to the southern rim of Beer. Over the history of studying the Moon, it has been difficult to pin down an explanation for these chains, which are scattered across the lunar surface. They place order and straight lines into a landscape which is otherwise characterised by the disorder and randomness of impact from extralunar sources. Until 1994, crater chains were explained as volcanic vents along a fault or collapsed portions of lava tubes. Some of the more irregular chains were found to be from impacting ejecta thrown out by very large primary impacts far away. The discovery of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 and its subsequent astounding impact into Jupiter in July of 1994, gave another theory, that of gravitationally disrupted bodies which are pulled by tidal forces into strings of impactors which form lines as they strike. This author (Woods) feels that the chain emanating from Beer is due to a collapsed lava tube that can be seen to stretch off to the east. Perhaps the impact that formed Beer caused the lava tube nearby to partially collapse.
AS15-M-2323 - Metric Camera image of Mare Imbrium including crater Lambert. Image taken at about 201:18. (250 megapixel version), (labelled version) - Image by NASA/ASU.
[Download MP3 audio file. Clip courtesy National Archives and Records Administration.]
201:18:11 Worden: Houston, 15.
201:18:12 Parker: Go ahead, 15.
201:18:16 Worden: Okay, Bob. When we took the - the shade out of window 5, window 5 still appears very clean.
201:18:21 Parker: Copy. [Long pause.]
Window 5 is different to the others as its panes are made from quartz to allow UV radiation to pass through.
Photograph, AS15-81-10975, is taken of a small, triple-peaked hill situated between the major Imbrium craters Timocharis and Lambert.
AS15-81-10975 - Hill within Mare Imbrium, centred at 27.33°N, 17.02°W. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
Shadows are lengthening as Endeavour coasts across Mare Imbrium while the crew take 11 further photographs of features on its western side using the 500mm lens. The first, taken at around this time, is AS15-81-10976.
AS15-81-10976 - View across Mare Imbrium towards Promontorium Laplace. The image looks over craters Helicon B (foreground) and Helicon (left of centre). Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
This striking image looks northwest towards Sinus Iridum (Bay of Rainbows). To give context to this frame, its approximate field of view has been marked out on an image from Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter.
Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter image of Mare Imbrium to show the field of view of AS15-81-10976 towards Promontorium Laplace - Image by LROC/ASU.
On 10976, the large, dark crater left of centre is Helicon (25 km, 1.9 km), with Helicon B (5.6 km wide, 1.1 km deep) being the bright crater in the foreground. In the distance is Promontorium Laplace, the northeastern cusp of Sinus Iridum, a strikingly distinctive bay on Mare Imbrium's northwestern shore. The full scale of this semicircular formation, formed out of a 250-km crater, can be appreciated in the LRO photograph. Its formation went something like this. About 3.94 aeons (billion years) ago, a large object struck the Moon to form the Imbrium basin, a huge depression, 1,250 kilometres across, with multiple rings. The Apennine range where Dave and Jim landed is part of the rim of this great basin. Sometime during the next half billion years another object crashed down on this rim, opposite the Apennines, where we now see Sinus Iridum. Then about 3.3 aeons ago, vast quantities of lava began welling up through fissures in the heavily faulted crust, filling the Imbrium basin to form the mare surface we see today, breaching one side of the Iridum crater and inundating it. Lava probably issued from within the Iridum wall also, leaving Sinus Iridum as a giant bay facing out to the expanse of Mare Imbrium. Now when we look at the surface of the mare and its bay, we see the scattered result of impact over the last 3 or so aeons, minor when compared to the cataclysmic pounding suffered by the Moon in the aeon before.
Chuck Wood, lunar expert and editor of Lunar Photo of the Day - "We see the Moon from such as vast distance that our views mostly have overhead perspectives (except along the limb). Often I have wondered what a particular feature look like on the ground. The Apollo images from the lunar surface provide that view for six spots, but some of the astronauts' low oblique images give a near ground perspective for more areas. And these images are often little known. This is the case for this low perspective looking across northern Mare Imbrium to the edge of the Sinus Iridum crater, which is called Promontory Laplace. This 2.6-km high headland is a fascinating lunar landform that I have observed many times, but until I stumbled across AS15-81-10976, had no idea what it looked like in profile. This view is essentially a cross-section through an impact crater rim. The right side slopes gently (about 8 degrees) down to the surrounding terrain, whereas the inner crater rim (left side) is much steeper - about 25 degrees. The outer rim slope is due to the feathering out of the rim uplift and ejecta, and the steep inner slope results from terrace-forming collapses.
201:19:16 Parker: And, Endeavour, two questions if you've got a chance, between now and the terminator photos.
201:19:24 Worden: Say again on the terminator photos, Bob.
201:19:28 Parker: Rog. Do you have time for a couple of questions, between now and the start of the terminator photos.
201:19:34 Worden: Yes, sure. Go ahead.
201:19:36 Parker: Roger. First, any comments on the Mass Spec. boom retraction you did a half hour ago.
201:19:45 Worden: No, no comments on it. And - I guess we're back to the position we were in before, that the thing is sort of half barber pole. And when I go back out with it - fiddle with it a little bit, the barber pole goes full up and then comes down about halfway again.
201:20:16 Parker: Okay; we copy.
201:20:18 Worden: And that's where it stands right now.
201:20:20 Parker: Okay. Second question...
201:20:22 Worden: I played with it for a while, and then got busy in other things. But I'll continue - I'll continue working on it.
201:20:30 Parker: Copy, Al. Second question, do you want me to continue giving the - you these real time marks on air - air-to-ground, just before and after various camera passes? [Pause.]
201:20:49 Worden: Yeah, I like the reminder, Bob.
201:20:52 Parker: Okay; 30 seconds...
201:20:53 Worden: Don't expect an answer, I'll probably be busy doing it.
201:20:56 Parker: Hopefully. 30 seconds a good time?
201:21:00 Worden: Rog. [Long pause.]
AS15-81-10977 - Mare Imbrium northwest of Mons La Hire, centred at 28.00°N, 25.87°W. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10978 - Hills in Mare Imbrium northwest of Mons La Hire, centred at 28.53°N, 27.40°W. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10979 - Crater cluster in Mare Imbrium, southeast of crater Caventou. Image centred at 29.43°N, 28.48°W. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10980 - Crater cluster in Mare Imbrium, southeast of crater Caventou. Image centred at 29.39°N, 28.50°W. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
201:21:42 Worden: And, Houston; 15.
201:21:44 Parker: Go ahead. [Pause.] 15, go ahead.
201:21:54 Worden: Okay; for your info, the Mass Spec. took about - oh, maybe 7 or 8 cycles this time, before it came all the way in. And the same operation as before.
201:22:07 Parker: Roger; copy. It took you 7 or 8 cycles to get it all the way in.
Long comm break.
Al Worden's last comments referred to the Mass Spectrometer boom. He reported that it required about seven or eight cycles to get the - of the switch to get the boom to retract fully from it's extended position. That boom extends out about 24 feet [7.3 metres] from the Service Module. And we have previously noticed some problems in retracting the boom. It appears that these problems, usually a slow or a balky retract, occur when the retraction is attempted in darkness leading to the suspicion that perhaps a cable is stiffening up and causing the thing to be balky to retract. We don't appear to have the problem when it is retracted in full sunlight. This last retraction attempt was done at sunrise, which would go along with the theory. At that point, it would still be cold, would not have had a chance to warm up from direct exposure to the Sun. The instrument itself is continuing to function very well - the Mass Spectrometer - and we're getting very good data from it; the problem being in the - in the boom mechanism that extends and retracts it. And, insofar as possible, we will attempt to do the retractions while the boom is in sunlight.
AS15-81-10981 - Part of Rima Delisle. Image centred at 30.67°N, 32.76°W. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10982 - Part of Rima Delisle. Image centred at 30.59°N, 33.09°W. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
Around this time, a photo is taken using another Hasselblad fitted with magazine TT and a 60mm lens. This lens was used on the surface and gives relatively wide-angle results. The bluish patches are reflections of the spacecraft's interior lights off the coated window glass.
AS15-88-11977 - Crater Delisle - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-M-2333 - Metric Camera image of Mare Imbrium including Mons Delisle and craters Delisle, Diophantus and Artsimovich. Image taken at about 201:23. (250 megapixel version), (labelled version) - Image by NASA/ASU.
AS15-81-10983 - Irregular depression southwest of Mons Delisle. Image centred at 28.84°N, 36.53°W. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10984 - Mons Delisle. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10985 - Mons Delisle. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-81-10986 - North end of Mons Delisle. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
The photography is finished on magazine QQ for this revolution. It continues on magazines PP and TT. AS15-90-12269 looks down-Sun towards the approaching terminator.
AS15-90-12269 - Crater Krieger, the Aristarchus Plateau and Montes Agricola - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
The Aristarchus Plateau and the western edge of Prinz are visible on the left. A double crater dominates the centre with Krieger being the larger, 22-km flooded ring with the more recent 10-km Van Biesbroeck obscuring its southern rim. Johann Krieger, 1865-1902, a German, combined the new craft of photography and the ancient art of drawing when making lunar illustrations. George Van Biesbroeck, 1880-1974, was an American astronomer born in Belgium. To the right of the photograph is Wollaston. This simple crater, 10.2 km in diameter, gets its name from an English scientist, William Hyde Wollaston, 1766-1828. Images 12270 and 12271 bring us further towards the plateau.
AS15-90-12270 - The Aristarchus Plateau and Montes Agricola - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-90-12271 - The Aristarchus Plateau and Montes Agricola - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
Also around this time, the crew take AS15-88-11978 to 11984. These photographs are a spectacular collection of shots of the Aristarchus Plateau. 11978 looks south across the Harbinger mountains to the flooded crater Prinz.
AS15-88-11978 - Montes Harbinger and crater Prinz - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
The rilles to the left of Prinz were discussed two orbits ago. The north half of the plateau and the terminator beyond are beautifully shown in 11979.
AS15-88-11979 - View towards the sunrise terminator including Montes Agricola and the Aristarchus Plateau - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
The northern meanderings of Vallis Schröteri peek out past the edge of the Command Module window. The 7-km crater in the foreground is Toscanelli, named after a 15th century Italian physician and map-maker. The tendency for sinuous rilles to appear from craters in this region is also visible here. The mountain chain, Montes Agricola, runs in an arc up to the line of the terminator. It was also photographed one orbit ago. Named after a Danish astronomer, the 10-km Nielsen is north of this range.
AS15-88-11980 and 11981 are wonderful, breath-taking images looking southwest towards the relatively young Aristarchus, the older, flooded Herodotus and the complex system of rilles and ridges surrounding them. Though the impact that formed Aristarchus occurred when life was only beginning to be established on the landmasses of Earth, the blasting of ejecta across the mare surface is very apparent in this photograph, almost as if the event occurred in recent times. To the lower left of Aristarchus is a rille that has been partially filled in by the blanket of material sweeping out from the impact. Look to the upper left and you can see the roughly V-shaped clusters of secondary craters which point to their origin as impacts from strings of rock debris thrown out with that blanket. Most of the other major features far predate Aristarchus, having origins that are linked to the outpouring of the mare lavas over 3 aeons ago. Herodotus exemplifies this well. Although it is of a similar diameter to Aristarchus, its floor is filled with the same material that formed the surrounding mare. It is therefore far older than its neighbour.
AS15-88-11980 - Craters Aristarchus and Herodotus and the Aristarchus Plateau - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-88-11981 - Craters Aristarchus and Herodotus and the Aristarchus Plateau - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
Despite the profound antiquity of the features seen in these photographs, this region has been of intense interest to those who study the Moon, be they called astronomers, selenographers or lunar geologists, because of persistent tales of red spots and gaseous clouds seen through Earthbound telescopes by even well-respected observers. Leading from Heredotus on the right is the so-called Cobra's Head, the start of Vallis Schröteri. These features and Aristarchus itself have all been the site of these TLPs (Transient Lunar Phenomena).
AS15-M-2343 - Metric Camera image of the Aristarchus Plateau and craters Wollaston and Toscanelli. Image taken at about 201:27. (250 megapixel version), (labelled version) - Image by NASA/ASU.
Krieger, Van Biesbroeck and Wollaston are the subjects of AS15-90-12272 and 12273.
AS15-90-12272 - Craters Krieger, Van Biesbroeck and Wollaston - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-90-12273 - Craters Krieger, Van Biesbroeck and Wollaston - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
The final pair of this sequence, AS15-90-12274 and 12275 look down upon the northern end of the Montes Agricola chain and the corner of the Aristarchus Plateau.
AS15-90-12274 - Montes Agricola chain and the corner of the Aristarchus Plateau - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-90-12275 - Montes Agricola chain and the corner of the Aristarchus Plateau - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
[Download MP3 audio file. Clip courtesy National Archives and Records Administration.]
201:27:50 Parker: 30 seconds [to] the terminator photo start.
Comm break.
As the spacecraft nears the terminator, the crew prepare to take a series of images on high-speed film magazing R. But first, Montes Agricola and the edge of the Aristarchus Plateau are beautifully captured in AS15-88-11982.
AS15-88-11982 - The terminator, Montes Agricola and the northern part of the Aristarchus Plateau - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
In AS15-88-11983, the northern tip of Montes Agricola points to Nielsen. An unnamed wrinkle ridge weaves across Oceanus Procellarum towards Mons Rumker right on the terminator. The two light blue marks between Nielsen and Mons Rumker are reflections of cabin lights in the CM window.
AS15-88-11983 - Oceanus Procellarum including crater Nielsen - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
The last shot on Magazine 88 from this pass is AS15-88-11984, a spectacular near-vertical image of the terminator. The image shows the immense topographical detail of the wrinkle ridges on Oceanus Procellarum on either side of the Montes Agricola mountain chain.
AS15-88-11984 - The terminator and Montes Agricola - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
The crew return to using magazine R and a 250mm lens for the terminator photography, taking a total of 22 frames of which two have no image. These are AS15-98-13343 to 13364. The point of this imaging is to use very high speed black and white film to capture subtle details of topography in the low-angle sunlight. With this illumination, raised crater rims, which are in reality gentle artifacts of crater formation, become exaggerated to give the appearance of being great walls around deep, black pits so beloved of scenery designers in early science fiction illustrators.
The sequence begins with the Cobra Head which is the sourse for the large rille, Vallis Schröteri.
AS15-98-13343 - The Cobra Head, Vallis Schröteri - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-98-13344 - Crater Humason and Oceanus Procellarum - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-98-13345 shows three rille features west of Vallis Schröteri which are so typical of the volcanic features of this area. On the right, the area which is more deeply cratered is the edge of the Aristarchus Plateau.
AS15-98-13345 - Rilles west of Vallis Schröteri. Image centred at about 25.2°N, 54.4°W - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-98-13346 - West of Vallis Schröteri at the contact between mare surface and the rougher landscape of the Aristrachus Plateau. Image centred at about 25.6°N, 54.7°W - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
In four images taken right at the terminator, the apparently smooth mare surface seems to be heavily peppered with great pits. It should be remembered, however, that the rough relief is illusory, brought about by the extremely low Sun. The area in view is north of the crater Schiaparelli.
AS15-98-13347 - Mare surface near terminator and north of crater Schiaparelli. Image centred at about 26.2°N, 58.5°W - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-98-13348 - Mare surface near terminator and north of crater Schiaparelli. Image centred at about 26.1°N, 58.1°W - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-98-13349 - Mare surface near terminator and north of crater Schiaparelli. Image centred at about 26.0°N, 58.4°W - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-98-13350 - Mare surface near terminator and north of crater Schiaparelli. Image centred at about 25.9°N, 58.8°W - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
The 24-km crater Schiaparelli is spectacularly caught on the terminator with its rims just catching the early morning Sun.
AS15-98-13351 - Crater Schiaparelli at the terminator - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-98-13352 and 13353 contain no images. AS15-98-13354, 55 and 56 have been composited to show the view looking north along the terminator and the wrinkle ridges, punctuated by simple, more recent craters. The crater at the extreme right is Naumann, named after a German geologist, Karl Friedrich Naumann, 1797-1873.
Composite image of crater Naumann and its environs under low-angle lighting - Source images by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-98-13354 - Crater Schiaparelli at the terminator - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-98-13355 - Crater Schiaparelli at the terminator - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-98-13356 - Crater Schiaparelli at the terminator - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
The area shown in AS15-98-13357, 13358 and 13359 is an otherwise unremarkable expanse of Oceanus Procellarum transformed by the lighting angle into a riot of detail.
AS15-98-13357 - Mare surface near terminator northwest of crater Schiaparelli C. Image centred at 27.81°N, 63.76°W - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-98-13358 - Mare surface near terminator northwest of crater Schiaparelli C. Image centred at 28.28°N, 64.75°W - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-98-13359 - Mare surface near terminator northwest of crater Schiaparelli C. Image centred at 28.14°N, 64.81°W - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
Virtually invisible at all other times is the ghost crater seen in this composite of 13360 and 61. Nearby wrinkle ridges seem to be transformed into mountain ranges near the tiny fresh crater, Seleucus E, northeast of Seleucus. The ghost crater around Seleucus E is a tell-tale of a crater that lies submerged beneath the basalt that once flowed as lava over its rim.
Composite image of crater Seleucus E and the ghost crater outline that encircles it, seen under extremely low-angle lighting - Source images by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-98-13360 - Crater Seleucus E and the ghost crater outline that encircles it, seen under extremely low-angle lighting - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-98-13361 - Crater Seleucus E top right looking towards the terminator - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
Seleucus itself is a 43-km crater that sits isolated at the eastern edge of Oceanus Procellarum. Although beyond the theoretical terminator, its eastern rim rises high enough to catch the Sun as seen in AS15-98-13362 and 13363. The crater is named after a Babylonian astronomer who lived circa 150 B.C.E. Though he predates Copernicus by over 1,600 years, he was a supporter of the heliocentric, or Sun-centred theory of the Solar System.
AS15-98-13362 - Crater Seleucus beyond the terminator - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-98-13363 - Crater Seleucus beyond the terminator - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
The final photograph of this pass is so close to the terminator that there is no record of what territory is being shot except to say 'Seleucus'.
AS15-98-13364 - Unidentified region of Oceanus Procellarum at the terminator - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
[Download MP3 audio file. Clip courtesy National Archives and Records Administration.]
201:30:03 Parker: Terminator photos stop.
201:30:13 Worden: Rog, Bob.
201:30:21 Parker: Mapping Camera, Off.
Comm break.
[Download MP3 audio file. Clip courtesy National Archives and Records Administration.]
This is Apollo Control. The crew has now completed the photography of the terminator using the electric Hasselblad camera and also the Mapping Camera in the Scientific Instrument Module bay. We're standing by now for them to begin a procedure which we hope will possibly solve the problem with the Laser Altimeter. About 35 or 40 minutes ago, we asked the crew to...
201:32:47 Parker: And, Endeavour; Houston. Be advised, we like an accurate 15 seconds, On; 1 second, Off. No more than 16 or 17 seconds, On.
201:32:59 Worden: Roger; understand.
Long comm break.
What Al Worden is doing is cycling the switch on the Laser Altimeter on and then off. And it'll do this 20 times. The hope is that in cycling the switch it will cause a particular circuit in the laser altimeter to fail. This circuit is used to discharge high voltage from some of the components and in discharging the voltage, it's thought that perhaps we're introducing some noise into the altimeter which is in turn causing the intermittent flow of data from that particular instrument.
The spacecraft is rotated 180° from a pointy-end-forward attitude to one with the SPS engine facing the direction of travel. The SIM bay continues to face the surface before and after the maneuver.
[Download MP3 audio file. Clip courtesy National Archives and Records Administration.]
Al Worden has completed cycling the switch on the Laser Altimeter; and the Orbital Science Officer reports, from the telemetry, it appears that the procedure did no good, that the Laser Altimeter is still not functioning properly.
201:38:43 Parker: And, 15. Roger; thank you. Unfortunately, like everything else, the Laser didn't do much good. We'd like now, Mapping Camera to Standby; Laser Altimeter, Off. Then we'll do the Retract and Door Close. Over.
201:39:03 Worden: Okay, Bob. We'll go Mapping Camera, Off and Laser, Off.
201:39:07 Parker: We need Mapping Camera, Standby, please.
201:39:15 Worden: Roger; Standby, and Image Motion, Off, and Laser Altimeter, Off. And retracting the - retracting the camera now.
201:39:30 Parker: Copy.
Long comm break.
201:46:10 Scott (onboard): Boy, that's ...
201:46:13 Worden (onboard): We didn't put it in my safe place.
201:46:18 Scott (onboard): Are you at P51?
201:46:20 Worden (onboard): I'm not there yet. See, I cleaned that thing religiously, all - every night?
201:46:28 Irwin (onboard): No...
201:46:29 Scott (onboard): But we didn't...
201:46:30 Irwin (onboard): ...
201:46:31 Worden (onboard): But - but we didn't get it last night, I don't think.
201:46:32 Scott (onboard): No, it's all that crap we brought in here.
201:46:34 Irwin (onboard): Yes. Yes. Yes. Feel the difference already in air that's blowing out of the hose. It really does make a difference. Yes.
201:46:47 Scott (onboard): I thought it was practically suffocating.
201:46:51 Worden (onboard): Probably that, and the combination of going in dark.
201:46:58 Scott (onboard): Oh, gosh. They're sitting there in their own comfortable console.
201:47:02 Irwin (onboard): ...
201:47:03 Scott (onboard): ...
201:47:04 Worden (onboard): Yes, that's right.
[Download MP3 audio file. Clip courtesy National Archives and Records Administration.]
201:47:05 Parker: And, Endeavour; Houston. Over.
201:47:11 Worden: Go ahead.
201:47:12 Parker: Roger, Al. If you could get us a film budget status on the backside to give us when you come around, we'd appreciate it. And except for that, you're Go for LOS.
201:47:24 Worden: All righty. Thank you, sir. And we'll see if we can conjure one up for you.
201:47:29 Parker: Good enough.
Very long comm break.
This is Apollo Control. We're now about 1 minute, 15 seconds from losing radio contact with Endeavour. On the next revolution, the crew will be eating and then we plan to put them to bed.
And we've had Loss Of Signal now. We'll hear from the crew again in about 45 minutes. At that time, they'll be at the beginning of their 64th revolution of the Moon. At the present time, the spacecraft is in an orbit 66.8 by 51.8 nautical miles [123.7 by 95.9 km]. At 201 hours, 49 minutes; this is Apollo Control.
Soon after LOS, Al carries out another realignment of the guidance platform in which it is realigned to the lift-off REFSMMAT. Afterwards, the experiment booms are deployed and the DAC (Data Acquisition Camera, a 16-mm movie camera) prepared in a special bracket to look out window 5, via a mirror, at the Mass Spectrometer's boom and the Moon below for an entire daylight pass (1 hour and 15 minutes). The camera will run at one frame per second starting just before they reach the terminator at about 15 minutes before AOS.
Flight Plan page 3-314.
201:50:50 Worden (onboard): ...? Yes, I need to get him a status of the Command Module. Joe - we'll give it to him when we come around next time.
201:51:38 Scott (onboard): That's the stuff ...
201:52:35 Worden (onboard): You tell me when - You tell me when ... that flight data ...
201:54:28 Worden (onboard): What's you doing? What's you doing? Throwing away dirty stuff? ...
201:54:40 Irwin (onboard): ...
201:54:44 Worden (onboard): ...You didn't put on clean tonight, did you?
201:54:46 Irwin (onboard): ...
201:54:47 Worden (onboard): Oh. Your last one? Guess you got stuck with it, Jim. ...
201:55:26 Worden (onboard): (Laughter) I've got a little job for you to do, Jim. Assemble camera, lens, mirror, and magazine on special window-5 bracket; rotate the lens 180, so we can take pictures of the mass spec. You do that in - about 15, 20 minutes. Well, we use the - we use the 16 millimeter. And the bracket's down in A-8. You know, that big bracket down there. You do that while I'm...
201:56:09 Irwin (onboard): I don't see it.
201:56:10 Worden (onboard): ...while I'm doing a P52. Oops! Excuse me, Dave. ...
201:56:18 Scott (onboard): ...
201:56:21 Worden (onboard): Yes, I know. God dang, it's not very crowded down here!
201:56:39 Scott (onboard): Hey, you got to this ...
201:56:40 Worden (onboard): Okay. We'll - we'll get it. I'll get it. Keep going. I'll get it.
201:56:44 Scott (onboard): ...
201:56:47 Worden (onboard): I used to do it by myself. No big deal.
201:57:08 Worden (onboard): Okay, as long as you're in the couch, how about putting me in Free? Mode to Free.
201:57:14 Scott (onboard): Okay.
201:57:36 Worden (onboard): Star 1.
201:58:56 Worden (onboard): Star 40.
201:58:57 Irwin (onboard): Where?
201:58:59 Worden (onboard): Out there.
201:59:47 Scott (onboard): Wooo!
201:59:52 Worden (onboard): ...
202:00:04 Irwin (onboard): ...
202:00:06 Worden (onboard): Huh?
202:00:07 Irwin (onboard): ...
202:00:09 Worden (onboard): Let's see. ... 202:00:30.
202:00:43 Worden (onboard): Jim wants to know if his camera ... on the mass spec stuff.
202:00:59 Worden (onboard): Jim, you want to get the - the mass spec boom and gamma ray boom on their way out now? Might as well go ahead and do that.
202:01:08 Irwin (onboard): Mass Spec Boom, Deploy. ... find it?
202:01:11 Worden (onboard): No, just get it out.
202:01:13 Irwin (onboard): Do you want to...
202:01:14 Worden (onboard): We got time for it.
202:01:15 Irwin (onboard): ...
202:01:16 Worden (onboard): Yes. Okay, mass spec boom photography, 16 millimeter - Mag L. What mag's on there? E is on there now?
202:01:37 Irwin (onboard): ...
202:01:57 Worden (onboard): Here, you've got to put this UV thing in the window, too.
202:02:02 Irwin (onboard): I'll have to go back.
202:02:36 Irwin (onboard): Okay. I took all this - extra film and ...
202:02:38 Scott (onboard): ... You got plenty of places in here, right?
202:02:43 Worden (onboard): Yes.
202:02:47 Scott (onboard): ... remember ...
202:02:52 Worden (onboard): Okay.
202:02:53 Scott (onboard): You'll never get it all used up if you ...
202:02:55 Worden (onboard): That's right. We'll never have time to use it all.
202:03:04 Scott (onboard): ...
202:03:20 Worden (onboard): Yes. Is there any further use for the vacuum cleaner and all this...
202:03:25 Irwin (onboard): ...
202:03:26 Worden (onboard): ...stuff hanging around here?
202:03:28 Irwin (onboard): ... Put the bag and brush in ...
202:03:39 Worden (onboard): Okay.
202:03:47 Irwin (onboard): ...
202:03:48 Worden (onboard): Yes.
202:03:53 Scott (onboard): ...
202:04:13 Scott (onboard): You've got to use it for ...
202:05:07 Scott (onboard): What have you got in there now?
202:05:11 Worden (onboard): Where did you...
202:05:12 Scott (onboard): ...
202:05:13 Worden (onboard): ...where'd you leave the filter and all that stuff?
202:05:16 Irwin (onboard): ...
202:05:17 Worden (onboard): Okay. Might as well leave it all there, huh?
202:06:19 Worden (onboard): I think before activities get too far away, I will take a crap.
202:06:24 Scott (onboard): Is that so?
202:06:25 Worden (onboard): Yes. Jim, will you unplug me, please? You guys got the comm.
202:06:29 Irwin (onboard): ...?
202:06:30 Worden (onboard): Yes.
The 64th orbit of Endeavour begins at about 202:10 with AOS at 202:33, almost a quarter of an hour into their meal period.
[Download MP3 audio file. Clip courtesy National Archives and Records Administration.]
This is Apollo Control. We'll be back in radio contact with Endeavour in about one minute. The spacecraft now on its 64th revolution of the Moon and the orbit at the present time is 66.8 by 51.8 nautical miles [123.7 by 95.9 km]. On this pass, the principal activity will be to get everything set for the crew to begin their rest period. They have an eat period scheduled and we'll be getting the regular pre-sleep status report from them. We do have an update on the numbers for the total sample collected on the lunar surface. The gross weight of the samples - the weight of the rocks and soil plus the containers - is 226 pounds [102.5 kilogram] and our best estimate at the present time as to the net weight of the samples alone is 175 to 180 pounds [79 to 82 kilograms]. INCO says we have Acquisition of Signal now on the spacecraft.
According to the Apollo 15 photo index, 17 photos will be taken on this sunlit pass, eight over the eastern hemisphere and nine over the western hemisphere, all on magazine PP with black and white film and using a wide-angle 60mm lens. The camera is a modified Hasselblad with a Réseau plate to provide a reference grid. This plate has been contaminated and leaves an imprint of the dirt on every frame.
After AOS but before the first communication from the ground, they take AS15-90-12276 which shows the southwestern half of Sklodowska, a 130-km crater they photographed in detail two orbits ago. To the left of the image and overlying an older crater is the 53-km Schorr which lies right across the 90°East meridian.
AS15-90-12276 - Craters Sklodowska and Schorr - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
[Download MP3 audio file. Clip courtesy National Archives and Records Administration.]
202:40:00 Parker: And, Endeavour; Houston. Over. [Pause.]
202:40:09 Scott: Houston, Endeavour, go.
202:40:11 Parker: Roger, if you - Roger, if you guys give us an Accept, we'll send you up a state vector and time uplink. [Pause.]
202:40:24 Scott: Roger, you've got it.
The computer has been placed in a mode that allows it to accept data from Earth.
202:40:25 Parker: Copy. [Pause.] And if you fellows will give me a call in the middle of your eating there, when you got time, we'll do some talking at you.
202:40:41 Scott: Okay, give us about five minutes here.
202:40:44 Parker: Okay.
Comm break.
Their meal break has another half hour to run.
[Download MP3 audio file. Clip courtesy National Archives and Records Administration.]
202:43:17 Parker: And 15, its your computer. Over. [Pause.]
With the uplinking of the state vector complete, the Up Telemetry switch can be returned to Block, i.e. it blocks incoming data.
202:43:23 Scott: Rog. [Long pause.]
202:43:49 Scott: Houston, Endeavour. We're ready to chitty-chat, if you like.
202:43:53 Parker: Okay. While you guys are eating your supper there, it might be a good time to get a report on your food so far. How's it been going?
202:44:03 Scott: Oh, I think we have consumed every meal as planned and we've made a pretty good cut into the pantry.
202:44:11 Parker: You've made a pretty good cut into the pantry, you say?
202:44:17 Scott: Rog. That extra little box over there with extra little goodies.
202:44:21 Parker: Okay, and can you guys give us any estimates on the water that you and Jim consumed on the surface, say in the LM and on the EVA, and any differences between this and what Al's been consuming? [Pause.]
202:44:39 Scott: Not without sitting down and doing some thinking about it. We'd be glad to do that, if you like.
202:44:45 Parker: Roger. If that's not too much trouble, I guess we could start out by some estimate as to how much you guys were drinking in the LM and on the EVA. Was the drink bag adequate, or what?
202:44:59 Scott: Oh, I think that's probably a good discussion for the debriefing after the flight. [Pause.]
They do discuss it during the debriefing. Jim's inability to drink properly from his drink bag made his EVAs all the harder, especially during the first moonwalk.
Irwin, from the 1971 Technical debrief: "I might make one comment, Dave. You know, coming back to the LM in preparation for the ALSEP, I felt that I was thirsty and kind of hungry, and I tried to get some water out of the water bag as we were approaching the LM. Couldn't get any water out of it, but the food stick was there and I gobbled that down. I think that was the thing that pulled me through and gave me the energy to get through the ALSEP deployment. That really perked me up. I felt great after that."
Scott, from the 1971 Technical debrief: "That's a good point. I, too, when we got back to the LM, tried the water and the food stick, and my water worked fine. I got several gulps of water. It was very refreshing and I ate about half of the food stick at that time. That helped quite a bit. I think in looking at it, the problems I had with the water bag were related to tie-down to the neck ring with only Velcro. On the second EVA, that came loose and I could never get to the water bag because it caught under my chin. I think, maybe, if we had snaps in there, or some firmer method of tying it down, it would have helped me. [To Jim] Can you sort out why you couldn't get to the thing?"
Irwin, from the 1971 Technical debrief: "I could get to it. I just couldn't suck the water out. I just couldn't make the valve operate."
Scott, from the 1971 Technical debrief: "I'll tell you, the water bag is really a valuable asset because one quick swish of water and it really refreshes you. I think, if you really got thirsty, you could stand there and drink the whole thing, if it worked right. There was no problem putting it in the suit, no problem donning the suit with the water bag full, or with the food stick."
202:45:09 Parker: Okay. Sounds like you are at least eating and drinking a lot so far. We are anxious for you all to continue eating and drinking well, because of the EVA yet to come.
202:45:21 Scott: Oh, okay. Well if that's your - your interest, yes, we - we consumed quite a bit of water on the surface, and we were quite satisfied with what we had. We had plenty. And we've been eating and drinking a lot up here. I think everybody is in fine shape and ready to take care of what's on - on the Flight Plan the rest of the way.
202:45:42 Parker: Sounds good. One other specific point we'd like to clear up, Dave, which I guess was a little muddled this morning. Did you and Jim take a Seconal last night or not?
Seconal is the trade name for a secobarbital, a barbiturate drug carried in the spacecraft. Its sedative properties allow the crew to quickly go to sleep.
202:45:53 Scott: No, there's been no medication taken by anybody on the flight.
202:45:57 Parker: Okay. However, I - we down here would like to recommend for all three of you to take one tonight just to make sure we get another good night's sleep.
202:46:09 Scott: I think that's unnecessary.
Last night, at 180:01:47, Deke Slayton suggested that Dave and Jim, and Al if he wanted, take medication to help them rest. Though physically tired, Dave felt elated and relaxed and that sleeping pills were unnecessary.
Scott, from 2000 correspondence: "In my view (which I did not express at the time), taking a sleeping pill was ridiculous! So I guess we politely declined. However, I probably suspected that maybe the docs were being conservative, which is their job - but the Seconal did not fit in any case."
Dave also had misgivings about whether some elements of NASA upper management really comprehended how an advanced Apollo mission worked.
Scott, from 2000 correspondence: "Therefore, sometimes when we received 'suggestions' from Mission Control, we quickly realized the potential source, and considered them 'throwaway' - as in this case. In my view, and relative to Mission Control, 'they' (the NASA management chain) should have just let the Flight Director run the mission with absolute authority and accountability, and left it at that. But that's not realistic, I know, humans just don't operate that way, especially upper management humans! But more of them could have taken the time to join us during our training and learn something of substance about the mission and what we had to do. This is represented by my perceived source of the Seconal recommendation."
However, the crew were not aware of the flight surgeons' concern at heart irregularities in the EKG traces of both Dave and especially Jim during their lunar stay. This Premature Ventricular Contraction (PVC) condition was thought to have been caused by a potassium deficiency brought on by the rigours of their training and the early days of the flight. Jim also thought dehydration was to blame as he had been unable to use his drinking bag properly out on the surface. Apollo 16 and 17 avoided the PVC problem because their onboard drinks were laced with potassium.
The relationship between pilots and doctors has always been difficult and more so when the pilots became astronauts. Slayton himself was very aware of this having been pulled from flight status during the Mercury project when fluctuations in his heartbeat were noticed by the doctors. A maxim most pilots know is that after a visit to the doctor, there are only two possibilities; either you are fine or you are grounded. Gerry Griffin was one of the Flight Directors during Apollo 15.
Griffin, from 2000 correspondence: "The astronauts AND the flight controllers always felt the doctors were too nervous about the crew's health. While I must admit that the doctors often frustrated me in this regard, the ensuing years have softened my feelings somewhat about the doctors. First, in the late 60s/early 70s, a full understanding of the effects of weightlessness on a person's short-term and long-term health was still somewhat in question. Two, the doctors dealt with less-than-cooperative 'patients', the astronauts. This relationship was/is no different than you see between aircraft pilots and their flight surgeons. Third, the doctors had very little real data to make a accurate diagnosis. And, fourth, the press loved to explore the realm of sick astronauts, etc., and this always put more attention on astronaut health than it really deserved."
202:46:12 Parker: Well, that's our recommendation anyway. And can you tell us who plans to sensor up tonight, Dave.
202:46:19 Scott: Okay. Rog. I guess as per our agreement this morning, why - you'll get CMP and a LMP tonight.
202:46:29 Parker: Roger; understand. And then we'll press on with the normal Flight Plan tomorrow. [Pause.] And, Al, we'd like to have you - you wear the lightweight headset tonight, because then, we'd like to wake just Al up on schedule so he can do us a P20 to - give us some plus-X time on the Mass Spec. And so we'd like to - arrange it that way, if its convenient with you guys.
The term "plus-X time on the Mass Spec." refers to the direction the spacecraft is pointing while the Mass Spectrometer is operating. During the last LOS, Al rotated the CSM so that the SPS engine, and therefore the minus-X axis faces the direction of travel. This rams any molecules that are constituents of the lunar atmosphere into the rear-facing inlet of the instrument. Sometime during the sleep period, Mission Control wants Al to return the spacecraft to the plus-X, or pointy-end-forward attitude as part of the science investigators' attempt to discriminate between detection of the lunar atmosphere and readings due to contamination from the spacecraft. In the plus-X attitude, readings would tend to be only from spacecraft contaminants.
202:47:00 Scott: No, I don't think that's practical, Bob. You can't have one person awake in here and the other two sleeping. It - just can't do it.
202:47:08 Parker: Okay; understand. And to avoid what we had last night with all those last minute calls again and again and again, why don't you guys give us a final call just before you're ready to go to sleep. We'll get a final status down here, and then we won't - we won't have to keep calling back tonight.
202:47:26 Scott: Oh, that's a good idea. All right. We'll do that.
202:47:29 Parker: It got a little embarrassing down here after a while. [Pause.]
202:47:35 Scott: Oh, that's okay. Yesterday was a long day.
Two shots are taken on magazine PP as the spacecraft approaches Mare Fecunditatis. The Sun is very high and detail is hard to see.
AS15-90-12277 - View south west across southeastern Mare Fecunditatis. Crater Lohse is at lower left edge, crater Al-Marrakushi is at right edge. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-90-12278 - View south west across southeastern Mare Fecunditatis. Crater Lohse is at lower left edge, crater Al-Marrakushi is at right edge. Image is contrast stretched. Image without contrast stretching - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
202:47:38 Parker: Roger that. And we got a TEI-69 PAD down here, when Jim's ready to copy. And we're also ready to copy some torquing angles from that P52, if you got them. And we'd like you to leave your High Gain Antenna at plus 25 and 185 on Yaw and in Narrow and Reacquire as you go around the corner this time.
202:48:06 Scott: Oh, okay. You want Narrow, Reacquire and plus 25 and 185. We'll do that. If you're ready to copy, I've got the P52.
202:48:14 Parker: Roger. I'll copy that now.
Just after LOS, Al made two star sightings of Alpheratz (in Andromeda) and Altair (in Aquila) which the computer used in Program 52 to work out by how much the guidance platform's attitude needed to be adjusted to restore perfect alignment. Normally, if this P52 procedure is carried out in view of Earth, Mission Control can read the realignment angles via telemetry as they are brought up on the DSKY. Since this realignment was carried out during LOS, they need to be read down manually.
202:48:19 Scott: Okay. Noun 05 was .01; Noun 93 was plus .07, minus .47, minus .05. They were torqued out at 202:00:30.
202:48:36 Parker: Roger. Copy .01, plus .07, minus .47, minus .05, and 202:00:30.
202:48:49 Scott: Rog. That's cricket. [Pause.]
To translate, the error in Al's star sightings, Noun 05 was only 0.01°. Noun 93 gives the three angles by which the platform was rotated for perfect alignment. Dave has made a very understandable mistake in reading these angles. The DSKY does not display a decimal point and the crewman is expected to know that a reading of 00001 for Noun 05 means an angular error of 0.01° (one hundredth of a degree), and that 00007 in the first register of Noun 93 means a change in the platform's X-axis angle of 0.007° (seven thousandths of a degree). He realises his error soon enough. The three angles by which the X, Y and Z axes must be torqued to restore alignment are 0.007°, 0.047° and 0.005° respectively.
202:49:00 Parker: And, Dave, we'd like Optic, Zero, at this time, please.
202:49:05 Scott: Oh, yes, Optic, Zero. Hey, by the way, I - I should have said .007. Pardon me. I had my decimal point in the wrong spot.
202:49:14 Parker: Understand .007. And was the...
202:49:20 Scott: Just - just put a zero in front of all - the three torquing numbers. The - the platform is too good and the numbers are so small we - we're not even thinking in three digits anymore.
202:49:29 Parker: Okay. We've got 007, 047, and 005. Understand.
202:49:36 Scott: That's correct. [Long pause.]
202:49:54 Irwin: Okay, Bob. I'm ready to copy the PAD.
202:49:57 Parker: Okay, Jim. It's TEI-69, SPS/G&N; plus 36245; plus 0.61, plus 0.92; 213:51:51.04; plus 2803.1, minus 0465.4, minus 0099.6; 179, 132, 353. The rest of the PAD is NA. Ullage; 4 jets, 12 seconds. Over. [Pause.]
An interpretation of the PAD follows: Final notes state that other items in the standard form are not applicable (NA) to this burn, and SPS propellants are settled in their tanks by firing the plus-X thrusters on all four quads around the Service Module for 12 seconds.
202:50:50 Irwin: Okay. Readback for TEI is SPS/G&N...
202:51:03 Irwin: You read me better? Bob, are you reading me okay?
202:51:08 Parker: You've got a loud squeal there, Jim, but I can probably read you. [Pause.]
202:51:16 Irwin: Okay, Bob. Here's the readback. SPS/G&N; 36245; plus 0.61, plus 0.92; 213:51:51.04; plus 2803.1, minus 0465.4, minus 0099.6; 179, 132, 353; 4 jets for 12 seconds. Over.
202:51:42 Parker: Roger, Jim; copy. Good readback. [Pause.] And, Endeavour, that's all we've got for you right now, until you give us a presleep call, except for standing by for a film budget report from Al. [Long pause.]
202:52:22 Worden: Houston, 15.
202:52:24 Parker: Go. Go, 15.
202:52:28 Worden: Okay, Bob. I've got that film thing compiled for you, if you want to copy.
202:52:32 Parker: Copying.
202:52:34 Worden: Okay. I will read you frames expended. Magazine Nectar 76, Oscar 58, Romeo 55, Victor 12. And I haven't used anything out of S, and L is running right now on the Mass Spec.
202:52:57 Parker: Roger; copy. 76, 58, 55 and 12. [Pause.] Thank you guys. Give us a call when you're ready for sleep and we'll tuck you in.
202:53:16 Scott: Okay, Bobby. Love to have you do that.
Long comm break.
Flight Plan page 3-315.
As they approach the western side of Mare Fecunditatis, one member of the crew is continuing to take photographs on magazine PP. AS15-90-12279 looks towards the western shore under a nearly overhead Sun.
AS15-90-12279 - The western shore of Mare Fecunditatis, including crater Lubbock and the Messier rays - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
The double rays sprayed across the mare surface radiate from a well-known pair of craters, the Messier Twins, named after the French astronomer, Charles Messier, 1730-1817, whose catalogue of fuzzy objects in the night sky has made his name synonymous with galaxies, nebulae and the amateur astronomer's desire to view as many of them as possible. The crater pair, actually known as Messier and Messier A, are very unusual in that both are quite oval in shape with their long axes aligned with each other and with the striking double ray seen in this photograph. It is almost certain that they originated in a most unusual, highly oblique impact, probably of a small double asteroid. It is known that a substantial number of asteroids are to be found in loose formation with one another, gently orbiting around their common centre-of-gravity. Left of centre and outlined in a light colour is Lubbock, a 14.5-km crater named after John Lubbock, 1803-1865, an English mathematician.
Lubbock is more to the foreground of AS15-90-12280, while beyond it and to the left is Gutenberg. Named after the pioneer of movable type and the printing press, Johann Gutenberg, 1398-1468, this 74-km crater's walls have been heavily intertwined with other large craters. The flooded Gutenberg E breaks up the foreground wall and the bright Gutenberg A punctures the far wall. Rather than having a central peak, Gutenberg's floor displays the beginnings of a central ring.
AS15-90-12280 - The western shore of Mare Fecunditatis, including craters Gutenberg and Lubbock - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-90-12281 - Mare Tranquillitatis. Crater Taruntius F is lower left of centre - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-90-12282 - The western shore of Mare Fecunditatis, including craters Lubbock and Secchi X (aka Lost Crater) - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
To the right of AS15-90-12283 is the exceptionally bright ray system of Censorinus, a small (3.8 kilometres) but highly visible crater which is considered by Earth observers as a useful landmark for timing the progress of lunar eclipses when Earth's shadow slowly moves across the Moon's disk. It is named after a Roman astronomer, circa 238 AD.
AS15-90-12283 - The southern shore of Mare Tranquillitatis, including crater Censorinus - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
[Download MP3 audio file. Clip courtesy National Archives and Records Administration.]
203:05:58 Parker: And, Endeavour; Houston. We'd like Pan Camera, Standby. [Pause.]
203:06:10 Worden: Okay, Bob. Roger on the Standby. [Long pause.]
203:06:28 Scott: Houston, the Pan Camera was on Standby.
203:06:31 Parker: Say again, 15. [Pause.]
203:06:38 Scott: I say - the Pan Camera already was in Standby.
203:06:44 Parker: Okay. We'll have them check again. [Long pause.]
203:07:10 Parker: Okay, Dave. What we'd like is Power, On, also Pan Camera Power, On, for 5 minutes.
203:07:24 Scott: Okay. Power, On.
Long comm break.
The Panoramic Camera is being powered to move film through the guides and idlers to avoid it setting.
[Download MP3 audio file. Clip courtesy National Archives and Records Administration.]
203:11:47 Parker: And, Endeavour; this is Houston. We can go Pan Camera Power, Off, now.
203:11:54 Worden: Roger. Power, Off, now.
203:11:56 Parker: Thank you.
Very long comm break.
With the crew's meal break finishing, their only major task remaining is to complete the pre-sleep checklist which includes chlorinating their water supply and dumping the contents of the computer's erasable memory to Earth for analysis. Other than that, the communications system is configured for the night and the switch settings for various subsystems verified.
[Download MP3 audio file. Clip courtesy National Archives and Records Administration.]
203:20:03 Scott: Houston, Endeavour. Did you get the E-Mod dump?
203:20:07 Parker: Stand by.
Long comm break.
Endeavour should reach the sunrise terminator at about 203:27. As they approach and shadows lengthen, and starting at about 203:21, nine photos are taken on magazine PP of the vast expanse of Oceanus Procellarum.
AS15-90-12284 - Oceanus Procellarum, including crater Ångström - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-90-12285 - Oceanus Procellarum, including crater Wollaston - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-90-12286 - Oceanus Procellarum, including crater Nielsen and Rimae Aristarchus - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-90-12287 - Oceanus Procellarum, including crater Nielsen and Rimae Aristarchus - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-90-12288 - Out of focus image of Oceanus Procellarum, including crater Nielsen and Rimae Aristarchus - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-90-12289 - Oceanus Procellarum and terminator, including Montes Agricola - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-90-12290 - Oceanus Procellarum and terminator, including Montes Agricola - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-90-12291 - Oceanus Procellarum and terminator - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
AS15-90-12292 - Oceanus Procellarum and terminator - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
[Download MP3 audio file. Clip courtesy National Archives and Records Administration.]
203:27:31 Parker: Endeavour, Houston. It's not clear that we got it the first time. Why don't you give us another E-Mod dump again, please? [Pause.]
203:27:43 Worden: Okay. Coming down.
203:27:45 Parker: Thank you.
Very long comm break.
[Download MP3 audio file. Clip courtesy National Archives and Records Administration.]
203:39:59 Parker: And, Endeavour; Houston. We [garble] at the LOS in about 2 minutes. Everything looks in configuration for sleep. We'd like to verify the Oxygen Heaters are Auto, Auto, Off. Except for that, you are Go for sleep and Go for LOS.
203:40:18 Scott: Okay; understand. And we're fixing to give you the presleep checklist, there. And we have a little unscheduled maintenance on our friendly water valve again. So we'll be about 10 more minutes, but it's under control. Same - same problem we had before.
203:40:33 Parker: Rog. And understand it's under control.
203:40:38 Scott: Yeah, it's just - just the same thing worked loose again, and we're cinching it down.
203:40:47 Parker: Roger. We copy. You guys didn't strike a coral reef there, did you?
203:40:54 Scott: [Laughter] No, I don't think so. [Long pause.]
On their way from Earth to the Moon, the chlorination port of the spacecraft's water system began to seriously leak. See 061:12:44 for the full story. Soon after, people began searching the history books to make comparisons between Apollo 15's Endeavour and Captain Cook's H.M.S. Endeavour which did run aground on a coral reef two hundred years before.
203:41:27 Scott: Okay. O2 hea - O2 - O2 heaters are going to Auto, Auto, Off.
203:41:35 Parker: Roger. Auto, Auto, Off.
203:41:39 Scott: Rog.
Very long comm break.
[Download MP3 audio file. Clip courtesy National Archives and Records Administration.]
This is Apollo Control. We've had Loss of Signal now with the spacecraft. Just before going around the corner, Dave Scott reported that they had, again, the problem that they'd experienced earlier in the flight, and had very quickly gotten it under control. That was a water leakage, coming from a diaphragm in the Lower Equipment Bay where the crew inject chlorine into their potable water system to maintain the purity of that system and the water there. And what, apparently, is happening is that a nut is working its way loose and allowing water to seep out from around the diaphragm, and the procedure to prevent the leak - or to stop it - is simply to take a Allen head wrench that the crewmen have onboard, and tighten the nut down. And Scott reported they had done this. We would not expect to have any further conversations with the crew. They're now or will shortly be in their rest period. We'll be reacquiring in about 45 minutes. Prior to beginning the rest period, we received a crew status report. Scott reported that they'd all been eating their meals as scheduled and have been consuming plenty of water. And he said that everyone is in fine shape and ready for the EVA. At 203 hours, 47 minutes; this is Apollo Control, Houston.
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Day 9, part 1: Orbital Science and Crew Rest Journal Home Page Day 10, part 1: Orbital Science, Rev 68 & 69