Apollo 12
Day 5: Yankee Clipper Rev 14 to 24
Corrected Transcript and Commentary Copyright © 2004 - 2020 by W. David Woods and Lennox J. Waugh. All rights reserved.
Last updated 2020-04-06
This is Apollo Control 109 hours, 41 minutes Ground Elapse Time. One minute, 53 seconds to Acquisition Of Signal as Intrepid and Yankee Clipper come around on the 14th lunar revolution. Some 39 minutes away from the Power Descent Initiation. In the viewing room behind the Control Room here it's standing room only. Among the people in the viewing room are NASA Administrator, Dr. Thomas O. Paine and Mrs. Paine, the nominee for Deputy Administrator of NASA, George M. Low, Dr. George Mueller, Associate Administrator Office of Manned Space Flight, Associate NASA Administrator Dr. Homer Newell, John Naugle, Associate Administrator Office of Space Science and Applications, Dr. Wernher von Braun, Director of Marshall Spaceflight Center, James C. Elms, Director of Electronic Research Center, Apollo 11 crewmen Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, Apollo 8 Commander Frank Borman, Dr. Stark Draper Director of Instrumentation Laboratory at Massachusetts's Institute of Technology and quite a few other people from industry and NASA. We've had Command Module AOS. Let's go live now and see how the burn went for Descent Orbit Initiate.
109:43:17 Carr: Yankee Clipper, Houston. How do you read? [No answer.]
109:43:33 Carr: Yankee Clipper, Houston. How do you read?
109:43:56 Gordon: Houston, Clipper.
109:43:58 Carr: Roger, Clipper; Houston. Loud and clear.
109:44:04 Gordon: Roger. Good burn. Good burn.
109:49:26 Carr: Okay. Break. Yankee Clipper, Houston. I've got a Rev 15 map update for you.
109:49:36 Gordon: Roger. Go ahead.
109:49:37 Carr: Roger. LOS: 110:55:25, 111:20:01, 111:41:32. Over.
109:50:00 Gordon: Roger. Copy.
Coming up on 30 minutes to Power Descent Initiation. Mark 30 minutes.
109:58:17 Gordon: Houston, Clipper.
109:58:20 Carr: Stand by, Intrepid. We're checking. Break. Clipper, go ahead.
109:58:27 Gordon: Roger, Jerry. Could you send me a good LM state vector, please? [Pause.]
109:58:50 Conrad: Second check shows it to be 59,000 feet.
109:58:55 Carr: Roger, Al. Clipper, Houston. We think it probably won't do you much good to have it right now. It'd be better later.
Intrepid has gone into Program 63, which is an automatic maneuver to the Power Descent Initiate attitude, which is engine bell forward, face up.
The Snowman, referred to by Pete Conrad aboard Intrepid is a shape of several craters, the belly button of which is where Surveyor 3 is located. It forms a rough outline of a Snowman. An earlier cue during the descent after they have a visual acquisition of the landing site will be a crescent of craters ranging behind the landing site across the path of their flight.
110:11:06 Gordon: Roger. Fox-corpen, 285; clear deck.
Reference to mares and hooks has to do with landing aboard carriers.
Flight director, Cliff Charlesworth, is taking a final poll here for giving a go for PDI. Looks like its go all the way around.
During the descent, Lunar Module Pilot Alan Bean will read out of the LM guidance computer such numbers as range to go to the landing site, horizontal velocity, and the angle at which commander Pete Conrad, should look to spot the landing site through the Landing Point Designator etched on the left-hand window of the Lunar Module. During the final phase from 500 feet down following low gate at 500 feet, Bean will add in the so called H-dot or vertical velocity rate of descent.
110:18:59 Conrad: Hello, Houston. Hello, Yankee Clipper. Intrepid's up VOX.
110:19:05 Carr: Houston reads you loud and clear.
110:19:09 Gordon: Yankee Clipper. Loud and clear.
Intrepid has gone to the Vox mode in the communications, that is, voice actuated circuit.
110:34:18 Gordon: [Heavy static] Hello, Intrepid. Hello, Intrepid. Hello, Intrepid.
110:34:23 Conrad: How are you?
110:34:24 Gordon: Intrepid. Congratulations from Yankee Clipper.
110:34:29 Conrad: Thank you, sir. We'll see you in 32 hours.
110:34:34 Bean: [Garble].
110:34:36 Gordon: Okay. Have a ball.
110:41:30 Carr: Yankee Clipper, Houston. Over.
110:41:35 Gordon: Go ahead, Houston.
110:41:37 Carr: Roger, Dick. Can you get the High Gain pointed at us? We'd like to dump that tape recorder.
110:41:44 Gordon: Okay. My pitch attitude's 81. Let me get you some angles [Pause.]
110:42:04 Carr: Clipper, Houston. Did you copy that whole descent?
110:42:11 Gordon: That's affirmative.?
110:42:14 Carr: Very good. Intrepid, Houston. You can close your Ox vent. Leave the fuel open for a little while.
110:42:30 Conrad: Roger. Closing the Ox vent. It's Closed.
110:42:36 Gordon: Houston, do you have the High Gain?
110:42:40 Carr: Roger, Dick.
This is Apollo Control. The third and fourth humans to land on another planetary body, two rather exuberant humans, have completed lunar touchdown at site 7. Apparently rather close...
110:44:02 Gordon: [Garble] are you looking at the DSKY?
110:44:07 Carr: Roger. We're looking [Long pause.]
110:44:54 Gordon: And, Jerry, did you get the torquing angles and the time?
110:44:58 Carr: That's affirmative. We have them, Dick.
110:45:03 Gordon: Okay. Just looks like a good platform yet.
110:49:10 Carr: Yankee Clipper, Houston. How do you read? Over.
110:49:17 Gordon: Loud and clear, Jer.
110:49:19 Carr: Roger [Long pause.]
110:50:45 Carr: Yankee Clipper, Houston. Over.
110:50:50 Gordon: Houston, Yankee Clipper here.
110:50:52 Bean: Houston, did you copy the results of the AGS Cal?
110:50:53 Carr: Yankee Clipper, this is Houston. Would you check you surge tank switch and the On detent? They were seeing a little funny in it.
110:51:10 Carr: Intrepid, Houston. Go.
110:51:12 Gordon: It's in the On position.
110:51:14 Bean: Did you copy the results of the AGS Cal down there?
110:51:18 Carr: That's affirmative, Al. Roger. Thank you, Dick.
110:51:26 Gordon: It looks okay. It's solid up here, Jerry.
110:51:28 Carr: Roger [Long pause.]
110:51:55 Carr: Yankee Clipper, Houston. Over.
110:52:02 Gordon: Go ahead, Houston.
110:52:03 Carr: Roger, Clipper. We'd like to try something with your high gain antenna. Go to the Wide beamwidth and Auto. Over.
110:52:18 Gordon: Okay. I'm in Wide and Auto.
110:52:20 Carr: Roger, Dick [Long pause.]
110:53:02 Carr: Yankee Clipper, Houston. Seems to be holding. Now try Medium beamwidth. Over.
110:53:11 Gordon: Okay. You got Medium.
110:53:13 Carr: Roger, Dick [Long pause.]
110:54:04 Carr: Yankee Clipper, Houston.
110:54:10 Gordon: Go ahead.
110:54:11 Carr: Okay, Dick. You're about a minute from LOS. We're satisfied with your surge tank pressures. You - we'll take a little - look in a little while at your S-band - next time you come around the horn. We'll be expecting to see you at 111:40 Over.
110:54:28 Gordon: Roger. 111:40.
A bolter is an aircraft landing on a carrier that misses the arresting wire and has to go around again. Unofficial touchdown time of Intrepid, 110 hours, 32 minutes, 29 seconds. This was the time the blue touchdown light - lunar contact light - in the LM cabin came on and from first indications, the landing point is about 350 meters due West of where Surveyor is located in the East wall of the crater. 350 meters computes out to about 1,120 feet. We've had Loss Of Signal with Yankee Clipper as it went behind the Moon - around the corner. We'll continue to monitor Air To Ground for further communications with Intrepid.
This is Apollo Control. The crew of Intrepid are rather quiet at this time, doing some alignments of the Intrepid's inertial measuring unit, taking sitings on stars, other activities associated with powering down the LM, but we'll leave the circuit up in spite of the lack of conversation to catch any discussions that take place between Intrepid and the ground. Some 29 minutes until Yankee Clipper comes over the hill again. This is Apollo Control standing by on live air-ground.
This is Apollo Control. Lunar Module systems engineer reported to Flight Director, Cliff Charlesworth that at the time of touchdown, some 3.8 percent of descent propellants were still aboard at shutdown. Still standing by on air ground for resumption of communications between Intrepid and Mission Control. 22 minutes, 23 seconds until acquisition by Yankee Clipper.
111:44:01 Carr: Yankee Clipper, Houston. How do you read?
111:44:16 Gordon: Hello, Houston; Yankee Clipper here.
111:44:18 Carr: Roger, Clipper. Reading you weak but clear.
111:44:24 Carr: Clipper, if you'll give us P00 and Accept; we'll start your update. [Long pause.]
111:45:13 Carr: Yankee Clipper, Houston.
111:45:16 Gordon: Hello, Houston; Yankee Clipper here. [Long pause.]
111:45:29 Carr: Yankee Clipper, Houston.
111:45:34 Gordon: Hello, Houston; Yankee Clipper. Loud and clear.
111:45:37 Carr: Roger, Dick. You in P00 and Accept and ready for an uplink?
111:45:44 Gordon: That's affirmative.
111:45:46 Carr: Roger. It's on its way.[Long pause.]
111:47:00 Carr: Clipper, Houston. I have a Rev 16 map update and a landmark tracking PAD, if you're ready to copy.
111:47:10 Gordon: Go ahead.
111:47:11 Carr: Roger. Map update Rev 16: LOS is 112:53:48, 113:18:23, 113:39:28.
111:47:40 Gordon: Roger, Jerry. Copied 112:53:48, 113:18:23, 113:39:28.
111:47:46 Carr: Roger, Dick. P22 landmark tracking PAD follows: T-1 is 112:20:00; T-2 is 112:25:11; the landmark is number 193; and it's South 06. Over.
111:48:14 Gordon: Roger. Landmark 193, T-1 is 112:20:00; T-2, 112:25:11; 6 miles South.
111:48:25 Carr: Affirmative.
111:48:34 Gordon: Okay. I'll see if I can plot it in the same place I did last time.
111:48:38 Carr: Roger. You got something new to look at down there, too.
111:48:46 Gordon: Let's - let's save them for the next Rev. [Long pause.]
111:49:33 Carr: Yankee Clipper, Houston. The CMC is yours.
111:49:39 Gordon: Roger, Jerry. Thank you. How are things going on the surface?
111:49:44 Carr: They're doing great, Dick.
111:49:49 Gordon: [Garble] the same [garble].
111:49:59 Carr: Clipper, Houston. Give us Narrow beamwidth.
112:08:40 Gordon: Houston, Yankee Clipper.
112:08:42 Gibson: Clipper, Houston. Go ahead.
112:08:45 Gordon: Is - Is Intrepid going to do a P22?
112:08:51 Gibson: That's affirmative.
112:24:00 Conrad: I'm getting acquisition P22. Looks good.
112:24:07 Gordon: Houston, tell him I show him locked on.[Long pause.]
112:24:23 Gibson: Roger, Clipper.
This new estimate of LM location would put it about 750 to 800 feet from the Surveyor.
112:26:40 Conrad: Hey, Houston. Intrepid has a visual on Yankee Clipper.[Long pause.]
112:27:07 Conrad: Hey, Houston. Relay to Yankee Clipper I've got him visually.
112:27:13 Gibson: Roger, Intrepid. Will do.
112:27:17 Gibson: Clipper, Houston.
112:27:26 Gibson: Clipper, for your info, Intrepid has a visual on you.
112:27:33 Gibson: Thank you.
This is Apollo Control at 112 hours, 30 minutes. The Change Of Shift news conference is about to begun at MSC News Center...
112:30:55 Gordon: Hello, Houston; Yankee Clipper.
112:30:58 Gibson: Clipper, Houston. Go ahead.
112:31:03 Gordon: Okay. Do you have all the data?
112:31:06 Gibson: Affirmative, Clipper. We have it.
112:31:17 Gordon: Okay. The next time, I want to see you put that Intrepid right in the middle of the sextant.
112:31:28 Conrad: Houston, Intrepid's ready to copy the consumables update.
112:31:36 Gibson: Roger, Clipper.
112:37:24 Gordon: This is Yankee Clipper. No, they don't. Tell them to get to work.
112:37:32 Gibson: Roger, Clipper.
112:37:36 Gordon: They're down there having all the fun, and you're doing all the work.
112:37:44 Gibson: They'll get with it soon, Clipper.
112:47:57 Gibson: Intrepid, we'd like to get to Yankee Clipper before LOS, and we'll be right back with you.
112:48:06 Gibson: Yankee Clipper, Houston. [Long pause.]
112:48:43 Gibson: Intrepid, Houston. Go ahead with your description of the horizon, and we'll be breaking in to you as soon as we can get back with Yankee Clipper. We've lost Comm temporarily.
This is Apollo Control at 113 hours, 8 minutes
We're standing by live again.
Both Pete Conrad and Al Bean have been giving descriptions of the - what they can see from the LM windows in an attempt to help the geologists locate them. They have the opinion that they'll be able to do a better job of locating where they are after they get out and are able to look around in all directions. Al Bean reported the LM was sitting on what appeared to be undulating plane rolling country as he said and no high objects, such as mountains or hills. They see a considerable number of blocky boulders. Al also mentioned the - directly ahead of them, seeing traces perpendicular to the LM, traces in shallow trenches, what he called traces in the surface. He thinks will be interesting to look at. They've pointed out there's no contrast in colors; everything appears to be pure white because of the sun angle. And Al Bean said "We think you're going to like this place". He says both he and Pete suspect there is lunar bedrock in the area. They suspect they can see some of the lunar bedrock. They also report they believe there are good places to put the experiment package, the ALSEP. And Pete Conrad reported that he believes they're sitting right on the edge of a rather large crater, approximately 300 feet in diameter, with about a 10-degree slope. [Garble] to stand by.
This is Apollo Control at 113 hours, 24 minutes. We're showing Intrepid's cabin pressure as 4.82 pounds per square inch and temperature inside the cabin 63 degrees.
This is Apollo Control. Based on the verbal descriptions from Intrepid's crew, geologists and the mapping specialists continue to believe now that the LM is on the Northwest rim of the crater known as Head crater. That's the crater just West of surveyors craters. Surveyor crater forms the body of the snowman and this crater is the head of the snowman. They believe the LM to be on the Northwest rim of the head crater.
113:40:10 Gibson: Yankee Clipper Houston.
113:40:15 Gordon: Hello, Houston. [Long pause.]
113:40:29 Gibson: Clipper, we read you with a lot of static in the background. We'll hold up until you lock on.
113:41:42 Gordon: Houston, Yankee Clipper.
113:41:45 Gibson: Yankee Clipper, Houston. Go ahead.
113:41:53 Gordon: Roger. Just checking in on you.
113:41:56 Gibson: Clipper, if you'll give us P00 and Accept, we'll ship you up the more refined state vector.
113:42:11 Gordon: Okay, Houston. It's all yours.
113:42:18 Gordon: Stand by. I've got a [garble].
113:42:39 Gordon: Okay, Houston. Now, it's all yours.
113:42:43 Gibson: Roger, Clipper.
The crew of Intrepid is busy now with preparations for the EVA. Plan to depressurize the cabin at an elapse time of 114 hours, 20 minutes. It's now 113 hours, 45 minutes.
113:47:05 Gibson: Yankee Clipper, Houston.
113:47:12 Gordon: Go ahead, Houston.
113:47:15 Gibson: Clipper, we're having a slight delay on getting that state vector up to you. We're having a little TM problem. We have a P22 PAD for you when you are ready to copy.
113:47:25 Gordon: Ready to copy.
113:47:28 Gibson: P22. T-1; 114:18:30, 114:23:32. And that's South 04. Update to the Lat, Long, and altitude; disregard those numbers in the Flight Plan. Lat, minus 3.029; longitude, minus 11.708; altitude, minus 1.13. And on your map, LAM-7, the coordinates are 13.4, K.9.
113:48:23 Gordon: Roger, Houston. Copy. T-1, 114:18:30; T-2, 114:23:32. South 04. Coordinates; minus 3.029; minus 11.708; altitude; minus 1.13. On LAM chart, 13.4, K.9.
113:48:51 Gibson: Readback's correct, Dick. We have a Rev 17 map update for you, also.
113:48:58 Gordon: Go ahead.
113:49:00 Gibson: LOS, 114:51:47; 115:16:45; 115:37:55.
113:49:16 Gordon: Roger. 114:51:47; 115:16:45; 115:37:55.
113:49:26 Gibson: Readback correct, Dick.
113:52:07 Gibson: Yankee Clipper, Houston. The computer's yours.
113:52:13 Gordon: Thank you.
This is Apollo Control at 113 hours, 53 minutes. For the benefit of those persons in the news center at MSC who are viewing the map on the television screen, the LM location now has been moved up to the present best estimate of the Intrepid's location and that is the Northwest rim of Head crater.
113:58:46 Gordon: Hey, Ed, how come you haven't been giving me any TEI PAD?
113:59:13 Gibson: Clipper, stand by on that. I think we'll work out the rendezvous solution first.
113:59:21 Gibson: Oh, okay.[Long pause.]
113:59:34 Gibson: Say, Dick, when you're looking for them in the sextant, if you look at the Head crater, we suspect that they're on the Northwest rim of Head crater. That's the Head of the Snowman.
113:59:40 Gordon: Okay. Understand.
This is Apollo Control, at 114 hours, 7 minutes. Flight director Jerry Griffin expects...
Jerry Griffin expects that we may make up some of this time that has been lost during some of the communications checks and other checks. It's been - past experience has been that those checks have not taken as long as have been programmed. We essentially got 30 minutes behind when the crew spent a little more time than scheduled in describing the area in an attempt to locate the LM.
And telemetry data from the backpacks, the portable life support systems looks good.
114:22:28 Gordon: Houston, I have Snowman. And I believe I have the Surveyor from the northwest side of the Surveyor crater.
114:22:54 Gibson: Clipper, Houston. We copy that...
114:22:56 Gordon: And, Houston, it's cast a shadow; it looks like it is about - Oh, it's hard to distinguish; it looks like about a third of a crater in diameter.
114:23:14 Gibson: Roger, Clipper. Copy you...
114:23:15 Gordon: [Garble] I have. I have Intrepid. I have Intrepid.
114:23:25 Gibson: Well done, Clipper. Copy; one crater diameter to the North. Is that affirmative?
114:23:33 Gordon: I have him. He's on the Surveyor crater; he's about a fourth of a Surveyor crater diameter to the Northwest.
114:23:44 Gibson: Roger, Clipper. Well done.
114:23:49 Gordon: I'll tell you, he's the only thing that casts a shadow down there.
114:24:04 Gordon: He's got a fairly good sized crater just to the North and slightly East of him; out directly behind him; he is on the Surveyor crater.
114:24:14 Gibson: Roger, Clipper. [Long pause.]
114:24:37 Gordon: Al1 right, Ed. Now I'm directly overhead. He's a third of the way between the Surveyor crater and the head.
114:24:53 Gibson: Clipper, Houston. Say again.
114:24:59 Gordon: The Intrepid is just on the left shoulder of the Snowman. He is looking at me. He is about a third of the way from the Surveyor crater to the head. I see the Surveyor! I see the Surveyor!
114:25:15 Gibson: Roger, Clipper. Good eyeball. Well done.
Dick Gordon using the 28 power sextant for the sightings.
114:26:22 Gordon: Hey, Ed. That's almost as good as being there.
114:26:29 Gibson: Roger, Clipper.
114:26:41 Gordon: Let me know when you have your data.
114:27:28 Gordon: Houston, Clipper. Do you have your data?
114:27:35 Gibson: Clipper, that's affirmative. We have it.
114:27:44 Gordon: And, Houston, I'd like to do that again on each pass. You might think - about putting the camera on the sextant.
114:47:20 Gordon: Houston, Clipper.
114:47:22 Gibson: Clipper, go ahead.
114:47:28 Gordon: Roger. Would you find out which film they want me to use for this picture session the next time around? The normal sextant landmark tracking film, which is C-EX, or the high-resolution stuff the - It's C-EX.
114:47:59 Gibson: Clipper, understand. You want to know which camera to be using on the next pass, is that affirm?
114:48:07 Gordon: No. I know which camera, Ed. Which film?
114:48:10 Gibson: Copy. Stand by.
114:48:13 Gordon: Color exterior or high-speed power exterior?
114:48:19 Gibson: Dick, let's go with the color exterior.
114:48:26 Gordon: Say again, Houston.
114:48:32 Gibson: Dick, go with the color exterior for the next pass. Color exterior.
114:48:38 Gordon: Ok - okay. Understand. Thank you.
114:50:48 Gibson: Yankee Clipper, Houston. One minute to LOS. And we'll be giving you a P22 pad at AOS.[Long pause.]
114:51:18 Gibson: Yankee Clipper, Houston. Thirty seconds to LOS.
114:51:24 Gordon: Roger. I'll see you next pass.
Based on Dick Gordon's report we now believe Intrepid to be on the Northwest rim of the Surveyor crater, approximately 600 feet from the Surveyor.
115:38:58 Gibson: Yankee Clipper, Houston.
115:39:05 Gordon: Hello, Houston; Yankee Clipper.
115:39:17 Gibson: Yankee Clipper, Houston.
115:39:46 xxxx: Yankee Clipper, Houston.
115:39:52 Gordon: Hello, Houston; Clipper here.
115:40:02 xxxx: Clipper, Houston. Intrepid's started the EVA. They're 32 minutes in, and things are looking good.
115:40:13 Gordon: Roger, [garble] they're out. Thank you.
115:40:20 xxxx: Dick, when the Comm clears up, we'll give you a P22 PAD and a map update for Rev 18.
115:40:29 Gordon: Okay. [Long pause.]
115:44:43 xxxx: Yankee Clipper, Houston.
115:45:03 xxxx: Yankee Clipper, Houston.
115:45:08 Gordon: Houston, Clipper. Go ahead.
115:45:10 xxxx: Clipper, would you go to a roll 180, pitch 345? At that attitude, you'll have to just roll a 180 for your landmark tracking. To get high gain, go to angle Pitch, minus 45; Yaw, 350.[Pause.]
115:46:07 xxxx: Yankee Clipper, Houston. Do you copy?
115:46:11 Gordon: Roger. And we're roll 180, [garble] 345.
115:46:17 xxxx: That's affirmative.
115:48:29 Gordon: Okay, Houston. Clipper on High Gain.
115:48:33 xxxx: Roger, Yankee Clipper. We'll he right back with you.
115:48:58 xxxx: Yankee Clipper, Houston. We have a P22 PAD for you and a map update for Rev 18 when you're ready to copy.
115:49:07 Gordon: Roger. Go ahead.
115:49:09 xxxx: P22: T-1, 116:16:51, 116:21:53, that's North, 8 miles. Your DAC settings are 1/60th, 1 frame per second, and that's the color film.
115:49:35 xxxx: Your map updates for Rev 18: 116:50:14, 117:15:07, 117:36:22. Do you copy?
115:49:58 Gordon: This is Clipper. Roger. Can I use my last coordinates for Surveyor and Intrepid?
115:50:09 xxxx: Clipper, say again.
115:50:15 Gordon: Can I use my own coordinates for Intrepid?
115:50:22 xxxx: Roger, Clipper. We copy.
115:55:37 CSM: Music - Teabury Shuffle [Tijuana Brass].
115:55:57 Gibson: Thanks for the music, Clipper.
116:23:34 Gordon: Hello, Houston. This is Yankee Clipper. I'm [garble].
116:23:44 Gibson: Clipper, you were broken up. Say again.
116:23:50 Conrad: Who are you talking to?
116:23:53 Gibson: Pete, we have Clipper both - and you both on the same air-to-ground...
116:23:56 Gordon: Houston, this is Yankee Clipper.
116:23:57 Gibson: Clipper, go ahead. Say again.
116:24:07 Gordon: Houston, Yankee Clipper. I marked off Snowman with the telescope, and we're going to get some good pictures from that one.
116:24:14 Gibson: Roger, Clipper.
116:29:07 Gordon: Houston, Yankee Clipper. Do you have the DSKY?
116:29:13 Gibson: Stand by, Clipper.
116:29:29 Gibson: Clipper, Houston. We're watching the DSKY.
116:37:38 Gibson: Yankee Clipper, Houston. High Gain Antenna; Pitch, minus 13; Yaw, 225.
116:49:38 Gibson: Yankee Clipper, Houston. One minute to LOS.
117:37:44 Gibson: Hello, Yankee Clipper; Houston.
117:39:14 Gibson: Yankee Clipper, Houston.
117:39:19 Gordon: Hello, Houston; Clipper here.
117:39:22 Gibson: Dick, the EVA - EVA is going pretty well; they're 2½ hours into it; and they've, got the ALSEP a good way deployed. Apparently both of them look as though they just crawled out of a coal bin. Other than that, seems pretty much nominal.
117:39:40 Gordon: Very good. Thank you.
117:40:16 Gibson: Roger, Al. Yankee Clipper, we have a map update for Rev 19. [Pause.]
117:40:30 Gibson: Rev 19: LOS 118:48:40, 119:13:30, 119:34:33.
117:51:21 Gibson: Yankee Clipper, Houston.
117:51:27 Gordon: Go ahead.
117:51:29 Gibson: Yankee Clipper, if you'll give P00 and Accept, we'll ship you up a state vector, a target load, and a REFSMMAT.
117:51:39 Gordon: [Garble] has got it.
117:52:20 Gibson: Yankee Clipper, Houston. We're coming up with a load.
117:57:42 Gibson Yankee Clipper the computer is yours.
117:57:52 Gordon Yankee Clipper, Roger.
118:00:54 Gordon: Houston, Clipper.
118:01:06 Gibson: Yankee Clipper, Houston. Go ahead.
118:01:12 Gordon: Roger. Houston, do you have a manoeuver pad for me?
118:01:17 Gibson: That's affirmative. We'll be up with you in about 2 minutes.
118:01:21 Gordon: [Garble].
118:01:38 Gibson: Yankee - Yankee Clipper, Houston. I have the manoeuver PAD when you're ready to copy.
118:01:46 Gordon: Go ahead.
118:01:54 Gibson: Dick, purpose, Lunar Orbit Plane Change 1, SPS/G&N: 36733 minus 0.73, plus 0.51, 119:47:12.54, minus 0011.5, plus 0349.6, minus all balls. Roll, pitch, and yaw, all zeros, 0062.5, plus 0057.3, 0349.7, 0:18, 0337.1, 05, 002.6, 18.7.
118:03:12 Gibson: Dick, for boresight, Draco Beta.
118:03:30 Gibson: And that's down 007, right 46. The remainder is NA.
118:03:42 Gibson: Sirius and Rigel [pause] for your alignment 047, 263, 055 and thats two jet ullage 15 seconds, readback?
118:04:06 Gordon: Hey, Houston; Yankee Clipper.
118:04:09 Gibson: Clipper, go ahead.
118:04:13 Gordon: If you want to talk to me, you'll have to take it off of relay so that Pete and Al won't cut you out.
118:04:25 Gibson: Okay, Clipper. Understand. You did not copy all of that PAD. Is that affirm?
118:04:31 Gordon: That's affirmative. It's impossible with those guys yakking.
118:11:01 Gibson: Pete and Al, Houston.
118:11:02 Bean: Okay. That'll be a goodie.
118:11:04 Bean: Go ahead.
118:11:05 Gibson: We're trying to get a manoeuver PAD up to Clipper; he's having a hard time copying it with you talking in the background. Could you - could we have some silence for about - for about 5 minutes, while we get that PAD up?
118:11:25 Gibson: Okay. We'll be right back with you. Clipper, Houston. Are you ready to copy?
118:11:30 Gordon: Go, Bill.
118:11:34 Gibson: Lunar Orbit Plane Change 1, SPS/G&N: 36733, minus 0.73, plus 0.51, 119:47:12.54, minus 0011.5, plus 0349.6, minus all balls; roll, pitch, and yaw, all zero; H
A 0062.5, plus 0057.3, 0349.7, 0:18, 0337.1, 05, 002.6, 18.7, and that's Draco Beta; down 00.7, right 4.6, the remainder is NA. Sirius and Rigel - Roll, pitch, and yaw: 047, 263, 055; the ullage is two jets for 16 seconds. Read back.
118:13:25 Gordon: SPS/G&N: 36733, minus 0.73, plus 05.1, 119:47:12.54, minus 0011.5, plus 0349.6, all zips, roll, pitch, and yaw, all zips; H
A 0062.5, plus 0057.3, plus 0349.7, 0.18, 0337.1, 05, 002.6, 187; Draco Beta, down 00.7; right 4.6; 047, 055; 16 seconds. Over.
118:14:20 Gibson: Read back correct, Dick.
118:14:28 Gordon: Okay, thank you.
118:14:32 Gibson: Pete and Al, we're back with you.
118:32:40 Gordon: Houston, Yankee Clipper. You have the DSKY?
118:32:46 Gibson: Standby, Clipper.
118:33:03 Gibson: Clipper, Houston were watching your DSKY's.
This is Apollo Control. The participants in the Apollo 11[12] News Conference are on their way to the large auditorium at this time. That News Conference should start shortly in the large auditorium
That plane change coming at 119 hours, 47 minutes, 12 seconds. With the Service Propulsion System out of plane to the North Delta-V of 349.7 feet per second, burn time of 18 seconds. This will move the ground track of the Command Module 3 and 1/2 degrees North of the present ground track at the landing site. 3 and 1/2 degrees North at the landing site.
We've 5 minutes away from acquisition of the Command Module, Yankee Clipper. This is Apollo Control at 119 hours, 30 minutes. We will take the line down now for the news conference.
119:35:08 Gibson: Yankee Clipper, Houston.
119:35:13 Gordon: Hello, Houston; Clipper here.
119:35:17 Gibson: Clipper, you were sort of a forgotten man for a little while. We're all - all eyes are on you now. We're with you.
119:35:29 Gibson: And, Clipper, the EVA was completed.
119:35:31 Gordon: Okay, Ed. I've got a little - will you clean up that [garble] channel? I've got an echo in here.[Long pause.]
119:36:01 Gibson: Yankee Clipper, how do you read?
119:36:07 Gordon: There you go. Now, you're nice and clear.
119:36:10 Gibson: Roger. They completed the EVA with a 4-hour, 1-minute EVA, and they got all of the objectives accomplished. They did a real swell job, and we're watching you, Dick.
119:38:54 Gordon: Well, I guess I'll go Vox, so it'll be easier for you people to follow on these onboard checklists as I go down here.
119:39:00 Gibson: Roger, Dick.
119:39:06 Gordon: Nobody is checking on me today.
119:39:09 Gibson: We're watching you now, Babe.
119:39:14 Gordon: Okay, I have everything down to 6 minutes - it's all done.
119:39:23 Gibson: Roger. [Long pause.]
119:40:09 Gordon: Okay, I'm going to slide across the ballroom and get the Bus Ties.
119:40:26 Gordon: Okay, the Bus Ties are On MTVC Servo Power 1, AC 1/Main A; 2, AC 2/Main B; Rotational Hand Controller Power, Normal, two, AC; Direct, two are Off; BMAG, three, ATT 1/RATE 2; Spacecraft Control's to SCS; Rotational Hand Controller number 2 is Armed. And we'll go into Primary TVC check. Gimbal motors: Motor l, Pitch 1; I've got it - one, Yaw - mark, I've got it. That's it. Pitch. Now, I've got Trim and Yaw. Trim is set - minus 73, plus 51. I have MTVC. Spacecraft Control to CMC. Trim is zero. Translational Hand Controller, clockwise; no MTVC [garble] number 2, Pitch - mark. I've got it. Yaw 2 - mark. I've got it. Trim is satisfactory. MTVC is satisfactory...
119:42:43 Gibson: Intrepid. We're coming up on a burn with Dick right now, about 4 minutes and 30 seconds away.
119:42:51 Conrad: Okay. We'll go - we'll be off the air.
119:42:55 Gordon: ...Neutral and no MTVC. Rotational Hand Controller, two, AC/DC, Direct, two, Main A, Main B; BMAG's, Rate 2. Trim; okay, it's trimmed. Att1/Rate 2, Entered. Gimbal drive test: plus 2, minus 2, zero; plus 2, minus 2, zero. In 4 seconds, I'll have Trim, I hope. Okay, that's Trim; 03:47 time; FDAI scale 5/5; Limit Cycle is Off; Rate is High; DET is 1 second fast.
119:44:13 Gibson: Clipper, Houston. I remind you, we'd like to have all Thrusters Armed.
119:45:20 Gordon: Delta-V Thrust A is Normal; Translational Hand Controller is Armed; Rotational Hand Controller is Armed; Helium Valves are Auto; stand by for average g.
119:45:37 Gibson: You're looking good here, Dick.
119:45:43 Gordon: Thank you.
119:46:41 Gordon: DSKY Blanks. DSKY is hot and EMS is Normal. Ullage: I have Ullage. Proceed. Thrust, On [garble] 5 seconds. Looking good.
119:47:33 Gordon: Shutdown.
119:47:35 Gordon: A and B are Off; Pitch 2 is Off; Yaw 1 is Off; Pitch 1 is Off.
119:47:55 Gibson: Dick, all gimbals Off.
119:48:00 Gordon: These are the residuals, but I'm off in attitude right now.
119:48:04 Gibson: Okay. Thank you, Clipper. No trim.
119:48:12 Gordon: Okay. I'm off in attitude, but there's the trim anyway.
119:48:23 Gordon: Okay. I'm going to go over and get those bus ties.
119:48:31 Gordon: How's it looking up here, [garble].
119:48:33 Gibson: We're watching you, Dick. We'll give you an update.
119:48:46 Gordon: There it is.
119:49:02 Gordon: And Oxidizer is 32.9, Fuel is 32.7, the unbalance is increase 75.
119:49:14 Gibson: Roger, Dick. We copy.
119:49:20 Gordon: EMS is minus 8.4.
119:49:26 Gibson: Roger. Copy. Would you give us P00, please, Dick?[Long pause.]
119:50:19 Gibson: Intrepid, Houston.
119:50:27 Conrad: Go ahead.
119:50:29 Gibson: Intrepid, plane change burn was good, and we show that you're about 1.15 behind in the Flight Plan.
119:50:40 Conrad: Okay. That's not too bad. We'll pick up [Pause.]
119:51:05 Gibson: Clipper, Houston. Will you give us P00 and Accept for lift-off REFSMMAT?
119:51:13 Gordon: Okay, you've got it.
119:53:08 Gibson: Clipper, the computer is yours.
119:53:14 Gordon: Thank you.
119:54:19 Conrad: I'd better do one thing.
119:59:39 Gibson: [Garble] sure will.
120:01:43 Gibson: Yankee Clipper, Houston.
120:01:48 Gordon: Go ahead, Houston.
120:01:50 Gibson: Dick, the burn looked real good on PGNCS. We'll be tracking you going across here, and it all looks good for the lift-off. Have a map update for you, Rev 20, when you are ready to copy.
120:02:08 Gibson: Rev 20: 120:46:53; 121:11:53; 121:33:05.
120:02:28 Gordon: Okay. I copied that.
120:02:30 Gibson: Roger, Dick.
120:02:44 Gordon: How do you want to handle this high gain antenna [garble] the way it's been acting today?
120:02:50 Gibson: Stand by on that.
120:05:57 Gibson: Yankee Clipper. Houston.
120:06:05 Gordon: Go ahead. Houston.
120:06:07 Gibson: Dick, we would like you to go to Reacq at the present time and recycle and then go back to Auto. For the sleep period, we will have you go to the Omnis.
120:08:19 Gibson: Dick, let's go back to Auto.
120:13:11 Gordon: Hello, Houston. How do you hear me now in High Gain.
120:13:14 Gibson: Dick, we got you loud and clear.
120:13:20 Gordon: Now, this thing is acting up though; watch it.
120:13:24 Gibson: Roger. And in the Reacq Mode, you went off.
120:13:30 Gordon: It won't hold it in Auto either. I got to stay in Manual.
120:13:35 Gibson: Roger, Dick [Long pause.]
120:14:18 Gibson: Say, Dick. That was a fantastic job you did on picking up the Surveyor and the LM. That was well done. Plus the burn change - the plane change on the burn. You have been doing a good job.
120:14:34 Gordon: Thank you, sir.
120:15:58 Gibson: Clipper. Omni Bravo. Clipper, Omni Bravo.
120:24:24 Gibson: Clipper, Houston. Would you confirm you're on Omni Bravo?
120:24:39 Gordon: No negative. I'm on High Gain right now. Would you like me to go to Omni Bravo?
120:24:51 Gibson: That's affirmative, Dick. Go Omni Bravo, present time.
120:33:04 Gordon: Houston, Yankee Clipper. I just got a Master Alarm on the caution and warning display.
120:33:14 Gibson: Okay, Yankee Clipper. Roger. Copy Master Alarm.
120:33:48 Gibson: Yankee Clipper, we see nothing down here. You're still looking good.
This is Apollo Control at 120 hours, 34 minutes. Yankee Clipper has 12 minutes acquisition time left in this 19th lunar revolution. The crewmen of Intrepid are recharging the portable life support systems, refilling with oxygen and getting the LM reconfigured. After they complete that, we will have a short debriefing session between the ground and the Intrepid on this first EVA. Mission Control Center flight controller teams will change shifts right after that briefing. We are estimating the Change Of Shift news conference for 11:30 a.m. Central Standard Time.
120:36:17 Gordon: Houston, [garble].
120:36:24 Gibson: Yankee Clipper, Houston. Did you call?
120:36:32 Gordon: Intrepid, [garble].
120:37:01 Gibson: Clipper, we copied that P52 torquing angle.
120:37:10 Gordon: Okay. Thank you, [garble].
120:45:51 Gibson: Yankee Clipper, 1 minute to LOS.
121:33:46 Gordon: Hello, Houston; Clipper.
121:33:50 Gibson: Yankee Clipper, Houston. Read you loud and clear.
121:33:55 Gordon: [Garble] stand by [garble] the E-memory dump [garble].
121:34:04 Gibson: Roger. Stand by on that Dick.
121:35:09 Gibson: Yankee Clipper, Houston. We're ready for the E-Mod.
121:35:18 Gordon: Here it comes.
121:35:45 Gordon: [Garble] the onboard readouts [garble] I have for the Batteries; 36.1 volts, Battery C, pyro Bat A, pyro Bat B.
121:36:05 Gibson: Roger, Intrepid. Copy 36.1 volts, and would you say which ones those apply to?
121:36:16 Gordon: Say again, Ed.
121:36:20 Gibson: Clipper you gave me a reading 36.1 volts. I didn't copy; for which batteries were you reading that out?
121:36:29 Gordon: Okay. That's three of them on battery C, pyro Bat A, and pyro Bat B.
121:36:35 Gibson: Roger. And we'll be up to you with an RCS update in a minute.
121:38:17 Gibson: Yankee Clipper, Houston.
121:38:23 Gordon: Go ahead.
121:38:25 Gibson: Dick, for the sleep period in order to get a little extra signal margin on the Omni's, we'd like first of all - you'll be turning your High Gain to Off; S-Band, Normal; Voice to Off; S-Band, Auxiliary; Tape to Off. If you have to call ground, do it on Downvoice Backup.
121:38:58 Gibson: Clipper, did you copy?
121:51:22 Gibson: Yankee Clipper, Houston.[Long pause.]
121:51:45 Gibson: Yankee Clipper, Houston.[Long pause.]
121:52:21 Gibson: Yankee Clipper, Houston.
121:52:37 Gordon: Houston, Clipper. Go ahead.
121:52:40 Gibson: Clipper, you have A-C rolls selected in the DAP. Would you verify that your A-C thrusters are also enabled?
121:52:52 Gordon: [Garble] select [garble].
121:53:02 Gibson: Dick, we also have a lift-off block data for Rev 20 through 24 when you're ready to copy and the RCS totals, if you're interested.
121:53:17 Gordon: Yes, I sure am interested in the [garble] just a second, though.
121:53:22 Gibson: Roger, Dick.
121:53:25 Gordon: Okay. Go ahead.
121:53:29 Gibson: Rev 20, T-8, 122:19:32; Rev 21, T-9, 124:17:54; 22, T-10 , 126:16:13; Rev 23, T-11, 128:14:34; Rev 24, T-12, 130:12:59. Your RCS totals at a GET of 121 plus 30 is 57.7 and Alfa through Delta are 60.7, 55.5, 58.8, 56.0.
121:54:34 Gordon: Roger. Copy. Thank you very much. Is that it for the day?
121:54:41 Gibson: You're welcome, Clipper. And say again the question.
121:54:47 Gordon: I said, "Was that it for the day?"
121:54:54 Gibson: Clipper, again you were broken; repeat the question.
121:55:02 Gordon: Okay, I guess that's it for the night, huh?
121:55:14 Gibson: Roger. That's it, Dick, except for one thing. Would you verify that your pyro Bat readings are 36.1 rather than 37.17.
121:55:26 Gordon: They are 37 - 37.1.
121:55:31 Gibson: Copy, 37.1. Thank you. We'll talk to you in the morning.
This is Apollo Control at 121 hours, 59 minutes and in Mission Control, we are changing shifts at this time. Flight Director Glynn Lunney has taken over from Flight Director Jerry Griffin. Our Capsule Communicator is astronaut Paul Weitz. Our Change of Shift press conference will begin shortly in the Houston news conference. The participants are leaving Mission Control at this time. At 121 hours, 60 minutes, 122 hours, rather, this is Mission Control, Houston.
This is Apollo Control at 122 hours, 57 minutes. During the Change of Shift Briefing we said goodnight to the crew of Intrepid and also to Dick Gordon aboard Yankee Clipper. We last heard from our Yankee Clipper at about 122 hours. The CSM has now gone behind the Moon and we're scheduled to reacquire at about 34 minutes...we said goodnight to Conrad and Bean in Intrepid at 122 hours, 37 minutes.
This is Apollo Control...we'll continue to stand by live now. We have about 24 minutes until reacquiring Dick Gordon in the Command Module and it's been about 30 minutes since we said goodnight to the crew of Intrepid on the lunar surface...at 123 hours, 9 minutes this is Apollo Control Houston.
This is Apollo Control at 124 hours, 1 minute. It has been about 1 and 1/2 hours since we said goodnight to the crew of Intrepid, Commander Pete Conrad and Lunar Module Pilot, Al Bean, and it has been about 2 hours since we last heard from Dick Gordon aboard Yankee Clipper. At Mission Control we have monitoring systems on both spacecrafts. Everything continues to look normal. Flight Director Glynn Lunney has been reviewing the status of the Extra Vehicular Mobility unit for the upcoming second EVA. We'll continue to leave the air-to-ground circuits up live should we have any conversation from the spacecraft. The scheduled wakeup time is 129 hours, 55 minutes. Pete Conrad advised before beginning the rest period that if he and Al Bean were to awake earlier than the scheduled wakeup time, they would expect to get up and get going working toward their EVA. At 124 hours, 2 minutes, this is Apollo Control, Houston.
This is Apollo Control at 125 hours, 3 minutes. The sleep period is scheduled to end about 5 hours from now. The Command Module, Yankee Clipper has been behind the Moon now for some 20 minutes. We're scheduled to reacquire in about 26 minutes from now. The last look we had at the Command Service Module, before it went behind the Moon, everything looked good. We last heard from Dick Gordon, aboard the spacecraft, at about 122 hours at which time he advised that he was beginning his rest period. And we last heard from Pete Conrad and Al Bean aboard Intrepid at 122 hours, 37 minutes. Scheduled to wake up at 129 hours, 55 minutes. We'll continue to leave the air-to-ground circuits open throughout this sleep period should we get any conversation from the crew. In Mission Control it has settled down to a very quiet period now. We've completed reviews of the portable life support systems status and activity now is involved primarily with keeping an eye on the spacecraft's systems. At 125 hours, 5 minutes this is Apollo Control Houston.
This is Apollo Control at 126 hours. We have some 4 hours left in the rest period for both the Intrepid crew and for Dick Gordon aboard the CSM, Yankee Clipper. The sleep periods scheduled to end at 129 hours, 55 minutes. We have about 41 minutes of acquisition left on Yankee Clipper. The Command Module now in its 22nd revolution of the Moon as the spacecraft came around to the front side, the EECOM engineer reported that all systems look good on the CSM. Of course we've been monitoring systems on the LM continuously since the landing and all systems there look nominal at this time. The preliminary coordinates on the landing site are 3 degrees 2 minutes, 10 seconds south, 23 degrees, 25 minutes, 5 seconds west or expressed as a decimal figure that would - be 3.036 degrees south and 23.418 degrees west. This is a preliminary figure and we expect that there would be some refinement to that, particularly after the data, which is - data during the lift-off is worked back into the assessment of the landing site. At 126 hours, 2 minutes this is Apollo Control Houston continuing to stand by.
This is Apollo Control at 127 hours, 9 minutes. We have about 19 minutes before we reacquire the Command Module, Yankee Clipper on its 23rd revolution of the Moon. A flight surgeon reports that all three crewmen are sleeping at this time. We have about a little over 2 hours, 45 minutes left in the sleep period. That sleep period is scheduled to end at 129 hours, 55 minutes. Prior to beginning the rest period, at about 122 hours, 37 minutes, Pete Conrad advised us that should he and Al Bean awaken prior to the scheduled wakeup time, they would begin preparations for Extra Vehicular Activity, and would, as he put it, go over the sill as soon as they're ready. The current orbital parameters or the Command Module, Yankee Clipper are 61.8 nautical miles or the apolune 58.7 nautical miles for perilune. The orbital period is 1 hour, 58 minutes 50 seconds. The Flight Dynamics Officer reports that the plane change maneuver performed by Yankee Clipper at 119 hours, 47 minutes and 12 seconds was nominal. The maneuver was targeted to move the ground track of the Command Module 3.8 degrees north of the present, of its previous ground track at the point it crosses lunar landing site number 7. This is to put the Command Module in plane with the Lunar Module at the time of lift-off. We're now 17 minutes from reacquiring Yankee Clipper, continuing to monitor systems on the Lunar Module. Everything continuing to look good at this time. At 127 hours, 11 minutes, this is Apollo Control, Houston.
This is Apollo Control at 128 hours, 6 minutes. We are now somewhat less than 2 hours away from the scheduled end of this sleep period. The Command Module, Yankee Clipper, will shortly be passing over landing site 7 and Intrepid, we have about 34 minutes of acquisition left with the Command Module on the path. Yankee Clipper now in its 23rd revolution of the moon. We've had no conversations with any of the crewmen on either spacecraft since they began their sleep period. Dick Gordon, we last heard from, at about 122 hours and we heard last from Pete Conrad aboard the Intrepid at about 122 hours, 37 minutes. On a couple of occasions during the sleep period, the LM environmental systems engineers reported telemetry indications that Al Bean was making minor adjustments to his suit circuit, probably for temperature control, in one case raising the temperature and in the other reducing it slightly. Other than this there has been no activity from the spacecraft and no communications. And biomedical data on Pete Conrad indicates that he is sleeping soundly. We also have minor update to the coordinates for the Intrepid landing site based on Pete Conrad's description where he thought the spacecraft had touched down. The new coordinates that we have for the LM are 3.036 degrees south and that figure shows no change from the previous one and 23.416 degrees west, which is a change from the previous 23.418. The new figure again 23.416 degree west. Using the same coordinates - system for the Surveyor spacecraft, we have it at 3.04 degrees south and 23.411 degrees west. At 128 hours, 9 minutes into the flight of Apollo 12, this is Mission Control, Houston.
This is Apollo Control at 128 hours, 51 minutes. We're still about 1 hour from the scheduled end of the sleep period. However, the flight surgeon reports some indications in the biomedical data that the crew may be beginning to stir. So, we'll be standing by live for any call from the spacecraft. The sleep period began for Dick Gordon in the Command Module, Yankee Clipper, at about 122 hours. We heard from Pete Conrad aboard the LM about 37 minutes after we last heard from Yankee Clipper or at about 122:37 Ground Elapsed Time. Conrad advised us at that time if he and Al Bean were awake and ready to go early, they would begin preparations ahead of schedule for their Extra Vehicular Activity. We're currently showing a Command Module in an orbit of an apolune of 61.8 nautical miles and a perilune of 58.7. The last figure we had on an orbital period for the Command Module was 1 hour, 58 minutes, 50 seconds. We'll be reacquiring Yankee Clipper in about 33 minutes and 30 seconds from now. At 128 hours, 53 minutes, this is Apollo Control standing by.
This is Apollo Control at 129 hours, 52 minutes. We're presently in the midst of a shift change in Mission Control. Flight Director Jerry Griffin coming on to replace Flight Director Glynn Lunney. The Capsule Communicator on this shift will be Astronaut Ed Gibson. We plan to have a Change Of Shift briefing at approximately 8:30 Central Standard Time in the Houston News Center. We have reacquired the Command Module, Yankee Clipper. We have about 46 minutes remaining before we lose contact with the Command Module, and we plan to continue to allow Dick Gordon to sleep. Pete Conrad advised that the crew will press ahead with preparations for their Extra Vehicular Activity. Beginning that activity as early as 131:30 Ground Elapsed Time or actually between 131:30 and 132...At 129 hours, 54 minutes, this is Apollo Control.