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Captions and layout Copyright © 2016 by W. David Woods. All rights reserved.
Last updated 2019-02-12

No copyright is asserted for NASA video. If a recognizable person appears in footage, use for commercial purposes may infringe a right of privacy or publicity. Videos may not be used to state or imply the endorsement by NASA or by any NASA employee of a commercial product, process or service, or used in any other manner that might mislead. Accordingly, it is requested that if a NASA video is used in advertising and other commercial promotion, its context be submitted to NASA prior to release.

NASA videos reproduced from this archive should be credited to "NASA" or "National Aeronautics and Space Administration".

Apollo 11 landing from PDI to Touchdown

An annotated portrayal of the Apollo 11 landing on the Moon with captions to explain the various stages of the descent. This is part of the Apollo Flight Journal, Apollo 11 collection.

Apollo 11 Onboard 16-mm film footage

Apollo 11 - 16-mm magazine 1116-A

The second stage of the Transposition, Docking and Extraction task begins with a glimpse of Earth as the CSM turns to face the LM, Eagle, parked in the top of the S-IVB third stage. The major part of the film shows the top of the LM growing in the field of view as the CSM approaches until the overhead window of the LM dominates. Soft dock is at 01:41. Retraction of the docking probe occurs soon after with hard dock being achieved at 01:51. This video is presented at 24 frames per second, regardless of the original shooting speed.
H.264 MOV video file.

Apollo 11 - 16-mm magazine 1118-B

Interior shots of the Apollo 11 crew filmed at variable frame rates. 00:25 Armstrong and Aldrin in the Command Module. 00:40 camera moves from the CM to the Lunar Module where Aldrin is giving the spacecraft a checkout. The lens of the TV camera is visible on the right as Armstrong is sending live video to Earth. 01:20 Collins in the Lower Equipment Bay. 01:28 Collins deals with a plethora of packages at a storage cupboard in the Lower Equipment Bay. 01:32 Collins is shaving. 01:41 Close-up of Aldrin. This video is presented at 24 frames per second, regardless of the original shooting speed.
H.264 MOV video file.

Apollo 11 - 16-mm magazine 1121-C

00:31 Lunar Module Eagle undocks from Command Service Module Columbia and performs manoeuvres to allow Michael Collins to inspect the spacecraft externally. Undocking occurs at 01:00. This video is presented at 24 frames per second, regardless of the original shooting speed. Its image has been flipped to counter the fact that it was shot into a mirror.
H.264 MOV video file.

Apollo 11 - 16-mm magazine 1122-D

00:25 Coverage of the final moments of rendezvous of the ascent stage of the Lunar Module Eagle with the Command Service Module Columbia, as filmed by Collins aboard the CSM. At the start of the filming, the LM is in the lower left third, most easily identifiable by the flash of its strobe light. 03:16 Armstrong initiates a pitch down manoeuvre to face the LM docking port towards the CSM. 03:38 Armstrong carried out an unplanned yaw manoeuvre to deal with sunlight coming in his overhead window. This causes the guidance platform to go into gimbal lock and Armstrong has to use the backup guidance system to control the spacecraft's attitude. 04:13 Earth comes into view. This video is presented at 24 frames per second, regardless of the original shooting speed. Its image has been flipped to counter the fact that it was shot into a mirror.
H.264 MOV video file.

Apollo 11 - 16-mm magazine 1123-E

Handheld footage of the Moon taken after Trans-Earth Injection. Most of the landscape in these shots is on the Moon's far side. This video is presented at 24 frames per second, regardless of the original shooting speed.
H.264 MOV video file.

Apollo 11 - 16-mm magazine 1124-F

00:31 Handheld footage of the lunar far side looking southwest towards Heaviside and Keeler (Keeler is the large crater with a prominent central peak at 00:40). 00:59 Southwestern corner of Mare Tranquillitatis, west of craters Sabine and Ritter. 01:24 Crater Godin. 02:04 Eastern end of Sinus Medii. 02:56 Handheld footage of the lunar far side taken shortly after Trans-Earth Injecton. 03:38 Crater King. 03:44 Handheld footage of Earth over lunar horizon shortly after Trans-Earth Injecton. Dark-floored crater with bright central peak is Neper. This video is presented at 24 frames per second, regardless of the original shooting speed.
H.264 MOV video file.

Apollo 11 - 16-mm magazine 1127-G

00:31 unintentional dark shots within LM cabin. 00:49 Command Service Module Columbia filmed shortly after undocking. 01:09 CSM appears abeam of Crater Anville in Mare Fecunditatis. 01:32 CSM over southern Mare Tranquillitatis, between Boot Hill and Crater Maskelyne at 01:43. 02:16 Abeam of what will later be named Crater Armstrong. 02:31 CSM appears just right of what will shortly become the Apollo 11 landing site. This video is presented at 24 frames per second, regardless of the original shooting speed.
H.264 MOV video file.

Apollo 11 - 16-mm magazine 1079-H

View from Aldrin's window of ascent from lunar surface. Note that Aldrin began filming shortly after launch. 02:25 Aldrin changes the speed of filming, probably from 12 to 6 frames per second. 02:39 The southern rim of Crater Sabine appears. 02:51 Crater Schmidt. 03:08 The oscillations in Eagle's attitude stop, probably indicating the moment of orbital insertion. The film ends just after they pass Crater Godin. This video is presented at 24 frames per second, regardless of the original shooting speed.
H.264 MOV video file.

Apollo 11 - 16-mm magazine 1080-I

00:30 Unfocused view from Aldrin's window of the CSM over the lunar landscape west of Mare Tranquillitatis, including Crater Theon Senior on the left. 00:3300:33 The Apollo 11 landing, shot from Aldrin's window at 6 frames per second. A rectified and annotated version of this footage is available, including audio and subtitles. 01:46 Boot Hill. 02:00 Begin yaw around. 03:10 Pitchover and start of P64 in the computer. 03:35 Enter P66 and fly over boulder field. 04:12 Landing. This video is presented at 24 frames per second, regardless of the original shooting speed.
H.264 MOV video file.

Apollo 11 - 16-mm magazine 1081-J

EVA footage taken from Aldrin's window. 00:18 Armstrong descends the ladder. 02:12 Armstrong steps onto the lunar surface. This video is presented at 24 frames per second, regardless of the original shooting speed.
H.264 MOV video file.

Apollo 11 - 16-mm magazine 1092-K

EVA footage taken at one frame per second from Aldrin's window of the Lunar Module. This covers the majority of the crew's time on the surface. 00:39 Armstrong gathers a contingency lunar sample. 02:14 Armstrong takes the TV camera out to its final site. 02:40 Armstrong and Aldrin begin deployment of the flag. 02:51 Armstrong photographs Aldrin next to flag. 02:55 Aldrin evaluates lunar mobility in front of TV camera. 03:03 Armstrong and Aldrin take telephone call from the US President, Richard M. Nixon. This video is presented at 24 frames per second, regardless of the original shooting speed.
H.264 MOV video file.

Apollo 11 - 16-mm magazine 1099-L

00:28 Handheld footage taken from Aldrin's window showing the Tranquility Base landing site after he and Armstrong had returned to the cabin. The discarded PLSS backpacks can be seen lying at the foot of the ladder. 00:50 View southwest through Armstrong's window towards the science experiments; the laser reflector and the seismometer. 01:37 View from the camera mount at Aldrin's window after return to lunar orbit. 01:45 Overexposed handheld shot of Earthrise. 01:56 Properly exposed handheld shot of Earthrise. 02:08 View of CSM Columbia during the final stage of rendezvous. 04:03 Command Module exterior hull taken through LM overhead window after docking.
H.264 MOV video file.

Apollo 11 - 16-mm magazine 1125-M

00:12 Various short shots, taken through a mirror, of a crescent Earth as the spacecraft approached. The western coast of Namibia is visible. 00:21 Handheld footage of a narrowing crescent Earth as the spacecraft heads into Earth's shadow. 00:36 Sun being eclipsed by Earth's atmosphere and reddening as it descends. 00:41 View through window 4 of the plasma tail during re-entry. Note additional glow at 3 minutes which may be from their second re-entry after a mild skip-out. 03:39 Underexposed parachutes.
H.264 MOV video file.

Television transmissions

Apollo 11 - Unscheduled TV - 010:32:36 GET

H.264 MOV video file.

Synchronised MCC Videos

Apollo 11 landing - Abort PADs - 100:22:05 GET

H.264 MOV video file.

Apollo 11 landing - LOS times - 101:16:17 GET

H.264 MOV video file.

Apollo 11 landing - S-band query - 101:17:07 GET

H.264 MOV video file.

Apollo 11 landing - 3 minutes to LOS - 101:25:27 GET

H.264 MOV video file.

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