Apollo 11
CSM Operations Checklist - Index
Page © 2019 by W. David Woods, Kenneth D. MacTaggart and Frank O'Brien. All rights reserved.
Last updated 2019-03-17
The CSM Operations Checklist presented here was derived from scans of Mike Collins' flown checklist, currently in the collection of the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum (Catalog number A19850133000). All of the annotations are on the original. These images are presented with permission of the Smithsonian, National Air and Space Museum subject to its terms of use policy.
Cue Cards
Flight Table of Contents
Section 1. Reference Data
F1-1 - Star List
F1-2 - Verb List
F1-3 - Verb List (continued)
F1-4 - Noun List
F1-5 - Noun List (continued)
F1-6 - Noun List (continued)
F1-7 - Noun List (continued)
F1-8 - V05 N09 Alarm Codes
F1-9 - V05 N09 Alarm Codes (continued)
F1-10 - V05 N09 Alarm Codes (continued)
F1-11 - V05 N09 Alarm Codes (continued)
F1-12 - V05 N09 Alarm Codes (continued)
F1-13 - V05 N09 Alarm Codes (continued)
F1-14 - V50 N25 Checklist Codes - V04 N06 (N12) Option Codes
F1-15 - Flag Word Listing
F1-16 - Flag Word Listing (continued)
F1-17 - Flag Word Listing (continued)
F1-18 - V60-63 Description
Section 2. G&N General
Section 3. Navigation
Section 4. Prethrust
Section 5. Thrusting
Section 6. Alignments
Section 7. Targeting
Section 8. Extended Verbs
Section 9. SCS General
Section 10. Systems Management
Section 11. LM Interface
(No Section 12)
Section 13. LOI Aborts
Section 14. Flight Emergency Procedures