This is Apollo Control at 108 hours, 16 minutes into the flight of Apollo 10. We are now about 50 seconds from reacquiring the spacecraft, now in its seventeenth revolution of the Moon. We expect when next we hear from the crew that Tom Stafford and Gene Cernan will be back in the LM - rather back in the Command Module. We'll, shortly after acquisition, be scheduled to separate the LM followed by the unmanned ascent stage burn to depletion, and we hope to have television coverage, of that event. Coming up on 15 seconds now to Acquisition Of Signal. We'll be standing by for that.
LM Telcom reports that we have good signal strength on the High Gain Antenna.
108:18:08 Stafford:: Hello, Houston. This is Charlie Brown.
108:18:11 Engle: Charlie Brown, this is Houston. We read you loud and clear. How are things going?
108:18:17 Stafford: Well, we're all back in the Command Module, the tunnel's all locked up, and we're in attitude, and standing by to Sep here when you give us the word.
108:18:28 Engle: Okay. We're looking good for Sep here, now, Tom.
108:18:35 Stafford: Okay, Joe. Now again that tunnel won't vent, so what we've done is pumped our cabin pressure up about 4 psi above it - four-tenths - and we're holding real good.
The crew have over pressurized the CM cabin to 5.4 psia to prove they have a good seal on the CM forward hatch. Any leak would become apparent in a change of the docking tunnel to CM Delta-P value.
108:18:47 Engle: Roger. Understand, Tom.
108:18:52 Young: Okay, Now, what attitude do you wish us to go to when we - after we separate. Over.
108:19:06 Engle: Okay. Charlie Brown, stand by just 1. I'll get you that. [Long pause.]
108:20:07 Engle: Charlie Brown, this is Houston. We'll get you some gimbal angles for that attitude after Sep. In the meantime, we'd like for you to, on your B Cryo H2 heaters: on tank 1, go to Auto; and on tank 2, go to Off, please.
108:20:26 Young: Roger. Now do we have a Go for Pyro Arm, here?
108:20:39 Engle: Okay. Charlie Brown, this is Houston. We're standing by for Logic. We'll give you a Go on the Pyro Arm here in just a minute.
108:20:50 Young: I got the Logic off. You want me to turn it on?
108:20:56 Engle: Roger, Charlie Brown. Go ahead and turn it on.
The SECS Logic breakers on panel 8 must be closed, and switches also on panel 8, in the Logic position so that MCC-H can verify that the power has been connected on logic buses A&B before the pyros are armed.
108:20:58 Young: Okay, We're armed.
108:21:03 Young: Okay. [Pause.]
108:21:14 Engle: Okay. Charlie Brown, this is Houston. We got your switches on, now.
108:21:21 Young: Roger. [Pause.]
108:21:30 Engle: Charlie Brown, this is Houston. Your gimbal angles for attitude after Sep are: roll, 180; pitch, 252; and yaw, three balls.
108:21:52 Cernan: Roger. Roll, 180; pitch, 252; and yaw is all balls.
108:21:57 Engle: That's affirmative.
CSM and LM pre-jettison attitude.
108:22:01 Young: And when do you want us to separate, Joe?
108:22:09 Engle: Okay. Want - We can go ahead and separate now. Charlie Brown.
108:22:19 Young: Okay.
Comm break.
108:24:15 Stafford: Okay, Houston. We'll give you a countdown. We're all set to go for Sep. Right?
108:24:19 Engle: That's affirmative, Charlie Brown. We're standing by for your count.
108:24:29 Stafford: Okay. Give you a five count. 4, 3, 2, 1.
108:24:37 Stafford: Fire. [Pause.]
The final switch to be thrown to jettison the LM and the docking collar is the CSM/LM Final switch 1 or 2 on panel 2. Either switch 1 or 2 can be used.
CSM/LM Final Sep 1 switch - CM panel 2.
The switch is a spring loaded toggle switch, which is held in the down position to trigger detonation of the explosive ring charge that runs around the docking collar to sever it from the CM docking tunnel forward bulkhead. See the diagrams below.
Close up detail of the explosive ring charge that servers the docking collar.
The separation plane of the docking collar.
16-mm film of the LM Snoopy jettison with synchronised audio.
108:28:50 Stafford: Hello, Houston. Charlie Brown.
108:28:52 Engle: Roger, Charlie Brown. Go ahead.
108:28:57 Stafford: Okay. Look, let's take a quick look at these orbital mechanics. When we separated Orb Rate, he was straight up, and he had that 5 psi on the tunnel; and he took off like a scalded rock, straight up. Okay?
108:29:08 Engle: Roger that.
108:29:10 Stafford: Now, if we go to this attitude, do you want us to - Okay. Now when we go to this attitude we're going to be looking down local vertical. All right?
108:29:19 Engle: Roger.
108:29:20 Stafford: Now he's up above us some place, and I don't know where. Now, do you want us to thrust down?
108:29:27 Engle: Okay. Stand by, Charlie Brown. We're running this thing through right now.
108:29:35 Stafford: Yeah. Because we don't want to see Snoopy come back here with a full head of steam.
108:29:41 Young: It's not nothing you have to make an immediate decision about.
108:29:49 Young: You still have plenty of time.
Comm break.
108:31:15 Engle: Charlie Brown, this is Snoopy - Charlie Brown, this is Houston.
108:31:21 Stafford: Yeah. I hope this is Houston. We're going to try to pick Snoop up on our VHF ranging, but go ahead.
108:31:27 Engle: Okay [laughing]. You didn't leave anybody in there did you, Tom?
108:31:33 Stafford: No. I don't think so.
108:31:37 Engle: Okay. This is Houston again. Tom, what we want you to do is to - in the attitude that you're going to now, this attitude we passed up to you We want you to burn plus-X instead of minus-X, and this should give you separation based on this velocity, which we think is due to that pressure in the tunnel; and, also, we want you to Enable Bravo 3 and Charlie 4 jets.
108:32:08 Stafford: Okay. Bravo 3 and Charlie 4. Okay. Now this is what I thought, too. But when we separated that attitude, Snoop took off in a vertical climb like mad so were going down and out in front of him, and so if we go down and thrust plus-X, that'll take us down even further and out in front. Over. Does your FIDO agree with that?
108:32:37 Engle: I think they do, Tom. They're kind of scratching their heads right, now. Roger on that. And the reason that Snoopy took off were showing that he vented all the pressure out of the cabin. We think that vented out through the tunnel, and that probably gave him some Delta-V.
During the LM ascent stage separation from the Command Module, the Lunar Module cabin pressure dropped rapidly, as measured by three separate transducers. Telemetry data were lost for 12 seconds beginning at the initiation of separation. The cabin pressure was 4.86 psia at the initiation of separation and 0.70 psia at the end of the telemetry dropout and continued to decay slowly.
Motion pictures of the final separation were taken from the Command Module. A brown material, shown projecting from the tunnel and flapping, was the insulation around the Command Module docking ring. The Lunar Module hatch was closed in the first frame in which it was visible. This frame was taken 2 seconds after initiation of separation.
The film was used for determining a history of relative separation distance between the Command Module and the Lunar Module. A time history of relative acceleration, or the required pressure force, was then estimated from the data. The maximum acceleration of 50 ft/sec/sec (15 m/sec/sec) shown is considerably in excess of the acceleration caused by separation pyrotechnic effects. However, the acceleration history can be obtained by dumping the cabin pressure in the first 0.3 second of separation. A 4-psi drop in cabin pressure in 0.3 second requires a constant venting area of 290 square inches (0.187 m2). The impulse from dumping cabin pressure through the hatch is consistent with the direction and magnitude of the Lunar Module velocity change (5 ft/sec in minus X direction, 1.5 m/s) noted from the flight data. Further, the upper hatch is the only item on top of the Lunar Module that could open and close, allowing the cabin to vent while satisfying the pressure history. The hatch has a maximum area of 838 square inches (0.54 m2), which is more than enough to vent the cabin from 4.8 to less than 1.0 psia in 0.3 second.
The events postulated to vent the cabin are as follows. The hatch differential pressure resulting from the pyrotechnic firing broke the hatch latch and allowed the cabin to vent through the docking tunnel. The outflow closed the hatch 0.3 second after separation but did not seal it completely. The remaining gap of about 1.4 square inches (9.03 cm2) allowed a slight pressure decrease, as indicated by cabin pressure data.
The hatch and latch assembly was statically pressure-tested to failure. At a differential pressure of 4.1 psi, the latch failed.
On Apollo 9, the cabin pressure was maintained after separation. The only difference between Apollo 9 and 10 was that the Apollo 10 tunnel could not be vented because the vent line was blocked. At the time the separation pyrotechnics were fired on Apollo 9, the tunnel pressure was less than the Lunar Module cabin pressure; thus, the dynamic pressure in the tunnel was not sufficient to fail the hatch latch. On Apollo 10, with the tunnel pressurized to 4.86 psia, the differential pressure when the pyrotechnics were fired was enough to fail the latch. In summary, the analyses indicate that the loading on the Lunar Module hatch at separation exceeded the capability of the latch. The hatch then opened and closed resulting in a separation distance and relative accelerations as shown in figures below.
LM jettison relative distance/time plot.
LM jettison acceleration plot.
Stafford is now concerned that having lost sight of the LM Snoopy ascent stage, he wants to be sure not to re-rendezvous with the LM. The Flight Plan calls for the separation manoeuvre to be away from the centre of the Moon. This was the vector that the LM ascent stage disappeared along, so Stafford understandably is reluctant to follow in the same direction. MCC-H, having considered the dynamics of the LM jettison, agrees with Stafford's analysis, and amends the separation manoeuvre to down toward the centre of the Moon. This will require the CSM Charlie Brown RCS to burn upward, away from the Moon, lowering the CSM orbit.
108:32:56 Stafford: We had the hatch valve in Auto, set right and everything. Everything was squared away for Snoop.
108:33:09 Engle: Roger. We may have some problem with some of that stuff sticking in valves, Tom.
108:33:16 Stafford: Well, I would believe that. It was like a snow storm when Snoop took off [laughing]. You wouldn't believe it.
108:33:21 Engle: [Laughter] I bet that's right.
108:33:26 Cernan: And it was right into the Sun, babe, right into the Sun. How soon do you want to do this burn?
108:33:37 Engle: We want to sit tight for a little while here. We got about another 20 minutes before we want to burn. [Long pause.]
108:34:02 Engle: Charlie Brown, this is Houston. We're firming up all of these things on attitudes and burns for you. We want to make sure we've got everything right before we torch off Snoopy.
108:34:14 Stafford: Yeah. Thank you. I think we'll be in good shape thrusting down, but that initial callout looks like we were just trying to make another high sight on him if we were going to use minus-X.
108:34:25 Engle: [Laughter.] Okay.
108:34:26 Young: It's really impossible to hit him if you aim to hit him, anyway. [Long pause.]
108:35:14 Engle: Charlie Brown, this is Houston.
108:35:19 Cernan: Yes, sir.
108:35:21 Engle: Roger. Charlie Brown, while these troops are getting all their numbers all confirmed here, let me pass up some other data to you. Weve got a new sleep attitude we want you to go to. This is to cool [RCS] quad A; and the attitude roll is 090; pitch, 210; yaw, 000. And in that attitude, we'd like the High Gain Antenna, pitch to minus 5, yaw to 231.
108:36:01 Cernan: Okay. And this sleep attitude is: roll, 090; pitch, 210; yaw, three balls; and High Gain: pitch, minus 5; and yaw, 231.
108:36:11 Engle: Roger. That's right Gene-o. In addition, tonight we'd like a waste-water dump, and we'd like it at your convenience; that can be at any time. Down to 25 percent again.
108:36:26 Cernan: Okay, Joe. Almost everything, including going to bed, is going to have to be at our convenience before we get out of suits and things.
108:36:32 Engle: Yes. Okay. And, did you happen to notice the docking angle when you came back through the tunnel; and, also, did you get that big old canister back on board?
108:36:44 Stafford: Yes, Joe. We got the canister on board and John greased it in again. The roll angle was plus one-tenth.
108:36:53 Engle: Okay. Plus one-tenth; that's pretty darn good.
108:36:58 Young: You don't believe that do you, Joe?
108:37:01 Engle: I believe that, John.
108:37:04 Young: It's the guy - It's the guy that aligned it that made it that way.
108:37:09 Engle: I don't believe that, John.
108:37:10 Cernan: It's got a sliding scale in the tunnel; we put it anywhere - It's got a sliding scale in the tunnel; we put it anywhere we want to.
108:37:17 Engle: That I believe. [Long pause.]
108:37:34 Engle: And, Charlie Brown, this is Houston. In your configuration - In your sleep configuration, we want you to Disable C and D quads with the Auto RCS Select; in the DAP we want you to fail C and D and select AC roll in DAP.
108:38:01 Engle: And, Charlie Brown, this is Houston. We want you to go ahead and initiate your plus-X, 2-foot per second in X, now.
108:38:14 Cernan: Roger. Okay. I'll get that quad stuff back here after we do this, Joe.
108:41:03 Engle: Okay. We want you to enable all quads: that will be five 1's in your DAP. [Long pause.]
108:41:36 Stafford: Okay. We got 2.1 on plus-X, here. Read our DSKY: X is 2.1, Y is 0.1, and Z is minus 0.1 [fps]. Over. [X, 0.64; Y, 0.03; Z, -0.03 m/s].
108:43:46 Engle: Okay, Tom. We copy; and verify on the...
108:43:48 Young: And 1.9 [fps, 0.58 m/s] on the EMS.
108:43:51 Engle: 1.9. Roger.
108:43:54 Young: And 1.9 on the EMS.
Comm break.
108:44:58 Engle: Charlie Brown, this is Houston. We show you separating, and we'll keep you posted on countdown on the ignition. In the meantime, I've got a map update to send to you and also, some data for your photography when you're ready to copy.
108:45:15 Stafford: Roger. Look, we're kind of bushed right now, and we don't need any more photography for today, Joe. Over.
108:45:22 Engle: Okay. [Pause.]
108:45:29 Stafford: Yes. It's going to take us a couple of hours to get out of the suits and to get all the spacecraft squared away and all the stowage squared away, and we've had a long day, so we want to - and we got a lot of landmark tracking, to do tomorrow, so we'd just like to call it quits. Over.
108:45:45 Young: Yes. We're still set up to do the contingency EVA. We've got the couches stowed and everything.
Prior to the LM separation, Young configured the CM cabin for a potential contingency EVA, should they not be able to redock or use the docking tunnel for crew transfer between the two spacecraft. This preparation involved stowing the crew couches and installing guard rails on the main display panels to facilitate crew ingressing the CM through the main hatch, in pressurized PGAs, in a vacuum. This equipment needs to be removed and the cabin reconfigured for re-occupation by all three crew members.
Young mentioned how busy he had been during the solo operations during the post mission crew debriefing.
Young, from the 1969 Technical debrief: "I'd like to say something about that entire day. That entire day, I had time to eat a couple of glasses of juice in the morning, no lunch, and a couple of pieces of food at night. That is all the time there was for eating. There wasn't any time during the rendezvous, and that is just the way it was. But I wasn't particularly hungry because we were so bloated."
Young (continued): "One of the major problems that we encountered in the Command Module during the entire day, as far as operations were concerned, was moving around in the pressure suit with those hoses on. It was a continual struggle from the left seat to the Lower Equipment Bay and also over to the right seat to perform periodic systems checks. It seemed like I was always fighting the hoses. Finally, I got used to it and found that it would be much easier if you just took things slow and easy. You'd get things done a lot faster than if you got all excited about tangling up in your hoses. You had to continually pay attention to avoid being wrapped up in your hoses and getting all tangled up. It was our intention to lower the right X-X strut. In the simulator, we found that we could not operate in the spacecraft with the hoses on the right X-X strut attached because, with the spacecraft prepared for the contingency EVA, it took much too long to get in and out of the couch and go back and forth. But, in zero gravity, it was simple matter to slide in and out of the left couch and slowly push your way down to the Lower Equipment Bay without disconnecting the X-X strut. I'd recommend that as little of the spacecraft be taken apart as possible. The preparation for the contingency EVA was accomplished in an estimated 10 minutes. It's a very simple matter to unstow and to uninstall and stow the center couch and to make the associated changes, such as installing suit hose in it and making such changes to the hatch. It's all listed in our checklist. It would have taken us an additional 10 minutes or so to do the rest of the changes which consisted of completely venting the hatch and removing the pit pin to do the contingency EVA."
108:45:51 Engle: Roger. We concur on that. One item I want to send up to you though, in case you start to charge batteries in the morning before we get in contact with you, we're going to start charging A instead of B, but we'll give you a call first thing, and when you wake up.
108:46:08 Cernan: I'll wait to talk to you in the morning before I do that. huh?
108:46:11 Engle: That will be fine, Gene.
108:46:12 Young: I wish they'd have...
108:46:17 Young: And anytime tonight if one or the other of those quads starts to heat up and we need to change the attitude, for crying out loud, call us and tell us.
108:46:26 Engle: Okay. We sure will, John.
108:46:30 Stafford: Houston, this is Charlie Brown here. What's the analysis on that quad A; are we near the fracture mechanics limits? It looks like it may be starting to cool off a little bit on the gauge and come down maybe to about 390 degrees (°F, 199°C). Could you give us a quick synopsis?
108:46:46 Engle: We sure will. Just a minute, Tom; I'll get it.
108:46:51 Stafford: Okay.
Comm break.
108:48:45 Young: Hey, Houston, this is Charlie Brown.
108:48:49 Engle: Go ahead, Charlie Brown.
108:48:56 Young: I'm glad they don't put them days one on top of each other, I'll tell you that.
108:48:59 Engle: Boy, you guys had a real one today, but you sure did good work.
108:49:05 Cernan: That's not a bad day's work for four and a quarter, is it?
108:49:10 Young: And those machines have been doing the work. They really were slick.
108:49:16 Stafford: Yes. And we also had a lot of good help from you down on the ground, and we sure appreciate it. I thought the total system and everything what the flight was for to test the system turned out real well. We still had some rough spots and some comms and a few other things, but, by and large, the whole system pulled it off. And it made us real happy, but needless to say were a little bit tired tonight. Over.
108:49:35 Engle: Well, we can sure understand that, Tom, and we concur with everything you say.
108:49:43 Cernan: Hey, Joe, tell - I'll buy a super FIDO and super GUIDO a beer for the CSI burn.
108:49:50 Engle: Roger that. [Pause.]
This is Mission Control...
108:50:02 Young: And our new model in this thing is really a slicky, boy. It knows right where it's going all the time. Both those - all those solutions were just - shoot, you could just flip the coin and picked any of them. [Long pause.]
This is Apollo Control. We're assuming, based on Tom Stafford's remark that the crew is quite tired, that we will not be getting the TV transmission that had been scheduled during the APS burn to depletion.
108:50:40 Engle: Okay. Charlie Brown, this is Houston. We show you about 2,000 feet [600 meters] separation on Snoopy, now, and we'll keep you posted on - on our ignition. And on this quad A, we're showing about 129 [°F, 54°C] temperature - package temperature on the ground here, Tom. Did you say you're reading 390?
108:51:06 Young: Not the package temperature, the helium tank temperature.
108:52:01 Engle: Okay, Charlie Brown. This is Houston. We've had ullage; armed the engine.
108:52:10 Cernan: Where is it?
108:52:15 Engle: Okay. We got ignition on Snoopy, Charlie Brown.
The LM Snoopy APS burn to depletion ignition occurred at 108:52:05.5 and the burn was completed at 108:56:14.5; total Delta-V, 3,713.4 fps (1,131.8 m/s), placing the ascent stage in solar orbit.
108:52:21 Cernan: Hey, I may see it out there; I'm not sure but I think I do. I do!
108:52:25 Engle: Very good.
108:52:30 Cernan: I'll see if I can tell you when he burns out. That's a long burn, though, isn't it? 4 minutes.
108:52:36 Engle: Yes, Can you tell which way he's going?
108:52:41 Cernan: Babe, it's just fire to me; I think he's going up, but see, I'm not rightsideup either, but...
108:53:02 Cernan: He's going, Joe. As long as I can see the fire, I guess he's going the other way.
108:53:09 Engle: Roger. From down here he looks like he's doing real good, Gene-o.
Comm break.
108:54:23 Cernan: Hey, Joe, would he be burning away from us, sort of like maybe his attitude is local horizontal or close to it?
108:54:32 Engle: Charlie Brown, this is Houston. That's affirmative. He should be going in that direction.
108:54:38 Cernan: Yes. I got him out my right-hand window here; he's getting smaller, and he's still on fire. How much more burn time has he got?
108:54:44 Engle: Stand by, and I'll find out.
108:54:46 Cernan: Hey, he just went out. It just went out.
108:54:55 Engle: Okay. We've got him still burning...
108:54:57 Cernan: Maybe it's because the Sun went down.
108:55:00 Engle: Yes. Maybe. We got him still burning Gene-o, and about 40 seconds of burn time yet.
108:55:06 Cernan: Okay. Maybe I - that looked like him; maybe it wasn't.
108:55:13 Engle: Deke says he thinks he may have turned around and probably burning back at you now.
108:55:17 Cernan: [Garble] No, I fixed those switches so he couldn't do that. I'm glad to see that he's burning; that I didn't screw up or something in there.
108:55:29 Engle: Roger.
108:55:33 Cernan: I'm trying - I'm trying to remember now what I forgot in there - what I left in there, my helmet or something.
108:55:41 Engle: The way he took off...
108:55:42 Cernan: [Garble] do you?
108:55:43 Engle: doesn't look like you left very much in there at all.
108:55:51 Cernan: Man, we had PLSSs and probes and drogues and all sorts of things on there. How far will you be able to track him?
108:56:09 Engle: Probably for several hours.
108:56:15 Cernan: Is he really going to the Sun?
108:56:20 Engle: Well, he's going in that general direction.
108:56:25 Cernan: God, I feel sort of bad about that, because he's a pretty nice guy; he treated us pretty well today.
108:56:32 Engle: Roger. That's affirm. [Pause.]
108:56:40 Young: That's what I talk about using up a piece of hardware, though, aint it.
108:56:44 Engle: Roger that. [Long pause.]
This is Apollo Control. We show that we achieved a velocity of about 3,700 feet per second [1,128 m/s] from that burn. The nominal burn time would have been around 3 minutes 34 seconds and we'll have some refinements to that later. In order to conclude the change of shift press conference that was in progress when this pass began, we will take the circuit down and record any subsequent communications with the spacecraft and play those back to you following the completion of the change of shift press conference. This is Apollo Control at 108 hours, 58 minutes.
108:57:40 Engle: Okay, Charlie Brown. This is Houston, Snoopy did a real good job burning, and we're still tracking him real good. Getting good data from him, and we're going to let you go ahead and start through your pre-sleep checklist, and I'll try to keep the calls to a minimum until just prior to LOS.
108:58:01 Young: Roger. Joe, should we go to sleep attitude now? Is that okay with you? [Pause.]
108:58:18 Engle: Stand by, Charlie Brown. I'm trying to find out now. [Pause.]
108:58:30 Engle: Charlie Brown, Houston. Roger. You can go ahead and go into your sleep attitude any time you want to, now.
108:58:37 Young: Roger. [Long pause.]
108:59:28 Slayton: Apollo 10, Houston.
108:59:33 Young: Go ahead. Over.
108:59:38 Slayton: Roger, 10. That was a beautiful job today. If you do half that well tomorrow, we'll let you come home.
108:59:48 Young: We'll do better than that tomorrow.
108:59:50 Slayton: Okay.
108:59:54 Cernan: Thank you, Deke. We'll probably be ready by then, too.
108:59:58 Slayton: Yes. Get a good night's sleep; you can use it. [Pause.]
109:00:06 Cernan: Actually, like Tom said, there's a lot of people who did a good job, and, I'll tell you, these vehicles, so far - That little Snoopy was a real winner.
109:00:15 Slayton: We concur.
109:00:18 Young: And big Charlie Brown - And big Charlie Brown is no slouch either. [Long pause.]
109:00:36 Engle: Charlie Brown, this is Houston. I hate to bother you, but if you'll give us the computer, we'd like to update your state vector.
109:00:47 Young: Roger. You want it in the middle of this maneuver, or can you wait until we finish, or not?
109:00:54 Engle: We can wait till you finish, John. My error. I didn't notice you were maneuvering there.
109:01:03 Young: Okay. I don't think...
Long comm break.
109:09:32 Young: Houston, Apollo 10. You have the computer.
109:09:35 Engle: Apollo 10, ready.
109:09:36 Young: P00 and Accept.
109:09:40 Engle: Apollo 10. Roger. [Long pause.]
109:10:13 Engle: Apollo 10, did you get our Roger?
109:10:19 Young: I got it twice. [Long pause.]
109:10:38 Young: That's an interesting point about the communications, today. Sometimes I was hearing myself speak and, also, Gene and Tom speak twice. I don't understand all that.
109:10:56 Engle: I'm not so sure either, John, unless maybe we were getting some relay modes in there today, and I think - yes, that comm guys are nodding their heads yes - We were getting some relay modes, where probably you were coming down to the ground and getting fed back to yourself.
109:11:17 Young: Oh.
109:11:21 Engle: Let me give you one instance, that I think I know that happened: When Charlie was on, and you weren't able to reach Snoopy, and in order to read him, Charlie would key his mike down here. What would happen, is you'd come down to the ground - you'd come down to us and back up to Snoopy, but you'd hear yourself coming back up with about a 3-second delay; and it probably sounded like a pretty good echo.
109:11:49 Young: Okay. Well, I understand that. That's a good capability to have, to be able to ground relay like that. [Long pause.]
109:12:42 Engle: And, Charlie Brown, this is Houston. I guess when you have these little intermittent times when you were hearing yourself talk, that probably was the result of this same configuration being brought up inadvertently, when maybe you were trying to talk to Snoopy, and we didn't know it at the time and tried to make a transmission and were keyed for a few seconds. We would do the same thing; you'd relay down here and back to yourself for a short period of time there. [Long pause.]
109:13:50 Engle: Charlie Brown, this is Houston, We're through with the computer now; you can go back to Block. It's all yours for the night.
109:21:17 Engle: And, also, Charlie Brown, on your quad A, we're showing less than 100 degrees [°F, 37°C] right now on the temperature and going, down, so we feel that there's no problem on that over temperature on the con - on that quad.
Comm break.
109:23:32 Engle: Charlie Brown, this is Houston.
109:23:39 Young: Go ahead. Over.
109:23:40 Engle: Okay. I just wanted to hit you with a couple of things before you go around the corner. First off, looks like you've got a real good, tight cabin there, in case there's any doubt in your mind of the stuff being in the seal. What we're looking at right now, and kind of thinking about, and going to let you think about it on this pass, and then pick you up if you're still awake on the - when we come around to AOS next time, that's thinking about giving you 4 more hours of sleep tonight. Right now we're already down to 6 to 7 hours of sleep, and we figured after the long day today, it might be good to - if you want it, to have a longer sleep period tonight. And what we'd do is just eat into the rest period down the line there. We've got about two rev's there, you know, where we can eat into without any problem.
109:24:27 Young: Yes. I think, after today, tomorrow just can't be hard. I'll tell you, these pressure suits, even in zero gravity, are something else.
109:24:37 Engle: What was that in zero gravity you said, John?
109:24:44 Young: I said these pressure suits are something else, even in zero gravity.
109:24:48 Engle: Roger. I can imagine that. Well, listen, it'll - You won't be asleep before you come AOS next time, will you?
109:24:58 Young: I probably won't sleep at all tonight.
109:25:01 Engle: [Laughter.] Okay. Well, what I'm getting at is, you can think about it, talk it over, and see if you'd like to do that, or if you want to now, we can go ahead and start building the Flight Plan around that, but if you want to do that, we can work on revising the Flight Plan while you're asleep tonight then.
109:25:21 Young: Okay. Let me talk it over with my compatriots here.
109:25:24 Engle: That'll be fine. No rush; we got about 3 minutes and 45 seconds until AOS - until LOS, and we can catch you coming around the corner next time if you want.
109:27:41 Engle: Okay, Charlie Brown. This is Houston. We show about a minute and a half until LOS. And we'll expect to hear from you coming around on the other side. However, I will wait for a call from you.
109:27:57 Young: All right. Thank you. [Long pause.]
109:28:51 Engle: Okay, Charlie Brown. We're just about to lose you. We'll see you at 110:15. That's about 46 minutes from now.
Very long comm break.
And we have Loss Of Signal. We'll be reacquiring Apollo 10 again in 46 minutes. At that time the spacecraft will be in its 18th revolution of the Moon, and we expect that the crew will still be up. They advise that they have a fair amount of activity to get the spacecraft ready for the sleep period, and to complete unsuiting and having their evening meal before beginning the sleep period, so we expect that we will hear from them again as they come back around on the other side of the Moon in the 18th revolution. We have some additional information on that APS burn to depletion. The burn began at 108 hours, 52 minutes, 2 seconds. A total burn time was 3 minutes, 31 seconds and that gave us a Delta-V, a change in velocity of 3,799 feet per second for the LM ascent stage. The burn was targeted to put the LM ascent stage into a solar orbit and we assume that that has been achieved. We won't have a good idea, as to what orbit it has gone into until we've had a chance to get some tracking data on the LEM. During the conversation with the crew, Capcom Joe Engle advised them that if they desired, we would be able to add four hours to their sleep cycle tonight to make up for the amount of time that we have already cut into that sleep period, and that we would make up the time line during sleep periods later on in the mission. At 109 hours, 31 minutes; this is Apollo Control, Houston.
This is Apollo Control at 110 hours, 15 minutes into the flight of Apollo 10. We're less than a minute now until acquiring the spacecraft now in its 18th revolution of the Moon. The crew is scheduled to be in their sleep period at this time. However before we had Loss Of Signal on the previous revolution we gave Tom Stafford the option of adding four hours to the sleep period to make up for the time that has been lost due to the additional activities, and getting a little bit of a late start - actually finishing up late with some of the activities relating to the LM rendezvous and APS burn to depletion. And Stafford advised that he would talk it over with his fellow crewmen and let us know when we had Acquisition Of Signal on this revolution. So we anticipate that the crew will still be up and will probably be beginning their sleep period on this revolution. We should have Acquisition Of Signal by now. We will stand by for CapCom Joe Engle to put in a call to the crew.
110:17:55 Cernan: Houston, Houston. This is Apollo 10. Over.
110:17:59 Engle: Hey, Apollo 10, this is Houston. How are you guys doing?
110:18:05 Cernan: I bet you thought we were sleeping. We were just getting dressed for the occasion.
The crew was extremely pleased to take off their pressure suits. They are a necessary evil, but far from comfortable, even in zero-gravity.
110:18:10 Engle: Okay. [Pause.]
110:18:16 Cernan: I got some dope for you.
110:18:18 Engle: You go ahead with the dope. [Pause.]
110:18:25 Cernan: Okay, Joe. At a GET of 110:15, battery C read 37 volts; Pyro Batt A, 37; Pyro Batt B, 37; RCS ring [means quad] A says 60 percent; B is 78, Charlie is 72, and Delta in 67. The canister change has been made. The fans have been cycled. And [garble].
110:20:08 Cernan: Joe, are you still there?
110:20:09 Engle: Roger, Charlie Brown. We're standing by. We got all your readouts so far, all the way down to the fans cycled. Have you anything more?
110:20:19 Cernan: Yes. We got a dosimeter reading: CDR is 26038, the CMP is 05308, and the LMP is 15040; and on the CDR, that was 26039.
110:20:46 Engle: Okay. We got all that, Gene.
110:20:55 Cernan: And the crew status is tired, and happy, and hungry, and thirsty, and horny, and all those other things.
110:21:15 Engle: Roger. We copy everything, and we've solutions and pills for everything but item 4 [means 5].
110:21:28 Cernan: You're in trouble when I get back anyway.
110:21:33 Engle: But we just didn't want you to forget what the good things are like back on Earth, Gene-o.
110:21:44 Cernan: How can I? I keep looking at this Flight Plan.
110:21:50 Engle: Okay. Roger.
110:21:51 Cernan: We dumped the waste water, and we dropped it down to 20 - We dropped it down to 22 per cent, Joe. But I guess that's all right, huh?
110:21:58 Engle: Roger. That's Okay. [Pause.]
110:22:07 Cernan: Now, what else can we do for you?
110:22:09 Engle: Well, let's see, Gene-o. You can give us a pill report, and I guess you haven't had time to take any today. And, also, let us know if you've made the water taste bad [chlorinating the drinking water] for tomorrow. And, also, you can zero the Command Module optics. And I can't think of anything else right now.
110:22:32 Cernan: You want us to zero the Command Module optics. We will chlorinate the water last thing, and we didn't take any pills yet.
110:22:40 Engle: Okay. We kind of figured that. And, let me ask you about - Let me ask you about this proposed change for the Flight Plan for tomorrow, in other words, adding a couple of hours onto your sleep tonight. Would - Did you guys get a chance to talk that over. Do you want to do that?
110:23:03 Stafford: I'll tell you. Okay, Joe. What time would that - how many hours would that get us up from - like, what's our proposed get-up time now. Over.
110:23:20 Engle: Okay, Tom. Your proposed get-up time is - Let's see. It looks like 117:30, about. And we'd add 2 hours onto that. Okay. I just got the word. We can make that 3 to 4 hours, if we wanted to.
110:23:54 Stafford: How about standing by for one, Joe.
110:23:56 Engle: Okay, Tom. We sure will. In other words, right now you're looking at about 7 hours from now for wake-up time, which - I don't know how soon you're ready to go to sleep, but that would give you something like 6½ of sleep. I'm guessing. And we could add 4 hours on to that 3 to 4 hours, which would give you 9 to 10 hours of sleep. That, incidentally, is not going to compr...
110:24:19 Stafford: Okay, Stand by.
110:24:22 Engle: Roger. That, incidentally, will not compromise anything that we've got planned. We just - We got some pad time on down in the Flight Plan as you know.
110:24:37 Stafford: All right, that was the rest period in the middle of the day, there.
110:25:52 Stafford: Hey, Joe. This is Charlie Brown. We think we'll take you up on that and sleep in for at least2 hours longer, which will give us about 9 hours. I think we need it.
110:26:09 Engle: Roger. We sure copy on that, Tom, and we'll go ahead and - I'll tell you what we'll do. We'll go ahead and plan work a Flight Plan around giving you an extra 4 hours. And if you want to crank up earlier, we'll see what we can do about that - cranking early in the morning then, because think you could probably use that rest, too. You guys had a whale of a day, today.
110:26:33 Stafford: Yes. [Laughter.] That was quite a day. You don't do that every day. [Laughter.] And why don't we play it like that, so what - give us what your proposed wake-up time is; and, just like this morning we got up a little early, give us the hours for proposed wake-up time; we may beat that. Over.
110:26:52 Engle: Okay. Stand by just a second, Tom. I'll get it for you here. [Long pause.]
110:27:19 Engle: Charlie Brown, this is Houston. Tom, you sound like you could use a fountain of vigor about now.
110:27:27 Stafford: Yes. Would you believe about two of them.
110:27:32 Engle: I don't know what you'd do with them after you got them though.
110:27:38 Stafford: Just throw them up, Joe.
110:27:41 Engle: Roger that.
110:27:44 Cernan: Can you uplink something like that, Joe?
110:27:47 Stafford: Yes. Could you uplink something like that?
110:27:52 Engle: We did our best in the Flight Plans and tool kits and stuff like that.
110:27:59 Stafford: Yes. We noticed that on the LRL, there. Say, just wanted to ask you a question, too. How did the TV look? We haven't even had time to even think about it. Over.
110:28:11 Engle: Say again. How did the TV look you say?
110:28:16 Stafford: Roger, how did the TV look during that station - official station keeping? Over.
110:28:21 Engle: Roger, That was outstanding today. That was really good. Really had a lot of good detail and man, that color, Tom Well, I don't know what to use for words, but you'll have to wait until you get back. That really is going over.
110:28:37 Stafford: Okay. But you can really pick up the silver and the black and the flag and all that on the LEM, then? Over.
110:28:47 Engle: Roger. Let's see, I don't know that we picked up the LEM, but we sure got - Yes, the ascent stage was really great. We could pick up the colors on it all right. The Mylar showed up real good.
Comm break.
110:30:50 Cernan: Hey, Joe. Where do you suppose Snoopy is by now?
110:30:54 Engle: Stand by. I'll get a readout on that, Gene-o. He's still sailing along. I think - Let me check. Yeah. We're still tracking him. Let me get some words on how far out he is. [Long pause.]
110:31:24 Engle: 10, just for your info, we show about 9.7 foot a second [2.95 m/s] separation, and we think it was just from that cabin venting on Snoopy after you'd separated.
110:31:40 Stafford: Yes. Well, you know he - up there's where our hatch has this insulation that's been bothering us, itching us, you know and stored in both cabins. And when Snoopy took off, that insulation just exploded all over the place just like a snowstorm around the Moon. And out of the midst of the snowstorm came Snoopy taking off. [Laughter.]
110:32:00 Engle: [Laughter.] He did? [Laughter.] [Long pause.]
110:32:15 Stafford: Houston, 10. Did you say that Snoopy's cabin pressure went down to zero? Over.
110:32:20 Engle: That's affirmative, Tom. It went all the way down. Down to zero in 10 seconds, Tom.
110:32:31 Cernan: Hey, Joe. I went back in a second time to make sure that dump valve was in Auto, so it - Something must have happened, because it was in Auto.
110:32:44 Engle: Yes. I copy. It was probably that forward hatch you got in the Command Module with you. That may have had something to do with it.
110:33:14 Stafford: Hello, Houston. Apollo 10. Well, I guess Snoop performed real well with respect to the propulsion objectives that we had for it, didn't it, when you let it off? Over.
110:33:25 Engle: Roger that. He sure did, Tom.
110:33:30 Stafford: Well, real good. We got one heck of a lot of data today, that's for sure.
110:33:35 Engle: Boy, Roger that.
110:33:41 Cernan: Joe, if you want a LEM simulation ride, with your two kids get - put a big - a big metal bowl on your head and beat on it with spoons.
110:33:50 Engle: [Laughter.] Okay. [Pause.]
110:33:57 Stafford: Joe, I guess I've flown well over a hundred different types of aircraft, and that made my third spacecraft; but of all of them, I've never heard anything as noisy as Snoopy. It was too much. Between the fans and the pumps and those thrusters firing on that thin skin, it was really a kick. Over.
110:34:14 Engle: [Laughter.] I'll bet it was. You've just never been inside a dog when he is barking and kicking and scratching fleas all at the same time.
110:34:25 Stafford: Yes, that's right. This dog even wagged its tail a little bit on the ascent burn.
110:34:32 Engle: [Laughter.] Yes. Rog.
110:34:40 Cernan: And he chased his tail on staging.
110:34:42 Engle: Rog.
110:34:48 Young: You think that guy in the whale had a time.
110:34:52 Engle: Roger. [Long pause.]
110:35:21 Stafford: Houston, Apollo 10, we have one other question. Just where did you propose that we stow that canister we brought back from the LM. Over.
The primary LiOH canister returned for post flight testing (scale in inches).
110:35:30 Engle: Okay, Tom. The most logical place right now looks like it'll be in the sleep bag underneath your couch. However, what we're going to do tomorrow is run an exercise over there in the - in the mockup, and figure out where the set place is with all the other gear you got on board. We'll come up with several ideas and let you pick the one you like best.
110:35:53 Stafford: You know, I can see what happens if that couch happens to stroke a little bit with that metal canister underneath it. Over.
Stafford is referring the compression (stroking) of the crew couch support struts at splashdown.
110:35:58 Engle: Yes. Well, I think it - If you keep it rolled up pretty close to your head there, up near the ORDEAL box, there, why the couch strokes down and toward the bottom, doesn't it.
110:36:11 Stafford: Yes. It's by our heads. That may be okay. [Long pause.]
Diagram showing the proposed storage location for the LM LOH canister for its return to Earth.
110:36:49 Stafford: And, Houston, Apollo 10. We're coming right back over landing site 1 in all the places. Say, it's just starting to look like we said before, NASA Road 1. We can sure pick out every little crater now. Over.
110:37:05 Engle: I'll bet you can. I'll bet it's looking pretty familiar by now, too, isn't it?
110:37:12 Stafford: Yes. We're coming right up on landing site 1 here. You can look straight ahead, and there's Maskelyne, Maskelyne B, lead up to [landmark tracking sites] 130, 129. I have Moltke over on the left, and out there the plains, the Oklahoma Hills on the left, and the landing site.
110:37:35 Engle: Jack - Jack Schmitt's still here tonight. He says you guys are overtrained, reading off names like that. Hey, listen, Snoopy is about 6,000 miles [11,100 km] above you and still going, and we're still getting data on him.
110:37:49 Stafford: Well, good. That sounds great, sounds like you got some power left in those batteries. Well, we're really glad to see you get all the data on the ascent burn. Over.
110:38:00 Engle: Okay, Tom. This wake-up now. It looks like...
110:38:03 Cernan: [Garble] miss her?.
110:38:04 Engle: Go ahead. I'll wait. [Pause.]
110:38:11 Cernan: Go ahead, Joe. [Pause.]
110:38:17 Engle: Okay, Tom. On your wake-up in the morning - Well, on Snoopy first, they say we're expecting the power on those batteries to last until about 120 hours, so we got about another 10 hours-worth of tracking, it looks like. And on your wake-up in the morning, what it looks like now, the best plan is to wake you up just before LOS on Rev 23, which would be at right about 121 hours. And we'll give you a little data right away, enough to get you through the next REV, and that'll give you the back side to get woke up and dressed and break out some chow and stuff.
110:38:53 Stafford: Okay. So we're looking at about 121 hours.
110:38:56 Engle: That's affirmative. And we'll call you just as - just as late as we can and still get what data we need to up to you before LOS.
110:39:07 Stafford: Okay. Real good. Thank you. We're right now just passing over - We're exactly over Maskelyne, and here's Maskelyne B up ahead. And we've got the Sidewinder Rille over on the right. We've got - here's Diamondback on the right, Sidewinder's on the left, and this whole chain of craters leading up to site 2. And, again, if you didn't hear me, down below, there, it doesn't look near as rough and as rugged out here in the mare areas as it does in the other parts. It's pretty well chained up.
110:39:51 Engle: Boy, that really sounds good, Tom. Jack Schmitt is standing here, and he says that he's setting up some briefings when you guys get back. This time you're going to be briefing him.
110:40:01 Stafford: Okay. And I think we can sure tell the difference between old and new craters, and the way it the site slips in, it was very obvious. Those pictures came out, we'll show him some boulders and tell him that Censorinus A has some nice great big, both white and black, huge boulders on both the inside of the rim and quite a - well, most of them are on the outside of the rim, but it's pretty rugged country, and stay away from Censorinus A there.
110:40:26 Engle: Okay. We copy that. [Long pause.]
110:40:52 Cernan: Hey, Joe. When this surface down here ceases to be interesting, it's time to bring us home.
110:40:59 Engle: Okay. We'll send up a replacement, Gene-o.
110:41:03 Cernan: Well, right now it's still pretty inter - Well, right now it's still pretty interesting.
110:41:10 Engle: Okay. We'll leave you up there a while yet.
110:42:11 Cernan: We just went over Moltke, and we got Sabine and Ritter right underneath us.
110:42:16 Engle: Roger that.
110:42:22 Cernan: You might tell Jack that U.S. 1, when you get down close, comparing it to a runway from about 50,000 feet [15,200 meters] must be close to a thousand feet across.
110:42:34 Engle: Roger. We copy.
110:42:36 Stafford: Yes. I'd say it... [Long pause.]
110:43:14 Stafford: Okay, Houston. If Jack Schmitt's still there, we're passing over the crater. We got it named after him. It's right past Ritter and Sabine, and right here you can see some tremendous boulders down on the outside rim, there. They're great big white ones. I'd say they're, oh, to see it from this altitude here - and they got long shadows on them, they're at least about a hundred feet or more in diameter. And down near the bottom, you can see where the sides are slumping in. It's more like the tailings off a mine. And the sides are white and gray. You can see fractured structure in there, too. We got some pictures of it. Over.
AS10-34-5162 - Crater Schmidt - Image by NASA/Johnson Space Center.
110:43:52 Engle: Very good. We copied all that, Tom. Thank you.
110:44:00 Stafford: And right now, we're still just looking at U.S. 1 as it disappears over into the terminator. That's about [garble].
110:44:09 Engle: Roger, Tom, speaking of the cameras, do you have any - any of those camera problems you want us to try and work on tonight? It sounded like you had some problems other than film packs. Is there anything that we can help you out with, trying to figure out tonight?
110:44:27 Stafford: Joe, those were preflight problems. And the main thing, the packs we can see werent fitted to the camera and run through. And the batteries on them, my Hasselblad, went dead just as I got to the site. I hope I got some pictures of it. I got all the approaches into it. Over.
110:44:43 Engle: Very good. Understand, Tom. [Pause.]
110:44:51 Stafford: And tell Jack tomorrow, we're going to get him a picture of this, because U.S. 1 suddenly jumps sideways up here. And maybe that's the strike slip fault he's been looking for, but it suddenly jumped sideways and you can see it, or else maybe it's just another one has gone into it.
110:45:09 Engle: Okay.
110:45:10 Stafford: And then it fades out. But it's been elevated in certain areas here.
110:45:15 Engle: Roger. We copy. That's good to hear. And on the cameras, Tom, if you run into a problem tomorrow, or you want both Hasselblads available. Jack says you can put one battery in each camera, and it should operate okay.
110:45:37 Stafford: Yeah. Okay. We'll give that a try in the morning. We'll be all ready to go after them and what we're doing now is we're passing the terminator. We're going to go ahead and sack out tonight. It's been a long day, and we're just watching, still loving to watch the moonscape go by and observing here as we go over to the terminator. And we'll be talking to you tomorrow morning. Over.
110:45:59 Engle: Okay. Mighty fine, Tom. That sounds good, and we'll talk to you some more about data and stuff in the morning. On your LCL recovery checklist, before you backpack that stuff all away, tomorrow we'll just go through them, and you can just call down the item numbers and let me know where you have them stowed so we can work out your c.g. Over.
110:46:22 Stafford: Okay. Will do.
110:46:25 Engle: And I guess that's about it. We want you to know you guys did one whale of a job today. You really did us all proud. The big troops on the back row walked out of here shaking their heads and grinning from ear to ear. They could have eaten a banana sideways and never touched it.
110:46:43 Stafford: [Laughter.] Well, great, that makes us real happy. It was a heck of a workload. One thing I wanted to check on. It looked like on board, Joe, that the landing radar did a great job on locking at a pretty good altitude and performing all the way through. Have you got any word on that yet? Over.
110:47:00 Engle: Roger. That agrees with what we were looking at down here, Tom. It looked like it performed just real well.
110:47:08 Stafford: Okay. Now one reason I wasn't able to hold that right on exactly 10 degrees, but was off a few tenths, and even up to 1 degree, the rate needles on the attitude error indicator weren't calibrated. So when I had a zero pitch rate, actually, it ended up at the end with that calibrator, just before docking, it was three-tenths of a degree off. And I was trying to just eyeball that and eyeball the DSKY, but I think we got what we wanted was in the local horizontal reference there. Over.
110:47:34 Engle: Okay. We copied all that.
110:47:48 Stafford: Yes. Also, just a couple of more comments. It was a real ride, that ascent engine was; I guess we had the longest burn on it to date, and it takes you on quite a little pitch and yaw excursion there as you take off. I mean it continues on, you know, the way, just - with a non-gimballing engine, but yet it burned out beautifully on residuals, but you're really hiccupping back and forth in that bear. It was quite a ride for 15 seconds. Over.
110:48:11 Engle: Roger. I'll bet. I'll bet it got pretty sporty there towards - You had a pretty light vehicle there, didn't you?
110:48:19 Stafford: Oh, yes. Just one pulse in PGNS, you go bang, and it really takes off. Also, the vehicle's so light that you noticed all the structure shaking when you fired pulse. And it sounded just like you'd awake inside of a rainwater tub with somebody beating on it with a bongo drum.
110:48:38 Engle: [Laughter.] Is that right?
110:48:43 Stafford: Yes, It's quite a machine. [Long pause.]
110:49:29 Engle: Tom, this is Houston. We've been talking with the doctor, and it sounds like there's only one way that we can get you unwound and to sleep tonight. We're not sure how to get that up to you.
110:49:42 Stafford: [Laughter.] Yes. Understand. Understand, Joe. Well, we're going to sack out shortly. But I say, after a day like that, we just want to talk about a few things there and relax.
110:49:53 Engle: Yes. We sure understand.
Comm break.
110:54:13 Cernan: Hello, Houston. Charlie [garble] just a little switching around over here.
110:54:17 Engle: Roger. We're still reading you five-by, Gene-o.
110:54:23 Cernan: Okay. I'll be listening to you tonight.
110:54:27 Engle: Gene, very good. And we'll try not to bother you.
110:54:34 Cernan: Don't feel bad if you have something though. [Pause.]
110:54:44 Engle: Barb called over just a few minutes ago. She stayed up right to the end listening, and she was happy as could be.
110:55:16 Engle: Yes. We've been keeping in pretty close touch with all the gals, in fact, for all three of you guys. And those dang gals are running in to read the Flight Plans and the checklists, and they keep asking us when you're going to do this and why you didn't do that. And they come up with some pretty embarrassing questions sometimes.
110:55:27 Cernan: Joe, we got enough of those people. We don't need any more. [Pause.]
110:55:41 Engle: You've got three of them waiting when you get back. [Pause.]
110:55:51 Cernan: I guess we'll take it in stride [garble].
110:55:56 Engle: Roger.
This is Apollo Control. We have about 1 minute, 15 seconds now before we lose contact with Apollo 10 as it goes around behind the Moon on this the 18th revolution. Flight Director Milton Windler has gone around the room and checked the status of the spacecraft with all of his flight controllers before we lose contact. Everything appears to be in good order at this time. The flight surgeon advises that the crew appears to be either asleep or going to sleep at this time, and we don't expect that we'll hear any more from them for the rest of the sleep period. They do have the option to extend this sleep period through 121 hours Ground Elapsed Time if they so desire. Tom Stafford said that they may be up and about somewhat before that, if they're not up by that time, the ground would awake them. And we should have Loss Of Signal just about now. And our EECOM advises that we do have LOS. We'll be prepared to come up again when we reacquire contact with the spacecraft although I don't expect we'll have anything more than telemetry information at that time, which will be about 46 minutes or so from now. At 111 hours, 28 minutes; this is Apollo Control.