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Apollo 9

Day 7

Corrected Transcript and Commentary Copyright © 2021-2023 by W. David Woods and Alexander Turhanov. All rights reserved.
Last updated 2023-12-20
This is Apollo Control, let's join the call now to Apollo 9.
139:55:26 Roosa: Apollo 9, this is Houston.
139:55:30 Schweickart (onboard): Go ahead, Houston; Apollo 9.
139:55:35 Schweickart (onboard): Houston, Apollo 9.
139:55:39 Roosa: Ring-a-ring-a-ring! The alarm clock has just gone off. Apollo 9.
139:55:45 McDivitt: [Garble]. Roger, Houston.
139:55:49 Scott: This is Apollo 9.
139:55:50 Roosa: Roger. We're reading you loud and clear.
139:55:52 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, very well.
139:55:53 Scott: Very well.
139:55:54 Schweickart (onboard): How do you read me, Houston?
139:55:55 Roosa: And a cheery good morning. [Pause]
139:56:02 Schweickart: Houston, how do you read me?
139:56:04 Roosa: I read you loud and clear.
139:56:06 Schweickart: Okay. [Pause]
139:56:10 Scott: Well, we're with you. What would you like to do first?
139:56:14 Roosa: Okay. I've got some block data; I've got a short consumables PAD; and I've got some changes to the flight plan. So, your choice. [Pause]
139:56:28 Scott: Well. I've got the consumables sitting in front of me. Why don't you do that one?
139:56:32 Roosa: Okay. And the - I'm not reading any of the quads; that's the same thing as I gave you last night. I'm starting on the cryo O2. That is 365, and if - you compare the one you had before you'll see that you didn't really use that much. That was a mistake on the other one. H2: 28 36 26 39. [Pause]
139:57:10 Scott: Okay, 365 28 36 26 39.
139:57:18 Roosa: Okay. That's good.
139:57:23 Scott: Okay. Let me flip the page here and look at the flight plan. [Pause]
139:57:28 Roosa: Okay. [Long pause]
139:57:40 Scott: Okay. Go ahead.
139:57:42 Roosa: Okay. This is the flight plan, right, Dave?
139:57:45 Scott: Right. Flight plan.
139:57:46 Roosa: Okay. Just a reminder on your CO2 filter. If you'll note the clock, we've let you sleep a little later. And you can turn on the H2 heaters now for a purge that is coming up. [Pause]
139:58:04 Scott: You want the H2 tank heaters on, or do you want the H2 heaters for a purge?
139:58:08 Roosa: We want the H2 purge heaters on now. [Pause]
139:58:15 Scott: Okay, That fellow's on.
139:58:18 Roosa: Okay. And we're recommending that you wait until after breakfast to chlorinate the water instead of the time shown in the flight plan. And I'm going to pass you a time for your nominal alignment. [Pause]
139:58:34 Scott: Go ahead.
139:58:35 Roosa: 14 142, plus 46, plus 44. And that is for your alignment at 142 15 [Pause]
139:58:48 Scott: Okay. And gee, about the water, we might talk about that. We chlorinated it last night just before we went to bed because the thing didn't taste very good for quite a while, so it seems like maybe if we could chlorinate it before we go to bed normally and keep some sort of system like that ...
139:59:07 Roosa: Okay. Copy. We'll give you some words on that.
139:59:12 Scott: Okay. I got the nominal alignment at 172 46 44.
139:59:16 Roosa: Okay. And at 143 plus 45, where you are doing a P52 alignment in there, we'd like - we'd recommend that you do this one using the planet option with Jupiter. [Pause]
139:59:34 Scott: That sounds like a fine recommendation. All right. We'll do that with Jupiter.
139:59:38 Schweickart: [Garble] Right.
139:59:41 Roosa: Say the last again?
139:59:44 Schweickart: Roger. That's [garble] REFSMMAT. Is that right?
139:59:46 Roosa: That is the REFSMMAT using Jupiter.
139:59:50 Scott: Okay. Incidentally, found Jupiter in the sextant the other day, and you can see four moons around Jupiter.
139:59:57 Scott: Beautiful. Okay. And on this landmark tracking, we're saying there'll be two landmarks per rev. And also, for today we're recommending trying the sextant vice the telescope. [Pause]
140:00:15 Scott: Okay. We'll give that a try. Two landmarks per rev with the sextant.
140:00:19 Roosa: Okay. And on over here at 144 25, where we show this landmark tracking, essentially we're substituting SO65 for this landmark tracking in here, so at - You can delete the P52 realign at 144 25. [Pause]
140:00:47 Scott: Okay. Understand. Delete the P52 realign at 144 25, so we can do an SO65 instead on the landmark tracking. Right? [Garble] don't show a realign at 144 25; 144 25 is the [garble].
140:00:58 Schweickart: [Garble]. [Pause]
140:01:13 Roosa: Okay. All right. Well, we had one back over here. Stand by one. [Pause]
140:01:27 Roosa: Okay. Well, yes, you're right, Dave. But anyway, this pass - this landmark tracking pass, in here, at about 144 hours - over here, 145 - We're scrubbing that out. And we'll do an SO65, and on that, we'd like to pass you the times. At 145 25 unstow and install your SO65. [Long pause]
140:02:04 Scott: [Garble] Stu?
140:02:06 Roosa: Yes.
140:02:07 Scott: Is this at 145 25, unstow the SO65?
140:02:12 Roosa: That is affirmative. [Pause]
140:02:18 Scott: Wait a second. I thought you just said to do the unstowing at 44 25? [Pause]
140:02:31 Roosa: Wait a minute. No. Okay. Somehow or another I got a bad time slipped in here on me, but what I'm saying is this pass here at - Starting at about 145 hours you are now showing, now, with the realignment and the landmark and so forth, we are scrubbing that out. And we're deleting that alignment there as shown in your landmark tracking. At 145 25 you can unstow and install your SO65. And 145 plus 50 will be the approximate time of the SO65 pass. Of course, we'll have you a PAD on this later. [Pause]
140:03:31 Scott: When you said 145 50 you dropped out, and we didn't catch what you said after that.
140:03:37 Roosa: Okay. 145 50 will be the time that you'll begin the SO65. That's the approximate time, and we'll have your PAD for you; but that will be the time you'll - the approximate time you'll start your SO65 pass. [Pause]
140:03:52 Scott: Okay. Understand SO65. And you'll give us a PAD, and it'll be approximately 145 50. I still have another question in that - the landmark tracking that started at 144 30. That's still in there; is that correct?
140:04:16 Roosa: Yes. That's affirmative, Dave. [Pause]
140:04:25 Roosa: Did you copy? That is still in there at 144 40. [Long pause]
140:04:56 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. Do you read me?
140:04:58 Scott: Houston, 9. What else do you have?
140:05:01 Roosa: Okay. And you might start fishing through your - dragging out your block data PAD there [garble] and just so we're squared away here; and on over at about 147 35 you'll have another SO65 pass. [Long pause]
140:05:49 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. How do you read? [Long pause]
140:06:25 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. Do you read?
140:06:29 Scott: Roger. We've got you now. You read us?
140:06:31 Roosa: Roger. I'm reading you real good. And at 147 35, you'll have another SO65 pass. [Pause]
140:06:48 Scott: Roger. We got that. Is that in lieu of the landmark tracking in that orbit?
140:06:53 Roosa: That is affirmative. On that rev, we're substituting SO65 in lieu of the landmark tracking.
140:07:02 Scott: Okay. We got that, you're not going out.
140:07:06 Roosa: Okay. And one other item. We'd like to have a check made of the optic sun filter whenever it's convenient. [Pause]
140:07:14 Scott: All right. We'll pick that up as we go along. Any particular procedures you want?
140:07:21 Roosa: No. That's negative.
140:07:24 Scott: Okay. We'll check it.
140:07:25 Roosa: Okay. And we'd also like to turn inverter 3 off. [Pause]
140:07:35 Scott: All right. Inverter 3 is off.
140:07:38 Roosa: Okay. And we'd like to use Baker Dog roll today. [Pause]
140:07:45 Scott: Okay. BD roll. [Pause]
140:07:52 Roosa: And we'd like to have a status report at your convenience. How much sleep you got and so forth.
140:07:59 Scott: Okay. Gee, I got about 7-1/2 hours, I guess. [Long pause]
140:08:17 McDivitt: This is Jim, and I got about 8.
140:08:20 Roosa: Okay. I understand Dave 7-1/2; Jim about 8.
140:08:26 McDivitt: Rusty said he got about 8-1/2.
140:08:30 Roosa: Roger. Copy 8-1/2. And we're on this SO65 now. The checklist ORB RATE maneuver should work today. We should have the platform pointed in the right direction and all of the vectors crossed right. So we're saying that it will go today. [Pause]
140:08:54 McDivitt: Very good.
140:08:59 Roosa: And another word on the status report; the medication. [Pause]
140:09:08 McDivitt: Rusty took an Actifed and Seconal before he went to bed. I had a vitamin pill.
140:09:16 Scott: This is Dave. I have a vitamin pill.
140:09:18 Roosa: Okay.
140:09:19 McDivitt: Rusty said he had a vitamin pill, too.
140:09:24 Roosa: Okay. I understand. Thank you. And that takes care of everything except the block data. [Pause]
140:09:33 McDivitt: Okay. Go ahead.
140:09:37 Roosa: And reading block data number 15. 091 1 Baker, plus 335, minus 0680 142 44 15 2844; 092 1 Baker, plus 318, minus 0625 144 19 36 2844; 093 1 Alfa, plus 269, minus 0680 145 52 18 2844; 094 4 Baker, plus 329, minus 1649 148 36 40 2844; 095 4 Baker, plus 333, minus 1640 150 10 27 2844; 096 4 Alfa, plus 291, minus 1650 151 44 00 2844; 097 Charlie Charlie, plus 174, minus 1610 153 19 44 2844; 098 Charlie Charlie, plus 095 - And insure your S-band volume is up please - minus 1710 154 51 55 2844. And your trim angles: pitch, minus 0.89; yaw, minus 1.15. End of update. [Pause]
140:13:45 Scott: Okay. Coming back, if you're ready?
140:13:48 Roosa: Go ahead. Let her rip.
140:13:51 Scott: 0911 Bravo, plus 331, minus 0680 142 44 15 2844 09 - We got a little dropout there. Are you still there? [Pause]
140:14:07 Roosa: Roger. I'm still with you, and we should have about another 2 minutes.
140:14:13 Scott: Okay. 092, plus 318, minus 0625 144 19 36 2844; 09 [garble] 148 36 40 [garble] 095 4 Bravo, plus 33 [garble] [Long pause]
140:14:40 Schweickart (onboard): - 3, minus 1614 -
140:14:43 Scott: 0 [garble] 150 [garble] - [Long pause]
140:14:50 Schweickart (onboard): 10:27, 2844; 096 4 Alfa -
140:15:00 Scott: plus 291, minus 1650 151 44 00 2844; 097 Charlie Charlie, plus 174, minus 1610 153 19 44 2844; 098 Charlie Charlie, plus 095, minus 1710 154 51 55 2844; with a pitch trim, minus 0.89, and yaw trim of minus 1.15. [Pause]
140:15:33 Roosa: Okay, Dave. On the second line, it's plus 335. [Pause]
140:15:41 Scott: Okay. You were sort of garbled there. 335. Okay.
140:15:46 Roosa: Okay. And I'm - You're going to have to read the second and third blocks again to me. We had a lot of static; I couldn't get them. [Pause]
140:15:59 Scott: Okay. Here comes the second one. 092 1 Bravo, plus 318, minus 0625 144 19 36 2844; 093 1 Alfa, plus 269, minus 0680 145 52 18 2844.
140:16:24 Roosa: Roger. Copy. And your longitude and the next block under 0944 Baker: the longitude is minus 1649; if you just verify that. And the longitude in the next block is minus 1640. [Pause]
140:16:43 Scott: Roger. Verify both of those.
140:16:45 Roosa: Okay. Real good. And we'll see you over Carnarvon - at about 43.
140:16:51 Scott: And, Houston, Apollo 9. I'd like to have a map update. [Long pause]
140:16:59 Schweickart (onboard): Roger. Carnarvon at 43, and could we get a map update then?
140:17:08 Roosa: Okay. We've lost you, Apollo 9. We'll see you at Carnarvon at 43. We'll have your map update.
Very long comm break.
140:17:16 Schweickart (onboard): Want it well done?
140:17:34 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
140:17:40 Scott (onboard): [Garble] lb5 [garble].
140:17:42 McDivitt (onboard): (Laughter)
140:17:47 Schweickart (onboard): Houston [garble], don't they?
140:18:10 Scott (onboard): What?
This is Apollo Control. Quite a bit of static there at the tail-end of the Canary Islands and Madrid pass. As Apollo 9 came up over the first state-side pass in the morning over the Grand Bahamas, Spacecraft Communicator, Stu Roosa, made an initial call; they didn't respond and then he said "ring-a-ring-a-ring." Dave Scott responded and they proceeded to go into the flight plan update for today's activities. Among these are several sets of landmark trackings and the SO 65 multispectral photography experiment. And landmarks to be tracked with the sextant during rev 91 will be the east tip of Dimit Island near Corpus Christi, Texas; the south tip of Yellow Peninsula in Spanish Sahara; the west tip of Punta Yayamco, Mexico (if you'll believe this pronunciation). During this ninety-second rev, the landmarks to be tracked - the single landmark to be tracked will be the southernmost tip of Cape Fear, North Carolina. The sextant, with the narrow field of view, will be used since the scanning telescope is apparently still on the blink. For revolution 93, the multispectral photography experiment will be a sequence of photos running from the Salton Sea in California all the way across to Roswell, Ney Mexico; and picking up again over the Mississippi River. Another run at the end of the next rev will pick up again over the Salton Sea and go through El Paso, Texas and pick up again at San Antonio, Texas and through the Gulf of Mexico. Since there's a great deal of motion picture film still available to the crew, they'll be shooting some targets of opportunity with the motion picture camera; including a storm over East Africa at about 146 hours, 40 minutes and tropical storm, Rita, in the Mid-Pacific near Kwajalein at about 147 hours, 20 minutes. Meanwhile the spaceflight meteorology group positioned its morning weather forecast for conditions in the landing zones for Apollo 9; and the primary landing zone in the West Atlantic, centered about 800 miles east of Jacksonville, skies are forecast to be partly cloudy to cloudy with southerly winds 15 to 20 knots. Sees are expected to be 4 to 6 feet and temperatures 62 to 72 degrees. In the Mid-Pacific landing zone, centered about 600 miles northwest of Honolulu, partly cloudy skies are forecast with easterly winds at 10 knots. Seas should be 3 to 4 feet; and temperatures 50 to 55 degrees. A strong frontal system approaching the West Pacific landings zone, centered about 400 miles southeast of Tokyo, will cause high winds in seas in this zone. Landing points along these revolutions have shifted to the central Pacific, where favorable weather is forecast. At the latter positions, partly cloudy - cloudy skies are expected with easterly winds 12 to 15 knots, seas 3 to 4 feet, and temperatures near 80 degrees. In the East Atlantic zone, centered about 500 miles southwest of the Canary Islands, partly cloudy skies are expected with easterly winds l0 to 15 knots. Seas will run 3 to 5 feet and temperatures are 95 1/4. The meterology group goes on to coment that the partly cloudy skies may limit multispectral photographic coverage scheduled over the Southwestern United States later today. During the just completed pass over the Canary Islands Vanguard and Antigua stations. Dave Scott gave a sleep report on the crew. Apparently they all rested quite well, Dave Scott had 7 hours total sleep, Jim McDivitt 8 hours and Rusty Schweickart 8 1/2 hours. The next station to pick up Apollo 9 will be the Carnarvon Australia station. At 42 minutes past the hour. 140 hours 22 minutes ground elapsed tine this is Apollo Control.
140:18:30 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] to get up.
140:18:32 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, I thought they were trying to wake us up with reveille or something.
140:18:42 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. You got about an hour or two to sleep.
140:18:55 Schweickart (onboard): You got what?
140:19:01 Schweickart (onboard): You got what?
140:19:14 Scott (onboard): No, no [garble] stay awake. You don't think there are any [garble]?
140:19:53 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
140:20:04 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, I tried the classic sleep last night - like this.
140:20:07 McDivitt (onboard): (Laughter)
140:20:15 Schweickart (onboard): Just relax, you're not in front of anything.
140:20:20 Scott (onboard): [Garble] loads P37.
140:20:26 McDivitt (onboard): God, it's too hot in here.
140:21:09 Schweickart (onboard): We ought to see some pretty scenery today. Okay, we're going to go right over Morocco.
140:21:24 Scott (onboard): I see them there and there and there.
140:22:47 Scott (onboard): Oh, I screwed up. [Garble].
140:22:50 McDivitt (onboard): Well, I'm going to check you. You mind if I get a verification from the ground?
140:23:09 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, we're going to go right - No, that isn't too good.
140:23:12 Scott (onboard): I thought I screwed up, but I screwed up because I thought I screwed up.
140:23:14 Schweickart (onboard): Oh.
140:23:16 Scott (onboard): But I didn't screw up.
140:23:19 McDivitt (onboard): Not Dave Scott! [Garble] screw up Jim.
140:23:33 McDivitt (onboard): Go!
140:23:43 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
140:24:03 Schweickart (onboard): Put her in here and then checked all this -
140:24:17 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, are we?
140:24:33 McDivitt (onboard): State vector [garble].
140:24:47 Scott (onboard): Okay.
140:25:03 Scott (onboard): [Garble] camera?
140:25:04 Schweickart (onboard): My what? Oh? I'm not sure that it's the one up here, Dave.
140:25:58 Scott (onboard): I can't see it.
140:25:59 McDivitt (onboard): There's another camera in here, Dave.
140:26:03 Scott (onboard): Huh?
140:26:11 Scott (onboard): How about it?
140:27:32 Scott (onboard): What?
140:27:47 Schweickart (onboard): That must be the [garble] REPRESS. No.
140:28:04 Schweickart (onboard): Sure looks like a lot over.
140:28:17 Scott (onboard): I don't know.
140:28:18 Schweickart (onboard): What?
140:28:49 Schweickart (onboard): It looks like you've lost it.
140:28:50 McDivitt (onboard): (Laughter)
140:28:52 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble] anybody else -
140:29:07 Schweickart (onboard): No, no, no, no.
140:29:17 Scott (onboard): Check, it's 140. Oh, no!
140:29:23 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, yes!
140:29:27 Schweickart (onboard): We went by - and that's right, too. Yes. Add - [garble] add.
140:29:39 McDivitt (onboard): That's right.
140:29:59 Schweickart (onboard): You like those, huh? Hey, we're going to go right over Carnarvon. Oh, man.
140:30:07 Scott (onboard): [Garble] Carnarvon.
140:30:11 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] We should have been able to see Australia [garble].
140:30:34 Scott (onboard): Right here over Carnarvon. I've got you.
140:30:50 Schweickart (onboard): Get a map out.
140:31:03 McDivitt (onboard): The next time [garble], we'll [garble] (laughter).
140:31:33 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, why don't we take it out? Yes, can you get the length? [Garble].
140:31:47 Schweickart (onboard): We don't need all that other stuff. Take it out.
140:32:03 McDivitt (onboard): I'm going to have a hot chocolate. [Garble] hot chocolate.
140:32:28 McDivitt (onboard): That's what I'm going to do.
140:32:31 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble] get breakfast out of here.
140:32:36 Scott (onboard): There's only -
140:33:05 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, get to eating there - [garble] hot chocolate.
140:33:16 Schweickart (onboard): Okay -
140:33:18 Scott (onboard): Day 5, B and D.
140:33:47 Scott (onboard): [Garble] hot stuff.
140:33:51 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, I got it.
140:33:54 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
140:34:11 Scott (onboard): Yes, there isn't - On day 7, I've got one, you've got one - and Rusty's got one. All three day 7's have one.
140:34:26 Scott (onboard): [Garble] get two day 7's out [garble].
140:35:18 McDivitt (onboard): Dave.
140:35:19 Scott (onboard): Huh?
140:35:20 McDivitt (onboard): Which day [garble]?
140:35:23 Scott (onboard): I can tell you I know it doesn't have any hot chocolate in it, but I'll tell you what it is. Do you?
140:35:30 McDivitt (onboard): Number 2, isn't it?
140:35:31 Scott (onboard): I don't know. Okay, bacon, applesauce, sugar-coated corn flakes, brownies, grapefruit, and grapes.
140:35:43 Scott (onboard): Yes.
140:35:52 Scott (onboard): Yes.
140:35:57 Scott (onboard): I'll give you this one.
140:35:58 McDivitt (onboard): No, no. I got cupcakes.
140:36:18 Schweickart (onboard): How did I get salmon salad for breakfast?
140:37:39 Schweickart (onboard): There we go!
140:38:03 Scott (onboard): Here's your [garble].
140:38:04 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. Okay. I [garble].
140:38:12 Scott (onboard): I'll just keep it in these bags.
140:38:14 Schweickart (onboard): No, [garble].
140:38:45 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, why don't you go change it for us? Huh? What could be plainer than that?
140:39:37 Schweickart (onboard): Who wants a squirt of water?
140:39:39 Scott (onboard): I will if you let me cut this. Alright.
140:40:12 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, right in the [garble].
140:40:37 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
140:40:50 Scott (onboard): That's Thursday morning
140:41:27 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
This is Apollo Control 140 hours 42 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. We're a few seconds out of Carnarvon, Australia tracking station overlapping with a slight dropout into the Honeysuckle, Australia tracking station. Members of the White Team of flight controllers are beginning to drift in for the handover and the continuing days activities. Standing by for spacecraft communicator Stu Roosa to place the first call here at Carnarvon. The clock here in Mission Control Center for deorbit time is now showing 98 hours 3 minutes until deorbit burn. Spacecraft communicator Roosa is conferring now with the flight activities officer, the man who co-ordinates all the flight plan changes and activities for each work day. Standing by for the Carnarvon and Honeysuckle pass. There'll be approximately 4 minutes gap between Honeysuckle and tracking ship Mercury. Apollo 9 is about half way through the 89th revolution.
140:46:01 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston through Carnarvon. And I have a map update.
140:46:08 Scott: Okay. Just a minute, Houston. We'll copy down. [Pause]
140:46:13 Roosa: Roger. [Long pause]
140:46:36 Scott: Okay, Houston. Go ahead with the map update.
140:46:39 Roosa: Okay. Map update. You're on REV 89; time, 141 17 38; the longitude, 123 degrees west; and if you want to use the star chart there, you're right ascension 1614. [Pause]
140:47:08 Scott: Okay. REV 89; 141 17 38; 123 west. Thank you.
140:47:14 Roosa: Roger. And we'd like to have the H2 tank 2 fan off at this time.
140:47:23 Scott: Roger. H2 tank 2 fan off.
140:47:28 Roosa: That's affirmative. And in regard to the question about the interior film, just a couple of thoughts. You've probably got as good an idea as we have, but if you want to take some of the CO2 filter change on that couch folding and stowage - that's about the only two items we can kick in at this time. And the - the hatch during - the daylight sometime when you've got the SO65 out of it, while the sun angle's changing on it.
140:48:07 Scott: Okay. We also have a lot of exterior film. We have about four rolls of exterior film, and we're going to take some pictures of the ground. I just wondered if you had any particular subjects on the ground that you wanted a picture taken of. We'll probably put the 75mm lens on it and let it run for awhile.
140:48:24 Roosa: Okay. We'll work on that. And we're wanting you to keep, if possible, some of that 368 film and take some photographs during entry, if you want to kick that one around. [Pause]
140:48:39 Scott: Roger. We already have planned for that, and we have four or so rolls of film in addition to that one.
140:48:46 Roosa: Okay. Real good; and we'll see if we can think up some good subjects.
140:48:52 Scott: All right. How about the Beach of the Riveria?
140:48:58 Roosa: Hey! That'd be good. [Long pause]
140:49:22 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. We'll be dropping Carnarvon and picking up Honeysuckle in about one minute. S-band up.
140:49:30 Scott: Okay. Fine.
Comm break.
140:51:19 Roosa: And, Apollo 9. We get you through Honeysuckle in about 7 minutes.
Long comm break.
This is Apollo Control about 6 minutes remaining in the Honeysuckle pass. We'll continue to monitor the air-ground circuit for any further conversation.
This is Apollo Control. About 2 minutes remaining in the Honeysuckle pass, however, it is unlikely that there will be any further conversation. We'll continue to monitor the circuit just in case Spacecraft Communicator Stu Roosa does converse with the crew again.
140:56:19 Schweickart (onboard): ... [Garble] In any case, I think we ought to [garble].
140:56:23 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, yes, make sure we get that.
140:56:25 Schweickart (onboard): But I ...
140:56:26 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble].
140:56:29 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble] that we have [garble] specially [garble] get up [garble].
140:56:58 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
This is Apollo Control. No acknowledgement from Apollo 9 on the comment by Stu Roosa that they we're losing acquisition at Honeysuckle. Tracking ship Mercury coming at 2 minutes past the hour. At 140 hours, 57 minutes, Ground Elapsed Time this is Apollo Control.
140:57:14 Roosa: And, Apollo 9. We're losing Honeysuckle. We'll see you over Mercury in about 5 minutes.
Long comm break.
140:57:21 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, we're going to come right across the southern tip of Florida on this one - between Florida and Cuba.
140:57:36 Schweickart (onboard): Boy, there's your longhorn steer.
140:57:49 Schweickart (onboard): Let's see if we can't find another place to put this thing.
140:58:00 Schweickart (onboard): Maybe we can get some pictures - that they want. Good [garble].
140:58:13 Schweickart (onboard): When is our first - our activity with the [garble]?
140:58:19 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, okay.
140:58:24 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, here's our first target [garble] that they want. Right there, we come right up across here and so we go right through that area. Right up here.
140:58:47 McDivitt (onboard): You still using that [garble], Dave?
140:58:51 Scott (onboard): Not the computer -
140:58:53 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] or what?
140:58:55 Scott (onboard): I'll keep my eye on it -
140:59:03 Scott (onboard): No, it doesn't matter. I just want to go through -
140:59:09 Schweickart (onboard): We're going to be pretty busy pretty quick. Yes, we have three landmarks - we got - just [garble] - we got all this - Here, let me see. Then, we come down here and do [garble] then, after tracking, we got three landmarks - oh, two.
140:59:37 Scott (onboard): Yes, yes!
140:59:38 Schweickart (onboard): SO 65. You guys probably ought to try a couple landmark tracks, huh?
140:59:45 Scott (onboard): At least, give each man the experience [garble].
140:59:48 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble] time, get data out of three [garble].
140:59:53 McDivitt (onboard): No - We're not here to find out if we can train people to [garble].
141:00:00 Scott (onboard): Accuracy is what you need - to pinpoint where you're at. Yes, [garble] view it with the sextant and I'm not sure that's [garble] AUTO optics - [garble] target in the sextant, too. You have perfect pointing or you're picking up a [garble] telescope and the sextant ...
141:00:22 McDivitt (onboard): If you know the land.
141:00:24 Scott (onboard): ... if you know the land, you're in.
141:00:43 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, look here, my thermal underwear was [garble].
141:00:50 Schweickart (onboard): I couldn't - zip my bag up until -
141:00:52 McDivitt (onboard): I was very comfortable last night.
141:00:55 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, I started dreaming last night.
141:00:57 Scott (onboard): Hey, I had a dream last night, too. I [garble].
141:01:16 Scott (onboard): [Garble] he hollered out when [garble] and I could just see him reaching into [garble] and having a snake bite him. I don't know what made me think of that.
141:01:21 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, Rusty, let me get that -
141:01:24 Schweickart (onboard): I don't know where it is right now.
141:01:25 McDivitt (onboard): Okay. Let me tweak the optics and have my hot chocolate [garble].
141:01:31 Schweickart (onboard): I want to take one, too.
141:02:16 Schweickart (onboard): You got all those breakfasts out, didn't you, Jim?
This is Apollo Control at 141 hours 02 minutes, Apollo 9 approaching acquisition at Mercury. We'll stand by.
141:02:31 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, that must be your toothbrush down in your S-thing. Whatever your number is, huh?
141:03:00 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, I was thinking of reentry stowage last night, too. We're not going to have to make some more changes to that. [Garble] stowage garbage here sometime today.
141:03:37 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston through Mercury. Have you about 7 minutes.
141:03:41 Schweickart: Okay, Houston. [Long pause]
141:03:56 Schweickart: Hey, Smokey' I've got a good one for you here.
141:03:59 Roosa: Okay. Go ahead.
141:04:02 Schweickart: I wonder if you can get one of those guys like maybe FAAers or somebody to figure out in relation to right ascension declination where the Gegenschein is.
141:04:14 Roosa: Hey. That sounds great. By gosh, we'll locate the gegenschein.
141:04:21 Schweickart: Okay. We'll try and identify it after you locate it.
141:04:24 Roosa: Okay. Very good. [Long pause]
141:05:20 Unidentifiable crewmember: Hey, Houston, 9.
141:05:24 Roosa: Go ahead, 9.
141:05:26 Scott: I've got some gyro torqueing angles for you for the nominal on the time, and we'll do a realign, if you like, on the next pass, also, after you update the state vector. We went through a P52 just to check out the optics, and, if you've got a pencil, I'll give you the numbers.
141:05:42 Roosa: I'm standing by to copy.
141:05:45 Scott: Okay. GET of 140 57 00, plus 00630, plus 00557, minus 00093. And looks like the telescope's working okay this morning. [Pause]
141:06:05 Roosa: Roger. I copy your times and copy the bit about the telescope. Real good.
141:06:11 Scott: So far.
141:06:14 Roosa: Roger. Understand. [Long pause]
141:06:45 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, Houston. We would like to start a charge on battery Baker at about 141 plus 25, and we will be putting about 5 AMP-hours back in it. [Pause]
141:07:03 McDivitt: Okay.
141:07:04 Scott: Roger. Battery charge on Bravo at 141 25.
141:07:10 Roosa: That's right. Thank you.
Comm break.
141:09:40 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. 1 minute LOS, We'll see you through Texas about 24.
141:09:45 Scott: All right. [Long pause]
141:10:01 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. I have the right ascension declination on gegenschein.
141:10:07 Scott: Okay. Go ahead.
141:10:08 Schweickart: Okay. Go ahead.
141:10:09 Roosa: Roger. 11 hours 16 minutes and plus 4 degrees.
141:10:17 Scott: Okay. 11 hours 16 minutes and plus 4 degrees. Thank you.
141:10:21 Roosa: Roger. [Pause]
141:10:27 Scott: That's pretty fast gegenschein computations.
141:10:31 Roosa: Thank you.
This is Apollo Control at 141 hours 10 minutes. Mercury has loss of signal. Rusth Schweickart asking for the location of the Cegenschein there, he would like to try to photograph it. That's spelled Gegenschein, one word. It's a faint light area always opposite the Sun on the celestial sphere, and our Gegenschein experts say it's believed to be a reflection of sunlight from cosmic dust moving beyond the Earth's orbit. Dave Scott reported this time that the telescope is working properly so far today. There had been a problem yesterday with the telescope sticking at certain degrees. Apparently no trouble in that area. Texas will be the next station to acquire at 141 hours 24 minutes. This is Mission Control Houston.
This is Apollo Control at 141 hours, 24 minutes and the Texas tracking station has just acquired Apollo 9.
141:XX:XX Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. We've got you through the Texas sight. You're coming up on the lower end of Mexico.
141:XX:XX Schweickart: Roger. Just about time to take some pictures of it.
141:XX:XX Scott: Okay.
141:27:12 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. At your convenience, we'd like to have P00 in ACCEPT for a state vector.
141:27:20 Scott: Roger. Got P00 in ACCEPT.
141:27:24 Roosa: Okay. And anytime at your convenience - no hurry - I've got your landmark tracking updates.
141:27:33 Scott: Okay. Just a minute.
141:27:35 Roosa: Roger. [Pause]
141:28:24 Scott: Houston, Apollo 9.
141:28:27 Roosa: Go ahead. Apollo 9, Houston.
141:28:29 Scott: Roger. You can go ahead with your update.
141:28:33 Roosa: Okay. I'll be giving you four sites here. This is a landmark tracking update: 021 142 56 1700, and this one is 3 miles south of track. Your next ID: 207 143 14 5800, and this one is 30 miles south of track. Your next ID: 010 144 26 1900, and this one is 60 miles south of track. Your last one: 042 144 34 0400, and this one 13 miles north of track. End of update. [Pause]
141:30:02 Scott: Roger, Houston. Do you read Apollo 9?
141:30:04 Roosa: That's affirmative, Apollo 9.
141:30:06 Scott: Okay. I've just been having some trouble getting you on this mike. Okay. The first landmark is 021 142 56 1700, 3 miles south. Next is 207 143 14 5800, 30 miles south. Next one is 010 144 26 1900, 60 miles south - That's 60 miles south. Next one, 042 144 34 0400, 13 north of track. [Pause]
141:30:56 Roosa: That's affirmative, Apollo 9. Houston confirms the update.
141:30:59 Scott: Roger. [Pause]
141:31:05 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, this is Houston. We can't uplink at this time. Would you clear the DSKY and then give us the ACCEPT again?
141:31:13 Scott: Roger. [Pause]
141:31:23 Scott: Okay. Go ahead.
141:31:24 Roosa: Okay. We'll try shifting it. [Pause]
141:31:34 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, Houston. I have a NAV check to go along with the state vector. [Pause]
141:31:42 Scott: Okay. Go ahead.
141:31:44 Roosa: Roger. Reading NAV cheek. 142 16 4400, minus 2902, plus 09800 1137. And under comments: Good morning from your smiling FIDO and GUIDO. [Pause]
141:32:17 Scott: Roger. Under comments: Good morning to them. And my little old NAV check is 142 16 4400, minus 2902, plus 09800 1137.
141:32:35 Roosa: Roger. Houston confirms the update.
141:32:39 McDivitt: I didn't realize FIDO's and GUIDO's smiled.
141:32:46 Roosa: Yes. They been smiling pretty good.
141:32:50 McDivitt: Alrighty.
141:32:54 McDivitt: How's RETRO doing? Does he still look worried?
141:32:59 Roosa: Roger. Copy. [Pause]
141:33:08 Roosa: And, Apollo 9. RETRO's only comment: said he would smile if he knew exactly where all that stuff was located. [Pause]
141:33:16 McDivitt: Okay. Listen, tell RETRO I haven't forgotten him. The thing that I told him yesterday still applies. Everything is right where we said it was yesterday, but we are going to have to move it around. And ask him when he needs to have that information for reentry.
141:33:32 Roosa: Okay. We'll do that.
141:33:39 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, Houston. The computer is yours. You have state vectors in both slots.
141:33:45 Scott: Roger. Thank you.
Comm break.
141:35:04 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. We are recommending Charlie and Delta AUTO RCS select switches OFF, and Alfa ON. [Pause]
141:35:16 Scott: Say that again, Houston.
141:35:18 Roosa: Roger. We are recommending Charlie and Delta AUTO RCS select switches OFF, and Alfa switches ON. [Pause]
141:35:29 Scott: Okay. You want Alfa, Charlie, and Delta OFF.
141:35:33 Roosa: That's a negative. We want Charlie and Delta OFF, and Alfa ON.
141:35:38 Scott: Okay. Roger. All I have on right now are B - Baker.
141:35:45 Roosa: Roger. Copy. We confirm.
141:35:52 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, you can go back to BLOCK at your convenience. [Long pause]
141:36:49 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. We'd like to start a charge on battery B at your convenience.
141:36:57 Scott: Okay. We're going to start charge on BATT B now. [Pause]
141:37:01 Roosa: Okay.
Very long comm break.
141:47:27 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. One minute LOS Canaries. We will see you at Carnarvon at 17. [Pause]
141:47:39 Scott: Roger, Houston.
Very long comm break.
141:48:04 McDivitt (onboard): Are you sure you did, Dave? How do you know?
141:48:05 Scott (onboard): [Garble]. What are you doing, Jim?
141:48:10 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, yes, yes, [garble].
141:48:50 Scott (onboard): Ooh, look at that! Holy cow, that's really neat.
141:48:53 Schweickart (onboard): You getting some good pictures down there?
141:48:55 Scott (onboard): Oh my; oh boy! Boy, that's spectacular!
This is Apollo Control at 141 hours 49 minutes. The Canaries has LOS. This pass started when Apollo 9 came into acquisition at the Texas station while the spacecraft was down over the lower part of Mexico. Jim McDivitt reported that they were photographing Mexico at that time. We passed up landmark tracking information to them. Landmarking is used in connection with space navigation. A number of prominent terrain areas on the surface of the Earth have been identified as Apollo landmarks for an aid to navigation. Apollo 9 will track four of these within the next several hours. The ones we passed up in the times landmark number 21 is the east tip of Demit Island near Corpus Christi, Texas. That landmark will be 3 miles south of Apollo 9's ground track at 142 hours 56 minutes 17 seconds. The next one, landmark 207, is the south tip of the Yala pennisula, Punta Dumford, Spanish Sahara Africa. That landmark will be 30 miles south of Apollo 9's ground track at 143 hours 14 minutes 58 seconds. The third landmark to be tracked is number 10, the west tip of Punta Yayahmko. Mexico, which will be 60 miles south of the ground track at 144 hours 26 minutes 19 seconds. The fourth one, number 42, is the southernmost tip of the headland at Cape Fear, North Carolina. That will be 13 miles north of the ground track at 144 hours 34 minutes 4 seconds. The next station to acquire will be Carnarvon. Apollo 9 misses Tananarive on this 90th revolution. Acquisition at Carnarvon at 142 hours 16 minutes. This is Mission Control Houston.
141:49:07 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, you got some lava flows or something coming up. Looks like it - It's black stuff anyway.
141:49:15 Scott (onboard): Yes, whoo. Boy, those are great! Isn't that spectacular?
141:49:41 Scott (onboard): It shifts like that, too, you know? I'll turn them on.
141:49:49 McDivitt (onboard): If you just knew where you were.
141:49:51 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, I can tell you where you are. 50 - Dave, go ahead and take it for another 2 minutes, and then we ought to go to the hatch window and start taking them - Oblique a little bit to the north and get Libya in there. Boy, those are beautiful!
141:50:21 McDivitt (onboard): That is really pretty.
141:50:36 Scott (onboard): I don't want to use all the film left, though. I've already used a hundred.
141:50:45 Schweickart (onboard): Not really.
141:51:05 Schweickart (onboard): Here's a little coming across right now. We can hit that one. I want to get that one there. Right here is where we're going to shoot that one.
141:51:18 Scott (onboard): There's where Lawrence of Arabia was. Yes, that reminds me of old Lawrence baby. God, that's spectacular. Look at the way it glows in there. Isn't that pretty? That's really something.
141:51:46 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, this sightseeing's great.
141:51:52 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, Dave, why don't you eat and let me take some out the hatch window here? Of this Libyan thing.
141:51:57 Scott (onboard): Here?
141:51:58 Schweickart (onboard): Let me get some here.
141:52:01 Scott (onboard): Let me take one more, Rusty.
141:52:02 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. GO ahead. I know.
141:52:07 Scott (onboard): Here's a ...
141:52:08 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble].
141:52:09 Scott (onboard): ... here's some more of that [garble]. You're getting all the contours and the sand blowing and that stuff.
141:52:19 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, well, look. No, you got a better view there anyway. Go ahead. I thought it rolled farther and 53:30 is when you come across that Libya thing, so ...
141:52:31 Scott (onboard): Okay.
141:52:32 Schweickart (onboard): No, I'm not saying that; I'm just saying keep taking pictures through 53:30.
141:52:39 Scott (onboard): Those clouds are going to move in.
141:52:47 Scott (onboard): A great big cloud. Ooh. Whoo! Geology and clouds. How can you beat that?
141:53:14 Scott (onboard): Oh, there is where a meteor hit, too. I got a meteor hole out there, right in the middle of all the lava and all that jazz.
141:53:26 Schweickart (onboard): Do you really? Where is it?
141:53:27 Scott (onboard): Yes, look at it right there. Looks like a big hole. A big round ...
141:53:31 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, yes.
141:53:32 Scott (onboard): See?
141:53:33 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, look at ...
141:53:34 Scott (onboard): What?
141:53:35 Schweickart (onboard): ...and the flow ...
141:53:36 Scott (onboard): Yes.
141:53:37 Schweickart (onboard): ... the stuff flows around it.
141:53:38 Scott (onboard): Cuts into the flow?
141:53:39 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, right there.
141:53:40 Schweickart (onboard): Take a couple of them of that, Dave. [Garble].
141:53:42 McDivitt (onboard): No, that's over on the coast.
141:53:43 Scott (onboard): Well, one's enough.
141:53:47 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, we're - we're way in there.
141:53:49 Scott (onboard): [Garble] is much more expensive than that.
141:53:55 McDivitt (onboard): That's real pretty.
141:54:01 Schweickart (onboard): Dave, the only thing is those - those other lines - those windblown lines kind of spread out and went around it, though. Kind of smacks like maybe it's a hill or something.
141:54:32 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, we're in the Sudan now, Dave.
141:54:35 Scott (onboard): Oh, yes?
141:54:36 Schweickart (onboard): Yes. And we'll be coming up on the Ethiopian plateau here, pretty quick, another couple of minutes. If you want to get some for Mr. Selassie
141:54:51 Scott (onboard): Oh, yes.
141:54:58 Schweickart (onboard): Gimbal lock. Gimbal lock.
141:55:00 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, I'll get it.
141:55:03 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, sir.
141:55:12 Scott (onboard): I'll give you two points if you catch me.
141:55:56 Schweickart (onboard): Which one, Jim? No, I thought you said you wanted one.
141:56:04 Scott (onboard): Will we be going across here, Rusty?
141:56:06 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, we went across there and ...
141:56:08 Scott (onboard): Right by that square, huh?
141:56:09 Schweickart (onboard): Right below it. Right - you're down here.
141:56:11 Scott (onboard): That way?
141:56:12 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, and we're coming right across here right now.
141:56:13 Scott (onboard): Huh!
141:56:16 Schweickart (onboard): What is it, cloudy? Here's one they want, just north of Addis Ababa, but we're ...
141:56:27 Scott (onboard): Cloudy right now.
141:56:32 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble].
141:56:34 Scott (onboard): Okay, that's a good idea. Hey, Dave, why don't you finish out this camera right now? Okay?
141:56:52 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, we got a whole batch.
141:56:53 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
141:56:55 Schweickart (onboard): We've millions of them. Yes, look [garble]. The easiest - the easiest ones to get are down here. There's a couple of them - I think there's a small one in there, Jim. As a matter of fact, up on this end. A and B both have pictures left on them.
141:57:40 Scott (onboard): Gosh, that's really pretty.
141:58:27 Schweickart (onboard): Where's the photo log, Dave?
141:58:30 Scott (onboard): Photo - photo log. Oh, it's probably - No, yes, here it is; I got it.
141:58:40 McDivitt (onboard): You want this other film over there, Rusty?
141:58:42 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, I want - I want the empty one. Whichever one you've emptied.
141:58:45 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] the little ones, either one of them.
141:58:47 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, go ahead and empty the little one, and then I'll put this new film back on it.
141:58:52 McDivitt (onboard): I thought maybe you wanted [garble].
141:59:05 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, the last one I took was a big one, magazine C [garble] 85.
141:59:10 Schweickart (onboard): 85? Okay.
141:59:24 Schweickart (onboard): Jim, that was REV 89, wasn't it, that update? You remember? Was the map update REV 89?
142:01:06 Scott (onboard): You've got to get it over there now, Rusty.
142:01:11 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, but I think we're - Yes, we're over the Indian Ocean, right?
142:01:15 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
142:01:18 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
142:01:22 Scott (onboard): Yes, this thing says 65, and it - and it still looks like it's got film in it. 66. Looks like it's going to go up to 70.
142:01:34 Schweickart (onboard): Sure that [garble] take too much?
142:01:43 Schweickart (onboard): No, it doesn't say, because this just has the command module film in it, see, and it doesn't have the LM film back. And we didn't have any small ones in the command module, so - You know what we ought to do is, we ought to pick some fairly uninteresting shots and shoot away like mad and see - just to see what happens. See if it stops. Well. If that's the case, we ought to quit then. Dave, what numbers did you take? You have any idea?
142:02:24 Scott (onboard): Yes, I'm through 65. I took four.
142:02:29 Schweickart (onboard): So you took 61 through 65? No, you must have taken more than that, because ...
142:02:34 Scott (onboard): No really, I [garble]. That must have been 59 through 65.
142:02:38 Schweickart (onboard): ...because you said there were only a couple - you said there were about four left or something.
142:02:41 Scott (onboard): You said that; Jim said that, there were only a couple left. You said there were only a couple left [garble] right? Little ones? But I went up through 65 and I don't know whether [garble].
142:02:56 Schweickart (onboard): What MAG is it?
142:03:08 Scott (onboard): F.
142:03:11 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
142:03:13 Scott (onboard): This one.
142:04:40 Scott (onboard): 125 and 45.
142:05:02 Schweickart (onboard): No, just mine, here.
142:05:11 Schweickart (onboard): Yes. Hand me that camera, Dave, and I'll ...
142:05:14 Scott (onboard): [Garble].
142:05:28 Schweickart (onboard): Hasselblad? Yes. I don't think that's a good idea. Hey, no, I want the small one, Dave. Well, here, I'll change the small one for you.
142:06:20 Schweickart (onboard): Jim, you want to stow this one?
142:06:25 McDivitt (onboard): Sure [garble].
142:06:29 Schweickart (onboard): Yes. Okay, Dave, you got 40 left on there.
142:07:48 Schweickart (onboard): Have we ever found that? Is that part of the photo log? Yes, it is.
142:08:07 Schweickart (onboard): We're going to come right across between Sydney and Brisbane.
142:08:09 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble].
142:08:11 Schweickart (onboard): Just north of Adelaide. Oh, yes, because it's already getting dark. Yes. We have anything this night pass? We've - we've got to do that nominal align again. Right?
142:09:19 McDivitt (onboard): We do all the fuel cell purges and all that stuff? [Garble].
142:09:25 Schweickart (onboard): No, as a matter of fact, no, we never did finish that part of our checklist. That's a good point.
142:09:28 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble].
142:09:30 Schweickart (onboard): That's a good idea.
142:09:38 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] go across that plateau [garble].
142:09:51 Schweickart (onboard): He didn't mark anything for day 6. Today is day 7, isn't it? Yes, because 5 was the rendezvous day, yes.
142:10:28 Schweickart (onboard): Want to do a DSKY lamp test, David? Get the DAP activated; you don't want to do an erasable dump; in plane, align GDC; you're going to do that, huh.
142:10:52 Schweickart (onboard): Should I purge 8, too?
142:10:54 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble].
142:11:05 Schweickart (onboard): Purge hydrogen, okay.
142:11:39 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, turn the cryo fans on. Stir up the cryos a b -
142:12:26 Schweickart (onboard): Let's go ahead and start your alignment, Davey.
142:14:37 Schweickart (onboard): Dave, how about turning your floods down over the -
142:14:44 Scott (onboard): 142:16.
142:14:53 Schweickart (onboard): It's 2.0.
142:15:38 Schweickart (onboard): Are we rolling left, Dave?
142:15:42 Scott (onboard): We're rolling right.
142:15:44 Schweickart (onboard): We're rolling right?
142:15:56 Scott (onboard): Okay.
This is Apollo Control at 142 hours 16 minutes. Apollo 9 being acquired through the Carnarvon Station.
142:17:09 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston through Carnarvon. Standing by. We'll have you about 6 minutes.
142:17:14 Scott: Roger, Houston. We have a question here on the fuel cell purge this morning. I take it that you want us to do a hydrogen purge as well as an oxygen purge this morning?
142:17:28 Roosa: Roger. That's affirmative, Apollo 9.
142:17:33 Scott: Okay. Fine. We'll start that right now.
142:17:35 Roosa: Okay. [Long pause]
142:18:18 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, Houston. I've got a couple of targets of opportunity here we'd like to shoot with the 16mm. [Pause]
142:18:32 Schweickart: Okay. Stand by. We'll copy that down in just a second.
142:18:36 Roosa: Roger. No problem. [Long pause]
142:19:20 Schweickart: Okay. Stu. Go ahead with those targets.
142:19:22 Roosa: Okay. The first one here is a thunderstorm over West Africa. We'd like to have you to start the exposure at 144 plus 55 plus 45. You'll be shooting northeast of the ground track. Let it run 5 minutes at 1 frame per second. Use the 16mm camera with the 75mm lens and the film CEX 358. [Pause]
142:20:09 Schweickart: Okay - Excuse me - 144 55 45, thunderstorm West Africa, northeast of ground track, 1 frame a second, 16mm camera CEX with a 75, CEX 368 with the 75mm lens.
142:20:23 Roosa: That's affirmative. And your other one is at GET 152 06 08 using the same camera, same lens, and shooting SO368 film. We would like to have you shoot southwest of ground track for 5 minutes at 1 frame per second, and this is Hawaii. Now, it's about a 300-mile range, but the purpose of this second one is to study the effects the islands have on the weather and jet stream and so forth. [Pause]
142:21:08 Schweickart: Okay. Would you say again how long you want it to run from the time, Stu?
142:21:13 Roosa: Okay. Five minutes at 1 frame per second. You're shooting southwest of the ground track.
142:21:19 Schweickart: Okay. Right. 152 06 08, same camera lens and film, southwest of ground track for 5 minutes, and we're photographing the weather formations and stuff around Hawaii.
142:21:30 Roosa: Okay. On the film, in this second one over Hawaii, we'd like to have - The film is SO368. [Pause]
142:21:40 Schweickart: Yes. That's CEX 368, same thing.
142:21:44 Roosa: Okay. I didn't do my homework. [Long pause]
142:22:07 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, you are GO for 108-1. We'll be picking up at Honeysuckle in about 2 minutes with S-band volumes up. [Pause]
142:22:19 Schweickart: Okay.
Long comm break.
142:26:39 Schweickart: Houston, Apollo 9.
142:26:40 Roosa: Go, Apollo 9.
142:26:46 Schweickart: Roger. Do we assume that on all these targets of opportunity that these are zero fuel opportunities? [Pause]
142:26:57 Roosa: Roger, Apollo 9. Copy. Stand by. [Pause]
142:27:14 Roosa: Apollo 9, this is Houston. What we'd like to do, as we've done it here, is give you the data early and let you - if you can just move over there real slowly and get in that area so that you can photograph it. But just minimum usage is the way I'm wanting to term it.
142:27:41 Schweickart: Okay. Understand. Minimum usage on that. [Pause]
142:27:51 Scott: Houston, Apollo 9. Did you get the gyro torqueing angles that time?
142:27:58 Roosa: Apollo 9. Stand by. [Pause]
142:28:06 Roosa: That's affirmative; we got them, Apollo 9.
142:28:09 Scott: Okay. Thank you.
142:28:12 Roosa: Roger. Thank you.
Comm break.
142:30:13 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. One minute LOS Honeysuckle. See you Mercury 37.
142:30:18 Schweickart: Roger. [Long pause]
142:30:38 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, Houston. No need to answer this, but USC beat UCLA last night, 46 to 44. [Long pause]
142:30:47 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, my God!
142:30:48 Scott (onboard): Ohh ...
142:30:49 Schweickart (onboard): Wow!
142:30:50 McDivitt: Wow! Say, isn't that something?
142:30:55 Roosa: Yes. That's the second loss in 90 games.
Long comm break.
142:30:56 Scott (onboard): Man!
142:31:01 McDivitt (onboard): Let's see the - What's the time of that first tracking [garble]?
142:31:17 Scott (onboard): 142:56.
142:33:13 Scott (onboard): Hey, that gouge for Atria off the bottom of Scorpio really works nice.
142:33:18 McDivitt (onboard): Dave, where are those cards that you had that were just the plain slick?
142:33:25 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, I've got one here. You want this one?
142:33:28 McDivitt (onboard): Let me turn around - Let me have that pad again. Thank you.
142:34:02 Schweickart (onboard): You got any tissue stashed away - around here? Do you have any tissue stashed away? Here, I'll find them. Don't - don't go looking for them. You have too much work to do.
142:34:14 McDivitt (onboard): Here.
142:34:15 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, okay. Thank you.
142:34:42 Schweickart (onboard): Is there anything I can do, to help you guys over there?
142:34:45 McDivitt (onboard): Think so, Rusty. Hang on to this thing. Keep it available for both Dave and I.
142:34:51 Schweickart (onboard): Reading, or anything like that?
This is Apollo Control. Honeysuckle has LOS. During this pass we asked the Apollo 9 crew to perform some 16 millimeter photography in two areas. We'd like some photographs of a thunderstorm over west Africa at 144 hours, 55 minutes and 152 hours, 6 minutes we would like some footage of the Hawaii area so that researchers might study the effects the islands have on weather in the jet stream. Apollo 9 has been given a GO for 108 revolutions. It is now in the 90th revolution of this mission. Mercury will acquire in about 2 minutes. We'll be back then. This is Mission Control Houston.
142:35:34 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, I tell you, there is one thing you can do. Get the flight plan and make sure we've done all that stuff that we're supposed to do, starting ...
142:35:47 Schweickart (onboard): I'll get it.
142:35:49 McDivitt (onboard): Here, start on this page, and make sure we've done all that stuff.
142:36:07 Schweickart (onboard): Get the filter changed this morning?
142:36:09 McDivitt (onboard): I got the [garble].
142:36:11 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, the "chlorinate potable water" we're not going to do.
142:36:13 McDivitt (onboard): No.
142:36:17 Schweickart (onboard): The block data. Did they give you block data, Dave?
142:36:19 Scott (onboard): Yes. I got it over [garble].
142:36:21 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
This is Apollo Control at 142 hours, 36 minutes and Mercury is acquiring Apollo 9.
142:36:25 Schweickart (onboard): Did you damp the rates, Jim?
142:36:27 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. Damped the rates.
142:36:28 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
142:36:40 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, Dave, it's 142:36.
142:36:43 Scott (onboard): 20 minutes.
142:37:01 Schweickart (onboard): Alright, we've - we've done everything so far, Jim.
142:37:03 McDivitt (onboard): Okay. Thank you.
142:37:21 Roosa: Apollo 9, this is Houston through Mercury. Standing by. I'll have you about 5 minutes.
142:37:26 Scott: Roger.
Long comm break.
142:41:44 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. One minute LOS Mercury. Redstone 50.
142:41:50 Scott: Roger, Houston.
Very long comm break.
This is Apollo Control at 142 hours, 42 minutes. Apollo 9 moving along across the Pacific beyond the range of the tracking ship Mercury. The tracking ship Redstone will acquire Apollo 9 at 142 hours, 49 minutes. We're showing an orbit now for Apollo 9 of 117 nautical miles apogee, 104 nautical miles perigee. This is Mission Control Houston.
142:42:14 Scott (onboard): That's not right.
142:42:16 McDivitt (onboard): Why not?
142:42:17 Scott (onboard): You got the right landmark?
142:42:21 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. Looks pretty rough to me. That's why we're back to them.
142:42:23 Scott (onboard): 021?
142:42:26 McDivitt (onboard): Huh?
142:42:30 Scott (onboard): The landmark ID is 21?
142:42:32 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
142:42:33 Scott (onboard): And we're going by the Redstone? 4 minutes before the landmark?
142:42:37 McDivitt (onboard): We're very short of track, Dave.
142:42:39 Scott (onboard): Huh?
142:42:40 Schweickart (onboard): I got it right here.
142:42:42 McDivitt (onboard): Look at the track.
142:42:45 Schweickart (onboard): Here, Dave. We're coming up here. On this REV.
142:42:54 Scott (onboard): Okay.
142:42:56 McDivitt (onboard): We should be coming across the - the [garble] of the tip of Baja. You might be able to see that. Then you can see the Gulf, and then across Mexico and in - into the Gulf of Mexico. You're going to see -
142:43:12 Scott (onboard): This is north of ground track, right?
142:43:15 McDivitt (onboard): South of ground track. We'll be facing south. If we were facing north, we could get some nice picture of the states.
142:43:20 Schweickart (onboard): We're going right over Houston.
142:43:22 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, but we probably won't see it.
142:43:24 Schweickart (onboard): This map update's out of date then already. According to here, we're going right over Houston, or ...
142:43:31 Scott (onboard): Yes.
142:43:32 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
142:43:33 Scott (onboard): If the target's south of track ...
142:43:35 McDivitt (onboard): The target's Corpus Christi.
142:43:37 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, this map is already out of date, then, because this - On this route, it shows us going south of Houston by a long way.
142:43:50 Scott (onboard): That doesn't sound very right, for some reason.
142:43:52 Schweickart (onboard): No. Let me check this [garble].
142:43:57 Scott (onboard): Yes, I think so, because it's still dark out there. How can you get a landmark [garble]?
142:44:03 McDivitt (onboard): We're at 44 now. It's starting to get light up to it. It's coming up on sunrise.
142:44:07 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, really?
142:44:08 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
142:44:09 Scott (onboard): You know, it's not dark at Corpus Christi.
142:44:10 Schweickart (onboard): I know it.
142:44:11 Scott (onboard): It shouldn't be.
142:44:12 Schweickart (onboard): Well, I don't know what time it is ...
142:44:14 McDivitt (onboard): A quarter to - a quarter to 9 at Corpus Christi.
142:44:16 Scott (onboard): Oh, really?
142:44:17 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
142:44:21 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble] 123, 123. Well, the map is still set right, but - it could be that the inclination was what's different, but - Why don't we ask them what our inclination is [garble].
142:44:41 McDivitt (onboard): Boy, that's a pretty sun - sunrise. Woowee!
142:44:44 Schweickart (onboard): Well, it would have to be a hell of a difference in inclination. We'd have to be around 38 degrees to be north of Houston, if this map is right.
142:44:56 Schweickart (onboard): Look at that, Jim.
142:44:58 McDivitt (onboard): Would you believe I see a satellite ricocheting across the sky out there?
142:45:01 Schweickart (onboard): Where, Jim?
142:45:03 McDivitt (onboard): Just right over the sunset. The center. I don't want the map, Rusty.
142:45:09 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
142:45:14 Scott (onboard): Sure looks like it, doesn't it? Is he really moving? I'm not sure he's moving, Jim.
142:45:33 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, looks like he's moving with respect to the ground. He should be moving With respect to the sky.
142:45:38 Scott (onboard): I got him on the edge of my window, and he doesn't seem to be doing anything.
142:45:43 McDivitt (onboard): I'll be darned.
142:46:10 Schweickart (onboard): What - what's the second landmark?
142:46:13 McDivitt (onboard): On the coast of Africa.
142:46:15 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, okay.
142:46:18 Scott (onboard): [Garble].
142:46:22 McDivitt (onboard): Dave, I can't hear you. Is your interphone on?
142:46:24 Scott (onboard): Yes. Can you hear me now?
142:46:26 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, I want to be sure I can hear you when we're doing this.
142:46:33 Scott (onboard): Yes.
142:46:38 McDivitt (onboard): Ye old spacecraft is in the Sun.
142:46:41 Schweickart (onboard): Good.
142:46:42 Scott (onboard): True [garble] ye old telescope isn't in the Sun.
142:46:46 McDivitt (onboard): Okay. I'm going to start rolling us out now.
142:46:48 Scott (onboard): Okay. Now it comes in.
142:46:55 McDivitt (onboard): Can you see the horizon?
142:46:58 Scott (onboard): Not yet. It's dark.
142:47:01 Scott (onboard): [Garble] can't really tell [garble].
142:47:02 McDivitt (onboard): The horizon's not dark. It's well lighted.
142:47:05 Scott (onboard): Let me take a look.
142:47:07 McDivitt (onboard): And I think I'm banked around enough here for you.
142:47:10 Scott (onboard): You're pointing south.
142:47:12 McDivitt (onboard): We're pointing south. Want to pitch down about 30 degrees.
142:47:20 Scott (onboard): You know, the middle two words you did there, completely disappeared.
142:47:24 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble].
142:47:25 Scott (onboard): Yes. You said, "I'm banked around" and then you said that "mm-mm-mm" and "I'm pointing you south" or something.
142:47:32 McDivitt (onboard): Hmm!
142:47:37 Schweickart (onboard): This mike seems to be very directional.
142:47:39 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
142:47:48 Schweickart (onboard): Boy, this thruster over here really kicks out a bunch of crap. You [garble] fire yaw right?
142:47:55 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
142:47:56 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
142:48:13 Scott (onboard): Oh, I'm getting to the horizon. Good, Jim.
142:48:15 McDivitt (onboard): That okay there?
142:48:16 Scott (onboard): Yes.
142:48:17 McDivitt (onboard): Alright, I'll - You want to stop it right there?
142:48:19 Scott (onboard): That's - that's ...
142:48:20 McDivitt (onboard): Huh?
142:48:21 Scott (onboard): ... Oh, you could roll - No, I think that'll be fine, Jim.
142:48:29 Schweickart (onboard): Now the horizon ought to be parallel to the bottom of your window.
142:48:36 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble].
142:48:39 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, that's a pretty good gouge.
This is Apollo Control at 142 hours, 49 minutes; the Redstone has acquired.
142:49:52 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, Davey, I've got the attitude I'm going to -
142:49:54 Scott (onboard): Okay.
142:50:23 McDivitt (onboard): And it's 142:50:24.
142:52:07 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. We have you; good solid lock now. Standing by.
142:52:12 McDivitt: Roger. Houston, Apollo 9.
Long comm break.
142:55:13 Roosa: Apollo 9, this is Houston. Did you call?
142:55:16 Scott: Negative. Houston, Apollo 9.
142:55:18 Roosa: Okay, I'm sorry. [Pause]
142:55:27 Scott: Houston, when you get a chance, you might give us our inclination.
142:55:32 Roosa: Roger. Sure will. [Pause]
142:55:43 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, this is Houston. Your inclination is 33.63.
142:55:49 Scott: Roger. Thank you. [Long pause]
142:56:27 Scott: Houston, Apollo 9.
142:56:29 Roosa: Go ahead, Apollo 9.
142:56:31 Scott: Okay. I'm wondering about the time on this particular landmark. I've got 142 56 17, and we're past it already, and we are apparently not yet near the landmark. [Pause]
142:56:47 Roosa: Okay. That time should be when Corpus Christi comes over the horizon.
142:56:54 Scott: Okay. Very good. I think Corpus Christi is coming over the horizon.
142:56:59 Roosa: Okay.
Long comm break.
143:01:46 Scott: Houston, Apollo 9.
143:01:48 Roosa: Go ahead, Apollo 9.
143:01:50 Scott: Okay. Same story; the telescope hung up again. I went to the sextant and was able to find in the sextant; took five Marks. So I have to proceed to do the program to see what they did, but I got 121 alarm, which is the same thing I got yesterday when the telescope hung up. CDU's NO-GO at the mark.
143:02:13 Roosa: Roger, Apollo 9. I was copying that alarm. We copied your info and understand you got five Marks on it with the sextant with no problem. [Pause]
143:02:24 Scott: Roger. But I'm not sure the Marks went in, although it indicates that it did go into the program.
143:02:30 Roosa: Roger. Understand. [Long pause]
143:02:48 Roosa: And, Dave, if you want any other time on these landmarks, just let me know. We can give you any time you want, when it's 30 degrees down or anything. The time we are passing you is the time that it'll snap over the horizon.
143:03:02 Scott: That's a fine time, Stu. We'll use that one; that's good.
143:03:06 Roosa: Okay. Very good.
143:03:07 Scott: It looked like I got one CDU NO-GO before I completed the Marks, because my second program alarm was MARKS NOT DESIRED. So apparently I got the Marks in all right. I don't know what the CDU NO-GO is going to do to it, but we'll take a look as we go through the program.
143:03:29 Roosa: Okay. Real good. Copied. Thank you.
143:03:32 Schweickart: Stu, I'd like the time - I'd like the time that we're going to be at the closest point to the target. It helps me judge the roll rate that I'm putting in here.
143:03:41 Roosa: Okay. We'll pass the time coming over the horizon and the time of closest approach.
143:03:48 Schweickart: Roger.
Long comm break.
143:06:57 Scott: Houston, Apollo 9.
143:06:59 Roosa: Go, Apollo 9.
143:07:00 Scott: Okay. I guess none of the Marks got in that time. My DELTA-R DELTA-V for the change in the state vector is zero, and I doubt if my first Mark was perfect. Also, my Mark counter is zero, so I guess we still got some sort of problem. We'll run through it again on the next landmark.
143:07:17 Roosa: Roger. Copy. You had a perfect Mark there, and evidently they didn't get in. Thank you.
143:07:24 Scott: Well, that's not exactly what I said, but it sounds pretty good.
143:07:29 Roosa: Roger. Well, I was just helping you out a little bit there.
143:07:32 Scott: Thanks. I'll take all I can get.
143:07:34 Roosa: Okay.
143:07:36 Scott: But we're learning how to do it, anyway.
143:07:40 Roosa: Roger. Sounds great. I thought you might have more trouble with the sextant than it sounds like you're having.
143:07:46 Scott: Well, I did too, as a matter of fact. But AUTO optics did pretty fair, and I could see where it was relative to the telescope on the AUTO drive. And then when I went to the sextant, it was pretty clear. Of course, Corpus Christi's not a hard thing to identify, either.
143:08:01 Roosa: Roger. [Pause]
143:08:10 Roosa: Roger. We'll see how you make out here with Punta Dumford.
143:08:15 Scott: That ought to be a trick.
143:08:16 McDivitt: Hey, keep it clean will you, Stu?
143:08:19 Roosa: (Laughter) Okay. [Long pause]
143:08:52 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, Houston. I have your time for closest approach on landmark 207.
143:08:58 McDivitt: Go ahead.
143:09:00 Roosa: Roger. 143 plus 18 plus 42.
143:09:08 McDivitt: Thank you.
143:09:10 Roosa: Roger.
143:09:11 McDivitt: You are absolutely a wealth of information, today. I can't believe it.
143:09:17 Roosa: Boy! Wish I had this many people funnel me info all the time. [Long pause]
143:09:35 Scott: Houston, Apollo 9.
143:09:38 Roosa: Go ahead, Apollo 9.
143:09:39 Scott: Roger. Since you located the gegenschein for us, can you locate the trojan point?
143:09:46 Roosa: Roger. We'll go to work on the trojan point.
143:09:49 Scott: Okay. [Pause]
143:09:56 McDivitt: Hey, after you do that, could you find out who's going to win the NCAA basketball championship.
143:10:02 Roosa: Roger. Couple of scores on the regional quarter finals. Davidson beat Villanova 75 to 61, and Miami of Ohio beat Notre Dame 63 to 60. [Pause]
143:10:16 McDivitt: Listen, I'm not going to be able to live with my wife. You know she is from Miami. [Pause]
143:10:21 Roosa: Ah so.
Comm break.
143:12:09 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, Houston. Ohio State beat Michigan 95 to 66.
143:12:14 McDivitt: Ah boo. [Pause]
143:12:22 McDivitt: Listen, if Michigan got beat, Miami of Ohio won - I'm in trouble when I get home.
143:12:29 Roosa: Well, that's the way it shapes up unless we can fix the scores here.
143:12:34 McDivitt: Hey, you've fixed everything else so far, how about fixing that?
143:12:38 Roosa: Roger. In work.
143:12:41 McDivitt: Rusty also wants you to get us a fix for the CDU's.
Long comm break.
143:18:00 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, Houston. You'll be getting a MASTER ALARM shortly. TCE on fuel cell 2.
143:18:06 Scott: Okay. Thank you. We got it this time.
Comm break.
143:20:22 McDivitt: Houston, Apollo 9.
143:20:23 Roosa: Go ahead, Apollo 9.
143:20:26 McDivitt: Roger. It went a lot better that time by using the point of time closest to approach. I'll let Dave tell you about the rest of it.
143:20:35 Scott: Okay. The telescope and sextant both seemed to work that time. I left the telescope early and went to the sextant, and I was able to track him all the way across the nadir and back off on the other side. And our roll rate was something like - I guess, 6/10 of a degree per second. It seemed to be real good. I took the Marks early, probably earlier that I should have, in order to get them before we had a problem. So next time, I think, it'll work out pretty good.
143:21:03 Roosa: Roger. Sounds great.
143:21:07 Scott: Your times, and everything - They are real good. And AUTO optics seems to be doing real good.
143:21:12 Roosa: Okay. Copy. I'm going to lose you in about 30 seconds off Canary. We'll see you at Tananarive at 35.
143:21:20 Scott: Okay.
Very long comm break.
143:21:25 McDivitt (onboard): Next on there is south of track 2. One's way south; one's way north. No, one's way south and one's a little north.
143:21:51 Schweickart (onboard): Alright. [Garble] landmark -
This is Apollo Control at 143 hours, 22 minutes. Apollo 9 beyond the range of the Canary station. The landmark tracking assignments during this long pass. The first one near Corpus Christi, Texas. Dave Scott reported the telescope hung up again and he had some difficulty taking marks and tracking the landmarks through the optics. However, on the landmark in Africa - the Spanish Sahara, he reported the optics appeared to work well again, and that he could track the landmark very well. Next station to acquire will be Tananarive at 143 hours, 34 minutes. This is Mission Control Houston.
143:22:19 Scott (onboard): Ney, yes, that - that's good, Rusty, telling me what - what you see on there, because I can - t - I don't have to take my eye out of there.
143:22:27 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, if that's [garble] pass me the thing there; I want to see if I really got a picture of the landmark, whether I was looking that far south of track. Okay, this is the one I got a picture of. I think so, because it didn't look exactly like that.
143:22:49 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, I know.
143:22:51 Schweickart (onboard): Did you see that? Well, then I got a picture o it today. I looked at the shape of him, and it didn't look exactly like that.
143:22:59 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] makes him more [garble].
143:23:04 Schweickart (onboard): It's hard to tell - The scale [garble].
143:23:08 McDivitt (onboard): I think this is [garble].
143:23:15 Schweickart (onboard): How far north of the track were we on that one? 60 miles? I want to go to ACKNOWLEDGE, here.
143:23:23 Scott (onboard): Hey, I tell you, that's - very interesting.
143:23:28 Schweickart (onboard): Dave's got the [garble].
143:23:31 Scott (onboard): 0649 000. That I means I took five perfect ones.
143:23:39 McDivitt (onboard): No, we just [garble] to be perfect.
143:23:41 Schweickart (onboard): No, that means our state vector is perfect, David.
143:23:43 Scott (onboard): No, I didn't get any marks there, I guess. Hey, I wonder if we were doing something wrong procedurally.
143:23:48 McDivitt (onboard): Well, I don't think so.
143:23:51 Scott (onboard): We didn't have any trouble on the [garble] this time.
143:23:53 McDivitt (onboard): I know it.
143:24:21 Scott (onboard): I'll take it. [Garble] update the state vector.
143:24:26 McDivitt (onboard): Did you get any marks here?
143:24:28 Scott (onboard): Five.
143:24:29 McDivitt (onboard): Did your mark counter say five [garble]?
143:24:31 Scott (onboard): No.
143:24:32 McDivitt (onboard): Can you check the mark counter?
143:24:33 Scott (onboard): Yes.
143:24:35 Schweickart (onboard): Maybe you have to check it before, Dave.
143:24:38 Scott (onboard): Maybe I do. Maybe before - maybe before I proceed - No, the mark counter should stay put. Let me look into that. I zero the mark counter when I proceed to - to incorporate them, but I don't do that in a rendezvous program.
143:25:00 Scott (onboard): Oh, it got them. Hey, good show! It did incorporate the marks, and my doggone DELTA-V were zero.
143:25:07 Schweickart (onboard): What's that? How do you know that -
143:25:09 Scott (onboard): That's a new latitude and longitude.
143:25:12 Schweickart (onboard): Of - of what? Of the point you marked?
143:25:13 Scott (onboard): Yes. That's what our state - that's what our updated state vector is.
143:25:18 Schweickart (onboard): Well, wait a minute now. That looks like we got the wrong option. Looks like we're locating what's on the ground, rather than our state vector.
143:25:24 Scott (onboard): Well, you just changed it. We've just changed our state vector, and we reidentified the landmark coordinates with our new state vector. That's what that is.
143:25:34 McDivitt (onboard): Well, that - that sounds like we're [garble] a landmark.
143:25:36 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, that's the ...
143:25:37 Scott (onboard): No, no, no, no, no - no landmark does that.
143:25:40 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, Dave, what's that latitude? Should that latitude be the point? [Garble].
143:25:47 Scott (onboard): Latitude.
143:25:49 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
143:25:50 Scott (onboard): That's the point.
143:25:53 McDivitt (onboard): Well, if you're a lati - if you're doing a known landmark, shouldn't that come up the same?
143:25:57 Scott (onboard): No, no, not after you update the state vector.
143:26:00 McDivitt (onboard): No, you're saying that, just because you update the state vector, you can't use a point on the ground. You don't change that, Dave.
143:26:05 Scott (onboard): Yes, you do.
143:26:06 McDivitt (onboard): Dave, how can you? That's fixed to the Earth.
143:26:09 Scott (onboard): I know, but - it's - it's fixed to the Earth, but not in the state vector. It's not ...
143:26:13 McDivitt (onboard): What you're trying to do is change your state vector, aren't you? Not the - not that point on the ground.
143:26:17 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble] 0649, not you.
143:26:19 Scott (onboard): Now wait a minute. This tells you where your landmark - that landmark coordinate - where the coordinates of that landmark are now due to the incorporation of the marks into the state vector.
143:26:35 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, but that sounds to me like that's an unknown landmark.
143:26:38 Scott (onboard): No, that's a known landmark. Now it says if the known landmark is there.
143:26:44 McDivitt (onboard): I don't - That doesn't make sense to me.
143:26:46 Schweickart (onboard): That doesn't to me either, Dave.
143:26:47 Scott (onboard): Well, that's the way it is.
143:26:48 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. Fine ...
143:26:49 McDivitt (onboard): Well, how would you do an unknown landmark, then? What are you trying to do, an unknown landmark -
143:26:52 Scott (onboard): Okay, an unknown landmark you'd take some point, and it'll define the coordinates of that landmark; and then ...
143:27:00 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. Isn't that what this is doing here?
143:27:02 Scott (onboard): No, this has changed the coordinates of that landmark, I put in - Okay, let's start from the beginning. Okay, we got a state vector. I put in the first bunch of coordinates for the state vector. Then I said, "Okay, I want to go to that point on the world, AUTO optics." Okay. It goes to that point on the world; I take a bunch of marks, and I tell the state vector that that point on the world is - is there, relative to us. Okay, then it says, "Alright." When I incorporate those marks, that goes in and says, "What are the coordinates of that point on the world, latitude and longitude-wise, from the update?" Then I ask the DAP and this is what it tells me the coordinates for that point are.
143:27:46 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, it seems like if you know ...
143:27:48 Scott (onboard): Well, that's the way it works, Jim.
143:27:49 McDivitt (onboard): ... well, it seems, Dave, if you're using a known landmark, that that's the input; and the output, the thing that you're refining, is your known - is your orbit; it's not your knowledge of where it's fixed down an the ground ...
143:27:57 Scott (onboard): That's right.
143:27:58 McDivitt (onboard): ... because that's the thing that the whole update is based on. Do you see what I mean?
143:28:03 Scott (onboard): Yes, but this ...
143:28:04 McDivitt (onboard): You can even ...
143:28:05 Scott (onboard): ... Jim, in that landmark coordinates - the landmark coordinates for that landmark have now changed, because we updated the state vector.
143:28:13 McDivitt (onboard): But they really haven't changed. Your update - That point - that point's fixed on the ground.
143:28:16 Scott (onboard): I know, but [garble] our state vector.
143:28:17 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] drop out our DELTA-V.
143:28:19 Scott (onboard): That's right. How about giving me my landmark for a second ...
143:28:23 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
143:28:24 Scott (onboard): ... so I can find the [garble].
143:28:41 Scott (onboard): Do you know what time it is and all?
143:28:44 McDivitt (onboard): It's after we get into daylight; it's -
143:28:45 Scott (onboard): Oh, we've got to go through a night pass first.
143:28:46 Schweickart (onboard): Where's the block update?
143:28:47 Scott (onboard): Did I give you that?
143:28:48 Schweickart (onboard): No, no. You kept that down there.
143:28:51 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] I had it.
143:28:53 Schweickart (onboard): Could I have that? Next landmark is 10 plus 42.
143:29:06 Scott (onboard): Hey, I - I know this is right, so I guess there's no sense ...
143:29:09 Schweickart (onboard): Well
143:29:10 Scott (onboard): ... going any further. I even got it written down right here in the book.
143:29:13 McDivitt (onboard): Alright. It doesn't make sense, David. I don't see how you can - I [garble] if you know your orbit perfectly, you're changing the world underneath you.
143:29:20 Scott (onboard): Right.
143:29:21 McDivitt (onboard): If you are not remapping the world, you're trying to find out where you are with respect to it.
143:29:24 Scott (onboard): That's right.
143:29:25 McDivitt (onboard): And if you get a DELTA-R or DELTA-V display, what you're saying is that that thing should never be anything but zero, and I can't believe that that would be right.
143:29:33 Scott (onboard): Well, okay.
143:29:35 Schweickart (onboard): It looks to me like - Do you have any option codes going in there, Dave?
143:29:37 Scott (onboard): Yes, I've got a bunch of them; let me get ready for the next one.
143:29:39 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, go ahead [garble].
143:29:40 Scott (onboard): I'll get ready - Teach you how to do it when we get through.
143:29:42 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, go ahead.
143:29:43 McDivitt (onboard): I'm not interested in learning; I want to make sure that we're just doing it right, now.
143:29:46 Scott (onboard): I'm doing it as best I know how.
143:29:49 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
143:29:50 Scott (onboard): I've never had any time to spend on it ...
143:29:51 McDivitt (onboard): I realize that.
143:29:52 Scott (onboard): ... [garble] this writeup.
143:29:53 McDivitt (onboard): I realize that.
143:29:54 Scott (onboard): I'm just telling you what the writeup says, Jim. So I guess we can't change the writeup.
143:30:00 McDivitt (onboard): Where did you get the writeup, Dave?
143:30:01 Schweickart (onboard): No, but I guess the thing is, Dave, by chance, and I don't say we are; but if by chance we are doing it wrong, we have time to correct it.
143:30:12 McDivitt (onboard): Hey - oh, shoot! What are the numbers on those things, Dave?
143:30:18 Scott (onboard): 10 [garble].
143:30:21 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, shoot! We got a whole - a whole hour.
143:30:24 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. That's what I said; we've got to go through the nightside pass.
143:30:26 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, oh, okay.
143:30:35 Schweickart (onboard): Let me see the [garble] flight plan there a minute.
143:30:38 Scott (onboard): Okay, let's just look through here [garble] let me get a rundown [garble].
143:30:42 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
143:30:52 Scott (onboard): [Garble] is off of California.
143:31:32 Scott (onboard): Okay, it all makes sense to me. I don't know why you guys - it didn't make sense to you.
143:31:36 McDivitt (onboard): Well, Dave, it just seems like if you're trying to refine your orbit, which it seems to me is what you're - is what we're trying to do ...
143:31:43 Scott (onboard): That's right.
143:31:44 McDivitt (onboard): ... that you [garble] be moving the points around on the ground, but you'd be getting DELTA-R's and DELTA-V's into the thing.
143:31:48 Scott (onboard): Okay, well, let's - let's - let me go through it again. I give it - We got a state vector.
143:31:55 McDivitt (onboard): Right.
143:31:56 Scott (onboard): And I give it a certain latitude and longitude.
143:31:58 McDivitt (onboard): Right, for a known landmark.
143:32:01 Scott (onboard): Right.
143:32:02 Schweickart (onboard): You give it the - the actual latitude and longitude of the landmark.
143:32:04 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
143:32:05 Scott (onboard): I give it a - some landmark. I know there's a point on the ground, and I know that the latitude and longitude of that point really is something.
143:32:14 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, yes, if you - if you - know that.
143:32:16 Scott (onboard): That's not an unknown; that's a known [garble].
143:32:18 McDivitt (onboard): Right.
143:32:19 Scott (onboard): Okay. Then I go to AUTO optics, and it drives [garble] somewhere over here. Because the state vector isn't perfect.
143:32:25 McDivitt (onboard): Right.
143:32:26 Scott (onboard): Okay, and it thinks that the latitude and longitude say they're, you know, 3 and 1.
143:32:31 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
143:32:32 Scott (onboard): It thinks they're over there and really they're right there.
143:32:34 McDivitt (onboard): Right.
143:32:35 Scott (onboard): Okay. Now, I go through and I mark, and I improve my statement.
143:32:39 McDivitt (onboard): Right.
143:32:40 Scott (onboard): Okay. Now it says that it thinks the latitude and longitude is here, and it's better.
143:32:47 McDivitt (onboard): No, no ...
143:32:48 Scott (onboard): Why isn't it?
143:32:49 McDivitt (onboard): ... No, let's go back even further. If this is the real point, and I have an orbit that runs down here, I think I'm on an orbit that runs down here. If this is the real point, and I take the mark, then it points over here.
143:33:02 Scott (onboard): What points over there?
143:33:03 McDivitt (onboard): The optics. I'm going to - I'm going to ...
143:33:04 Scott (onboard): You can't take a mark over there.
143:33:05 McDivitt (onboard): Alright, wait. I do AUTO optics on this point over here. Landmark's through there, and the point ever here. But you see where it is, and you move the optics over here.
143:33:15 Scott (onboard): Right.
143:33:16 McDivitt (onboard): And you make a mark.
143:33:17 Scott (onboard): Right.
143:33:18 McDivitt (onboard): This is known. The thing that's not known is your orbit.
143:33:19 Scott (onboard): No, no, that's - that's ...
143:33:21 McDivitt (onboard): That's known.
143:33:22 Scott (onboard): No, it's not. It doesn't have it stored in its mind.
143:33:24 McDivitt (onboard): No, but that's what you're putting in there. You're putting in the latitude and longitude.
143:33:27 Scott (onboard): That's right, but it's ...
143:33:28 McDivitt (onboard): It's a known landmark. Now, let me finish. You've got an orbit which you're not sure of. You've got a landmark which you're positive about. And you take - You do AUTO optics, and it points the thing over here. You say, "That's not it." You go over here to your known landmark, take some marks on the thing, and then you approve them. You can't approve this because this is known. The unknown is here.
143:33:48 Scott (onboard): Right.
143:33:49 McDivitt (onboard): So, rather than move the landmark from here to here, move the orbit from here to here.
143:33:52 Scott (onboard): That's right.
143:33:53 McDivitt (onboard): Okay. So you should get a DELTA-R and a DELTA-V to move the orbit across here, and not a change in latitude and longitude moving the point from here to here.
143:34:00 Scott (onboard): Okay. Well, that's - I -
143:34:04 McDivitt (onboard): Now, I don't know how to do the program - but that's just what it seemed like to me. I've never even looked at the program.
143:34:10 Scott (onboard): I know it; I really - I haven't looked at it much either, but I've looked at it enough to know that there are a number of different options ...
143:34:16 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
143:34:17 Scott (onboard): ... and it's not a known landmark in the sense that you have known landmarks around the Moon.
143:34:21 McDivitt (onboard): No, those are unknown landmarks.
143:34:23 Scott (onboard): No, those are known landmarks. Those are known, stored landmarks. And we have two kinds of known landmarks: stored and unstored.
143:34:30 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
143:34:31 Scott (onboard): Okay, this is an unstored, known landmark.
143:34:33 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
143:34:34 Scott (onboard): Not a stored landmark.
143:34:35 McDivitt (onboard): Right.
143:34:36 Scott (onboard): Around the Moon you have ...
143:34:37 McDivitt (onboard): You'll have to put it in latitude and longitude to [garble], if you want to milk it.
143:34:38 Scott (onboard): That's right.
143:34:39 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
143:34:41 Scott (onboard): So what you're saying - now, that point on the ground -
143:34:50 McDivitt (onboard): I'm saying that that point is the known thing, and we inputted it, that we ought to get a change in the orbit rather than a change in the landmark. Do you see what I mean?
143:34:58 Scott (onboard): [Garble].
143:34:59 McDivitt (onboard): Huh?
143:35:00 Scott (onboard): Yes, but I think we're getting that. This says that the coordinates, the state vector coordinates of the landmarks that I marked on, now are the ...
143:35:14 McDivitt (onboard): But that's not right.
143:35:15 Scott (onboard): That's right, because you're comparing the state vector. It still doesn't know perfectly where this place is; but it says that that point on the ground there, that I marked on, was located at this set of coordinates. Now, what I can do with this is store this in the computer, this data.
143:35:34 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
143:35:35 Scott (onboard): Then when we come back on the next REV ...
143:35:37 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
143:35:38 Scott (onboard): ... if it's stored in the computer, I can say, "Go there.
143:35:43 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, if you're trying to do some of that with a lunar landmark tracking option, where you don't know the coordinates or anything, maybe what you're saying is right; but, on the Earth, that sure doesn't make sense to me. It would seem that the thing we ought to change is the DELTA-R and DELTA-V.
This is Apollo Control at 143 hours 35 minutes and Tananarive has acquisition.
143:35:55 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston through Tananarive.
143:35:59 Scott: Hello. Houston, Apollo 9.
143:36:01 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble].
143:36:02 Roosa: Roger. I have an update to your landmark tracking update. [Pause]
143:36:09 Scott (onboard): Who's got the book?
143:36:10 Schweickart (onboard): I got it.
143:36:11 Scott: Stand by one.
143:36:12 Roosa: Okay. [Long pause]
143:36:15 Scott (onboard): Where did it go?
143:36:16 McDivitt (onboard): Where's the book?
143:36:17 Scott (onboard): I don't know. You just handed it to me. I saw it.
143:36:21 McDivitt (onboard): Obviously - obviously, I've got it.
143:36:23 Scott: Okay. Go ahead with it.
143:36:25 Roosa: Okay. For landmark number 10, your next one coming up, your time of closest approach is 144 30 07. And now the east coast is overcast, so you're not going to be able to get your Carolina pass in there. Your fourth landmark will be number 212. The time over the horizon: 144 50 36 00, time of closest approach 144 54 10. And since we have moved it, we want to delete that 16mm film of the thunderstorm over Africa. We will get something on that later. [Long pause]
143:37:24 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, and this 212, is that north or south of track?
143:37:37 McDivitt (onboard): Houston, Apollo 9 here.
143:37:52 McDivitt (onboard): I tell you, I think for the purposes of this pass, it really doesn't make any difference, Dave.
143:37:56 Scott (onboard): No, I don't think it does either, but we might as well try and work it right.
143:37:58 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, and we ought to work it right; and it seems to me, if you get a DELTA-R and a DELTA-V display, it ought to switch the DELTA-R's and the DELTA-V's.
143:38:05 Scott (onboard): You're right. I agree with that.
143:38:08 Roosa: Okay, Apollo 9. Situation is normal here at Tananarive. I'm not reading you, and we will see you at Carnarvon at 51. We will still be here for about another 3 minutes, but Carnarvon at 51. [Pause]
143:38:21 Scott: Roger. Houston, Apollo 9. Do you read?
143:38:23 Roosa: Roger. Reading you loud and clear.
143:38:26 Scott: Okay. Landmark 212, north or south of track?
143:38:30 Roosa: I'm sorry. It's 34 miles south of track. [Pause]
143:38:36 Scott: Okay. Readback: 212 144 50 36 35 south, closest approach 144 54 10. Closest approach for landmark 10 is 144 30 07. [Pause]
143:39:02 Roosa: Roger. Your readback is correct. We are deleting the 16mm film of the African thunderstorm.
143:39:09 Scott: Okay. Delete 16mm film.
143:39:11 McDivitt (onboard): Rusty, I don't know where that hunk of information is.
143:39:13 Roosa: Okay. And your readback is correct. Thank you.
Comm break.
143:39:16 Schweickart (onboard): What hunk of information?
143:39:18 McDivitt (onboard): About thunderstorm picture. I guess that's in the flight plan, isn't it? Or is that on here?
143:39:23 Schweickart (onboard): The flight plan. Dave, what's the offset designator?
143:39:32 Scott (onboard): That's meaningless in earth orbit. It's zero.
143:39:36 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. Oh, yes, okay. I didn't know that.
143:40:12 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, both of these are south of track again, Dave, so we can go ahead and -
143:40:15 Scott (onboard): Okay.
143:40:18 Schweickart (onboard): How about - There must be some more stuff on this that's really pertinent to the technique rather than the program. I'll [garble] I identify the landmark.
143:40:31 Scott (onboard): Okay.
143:40:32 Schweickart (onboard): And ...
143:40:34 Scott (onboard): Why don't you log this stuff, Rusty? We ought to get a - You got a piece of paper where we can log this?
143:40:37 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, I'm logging it.
143:40:38 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, Houston. If you are still reading me, there is a transducer that is slightly erratic on your helium pressure on quad Baker. It will not affect our gaging or our predictions. I just want to let you know this in case you see some funny readings.
Very long comm break.
143:41:03 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, did you hear what the transducer was, anybody?
143:41:05 Scott (onboard): Yes, helium pressure.
143:41:06 McDivitt (onboard): Helium. Okay. Roger, Houston. Helium on quad B.
143:41:44 Scott (onboard): Hey: Here's the - update. Let me see what that -
143:42:09 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, that's another nice one, right on the coast.
This is Apollo Control at 143 hours 42 minutes. Tananarive has LOS. The weather has apparently socked in the landmark at Cape Fear, North Carolina, so we have subsituted for that a landmark, number 212 which is the southernmost point of Isle Tamara off the coast of Guinea in Africa. We also advised the crew of an erratic transducer that may give them some erratic helium pressure readings on our reaction control system quad, but we advised them it was no problem. The next station to acquire will be Carnarvon, at 143 hours 50 minutes. This is Mission Control Houston.
143:42:14 Schweickart (onboard): Dave, what do you put into a landmark ID if it's latitude and longitude, but not a - not an ID number?
143:42:20 Scott (onboard): Zero zero. Or you can put in a 01 if you got it stored. You can store one landmark in earth orbit.
143:43:30 Schweickart (onboard): Dave, can I ask you a question here?
143:43:37 Scott (onboard): Did you say something?
143:43:38 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, can I ask you a question here?
143:43:40 Scott (onboard): Well, yes, but I would like to sit here and think about this stuff for a while. What?
143:43:43 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. No ...
143:43:44 Scott (onboard): I really would like to go through it and see what -
143:43:47 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, I'm - I'm - I'm - I don't - I don't - That's alright. I'm just trying to come up with clues also.
143:45:09 Scott (onboard): Boy, you know, we've got a pretty high cabin TEMP [garble].
143:45:14 McDivitt (onboard): That's what I thought [garble].
143:45:16 Scott (onboard): Oh, yes?
143:45:17 Schweickart (onboard): It got up there yesterday, too, I was noticing.
143:45:18 Scott (onboard): Did it really?
143:45:19 Schweickart (onboard): Yes. Especially toward the end of the daylight pass, it tends to get up there, and then it drops down a little bit, when it's at night [garble]. It might do that ...
143:45:31 Scott (onboard): Hey, the only thing that puzzles me is the DELTA-R and DELTA-V, and that ought to have a change [garble], but ...
143:45:37 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
143:45:38 Scott (onboard): ... this, I think, is the flow where you change - where now if we wanted to go back to that landmark again, we can store this data ...
143:45:44 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
143:45:45 Scott (onboard): ... and the AUTO optics would take this and point it better, because it knows better - where the thing is. It stays on the mark, to do any good.
143:46:03 Schweickart (onboard): Dave, let me ask you a question.
143:46:04 Scott (onboard): Okay.
143:46:05 Schweickart (onboard): You get an 0689 over here before you take the mark, and that's where you load in the stuffs right?
143:46:11 Scott (onboard): Yes.
143:46:12 Schweickart (onboard): Now, if, after you take the mark, you get the 71 again, and, yes, I guess you put a 1 in there, right?
143:46:19 Scott (onboard): Yes.
143:46:20 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, now, when you get this one, is this the same 89, or is this a new one?
143:46:24 Scott (onboard): That's the same one that allows you to check what you put in before.
143:46:28 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
143:46:46 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble].
143:47:42 Schweickart (onboard): That's weird as hell. What happens on that last display if you PROCEED?
143:47:50 Scott (onboard): It stores it.
143:47:52 Schweickart (onboard): PROCEED stores, 32 doesn't store, and 34 exits, huh?
143:47:56 Scott (onboard): That's right. Then you have - then you store your one landmark for earth orbit. Now, the next time, I can call that landmark.
143:48:14 McDivitt (onboard): Certainly isn't very explicit, is it?
143:48:15 Scott (onboard): No, it's not very explicit.
143:48:22 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, I wish to hell we had a GSOP.
143:48:24 Scott (onboard): Hey, listen, I went through the GSOP, and it was useless.
143:48:27 Schweickart (onboard): Was it? [Garble].
143:48:28 Scott (onboard): Well, I didn't have time to go through it - I skimmed through it one time, and I asked Vince Parker to go through it and straighten it out and simplify things for earth orbit. It was really designed for lunar orbit, and I just didn't have time to - to dig into it. I got instructions [garble].
143:48:52 McDivitt (onboard): Right, by me. [Garble].
143:49:06 Schweickart (onboard): Well, I don't know, I think everything you've been saying sure gets backed up by what's in there ...
143:49:12 McDivitt (onboard): No, except [garble] 0649 or use this display.
143:49:15 Scott (onboard): No, I said that ...
143:49:16 McDivitt (onboard): I can't believe that.
143:49:17 Scott (onboard): ... couldn't understand where that 0649 has to be. If that would give us a number, then I would think that I really understood it, but I don't get any number.
143:49:28 McDivitt (onboard): The thing that bothers - It looks like the difference between earth known landmarks and lunar known landmarks is that - that earth known landmarks, you know them; but lunar known landmarks, you don't really know them.
143:49:39 Scott (onboard): They're stored, too.
143:49:40 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. You do really approve your knowledge of the lunar landmark.
143:49:47 Schweickart (onboard): That's why it bothers me. It's almost just like there's an option code way somewhere in the beginning ...
143:49:52 McDivitt (onboard): That's right.
143:49:53 Scott (onboard): That's not even in here.
143:49:54 Schweickart (onboard): ... Yes, that's not even in that program thing; that makes the difference.
143:50:00 Scott (onboard): Hey, am I supposed to do an alignment - here?
143:50:02 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, shoot, I think you are.
This is Apollo Control at 143 hours 50 minutes, and Carnarvon is acquiring Apollo 9.
143:50:13 Scott (onboard): [Garble] unfortunately, I'm not in the right attitude. Should be -
143:50:15 McDivitt (onboard): Sorry.
143:50:16 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, planet option - Jupiter.
143:50:17 Scott (onboard): Yes. No, I think [garble] well [garble].
143:50:22 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble] see if I can find it [garble].
143:50:27 Scott (onboard): 0h, boy!
143:50:28 McDivitt (onboard): Why don't we get out the star chart, so we can figure out where Jupiter was? [Garble] see if he's over there.
143:50:36 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. Big Jupe's by Leo.
143:50:40 McDivitt (onboard): Is he?
143:50:41 Schweickart (onboard): I think so.
143:50:54 Scott (onboard): False cross?
143:50:56 Schweickart (onboard): Either by Leo or Scorpio, I don't know.
143:50:58 Scott (onboard): No, it's right by Spica.
143:51:00 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, good.
143:51:01 Scott (onboard): Makes an equilateral triangle with Corvus and Spica.
143:51:07 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. Great! That's over by Leo.
143:52:38 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston through Carnarvon. Standing by.
143:52:42 Scott: Roger. Houston, Apollo 9. [Long pause]
143:53:01 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, Houston. I have several comments on how we are set up on this landmark tracking, when you are ready to talk. [Pause]
143:53:12 Scott: Okay, Smokey. One question first.
143:53:15 Roosa: Go.
143:53:17 Scott: What was our GMT at liftoff?
143:53:21 Roosa: Okay. We'll get it.
143:53:24 Scott: Okay. Thank you.
143:53:25 Roosa: And could you give us P00 in ACCEPT? We'd like to uplink you a state vector.
143:53:32 Scott: Roger. P00 in ACCEPT.
143:53:34 Roosa: Understand. P00 in ACCEPT. [Long pause]
143:54:08 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, Houston. Time 16 plus 00 plus 01. [Pause]
143:54:19 Scott: Roger. 16 plus 00 plus 01. Gee, we were a little late.
143:54:24 Roosa: Yes. Just a tad there. And, Dave, there are a couple of comments about this NOUN 71 setup, and a couple of other things I'd like to talk with you. [Pause]
143:54:36 Scott: Roger. Go ahead.
143:54:38 Roosa: Okay. Your Mark counter will not update in this P22. Now we have a display on it, and we are showing that your Marks are getting in. We showed 5 on the first pass just as you stated. And so that's one thing that you can expect. Okay. Under NOUN 49 your DELTA-R DELTA-V is going to read zero in this P22. And the reason for this is the W-matric is initialized to accept Marks for LATS, LONG, and altitude only; so you're going to see zero on the DELTA-R DELTA-V. [Pause]
143:55:20 Scott: Okay. That was a real puzzler. We've been sitting here trying to figure out why that didn't give us anything, and we were absolutely stumped.
143:55:27 Roosa: Okay. Now one other thing. Down here - I'm looking at your procedures book - under your NOUN 71 where it says that your last two digits can either be 00 or 01 for Earth orbit, we should restrict that to 00 for Earth orbit. It's not set up to accept that lunar landmark stowage. So we'd like to have that NOUN 71 as either 10 000 or 20 000, and since we're working on known landmarks, we're saying 10 000.
143:56:09 Unidentifiable crewmember: Okay. I understand that. I was planning not to use that 01 anyway, because we weren't going to the same landmark. But okay; we'll use 10 000 all the way through.
143:56:19 Roosa: Okay. [Pause]
143:56:30 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, let's bring up S-band volume. We'll be seeing you at Honeysuckle here within a minute. [Long pause]
143:57:19 Roosa: Apollo 9, this is Houston. The computer is yours. I have a NAV check to go along with the state vector. You have been uplinked state vectors in both slots.
Comm break.
143:58:45 Roosa: Apollo 9, this is Houston. I should have you at Honeysuckle. Do you read? [Long pause]
143:59:14 Roosa: Apollo 9, this is Houston. I should have you through Honeysuckle now. The computer is yours. I have a NAV check to go along with the state vectors that have been uplinked.
143:59:23 Scott: Roger. Stand by just one.
143:59:25 Roosa: Roger. [Long pause]
143:59:42 Scott: Okay. Go ahead.
143:59:44 Roosa: Roger, Reading NAV check: 144 05 0069, minus 2027, plus 16071 1177. End of update. [Pause]
144:00:21 Scott: Roger. Readback: 144 05 0069, minus 2027, plus 16071 and 1177.
144:00:32 Roosa: That is affirmative. Houston affirms the update. And did you talk to me over Tananarive about your pressure transducer on quad Baker?
144:00:43 McDivitt: Roger. We did.
144:00:46 Roosa: Okay. And one other comment. The 121 alarm that you got back there, Dave, is not connected with the optics problem.
144:00:56 Scott: Okay. Thank you. What is it connected with?
144:01:00 Roosa: Well, everybody here agrees that it is not unreasonable to see that that alarm is a reasonable test on the CDU's; and at the time you sampled it, it flashed you that. But it's not connected now with the sticking of the optics.
144:01:20 Scott: Okay. Maybe all this will make sense in a couple of more revs.
144:01:25 Roosa: Roger. And that alarm is the platform CDU's, Dave. I guess that will clarify, for you. [Pause]
144:01:35 Scott: Okay. Well, I just had a quick gouge up here on the alarms and CDU's, and it didn't specify.
144:01:41 Roosa: Roger. Understand. I was thumbing through my book here trying to see what the alarm was. I was watching you go through that, but I've got a couple of more rooms of brains back here that you don't have.
144:01:55 Scott: It's nice to have them back there, isn't it?
144:01:57 Roosa: Boy, it sure is. [Long pause]
144:02:05 Scott (onboard): Hey, what does the flight plan say on the kind of alignment I'm doing here? Nominal again?
144:02:10 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, you're doing a REFSMMAT.
144:02:11 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] REFSMMAT.
144:02:12 Scott (onboard): Oh, yes. Thank you.
144:02:14 Schweickart (onboard): (Laughter)
144:02:16 Scott (onboard): Well, I thought maybe you wanted to go through the nominal again.
144:02:18 Schweickart (onboard): You got two guys watching you, buddy.
144:02:20 Scott (onboard): Yes, I can tell that.
144:02:22 McDivitt (onboard): Actually, the one before was a REFSMMAT, too, I believe.
144:02:24 Schweickart (onboard): No, the last one was a nominal to the time. Then this one is a REFSMMAT to the same alignment.
144:02:35 Scott (onboard): It looks like you did the REFS - you did the nominal, earlier, too, didn't you?
144:02:38 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, we just did one extra nominal before we got our state-vector update.
144:02:51 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. We are about to lose you at Honeysuckle. I see you working on your realignment there. We'll see you at Huntsville at 06.
Long comm break.
144:02:56 Schweickart (onboard): Sure are. (Laughter) Here, I'll get it, Jim.
144:03:11 Schweickart (onboard): How are we doing? Holy smoke, we're upside down!
144:03:16 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. Now I don't know where in the beck we are.
144:03:21 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, I can give you a good idea, Jim. Let me see - Leo's ahead - Hey, you're in pretty good shape, now.
144:03:26 McDivitt (onboard): I think we are [garble].
144:03:27 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, I can see the Big Dipper; and, therefore, Leo's right down there. Oh, he may be down a little bit too far though, Jim.
144:03:35 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, I don't think [garble] ...
144:03:36 Schweickart (onboard): We may have - we may have to pitch down.
144:03:39 Scott (onboard): Hey, let me take a look out here and see if I can find him, either.
144:03:42 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, Dave, here, look at this. Turn up your lights for just a second.
144:03:53 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, look. See, here he is here. Right here's ...
144:03:56 Scott (onboard): Okay, Leo is right by the tail.
144:03:58 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, just down below the tail.
144:04:03 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble]. Hey, wait. He's just coming up over the horizon. Boy, he's not very bright.
This is Apollo Control at 144 hours 4 minutes. We have LOS at Honeysuckle. That Greenwich mean time of liftoff that Dave Scott requested 16 00 01 translate to 1 second past 10:00 a.m. Central Standard Time, and you heard several references on this transmission to CDU's. Those are coupling display units, and those are assemblies of electromagnetic transducers to display coordinated data from the Apollo guidance and navigation equipment. Huntsville will acquire Apollo 9 in about 10 seconds. We will stand by for acquisition there.
144:04:09 Scott (onboard): Well, let's give it the real test and see if AUTO optics will find it.
144:04:13 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, man.
144:04:15 Scott (onboard): Out of the field of view.
144:04:17 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, I'm going to pitch down.
144:04:22 Scott (onboard): From what I can see, we sure do. Out of 90 degrees.
144:04:27 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, I think we've got to pitch down a long way, Jim. Yes. Hey, hey, wait - wait until they call it from the ground on this one.
144:04:47 Scott (onboard): Alright, we've got quite a ways to go.
144:04:52 Schweickart (onboard): But he should come up in the bottom of your field of view, Dave.
144:04:55 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, [garble].
144:05:09 Scott (onboard): [Garble] the tail of Leo.
144:05:11 Schweickart (onboard): Let's see, I've got - What?
144:05:36 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, Jim, see, the Big Dipper is over here, and from the Big Dipper you go down that way to get to Leo, because he's down there.
144:06:04 Schweickart (onboard): Heck, no, you're in the southern sky, Jim. I'm looking at the Southern Cross right now.
144:06:09 Scott (onboard): Yes.
144:06:10 Schweickart (onboard): We've got to pitch down and roll a little hit right.
144:06:12 Scott (onboard): Yes, roll right. Yes.
144:06:14 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] right out of the [garble].
144:06:27 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, in fact, if you roll right now more, Jim, he's going to come up in Dave's field of view from the bottom right.
144:06:40 Schweickart (onboard): He's right about over there now.
144:06:45 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, Houston through Huntsville. Standing by. And I'm real curious how old Jupiter worked out.
Comm break.
144:06:51 Schweickart (onboard): I'm sorry - Roll left. I'm sorry. God damn it! I'm backwards.
144:06:55 McDivitt (onboard): What?
144:06:56 Schweickart (onboard): I'm sorry, Jim. Yes, roll left. I'm sorry. God damn!
144:07:04 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble].
144:07:06 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, yes. You're right. I - I'm looking at them. I got my gyros R cross Z. Okay, Dave, he should be coming into your field from the lower right-hand side.
144:07:46 Scott (onboard): Yes, I think it is. Let me see, go right up from -
144:07:48 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] radar [garble].
144:07:51 Scott (onboard): You're doing good. I've got to where I can track in there a little bit [garble]. Okay, he should be coming in there now. Just keep [garble] to rolling, keep rolling.
144:08:26 Scott (onboard): Corvus, that's Corvus. Okay, Corvus. There's Spica, a little bit more. There he comes. I think I got him [garble]; let's see if I can see [garble].
144:08:36 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, Houston through Huntsville. Standing by. We'll have you about another 3-1/2 minutes.
144:08:44 McDivitt: Say again. Houston, Apollo 9.
144:08:46 Roosa: Roger. We've got you at the Huntsville now. Should have you for about another 3 minutes; and I'm curious boy old Jupiter went.
144:08:54 McDivitt: Say again about Jup ...
144:08:56 Roosa: ... Roger. How did the alignment go on Jupiter there?
144:08:57 Schweickart (onboard): Jupe [Jupiter].
144:09:00 McDivitt: We're still tracking him down, here.
144:09:03 Roosa: Okay. [Pause]
144:09:04 Scott (onboard): Okay, I've got him, Jim.
144:09:06 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, do you want to stop here?
144:09:08 Scott (onboard): Yes.
144:09:10 McDivitt: We just found him.
Comm break.
144:09:17 Scott (onboard): I want to see if AUTO optics will do the trick here, while we're at it.
144:09:36 Scott (onboard): Oh, look at that thing! Wouldn't do it.
144:09:41 McDivitt (onboard): Wouldn't do it!
144:09:42 Scott (onboard): No. It goes out of the field of view. I could have the wrong -
144:09:48 Schweickart (onboard): Numbers in?
144:09:50 Scott (onboard): I just copied them right out of the book. We'll mark on it.
144:09:59 Schweickart (onboard): David, if you put in the wrong numbers, it'll really torque you around the wrong way, babe. On, no, that's just for AUTO optics. Is that - let me see, is that right? No, you've got to get the right numbers in.
144:10:10 Scott (onboard): You have to have the right numbers for the [garble].
144:10:12 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, you sure do. So if AUTO optics doesn't work, that's because you must have the wrong numbers. Hey, why don't you mark on them and let me look at some numbers, and we can always reject it? Let me see if I can puzzle that out.
144:10:22 Scott (onboard): I can't mark on him, until I get by the numbers.
144:10:24 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, that's right; that's right. You've got to mark and then load. Backwards, from the way ...
144:10:29 Scott (onboard): No, I'm sorry. No - Well, I've got the right numbers. GMT, we're third month, ninth day, and 16th hour, aren't we? Tell me that. We launched on the third day.
144:10:44 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
144:10:46 Scott (onboard): Of March, which is the third third, right?
144:10:47 Schweickart (onboard): Right.
144:10:48 Scott (onboard): Okay, now tell me where we are now. I figure we're third day, ninth month, and 16th hour.
144:10:52 Schweickart (onboard): No, we're not ninth month; that's sure.
144:10:55 Scott (onboard): I mean ninth - third month, ninth day.
144:10:59 McDivitt (onboard): Sixth day.
144:11:02 Scott: Hey, Smokey. Is this the ninth? [Pause]
144:11:06 Roosa: Hey, that's affirmative. It is the ninth.
144:11:09 Scott: Thank you. Sort of lost track here.
144:11:11 Schweickart (onboard): The ninth.
144:11:12 Roosa: Roger. I can understand that.
Comm break.
144:11:16 McDivitt (onboard): Do you have to put in right-now's time?
144:11:21 Scott (onboard): You have to put in right-now's coordinates, yes.
144:11:23 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble].
144:11:24 Scott (onboard): Oh, no, but it's not - No, it doesn't move that fast, Jim.
144:11:26 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. Well, I'm just trying to ...
144:11:41 McDivitt (onboard): Pretty close to 6 hours, isn't it?
144:11:47 Scott (onboard): It depends on the planet. Venus is real fast and Mars is fairly fast, and Jupiter is real slow. I don't know what the ...
144:11:59 McDivitt (onboard): How about orbits ...
144:12:00 Scott (onboard): ... [garble] timing ...
144:12:08 McDivitt (onboard): We got the update book, okay?
144:12:11 Scott (onboard): ... [garble] I'll try one more. Hey, it got through. Okay.
144:12:14 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. See you at Hawaii 18. [Pause]
144:12:17 McDivitt (onboard): Alright.
144:12:18 Unidentifiable crewmember: Roger.
Long comm break.
This is Apollo Control at 144 hours, 12 minutes. LOS at the Huntsville. Hawaii will acquire at 144 hours, 18 minutes. This is Mission Control Houston.
144:12:19 Schweickart (onboard): Just got to it, huh?
144:12:20 Scott (onboard): I don't understand it. I took it out of AUTO to try and just get to it, so I could mark on it and see how it comes up. The AUTO optics didn't work.
144:12:32 Schweickart (onboard): They did that time, Great.
144:12:37 Scott (onboard): No, I'm just going to go ahead and - go over here and mark on it.
144:13:06 Scott (onboard): Which [garble] should I mark on?
144:13:09 McDivitt (onboard): (Laughter) Have you got her?
144:13:11 Scott (onboard): Yes, I've got it. I'm - I'm going - I don't understand why AUTO optics rejected it, but we'll see what kind of data we get.
144:13:19 Schweickart (onboard): Well, I know that's ...
144:13:20 McDivitt (onboard): If it's all screwed up, don't torque the platform around ...
144:13:23 Scott (onboard): Don't worry.
144:13:24 McDivitt (onboard): ... until - get the next landmark tracking in.
144:13:34 Scott (onboard): Okay, one mark on Jupiter. Proceed, and then we go get another fairly deep star here.
144:13:43 Schweickart (onboard): That's 0171, Dave. Don't you have to put Jupiter in there?
144:13:47 Scott (onboard): Well, I just - Yes: that says ...
144:13:51 Schweickart (onboard): What star did you mark on?
144:13:52 Scott (onboard): ... that I was proceed here and go - go 688; there's Jupiter.
144:13:55 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, okay.
144:13:56 Scott (onboard): Yes, and we proceed here. Just not there, and we've got to load a new star. I just had to set all this in.
144:14:04 Schweickart (onboard): Planets are zero, huh?
144:14:06 Scott (onboard): Yes [Garble].
144:14:07 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble].
144:14:09 Scott (onboard): Okay: I'm going to go get Acrux [garble].
144:14:22 Scott (onboard): Get a good - good angle [garble].
144:14:25 McDivitt (onboard): Would you believe we have 12 minutes until the - we start tracking on the next landmark?
144:14:29 Scott (onboard): Yes, I'll be through in a jiff.
144:14:30 McDivitt (onboard): No, I'm just trying to keep you up to date on where you are.
144:14:33 Scott (onboard): Yes, that's fine. Good. I'm just -
144:14:35 McDivitt (onboard): I'm not rushing you.
144:14:36 Scott (onboard): [Garble] hurry me. Acrux, 49.
144:14:43 McDivitt (onboard): What did I do with the update book?
144:14:45 Schweickart (onboard): This it?
144:14:46 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
144:14:49 Scott (onboard): We'll skip that NAV check [garble]
144:15:00 Schweickart (onboard): You can probably get that NAV check hack there. Get it while Dave's getting his map set up.
144:15:06 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, I've got to get the spacecraft in the right spot, too. We're a long way from it.
144:15:10 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. Tell you what, want me to run the NAV cheek after Dave gets back?
144:15:13 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
144:15:14 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, that's a nothing.
144:15:17 McDivitt (onboard): Let me -
144:15:19 Scott (onboard): Jim, could you take your rates out, please?
144:15:21 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
144:15:22 Scott (onboard): I can't hold it. Okay, that's good.
144:15:45 Schweickart (onboard): How about that in the nick of time?
144:15:49 McDivitt (onboard): Put it hack ...
144:15:50 Schweickart (onboard): Let's see what it comes out, David.
144:15:51 McDivitt (onboard): ... put it back in the [garble].
144:15:52 Scott (onboard): 67.94 degrees.
144:15:54 Schweickart (onboard): That's not very good, is it?
144:15:55 Scott (onboard): Sure isn't.
144:15:56 Schweickart (onboard): I would suggest we reject that?
144:15:58 Scott (onboard): Yes. I want to - I will, but I want to write it down here.
144:16:01 Schweickart (onboard): (Laughter)
144:16:02 Scott (onboard): Yes.
144:16:06 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, I'm going to start maneuvering, Dave, for the next attitude.
144:16:09 Scott (onboard): Fine.
144:16:17 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble]. Oh, yes.
144:16:18 Scott (onboard): Hey, you guys give me credit for being able to find Jupiter and Acrux?
144:16:22 Schweickart (onboard): No (laughter).
144:16:23 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. Yes.
144:16:26 Schweickart (onboard): (Laughter) But not knowing the day of the month. (Laughter)
144:16:29 Scott (onboard): I want you to check my numbers; I must have done something wrong with the numbers.
144:16:31 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
144:16:32 Schweickart (onboard): Jupiter I'll give you credit for; Acrux - Let me think of Acrux as a half-bright star [garble].
144:17:04 Scott (onboard): Hey, I think we got the [garble].
144:17:06 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble].
144:17:18 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, Dave, let me get this [garble].
144:17:20 Scott (onboard): Yes. Okay.
144:17:21 Schweickart (onboard): Just tell me what landmark it is.
144:17:23 Scott (onboard): Okay.
144:17:33 Schweickart (onboard): You want that? Okay, I'm going to take the computer and make a NAV check, Dave, for just a second.
144:17:40 Scott (onboard): Yes, [garble].
144:17:57 Scott (onboard): Jim, we're in the hundreds of hours now.
144:18:01 McDivitt (onboard): Holy [garble].
144:18:03 Scott (onboard): [Garble].
144:18:07 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, boy, we're going to go into Punta Yayahmeko, Mexico. The west tip of Point Yayahmeko.
144:18:25 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
144:18:28 Schweickart (onboard): You've got the computer, Dave, and we're - we got a good NAV check.
144:18:33 Scott (onboard): Okay.
This is Apollo Control at 144 hours, 18 minutes. Apollo 9 within range at Hawaii now.
144:18:50 Roosa: Apollo 9, this is Houston through Hawaii. Standing by.
144:18:55 McDivitt: Roger, Houston.
144:18:58 Scott: And, Houston. The P52 with Jupiter didn't work out very well. I stuck in the numbers I had in the checklist for the days we asked you to check on and got about a 67-degree star-angle difference. And I used Jupiter and Acrux, which are pretty familiar figures, so we'll have to regroup on that one. [Pause]
144:19:23 Roosa: Roger. Copy. Understand.
144:19:26 Scott: And we did not torque the platform, by the way.
144:19:29 Roosa: Good thinking. And show you - about 7 minutes, old Punta Willard ought to be coming over your horizon.
144:19:38 Scott: Okay.
Comm break.
144:21:46 Scott: Houston, Apollo 9.
144:21:48 Roosa: Go ahead, Apollo 9.
Very long comm break.
This is Apollo Control. Apollo 9 approaching the coast of Baha, California now. We'll have continuing coverage through the Canaries station. We'll stay up live.
144:35:02 Schweickart: Houston, this is Apollo 9. You are still around, aren't you?
144:35:05 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. Say again.
144:35:08 Schweickart: Roger. Houston, Apollo 9. Had a little trouble with the clouds that tine. I wasn't able to recognize it until we got about 30 seconds from overhead, and then I'm not sure because of the cloud cover. But I got three Marks in with the sextant, and the AUTO optics seemed to work pretty good.
144:35:26 Roosa: Roger. Copy. And that CDU alarm, we feel, at that time was caused by the roll rate. [Pause]
144:35:36 McDivitt: Okay. Very good. And you just about have to have that kind of roll rate to stay on it with the sextant. [Pause]
144:35:45 McDivitt: What's the roil rate limit that causes that?
144:35:48 Roosa: We're working on that right now.
Comm break.
144:38:09 McDivitt: Houston, Apollo 9.
144:38:11 Roosa: Go ahead, Apollo 9.
144:38:13 McDivitt: Did you get my question about what roll rate causes the CDU warning light to come up?
144:38:18 Roosa: That's affirmative, Jim. We're working on that. We're trying to find out what limits you have in there now, and, also, we may be able to change it - change the limit. And just for your info, too, when you do get that alarm, it will reject that Mark. It won't accept it with that Mark, so we'll try to have you a roll rate limit here.
144:38:44 McDivitt: Okay, Stu. Just as you say. Just for your information, you cut out. What was for my information?
144:38:50 Roosa: Okay. That when it flashes that CDU alarm, it will reject that Mark.
144:38:58 McDivitt: Okay. It rejects one Mark, but not the whole string of Marks; is that right?
144:39:03 Roosa: That's affirmative.
144:39:05 McDivitt: Okay. Thank you.
144:39:08 Scott: And, Stu, I got another question on this new program we're working with here. It doesn't seem to allow us to proceed out of the flashing 51 as we do in the other programs. [Pause]
144:39:22 Roosa: Okay. I copy. We'll try to get you an answer.
144:39:26 Scott: Okay. [Long pause]
144:39:48 McDivitt: Hey, Houston. This is Apollo 9.
144:39:50 Roosa: Go ahead, Apollo 9.
144:39:51 Schweickart: Hey, did all that work that Dave did on his EKG last night fix it?
144:39:57 Roosa: That's affirmative. It's coming through loud and clear, and the sergeon says, "Thank you.
144:40:02 Scott: Dr. Scott appreciates his thank you.
144:40:07 Roosa: Roger
144:40:09 Scott: I've been thinking of looking for a new job.
144:40:15 Roosa: The surgeon says they'll put you to work.
144:40:20 Scott: They've been doing that for several years.
144:40:22 Roosa: Very good. [Long pause]
144:40:37 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, Houston. I can just see the headlines now: "Scott Quitting Space Program.
144:40:46 Scott: Yes. I hope we see those, huh?
144:40:48 Roosa: Yes.
144:40:49 McDivitt: All right, you guys. [Pause]
144:41:00 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, Houston. Dave, you could proceed on that flashing 51, if you could get one valid Mark into the computer. But that's what's hanging up on the flashing 51 there. [Pause]
144:41:14 Scott: Okay. Well, I thought I got a couple; I got three there, and I didn't get the program alarm. I don't think ...
144:41:21 Roosa: Okay. We'll check that...
144:41:22 Scott: Okay. [Garble] ...
144:41:23 Roosa: The info I had was ...
144:41:24 Scott: [Garble] I was looking through the tube there and didn't see the [garble] we got on the first one. [Pause]
144:41:34 Roosa: Okay. And we did see the three alarm.
144:41:39 Scott: Okay. We'll slow down the roll rate.
Long comm break.
144:46:19 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston.
144:46:21 Scott: Go ahead.
144:46:22 Roosa: Okay. I guess you've got somebody eyeing the middle gimbal, and I realize that it's less than 4 minutes before 212 is coming over the horizon. We can go into the erasable memory with the address I can give to you, and we can double the rate that's in there. Right now it's six-tenths of a degree CDU rate. Now we don't, have that info translated into a body rate, yet. [Pause]
144:46:51 Scott: Okay. Why don't we just go slower on this one, Houston, and not try and do that now, because we are coming up on the target. And I think - You know the summation of all this is - It's probably designed for the lunar orbital case where you have a lot more time and you're going a lot slower. That's probably what the problem is.
144:47:09 Roosa: Roger. That's - We understand and concur with not changing it. We don't have to let out - I thought we might want to try it on this last one here today. And really, we're proving the technique; sounds like you've really got the technique swinging. [Pause]
144:47:26 Scott: Oh, yes. And I'm surprised even the sextant is as easy as it is. Once we get the high spacecraft rates it's pretty easy to track it with the sextant. [Pause]
144:47:37 McDivitt: Stu, if we do any of these things tomorrow, we might jack up the rate in that erasable load.
144:47:44 Roosa: Okay. Real good, Jim. [Long pause]
144:48:07 Schweickart (onboard): Let's see, we're supposed to do a state vector - supposed to do a P52 again and [garble] to Jupiter.
144:48:15 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
144:48:21 Scott: And, Houston, on this next night pass, we'll do that P52 to Jupiter again.
144:48:28 Roosa: Roger. Understand. Maybe by then we'll have somebody look at those half unit vectors and [garble].
Long comm break.
This is Apollo Control; we've had LOS at Vanguard; the Canary Island Station will acquire within a few seconds for about a minute and a half pass there.
144:48:38 McDivitt (onboard): You broke up.
144:48:42 Schweickart (onboard): Maybe we just lost him.
144:48:45 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, Davey, we're 5 minutes and 25 seconds out from being overhead.
144:48:49 Scott (onboard): Okay, it's coming up on the horizon. Hey, the telescope hasn't hung up for a long time.
144:48:55 McDivitt (onboard): I think it just needs to be exercised a little.
144:48:56 Scott (onboard): Yes, maybe it does, because it's doing pretty good now.
144:48:58 McDivitt (onboard): Maybe it's just the attitude we're going through [garble].
144:49:04 Scott (onboard): [Garble]. It's doing the whole region where it used to get stuck.
144:49:18 McDivitt (onboard): Tell you what we'll do, Rusty. When I finish this thing, I'll pitch it down a little so that the windows will be pointed down towards the ground when we go across Africa, and you can get some of that stuff down there at the bottom.
144:49:31 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. Say, what's the time of this landmark?
144:49:43 McDivitt (onboard): Time over it?
144:49:44 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
144:49:45 McDivitt (onboard): 144:52.
144:49:51 Schweickart (onboard): Check. What number is it?
144:49:54 McDivitt (onboard): 212.
144:49:56 Scott (onboard): Hey, that's the smartest set of optics I ever saw. Know what it just did?
144:50:02 McDivitt (onboard): What?
144:50:03 Schweickart (onboard): We hit the 370-degrees limit on shaft around the other way, and it stopped and came all the way b - around the other way. That is a smart fellow! How about that. I was looking through the sextant, and it started moving real fast and I thought, "Uh oh oh". (Laughter) Gosh, come look at - Oh, look at those clouds - gray clouds.
144:50:30 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, yes, get some pictures of that, Rusty.
144:50:31 Schweickart (onboard): Yes. That stuff [garble] right down there?
144:50:34 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, yes, get some pictures of that, Rusty. [Garble] -
144:50:40 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble] - Okay, Jim, how about ...
144:50:42 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] this set up here, too, get some of those as you go across.
144:50:45 Schweickart (onboard): Mark when I tell you I can identify it, okay? Yes, I'll get that, Dave; I'm logging all the cr - log in.
144:50:52 Scott (onboard): Okay.
144:50:54 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, in 2 minutes [garble] must be over the hill [garble].
144:51:04 Schweickart (onboard): No, it probably is ...
144:51:05 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] 3 minutes and 14 seconds out from being direct overhead.
144:51:08 Scott (onboard): Yes, I'm with you. I can't see it yet.
144:51:12 McDivitt (onboard): You and I are having trouble speaking time to each other.
144:51:16 Schweickart (onboard): No, I'm with you on the time, there.
144:51:19 Scott (onboard): Oh, there's an island. By damn.
144:51:20 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, these - We're right around the Canaries. Those look like those are very [garble].
144:51:24 Scott (onboard): Holy smoke.
144:51:27 McDivitt (onboard): Try to get as many of them as you can.
144:51:28 Scott (onboard): Oh, here is a tremendous vortex pattern out here in front of us, Rusty. You got to get those!
144:51:33 Schweickart (onboard): I'm getting all these islands.
144:51:34 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, yes. Where?
144:51:36 Schweickart (onboard): Those cloud patterns - those [garble] they'll lose their gourds over that.
144:51:41 Scott (onboard): Hey, you guys.
144:51:44 McDivitt (onboard): Sorry, Dave (laughter). You're 2 minutes and 25 seconds out.
144:51:48 Schweickart (onboard): You are a big part of the flight, Dave, but you're not everything, I'm sorry.
144:51:51 Scott (onboard): Oh.
144:51:52 McDivitt (onboard): I'm going to start the rates now, so that we don't ...
144:51:56 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, there's clouds down there ...
144:51:58 McDivitt (onboard): Are there really?
144:52:02 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, I think we got a picture of every one of the Canaries.
144:52:05 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, get a picture of these clouds, too.
144:52:06 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, yes.
144:52:07 McDivitt (onboard): They don't look as vortexy at this angle.
144:52:10 Schweickart (onboard): No, I already got them all, Jim.
144:52:11 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
144:52:18 McDivitt (onboard): You're a minute 54 out.
144:52:20 Scott (onboard): Okay. It's tracking, but I haven't been able to identify it yet, because of the clouds.
144:52:26 Schweickart (onboard): You don't think we ought to start rolling now, Jim?
144:52:27 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, I already have. Oh, don't take any for just a minute here. Dave, let me get up a little farther. Tell me before you start taking them ...
144:52:33 Scott (onboard): Okay.
144:52:34 McDivitt (onboard): ... I can take some of the rate off.
144:52:41 Schweickart (onboard): It's getting cloudy.
144:52:45 Scott (onboard): Is that another piece of land we're [garble] up over here?
144:52:48 Scott: Houston, 9.
144:52:49 Schweickart (onboard): No, there isn't, Dave.
144:52:50 Roosa: Go ahead, 9.
144:52:52 Scott: Roger, Houston. Have you got into degrees per second yet?
144:52:57 Roosa: That's negative. I'm sorry; we don't have it.
Very long comm break.
This is Apollo Control at 144 hours, 52 minutes and Canaries has loss of signal now. The next station to acquire will be Tananarive at 145 hours, 8 minutes. This is Mission Control Houston.
144:53:00 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
144:53:02 McDivitt (onboard): It looks like we're in pretty good shape right here, Dave; we're finally under [garble] tenths of a degree per second, and we should ...
144:53:10 Scott (onboard): If we could find the thing, yes, we would be.
144:53:19 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, boy, it really is cloudy down there.
144:53:22 Scott (onboard): Yes, it really is. We're not having much luck.
144:53:25 Schweickart (onboard): Well, it's just a question of, is it going to clear right at the coastline.
144:53:28 Scott (onboard): No, it's not.
144:53:29 Schweickart (onboard): It's not?
144:53:30 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, yes - No - Dave, I think it's coming out into the clear right now. I can see ...
144:53:36 Scott (onboard): [Garble] you're right, Jim. Okay, let me know when.
144:53:39 McDivitt (onboard): You've got 30 - you have 30 seconds to go.
144:53:43 Schweickart (onboard): You've got a flashing 51.
144:53:45 Scott (onboard): Okay. I can't use it, though.
144:53:50 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, we're going to be just right on the roll rate, it looks like. We've got 19 seconds to go until we're ...
144:53:56 Scott (onboard): Oh, I've lost it.
144:53:57 McDivitt (onboard): Did you identify it yet?
144:53:59 Scott (onboard): I thought I did. It's really tough down there; it's hazy.
144:54:03 McDivitt (onboard): I'll [garble].
144:54:04 Scott (onboard): Oh, now, I got it.
144:54:05 McDivitt (onboard): You got it?
144:54:06 Scott (onboard): Yes ...
144:54:07 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
144:54:08 Scott (onboard): ... [garble] get a picture of it.
144:54:09 McDivitt (onboard): I flew right over it right now.
144:54:10 Scott (onboard): How do I read - Oh, reject mark; that's it. Hey, that might be an idea - Oh, no, rejects it automatically. The sextant is no good at all; it's too hazy.
144:54:23 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
144:54:29 Scott (onboard): Roll, Jim, roll.
144:54:35 McDivitt (onboard): Program alarm.
144:54:37 Schweickart (onboard): We're going to have to slow down the roll ...
144:54:38 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
144:54:39 Schweickart (onboard): ... or else get ahead of it, and then slow it down.
144:54:40 McDivitt (onboard): That's what I did, and we went right over the thing at 0.4 degree per second.
144:54:45 Schweickart (onboard): Why don't you hit the reject on that? The hell with it, the RESET, I mean. [Garble] get another one.
144:54:50 Scott (onboard): Yes. Could you roll it up? I might be able to see it if you could just crank it on around.
144:54:55 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, I've got a program alarm again.
144:54:58 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, it's just the [garble].
144:54:59 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, why don't we reset it so we know?
144:55:04 Scott (onboard): Boy, that sextant is useless when it's hazy like that.
144:55:07 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, is that enough, I put in ...
144:55:08 Scott (onboard): No, you got to go more. It's - The culprits are the side of the spacecraft right now. It's coming, it's coming. Keep cutting at it.
144:55:18 Scott (onboard): No.
144:55:21 McDivitt (onboard): Now?
144:55:23 Scott (onboard): No, you've got to go more.
144:55:24 McDivitt (onboard): I'm going more.
144:55:27 Scott (onboard): Oh, it's over the horizon now.
144:55:29 McDivitt (onboard): Doggone, not a - What?
144:55:32 Scott (onboard): Pretty damn close.
144:55:35 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, Dave, [garble].
144:55:37 Scott (onboard): Okay, let's give it up, I guess
144:55:41 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, I think you got two marks in, Dave, before it gave the program alarm.
144:55:44 Scott (onboard): Okay. Yes, don't - don't - Well, it's coming. It almost looks like you got a pitchdown and I can see it. Right in there, that's right.
144:55:54 McDivitt (onboard): It might be.
144:55:56 Schweickart (onboard): What!
144:55:57 Scott (onboard): Forget it, Jim.
144:55:58 Schweickart (onboard): We got to be past it.
144:55:59 Scott (onboard): Don't use any more fuel.
144:56:00 McDivitt (onboard): I'm not; I'm just taking the rates out now.
144:56:09 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, Houston; Apollo 9.
144:56:11 Schweickart (onboard): No, they're not on.
144:56:12 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, they're not, okay.
144:56:13 Schweickart (onboard): No.
144:56:15 Scott (onboard): Yes, I got two real good marks on it, when we were right overhead, but I just couldn't find it ...
144:56:19 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
144:56:20 Scott (onboard): ... through those cloud covers. It's a good landmark.
144:56:23 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, I kind of think that we've demonstrated the technique works fine.
144:56:26 Scott (onboard): Yes.
144:56:42 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, it really was hazy down there, wasn't it?
144:56:45 Scott (onboard): Yes. Gee, and the sextant is just - almost useless in the ...
144:56:49 McDivitt (onboard): Really?
144:56:50 Scott (onboard): Oh, I couldn't see any definition. The telescope wasn't bad, but the sextant was really - There's a lot of reflection - That's something that I'm going to ask them about. Some stuff that I'm seeing through the sextant - There's a double image in the sextant, one image is the ...
144:57:08 McDivitt (onboard): Why don't you call off that program alarm? I hate to see it clunking around, there. There's a double image in the sextant? Yes.
144:57:27 McDivitt (onboard): You rejected one mark. Was that because it was the wrong target or you just ...
144:57:30 Scott (onboard): Yes, it was the wrong target.
144:57:32 McDivitt (onboard): It was very hazy. I was looking out there a second and, "Well, there isn't any land out there at all." There wasn't any land out there at all, and all of a sudden, I could just barely see the coastline through the haze.
144:57:40 Scott (onboard): Yes.
144:57:41 McDivitt (onboard): And it wasn't like we were coming up on it this way; we were already over it, we're just going down the coast like this.
144:57:54 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] in Houston. It still has a pretty good [garble] in there.
144:57:58 Scott (onboard): It's 11 o'clock in Houston unless my watch stopped. Yes, 11 o'clock.
144:58:50 Scott (onboard): Hey, I did a perfect on doing 0649 again.
144:58:52 McDivitt (onboard): That's right, you're really good there. Why don't you change the landmark on the other side of the Earth?
144:59:41 Scott (onboard): Hey, that was an interesting exercise.
144:59:43 McDivitt (onboard): Boy, I'll tell you; I don't think we ought to get any pictures out here, Rusty. It's just nothing but clouds, and the way the Sun is shining on the clouds. You just can't even hardly see the water. Really bad a low angle here [garble].
145:00:17 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, why don't we put this back to LATCH?
145:00:28 McDivitt (onboard): Where do we go next? An SO 65?
145:00:31 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
145:00:34 McDivitt (onboard): Why don't I get it out and put it up right now?
145:00:36 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, that's what I was just thinking.
145:00:40 Scott (onboard): Good; I'd like to come up and sit down and write for a while on all of this stuff -
145:00:44 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
145:00:48 Scott (onboard): Hey, do we get to do any more? I think if we have a clear one now, you know, where we get a good clear target, we ought to be able to get some real good landmarks. That one I did yesterday afternoon for practice, that was clear as a bell.
145:01:01 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. I bet we could really - even with setting that roll rate, so you don't have to get - You fix it on that. Because, man, it's really easy to track. I mean, boy, it's good in that RESOLVE mode; boy, you can hold it right down at the point.
145:01:14 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, Dave, you're supposed to do another REFSMMAT here, another 10 minutes or so.
145:01:19 Scott (onboard): I'd like to do that right.
145:01:21 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, I'll tell you what. While you're getting set up for that here's the numbers.
145:01:24 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] right now. Dave, we're coming over the coast of Africa.
145:01:35 Schweickart (onboard): Have you got those numbers? Yes, the ones in the middle there; I've interpolated them ...
145:01:39 Scott (onboard): Oh, good, good. Okay, let me write them on my checklist.
145:01:49 McDivitt (onboard): Now, let's find out again where all this mess is. Up to the north. Doggone, you know it's dark over southern Africa already?
145:02:01 Schweickart (onboard): That's surprising. There's the coastline right down there.
145:02:04 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, right down there.
145:02:06 Schweickart (onboard): No pictures were to be taken now, huh?
145:02:08 McDivitt (onboard): No, it was all socked in, and then it - it's dark right down there.
145:02:15 Schweickart (onboard): You know, that's like a noon launch, and this is South Africa, but -
145:02:25 Scott (onboard): Thank you.
145:02:27 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
145:02:30 Scott (onboard): Okay, let's see if I can't do this right. Should have got up this morning and sat down and thought about all this stuff.
145:02:38 Schweickart (onboard): That's no fun; real-time it.
145:02:40 Scott (onboard): Oh, but then -
145:02:41 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, I'm seeing stars in the daytime. How do you like that? I've got a lit horizon, and I'm seeing stars. And what am I looking at? I'm looking at urine dump! I may be looking at the Denebola. I can't be; I'm looking south. I'm looking at - No wonder, I'm looking at the - either the false cross or the Southern Cross - I maybe looking at the Southern Cross. That's not too surprising then that I can see it in the daytime - Yes, I'm looking at the Southern Cross, because I can also see [garble] ...
145:03:19 Scott (onboard): Jim, I'd say roll left.
145:03:22 McDivitt (onboard): Roll left?
145:03:23 Scott (onboard): Yes. Is that what you would say? That's what I would say.
145:03:26 McDivitt (onboard): That when it's - that's when the [garble] we're banked about that.
145:03:30 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, wait a minute now; hold on. Where is it from the Southern Cross, Dave?
145:03:35 Scott (onboard): From the Southern Cross, if you go - Can I say "up"? Does that make sense?
145:03:42 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, then we don't want to roll left - we want to pitch up.
145:03:48 Scott (onboard): It's up from the third Cross. Go from Acrux up through the Cross.
145:03:51 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, and which way then, to the right or the left?
145:03:53 Scott (onboard): Almost straight.
145:03:54 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, then pitch up, Jim.
145:04:05 McDivitt (onboard): Boy, look at the crap that's coming out of those thrusters, will you? (Laughter)
145:04:14 Schweickart (onboard): It's amazing, isn't it?
145:04:15 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
145:04:16 Schweickart (onboard): You notice - They don't even - they don't go out as fast as ...
145:04:17 McDivitt (onboard): No.
145:04:18 Schweickart (onboard): ... say, the water dump does. Yes, it's -
145:04:34 Scott (onboard): Well, there's a star over there; what's that? You mean, there's nothing out there except that little fellow?
145:04:44 Schweickart (onboard): Boy, a whole bunch of stars. Oodles of them.
145:04:54 McDivitt (onboard): Ooh, do they grow them big in Africa. Those thunderstorms down there are really wingdingers.
145:05:02 Scott (onboard): Got a very interesting double star out here [garble]. There are these two real close together. Hmm!
145:05:20 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, I can see Jupiter.
145:05:21 Scott (onboard): Can you?
145:05:22 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
145:05:23 Scott (onboard): Good. Oh, let's see [garble] out the middle window.
145:05:27 Schweickart (onboard): You see it, Jim? It's right out in front of you. It's up - just a little up and to the left of you -
145:05:31 McDivitt (onboard): I don't see any stars out there.
145:05:32 Schweickart (onboard): You don't?
145:05:33 Scott (onboard): No, I got Acrux.
145:05:36 Schweickart (onboard): Above the horizon, Jim?
145:05:39 McDivitt (onboard): Is that it right above the horizon?
145:05:41 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
145:05:43 Scott (onboard): Yes, I got Acrux alright now.
145:05:45 McDivitt (onboard): Well, that was the thing I said, "Well, I see something out there; it must be a planet.
145:05:48 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, that's it; it is; it's called Jupiter, big Jupe with the red spot.
145:06:00 McDivitt (onboard): Over here to the left. I don't see any other stars around. I don't see ...
145:06:06 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, well, Gienah's down to the right of them, and Denebola is up there ...
145:06:09 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] turn out my lights.
145:06:10 Schweickart (onboard): ... and Regulus is up there, and - and there went a satellite above it; in fact, there's two of them going right over - Holy smokes, are they moving. That's funny, two of them - one right behind the other.
145:06:24 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, I just looked out there and saw some of the stuff that was - that was from the thrusters going by that looked like a satellite.
145:06:30 Scott (onboard): No, it's going the other way. And it's dark, I think -
145:06:47 McDivitt (onboard): How we doing, Dave?
145:06:49 Scott (onboard): Well, you're doing pretty good; I'm a culprit as far as Houston goes.
145:06:52 McDivitt (onboard): (Laughter)
145:06:53 Schweickart (onboard): Ouch.
145:06:54 Scott (onboard): You're doing pretty good [garble].
145:06:57 Schweickart (onboard): No, it's not dark out there. Do that again, Jim. Look at that; big ball of white stuff that goes out there.
145:07:06 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, but there's a black spot in the middle of it. What the hell is the black spot; it's a shadow of something.
145:07:14 Scott (onboard): Let me come up here and look out these windows, see what you guys are talking about.
145:07:16 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, look out this window here, Dave.
145:07:18 Scott (onboard): What do you see?
145:07:19 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] Ready? Look straight out the center.
145:07:25 Scott (onboard): Hey! You know what that is? That's our own shadow; the sun is directly behind us. Gegenschein.
145:07:31 McDivitt (onboard): (Laughter) Yes, it looks like it.
145:07:32 Scott (onboard): Hey, we need a movie of that, Jim -
145:07:34 McDivitt (onboard): Think our camera would take a picture of that?
145:07:36 Scott (onboard): That interior stuff would. Maybe it would. The Sun must be directly behind our heads [garble].
145:07:47 Scott (onboard): Get Jupiter, will you?
145:07:48 McDivitt (onboard): We're not hitting the [garble].
145:07:50 Schweickart (onboard): Sorry about that. It's just about, on our X-axis now.
145:08:09 McDivitt (onboard): Is AUTO optics [garble]?
145:08:11 Scott (onboard): I haven't got it yet.
145:08:38 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, hey; let's all turn the lights way down when Dave is going to do that, because we're looking right at the gegenschein, too; Jim, we might want to try and see that.
145:08:46 McDivitt (onboard): I've already seen her once; let me look and see if I can find her again. Yes, it looks like gegenschein, and airflow - airglow, I mean, and all kinds of funny games like that on Gemini IV. By gosh, they were all there.
This is Apollo Control at 145 hours 8 minutes and Tananarive is acquiring Apollo 9.
145:09:11 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston trough Tananarive. [Long pause]
145:09:14 McDivitt (onboard): Roger, Houston; Apollo 9. Reading you loud and clear.
145:09:20 Schweickart (onboard): They're all there; do you see the gegenschein?
145:09:24 McDivitt (onboard): All I see is the thing out of my [garble].
145:09:28 Roosa: Apollo 9, this is Houston. I am not reading you. I may be coming through to you. If so, on the P52 alignment, I'd like, to have you check the unit vectors for Jupiter on the last page of section 7. [Long pause]
145:09:47 McDivitt (onboard): Last page of section 7 something.
145:09:51 Schweickart (onboard): Yes. Roger; we got that, Houston. Do you read? Let me try the other antenna.
145:09:57 McDivitt (onboard): He has already said he's not reading us.
145:09:58 Schweickart (onboard): Well, yes, but I'm going to switch antennas then.
145:10:00 Scott (onboard): Oh, yes, he's just telling us that - where the numbers are here, huh?
145:10:02 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
145:10:03 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
145:10:04 Scott: We got the numbers on that.
145:10:07 Scott (onboard): Okay, Jim, you're in ...
145:10:08 Roosa: Okay, Apollo 9. I got that transmission.
Comm break.
145:10:10 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] okay?
145:10:11 Scott (onboard): Yes.
145:10:13 McDivitt (onboard): Alright, we'll stop you here.
145:10:15 Scott (onboard): AUTO optics is driving; AUTO optics has driv; AUTO optics is on Jupiter.
145:10:23 McDivitt (onboard): Beautiful.
145:10:24 Scott (onboard): Right in the center. Very, very good. Okay - stop the rates, old buddy.
145:10:31 McDivitt (onboard): I think they're all stopped.
145:10:33 Scott (onboard): Now that we got the right numbers in there, it works pretty good.
145:10:42 Schweickart (onboard): Will you turn your lights off, Dave, when you mark?
145:10:44 Scott (onboard): Turn them off anyway.
145:10:46 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
145:10:57 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] thunderstorms down there. Whooee!
145:11:10 Schweickart (onboard): Well, I'm looking right where it's supposed to be, and I'll be damned if I see it.
145:11:15 McDivitt (onboard): Where's it supposed to be now?
145:11:18 Schweickart (onboard): An equilateral triangle between Regor, Denebola, and then down below the line. Gee -
145:11:28 Scott (onboard): Well, I don't understand that.
145:11:32 McDivitt (onboard): What did you get?
145:11:40 Scott (onboard): Huh. It shifted the vectors on me when I just went from one to another. That's very interesting. Had to load - I've got to reload it for telling it, "Yes, it did that." Hmm!
145:11:58 Schweickart (onboard): The other one was a different noun, wasn't it, Dave?
145:12:01 Scott (onboard): Yes, one of those nouns - No, they're both NOUN 88.
145:12:05 Schweickart (onboard): That is unusual.
145:12:06 Scott (onboard): Yes.
145:12:16 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, this is Houston. Our COMM is pretty bad. I'm going to wait until over Carnarvon to give you your S065 PAD; and that will be Carnarvon about 24.
Very long comm break.
Thin is Apollo Control at 145 hours 12 minutes. Tananarive is too noisy we will not attempt to communicate here through the remainder of this pass, about a minute and a half left there. The next station will be Tananarive at 145 hour - will be Carnarvon, the Carnarvon, Australia station at 145 bourn 23 minutes. This is Mission Control Houston
145:12:29 McDivitt (onboard): Roger, Houston; over Carnarvon.
145:12:56 Scott (onboard): Okay.
145:13:01 McDivitt (onboard): Just can't quite get over it.
145:13:04 Schweickart (onboard): Did you see it in Gemini?
145:13:05 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
145:13:06 Scott (onboard): Yes.
145:13:07 Schweickart (onboard): You could see the gegenschein?
145:13:08 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
145:13:09 Schweickart (onboard): How did it look?
145:13:10 Scott (onboard): [Garble] program alarm here. It says that Acrux isn't there. Well, baloney! Manual RESET and [garble].
145:14:04 Scott (onboard): Where is everything going? Oh, no wonder - we're losing - we're ...
145:14:08 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, we picked up a rate.
145:14:11 Scott (onboard): Ohh, great!
145:14:12 McDivitt (onboard): Let me stop the rate for you.
145:14:14 Scott (onboard): Yes, that's a good idea. Ohh, is that blinding - ohh! Hey, as a matter of fact, Jim, could you roll back left?
145:14:28 McDivitt (onboard): Sure, roll left. Roll left.
145:14:40 McDivitt (onboard): You ought to have Menkent there and maybe Antares.
145:14:50 Scott (onboard): I have that - that's what I wanted; okay, that's alright now.
145:14:54 McDivitt (onboard): You want me to go some more or you want to stop?
145:14:56 Scott (onboard): That's good; I got Menkent. Oh! Blast! When you are dark adapted, that really blinds you. You got your old buddy. [Garble]. Yes. Boy, that Moon really, really wipes things out. Whoo!
145:15:17 McDivitt (onboard): It's a big help in some ways, and it's pretty bad other ways.
145:15:19 Scott (onboard): Yes, in the telescope, it - you know, it sort of degrades things that aren't too good anyway.
145:15:56 Scott (onboard): [Garble] that's not bad.
145:15:57 Schweickart (onboard): How many did you get?
145:15:58 Scott (onboard): 0.04. I'll do it over, but I was right on it.
145:16:03 Schweickart (onboard): Well, hey, Dave, that could be those coordinates.
145:16:06 Scott (onboard): Yes, that's not too bad.
145:16:12 McDivitt (onboard): You better write that number down, that -
145:16:16 Scott (onboard): I'm writing it - Well, I'm writing it all down. The numbers and the stars, what they use, and all that sort of thing.
145:16:23 Schweickart (onboard): Can you see the bands on Jupiter, Dave?
145:16:26 Scott (onboard): Pardon?
145:16:27 Schweickart (onboard): Can you see the bands on Jupiter?
145:16:29 Scott (onboard): The bands? No, I can't, Rusty. It looks almost like the Moon. You know, it's a solid white.
145:16:42 Scott (onboard): Well, okay, I'm pretty darned well dark adapted and I just can't see a gegenschein at all.
145:16:46 McDivitt (onboard): I'm just not getting down that far.
145:16:50 Scott (onboard): No, it's way over here, Jim. The torquing angle aren't very big.
145:17:02 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, they sure aren't [garble] not at all, isn't it?
145:17:07 Scott (onboard): Yes, [garble].
145:17:20 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, Jim, ready?
145:17:21 McDivitt (onboard): Ready.
145:17:25 Schweickart (onboard): I want 17:22, Dave -
145:17:29 Scott (onboard): Oh, shoot! Thanks, Rusty. 145:17:22. I was thinking of - I'm going to go back and do it over and see what the repeatability is, to see if it's me or those numbers or what.
145:17:54 Scott (onboard): Damn, they changed again. Something's dumping garbage in there; we had that in the Sundance, too.
145:18:00 McDivitt (onboard): Really?
145:18:01 Scott (onboard): Yes. We got it changed, but obviously part of the marking process is wiping that out.
145:18:10 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. We're picking up some rates again, Dave; I'm going to dump them for you here.
145:18:17 Scott (onboard): Okay.
145:18:27 Scott (onboard): Out of the field of view. Yes, I'll go find it. Wonder where did it go.
145:18:39 Schweickart (onboard): Dave, it's up and to the right.
145:18:53 Schweickart (onboard): Jim, you might have to pitch up a little there.
145:18:57 Scott (onboard): I think - t think you do, Jim. I'm - I'm sort of -
145:18:59 McDivitt (onboard): Pitch up?
145:19:00 Scott (onboard): Yes.
145:19:01 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
145:19:07 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, you're going a good direction.
145:19:08 Scott (onboard): Yes.
145:19:18 Schweickart (onboard): You can really help out pretty well out these side windows, you know; but the front windows - Well, they're not too bad either. Oh, hey, there's Sirius. Let me make a star test on how many stars I can see ...
145:19:29 Scott (onboard): Hey, oh, that's funny; I've got the Moon and the landmark line of sight in the sextant.
145:19:36 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, yes?
145:19:37 Scott (onboard): It was just the star was superimposed on the Moon. How about that!
145:19:42 Schweickart (onboard): Jupiter was, huh?
145:19:43 Scott (onboard): No, the - no, some other star.
145:19:46 Schweickart (onboard): Oh.
145:19:47 Scott (onboard): I was looking for Jupiter, and I -
145:19:53 Schweickart (onboard): Still got to go up, I guess, Jim. Yes, he's getting real high now. Did those rates reverse on you, Jim?
145:20:13 McDivitt (onboard): No, they just keep going up all the time. There shouldn't have been any reversal. They were supposed to go in zero.
145:20:26 Scott (onboard): Keep it going.
145:20:33 Schweickart (onboard): Ohh, that's very interesting. After you stopped thrusting, Jim, there was a cloud that stayed around it for a long while -
145:20:42 McDivitt (onboard): Humph.
145:20:43 Schweickart (onboard): Like it gets dimmer out there for the next 10 seconds.
145:20:47 McDivitt (onboard): What's that?
145:20:49 Schweickart (onboard): FUEL CELL 2, CRYO PRESS. Okay, that's CRYO PRESS; yes.
145:20:55 McDivitt (onboard): How is fuel cell 2 doing: by the way?
145:20:57 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, it's - high condenser exhaust, like it ...
145:21:00 McDivitt (onboard): How high is it?
145:21:02 Schweickart (onboard): Same thing; it's 186 ...
145:21:04 McDivitt (onboard): How we doing, Dave?
145:21:06 Scott(onboard): Keep it going. You really went a long way. Okay, now wait a minute - I think I have it.
145:21:17 Schweickart (onboard): Can you see out my window? It's really amazing how long that glowing cloud persists -
145:21:25 McDivitt (onboard): I can't see out there, because ...
145:21:26 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, next time you pitch, I'll just keep my head down. You watch it; it's just fantastic. Can you see the stars out there now?
145:21:34 McDivitt (onboard): Yes,
145:21:35 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
145:21:36 McDivitt (onboard): There's the much light between here and there.
145:21:38 Schweickart (onboard): No, I think you'll see it.
145:21:46 Scott (onboard): Okay, Jim, I got it again,
145:21:47 McDivitt (onboard): Got it?
145:21:49 Scott (onboard): Yes. You can stop right there.
145:21:50 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
145:21:52 Schweickart (onboard): I guess it's when you fire the yaw thrusters that - Maybe the roll when you fire one out in that direction. What were those thrusters, Jim?
145:22:06 McDivitt (onboard): Those were all pitch, except one yaw. There's the other yaw.
145:22:11 Schweickart (onboard): Yes. Did you roll left back there one time or roll either way?
145:22:17 McDivitt (onboard): I probably did.
145:22:19 Schweickart (onboard): I think it may be when you squirt out from the direction you're looking that it does it; I don't know. Yes - clobbered again. They ought go fix that [garble] before they -
145:22:35 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. You mean Cherokee or Comanche?
145:22:41 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble], is that what the name of it is?
145:22:43 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, this is Colossus [garble].
145:22:45 Schweickart (onboard): Oh.
145:22:48 McDivitt (onboard): Wonder where they get their names? They must have some contest and the loser gets to pick the names.
145:22:53 Schweickart (onboard): Chris Kraft's named Colossus.
145:23:46 Schweickart (onboard): 0.03. I have a sneaky feeling that it's the vector.
145:23:52 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
145:23:54 Schweickart (onboard): Let's see what the torquing angles are. Yes, nothing. It's ...
This is Apollo Control at 145 hours, 23 minutes. Apollo 9 coming upon the Carnarvon station.
145:25:23 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, Houston through Carnarvon. How do you read?
145:25:28 Schweickart: Five-by, Houston.
145:25:30 Roosa: Okay. I have your SO65 PAD.
145:25:34 Schweickart: Roger. Ready to copy.
145:25:37 Roosa: Okay. I'm going to give you your inertial angles first: 18000 27320 all zips 145. I'm giving you now the GET; I'll give you your ORB angles in a minute. I'm now on the GET: 145 57 00. This is ORB RATE. Your first area is the Salton Sea: 146 02 21 08 06. Your second area is in New Mexico: 146 04 59 08 03. The next area is the Mississippi River: 146 08 07 08 04. And your ORB RATE is 0.068 And now on your ORB RATE angles: I'm not sure - I think this is what you were wanting, Jim, but you're reading 180 degrees of roll, and with the local vertical, you are 32-1/2 degrees pitch; yaw, 0. [Pause]
145:27:43 Schweickart: Stu, I think that we're probably pitch down there 32. Would you confirm that?
145:27:48 Roosa: That's affirmative. You're pitch down 32-1/2 degrees below the local horizontal.
145:27:57 Schweickart: Okay. [Pause]
145:28:04 Schweickart: Okay. Readback then: 18000 27320 all zips 145 57 00; ORB RATE. First area, Salton Sea: 146 02 21 08 06. New Mexico, second site: 146 04 59 08 03. Mississippi River: 146 08 07 08 04. ORB RATE is 0.068, and the orbit to level vertical angle would be 180 and whatever 360 minus 32 is, and zero.
145:28:48 Roosa: That's affirmative. I confirm that, and we have interpolated off of that chart there. We want to save you all the mental gymnastics to get your VWXY parameter. [Pause]
145:29:06 Scott: All right. Go ahead.
145:29:07 Roosa: Okay. You want me to read those then? Is that affirmed? [Pause]
145:29:14 Schweickart: Stand by just one.
145:29:16 Roosa: Okay. [Long pause]
145:29:42 Schweickart: Okay. Go ahead, Smokey.
145:29:44 Roosa: Okay. Reading V as in Victor, 77775; W as in Whiskey, 61331; X-ray, all zips; Y, 65732; and then Zebra, 54142. [Pause]
145:30:23 Schweickart: Okay. Got 7775 61331, all zips, 65732 and 54142.
145:30:38 Roosa: Okay. And the order of that is V, W, X, Y, Z. [Pause]
145:30:45 Schweickart: Roger. We got that. Flight B chart is onboard. That even agrees with the Z-component of preflight calculation. Okay. Thank you very much.
145:30:53 Roosa: Roger. [Pause]
145:30:55 McDivitt (onboard): It looks like it's just straight interpolation on here.
145:30:58 Scott (onboard): Yes.
145:30:59 Schweickart: Okay. I can give you a quick rundown on Jupiter, now that we've done it.
145:31:04 Roosa: Okay.
145:31:07 McDivitt (onboard): Matter of fact, let me go back to the checklist.
145:31:08 Roosa: We're about 10 seconds to LOS here. We'll catch you over the Huntsville at 39.
145:31:14 Scott (onboard): Okay, good ...
145:31:15 Schweickart: Okay. Very good.
Long comm break.
This is Apollo Control at 145 hours, 31 minutes. Carnarvon bas LOS. Huntsville will be the next station to acquire in a few minutes. We'll be back up then. This is Mission Control Houston.
145:31:16 McDivitt (onboard): Did they - did they tell us how many frames per pass ...
145:31:18 Scott (onboard): Yes - yes, it's all in the update form there, Jim. I better wait until we get this squared away.
145:31:31 McDivitt (onboard): Be a short pass at Carnarvon.
145:31:32 Scott (onboard): Yes. Okay -
145:31:52 Scott (onboard): You didn't get this [garble], huh, Jimmy?
145:31:55 McDivitt (onboard): Well, it needs to be centered in those ...
145:31:57 Scott (onboard): Oh, gosh, we haven't got all those -
145:32:01 McDivitt (onboard): ... it needs to be centered in those screws there and then lined up - Just twist.
145:32:09 Scott (onboard): Yes ...
145:32:10 Schweickart (onboard): Think I'll look at it here.
145:32:12 Scott (onboard): Can you see it? I can't ...
145:32:13 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, I can sec it.
145:32:14 McDivitt (onboard): Can you get the thing lined up in the hole - the screwhole there?
145:32:20 Scott (onboard): Ahh -
145:32:24 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, that looks pretty good vertical.
145:32:25 Scott (onboard): How about in rotation, I mean?
145:32:27 Schweickart (onboard): Rotation good?
145:32:28 Scott (onboard): Yes.
145:32:29 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, I'm blocking you real good. Hey, I got a suggestion on that. Why don't we take a pen and mark the edge of the -
145:32:37 Scott (onboard): Well, we're a little off on the screwhole -
145:32:39 McDivitt (onboard): We got to go up ...
145:32:40 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
145:32:41 McDivitt (onboard): ... we got to go up towards the - this thing -
145:32:43 Scott (onboard): Right there.
145:32:46 Schweickart (onboard): I think a little more maybe, Dave.
145:32:48 McDivitt (onboard): You'll have to go more, yes. Yes, it looks like it's lower to me.
145:32:58 Scott (onboard): [Garble] need a little more light on it.
145:33:03 McDivitt (onboard): That looks pretty good.
145:33:05 Schweickart (onboard): Hmm, maybe it needs to go -
145:33:08 McDivitt (onboard): Aw, that's good.
145:33:09 Scott (onboard): That looks pretty good to me, too.
145:33:12 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. What time does it occur?
145:33:16 Scott (onboard): We got a fairly good time.
145:33:22 McDivitt (onboard): 125:57 -
145:33:24 Schweickart (onboard): 33. That's in 35 minutes.
145:33:25 McDivitt (onboard): That's when we start the ORBIT RATE.
145:33:28 Scott (onboard): You got the inertial angles entered?
145:33:31 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. 180, 273, and 20.
145:33:34 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, Jimmy, you want to play installer here? You guys [garble] ...
145:33:42 McDivitt (onboard): No, I'm going - Let's just do it this way.
145:33:43 Scott (onboard): Okay.
145:33:45 Schweickart (onboard): There's an orange - Oh, well, let me - Pull - pull the tab out, Dave. No, not that tab (laughter).
145:33:52 Scott (onboard): I was just thinking - What the hell - What did you want me to pull the tab out for?
145:34:02 McDivitt (onboard): Tell me what to do.
145:34:03 Scott (onboard): I was just pointing out that this thing [garble] ...
145:34:06 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble] rotate. Yes, just leave it right there -
145:34:07 Scott (onboard): Just like that. Okay.
145:34:08 McDivitt (onboard): Is that on it?
145:34:09 Scott (onboard): Yes.
145:34:10 McDivitt (onboard): On the orange?
145:34:11 Scott (onboard): On the orange.
145:34:15 McDivitt (onboard): Why don't you put the [garble] over there, Rusty?
145:34:16 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. ON, and locked.
145:34:26 Scott (onboard): Okay, here comes a black one. [Garble].
145:34:42 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, it's got a different kind of slot in the bottom. How about that? Did you notice that?
145:34:46 Scott (onboard): Yes.
145:34:47 McDivitt (onboard): No, I didn't.
145:34:49 Schweickart (onboard): Some of them have different ends,
145:34:51 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, you mean than the other ones?
145:34:54 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, some of them ...
145:34:56 Scott (onboard): No, all of these have got the same - I think they all have the same.
145:34:58 McDivitt (onboard): I think they're all the same.
145:35:00 Schweickart (onboard): No. [Garble].
145:35:01 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble]
145:35:02 Scott (onboard): [Garble]
145:35:14 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, look what came off of this one. Hey, that may be a little difficult to get off.
145:35:19 McDivitt (onboard): What's that?
145:35:22 Schweickart (onboard): The button on the pin there.
145:35:26 McDivitt (onboard): Did what?
145:35:27 Schweickart (onboard): Came off. It's not there; I'm not sure we're going to be able to get that back off.
145:35:33 McDivitt (onboard): Well, that's the way it's supposed to be, isn't it?
145:35:34 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, is it? Yes, [garble] ...
145:35:36 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, that's the way it's supposed to be.
145:35:37 Schweickart (onboard): I forgot. Whew! I was going to say, man, we might not be able to get that mother back off again; being kind of hard to stow SO 67. Okay - close and lock, okay, cable coming up.
145:36:05 McDivitt (onboard): Tell you what; while we're doing this -
145:36:53 McDivitt (onboard): Here's my breakfast I haven't gotten around to eating yet.
145:37:23 Schweickart (onboard): Huh?
145:37:24 Scott (onboard): This is my pencil, isn't it?
145:37:25 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
145:37:27 Scott (onboard): I've been unable to locate mine today. I've looked in all my pockets - all over the place - [garble]
145:37:48 Schweickart (onboard): Okay - by remote cable, le monde. Now, I guess want to test it one time, huh?
145:37:56 McDivitt (onboard): I don't know what else to do; it seems like we'd waste a picture that way. Why don't we get over into the right attitude and test it when we get there?
145:38:02 Scott (onboard): How many ...
145:38:03 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, but then, you don't have any chance of fixing it though.
145:38:05 Scott (onboard): ... how many pictures do you have?
145:38:07 McDivitt (onboard): I don't know; there's only about 50 on that black [garble] thing.
145:38:09 Schweickart (onboard): No, no, Jim. That's not right. Here, I can tell you how many we got; it's close to 200.
145:38:16 McDivitt (onboard): They changed the film just before launch, Rusty. Put thick-base film on one of them.
145:38:21 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, did they?
145:38:22 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, they did.
145:38:24 Schweickart (onboard): Where's the procedures book? You got that down here, Dave?
145:38:29 Scott (onboard): [Garble]. Oh, here it is, I've got - Oh, the update book.
145:38:32 Schweickart (onboard): No, that's the update book.
145:38:47 Schweickart (onboard): 140, 170, 100, and 170. Is that wrong, Jim?
145:38:58 McDivitt (onboard): I don't know.
This is Apollo Control at 145 hours 38 minutes and Huntsville has acquisition.
145:38:59 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston through the Huntsville. Standing by.
145:39:08 Scott: Roger. Houston, Apollo 9. How do you read?
145:39:12 Roosa: You're coming in loud and clear, Dave.
145:39:16 Scott: Okay. Stand by a minute, and I'll give you a rundown on Jupiter alignment.
145:39:21 Roosa: Roger. We've taken a look at some of the data, and it looks swell. [Pause]
145:39:31 Scott: Roger. And I've got a couple of comments on it; just a second. Okay.
145:39:35 Scott (onboard): If you notice the data.
145:39:38 Scott: I ran it two times to get some repeatability on the numbers we had to put in, in the - Star angle difference was 0.04 on the first one and 0.03 on the second one. And did you get the torqueing angles? [Pause]
145:40:03 Roosa: That is affirmative, Apollo 9.
145:40:07 Scott: Okay. It seems to work real well. The planet fills up the whole inside of the sextant in between the reticle lines. It's about the size of the - guess it's about 40 odd seconds [garble] and one thing was noticed in the program is that when you load those unit vectors or the planet and then let AUTO 0PTCS drive do it, then take the Marks, the Mark wipes out the load that you put in, and you have to reload those unit vectors again. Now that might be an early thing for - You might care to think of in Comanche, because it takes a lot of time to reload those vectors.
145:40:50 Roosa: Roger, Dave. Copy. A real good observation.
145:40:56 Scott: And, other than that, it work real well. The torqueing angles were small, and the planets were easy to find. I think that'd be a fine thin to use if you couldn't see the stars in the daytime.
145:41:08 Roosa: Hey, that sounds real great, and that was an extremely good summary.
145:41:15 Scott: And on the last landmark track, I think we got the hang of the whole thing. We had cloud coverage again, and we had to reject the first part because I just couldn't see it clearly. We got almost overhead, and I got two real good Marks. I think we've got that one nailed and can get a clear target load.
145:41:35 Roosa: Okay, Dave. Understand.
145:41:42 Scott: [Garble] and we're getting ready for S065 right new.
145:41:44 Schweickart (onboard): I'll put those all back on again ...
145:41:45 Roosa: Real good. [Long pause]
145:41:48 Schweickart (onboard): ... just realized how we are supposed to do it.
145:41:51 McDivitt (onboard): What?
145:41:53 Schweickart (onboard): I said I realized how we're supposed to do it; check it with the camera backs off. They're all turning ...
145:41:58 Roosa: And if you've got time for a question, Dave, just help me out. Jim asked specifically for this yesterday, that the ORB RATE angle - and to make sure that I'm giving you what you want - Is that what you want, your relation to the local vertical?
145:42:16 McDivitt: Roger, Stu. We have what we want here.
145:42:19 Roosa: Okay. Real good.
145:42:21 McDivitt: We wanted the inertial angles to maneuver to, and we wanted the relative local vertical [garble] attitudes to stay at.
145:42:28 Roosa: Okay. Real good. Well, we will flip it to you.
Comm break.
145:42:34 Schweickart (onboard): Well - that'll always be the same, once we got it there. Unless they decide not to take vertical pictures.
145:42:48 Scott (onboard): Got another one?
145:42:49 McDivitt (onboard): Yes,
145:43:07 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble] want more?
145:43:47 Scott: Houston, Apollo 9.
145:43:49 Roosa: Go ahead, Apollo 9.
145:43:51 Scott: One thing forgot to mention on that alignment, the way we got the unit vectors was to interpolate between the times that we had on the charts on board, and so we tried to take the five-digit numbers and get as close as we could to the time - the GET that we had right now. So I guess we - The repeatability really is a function of those numbers that you had there - that we had on the chart [garble] and that we interpolated with.
145:44:15 Roosa: Okay, Dave, understand. We're about 1 minute LOS Huntsville. We'll see you Hawaii in about 5 minute.
145:44:25 Scott: 49 Hawaii.
Long comm break.
Huntsville LOS. This is Apollo Control at 145 hours 45 minutes and the Huntsville has loss of signal. During this pass Dave Scott summarizsed the last landmark tracking and the platform realinement using the planet Jupiter as a reference. The crew is now in process of preparing for the next SO65 experiment, the multraspectral photography, which will be conducted during this revolution over the United States. The first area to be photographed is the Salton Sea, then New Mexico, and finally the Mississippi River. Hawaii will acquire at 145 hours 48 minutes. This is Mission Control Houston.
145:44:26 Scott (onboard): Are we supposed to take those 70 millimeters at Hawaii?
145:44:32 Schweickart (onboard): I don't know.
145:44:33 McDivitt (onboard): It's 150-some hours. 152 hours you had on the updated plan. I can't imagine we're even going to be up in 152 hours. [Garble] look there and see?
145:44:41 Scott (onboard): What do you want to see?
145:44:43 Schweickart (onboard): Flight plan update form - wherever that is. Right here.
145:44:51 McDivitt (onboard): It's 152:06:08; should - probably already be in by then.
145:44:57 Scott (onboard): We haven't even had lunch yet. What do you mean a bed?
145:45:01 Schweickart (onboard): It's not even 7 o'clock tonight, Jim - 6 o'clock tonight.
145:45:08 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, Davey, why don't - I'll get us maneuvered over to that attitude ...
145:45:12 Scott (onboard): Okay.
145:45:13 McDivitt (onboard): ... and target the thing for the -
145:45:14 Scott (onboard): Okay.
145:45:15 McDivitt (onboard): Did you? Go along here? And press the button when it gets ready to go, and I'll sit here and punch the picture button.
145:45:22 Scott (onboard): Okay.
145:45:24 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] take the picture [garble]. Well, all the monitors say we're going the right way.
145:45:32 Schweickart (onboard): (Laughter)
145:45:39 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] take the dark slide. Yes, don't mess with that.
145:45:41 Schweickart (onboard): We haven't gone down the checklist, have we? Have we gone down the checklist?
145:45:44 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
145:45:45 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, I'll read it. Four Hasselblads in bracket; remote cable; GET is 00 and up; disable A-3 jet; unstow camera unit less magazine; check camera setting against decal; and then install in hatch window - Okay, we've already checked that - guess they're not supposed to do that.
145:46:06 McDivitt (onboard): They're supposed to be taped.
145:46:08 Schweickart (onboard): Were they?
145:46:10 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, they're all taped.
145:46:11 Schweickart (onboard): Are they? Okay, attach remote control cable; actuate system less magazine to verify operation of all four camera bodies; unstow four film MAG's; advance film MAG's one frame - Oh, that's only the first time you use it ...
145:46:26 Scott (onboard): Where's your pencil? Did I lose that, too?
145:46:28 Schweickart (onboard): ... Leave film advanced tabs turned out; attach each magazine to proper colors; remove dark slides from all MAG's - Okay, let's get the dark slides out. Activate system one cycle and verify operations by observing film advance tab rotation.
145:46:48 McDivitt (onboard): There's a nice little strap right down in the middle of [garble].
145:46:52 Schweickart (onboard): How many did you get, Jim? Three?
145:46:53 McDivitt (onboard): Three.
145:46:55 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, here's four. Okay, so it's [garble].
145:46:59 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] it's right there.
145:47:05 Scott (onboard): Here's one right here.
145:47:08 Schweickart (onboard): So it asks us to use one cycle.
145:47:19 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] get out to the Sun [garble]. If we actually have something down there, we might as well take a picture of something.
145:47:47 Schweickart (onboard): At GET of 5 minutes prior to the first site, disable jet A-3, orient the spacecraft [garble] ...
145:47:51 McDivitt (onboard): What time - 145:57 is the time we want for that -
145:47:56 Schweickart (onboard): That's - 10 minutes.
145:48:14 McDivitt (onboard): I don't - Let's see, I do get that [garble].
145:48:25 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, why don't you call up 49 - and -
145:48:35 Schweickart (onboard): Got your [garble] maneuvers here?
145:48:36 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
This is Apollo Control 145 hours 48 minutes, and Hawaii has just acquired.
145:50:16 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston through Hawaii. Standing by.
145:50:21 Scott: Roger.
Long comm break.
145:54:02 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston.
145:54:05 Scott: Houston, Apollo 9. We're with you.
145:54:07 Roosa: Okay, Apollo 9. Looks like we are about to make a mistake here. I've got to give you new numbers. You loaded the ones we gave you, but those aren't right. We have got to use the complement of those. Are you ready to copy?
145:54:21 Scott: Roger. Go ahead.
145:54:22 Roosa: Roger. 00 002 16 446. Stand by. [Pause]
145:54:38 Roosa: Okay. And X is all zips; Y, 12045; and Z is good as is. I'm sorry about that. [Pause]
145:54:59 Scott: No sweat. We'll get it. [Pause]
145:55:11 Roosa: I thought I had them signed in blood. [Long pause]
145:55:30 Scott: You watch these as they go in. Okay?
145:55:32 Roosa: Okay. We're watching.
Very long comm break.
This is Apollo Control. Apollo 9 crossing the coast of California now. We probably won't have too much conversation with the crew during this pass because they will be busy with the photography experiment; however, we will continue to stand by.
146:09:01 Schweickart: Houston, Apollo 9.
146:09:03 Roosa: Go ahead, Apollo 9.
146:09:05 Scott: Roger. We just completed the SO65 pass.
146:09:10 Roosa: Roger. And how did the cloud cover look?
146:09:13 McDivitt: Really neat. There weren't any clouds all along the way. It looked very, very nice.
146:09:18 Roosa: Oh, real good. And we noticed you're torqueing the right way, and we just about fouled you up there.
146:09:24 McDivitt: Hey, but you didn't. You're right on time. That's very good. You're getting a little drama into the game, Stu.
146:09:31 Roosa: That's right. We've got everybody awake, anyway.
146:09:40 McDivitt: Say, you know on this ORB EATB torqueing, I don't think we had a jet firing the whole time after it started the rates going.
146:09:49 Roosa: Roger, G&C says there were very few of them, but there were some.
146:09:54 McDivitt: Okay. We just didn't hear any of them go, and it seemed to be real smooth.
146:09:58 Scott: Yes, we went to FREE some time ago, and we're still at an inertial altitude of 328. [Pause]
146:10:07 Roosa: Very good.
Comm break.
146:11:23 McDivitt: Houston, Apollo 9. That was the best that you had. That was a most enjoyable trip across the States, there.
146:11:30 Roosa: I'm sorry, Apollo 9. I didn't catch it. Say again.
146:11:34 McDivitt: Roger. I said that was a most enjoyable trip across the United States.
146:11:38 Roosa: Roger. Copy.
Comm break.
146:13:29 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston.
146:13:32 McDivitt: Go ahead.
146:13:33 Roosa: Roger. I'd like to read you a little blurb out of the newspapers here. It's - byline Newark, New Jersey. "McDivitt honored. The ancient order of Hibernians, representing 250,000 Irishmen across the country, voted Saturday to honor Apollo 9 Astronaut James A. McDivitt for his achievements. The executive board of the Hibernians voted unanimously" - Stumbled over that one - "to award McDivitt the John F. Kennedy Medal for National Civic Service. McDivitt will receive the medal at the Hibernian dinner in Newark on May 10th, a spokesman said.
146:14:15 McDivitt: Roger. I wish to thank fellow Hibernians for that honor. And you might also mention that I am flying with green handles on my seat.
146:14:25 Roosa: Okay. Copy.
Very long comm break.
This is Apollo Control. Astronaut Ron Evans is replacing Stu Roosa at the spacecraft communicators console at this time.
146:18:25 McDivitt (onboard): We're going to be on this path.
146:18:33 Scott (onboard): No. no. But you're not going to. You're going to be on this one. Yes, you go ...
146:18:41 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, why don't we go the other way? Oh, balls. Okay. Man alive, I think we've already been up that way.
146:18:47 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, yes. Okay. Hell.
146:18:49 McDivitt (onboard): What would you keep it - Yes, I think the next pass should be really interesting.
146:18:58 Schweickart (onboard): You go across the - just south of San Antonio.
146:19:00 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, going across those islands is absolutely beautiful.
146:19:03 Schweickart (onboard): The what?
146:19:05 McDivitt (onboard): Down across those islands is absolute ...
146:19:06 Scott (onboard): If the weather is good.
This is Apollo Control at 146 hours, 19 minutes. The Antigua station has LOS. During this pass across the United States the Apollo 9 crew completed another photography experiment. Reported no cloud cover - the photography went very well. Jim McDivitt called it a most enjoyable trip across the United States. CAPCOM Stu Roosa read him a newspaper clipping about an award from the ancient order of Hyburnians and Jim responded: Thanks to the organization, and then reported his couch has green handles. The next station to acquire will be Ascension at 146 hours, 26 minutes. This is Mission Control Houston.
146:19:12 Schweickart (onboard): Ohh. Oh, hey, there's - That's where we're going to get those craters, damn it. We are going right across that - that whole section of craters in - in Mexico that - that I couldn't - could never think of the name of.
146:19:28 McDivitt (onboard): All I have to do now is go to that dinner on May 10th (laughter). If I don't go to the dinner, I don't get them medals.
146:19:50 Schweickart (onboard): What the heck is the name of that series of craters? I swear it begins with a P. You were with us on that trip, weren't you, Dave?
146:20:02 Scott (onboard): Yes, and I [garble] ... El Legati.
146:20:03 Schweickart (onboard): Crater El Legati.
146:20:04 Scott (onboard): Piscadores, or -
146:20:06 Schweickart (onboard): No, that's in the U.S. This is in Mexico. It's the crater El Legati and -
146:20:13 Scott (onboard): Oh, I wasn't on that one.
146:20:17 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, you weren't on that one? Oh, I can't think of the name of it!
146:20:32 Schweickart (onboard): Just south of Tuscon about 50 miles. That's right, there's Ajo. That's the only time my wife ever landed at Ajo.
146:20:58 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble]. Hey, you know, I don't think that was Tucson, Jim. I think that was Phoenix. Oh, wait a minute, now; let me figure out which REV you're - No, no, no, okay, I'm sorry; that was Tucson. Yes. I got the wrong REV again. Okay. Oh, well, hell.
146:21:35 Schweickart (onboard): Man, I can sure get these REV's all mixed up.
146:21:40 McDivitt (onboard): (Laughter) Now the basic thing to remember is the Earth isn't round.
146:21:59 Scott (onboard): [Garble] we came across on that one. So this is the next one. Okay. Yes, I was right, so we're going to come right across the - that section of craters. Okay.
146:22:28 Schweickart (onboard): We're also going to come right across the top of the Gulf of California.
146:22:34 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, I took a real nice picture. It's really cloudy down there, though. The lower half ...
146:22:44 Schweickart (onboard): The right at Yuma?
146:22:45 McDivitt (onboard): ... the lower half of the peninsula is all socked in.
146:22:48 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, Baja? Oh, no, we're way up - we're in the upper end of it on this next pass.
146:22:53 McDivitt (onboard): I know, we were this time, too ...
146:22:55 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
146:22:56 McDivitt (onboard): ... but you couldn't see down there. Well, Dave, if you get that crappy alignment out of the way, we can all rest.
146:23:08 Scott (onboard): Doing it right now.
146:23:12 McDivitt (onboard): What is it - I wonder what today is for? Just to prove that we can do five alignments in one day? They sure do wear you out (laughter). Have they stopped at all today, Dave?
146:23:20 Scott (onboard): One time, Jim. Did you damp rates for me, old buddy? Oh, ho.
146:23:33 McDivitt (onboard): Fire something. Let me see if I'm really set up. [Garble].
146:23:44 Schweickart (onboard): We're also going to come right across Havana.
146:23:48 McDivitt (onboard): Well, that's something different [garble].
146:23:51 Scott (onboard): You got the rates damped?
146:23:53 McDivitt (onboard): No, I haven't, but [garble] doing that right now, David. [Garble] 1 second [garble].
146:24:06 Scott (onboard): Is it still daylight? I can see stars through the telescope.
146:24:11 McDivitt (onboard): Dave, it's [garble]. The rates are damped.
146:24:15 Scott (onboard): Alright.
146:24:19 Schweickart (onboard): You say you can, Dave, huh?
146:24:21 Scott (onboard): Yes. I - I can see the one I'm marking on.
146:24:26 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] to be hungry (laughter).
146:24:36 Schweickart (onboard): Can you identify them in the telescope, Dave?
146:24:40 Scott (onboard): No. Afraid not.
146:24:53 Schweickart (onboard): (Yawn) I wish we had all our fuel cells ready to go. 186 still, and it's beginning to drop again. Whoops!
146:25:10 Schweickart (onboard): We're down at the normal 2 amps, every [garble].
146:25:12 McDivitt (onboard): Great! Nothing like having a [garble] fuel cell (laughter).
146:25:15 Schweickart (onboard): Well, so far. Except it's a little early in the day for it to be down to 2 amps.
146:25:22 McDivitt (onboard): How high's the temperature there?
146:25:23 Schweickart (onboard): 186. Sane thing it's been the last 2 days. [Garble].
146:25:35 Schweickart (onboard): 2-A and B are okay. Looks good. The pressure's okay, but that one is getting down toward the bottom of the green. [Garble].
146:25:54 McDivitt (onboard): Alright. They are a little low, aren't they?
146:25:58 Schweickart (onboard): Surge tank. How is your surge tank these days?
146:26:00 McDivitt (onboard): Your - That should be about 700. I woke up in the middle of the night last night, and I [garble] filling that thing.
146:26:06 Schweickart (onboard): Ahh.
146:26:08 McDivitt (onboard): Let's see, it's 700, isn't it?
146:26:11 Schweickart (onboard): It's down - Yes, it looks like it. I can't see exactly. This light's not very good.
146:27:08 Evans: Apollo, 9, Houston. Good afternoon. Through Ascension. [Pause]
146:27:22 Scott: Houston, Apollo 9.
146:27:24 Evans: Roger. Loud and clear this time, Dave.
146:27:28 Scott: Okay. I've got some gyro torqueing angles, for you.
146:27:31 Evans: Roger. Ready to copy.
146:27:33 Scott: Okay. A GET 146 27 00, plus 00100, minus 00050, plus 000006. [Pause]
146:27:53 Evans: Roger. We copy. Thank you.
146:27:56 Scott: Roger. See you pretty good in the daytime.
146:27:59 Evans: Yes. Amazing what it's like in the daytime.
146:28:04 Scott: Roger.
Long comm break.
146:32:30 Evans: Apollo 9, Houston. One minute LOS; Tananarive at 44. [Pause]
146:32:38 McDivitt: Roger.
Very long comm break.
146:32:49 Schweickart (onboard): Would you believe that they want pictures of the Himalayas?
146:32:53 McDivitt (onboard): Do they really?
146:32:59 Schweickart (onboard): (Laughter) I'll be damned!
This is Apollo Control at 146 hours 33 minutes. Ascension has LOS. Tananarive will acquire at 146 hours 43 minutes, 10 minutes from now. This is Mission Control Houston.
146:33:02 McDivitt (onboard): Listen, we got to - Did you see those lakes the (last) day? Were they on the other side of the spacecraft?
146:33:07 Schweickart (onboard): Who, me? No, I didn't see them.
146:33:10 McDivitt (onboard): Dave, you saw them, didn't you? There were five or six ...
146:33:13 Scott (onboard): Yes. Very pretty.
146:33:14 McDivitt (onboard): ... [garble] lakes.
146:33:15 Scott (onboard): Cooper Lakes.
146:33:16 McDivitt (onboard): Cooper Lakes, yes (laughter).
146:33:21 Scott (onboard): Cooper Lakes? What's the other name?
146:33:23 McDivitt (onboard): Watch it; watch the scissors, Dave.
146:33:25 Scott (onboard): Huh?
146:33:26 Schweickart (onboard): I think your scissors are floating around your head.
146:33:28 Scott (onboard): Oh, me!
146:33:58 Schweickart (onboard): Let's see. It's 12:30 in Houston, so it's midnight in India.
146:34:20 McDivitt (onboard): (Laughter) There was a valuable piece of - (laughter)
146:34:24 Schweickart (onboard): Well, it is, if you're trying to figure out where the terminator is. Okay, so I'll find it. [Garble] anymore. Oh, well. Too bad.
146:36:20 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, we're going to go right over the Truk Islands.
146:36:23 McDivitt (onboard): Hot dog!
146:36:24 Schweickart (onboard): Hot dog!
146:36:26 McDivitt (onboard): You want to come down here for a while? Wilco! Hey, Dave, come on, you want to [garble] for a while?
146:36:33 Schweickart (onboard): I want to go look out the window and see some of the scenery.
146:36:34 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, go ahead.
146:36:35 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, I'll carry it some time and look out the telescope. I've never even looked out that thing.
146:36:38 Scott (onboard): Okay.
146:36:59 McDivitt (onboard): Whooee! Whoo! Hot, this is hot.
146:37:18 Scott (onboard): It's nighttime though, isn't it?
146:37:22 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble]
146:37:24 Scott (onboard): Oh!
146:37:27 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] Jim's holding his nose and coming [garble].
146:37:30 Scott (onboard): Yes, it sure is.
146:37:34 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] nighttime [garble] daytime [garble]. How's old fuel cell doing?
146:37:43 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, it's hanging in there at 2-1/2 low, and 186 degrees.
146:37:50 Scott (onboard): I was looking through my duff bag [garble] rendezvous last night, when I started the rendezvous, I [garble] before we separated [garble] it was 178 degrees.
146:38:00 McDivitt (onboard): The [garble].
146:38:02 Schweickart (onboard): Huh?
146:38:03 McDivitt (onboard): The [garble].
146:38:04 Scott (onboard): What was it supposed to do? Rusty's right. Wasn't that what we were up here for?
146:38:20 Scott (onboard): [Garble].
146:38:24 McDivitt (onboard): Ah, here she comes. Okay, I was [garble] what was going on here.
146:38:34 Schweickart (onboard): What?
146:38:36 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, that day I paid attention to what was going on in the spacecraft.
146:38:39 Scott (onboard): Yes, I noticed, you must do that.
146:39:03 Schweickart (onboard): Tuamotu Archipelago. Boy, there are a bunch of islands in that Pacific. Whooee!
146:39:26 Scott (onboard): [Garble]
146:39:32 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. You can see where a people's interest lie (laughter).
146:39:37 Scott (onboard): [Garble] a drink in there?
146:39:40 McDivitt (onboard): Heck, no [garble].
146:39:44 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, your back still hurt, Dave?
146:39:45 Scott (onboard): No.
146:39:46 Schweickart (onboard): That's amazing, mine does.
146:39:47 Scott (onboard): Does it really?
146:39:49 Schweickart (onboard): Yes. The same places it hurt the whole flight; right there.
146:39:52 Scott (onboard): Gee, mine quit after the first 3 days. I'm feeling fine.
146:39:56 Schweickart (onboard): It doesn't really hurt had, you know, but it - it a - it's a steady ache.
146:40:10 Scott (onboard): The drinks are the popular thing, I think.
146:40:13 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
146:40:37 McDivitt (onboard): How far below the [garble] on the landmark tracking are we? Yes.
146:40:45 McDivitt (onboard): 10 degrees? Outside the red? Why?
146:40:46 Scott (onboard): That's something. That means there's no problem.
146:41:54 Schweickart (onboard): You know, those eat periods may even be scheduled. Wouldn't that be a strange one?
146:41:58 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
146:42:00 Schweickart (onboard): No, no. An hour and 40 minutes late for it.
146:42:05 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
146:42:26 Schweickart (onboard): That orbit rate torquing's really nice, isn't it?
146:42:43 Schweickart (onboard): What kind of deadband does that hold, Dave?
146:42:48 Scott (onboard): It's a - I - I don't really know. It does its own deadhand just like in the rendezvous [garble], and so it looks like the [garble].
146:42:59 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble]
146:43:02 Scott (onboard): But it doesn't [garble].
146:43:21 Scott (onboard): That rendezvous [garble].
146:43:33 Scott (onboard): [Garble] always do better, even when you don't expect it to go.
146:43:38 McDivitt (onboard): (Laughter)
146:43:41 Schweickart (onboard): Boy, that pulse in the LM is really [garble]. Man! Bomp, bomp.
146:43:51 Schweickart (onboard): There wasn't any question like there was in the simulator whether the thing would fire. Bet that EVA was a pretty, too. Man! I sure hope that camera picked it up.
146:44:09 Scott (onboard): [Garble].
146:44:11 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, we did, but we stowed it.
This is Apollo Control ac 146 hours, 44 minutes. Tananarive has acquired Apollo 9.
146:44:14 Scott (onboard): [Garble]
146:44:20 McDivitt (onboard): What happened to the film magazine that was on it?
146:44:23 Scott (onboard): There's still one on it. I didn't know whether [garble].
146:44:27 Schweickart (onboard): No, didn't you take that off just - just this morning, and finish it up on the other camera? I thought that's what we did.
146:45:03 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble] with MAG E. [Garble].
146:45:21 Schweickart (onboard): E's still in here. Yes, it is.
146:45:35 Schweickart (onboard): Huh?
146:45:39 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, before we take it off, we ought to mark down another [garble]. And, Jim, you're not coming through.
146:46:08 Schweickart (onboard): Maybe we ought to advance a few films on that, Jim, manually, so that they could find a place to cut it or something. And then take the rest.
This is Apollo Control at 146 hours, 46 minutes. Apollo 9 has gone through Tananarive acquisition without air-ground conversation. The low elevation pass, about one and a half degrees, at Tananarive that time and short acquisition time. Carnarvon will acquire at 146 hours, 57 minutes. This is Mission Control Houston.
146:47:25 Schweickart (onboard): They've got to be done charging the battery B. My God!
146:47:32 Schweickart (onboard): They said this morning they were going to put 5 amp-hours, didn't they? Start it out at 2-1/2 - 2-1/4, it's down to 0.6 now. And, let's see, that was at about - almost 6 hours ago. Maybe not.
146:48:41 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, Jim, how about moving your mike up? [Garble].
146:49:19 Schweickart (onboard): Is that your [garble]?
146:49:23 Scott (onboard): Yes.
146:50:27 Schweickart (onboard): You want to put it on [garble]?
146:50:28 McDivitt (onboard): No. [Garble].
146:51:20 Scott (onboard): My toothbrush [garble].
146:51:36 McDivitt (onboard): Huh?
146:51:38 Scott (onboard): It sure seems like a long time. [Garble].
146:52:40 Scott (onboard): You're putting down on P00.
146:52:42 Schweickart (onboard): Huh?
146:52:43 Scott (onboard): You're putting down on P00, huh?
146:52:46 McDivitt (onboard): I was going to put it - Take the abnormal-looking one out.
146:53:09 Schweickart (onboard): Cabin TEMP is up now.
146:53:16 Schweickart (onboard): You won't believe it, but, you know, we've been running today with the cabin fan on?
146:53:21 Scott (onboard): Is it on?
146:53:23 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, sure.
146:53:24 Scott (onboard): Well, when did you turn it on?
146:53:25 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, I was going to turn it on for a minute. Doesn't bother you down here, huh?
146:53:33 McDivitt (onboard): You get stifled in here with that lack of circulation sometimes.
146:53:36 Scott (onboard): Yes.
146:53:44 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] I'm going to see if I can - You through with it.
146:53:49 Scott (onboard): Yes, oh, I was just going to put something on there.
146:53:52 Schweickart (onboard): You want to wind some through, Jim ...
146:53:53 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] when you're through with it?
146:53:54 Scott (onboard): Yes.
146:53:56 McDivitt (onboard): I think we ought to just put it away and see how the pictures go. If we don't use it, we won't use it; if we do, [garble] I wanted a couple to be logged.
146:54:05 Scott (onboard): I was going to put something else in here that you accomplished.
146:54:07 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, did I cut your feet up underneath you ...
146:54:12 Scott (onboard): No, no, I'm really - I'm trying to think of some other way to tell him to - [garble] because you - you don't know the point at which it pitched to, up until you look at it and figure out what the DELTA-P is - and you could run all the film through that DELTA-P. And you may screw up, you know, some part of it.
146:54:54 Schweickart (onboard): (Cough) That sausage is hard to squeeze out of there, isn't it?
146:55:22 Scott (onboard): What are you doing, Rust?
146:55:28 Schweickart (onboard): Huh?
146:55:30 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, [garble]; he probably wouldn't use it at all.
146:55:34 Schweickart (onboard): I don't know. The way you guys take pictures. This friend of mine, named Anders, told me that one time.
146:55:47 McDivitt (onboard): What?
146:55:50 Schweickart (onboard): That if he had it to do over again, he'd take all the pictures that opportunity presented.
146:55:55 McDivitt (onboard): Where did this - where was this, Dave?
146:55:58 Scott (onboard): In - It could go in A-7.
146:56:03 McDivitt (onboard): I'm going to try to clean off this vent over here.
146:56:14 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, my gosh, it's not nearly as dirty as it has been.
146:56:16 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, I think the spacecraft is cleaning up.
146:56:19 Scott (onboard): We're clean livers.
146:56:20 Schweickart (onboard): I tell you, I think the breakpoint on that was that EVA. Man, that really helped.
146:56:26 McDivitt (onboard): Dumping the LM didn't hurt anything either.
146:56:29 Schweickart (onboard): Yes well, the LM got cleaned up after that EVA, too. Boy, there was a lot less stuff in it the next day.
146:56:59 McDivitt (onboard): Here comes Houston. Where's the update book?
This is Apollo Control at 146 hours 56 minutes. Apollo 9 is within range of Carnarvon now.
146:57:38 Evans: Apollo 9, Houston through Carnarvon with your SO65 update.
146:57:45 Schweickart: Roger, Houston. All set to copy. Stand by; my pen's not there.
146:57:52 Evans: Roger. Standing by
146:57:57 Schweickart: Roger. Got the pen now.
146:58:00 Evans: Okay. I'll give you inertial angles first: l8000 25280 and all zips. Your ORB RATE ball angles: 180, 327.5, and zero. Your GET: 147 30 27; NA on your T align; you'll be ORB RATE; the rate is 0.068. The first sight: Salton Sea, 147 35 40 08 05; Tucson, 147 37 12 06 09. Matagorda will be a site: 147 40 42 06 03. I can go ahead and give you your ORB RATES for loading the DAP. I'll give them Victor through Zulu. Victor, 00002; Whiskey, 16446; X-ray, all zips; Yankee, 12045; Zulu 54142; and you can read back if you want to. [Pause]
147:00:44 Schweickart: Okay. Coming back in the same order, Ron. 18000 25280 all zips; 147 30 27; NA; ORB RATE 0.068. Salton Sea, 147 35 40 08 05; Tucson, 147 37 12 06 09; Matagorda, 147 40 42 06 03; I guess I forgot the vertical angles: 180 327.5 0. And then going on Victor through Zulu 00002 16446 all zips 12045 54142.
147:01:33 Evans: Roger. Your readback is correct. And I've got your points where Achilles chased Hector around the walls of Troy.
147:01:42 Schweickart: Okay.
147:01:46 Evans: First point: right ascension 12 hours 10 minutes; declination, minus 1 degree. Second point: right ascension, 19 hours 50 minutes; declination, minus 26 degrees. [Long pause]
147:02:27 Schweickart: Okay. 12 hours 10 minutes, minus 1 degree; 19 hours 59 minutes, minus 26 degrees.
147:02:34 Evans: Roger. And that will be at a GET of 148 plus 00. [Pause]
147:02:43 Schweickart: Okay. By the way, looking for the Gegenschein I was sort of all dark-adapted on the pass that Dave marked on Jupiter and was not able to see anything. [Pause]
147:02:55 Evans: Roger. No Gegen. [Pause]
147:03:04 Evans: 9, Houston. On your pass over Ascension we noticed the surge tank was dropped about 100 pound, and then it's coming back up. Was this filling the RERESS?
147:03:13 Schweickart: Roger.
147:03:14 Evans: Roger. Thank you.
147:03:18 Schweickart: We may give it a couple of more shots here just to tweak it all the way up.
147:03:23 Evans: Roger. Concur. [Long pause]
147:04:03 Evans: Apollo 9. Houston. Thirty seconds LOS; Guam at 11. [Pause]
147:04:09 Schweickart: Roger.
Long comm break.
This is Apollo Control at 147 hours 4 minutes. Carnarvon has LOS. During this pass Ron Evans updated the crew on the next pass across the United States later in this 93rd revolution. For the SO65 multispectral photography experiment. Areas to be photographed, Salton Sea again, Tucson, Matagorda Island off the coast of Texas in the Gulf of Mexico. Ron's reference to Achilles chasing Hector around the walls of Troy, or Hector's chasing Achilles has to do with Rusty Schweickart's earlier request today for the Trojan point, which as we understand from one of the Flight Controllers here, is the 120 degree point in a stable orbit of a satellite around a central body. Guam will acquire next at 147 hours 10 minutes. This is Mission Control Houston.
147:04:23 McDivitt (onboard): Gee, you don't have very long to go here.
147:04:26 Scott (onboard): [Garble].
147:04:29 Schweickart (onboard): Well, how long's the SO 65?
147:04:31 McDivitt (onboard): 20 minutes.
147:04:33 Schweickart (onboard): Really?
147:04:35 McDivitt (onboard): Here, let me see. 35 and 30. No, 25 minutes.
147:05:24 Scott (onboard): Sticky, isn't it?
147:05:25 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, yes.
147:05:35 Scott (onboard): That's the best Velcro on the whole spacecraft.
147:05:37 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, these suits.
147:07:08 Scott (onboard): A 350-pound cake.
147:07:11 McDivitt (onboard): (Laughter)
147:07:56 Unidentifiable crewmember (onboard): (Cough)
147:09:09 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, [garble].
147:09:14 Scott (onboard): Okay.
147:09:21 Schweickart (onboard): I [garble] so that we don't go across [garble] Islands, unfortunately.
147:09:31 Schweickart (onboard): Except [garble] - I mean, you know - instead of -
147:10:26 Schweickart (onboard): Gobble, gobble.
147:10:39 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] we're at Guam, 11. Think I'll try one of these wet wipes [garble] so bad.
This is Apollo Control at 147 hours, 11 minutes; Guam has acquisition.
147:13:11 Evans: Apollo 9, Houston. Two minutes to LOS; Hawaii at 23.
147:13:17 Scott: Roger.
Very long comm break.
147:14:16 Unidentifiable crewmember (onboard): Whoo! It's yours. You got them.
This is Apollo Control at 147 hours, 15 minutes. Apollo 9 out of range at Guam now. Moving across the Pacific toward Hawaii. Hawaii station will acquire at l47 hours, 22 minutes. This is Mission Control, Houston.
147:14:28 Schweickart (onboard): You know, we ought to take some pictures of us taking some SO 65 pictures ...
147:14:33 McDivitt (onboard): (Laughter)
147:14:36 Schweickart (onboard): ... with some of that interior movie stuff.
147:14:39 McDivitt (onboard): We're going to have [garble] Dave to wake up. [Garble] couch.
147:14:44 Schweickart (onboard): Move back, huh?
147:14:45 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
147:14:47 Schweickart (onboard): Anybody want some chewing gum?
147:14:48 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, [garble].
147:14:56 Schweickart (onboard): Dave, you want some chewing gum?
147:14:59 Scott (onboard): Oh, no thanks, Rusty. I think I'll pass.
147:15:01 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. Kind of tastes good, doesn't it?
147:15:06 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, that's not bad.
147:15:08 Schweickart (onboard): At least at first.
147:15:22 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, you know what else we got that we haven't taken is the - those peanut balls. They would probably be fairly tasty.
147:15:30 McDivitt (onboard): Hey! Yes, let's try some. [Garble]
147:15:48 Schweickart (onboard): If my nose were a little more clear, I would be happier.
147:15:58 Scott (onboard): Is your nose a little bit jammed?
147:16:00 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, it is off and on ...
147:16:01 Schweickart (onboard): Kind of up in here?
147:16:04 Scott (onboard): All over.
147:16:06 Schweickart (onboard): All over, huh?
147:16:13 Schweickart (onboard): Let's see. 147:30. I wonder where we rat-holed tissues down.
147:16:25 Schweickart (onboard): Uch. [Garble] between my legs again. There they are. Over your head. On the upper bunk head there. Right down there. Ahh!
147:16:45 Scott (onboard): That's okay; don't get nervous. You doing alright?
147:16:54 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, I'm kind of just trying to [garble].
147:17:11 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, hell!
147:17:26 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, shoot!
147:18:12 Scott (onboard): How are we doing on time?
147:18:14 McDivitt (onboard): You got 12 minutes to go, Dave. Maybe we ought to start the -
147:18:18 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, we ought to check those numbers. That way - I guess I can check them here to see if they're any different. If I can find where I put them.
147:18:34 Schweickart (onboard): You got the SO 60 - Oh, yes, you got it over there, Dave. Yes. Dave, the numbers are up there. I don't know if they're any different or not.
147:18:42 Scott (onboard): Okay, [garble]
147:18:43 Schweickart (onboard): I thought it was 0.067 last time. That's why I wondered.
147:18:52 Scott (onboard): 0.067?
147:18:54 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, it was - right here, see, on the rate; but this is 0.068.
147:18:59 Scott (onboard): That was yesterday.
147:19:00 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, was it yesterday?
147:19:01 Scott (onboard): 161146, 0, 12045.
147:19:07 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
147:19:08 Scott (onboard): 54142.
147:19:45 McDivitt (onboard): I still want to [garble].
147:19:47 Scott (onboard): Okay, you're going to pulse over there...
147:19:49 McDivitt (onboard): I'm going to go on over there, and then, when we get close, [garble].
147:20:17 Schweickart (onboard): Here is the time [garble], Dave. Whoo - that stuff is really bright.
147:20:52 McDivitt (onboard): When we get the SO 65 pictures, so why don't we take off the - why don't you disconnect this thing right away so we don't inadvertently take a bunch of pictures? Let's just take this thing off [garble] you can look out as you go across the islands.
147:21:05 Scott (onboard): You want me to look at them?
147:21:06 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, let's look at them. I'm just too good to you.
147:21:09 Scott (onboard): I think it's a pretty good way to be doing this filming.
147:21:10 McDivitt (onboard): What?
147:21:11 Scott (onboard): [Garble].
147:21:16 McDivitt (onboard): Oh yes? That'd be pointing the wrong way.
147:21:19 Scott (onboard): Oh, I don't know how we were going to be pointing, but I'll do it - Oh, I'll do it later. You want to look at the islands, let's look at the islands.
147:21:25 McDivitt (onboard): I think you will enjoy it if you've never seen it before ...
147:21:27 Scott (onboard): Yes, I'd like to see it, but I was thinking, you know - I'd like to see it, [garble].
147:21:32 McDivitt (onboard): I'll just use some fuel up. Get right side up.
147:21:40 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, I have 147:35:40.
147:21:44 Scott (onboard): Okay.
147:21:48 McDivitt (onboard): Let's see, you have ...
147:21:49 Scott (onboard): [Garble] A, B - All of them, OFF, and A and B ON. Put all of them ON!; the DAP has already [garble].
147:22:03 McDivitt (onboard): 147:45:40 (cough), 148:56:04, 12 and 147:37:12 ...
This is Apollo Control at 147 hours 22 minutes. Hawaii is acquiring Apollo 9.
147:26:05 Evans: Apollo 9, Houston. Standing by through Hawaii.
147:26:08 McDivitt (onboard): Roger, Houston. Apollo 9.
147:26:11 Evans: Roger.
This is Apollo Control at 147 hours 29 minutes. We have LOS at Hawaii. The Redstone will pick up acquisition within a minute and then we will have overlapping coverage from the Redstone on through the United States, losing coverage at Antigua. We will stay up live through this long pass.
147:XX:XX Unidentifiable crewmember: Houston, Apollo 9.
147:XX:XX Evans: Apollo 9, Houston. Go.
147:XX:XX Unidentifiable crewmember: Roger. Sometime here within the next hour or so we'd like to get another map update.
147:XX:XX Evans: Roger. I have one now if you want it.
147:XX:XX Unidentifiable crewmember: Houston, we're ready to copy.
147:XX:XX Evans: Roger. I'll give you rev 93 first. Rev 93 - 147 plus 11 plus 09 right ascension 16 07, longitude 147 east. I can give you rev 94.
147:XX:XX Unidentifiable crewmember: All right, I guess 93 is good enough, Ron.
147:XX:XX Evans: Okay.
147:XX:XX Evans: Apollo 9, Houston.
147:XX:XX Unidentifiable crewmember: Go ahead, Houston. This is Apollo 9.
147:XX:XX Evans: Roger. We're just passed on SO 65 - if it was nominal and if the number of frames used was about right.
147:XX:XX Unidentifiable crewmember: Roger. We used exactly what we had on the plan and went exactly according to the way they called it up. The only thing, I'm a little concerned that you might have missed your time at Matagorda by just a couple of seconds. We have taken only one picture of Matagorda and the other two of the Gulf.
147:XX:XX Evans: Roger. Copy.
147:XX:XX Evans: Nine, Houston. You can go to standby in your INU at your convenience.
147:XX:XX Unidentifiable crewmember: All right. Roger.
147:XX:XX Unidentifiable crewmember: Say, Houston, chis is Apollo 9.
147:50:25 Evans: Houston. Go.
147:50:26 McDivitt: Could you find out how many frames are on those small 70-millimeter Hasselblad film packs? I think there's 60, but I'm not really sure.
147:50:35 Evans: Roger. We'll cheek it.
147:50:37 McDivitt: I know that there's 150 in the big ones, but I don't know what there are in the little ones.
147:50:42 Evans: Roger. [Long pause]
147:50:55 Schweickart: Ron, I think they are in MAGS F and G.
147:50:59 Evans: Okay. MAGS F and G. [Pause]
147:51:15 Evans: Apollo 9, Houston.
147:51:17 Scott: Go.
147:51:18 Evans: Roger. You can terminate BATT B charge, and if you do it after 52, just let us know the time at Ascension.
147:51:26 Scott: 3, 2, 1.
147:51:28 Scott: MARK.
147:51:30 Evans: Roger. We got it. [Long pause]
147:52:06 Evans: Apollo 9, Houston. About 30 seconds LOS. And you have a Go to chlorinate prior to sleeping tonight, if you want.
147:52:15 Scott: Okay; fine. Thank you. We'll do that before we go to bed.
147:52:17 Evans: Roger.
Long comm break.
This is Apollo Control at 147 hours, 52 minutes. Antigua has LOS. And Apollo 9 has completed the SO65 multi spectral terrain photography experiment for today. They've been given a GO to power down their inertial measurement unit and go into drifting flight essentially. Next station to acquire will be Ascension at 148 hours even. This is Mission Control, Houston.
This is Apollo Control at 148 hours into the mission. Apollo 9 coming within range of the Ascension Island station.
148:01:19 Evans: Apollo 9, Houston through Ascension.
148:01:22 McDivitt: Hello. Houston, Apollo 9.
148:01:25 Evans: Roger. Looks like you have 65 frames in these small 70mm packs.
148:01:32 McDivitt: Okay. Very good. Thank you.
148:01:39 Evans: And, 9, Houston. Looks like our cryo plan is about the same as last night. If you still have that one, it is the same - unless you want me to read it up again and remind you. [Pause]
148:01:54 McDivitt: No, I believe it's to turn the heaters and fans off now, and let the hydrogen pressure drop down to between 190 and 200. And then, just before we go to bed, we're going to turn H2 fan number 2 on.
148:02:06 Evans: Okay. We'll use number 1 fan tonight. H2 tank 1 fan ON just before you go to bed.
148:02:12 McDivitt: Okay. H2 tank 1 fan ON just before we go to bed.
148:02:16 Evans: And we'll - Put inverter 3 on MAIN A just before you go to bed.
148:02:22 McDivitt: Okay. And we've been running all day long without either heaters or fans on the H2, and tank 1 is reading about 208 or so, but tank 2 is all the way up to 220. We're going to have to do a lot of purging to get it down. [Pause]
148:02:44 Evans: Roger. If a purge is required, which it looks like it may be, go ahead and purge fuel cell 2.
148:02:52 McDivitt: Okay. [Pause]
148:03:13 McDivitt: And, Houston, this is Apollo 9.
148:03:15 Evans: Houston. Go.
148:03:17 McDivitt: On our powerdown, do you want us to just power down the things we powered down last night, and not power down completely?
148:03:22 Evans: Affirmative. That'll be SCS electronics power OFF, the AUTO RCS switch is OFF, rote control power switch is OFF, and the translation control power OFF. The rest of them - powered up.
148:03:38 McDivitt: Okay. Very good. [Pause]
148:03:53 Evans: 9, Houston.
148:03:57 McDivitt: Go ahead.
148:03:58 Evans: Roger. We wanted to get a couple of frames for hydrology and oceanography there at Matagorda.
148:04:06 Scott: Oh very good. Well, that's what you got.
148:04:10 Evans: Okay. [Pause]
148:04:16 Evans: Apollo 9, Houston. We're coming up on LOS. Low pass at Tananarive and Carnarvon; probably Guam at 42.
148:04:25 Scott: Alrighty.
Very long comm break.
This is Apollo Control at 148 hours, 5 minutes. Ascension has LOS. Apollo 9's orbit in this 94th revolution takes it at a very low angle to the Tananarive station. We expect about a minute and a half, slightly less than a minute and a half acquisition at Tananarive. We probably won't communicate but we'll come back up at that time and stand by.
This is Apollo Control at 148 hours 18 minutes. Tananarive is about ready to acquire for a 1 minute, 24 second pass. We will stand by.
This is Apollo Control, 148 hours 20 minutes. Went through that short Tananarive pass without communicating. The next station co acquire will be Carnarvon, again a low elevation pass, acquisition time duration of only 1 minute 32 seconds. We don't expect to make a call to the spacecraft, but we will come up and stand by in case they call us at that time. This is Mission Control Houston.
This is Apollo Control at 148 hours 32 minutes. Apollo 9 coming up on Carnarvon for a 1 minute 30 second pass.
This is Apollo Control. No conversation during that brief acquisition at Carnarvon. We'll have good coverage at Guam at 148 hours 42 minutes, about a 7 and a half minute pass at that time. This is Mission Control Houston.
This is Apollo Control at 148 hours, 42 minutes. Apollo 9 approaching Guam. As the Gold Team moves in to take over from the White Team. And we're estimating change of shift briefing for 3:15pm Central Standard Time. Three-fifteen pm for this change of shift news conference. Guam has acquisition now. We'll standby.
148:42:52 Evans: Apollo 9, Houston through Guam.
148:42:55 Scott: Roger. Houston, Apollo 9. Go.
148:42:58 Evans: Roger. Request an E memory dump, VERB 74, when you get a chance. And, give us a Mark.
148:43:05 Scott: Roger. Here we go. VERB 74 3, 2, 1.
148:43:12 Scott: MARK. [Pause]
148:43:16 Evans: Roger. [Long pause]
148:43:48 Scott: Houston, did you say you wanted P00 in ACCEPT, also?
148:43:50 Evans: Stand by. We are verifying the E memory first. [Long pause]
148:44:23 Evans: Apollo 9, Houston. The E Memory dump is complete. Request P00 in ACCEPT. We'll give you a state vector.
148:44:29 Scott: Roger. Stand by one. [Pause]
148:44:40 Scott: Okay. You have P00 in ACCEPT.
148:44:44 Evans: Roger.
Comm break.
148:47:03 Evans: 9, Houston. We have sent the state vector up; we've checked it. It all looks good.
148:47:11 Scott: Okay. Thank you very much. I just went into the DSKY then. I hope you had the thing in; I'd forgotten.
148:47:18 Evans: Roger. We had it in.
148:47:21 Scott: Okay. Thanks.
148:47:22 Evans: And you might stick those PRD's on the wall somewhere. We're going to be calling for readout one of these passes there.
148:47:32 Scott: Stick what on the wall?
148:47:34 Evans: Those dosimeters.
148:47:35 McDivitt: Oh, yes. We'll do that. Man, we've got our dosimeters out. We've been waiting all day for you to ask us.
148:47:41 Evans: Okay. [Pause]
148:47:49 Evans: Roger. You can go to BLOCK on the computer.
148:47:52 Scott: Okay. Thank you.
Comm break.
148:48:53 Evans: 9, Houston. In about 30 seconds, LOS; Hawaii at 57.
148:48:58 Scott: Roger. Hawaii at 57.
148:49:00 Evans: By the way, I don't think we ever told you - Your DSE is good when you are talking into the mike. It's real good.
148:49:07 Schweickart: All right ...
148:49:09 Scott: ... Oh, okay. Good. We'll try and stay close to the mike, then.
148:49:11 Evans: Roger.
Long comm break.
This is Apollo Control. Apollo 9 out of range at Guam. Hawaii will acquire at 148 hours, 57 minutes. This is Mission Control Houston.
This is Apollo Control at 148 hours, 57 minutes. Apollo 9 is approaching the Hawaii tracking station. We expect to have acquisition there momentarily and we'll stand by for the air-to-ground.
148:58:44 Evans: Apollo 9, trough Hawaii - I've got a couple of flight plan updates and targets of opportunity for you.
148:58:50 Scott: Roger. Go ahead.
148:58:54 Evans: Roger. ARIA 5 at 154 plus 19, to 154 plus 29. ARIA 2, 155 plus 13, to 155 plus 22. Here come some targets of opportunity. [Pause]
148:59:28 Scott: Go ahead.
148:59:30 Evans: 149 08 46. It's Guadalupe, weather, three frames, 60-second intervals, on track. 149 14 00, Chapingo, Mexico, geology, 10 frames, 6 second intervals, 40 degrees off nadir south. 149 16 57, San Salvador, geology 10 frames, 6-second intervals, 20 degrees off nadir south. 149 19 43, Gulf of Panama, oceanography, five frames. 6-second intervals, 10 degrees off nadir north. 149 20 42, Columbia, geology, 10 frames, 6-second intervals, on track. 149 21 57, Venezuela, weather, six frames, 30-second intervals, high oblique to north. And, over.
Long comm break.
We just heard astronaut Ron Evans read up some photographic targets of opportunity to include some photography of geological and of weather and of oceanography. The spacecraft has moved out of range of Hawaii, so we will bring down the line at 149 hours, 2 minutes. This is Apollo Control.
149:04:05 Evans: Apollo 9, Houston.
149:04:09 McDivitt: Go ahead, Houston.
149:04:11 Evans: Roger. Where did I leave off - cut off on the targets of opportunity, there? [Pause]
149:04:27 McDivitt: Stand by just a minute. [Long pause]
This is Apollo Control at 149 hours 5 minutes. We've just reacquired the spacecraft over the ship Redstone. Let's monitor.
149:05:05 Scott: Okay. I lost you on the 149 21 57 Venezuelan weather, but we're almost up to the first one right now. Do you want to try to pick up from there?
149:05:12 Evans: That was it; there was only Venezuelan weather, six exposures, 30-second intervals, and a high oblique to the north. [Pause]
149:05:24 Scott: Okay. It looks like we are only oriented so we can see south, so we will try and pick up the ones that are off to the south.
149:05:32 Evans: Roger. [Pause]
149:05:38 Scott: And I'll give you a readback on the ARIA, since you might want to know if we go, that right or not. ARIA 5, 154 19 through 154 29; and ARIA 2, 155 13 through 155 22.
149:05:51 Evans: Roger. And we know that your optics are still on MANUAL, and request ZERO if you are not going to use them any more.
149:05:56 Scott: Roger. We were just using them to take a look out front to see where we were going.
149:06:01 Evans: Okay; good.
Long comm break.
149:09:40 Evans: Apollo 9, Houston.
149:09:43 McDivitt: Go ahead.
149:09:44 Evans: Roger. Just a comment. Are the cabin fans ON now, or what are you generally doing with the cabin fans?
149:09:49 McDivitt: We had the cabin fans OFF until today, and we had run it with one cabin fan ON today.
149:09:55 Evans: Roger. [Pause]
149:10:00 Evans: And, in general, on cycling or storing the H2 cryo's there, are you doing this at any time other than when we request same?
149:10:08 McDivitt: Negative.
149:10:09 Evans: Roger.
149:10:12 Scott: Yes we have, Ron. We've been doing it every morning - on wakeup checklist.
149:10:18 Evans: Okay. That's good. [Pause]
149:10:25 McDivitt: Yes, that's called out on the flight plan, though. [Long pause]
149:11:07 Evans: And, Apollo 9, Houston. I have the block data here. I can either give it here or else over Guam.
149:11:16 Schweickart: Okay. Stand by. [Long pause]
149:11:52 McDivitt: Okay, Houston. Go ahead.
149:11:59 Evans: Roger. Block data: Area 099 Charlie Charlie, plus 231, plus 1430 156 15 41 3343; 100 Charlie Charlie, minus 253, minus 1610 158 06 17 3343; 101 Alfa Charlie, plus 029, minus 0300 158 40 36 3842; 102 Alfa Charlie, plus 166, minus 0320 160 15 37 3842; 103 2 Alfa, plus: 281, minus 0300 161 50 48 3842; 104 1 Bravo, plus 255, minus 0595 163 17 18 3842. Pitch trim: minus 0.88. Yaw: minus 1.08. Over.
149:14:43 Schweickart: Roger. 099 Charlie Charlie, plus 231, plus 1430 156 15 41 3343; 100 Charlie Charlie, minus 253, minus 1610 158 06 17 3343. You still with me?
We've been advised that the Change of Shift Press Conference is due to start momentarily, therefore, we'll pull the line down. We've still got about a minute and a half of acquisition time at the Texas station. We'll record that and play it back to you at the conclusion of the Change of Shift Press Conference. At 149 hours, 15 minutes, this is Apollo Control.
149:15:18 Evans: Affirmative. You can go a little faster.
149:15:21 Schweickart: 101 Alfa Charlie, plus 029, minus 0300 158 40 36 3842; 102 Alfa Charlie, plus 166, minus 0320 160 15 37 3842; 103 2 Alfa, plus 281 minus 0300 161 50 48 3842; 104 1 Baker, plus 255, minus 0595 163 17 18 3842. Pitch: minus 0.88. Yaw: minus 1.88.
149:16:14 Evans: Houston. Your readback is correct. Tananarive at 50.
149:16:21 Schweickart: Roger. Tananarive at 50.
Very long comm break.
149:16:22 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, Dave? Oh, yes. He did. Getting ready to [garble].
149:16:28 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, but I don't think it's really that important in the first place. [Garble]. You want to call it off?
149:16:35 Scott (onboard): Sure.
149:16:37 Schweickart (onboard): 15, 16, 17 [garble].
149:16:41 McDivitt (onboard): Is it full?
149:16:42 Schweickart (onboard): No, it's - it isn't just quite full.
149:16:46 Scott (onboard): There's some pretty good geology down there.
149:16:48 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble].
149:16:55 Schweickart (onboard): Absent, huh?
149:17:01 Scott (onboard): I [garble] that off.
149:17:03 Schweickart (onboard): Whoo!
149:17:14 McDivitt (onboard): Where are we right now?
149:17:15 Scott (onboard): Mexico.
149:17:18 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, I see this puddle of water down there. Hey, get those islands right in the middle of that water, Dave, that's coming up.
149:17:24 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, there's volcanos in there. Hey, there's one right on the end of that land tip out there, Dave. Oh, you got that one?
149:17:35 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, it sure is, and here's a couple more of them. This is like the Philippines; they have volcanos like that.
149:17:46 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, we're going right down Central America, aren't we? We're going to do Panama. Is that where we are in this REV, Dave?
149:17:55 Scott (onboard): Yes, that's where we pitch up.
149:17:57 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
149:18:20 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, Dave, right down there on the coast, in that little in - sort of an indent there, it looks like there's a couple of - of rills and rifts down there - right out there. You see them right there?
149:18:33 Scott (onboard): I don't know. Ohh, yes!
149:18:34 Schweickart (onboard): Why are they so damn different? Right over there. You see them?
149:18:46 Schweickart (onboard): Grabens - That's the word I'm trying to think of. Can't ever think of the words I'm trying to think of.
149:18:57 McDivitt (onboard): I think the Panama Canal's right out there, but I can't tell from - from the ground.
149:19:18 Scott (onboard): Maybe that's it.
149:19:24 Schweickart (onboard): No, I think [garble] is down underneath there.
149:19:41 Scott (onboard): [Garble].
149:19:43 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, just a minute. Dave might be able to see it down there - the Panama Canal. I think it's under the clouds, though.
149:20:24 Schweickart (onboard): O2 FLOW HIGH.
149:20:26 Scott (onboard): Yes, [garble].
149:20:28 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, I am.
149:20:41 Schweickart (onboard): I guess we're coming across the northern end of the Andes here, David.
149:20:46 Scott (onboard): We're going into Colombia, My time here is 149:20:42, right here.
149:20:58 McDivitt (onboard): Pretty cloudy, isn't it?
149:20:59 Scott (onboard): And it's beautiful cloud [garble].
149:21:00 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
149:21:09 Schweickart (onboard): Can you see the airplane from where you are, Jim?
149:21:12 Schweickart (onboard): Pan American.
149:21:22 Scott (onboard): [Garble].
149:21:24 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
149:21:31 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, it really is. Going to be right cloudy.
149:21:41 McDivitt (onboard): Boy, the oxygen is really [garble] up to 87.
149:21:46 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble].
149:21:47 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, mine was, yes.
149:21:57 Schweickart (onboard): Mine's [garble] so it doesn't work.
149:22:01 Schweickart (onboard): What? What - are you kidding?
149:22:05 McDivitt (onboard): Shee! What's that? Thanks for nothing.
149:22:11 McDivitt (onboard): Is that [garble] that big - that big thundercloud?
149:22:22 McDivitt (onboard): And then there's tremendous thunderstorms sticking out up here in front of that. Really great!
149:22:54 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble] flying process here upside down. Look in these windows and see a bunch of eyeballs. Oow ahh!
149:23:24 Schweickart (onboard): Boy, it's really hazy down there. There's some good stuff coming up over there, David. It'll be there in a few minutes. See it? Kind of bumps in the smooth surface there?
149:23:38 Schweickart (onboard): Yes. It is, isn't it? Really weird looking.
149:23:52 Schweickart (onboard): You can see it when we're [garble] - kind of weird.
149:23:57 McDivitt (onboard): Those bumpy things down here? I'm going to take two pictures of the big thunderstorm we're going to pass over right now.
149:24:06 Schweickart (onboard): There's a whole bunch of thunderstorms down there.
149:24:09 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. Looks like a rose.
149:24:13 Schweickart (onboard): Yes. There's a whole series of them coming up, too. Alright, you can see them, I guess.
149:24:30 Scott (onboard): [Garble] 20 [garble].
149:24:32 McDivitt (onboard): I took two.
149:24:35 Schweickart (onboard): I took one - one out there, Dave.
149:24:39 McDivitt (onboard): They're both of the same thunderstorm. One of them upright and one near vertical.
149:24:45 Schweickart (onboard): There's another pretty one - right in front of us.
149:24:48 Scott (onboard): Yes, [garble].
149:25:02 Schweickart (onboard): Whoo! We must be over South America, huh? I guess we always pass through the Andes out here. Hey, do we go out over Rio de Janeiro?
149:25:18 McDivitt (onboard): Let me tie these back for you. Okay?
149:25:25 Schweickart (onboard): Is that Rio?
149:25:27 Scott (onboard): Right down here.
149:25:51 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, it's nice-looking country. That's what we call 'yungle.' Boy, those - that sure is high. You can really see it move with respect to the lower stuff. You can see the long shadows of some of those clouds, too. See them?
149:26:33 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, that's the summary of where all the film is, and where it - and what the status of it is. The only thing I haven't had time to do is figure out whether - whether I've packed all of it so he can have it.
149:26:49 Schweickart (onboard): Nice going there, Davey.
149:27:17 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, Dave? What's that great, big, white, pink spot straight ahead? On the clouds, a little bit to your side?
149:27:30 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, it might be a pretty one. Maybe we ought to get a little closer and see if - what it is.
149:27:42 Scott (onboard): Yes, I'm going to take a break. Jimmy, [garble] a little bit.
149:27:47 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, it sure powered up [garble] didn't it?
149:27:51 Schweickart (onboard): In fact - Hey, look it. Do you see a bump in the orange above it? I mean like that glow in the horizon?
149:28:04 McDivitt (onboard): No, [garble] the stops on it somewhere.
149:28:29 Schweickart (onboard): Man, that could be a pretty picture.
149:28:36 Scott (onboard): Sure is.
149:28:57 Schweickart (onboard): Man, that's one to stay out of.
149:29:20 McDivitt (onboard): Look out here to the left. Looks like you're flying along - with an undercast above you - drops down this way. Is it?
149:29:30 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
149:29:39 Schweickart (onboard): There's a star or a satellite - Now, is it moving or not? It's not moving; it's a star - if I can find it. See it, Dave?
149:30:13 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble] has the optics [garble].
149:32:28 Schweickart (onboard): The optics looking at the sky or the ground?
149:32:30 McDivitt (onboard): It's looking at the sky.
149:32:32 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, I think [garble] ...
149:32:33 McDivitt (onboard): Huh? Last night, just as [garble] been looking, at the sky, we should have got it.
149:33:03 Schweickart (onboard): Not a thing out there. You ought to be looking at the ground. No, there comes some stuff.
149:33:29 Schweickart (onboard): I can go to MAN - I can go to MANUAL without the IMU, ON, can't you?
149:33:32 Scott (onboard): Yes. Take it out of zero.
149:33:36 Schweickart (onboard): Take it out of zero. Okay. Zero, OFF. Do I have to wait?
149:33:41 Scott (onboard): No. As you go OFF, you can just go to MANUAL.
149:33:46 Scott (onboard): I got it.
149:34:26 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, that's strange. It doesn't [garble] at all, does it? That also seems kind of sloppy.
149:36:09 McDivitt (onboard): Huh? Oh, I have to look up?
149:36:23 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, then stay, because it [garble].
149:36:34 McDivitt (onboard): You mind if I put this thing right here?
149:36:36 Scott (onboard): Here, I'll put it away. [Garble].
149:36:37 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
149:36:39 Schweickart (onboard): Here?
149:36:46 Scott (onboard): Yes, I thought I'd just save you the trouble.
149:36:49 Schweickart (onboard): Shoot! I wanted to do some groundwork with that thing - eight power. Can I play with it tomorrow?
149:36:55 McDivitt (onboard): Go ahead - and take it out.
149:36:56 Schweickart (onboard): Huh?
149:36:57 McDivitt (onboard): You can take it out. [Garble] where we'll be.
149:37:00 Schweickart (onboard): You do. You sit right there and look right straight out the window. Get an eight-power telescope. [Garble].
149:37:16 McDivitt (onboard): You never found my helmet and goggles bag?
149:37:26 Scott (onboard): I don't remember seeing it.
149:37:53 Scott (onboard): See anything?
149:37:55 Schweickart (onboard): Not much. I wasn't very impressed.
149:37:59 Scott (onboard): Hmm. You're not supposed to be if [garble], is that right?
149:38:14 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
149:38:16 Schweickart (onboard): Yes. Whoo! Maybe I can get a picture of an elephant or something. [Garble] like that.
149:38:24 Scott (onboard): You're [garble] just a small boy.
149:38:30 Schweickart (onboard): Really am. [Garble].
149:38:35 McDivitt (onboard): That's why they call him the "Vanilla Kid.
149:38:38 Schweickart (onboard): Remember Dick Dowel?
149:38:39 Scott (onboard): Who?
149:38:41 Schweickart (onboard): He was a movie star once.
149:38:42 Scott (onboard): Was he really?
149:38:43 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
149:38:50 Scott (onboard): Wonder when that was?
149:38:53 Schweickart (onboard): Well, I don't know, it must have been around 19 - 35 or 6.
149:39:37 Schweickart (onboard): (Yawn)
149:39:52 Scott (onboard): [Garble]
149:40:04 McDivitt (onboard): You got some tape to shut that off with?
149:40:08 Scott (onboard): No, but I'll get some.
149:40:11 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, here. You want a piece of tape, Jim?
149:40:13 McDivitt (onboard): Maybe I'll just take ...
149:40:14 Schweickart (onboard): Well, somebody just stirred up a bunch of crap over there. I think he threw it up. Where are you, Jim?
149:40:21 McDivitt (onboard): Right here; that makes the days a lot shorter.
149:40:24 Schweickart (onboard): You're right, Jim; it wasn't in the right suit. Dave [garble] along with it.
149:40:37 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
149:40:39 Schweickart (onboard): Haa!
149:40:40 Scott (onboard): Let's see here. [Garble] roll.
149:40:56 Schweickart (onboard): (Yawn)
149:41:01 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, can I help you there?
149:41:02 McDivitt (onboard): I can to look at [garble].
149:41:04 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble].
149:41:07 McDivitt (onboard): Did you get this thermal sample from the LM put away?
149:41:10 Schweickart (onboard): No. Let's put that away.
149:41:11 McDivitt (onboard): Why don't we put that away and we'll get out of this [garble] thing?
149:41:16 Schweickart (onboard): Stand by; I'll pass it to you.
149:41:20 McDivitt (onboard): What are these things?
149:41:22 Schweickart (onboard): Those are the hooks - hooks - Oh, those? Sony recording tapes.
149:41:26 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, gees!
149:41:28 Schweickart (onboard): Remember - we were going to record all that stuff?
149:41:30 McDivitt (onboard): What are these things?
149:41:34 Schweickart (onboard): I don't know, What are they?
149:41:35 Scott (onboard): The battery pack to the Sony?
149:41:37 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
149:41:39 Schweickart (onboard): We didn't use that Sony much, did we?
149:41:41 McDivitt (onboard): I don't know. What's this funny-looking thing?
149:41:44 Schweickart (onboard): That's what the thermal samples were stowed on - were found on.
149:41:50 Scott (onboard): Jim, here's a thermal sample.
149:41:53 McDivitt (onboard): Well, [garble] thermal samples.
149:41:55 Scott (onboard): Coming forward.
149:41:58 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble]
149:42:03 Schweickart (onboard): Oow! God damn! That [garble] stuff is hot.
149:42:07 Scott (onboard): You got to be careful.
149:42:08 Schweickart (onboard): Oowee! [garble]. Sure is, you know it?
149:42:11 McDivitt (onboard): Huh?
149:42:12 Schweickart (onboard): Boy, that's a [garble] blister right there.
149:42:17 Schweickart (onboard): That one's about scalded.
149:42:20 Scott (onboard): Few little things keep coming loose. See them?
149:42:22 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
149:42:25 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, I'm going to put the samples - thermal sample down here with the covers to the DELTA-V indicators.
149:42:31 Scott (onboard): Right.
149:42:32 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. You ...
149:42:36 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
149:42:37 Schweickart (onboard): ... you - you put it in the box, Jim?
149:42:38 McDivitt (onboard): No, I don't think it goes in the box, does it?
149:42:39 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
149:42:40 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, it does?
149:42:41 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
149:42:42 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, fine. I didn't realize that it did; I thought that box was - wouldn't fit.
149:42:46 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, it carries three butterflies and two of those - It's supposed to.
149:42:50 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, I thought they wouldn't fit.
149:42:55 Schweickart (onboard): What did you do with that cable, by the way?
149:42:58 McDivitt (onboard): I put it right in here with the thermal samples.
149:43:01 Schweickart (onboard): Oh.
149:43:16 Schweickart (onboard): What are they doing? Putting us to bed early tonight.
149:43:23 McDivitt (onboard): I don't know.
149:43:34 Schweickart (onboard): Well. We have an 11-hour rest period tonight.
149:43:37 McDivitt (onboard): Do we really?
149:43:38 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
149:43:39 McDivitt (onboard): Oh! I took a half wink down there a little while ago.
149:43:42 Schweickart (onboard): Did you? (Laughter)
149:43:47 Scott (onboard): You fellows have been working awful hard today - indescribable.
149:44:03 Scott (onboard): (Yawn)
149:44:11 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, we got a - fuel cell O2 purge and a CO2 ...
149:44:14 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, would you believe what I found?
149:44:16 Schweickart (onboard): What?
149:44:17 McDivitt (onboard): The helmet bag!
149:44:19 Scott (onboard): Good!
149:44:22 Schweickart (onboard): How about putting your helmet on?
149:44:31 Schweickart (onboard): Good. That makes me feel better. So, so far we don't know of anything that we threw away with the LM that we didn't want to throw away.
149:45:35 McDivitt (onboard): You know I think I found another good piece for all the LM data.
149:45:40 Schweickart (onboard): Where?
149:45:42 McDivitt (onboard): The A something or other - A-1.
149:45:45 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble] it's worth a [garble].
149:46:10 Schweickart (onboard): What's in there now? PPK's, isn't there?
149:46:14 McDivitt (onboard): No. Toolkits - some underwear -
149:46:19 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, is that the one right next to A-7?
149:46:21 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
149:46:22 Schweickart (onboard): Just above A-7?
149:46:23 McDivitt (onboard): No, this one, I think, is A-8 [garble] ought to be in one thing.
149:46:44 McDivitt (onboard): Well, what are we going to do with that suit?
149:46:53 Schweickart (onboard): What's the matter with stowing the two FP's in - in the L-shaped hag and one under my couch, Jim?
149:46:59 McDivitt (onboard): Well, the thing of it all is, if the couch slips down, it's going to be terrible. It looks like if you could put one of them horizontal across the - LEB here. Hide the LiOH canister. That would get one of those big things out of the way. [Garble] put the [garble] canister - LiOH canister someplace and the [garble] someplace. Put the canister in the suit and tie it down.
149:47:54 Schweickart (onboard): Are you still going to do some of the optics, Dave?
149:47:57 Scott (onboard): Yes. [Garble].
149:48:01 Schweickart (onboard): No, I was going to exercise.
149:48:02 Scott (onboard): [Garble] ...
149:48:03 Schweickart (onboard): But I don't want to do it right here, so [garble].
149:48:05 Scott (onboard): No [garble].
149:48:07 Schweickart (onboard): Why don't you go ahead and do it, and I'll just take - trade places and I'll sit there and exercise.
149:48:11 Scott (onboard): Okay.
149:48:34 McDivitt (onboard): You know we also ought to think about some other way of protecting our heads, and this kind of thing. I'm not that enthralled with our headrests.
149:48:46 Scott (onboard): No neither; and you notice there is no support for the back of your neck either - not here.
149:48:50 McDivitt (onboard): I was thinking maybe we could take some of these trash bags; maybe take one of these food bags, fill it up with trash, and lay it across in here.
149:48:58 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
149:49:00 Scott (onboard): Boy, there just doesn't seen to be any support there at all.
149:49:02 Schweickart (onboard): Take what food bags, Jim?
149:49:03 McDivitt (onboard): One of these - I said take one, and fill it up, and lay it across in here.
149:49:11 McDivitt (onboard): I'd also like to kind of wrap my helmet up [garble] head up.
149:49:17 McDivitt (onboard): You go on that - you're going to [garble] head [garble], because it rattles back and forth.
149:49:40 McDivitt (onboard): We don't even have to have the helmets, if the helmet bags are locked. Maybe you could just put them someplace else that's good. The bag ...
149:49:48 Schweickart (onboard): Why don't we put the helmets under the seat? I'm just trying to figure out something - just how to keep it all together so they won't rattle around. You can put the helmets and gloves on the suit ...
149:49:58 McDivitt (onboard): Well, I almost think that if you left one - one suit in the L-shaped bag in the middle, and the other two suits across there with our helmets on it ...
149:50:04 Schweickart (onboard): You've got - I think you've got a picture onboard of how [garble] recommended for [garble]. Let me pick it up and we'll see what it looks like.
149:50:17 Scott (onboard): The picture?
149:50:19 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, it's in there? Okay, I'll look for it.
149:50:22 Scott (onboard): [Garble].
149:50:26 Schweickart (onboard): No, I think it was - I'm looking for a flight plan.
149:50:32 McDivitt (onboard): Well, let me see now. I had to get - I had to get [garble].
149:50:41 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, it is. [Garble] maybe it is.
149:50:46 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, another place down there, we're going to be wearing them, and [garble] and we're going to have to have the rope out to tie the suits down. So, we've got all of A - half of A [garble].
149:51:00 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
149:51:44 McDivitt (onboard): So right ahead.
149:51:46 Schweickart (onboard): Thank you there, Colonel.
149:51:47 McDivitt (onboard): Okay. [Garble].
149:51:59 Schweickart (onboard): It might be a good idea if we could get ...
149:52:00 Evans: Apollo 9, Houston through Tananarive.
149:52:06 Scott: Roger. Houston, Apollo 9.
149:52:08 Scott: Houston, Apollo 9.
149:52:13 Evans: Roger, We got a lot of static here. Do you read me okay?
149:52:17 Scott: We're reading you loud and clear.
149:52:20 Evans: Roger. I have some targets of opportunity - about three - and then one flight plan update. [Pause]
149:52:28 Scott (onboard): Okay, tell him to go ahead.
149:52:31 Scott: Okay. Go ahead.
149:52:34 Evans: Roger. 150 51 27, Galapagos Islands, geologic, eight frames, 6 seconds, on track. [Pause]
149:52:54 Scott (onboard): Okay.
149:52:58 Evans: At 150 57 07, Peru coastline, eight frames, 8 seconds on track. [Pause]
149:53:19 Scott: Okay.
149:53:20 Scott (onboard): I don't understand what he...
149:53:21 McDivitt (onboard): Peru, Peru coastline.
149:53:22 Evans: 9, Houston. Let me correct that one. It's four frames instead of eight frames.
149:53:28 Scott (onboard): Okay.
149:53:29 Scott: Peru coastline, 4 frames.
149:53:32 Evans: Okay. At time 151 47 17, Formosa Strait, oceanography, five frames, 8 seconds, on track. [Pause]
149:53:55 Scott: Okay. [Pause]
149:54:02 Scott: Okay. We got all those; do you want us to read them back to you?
149:54:05 Scott (onboard): Aah! He's gone.
149:54:06 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
149:54:07 Evans: Let me give you a correction there, Dave, again. On the second one for the Peru coastline, the time is 150 55 07.
149:54:25 Scott: Okay. 150 55 07. We got all those; thank you.
149:54:30 Evans: Okay. Then I've got a waste water dump for you.
149:54:34 Scott: Go ahead.
149:54:35 Evans: About 151 50, waste water dump. Listening to the DSE last night, you may want sunrise time, 151 38. Sunset, 152 30. Over. [Pause]
149:55:10 Scott: Okay. We have that.
149:55:12 Evans: Okay.
149:55:15 Schweickart (onboard): Good ears! (Laughter) You ought to sec it, Ron.
149:55:16 McDivitt: For you.
149:55:17 Schweickart: You're a sweetheart.
149:55:21 Evans: It sounded like it was great.
Very long comm break.
149:55:24 Schweickart (onboard): What did he say?
149:55:25 Scott (onboard): "It sounded like it was great.
149:55:38 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
149:55:52 Scott (onboard): Why don't we get those cameras out? And dump the water at 151 [garble]?
149:56:11 McDivitt (onboard): Sounds like you'd better start readying the 70-millimeter film, the targets of opportunity to get this thing [garble].
149:56:25 Scott (onboard): [Garble] on that oceanography down there.
149:56:34 Schweickart (onboard): What's the first one?
149:56:41 Scott (onboard): You mean, eight frames at 60?
149:56:44 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble].
149:56:53 Scott (onboard): Three frames?
149:56:55 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, go ahead and take the eight frames - You know, if you get a good pass. If you're looking for some [garble] movie film, then you can just get - just give them one frame out of each bunch, you don't get any stereo, and you don't get any [garble].
149:57:06 Scott (onboard): Yes, but - That's true. If you use eight frames in one place, it would be, I think, as good as ...
149:57:15 McDivitt (onboard): Well ...
149:57:16 Scott (onboard): ... [garble].
149:57:17 McDivitt (onboard): ... I'm not sure that it is, because - Gemini slowly took that one stereo set on the west coast all the way into mid-Texas, one - one frame every 6 seconds -
149:57:27 Scott (onboard): Yes.
149:57:28 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, that would [garble] one - one pack of film. We took a lot of other packs of film. But they used that on one - one roll, I think more than all the other stuff put together. Just so they could - they can get the stereo stuff out of it they wanted and from a different view. They - they really seemed to use it. Paul Norman nearly went wild over it (laughter). He's written about five or six papers on it, and he published a book on it.
149:58:07 McDivitt (onboard): It looks like, Dave, that we ought to get this - this one pressure suit out from underneath the middle seat ...
This is Mission Control Houston at 149 hours, 58 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. When we took the line down just prior to the Change of Shift Press Conference, there was still some minute or so of conversation prior to the loss of acquisition at the Texas station, and then we have some 4 or 5 minutes of conversation over the Tananarive station. We'll play that air-to-ground back to you at this time.
149:58:17 Scott (onboard): One pressure suit out from under the middle seat.
149:58:20 McDivitt (onboard): ... for [garble].
149:58:23 Scott (onboard): Well, you want to take one?
149:58:26 McDivitt (onboard): This one right where I am, right here. Right there. [Garble] on the optics.
149:58:34 Scott (onboard): Yes, I know; don't worry.
149:58:35 McDivitt (onboard): Put one here, just like this.
149:58:38 Scott (onboard): Yes.
149:58:39 McDivitt (onboard): I'm not sure that we couldn't put the other one either right there, or right on top of it. Let's put the IL - LiOH canisters in here, too. It doesn't look like it's going to interfere with you doing the sightings.
149:58:50 Scott (onboard): No, it won't. Now, we will have a level [garble] across here-, so we can [garble].
149:58:56 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. You could probably punch that down to ...
149:58:59 Scott (onboard): Lean those -
149:59:04 Schweickart (onboard): I'm not sure it wouldn't be a bad idea for Scott to [garble].
149:59:11 McDivitt (onboard): Well, I thought they were really going to cushion [garble].
149:59:12 Scott (onboard): Look at my [garble] (laughter). Just [garble] flight plan.
149:59:20 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] on the windows to see how much [garble] has gone on.
149:59:26 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
149:59:35 Schweickart (onboard): Take one [garble] lithium hydroxide canister and put it away.
149:59:46 Schweickart (onboard): Well.
149:59:47 Scott (onboard): Massaging your beard, Jim?
149:59:48 McDivitt (onboard): Huh?
149:59:49 Scott (onboard): Massaging your beard?
149:59:50 McDivitt (onboard): No, it tickles.
149:59:51 Scott (onboard): Oh.
149:59:52 McDivitt (onboard): We might ought to put the other one along here, like this.
149:59:55 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, Jimmy? You done with R - R-13 up here?
149:59:59 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, I am.
150:00:02 Scott (onboard): Stow this in there.
150:00:04 Schweickart (onboard): Trying to think of where that picture is, Jim. Let me see if I can find it.
150:00:09 McDivitt (onboard): Let me look in my [garble] here. It seems like it might just be - in that part where they show all the - It ought to be here.
150:00:32 Schweickart (onboard): Got an entry procedures book, Dave?
150:00:35 Scott (onboard): We have an entry procedures book, but I'm 95-percent sure it's not in there, but I'll go look and see [garble].
150:01:14 Schweickart (onboard): I'll take my jacket off before I start to sweat; I think it's warm.
150:01:23 Scott (onboard): You want any help, Jim? Or are you just going to rattle around?
150:01:26 McDivitt (onboard): I'm just going to rattle around.
150:01:28 Scott (onboard): Okay.
150:02:04 McDivitt (onboard): Boy, I'm telling you, it's a good thing they moved SO 65; we'd have really had a hell of a time [garble].
150:02:09 Scott (onboard): Boy, that's for sure.
150:02:16 McDivitt (onboard): God, we haven't [garble] to sleep down here.
150:02:19 Scott (onboard): That's right.
150:02:22 Scott (onboard): I notice that the area behind it is absolutely empty.
150:02:25 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
150:02:39 Schweickart (onboard): I think I'll change underwear tonight. Just remembered I got another clean set.
150:02:44 Scott (onboard): Yes.
150:03:01 McDivitt (onboard): Sure not in the checklist.
150:03:08 Scott (onboard): I knew it wasn't in there. Hey, I know where might be, Jim. Look in the malfunction procedures book, back of the updates.
150:03:14 McDivitt (onboard): (Laughter) [Garble].
150:03:17 Scott (onboard): It's in R-13, isn't it?
150:03:19 Schweickart (onboard): No - yes, R-12.
150:03:20 McDivitt (onboard): R-12. [Garble].
150:03:24 Scott (onboard): No, it wasn't there.
150:03:25 Schweickart (onboard): Oh.
150:03:29 Schweickart (onboard): Here's a debriefing form, a debriefing guide.
150:03:34 Scott (onboard): Yes, [garble].
150:03:41 McDivitt (onboard): You finally emptied one of those boxes.
150:03:56 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble].
150:03:57 Scott (onboard): No, that's - no, the only thing in the back o - is the debriefing guide. And up until that p - it looks like it's all malfunction.
150:04:12 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] Rusty [garble] exerciser.
150:04:18 Scott (onboard): Well, that picture is somewhere and we have to have put it in.
150:04:27 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] all over your gloves.
150:04:32 Scott (onboard): Yes.
150:04:33 McDivitt (onboard): Let me get them out of there, okay?
150:04:34 Scott (onboard): Yes. Which one of these boxes [garble]?
150:04:40 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
150:05:16 Scott (onboard): [Garble] pin.
150:05:19 McDivitt (onboard): Huh?
150:05:21 Scott (onboard): The pin.
150:05:22 Schweickart (onboard): I'll get out of here.
The spacecraft now is - will next be acquired by the tracking station at Guam at 17 after the hour. At 150 hours, 5 minutes Ground Elapsed Time, this is Apollo Control.
150:06:03 McDivitt (onboard): What?
150:06:08 McDivitt (onboard): I keep forgetting the optics [garble] is over there.
150:06:11 Scott (onboard): Now, I'm through with it.
150:09:54 Scott (onboard): No, not - It's not the entry stuff either.
150:09:55 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, I don't think it makes any difference, Dave. I think the one thing we want to do is we want to get that top ...
150:10:02 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble].
150:10:03 McDivitt (onboard): ... [garble] at 11. Well, you can stick them all down here. Yes.
150:10:06 Scott (onboard): Yes.
150:10:08 McDivitt (onboard): Then you can put all the other IM checks and stuff in that one box over there. We've got plenty of room up here, and we've got a number of boxes down there that are becoming empty. The box that these things were in is empty. That's where we got our dirty underwear [garble].
150:10:23 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble].
150:10:25 Schweickart (onboard): Which way?
150:10:27 McDivitt (onboard): This way, coming from the lower part of the L-shaped bag. We've got two [garble] here, inside -
150:10:41 Scott (onboard): Hmm, it's going up here.
150:10:43 McDivitt (onboard): But I don't - Gee, you're not going to stow this [garble].
150:10:59 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, so you just turn them upside down in the tunnel.
150:11:00 Scott (onboard): Yes, yes, [garble].
150:11:20 McDivitt (onboard): Take this one box here - and move this stuff -
150:11:24 Scott (onboard): [Garble].
150:11:25 Schweickart (onboard): Right now.
150:11:26 Scott (onboard): I'll pick them up.
150:11:31 Schweickart (onboard): I think the clean underwear and stuff should easily go up in there because that's where it already is.
150:11:37 Scott (onboard): [Garble].
150:11:39 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, Jim?
150:11:40 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. That's right, we used it up, didn't we?
150:11:42 Scott (onboard): Yes.
150:11:43 McDivitt (onboard): There's the two [garble]. It's these things?
150:11:50 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
150:11:53 McDivitt (onboard): In A-5, we can put a lot of that stuff that we ...
150:11:54 Schweickart (onboard): Yes. And there's these three sets of drawers.
150:11:58 Scott (onboard): Hey, we got a - we have a - Kleenex box that we could just leave out.
150:12:06 Schweickart (onboard): Why not just move the toolkit up to this next one, Dave?
150:12:08 Scott (onboard): Well, let's just put the toolkit down here in A-5 [garble].
150:12:12 McDivitt (onboard): Good. That [garble] heavy, too.
150:12:15 Scott (onboard): Yes.
150:12:17 Schweickart (onboard): Does it fit in there?
150:12:18 Scott (onboard): Yes, it docs.
150:12:23 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, I'm going to take and move these other things, these [garble] and this - We don't need these [garble] bags anymore, either.
150:12:25 Scott (onboard): No.
150:12:26 Schweickart (onboard): So, I'll take and put that up here in the top part of the - Now, what we have up here are two - we have McDivitt's and Scott's pair of underwear.
150:12:44 Scott (onboard): No, McDivitt's [garble].
150:12:46 McDivitt (onboard): Where's the other set of underwear?
150:12:50 Scott (onboard): It's right up here.
150:12:52 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
150:13:00 Schweickart (onboard): Excuse me!
150:13:01 Scott (onboard): Alright.
150:13:17 Scott (onboard): I'm going to do something else right now, before I forget it. Jim [garble].
150:13:31 McDivitt (onboard): (Laughter)
150:13:33 Scott (onboard): Did you put all that [garble]?
150:13:35 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, it might - it might be safer.
150:13:45 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] cold air in.
150:13:50 Schweickart (onboard): I could use some cold air, right now.
150:14:07 McDivitt (onboard): Where'd you put the ISA, Rusty?
150:14:09 Schweickart (onboard): Back in the - Where you had it, Jim.
150:14:10 McDivitt (onboard): Already?
150:14:11 Schweickart (onboard): Yes. It's just empty, except for the LM data.
150:14:17 Scott (onboard): There. The counterbalance is [garble] How about that!
150:14:35 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, how's the pressure in the bottle?
150:14:39 Scott (onboard): Where, in the counterbalance bottle?
150:14:40 Schweickart (onboard): Yes
150:14:41 Scott (onboard): Zero.
150:14:42 Schweickart (onboard): Well, have we vented it?
150:14:43 Scott (onboard): Yes, [garble] alright, we have to [garble] But it was already down below the mean [garble], anyway.
150:14:54 Schweickart (onboard): Where do you open it? [Garble] the bottle?
150:14:57 Scott (onboard): I don't know. You can open it if you need [garble], when you need it. Why don't we throw it in there?
150:15:09 Schweickart (onboard): I've seen enough trouble with that doggone thing that [garble].
150:15:30 McDivitt (onboard): No, we said we didn't want that one, didn't we, Dave?
150:15:32 Scott (onboard): Yes, we said we didn't want it, then I read in the PPD that says we're going to put it on here anyway.
150:15:36 McDivitt (onboard): (Laughter)
150:15:37 Scott (onboard): I went out and looked and I never saw it.
150:15:42 McDivitt (onboard): Then we said we wanted it.
150:15:43 Scott (onboard): No, we never said we wanted it. [Garble].
150:15:46 Schweickart (onboard): I wonder why they would say that?
150:15:48 McDivitt (onboard): So it wouldn't be dipping around the spacecraft at the last minute.
150:15:51 Scott (onboard): That's right; it would have been another piece of mechanical junk you would have [garble] for the first time in flight, you know?
150:15:57 Schweickart (onboard): How do you work this thing?
150:16:04 Scott (onboard): The other day when I opened the hatch, I had to stop and think about that silly [garble] again, you know? Then automatically switch it here now as you're thinking "Which way does this stupid [garble] go?
150:16:20 Schweickart (onboard): Did the hatch close easy?
150:16:21 Scott (onboard): Oh, yes, real easy.
150:16:22 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, [garble].
150:16:24 Scott (onboard): [Garble] Nothing to it.
150:16:26 Scott (onboard): And it came [garble] fine. I held it in one hand, and the [garble] was well over [garble] - or over the [garble]. And I tried moving the counterbalance, and it didn't move very easy.
150:16:55 Scott (onboard): No, I just have to put the tool back. Okay.
150:17:04 McDivitt (onboard): You stowing all that LM data now?
150:17:05 Scott (onboard): Yes.
150:17:06 McDivitt (onboard): Looks like it's going to fit without any problem.
150:17:11 Schweickart (onboard): Whoo! I've got one checklist left up here.
150:17:14 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, is that the one I had hanging over here?
150:17:16 Schweickart (onboard): No, you've got another one.
150:17:20 McDivitt (onboard): Oh no!
150:17:21 Schweickart (onboard): What?
150:17:22 McDivitt (onboard): I found another one. [Garble]
150:17:34 McDivitt (onboard): (Laughter)
150:17:35 Schweickart (onboard): I don't know why you think it's funny; you told me to.
150:17:38 McDivitt (onboard): (Laughter)
150:17:42 Scott (onboard): Where's that [garble], Rusty?
150:17:43 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble].
This is Apollo Control at 150 hours, 17 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. We expect acquisition by the tracking station at Guam momentarily, and we will standby to monitor any conversation.
150:17:47 Evans: Apollo 9, Houston through Guam.
150:17:50 McDivitt (onboard): Unless you want to keep it out.
150:17:51 McDivitt: Hello, Houston through Guam. Apollo 9.
150:17:54 Evans: Roger. Loud and clear. Jim, we need some things here. They may be on the DSE and if it is on the DSE, just say so and we will dig it out there. What were the results of the optics sun filter evaluation?
150:18:11 McDivitt: Okay, Ron. I guess we never got to that. We were really sort of busy most of the day and just fixing to take a look at some of that stuff on our next day pass.
150:18:20 Evans: Oh, okay; good. And, for future planning purposes down here, how many magazines of CEX 368 70 millimeter film are left? [Pause]
150:18:33 Schweickart: We have about 250 usable frames.
150:18:37 Evans: Roger. And, then on your targets of opportunity, did you get some of those or most of them on this or the DSE? Okay? If not, can you let us know? [Pause]
150:18:48 Schweickart: Yes; we got most of those when we went across south of Mexico, there.
150:18:55 Evans: Okay.
150:18:56 Schweickart: So far today, we've taken a sizable number of 70 millimeter frames of the ground, southern United States, some of Mexico, some across Africa, and a bunch down through Cuba, the islands down through the Caribbean. [Pause]
150:19:17 Evans: Roger. Thank you. [Pause]
150:19:27 McDivitt: We filled our daily quota of 70 millimeter frames today.
150:19:33 Evans: Say again.
150:19:35 McDivitt: Said we filled our daily quota of 70 millimeter frames. I figured we had to take about 200 a day, so we are - we're well up on it.
150:19:43 Evans: Very good; thank you. I guess you still owe us a powerdown consumables onboard readout.
150:19:51 McDivitt: We don't have those available for you yet; we will get them for you in just a minute.
150:19:55 Evans: Okay. No hurry.
150:19:57 McDivitt: And in another half hour or so, I'll probably have some more data for RETRO on where things are.
150:20:04 Evans: Roger.
Very long comm break.
150:20:07 Schweickart (onboard): Tell you what, I'll get that consumables data, if you want a - Let me - let me set the pads first.
150:20:10 McDivitt (onboard): Did you ever get them down in that book?
150:20:11 Scott (onboard): Yes, you bet.
150:20:13 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble] the same [garble], Jim, the one that you had.
150:20:16 McDivitt (onboard): No, I - I just took it out of there. This is my - Is this another one?
150:20:19 Schweickart (onboard): Right there.
150:20:22 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, yes, I have another one over there.
150:20:24 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, this is a LM unit [garble].
150:20:26 Scott (onboard): I still think they're [garble].
150:20:28 McDivitt (onboard): I wasn't expecting it right this minute.
150:20:35 Schweickart (onboard): Where the hell is the crew log?
150:20:38 McDivitt (onboard): I probably have ...
150:20:41 Schweickart (onboard): Pass it down here. Oh, no.
150:20:42 Scott (onboard): I - I had it a minute ago, Rusty. Here you go.
150:21:11 Schweickart (onboard): I think what we probably ought to do ...
150:21:13 McDivitt (onboard): Uh oh.
150:21:14 Schweickart (onboard): ... is [garble] through all the containers and give old RETRO entry stowage area?
150:21:20 McDivitt (onboard): That's what I'm trying to do.
150:21:37 Schweickart (onboard): Dave, while you're down there - Let me write up my form first.
150:21:41 Scott (onboard): Okay. What was it?
150:21:44 Schweickart (onboard): 5 CD, 680 CD.
150:21:46 Scott (onboard): Oh, yes.
150:21:56 Scott (onboard): Rusty, all of them are off-scale high.
150:21:58 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
150:22:08 McDivitt (onboard): Look at that!
150:22:16 McDivitt (onboard): Oh.
Apollo 9 is appearantly moved out of range of the Guam station, on this the 95 revolution. Incidently, the spacecraft is flying at an apogee of 116.7 nautical miles, and its perigee is 103.3. It is orbiting around Earth each 88 minutes and the spacecraft weight is something on the order of 26 800 pounds. We expect the station at Hawaii to acquire in another 9 or so minutes. At 150 hours, 22 minutes, this is Mission Control Houston.
150:22:18 Scott (onboard): Sure don't want to be [garble]
150:23:32 Schweickart (onboard): Houston, Apollo 9. You still there?
150:23:35 Scott (onboard): What is this thing?
150:23:38 Schweickart (onboard): That's Jimmy's.
150:23:40 McDivitt (onboard): What is it, Dave?
150:23:42 Scott (onboard): A souvenir.
150:23:44 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, no.
150:24:43 Scott (onboard): Did we power down the BMAG's?
150:24:44 McDivitt (onboard): No, we're not going to do that, Dave.
150:24:46 Scott (onboard): Oh, we're not going to power down, okay. [Garble] a powerdown.
150:24:48 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
150:24:58 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble], what time were those targets of opportunity, Dave?
150:25:00 Scott (onboard): Let's see; 24 minutes, 25 minutes [garble]
150:26:08 Schweickart (onboard): You need a cold place to put this thing on after you get done exercising?
150:26:11 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, it really gets warm, doesn't it?
150:26:12 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, it sure does.
150:26:56 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, Rusty. The PLSS and all the LM gear is in that box.
150:27:04 Schweickart (onboard): The stuff for souvenirs?
150:27:06 McDivitt (onboard): Including them.
150:27:10 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble]
150:27:14 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, I do, too.
150:27:17 McDivitt (onboard): That COAS is in there.
150:27:19 Schweickart (onboard): The flag, I got in this suit pocket.
150:27:28 Schweickart (onboard): You got my name tag in your suit pocket.
150:27:46 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, except for that one set of long red underwear.
150:27:53 Schweickart (onboard): Ooh.
150:27:55 McDivitt (onboard): What?
150:27:57 Schweickart (onboard): Whoo! I was really come out the [garble] on that [garble]
150:28:16 Scott (onboard): [Garble]
150:28:25 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, you got - (clearing throat) you got a minute to draw me some water? (Cough)
150:28:28 Scott (onboard): Soon as I get a hand.
150:28:30 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
150:28:43 Schweickart (onboard): Where are - where are you guys' radiation meters?
150:28:46 McDivitt (onboard): Mine's in my pocket.
150:28:48 Schweickart (onboard): Why don't you give me a reading on that right now?
150:28:50 Scott (onboard): Mine's in my suit and I'm going to have to get it in a minute.
150:28:54 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
150:28:58 McDivitt (onboard): 3114 [garble]
150:29:04 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, mine's going backwards.
150:29:08 McDivitt (onboard): (Laughter) You and I really have our cords tangled up.
150:29:39 Scott (onboard): You know where those go? [Garble]
150:29:41 McDivitt (onboard): There's the umbilicals off the LM.
150:29:46 Scott (onboard): [Garble]
150:29:47 Schweickart (onboard): Stay off of there.
150:29:49 Scott (onboard): Stay off of there, [garble]
150:29:50 Schweickart (onboard): It took me 2 minutes to put it back on ...
150:29:52 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, come on!
150:29:53 Schweickart (onboard): ... and then you come and knock it off.
150:29:54 McDivitt (onboard): I'll put it on for you.
150:29:55 Scott (onboard): Yes.
150:30:03 McDivitt (onboard): Hold on to your ground.
150:30:05 Scott (onboard): I took them off, because I thought, you know, you were working to the left.
150:30:07 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, damn it. Did you take the crew logs back, Dave?
150:30:11 Scott (onboard): No.
150:30:12 McDivitt (onboard): I'm just trying to untangle the cords right now. It's - either that or get all unplugged, Dave. We're - we're tangled up in there, and neither one of us can move.
150:30:22 Scott (onboard): Well, let me get out of your way.
150:30:28 McDivitt (onboard): Well, let me come out through here, so that I don't tighten that [garble]
150:30:59 Schweickart (onboard): Dave, did you take the crew log back again? Oh, no, here it is, here it is. I got it. Okay, Jim, yours is -
150:31:08 McDivitt (onboard): 3114.
150:31:09 Schweickart (onboard): 3114.
150:31:19 Schweickart (onboard): Thanks, Dave.
This is Apollo Control at 150 hours, 31 minutes. Hawaii should be acquiring within a few seconds and with the Hawaii acquisition, we'll have approximately 14 minutes of time at which we'll be over sites, Redstone, Guaymas and, of course, Hawaii. We've got signal of acquisition at Hawaii. Let's stand by.
150:31:31 Evans: Apollo 9, Houston through Hawaii. Standing by. [Pause]
150:31:41 Schweickart: Okay, Houston. We've got some data here for you.
150:31:44 Evans: Very good; ready to go.
150:31:48 Schweickart: Okay. Service module, A, B, C, D: 53 55 52 56. Battery C power, A, and B: 36.9, 37.1, 37.1.
150:32:06 Evans: Roger. Copy.
150:32:07 Schweickart: Temperatures are all OFF SCALE HIGH, PRO: the commander, 3114; the LMP 8015; and CMP is unknown. [Pause]
150:32:24 Evans: Roger.
Long comm break.
150:38:30 Schweickart: Houston, Apollo 9. [Pause]
150:38:36 Evans: Apollo 9, Houston.
150:38:39 Schweickart: Roger. We have CMP dosimeter reading.
150:38:42 Evans: Hey, I thought it was on the LM.
150:38:46 Schweickart: No, he's got a 6115.
150:38:50 Evans: Roger. Thank you.
150:38:55 McDivitt: Houston, Apollo 9, here.
150:38:56 Evans: Houston. Go.
150:38:59 McDivitt: Hey, just as a matter of interest, all our windows are staying very clean. That lefthand rendezvous window looks like it stopped getting that white film all over it and has remained the same. All the rest of them are quite clear.
150:39:14 Evans: Very good; thank you.
150:39:16 McDivitt: They get an occasional little bit of what looks like maybe frost or moisture between the panes, but it goes away. They are quite good. [Pause]
150:39:28 Evans: That makes us feel a lot better. [Long pause]
150:40:12 Schweickart: Houston, Apollo 9.
150:40:13 Evans: Houston. Go.
150:40:14 Schweickart: Roger. For RETRO's information, the equipment that we brought back from the LM with us - the checklist and things like that - are stowed down in the - one of the compartments on A-8, the compartment largest and closest to the lower equipment bay.
150:40:35 Evans: Okay. That sounds good. [Pause]
150:40:47 Schweickart: The equipment that was in there didn't weigh very much. There was some underwear and some things like that. We moved that to the top compartment in A-8 and we moved the one heavy piece of equipment, the tool kit, down into A-5.
150:40:57 Evans: Roger. Tool kit is in A-5 now. [Pause]
150:41:10 Schweickart: And the distripper bracket which was off on the A-8 has been moved down to A-5.
150:41:16 Evans: Roger. [Pause]
150:41:23 McDivitt: As a matter of interest here, we brought all the LM books back with us except for the malfunctions procedures and the system book. So we brought all the checklists back and the cards, plus another 3 or 4 pounds of loose pieces. I think, altogether, we have something on the order of 10 pounds in that box.
150:41:44 Evans: Okay; sounds good.
150:41:48 Schweickart: Including an ascent engine in A-7.
150:41:51 Evans: Okay. (Laughter)
Comm break.
150:43:47 Schweickart: Houston, Apollo 9.
150:43:49 Evans: Houston. Go.
150:43:50 Schweickart: One other item: that lithium hydroxide canister that we brought was supposed to be stored in A-1, and it is. I guess we ought to tell RETRO that, too.
150:44:02 Evans: Roger. I understand that it is in A-1 where it belongs, now. Right?
150:44:06 Schweickart: That's correct.
150:44:07 Evans: Okay. [Pause]
150:44:11 Evans: 9, Houston. We're about to lose you here, I guess you still owe us a CO2 canister change.
150:44:19 Schweickart: Okay. We'll get to it.
150:44:22 Evans: Roger. [Long pause]
150:44:39 Evans: 9, Houston.
150:44:42 McDivitt: Go ahead.
150:44:44 Evans: Roger. What do you want me to put on your steak that I'm going to have for you tonight?
150:44:49 McDivitt: Nothing; just eat it just raw. Well, not raw; just medium rare. Don't put anything on it; you'll ruin the taste.
150:44:55 Evans: Okay. (Laughter)
150:44:58 Scott: But taste it good for us, will you?
150:45:00 Evans: Will do.
150:45:01 Evans: You can put your knife and fork on it.
150:45:03 Evans: (Laughter)
150:45:09 McDivitt: Listen, you may be having steak, but I have a larger choice of things right here. I have day 6, meal C; I have day 6, meal C; I have day 6, meal C; and I even have day 6, meal D.
150:45:25 Evans: Hey, that sounds great; perfect selection.
Very long comm break.
150:45:35 McDivitt (onboard): (Laughter)
150:45:37 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, the Sun ought to be getting in a good spot for you, Dave.
150:45:38 Scott (onboard): Well, I was just trying to watch it so hopefully it would.
150:45:42 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, now, wait a minute, now. Look at the shadow on that window. It's got to be down there.
150:45:45 Scott (onboard): Huh?
150:45:46 McDivitt (onboard): What you need is a sundial on the [garble]
150:45:54 Scott (onboard): [Garble] with a sundial.
150:45:56 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, Galapagos is coming up.
150:46:01 Scott (onboard): Jim, why don't you go up and have fun taking pictures. And I'll [garble]? I got to take the last picture.
150:46:07 McDivitt (onboard): I don't mind.
150:46:10 Scott (onboard): Oh, if there's only one, [garble] anything much to do anyway, right? Oh, no, there's two of them.
150:46:15 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble]
150:46:16 Scott (onboard): Well, looks like there's more than that, looks like there's ...
150:46:19 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, I've got a great idea. Why don't we all go up and sit and watch the - watch the world go by?
150:46:22 Scott (onboard): Okay.
150:46:23 McDivitt (onboard): Then, we'll go change the pictures - or the canister or whatever needs changed.
150:46:27 Schweickart (onboard): I've got some more stuff for the big - big feedbag. Unfortunately, they're all the same kind of meals.
150:46:35 Scott (onboard): Whooee! The camera was on the wrong setting.
150:46:38 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, yes. Let's always keep it on one - bet you I done that, too.
150:46:43 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, where's the big food hag? Oo!
150:46:49 Scott (onboard): I don't see it.
150:46:50 McDivitt (onboard): Hoo hoo, this one over here is still on a 60th at f:11.
150:47:28 Schweickart (onboard): What are we having for dinner?
150:47:29 McDivitt (onboard): I don't [garble] I've got all the same for meals. B, D, C. C, D -
150:47:39 Scott (onboard): Where did that bag go? Is this it?
150:47:42 McDivitt (onboard): Where's the land, Rusty?
150:47:44 Schweickart (onboard): 4 minutes.
150:47:50 Scott (onboard): Where are the scissors, and I'll cut them off?
150:48:02 Schweickart (onboard): Lots of clouds, huh, Davey?
150:48:23 McDivitt (onboard): Banana pudding - oh! [Garble] get some banana pudding.
150:48:27 Scott (onboard): You don't like those?
150:48:28 McDivitt (onboard): No.
150:48:29 Scott (onboard): Rusty likes pudding.
150:48:30 McDivitt (onboard): What happened to the chocolate pudding? Vanilla pudding. Shoot, I'd eat anything but banana.
150:48:35 Schweickart (onboard): Banana?
150:48:36 Scott (onboard): You like banana pudding?
150:48:37 Schweickart (onboard): Butterscotch, you mean?
150:48:38 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, banana pudding, huh? I was thinking of butterscotch. Yes, yes, I do like banana pudding; I haven't eaten any banana pudding.
150:48:42 Schweickart (onboard): I haven't either. I didn't think we have any.
150:48:44 Scott (onboard): Yes, we've got banana pudding.
150:48:46 Schweickart (onboard): Banana pudding?
150:48:48 Scott (onboard): [Garble] banana pudding.
150:48:50 McDivitt (onboard): I'm not sure I ...
150:48:52 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble] chocolate.
150:48:53 McDivitt (onboard): ... I'm not sure if there's a [garble]
150:48:56 Scott (onboard): So what?
150:48:59 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, spaghetti! Banana pudding and spaghetti!
150:49:01 Schweickart (onboard): I've never had the spaghetti. How's it?
150:49:03 McDivitt (onboard): It's not bad. I'd recommend it for an upset stomach.
150:49:05 Schweickart (onboard): (Laughter)
150:49:06 McDivitt (onboard): No, really!
150:49:10 Schweickart (onboard): Does it taste like what it says?
150:49:12 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. I thought it - I thought it was really not too bad. It's rather palatable, as a matter of fact.
150:49:17 Scott (onboard): I like the spaghetti.
150:49:19 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, me too.
150:49:24 Scott (onboard): Find anything to take a picture of?
150:49:26 Schweickart (onboard): Not yet. I am just looking to see what's vertical.
150:49:31 McDivitt (onboard): Where's it supposed to be? Right up there?
150:49:33 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, it's supposed to be on track.
150:49:36 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] this going to be dry, I bet.
150:49:41 Schweickart (onboard): I'll call it out and if it really is on track, it looks like Davey's going to have the best view. Or maybe if it's a little north of the track, he will; if it's a little south of track, I guess I will. I mean the other way around, I guess.
150:49:50 Scott (onboard): Yes (laughter).
150:49:53 Schweickart (onboard): You know, I ...
150:49:54 McDivitt (onboard): Don't stay on those upside-down deals very long.
150:49:58 Schweickart (onboard): ... This is the first time I misjudged north and south. I missed that up and down a few times. Nobody's perfect. There you go. An old adage; basic. Okay, we'll give you another minute.
150:50:23 Scott (onboard): Hey, you know, that's pretty clear.
150:50:26 Schweickart (onboard): In 1 minute, we're supposed to be there. I sure don't see anything that looks like a Galapagos Island.
150:50:32 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] ounce and a half.
150:50:37 Scott (onboard): [Garble]
150:50:39 Schweickart (onboard): Here they are. I see them. They're under the clouds down there. Dave, you should have an excellent shot.
150:50:44 Scott (onboard): Yes!
150:50:45 Schweickart (onboard): Perfect. There you go, Davey. Ready to go. Kind of clouded over, the window's fogged up. Oh, yes! Oh, yes! They're all over the place. Looks like under each cloud there's a little island.
150:51:00 Scott (onboard): That's right! There's a cloud over every island. No, there's just one little bitty island there; a couple of little bitty islands don't have clouds ...
150:51:06 Schweickart (onboard): Two little bitty islands [garble]
150:51:08 Scott (onboard): ... too small, to make clouds.
150:51:09 Schweickart (onboard): Take several stereos, now. Not that that's going to show much with all those clouds, you're going to get stereo clouds. Yes, that's not too red hot.
150:51:19 Scott (onboard): I'll just take one,
150:51:20 Schweickart (onboard): Why don't you take three? One here, one right over, and one, and one ...
150:51:22 Scott (onboard): Oh, I'll take one on the other side.
150:51:28 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, man, that water gets deep in a hurry around there, doesn't it? Oh, look at the volcano down there. Look at the cut right through one end of that little ...
150:51:39 McDivitt (onboard): Look at that little crescent one out there! See that little crescent one off the end? There's a couple of little crescent ones. Looks like the top of a cone.
150:51:45 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, the top of a cone. Look at how the end is cut off that island there?
150:51:50 Scott (onboard): Okay, those are pretty good pictures.
150:51:51 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, they're not bad at all. You did great, David.
150:51:57 Scott (onboard): Oh, boy! Those are really volcanic though, aren't they?
150:52:00 Schweickart (onboard): Son of a gun.
150:52:07 Scott (onboard): Note that in the log. Four frames for the Galapagos. Where's the log?
150:52:20 Schweickart (onboard): I don't know; I'm just looking [garble]
150:52:23 McDivitt (onboard): I try to avoid getting the logs. That way I can't get blamed for losing it.
150:52:26 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, I was going to say, I think that the guy that takes the picture ought to take the log of it.
150:52:30 Scott (onboard): Okay. Sounds ...
150:52:32 Schweickart (onboard): Otherwise, it gets very, very confusing.
150:52:33 Scott (onboard): ... like a reasonable idea, sounds like a reasonable idea.
150:52:38 McDivitt (onboard): What you're implying is that, when the guy who take the picture puts them in the log, it's not confusing.
150:52:43 Schweickart (onboard): What I'm implying there is that after the flight, those who haven't logged their pictures ought to spend their time identifying them.
150:52:50 McDivitt (onboard): And you're going to be spending ...
150:52:52 Scott (onboard): What were the numbers on those four I took?
150:52:56 McDivitt (onboard): Who the hell's going to know who took which pictures?
150:53:00 Schweickart (onboard): Well, I'm logging all of mine. 120 - Let me see, you took through 127, so it's 124 through 127.
150:53:10 Scott (onboard): Should be 127 through 31. Alright. Look - look at this, Jim.
150:53:19 McDivitt (onboard): Did you [garble] the last one?
150:53:28 Schweickart (onboard): Sorry about that.
150:53:31 Scott (onboard): Oh, hoy! Something's messed up.
150:53:36 Schweickart (onboard): I remember there was a spot back there where you didn't think you took as many as you had indicated you took. I don't know - I don't remember anymore where it was, but it was a couple of hours ago.
150:53:47 Scott (onboard): I took four there, so I know that was 120 - 7, 6, 5, 4. Alright, [garble]
150:53:54 Schweickart (onboard): Now, our next opportunity is 150:55:07, the Peruvian coastline. And, my gosh, here comes the South American coastline. David, I think you're going to be taking another picture, here.
150:54:14 McDivitt (onboard): Hurry up, Dave. You're going to miss it.
150:54:16 Schweickart (onboard): No, no, no, it's no hurry yet, because we're not down to Peru. 55:07.
150:54:19 Scott (onboard): [Garble] so particular.
150:54:20 Schweickart (onboard): Another minute. Let me show you what you're looking at, Dave. You're looking at right here. We come across the coast at an angle.
150:54:32 Scott (onboard): Oh! [Garble] landmark [garble]. We're already - we're there. Gee!
150:54:38 Schweickart (onboard): No, we're coming. 155:07.
150:54:43 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, we missed a good one. Look at those islands down there. Boy, are they jagged and ragged!
150:54:47 Scott (onboard): No, it's too hazy.
150:54:50 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, [garble] won't be very good, but [garble]
150:55:07 McDivitt (onboard): At least, I'm seeing South America in the daylight.
150:55:11 Scott (onboard): Why? Was it in the dark before?
150:55:12 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] I never saw it in the daylight before.
150:55:27 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, we're just kind of right over the Andes Mountains. The Andes Mountains [garble] and all those other ones.
150:55:55 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble]
150:56:13 McDivitt (onboard): You think it's [garble] on the success of your [garble]?
150:56:27 Scott (onboard): They've never been successful. That's evading the issue.
150:56:30 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, you ought to at sunrise, Dave, because I think we're trimming small-end-forward here.
150:56:35 Scott (onboard): Okay, let's try it.
150:56:38 McDivitt (onboard): The optics put away before I pull this thing out.
150:56:41 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, Jim, did you notice our attitude this morning?
150:56:58 McDivitt (onboard): I think I'll have some of that fruit cocktail. I liked that the other night. That used to really be terrible, but it's [garble] Just a little stuff.
150:57:21 McDivitt (onboard): (Yawn)
150:57:27 Scott (onboard): This floating up is really something, isn't it?
150:57:35 McDivitt (onboard): Gee, what's that? Is that one, right there?
150:57:41 Schweickart (onboard): Gee, I'll take that standard chow. I like those.
150:57:43 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, they're not bad, are they?
150:57:45 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble] salad before dinner.
150:57:50 McDivitt (onboard): I want a shrimp salad. I'm going to go dig one out of there, if I can't find one in here.
150:57:56 Scott (onboard): They're full - those - both lockers are full, aren't they?
150:57:58 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
150:58:00 Scott (onboard): Might as well eat the good stuff.
150:58:05 McDivitt (onboard): Rusty, where's that procedures bock - or the crew log? That was the one theft had the menu in it, wasn't it?
150:58:09 Schweickart (onboard): No, the procedures book did. And I don't know where it is. David usually has some idea where the procedures book is.
150:58:16 Scott (onboard): The procedures book? (Laughter) Right here.
150:58:20 McDivitt (onboard): You've got [garble] procedures. I wonder how you do anything. You've got two clips on it.
150:58:25 Schweickart (onboard): Jim, it's just obvious that the menu's got to be in the procedures book.
150:58:30 Scott (onboard): No, it's not. It's in that - in the crew log.
150:58:36 Schweickart (onboard): What?
150:58:37 McDivitt (onboard): I think it's in the crew log, too.
150:58:42 Scott (onboard): It's in here.
150:58:43 McDivitt (onboard): I think it is, too.
150:58:44 Scott (onboard): Yes, it's in there.
150:58:48 Schweickart (onboard): Well, maybe it is - I guess I'm all mixed up again.
150:58:54 McDivitt (onboard): There we go.
150:58:56 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble] - Oh, I got the salad, salad - Let's eat a salad. I'm going to eat low cal tonight.
150:59:01 McDivitt (onboard): (Laughter)
150:59:03 Schweickart (onboard): I feel like I'm putting on too much weight on this trip. 3 ounces of hot water for a little [garble]
150:59:13 McDivitt (onboard): Shrimp cocktail, day 8. Man, in every 4-day menu there's only one shrimp cocktail.
150:59:38 Schweickart (onboard): Boy, didn't that steak sound good, tonight?
150:59:40 Scott (onboard): What a dirty guy!
150:59:41 McDivitt (onboard): Oh!
150:59:43 Scott (onboard): Oh [garble], think of [garble] big [garble], big steaks -
150:59:47 Schweickart (onboard): And you weren't doing nothing, but complaining about it.
150:59:50 McDivitt (onboard): That's right. I think I ought to go bone (laughter) and eat.
150:59:51 Scott (onboard): I wasn't complaining. That wasn't a complaint. That was only a comment.
151:00:00 McDivitt (onboard): Well, I'm going to go get the day 8, meal C out - even though we're not there. Oh, boy.
151:00:17 McDivitt (onboard): Day 8, meal C, look out, here I come. Hey, hot dog! I see day 8, meal B right there.
151:00:45 Schweickart (onboard): Lucked out, huh?
151:00:47 McDivitt (onboard): Not completely, but ...
151:00:49 Schweickart (onboard): Follow the little yellow string.
151:00:59 McDivitt (onboard): ... I may have to do an operation on these things.
151:01:03 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, have we changed the canister, yet?
151:01:05 Scott (onboard): No.
151:01:06 McDivitt (onboard): No.
151:01:07 Scott (onboard): I'll do that. Go ahead, and get your chow.
151:01:09 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, boy, I got a shot of gas - out the butt.
151:01:26 McDivitt (onboard): Day 8, meal C, hot dog! [Garble]
151:01:36 Schweickart (onboard): Look at that. Would you believe that 3 ounces -
151:01:38 Scott (onboard): [Garble]
151:01:40 McDivitt (onboard): That's good for you.
151:01:53 Schweickart (onboard): Ugh! I wonder - You probably don't get 3 ounces of water in there, either, do you? I wonder if you do?
151:02:07 McDivitt (onboard): What canister are we supposed to change?
151:02:14 Schweickart (onboard): I'll tell you in a second, here, Jim.
151:02:19 McDivitt (onboard): Here, I'll get it. I'll tell you what. I - I'll get it if you'll put my food someplace where you won't lose it. Here's the loose [garble] Put this day 8, meal C someplace.
151:02:27 Schweickart (onboard): 15 to A -
151:02:31 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
151:02:32 Schweickart (onboard): And 13 to A-4.
151:02:38 McDivitt (onboard): And if you get a piece of tape out and write something on it, I'll do it quickly, and we'll all be done in nothing flat.
151:02:46 Schweickart (onboard): What do you want written on the tape?
151:02:47 McDivitt (onboard): Number 13; I want the time, and what the partial pressure for CO2 is,
151:02:53 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. 13 and ...
151:03:02 McDivitt (onboard): Goes to A, did you say?
151:03:05 Schweickart (onboard): To A.
151:03:07 McDivitt (onboard): No, I want [garble] A to B.
151:03:10 Schweickart (onboard): A.
151:03:51 McDivitt (onboard): Alright. Got the tape?
151:03:55 Schweickart (onboard): Yes. Where are you?
151:04:02 McDivitt (onboard): Thank you.
151:04:03 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
151:04:39 Schweickart (onboard): Boy, just thinking of that spaghetti and meatballs, really - Man! Ooo, how about lasagna? Ooo! [Garble] How about lasagna? That sounds even better.
151:04:52 McDivitt (onboard): Pizza's better. Ron Evans, if you're listening to the DSE, I think you're a fink.
151:05:02 Scott (onboard): Hey, he is, too. Ron Evans, you're a rat.
151:05:05 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, have a bite of steak for me.
151:05:15 Schweickart (onboard): I think Ron Evans ought to buy us all a spaghetti dinner.
151:05:18 McDivitt (onboard): Uh oh?
151:05:23 Schweickart (onboard): What did you lose?
151:05:25 McDivitt (onboard): I just sent [garble] really whistling across the spacecraft, there. Man, I don't know where it went. I really threw it [garble]
151:05:44 Schweickart (onboard): How about the waste water dump? When was that supposed to be? That's supposed to be right about now, too, isn't it? Yes.
151:05:53 McDivitt (onboard): Why don't you [garble]?
151:05:54 Schweickart (onboard): 151:50. Oh, we've got 40 minutes before that.
151:06:01 McDivitt (onboard): 40 minutes before the waste dump, huh?
151:06:04 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
151:06:16 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, what time did I have on that tape? Did you notice?
151:06:19 McDivitt (onboard): No, I didn't notice, Rusty.
151:06:21 Schweickart (onboard): Well, I'll just put down this time - 151 - yes, 151:03 or something like that.
151:06:33 McDivitt (onboard): Now, I've got to find that crumby screwdriver. I'll tell you, I don't have any idea in the world where to look.
151:06:51 Scott (onboard): [Garble] lost a screwdriver.
151:06:54 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, it slipped out of my hand. I went to reach for it and I hit it. Here it is right here. It must have bounced back. The last time I saw it, it was going about 40 miles an hour that way. [Garble] Man, where is that? Okay, what did you do with my food that I entrusted to you, Scott? Okay. Dave, I can't reach it, but ...
151:07:28 Schweickart (onboard): How's the gas content in the cold, David? How's the gas content in the cold? Boy, the hot's really bad. Wait a while, [garble] cool this thing down a little.
151:07:44 McDivitt (onboard): Is that what happened?
151:07:47 Schweickart (onboard): The bag is warm.
151:07:48 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, the bag, yes.
151:07:51 Schweickart (onboard): I haven't been able to correlate it on the - why it comes out that way sometimes, and not other times.
151:08:39 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble]
151:08:49 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, Dave, can we turn off your intercom? You make a big racket when it bangs up against things.
151:08:59 Schweickart (onboard): Thank you.
151:09:20 Schweickart (onboard): Hold your ears, Jim (blowing nose).
151:09:37 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble] Here you go. It's, cooled off now, except for that thing. Man that's a real heat thing - that - that big steel [garble] there.
151:09:57 Scott (onboard): [Garble]
151:10:50 Schweickart (onboard): You said what?
151:10:55 Schweickart (onboard): Huh. Be careful. You ought to push it, Dave, to adjust it, because, when you pull it, it'll unwind all the way.
151:11:10 Schweickart (onboard): No. No. But it - you stick it - it comes right here the way it's centered. Hey, you ought to get the rope [garble] Yes, I think you undid [garble]
151:11:23 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, you going to [garble], Dave?
151:12:19 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, it really makes you hot. The heat transfer up here is really - you know, it's terrible because of the 5 psi.
151:12:55 Schweickart (onboard): It really doesn't taste like spaghetti, but it's not had.
151:14:36 Schweickart (onboard): I think it's varying the pitch rate.
151:14:50 Schweickart (onboard): No.
151:14:52 Scott (onboard): [Garble]
151:14:59 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, that's a question we ought to ask them so they can get us an answer, Jim.
151:15:05 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, well - Excuse me.
151:16:06 Schweickart (onboard): You don't get much work done, but your heart rate goes up.
151:16:10 Scott (onboard): Ooh. [Garble]
151:17:19 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, that's just really hot. That - as I said, we ought to find some coldplate or something to lay it on, because, if it touched the wrong thing, it could very well singe it.
151:17:36 Schweickart (onboard): Really will.
151:17:39 Scott (onboard): Ooh.
151:18:04 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, don't get it on the glass, Dave.
151:18:45 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, Dave, maybe what we need to do is put a piece of tape on the hatch and - and lay the tape over it.
151:18:54 Schweickart (onboard): Why not? Oh. Well, we could put it over the cord on each end, though.
151:19:20 Schweickart (onboard): Yes. I haven't been too bad about that, but one - about 2 days ago, I dropped some of - I let go of something inadvertently, and I grabbed for it real fast before it hit the deck.
151:20:03 Schweickart (onboard): The new one you put out. [Garble], Scott. Your skin eats that stuff. Maybe the other way around.
151:20:14 Scott (onboard): What?
151:20:15 Schweickart (onboard): I said, "Your skin eats that stuff, or maybe it's the other way around.
151:20:28 Schweickart (onboard): Did they already pass up the block data tonight?
151:20:39 Scott (onboard): [Garble] Ooh!
151:22:42 McDivitt (onboard): Great.
151:22:48 Schweickart (onboard): Almost as good as a steak, huh?
151:22:50 McDivitt (onboard): Not quite that good. Not quite that good. I'd like a steak just about the time we [garble] I'd like a steak just about like the kind we had for [garble] a couple of [garble] of it.
151:23:16 Schweickart (onboard): I'd like some of that fresh fruit, too, you know. I made it the lamp to post.
This is Apollo Control at 151 hours, 23 minutes. Ma have acquired the spacecraft at the Tananarive tracking station and we will standby for the air-to-around. CAPCOM that will be talking to the crew now is Al Worden.
151:24:23 Worden: Apollo 9, Houston.
151:24:25 Schweickart (onboard): Uhh! Go ahead.
151:24:27 McDivitt: Go ahead.
151:24:28 McDivitt (onboard): Houston; Apollo 9.
151:24:29 Worden: Roger, Apollo 9. Just wanted to let you know that you can rest easy tonight; the National Guard is on the duty.
151:24:36 McDivitt: Oh, very good. I'm very glad to hear that.
151:24:40 Worden: Hey, Jim. We would like you to check to make sure that you deactivated the DAP.
151:24:48 McDivitt: Okay. We will take a quick look and deactivate it.
151:24:53 Worden: Alrighty.
Very long comm break.
151:26:52 McDivitt (onboard): Is this your pineapple-grapefruit drink, Dave? Well, I keep finding it over here. It looked like it was stuck in something over there. I thought I - Maybe - Well, sure. [Garble] trade your beef bites? Huh? Bacon squares? Bacon squares? Trade you bacon squares for it.
151:27:27 McDivitt (onboard): (Laughter) Thought you said you're going to trade.
151:27:39 Schweickart (onboard): Would you trade for a grape? I figured you would, but I don't have one (laughter). I think - I think that's the favorite drink.
151:27:50 McDivitt (onboard): It's the prettiest one, really.
151:27:51 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, it really is good.
151:27:54 McDivitt (onboard): It's got class; it's got a lot of color to it.
151:27:57 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, it does. Actually, I like - I think the other one I like next best is just the straight orange.
151:28:10 McDivitt (onboard): I tell you, I'm going to really make a sacrafice; I'm going to try to eat some of these bite-size things. Looks like it just about up to [garble]
151:28:27 Schweickart (onboard): We promised you that we weren't going to bitch about our food.
151:28:41 Schweickart (onboard): You know what I wonder if they couldn't do would get packaged Lipton soup, just plain old, crapping, Lipton soup, and put it in a bag, and you mix that hot water with it. Man, that would taste so good. Uh!
151:28:57 Scott (onboard): You know what I think? [Garble]
151:29:00 Schweickart (onboard): There's a lot of other kinds. That really would taste an awful lot better than any of this stuff. Wonder why they can't do that?
Apollo 9 has moved out of range of the Tananarive tracking station. Next station to acquire will be Hawaii at 03 after the hour. At 151 hours, 31 minutes Ground Elapsed Time, this is Mission Control.
151:34:02 McDivitt (onboard): (Laughter)
151:34:14 McDivitt (onboard): I see, I'd better get us down near the Guadacanal or you guys are rally going to be disappointed.
151:34:23 Schweickart (onboard): For more reasons than the 350-pound cake (laughter). I don't want to have a Dave Scott. And a Neil Armstrong.
151:34:37 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, I'm going to learn from your experience, Dave. I believe it.
151:36:08 Schweickart (onboard): Boy, this stuff's really got the old banana oil taste to it, doesn't it?
151:38:32 Scott (onboard): Where's the Sun?
151:38:34 McDivitt (onboard): Obviously, in the wrong place again, David.
151:38:47 Scott (onboard): [Garble] Shines in the optics when you try to take a star check.
151:38:52 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble] okay. [Garble] Scott's law.
151:39:02 Schweickart (onboard): H. Scott Parkinson.
151:39:08 Scott (onboard): [Garble] that's not a Parkinson's law. That's more like a - what's that other guy?
151:39:17 Schweickart (onboard): Murphy.
151:39:29 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, where are we in the world? Ooh, we're upside down; that's where we are.
151:39:42 Schweickart (onboard): And, we get the Taiwan Straits at 151:47; and we're 7 minutes ahead of that. So that means 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Hey, alright, so we're coming up on - on Thailand and Vietnam with the Hainan Island.
151:40:27 Scott (onboard): Well, we're still over the ocean now, aren't we?
151:40:56 Scott (onboard): [Garble]
151:41:21 McDivitt (onboard): There's Mother Earth.
151:41:28 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, here comes Thailand.
151:42:06 Schweickart (onboard): Boy, is it hazy down there! Whooee!
151:42:24 Schweickart (onboard): I don't know; you guys started it before and -
151:42:41 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, okay. I'll - let me get a picture of that [garble]
151:42:52 Schweickart (onboard): Crease in the cloud. Real interesting like.
151:43:11 Schweickart (onboard): Weird.
151:43:21 McDivitt (onboard): You might be able to put the [garble]
151:43:49 McDivitt (onboard): 151, is it?
151:43:59 Schweickart (onboard): 152:30.
151:44:05 Scott (onboard): Oh, they give us the sunset time, too. They gave us one right here - sunset.
151:44:15 Schweickart (onboard): Where's the photo log now?
151:44:18 Scott (onboard): Jim's got it. No, by the window, Jim.
151:44:23 McDivitt (onboard): What are you hunting?
151:44:24 Schweickart (onboard): The photo log.
151:45:27 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, no, we're never going to get that target of opportunity. Dave, in 2 minutes we're supposed to get a picture of the Formosan Straits. Doesn't look like we're going to make that, does it?
151:45:45 Schweickart (onboard): (Laughter)
151:48:30 Schweickart (onboard): Look, Dave. I think it's too [garble] You might just be able to see it. The - the [garble]
151:49:12 Schweickart (onboard): Boy, that's a lot of footage; you know it?
151:49:13 McDivitt (onboard): Sure is (laughter) [garble]
151:49:17 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, it sure is.
151:49:26 Scott (onboard): I don't think I want another banana for a while.
151:49:56 Schweickart (onboard): Bing. The fuel cells are all done.
151:50:11 Schweickart (onboard): At 151:48, [garble]
151:52:03 Schweickart (onboard): What's the filter for, the sextant or the telescope?
151:52:28 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, you really need to do that with the optics up so you can use AUTO optics. You put that filter on, I bet you're never even going to be able to find it again.
151:53:35 Schweickart (onboard): Man, that's really a deck of clouds.
151:53:50 Schweickart (onboard): Ow!
151:54:53 Scott (onboard): I can no longer say that.
151:55:30 Schweickart (onboard): How are we doing on that?
151:55:32 McDivitt (onboard): We're below the line on hydrogen. [Garble] , we look like we're holding steady [garble]
151:56:08 McDivitt (onboard): Oxygen is MAX.
151:56:40 Scott (onboard): Oh, shoot, [garble] again.
151:56:57 Scott (onboard): 58, 52, 55. [Garble].
151:57:27 Scott (onboard): [Garble] again. Oh, hell!
151:57:56 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. Cryo cycles.
151:59:46 Scott (onboard): What did you guys do with my Sun?
151:59:48 Schweickart (onboard): He's over here shining in my eyes.
151:59:51 McDivitt (onboard): How's fuel cell 2?
151:59:54 Schweickart (onboard): The T is okay, but the [garble] is [garble]
152:00:01 McDivitt (onboard): Go back to [garble]
152:00:20 Schweickart (onboard): It may only - it's been doing every night after you purge, it comes down in the T, but the performance is real low. Now, after we hydrogen, the performance will come back up for a while. And then it's going to go off the top again.
152:00:46 Schweickart (onboard): We're probably going to have to purge hydrogen through again to get it down ...
152:00:48 McDivitt (onboard): I was just looking to see what you ought to purge. I think we ought to purge just a little bit out of it anyway - maybe [garble] number 2 tank [garble] down.
152:01:01 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble] high pressure. Then I put the number 1 tank [garble]
152:01:06 McDivitt (onboard): Take a little out. Put some more on number 2 [garble] maybe number 2 [garble] and [garble]
152:01:22 Schweickart (onboard): How does all that stuff look?
152:01:24 Scott (onboard): Same as it has.
152:01:28 McDivitt (onboard): Maybe it's hydrogen -
152:01:30 Schweickart (onboard): You know we didn't get a full load. See, it's not on the curve.
152:01:33 Scott (onboard): Yes.
152:01:34 McDivitt (onboard): It's a steady - steady curve there.
152:01:36 Scott (onboard): Yes.
152:01:37 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] up to about 15 - 14, 15 percent. I think what we ought to do is purge the fuel cells - just fuel cell number 2, just a little bit - like 3 or 4 psi and bring it down to maybe 105 or 106 - or 205 or 206 and then stop the purge. And then I'm going to put the H2 fan on in number 1 tank anyway. You know that tank'll gradually rise. [Garble]
152:02:03 Scott (onboard): I sure wouldn't purge very much. I wouldn't give up much of that [garble]
152:02:06 McDivitt (onboard): Huh?
152:02:07 Scott (onboard): I wouldn't want to give up much of that hydrogen.
152:02:09 McDivitt (onboard): No, I would purge a little bit.
152:02:10 Scott (onboard): [Garble] pressures and fuel cells and all.
152:02:19 McDivitt (onboard): I still think you [garble], Rusty.
152:02:22 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble] sleep, that's all.
152:02:25 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] 2 or 3 percent and then to sleep.
152:02:30 Schweickart (onboard): Unless you decide to keep us up here the whole time.
152:02:34 McDivitt (onboard): Huh?
152:02:35 Schweickart (onboard): Or else don't blow it.
152:02:36 McDivitt (onboard): Aren't you glad I did now?
152:02:38 Schweickart (onboard): I didn't say that - I just said, "let's don't blow it.
152:02:41 McDivitt (onboard): I know you didn't say that. I asked you a question.
152:02:44 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, that's a pretty good question.
152:02:59 Schweickart (onboard): Lot more restful than it's going to be on the ground.
152:03:10 Schweickart (onboard): No, listen. By the time we get back, they'll be on the way to the Moon.
152:03:14 Scott (onboard): What are you talking about?
152:03:20 Schweickart (onboard): Skip - we're going to skip the next two flights and just make the lunar return.
152:03:23 McDivitt (onboard): (Laughter)
152:03:27 Schweickart (onboard): Won't even have to bother going.
152:03:29 McDivitt (onboard): That's right. We've already proved we can do it.
152:03:31 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, just comeback. On with the Mars mission!
This is Apollo Control at 152 hours, 3 minutes into the flight. The Apollo 9 crew is now about 3 minutes, 3 and a half minutes into their rest cycle. They are, however, coming up on Hawaii, and there will possibly be some air-to-ground with them at that time. So we'll stand by to monitor any conversation.
152:04:33 Schweickart: Houston, Apollo 9.
152:04:38 Worden: Apollo 9, Houston. Go.
152:04:43 Schweickart: Roger. I'd like to inform you we did the fuel cell O2 purge at 151 48, and we'll take away purging fuel cell 2 with fuel and hydrogen, and we're just about to stop. We started that purge at 152 01 30. [Pause]
152:05:10 Worden: Roger. Apollo 9, Houston. Copy.
152:05:14 McDivitt: Houston, this is Apollo 9. How do you show us on hydrogen quantities remaining for the rest of the flight? How are we following the curve? I show us a little low on the curve but holding steady.
152:05:27 Worden: Roger, Apollo 9. Houston copies. Stand by. [Long pause]
152:06:14 Schweickart: Houston, we just purged fuel cell 2 for 4½ minutes with H2.
152:06:21 Worden: Roger, Rusty. We copy that.
Comm break.
152:08:05 Worden: Apollo 9, Houston.
152:08:10 McDivitt: Go ahead, Houston.
152:08:11 Worden: Roger, Jim, got some numbers on the crowds for you. It looks like at CMSM set you'll have a surplus of 193 pounds, 1-9-3 pounds of O2 and 12 pounds of H2. That may not correlate with the curves you have on board exactly because your curves were not corrected for the loaded condition. [Pause]
152:08:36 McDivitt: Okay. Can you tell us what those numbers are in percent remaining indicated?
152:08:46 Worden: Apollo 9, Houston. Say again.
152:08:49 McDivitt: Roger. Can you tell me that number percent remaining indicated on the page?
152:08:55 Worden: Roger. Stand by.
Long comm break.
152:12:43 Worden: Apollo 9, Houston.
152:12:46 McDivitt: Go ahead, Houston. Apollo 9.
152:12:47 Worden: Roger, Jim. We're getting some numbers on the percentage of the cryos remaining at CM/SM SEP and in the meantime, I guess we'd just sort of like to remind you of the waste water dump and to put inverter 3 on MAIN A before you all go off to sleep.
152:13:02 McDivitt: Okay. And I think we'll probably put inverter 3 on MAIN A now, and we're just preparing to do the water dump.
152:13:07 Worden: Alrighty. [Pause]
152:13:12 McDivitt: How's everything going down there, Mr. Ward?
152:13:15 Worden: Oh, it's going very nicely, Mr. McDivitt.
152:13:18 McDivitt: Very good. I want you to stay awake tonight. Keep a look out for us.
152:13:24 Scott: Al, did you enjoy your steak tonight?
152:13:27 Worden: What steak? I had eggs for breakfast tonight.
152:13:31 McDivitt: That dirty Ron Evans told me, told us he was going to go out and get a stake for us.
152:13:38 Worden: He went out and got one for himself, didn't take care of me.
152:13:42 McDivitt: He's a dirty guy. Hey, that's a great shift you got, isn't it?
152:13:48 Worden: Yes, it's pretty neat.
152:13:51 McDivitt: Who ever gave you that bum deal?
152:13:55 Worden: Want me to name names?
152:13:57 McDivitt: No.
152:14:00 Scott: Hey, listen. I got one like that from him, too, once.
152:14:04 Worden: Okay, boss man. Here's your surplus of cryo's O2: you'll have 29 per cent; and H2, you'll have 15 percent, remaining CM/SM SEP.
152:14:17 McDivitt: Okay. Thank you very much.
152:14:19 Worden: Yes, sir. [Long pause]
152:15:01 Worden: Apollo 9, Houston.
152:15:07 McDivitt: Go ahead, sweet lips.
152:15:09 Worden: Okey-dokey. You're about to go out of sight here. I'll give you the ARIA times if you'd like them in case you need to call us.
152:15:14 McDivitt: We already have 5 and 2 that Ron gave us.
152:15:16 Worden: Oh, okay-dokey.
152:15:17 McDivitt: Thanks anyway.
152:15:19 Worden: Yes, sir. Just looking out for you. We're going to have LOS here pretty soon, and I guess, we'll be talking to you in the morning.
152:15:23 McDivitt: All right, say hello to my lovely family for me, will you?
152:15:25 Worden: I'll do 'that.
Very long comm break.
152:15:32 McDivitt (onboard): (Singing)
152:15:41 Scott (onboard): Having a good time up there?
152:15:43 Schweickart (onboard): Sounds like a bird to me.
At 152 hours, 16 minutes Ground Elapsed Time the spacecraft has moved out of range of the tracking ship Redstone. And this is Apollo Control.
152:16:51 Schweickart (onboard): You want to put that H2 fan number 1 on now?
152:16:54 McDivitt (onboard): Just a second. Let's see what time [garble]. Everybody ready to go to sleep?
152:17:01 Schweickart (onboard): We're in our rest period.
152:17:03 Scott (onboard): Are we really?
152:17:05 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, I think so (laughter). 10-1/2, I think, tonight.
152:17:12 Scott (onboard): Good, see if we can get up early, do a little of exercise, have a nice leisurely breakfast, and figure out how to do what we're supposed to do tomorrow.
152:17:19 McDivitt (onboard): Well, we're not rested yet. Well, I'll tell you what, we ought to have a [garble]
152:17:28 Scott (onboard): [Garble] wide angle, huh [garble] or wide angle?
152:17:30 McDivitt (onboard): Wide angle, I think. Gee, I have to take a leak.
152:17:37 Scott (onboard): I'm going to need one before I retire, but I'm not sure if I'm ready yet.
152:17:55 Scott (onboard): If you use the wide angle, it's got to be hand held.
152:17:59 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, - I'll hand hold it [garble]
152:18:01 Scott (onboard): [Garble] let's see, I'm afraid we'll have to guess.
152:18:07 McDivitt (onboard): Right after we do this, why don't we do the waste water dump, Dave?
152:18:11 Scott (onboard): Yes.
152:18:17 Schweickart (onboard): I wonder why they haven't called us on doing those waste water dumps at those specific sites? Don Ring was all hopped up about that, man.
152:18:27 Scott (onboard): Don Ring may have got voted down.
152:18:31 Schweickart (onboard): Maybe, although you know, dumping waste water is kind of like - [garble] do that at will.
152:18:36 Scott (onboard): Right and also you got to plan it like that.
152:18:38 McDivitt (onboard): That's right [garble] - not sure. It's one thing to say "now" - Yes, sure, but what difference does it make if that's when we dump the waste water? [Garble] plan everything out and you get committed to something like that, and the whole world is up there waiting for you to dump your waste water out.
152:19:01 Schweickart (onboard): No, he wasn't talking about a preflight commitment. He was talking about in real time [garble] within the last 3 or 5 days. Hey, is that a C-IN or a C-EX?
152:19:17 McDivitt (onboard): I don't know ...
152:19:18 Scott (onboard): A C-IN, I guess. What time is sunset?
152:19:23 McDivitt (onboard): Dave [garble] We actually can have - we actually can use the C-IN pack. C-IN [garble]
152:19:29 Scott (onboard): We could probably get better, though, if we would - Oh, I see, you want to save it.
152:19:37 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
152:19:38 Scott (onboard): [Garble] We've got 11 minutes.
152:19:54 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble] kind of leaving wide open for that thing.
152:20:00 Scott (onboard): What in the world is that doing?
152:20:03 Schweickart (onboard): Floating around, that's what it's doing.
152:20:05 McDivitt (onboard): I guess 24 frames per second is what we want to do here.
152:20:10 Scott (onboard): Boy, the way that comes out -
152:20:30 Scott (onboard): Where's the grab bag? I need some dessert.
152:20:33 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, you get ready to take a leak, none of this eating stuff! (Laughter) You know you're a critical element in this thing.
152:20:44 McDivitt (onboard): Without you, we have no pictures (laughter). Boy, that camera really got beat up going in and out of that LM.
152:20:50 Schweickart (onboard): Did it really?
152:20:52 Scott (onboard): That's more than [garble]
152:20:57 McDivitt (onboard): When it came back in, the film feed was on 500 000; the [garble] was bent over here; the port cord here was about knocked off - [garble] a-bom-pi-ti-bom-pi-ti-bump-bump.
152:21:17 Scott (onboard): I know what I'll do; coming up next is the opportunity - Oh, we got 11 minutes yet.
152:21:29 McDivitt (onboard): Guess there just wasn't any better way of transferring the camera back and forth [garble]
152:22:12 Schweickart (onboard): Ever try to figure out how many panes we've got in these windows [garble]?
152:22:21 Schweickart (onboard): Three, I guess.
152:22:22 Scott (onboard): Yes. There's supposed to be three [garble]
152:22:38 McDivitt (onboard): Boy, that's ail that stands between you and death.
152:22:44 Scott (onboard): That's lot more than an ILTC.
152:22:47 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, I was just [garble] got a lot less than that, I think.
152:22:53 McDivitt (onboard): LM is just one pane, and it isn't as thick as any of those three put together - any one of those th - There was a washer in the window [garble] docking. It kept getting lined up - (laughing) right underneath the COAS yesterday.
152:23:14 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, that means there were two panes in that wind - How about that?
152:23:18 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, yes, I was just going to say, there's more t - one pane, I think.
152:23:20 McDivitt (onboard): There's an outer [garble] says double pressure pane and I think they mean double [garble]
152:23:38 McDivitt (onboard): Got it all worked out up there, Dave?
152:23:39 Scott (onboard): Yes.
152:23:41 McDivitt (onboard): Don't let me down, then; it's a critical burn. I critical wet.
152:23:47 Scott (onboard): I'm not going to let you down.
152:24:14 Schweickart (onboard): There are a couple little nicks in that. Oh, that a bubble.
152:24:20 McDivitt (onboard): What happened to the big nick that we had in the window last night - that [garble] going away, huh?
152:24:25 Schweickart (onboard): Burned off by all those heaters.
152:24:27 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
152:24:58 Schweickart (onboard): I may be able to contribute to this next picture here.
152:25:00 Scott (onboard): Now wait a minute. You want to do it or you want me to?
152:25:01 McDivitt (onboard): Everybody wants to get into the act. [Garble]
152:25:04 Schweickart (onboard): Go ahead.
152:25:05 Scott (onboard): Well, we can't both get down here and do all this, can we?
152:25:08 Schweickart (onboard): Sure; why not? I'm not going to use you [garble]
152:25:11 Schweickart (onboard): Go ahead, I don't use that.
152:25:43 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] down, Scott.
152:25:48 Scott (onboard): How are we doing on time?
152:25:52 McDivitt (onboard): I don't know how the time is, but it's starting to get dark out. I give you about another minute.
152:25:56 Scott (onboard): In a minute, I'll be all ready - maybe.
152:25:59 McDivitt (onboard): This is your big moment to be on live television.
152:26:56 Scott (onboard): What? That'll look pretty good.
152:27:02 McDivitt (onboard): We'll also have a scene with your dump [garble]
152:27:05 Scott (onboard): [Garble] sequel [garble] to McDivitt.
152:27:08 McDivitt (onboard): You're the producer; I'm the photographer (laughter); I'm the director; you're the producer (laughter).
152:28:02 Scott (onboard): Don't jiggle the camera now.
152:28:05 Schweickart (onboard): 24 frames per second is going to be pretty tough.
152:28:08 McDivitt (onboard): Pretty tough to do what?
152:28:11 Schweickart (onboard): Hold.
152:28:12 McDivitt (onboard): 24 frames a second? [garble] one frame a second.
152:28:21 McDivitt (onboard): I'd make it as easy on myself as I can. Okay, the big moment has just about arrived.
152:28:38 Scott (onboard): Okay. Oh, this is really going to be superb [garble] window.
152:28:40 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] lights out.
152:28:47 McDivitt (onboard): Rusty, can you [garble] your lights a little? Don't turn them all the way down, just get them a little dimmer.
152:29:00 Scott (onboard): Oh, this is going to be great!
152:29:01 McDivitt (onboard): Just a little more.
152:29:07 Schweickart (onboard): Spin it; sec how it works.
152:29:09 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, why don't you start it going now?
152:29:11 Scott (onboard): Stop, Rusty.
152:29:15 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, wait a second. The camera's not working.
152:29:18 Schweickart (onboard): Good God, man!
152:29:22 Scott (onboard): [Garble]
152:29:27 Schweickart (onboard): You're really a great photographer. Turn the switch on.
152:29:36 McDivitt (onboard): I have. Okay, there it goes.
152:29:40 Scott (onboard): Okay, now it's working.
152:29:41 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble] up.
152:29:43 Scott (onboard): Stop, Rusty. Oh, look at that.
152:29:56 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, shoot, we're going to overexpose it. Stop the [garble]
152:30:02 Schweickart (onboard): Hold it, hold it, Dave (laughter). Come on, Dave. Oh, hey. Listen, you're lousing - Oh, look, there's a big one. Hey, Dave, you're lousing up the whole picture; you're overexposing it (laughter).
152:30:18 Schweickart (onboard): Yes. Whooee!
152:30:21 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, not too much, Dave. Really, we've got too many out here. Hold off.
152:30:26 Scott (onboard): You want me [garble]?
152:30:28 McDivitt (onboard): You know, we're not getting any of those big balls out now; there's too mush spray. Just let her run now. [Garble] the Earth [garble]
152:30:43 Scott (onboard): Just start [garble]?
152:30:45 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. Oh, now they're going by - orange - and it was iridescent! [Garble]
152:31:14 Scott (onboard): [Garble] here the [garble]
152:31:16 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
152:31:24 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, look at that one.
152:31:45 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, go.
152:31:46 Scott (onboard): We're going. No. Any light left?
152:31:51 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, there's still some light, but I don't see any coming out.
152:31:54 Scott (onboard): Yes, it's coming out.
152:31:59 McDivitt (onboard): I guess there's not enough light left.
152:32:04 Schweickart (onboard): Well, there's really only one star in any movie.
152:32:06 McDivitt (onboard): Shoot.
152:32:10 Scott (onboard): [Garble]
152:32:11 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, it was really funny. They actually changed to orange color, they - you know - look like they were radioactive - they were shining so. It didn't look like reflected light. It looked like they were actually producing their own light.
152:32:22 Schweickart (onboard): Woo, weird! (Laughter)
152:32:35 McDivitt (onboard): You were great, Dave. [Garble] there isn't much time for that. And at that critical moment - you were sort of facing ...
152:32:45 Schweickart (onboard): Running late ...
152:32:46 McDivitt (onboard): ... you were facing the wrong way, too. The other day we wore facing down Sun; today, we were facing across Sun, so that the Earth was still lighted behind you, and I had to wait until the terminator went by. Then, you know, it was just a matter of seconds after that.
152:33:04 McDivitt (onboard): The big production! Shoot! APS burn to depletion. Urine dump. When you going to do your seat check?
152:33:26 Scott (onboard): I don't know. I've got to take the L-shaped bags down and all that ...
152:33:30 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, yes.
152:33:31 Scott (onboard): Why don't we do it when we get ready to stow?
152:33:33 McDivitt (onboard): I'll tell you what ...
152:33:34 Scott (onboard): [Garble] check the seats [garble] then anyway.
152:33:38 McDivitt (onboard): I'm going to - I want to check the seat now, too.
152:33:39 Scott (onboard): Oh.
152:33:40 McDivitt (onboard): Let's see, are you going to do it now or are we just going - I'll tell you what. [Garble] stuck it in my pocket.
152:33:56 McDivitt (onboard): Alright, let me see, get this back off again [garble]
152:34:03 Scott (onboard): You want to check the seats now for what?
152:34:06 McDivitt (onboard): I want to see what is wrong with that Y-Y strut.
152:34:09 Scott (onboard): Let me see -
152:34:26 McDivitt (onboard): Where was this stowed?
152:34:29 Scott (onboard): What?
152:34:30 McDivitt (onboard): Where was this stowed?
152:34:31 Scott (onboard): Right behind you. The whole biz.
152:34:35 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, gosh. In D-3, right? The big one?
152:34:38 Scott (onboard): The big one.
152:35:13 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, Dave, I'll predict you'll produce at least 50 barrels a day.
152:35:15 Scott (onboard): A [garble] be a real winner of an oil well.
152:35:17 Schweickart (onboard): Yes. Why not?
152:37:45 McDivitt (onboard): I guess if - Rusty's strut's unlocked now, huh?
152:37:50 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
152:37:52 McDivitt (onboard): When you get time, would you lock it up?
152:37:54 Schweickart (onboard): What?
152:37:56 McDivitt (onboard): When you get time, would you lock it up?
152:37:58 Schweickart (onboard): Lock what up?
152:38:00 McDivitt (onboard): Your strut ...
152:38:01 Scott (onboard): Your Y-Y strut.
152:38:16 Scott (onboard): We're going to have to unlock the [garble] control panel, too.
152:38:20 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, boy.
152:38:37 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, it locked right up.
152:38:42 Schweickart (onboard): Huh? Wonder why it wouldn't lock the other day? Maybe we were in it ...
152:38:46 McDivitt (onboard): And all that extra weight (laughter).
152:38:49 Schweickart (onboard): All the extra weight!
152:39:06 McDivitt (onboard): Fits fine.
152:39:12 Scott (onboard): Another thing we have to do before I take the couch down is to get that suit out of there and put it somewhere. [Garble] L-shaped bag [garble]
152:39:30 Scott (onboard): I don't think those pictures were very significant, to tell you the truth.
152:39:34 McDivitt (onboard): Neither do I.
152:39:36 Scott (onboard): If it doesn't, it won't look any different here than it does in one g, as far as the appearance. You got to hold yourself down to get out, you know, and [garble] the propellant stuff is [garble]
152:39:54 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] that.
152:39:59 Scott (onboard): Well, Rusty [garble] the picture ...
152:40:00 McDivitt (onboard): I mean, too had we didn't have a chance to produce it.
152:40:02 Scott (onboard): Oh, yes, to really do it. Yes.
152:40:03 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, now take the probe out and go around at different camera angles and things like that.
152:40:13 Scott (onboard): Well, you took this out of the whole [garble] angle stuff, didn't you?
152:40:20 McDivitt (onboard): Well, that may be better (laughter).
152:40:23 Scott (onboard): That's right. That shows what's really going on. If the hoses weren't there, it wouldn't be a challenge at all. The hose has to be - [garble] here.
152:40:44 Scott (onboard): Do we do the whole powerdown set first? [Garble]
152:40:52 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, across the water.
152:40:55 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
152:40:57 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, I need my [garble] on.
152:41:00 Scott (onboard): That's day 5 [garble]
152:41:01 McDivitt (onboard): Day 5.
152:41:52 Schweickart (onboard): Ouch!
152:43:21 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, I bet, if you live in zero g for a long time, your legs would just shrivel away.
152:43:29 Schweickart (onboard): Huh?
152:43:30 McDivitt (onboard): I bet if you lived in zero g for a long time, too many generations, that your legs would just go away. You really have no need for them.
152:43:39 Scott (onboard): That's right.
152:43:40 McDivitt (onboard): Either that or you'd develop toes - I mean fingers for them, so you could hang onto things with them.
152:43:46 Schweickart (onboard): You might even grow a tail.
152:43:47 McDivitt (onboard): Right.
152:43:49 Schweickart (onboard): Who knows what you could do? (Laughter)
152:43:55 McDivitt (onboard): Is [garble] outside, David?
152:44:02 Scott (onboard): I can't tell, Jim.
152:44:16 Scott (onboard): Must be something if it's water [garble] going down.
152:46:07 Scott (onboard): Does it work?
152:46:12 McDivitt (onboard): That's a garbage bag.
152:46:14 Schweickart (onboard): No, that's a food bag. I thought - Here's the other one over here.
152:48:48 Scott (onboard): [Garble]
152:49:02 McDivitt (onboard): What's the quantity remaining?
152:49:08 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
152:49:13 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
152:50:25 Schweickart (onboard): O2 FLOW HIGH!
152:51:51 McDivitt (onboard): How much do we have now?
152:51:59 McDivitt (onboard): Alright.
152:53:14 McDivitt (onboard): How much now, Rusty?
152:53:16 Schweickart (onboard): It's alright.
152:53:17 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
152:53:20 Scott (onboard): [Garble]
152:53:24 Schweickart (onboard): In the [garble]?
152:53:27 Scott (onboard): The rest of it looks that way, though; no, just down there.
152:53:45 Scott (onboard): Sort of does.
152:53:52 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, thank you.
152:53:55 Scott (onboard): Hmm.
152:54:47 Scott (onboard): It's not [garble]
152:55:00 McDivitt (onboard): What's the matter, Dave?
152:55:02 Scott (onboard): I've just discovered something very interesting.
152:55:04 McDivitt (onboard): What?
152:55:06 Scott (onboard): I'll show you. Pictures are worth a thousand words. [Garble] point down here.
152:55:41 Scott (onboard): Soon as you get through. It's nothing urgent. Looks like history.
152:55:51 Scott (onboard): Ought to be interesting to find out the origination of the history.
152:56:08 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, gracious.
152:56:10 Scott (onboard): How about that?
152:56:11 McDivitt (onboard): Where was it?
152:56:13 Scott (onboard): Up here in R-3.
152:56:18 McDivitt (onboard): Been there all the time? Was it hot when you pulled it out?
152:56:21 Scott (onboard): No, it wasn't. [Garble]
152:56:27 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble]
152:56:33 Schweickart (onboard): It's not hot, Jim.
152:56:37 Scott (onboard): Looks like the ring got hot.
152:56:58 McDivitt (onboard): Where was it now?
152:56:59 Scott (onboard): Right here in R-3.
152:57:01 McDivitt (onboard): Look in the rest of the stuff.
152:57:02 Scott (onboard): I did. Nothing in there to do it.
152:57:09 McDivitt (onboard): You got anything else in there that's burned
152:57:10 Scott (onboard): No.
152:57:19 McDivitt (onboard): No. When I [garble] put my hand on it, it wasn't very hot.
152:57:23 Scott (onboard): How hot did that get in there?
152:57:41 Scott (onboard): That's what I'm thinking; somebody set it down somewhere where it was not - on a lamp or something like that, getting ready to stow it.
152:57:51 McDivitt (onboard): Huh!
152:58:07 Scott (onboard): They say it is interesting to find the origination of history.
152:58:10 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, wouldn't it?
152:58:12 Scott (onboard): It's something we ought to show somebody when we get back.
152:58:15 Schweickart (onboard): I wonder if these [garble] are confidential. [Garble] (Laughter)
152:58:35 Scott (onboard): Did you get it out in time?
152:58:37 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, too bad.
152:58:40 Scott (onboard): Oh, well. Listen, everytime I went over there, I smelled something different. Everytime I opened the hunnel - the tunnel up ...
152:58:47 McDivitt (onboard): The hunnel up ...
152:58:49 Scott (onboard): The hunnel up.
152:58:50 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] of the tunnel.
152:58:51 Scott (onboard): Everytime I - Oh, I guess [garble]
152:58:57 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] It wasn't the heater.
153:00:10 Schweickart (onboard): I'm sleepy.
153:00:11 Scott (onboard): Yes. I am, too.
153:00:21 McDivitt (onboard): (Singing)
153:00:31 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, listen, we didn't - We turned the fan 1 on. No, it wasn't any fuel purge.
153:00:42 Scott (onboard): Hey, it might have bounced it. It might have flipped it. That's all. The light wasn't on then.
153:01:03 Scott (onboard): I'm going to bed early.
153:01:09 Scott (onboard): [Garble] go ahead.
153:01:13 McDivitt (onboard): Go ahead; go ahead. You look tired; go ahead.
153:01:21 Scott (onboard): Tired feet.
153:01:23 Schweickart (onboard): Why don't you take a rest? Why don't you take a trip? Why don't you go somewhere you've never been? Why don't you take a trip around the world?
153:01:36 Scott (onboard): Tomorrow, we get into that big [garble]
153:01:47 Scott (onboard): Everybody [garble] 500 miles you just about [garble]
153:02:08 Scott (onboard): That's what I say. We ought to take some of those pictures before we get up there 200 miles. Almost twice as high.
153:02:32 Schweickart (onboard): The stickyback bag?
153:02:33 Scott (onboard): You got to be kidding.
153:02:50 Schweickart (onboard): Ooh, what a nice guy! He says the neatest things. Why do you say things like that, McDivitt? What do you want to get - somebody's going to slug you one of those days; they're not going to slug you one of these days; they're not going to take it right. He really is. You know that hurts people's feelings? You like to hurt people's feelings, Jim? You ever think about that? Huh? Have you ever talked to your psychiatrist about that?
153:03:40 Schweickart (onboard): What? Well, read it out.
This is Apollo Control at 153 hours, 3 minutes, Ground Elapsed Time. We've just concluded a pass over Tananarive and we thought perhaps there might be some conversation between the crew and the ground; however there was none. The telemetry data that was downlinked, however, indicates that the spacecraft systems are functioning okay. Crew evidently is in the final stages of their evening housekeeping in preparation for their sleep cycle. We will acquire them again at 37 minutes after the hour at the Hawaii tracking site. Meantime, we'll stand by at 153 hours, 4 minutes. This is Mission Control, Houston.
153:04:10 McDivitt (onboard): Get it started [garble].
153:05:21 Schweickart (onboard): No, Jim.
153:06:29 Schweickart (onboard): Yes. The Sun came up again. There goes the [garble].
153:09:31 Scott (onboard): Yes, Jim, the cabin temperature is 75.
This is Apollo Control at 153 hours, 51 minutes. Spacecraft moved out of the range of the Hawaii tracking station about 4 or 5 minutes ago. During that pass over Hawaii, the Surgeon reported that we had received some biomedical information from the crew, specifically from the Commander. According to the data that was transmitted down to the ground, Astronaut Jim McDivitt was - had mean heart rate of about 80 to 85 and his average respiration was about 20 per minute. Indicating, according to the surgeon, that he was not asleep, but was resting. Meanwhile, the spacecraft cabin pressure is holding steady at 4.9 pounds per square inch, and the temperature is reading a comfortable 70 degrees Farenheit. At 153 hours, 52 minutes, with the spacecraft now over the Pacific Ocean, this is Mission Control.
This is Apollo Control at 154 hours, 51 minutes into the flight. The spacecraft at the present time is flying over China on this, the 98th revolution. Apollo 9 has been out of range of our tracking stations the past hour or so; however, we stationed in ARIA over its last tracking path about twenty minutes or so ago. The data that was transmitted down to the Apollo range instrumentation aircraft indicated that the spacecraft systems still were functioning normally. There was no communication with the crew. They are well into their rest cycle at the present time and we would expect that they are probably sleeping, although we will not have data on them to give us any indication that they are sleeping for another hour or so. So, at 154 hours, 52 minutes, this is Mission Control, Houston.
This is Apollo Control at 156 hour, Ground Elapsed Time. The Apollo 9 spacecraft has moved out of range of the Ascension tracking station. While it was over Ascension, the flight surgeon here at MCC monitored some biomedical information that was transmitted to the Control Center, and he concluded from the data that he read, that both the commander and the command module pilot, who evidently each is, each is in his couch, are in fairly sound sleep at the present time. The guidance navigation and control systems engineer reported to the flight director that most of the, or all of the systems that he was monitoring, appear to be normal. The spacecraft is functioning well at this time. On this, the 99th revolution, at 156 hours, 1 minute Ground Elapsed Time, this is Apollo Control.
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