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Apollo 9

Day 4

Corrected Transcript and Commentary Copyright © 2020 by W. David Woods and Alexander Turhanov. All rights reserved.
Last updated 2020-11-09
066:54:28 Evans: Good morning, Apollo 9. Houston. [Pause]
066:54:36 McDivitt: Morning.
066:54:40 Scott: Morning.
066:54:42 Evans: Roger. Comes mighty early doesn't it?
066:54:44 McDivitt: Oh, yeah. It's still dark outside, too.
066:54:49 Evans: Say, that's right. [Pause]
066:55:02 Evans: 9, Houston. We've got quite a few things to pass up to you here this morning before we get started.
066:55:10 Scott: Okay. How about it.
066:55:11 Evans: Okay. First of all, BATT B is charged, so you can terminate BATT B charge.
066:55:19 Scott: Okay. Terminating B at this time.
066:55:21 Evans: Okay. On your H2 tanks; we like tank 1 heater OFF, and tank 2 heater OFF. Let me relay that: tank 2 heater in AUTO. [Long pause]
066:55:42 Scott: Okay. Tank 1 heater is OFF, and tank 2 heater is in AUTO.
066:55:47 Evans: Okay. And, of course, the fans are OFF. H2 fans are OFF.
066:55:51 Scott: Roger. Both H2 fans to OFF.
066:55:55 Evans: Okay. I have a consumables update whenever you want it, and then I can go through some stuff on the EVA. [Pause]
066:56:06 Scott: Okay. Stand by. [Long pause]
066:56:32 Scott: Okay, Houston. Go ahead with the consumables.
066:56:35 Evans: Okay. GET: 067 70 23 69 29 76 30 70 30 485 40 38 36 39 100 97 41 1019 588. Over.
Very long comm break.
Spacecraft Communicator Ron Evans was reading up consumables update to the crew of Apollo 9 as they went over the hill at Mercury. Likely he will pick this up where the break occurred as we come up over Antigua. Antigua acquisition will be 19 minutes past the hour. Also scheduled during the Antigua Vanguard, Canary Island and Madrid pass will be block updates of contingency landing area information. And the crew just prior to this time will have begun their breakfast period. At 66 hours 58 minutes ground elapse time this is Apollo Control.
This is Apollo Control 67 hours 20 minutes GET. We are in acquisition at Antigua overlapping with Vanguard tracking ship and on into Canary Islands and Madrid. For approximately 14 minutes total time. As you were, 24 minutes total time. We are waiting now for spacecraft communicator, Ron Evans, to put in a call to the crew and pick up where he left off as Apollo 9 went over the hill at Mercury toward the end of the last revolution. Spacecraft has just begun the 43rd revolution as it crossed the parallel or meridian and longitude of Cape Kennedy. Still no call. Continue to stand by until spacecraft communicator resumes his conversation with Apollo 9. Here goes the call now.
067:22:35 Evans: Apollo 9, Houston through Antigua.
067:22:38 Scott: Roger. Houston, Apollo 9. How do you read?
067:22:40 Evans: Roger. Loud and clear, Dave.
067:22:42 Scott: Okay. Here's your readback on the consumables. Ready?
067:22:45 Evans: Go.
067:22:47 Scott: 067 70 23 69 29 76 30 70 30 485 40 38 36 39 100 97 41 1019, and I didn't catch the last one. [Pause]
067:23:16 Evans: Roger. 588.
067:23:20 Scott: 588.
067:23:21 Evans: And, Dave, we've got a bunch of things here to change in the EVA checklist, there. What I would suggest is that you dig out the EVA checklist; and also we want to add pages 17-32 and 33 of your systems checklist in there.
067:23:39 Scott: Okay. Stand by. Which spacecraft?
067:23:42 Evans: LM spacecraft.
067:23:43 Scott: For the LM. Okay. Stand by. [Long pause]
067:24:09 Scott: Okay, Houston. Go ahead with the EVA checklist updates.
067:24:15 Evans: Okay. Place, page systems-17 after EVA-15, and systems-32 and -33 after EVA-19. [Long pause]
067:24:34 Scott: That's okay. I wasn't expecting any kind of an update. Go ahead, what's the next one? Systems-17 after EVA-15, what's next?
067:24:41 Evans: Systems-32 and -33 after EVA-19. [Pause]
067:24:55 Scott: Okay. Systems-17 after EVA-15 and Systems-32 and -33 after EVA-19.
067:25:03 Evans: Okay. Page EVA-17.
067:25:08 Scott: What other updates did you have?
067:25:11 Evans: Okay. What I was going to try to do - If, you've got the checklist in front of you, I'll read it through here and let you mark them in the checklist as we go. We've got about 20 minutes or until 40, with a couple of minutes in between logged. [Long pause]
067:26:21 Evans: 9, Houston. Are you with me again?
067:26:25 Scott: Roger. With you.
067:26:29 Evans: Okay. We've got a lot of things here, Dave, if you want me to read it up and you copy it down, or else we'll just make the changes as we go right through the checklist.
067:26:37 Scott: Go ahead. I've got the systems-17 after EVA-15, systems-32 and -33 after EVA-19. [Pause]
067:26:45 Evans: Okay. On page EVA 17: delete the rendezvous radar antenna positioning. [Pause]
067:26:57 Scott: Okay. EVA-17 - what do you want to do?
067:27:00 Evans: Delete the rendezvous radar antenna positioning. [Pause]
067:27:11 Scott: Roger. It's deleted.
067:27:13 Evans: Okay. And EVA-17, the EVA prep: delete step 3 and step 4, lines 2 and 3. [Pause]
067:27:31 Evans: Okay. That's the entire step 3 and step 4, lines 2 and 3. [Pause]
067:27:47 Scott: Okay. You want us to delete all of step 3, and you want us to eliminate steps 2 and 3 of step 4.
067:27:56 Evans: Affirmative. Lines 2 and 3 of step 4.
067:28:01 Scott: Roger.
067:28:03 Evans: Okay. On EVA-18 and -19: delete the PLSS COMM check. [Pause]
067:28:14 Scott: Okay. PLSS COMM check.
067:28:16 Evans: Okay. On system-32... [Pause]
067:28:26 Scott: Go ahead. I'll have to write that down.
067:28:29 Evans: Perform at 71 plus 14 over Carnarvon. [Pause]
067:28:40 Scott: Okay. System-32. You want to do it at 71:14 over Carnarvon.
067:28:46 Evans: And on System-33. Perform at 71 plus 33 over Mercury. [Long pause]
067:29:04 Scott: Roger. System-33 at 71:33 over Mercury. [Pause]
067:29:12 Evans: Okay. System-33 in the lunar stage backup with relay: delete step 3 and add return to COMM basic with LM two-way relay by setting RANGE to RANGE, VOICE to VOICE. PLSS mode 5, then COMM check with MFSN. PLSS mode 3, at 8 and UCTA dump. Over. [Pause]
067:30:16 Scott: You got away from me, Ron. You want to do the lunar stage backup with relay; then you want to delete step 3; then you want to return to LM basis. Then you want to go to two-way relay?
067:30:28 Evans: That's right. Return to LM basis with two-way relay. [Long pause]
067:30:47 Scott: Okay. I don't have that system worked out right now, and I can't make no change. What else did you say after that? Just say it again fast, and I'll see if I have to write it down.
067:30:55 Evans: Okay. You return to two-way relay by setting RANGE to RANGE, VOICE to VOICE. PLSS mode 5, then COMM checks with MSFM. Then PLSS mode 3, and then you have your rest and eat period. [Long pause]
067:31:32 Scott: Okay. Let me see if I can decipher my writing here. You want a lunar stage backup with relay and then delete step 3. Return to LM basis with two-way relay by going RANGE to RANGE, VOICE to VOICE. Then go to PLSS mode 5; make an MSFN voice check, and return to mode 3 and rest and eat.
067:31:49 Evans: Affirmative. Okay. While I think about it, S-band volume up at 36. Okay. Let's go to EVA page 20. [Pause]
067:32:02 Scott: Okay. Go ahead.
067:32:04 Evans: Okay. In the final prep, step 3: delete lines 2, 9, 10, 11, and 12. [Long pause]
067:32:35 Scott: Okay. Delete 2, 9, 10, 11, and 12.
067:32:40 Evans: Okay. On EVA-22, LM PGA check. [Pause]
067:32:52 Scott: Go.
067:32:54 Evans: On step 1: delete lines 1, and 4 through 7. [Pause]
067:33:10 Scott: Do you have the check list there?
067:33:12 Evans: Yes.
067:33:14 Scott: What's the first line, CB-16 ECS suit flow control?
067:33:17 Evans: Affirmative. Delete that.
067:33:23 Scott: Okay. And what else?
067:33:24 Evans: Okay. Disconnect LMP O2 hoses, and then all the way down to installing the oxygen purge valve: delete that. [Pause]
067:33:39 Scott: Okay. [Pause]
067:33:45 Evans: Okay. Your first sunrise time is 73 plus 07. [Pause]
067:33:55 Scott: Okay.
067:33:56 Evans: Okay, on EVA-H1: just scratch it starting at the first sunrise. [Long pause]
067:34:16 Scott: Okay. You want to scratch everything on first sunrise. [Pause]
067:34:20 Evans: All the way through EVA-H3. Okay, go to the top of EVA-H4. [Pause]
067:34:41 Scott: Okay. Go ahead.
067:34:43 Evans: Change plus 207 to plus 25. [Pause]
067:34:55 Scott: Okay. Plus 25.
067:34:57 Evans: Delete lines 1, 2, 5, and 6.
067:35:03 Scott: Of the 207 step?
067:35:07 Evans: Okay. On the change...
067:35:08 Scott: Do you want me to delete 1, 2, 5, and 6 of the 207?
067:35:14 Evans: That's affirmative. Okay. On the plus 215 - or change plus 215 to 40. [Pause]
067:35:32 Scott: Okay. Plus 40.
067:35:34 Evans: Delete lines 1, 2, and 4.
067:35:42 Scott: Okay.
067:35:47 Evans: Okay. After - on down in there - after PLSS O2 OFF, it's about line 15.
067:35:55 Scott: - PLSS O2 OFF, and then what?
067:35:57 Evans: Add: LMP suit isolation to suit flow and PLSS pump and fan both OFF. Delete the next two lines that are concerning the out purge valve to depress the suit. [Long pause]
067:36:42 Evans: Apollo 9, Houston. [Pause]
067:36:52 Evans: Apollo 9, Houston. [Pause]
067:36:59 Evans: Apollo 9, Houston through Madrid. [Long pause]
067:37:15 Evans: Apollo 9, Houston through Madrid. [Long pause]
067:37:39 Evans: Apollo 9, Houston. [Long pause]
067:37:53 Evans: Apollo 9, Houston. [Long pause]
067:38:16 Evans: Apollo 9, Houston. [Long pause]
067:38:54 Evans: Apollo 9, Houston. [Long pause]
067:39:08 Evans: Apollo 9, Houston. I'll transmit in the blind. On EVA-H5, step 3: delete lines 2 and 3. Step 4: delete line 1. Step 4: delete line 1. Add LMP suit isolation to suit disconnect. Delete EVA-25 Alfa. Continue with post EVA procedures. We'll pick you up at Carnarvon at 07.
Very long comm break.
This is Apollo Control. Apparently, we have had loss of signal in Madrid. The last several minutes of attempting to reach the crew through Madrid have been unsuccessful. Spacecraft Communicator, Ron Evans, was reading up some checklist changes to Dave Scott. These changes, likely, will be picked up and continued at Carnarvon at 7 minutes past the hour as the spacecraft comes over the hill at the Carnarvon station; and a continuous pass over Carnarvon and Honeysuckle. Well, they're not quite continuous. Actually, there's about a three minute drop-out between Carnarvon loss of signal and Honeysuckle acquisition of signal. At 67 hours, 41 minutes ground elapsed time, this is Apollo Control."
068:01:07 Schweickart (onboard): Testing. Yes, I guess you're not on the intercom though, Jim. I'm not hearing you anyway.
068:01:36 McDivitt (onboard): Can you hear me now, Rusty?
068:01:37 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, that last one, I did.
068:01:39 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, I think I'm [garble].
068:01:42 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
068:01:55 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, I guess the next thing I've got to do is eat now. No, I've got this ham up here. But I'll need some juice with that, too. Now, let me finish up this water first. And then I'll have you fill that up again.
068:03:03 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
068:03:10 Schweickart (onboard): You got some salve there, Dave, or something for your lip? Oh, I thought you - I saw you wiping something on.
068:04:15 Schweickart (onboard): When you get a chance, Dave, I'd like a bagful of water here.
068:05:27 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
068:05:35 Schweickart (onboard): No.
068:06:03 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
068:06:11 Schweickart (onboard): Very good.
068:07:13 Schweickart (onboard): Oh. Jim? Hey, never mind, I'll get it. Yes.
This is Apollo Control. 68 hours 7 minutes ground elapse time. Coming on through the Carnarvon tracking station, there goes a call lets listen in.
068:07:46 Evans: Apollo 9, Houston through Carnarvon.
068:07:47 Scott: Go ahead, Houston. Apollo 9.
068:07:50 Evans: Roger. Did you get my comment there on EVA-AH 5?
068:07:55 Scott: Stand by [Pause]
068:08:02 Scott: Houston, we only got part of it, and then you cut out.
068:08:04 Evans: Okay. Are you ready to go with a little bit more there? [Pause]
068:08:12 Scott: Roger.
068:08:13 Evans: Okay. On EVA-H5, step three: delete lines 2 and 3; step 4: delete line 1. [Pause]
068:08:27 Scott: Roger.
068:08:28 Evans: And add LMP SUIT ISOLATION to SUIT DISCONNECT. Okay. Then just continue with your post EVA procedures. [Pause]
068:08:42 Evans: Okay. You might want to write some of these things down. These are in the terms of flight plan update. [Long pause]
068:09:05 Scott: Okay. Are these going to be in the EVA check list now, or in the flight plan, Ron.
068:09:12 Evans: Well, it's kind of both, but I'll give you a time, and you can convert them into your EVA checklist there. In fact, we're going to power the LM down a little bit early. That will give you time on a TV pass. [Long pause]
068:09:32 Scott: Okay. Stand by here. Let me get something to copy these on. [Pause]
068:09:41 Scott: Okay. Go ahead Ron
068:09:43 Evans: Okay. At 74 plus 57, close primary EVAP flow. And start your LM power down. [Pause]
068:10:00 Scott: Close the primary EVAP flow.
068:10:02 Evans: Okay. Start TV pass at 74 plus 57 through 75 plus 13. [Pause]
068:10:23 Scott: Understand. TV pass 74 plus 57 through 75 plus 13. Now let me copy that down here. [Long pause]
068:10:47 Scott: Okay. Go ahead.
068:10:50 Evans: Okay. While you're going that, Jim, he can start his transfer back through the tunnel at this time if you want to. Okay. While I'm thinking about it, S-band up at 14 for Honeysuckle. [Pause]
068:11:09 Scott: Okay.
068:11:11 Evans: Okay. We want LMP remain on LM COMM to perform S-band backup voice check, mode 4, over Ascension at 75 plus 25. [Long pause]
068:11:39 Scott: Okay. 75 plus 25 over the Ascension pass you want the LMP on the LM COMM to perform a voice backup check.
068:11:48 Evans: Affirmative. S-band voice backup mode 4.
Comm break.
This is Apollo Control. We've apparently had loss of signal at Carnarvon. There is about a three minute drop out between Carnarvon and Honeysuckle until the orbital track comes down farther into these stations. Meanwhile we have a forecast from the spaceflight meteorology group here in mission control on the various landing zones for Apollo 9. We'll rejoin the conversation between spacecraft communicator Ron Evans and the crew of Apollo 9 as they are acquired at Honeysuckle. The weather forecast indicates that all landing zones will have satisfactory conditions today. In the primary landing zone in the west Atlantic, centered about 800 miles east of Jacksonville. Partly cloudy skies are expected with northwesterly winds about 20 knots and seas 5 to 7 feet. Temperature near 60 1/4. In the mid Pacific landing zone centered about 600 miles northwest of Honolulu, skies will be partly cloudy and winds southwesterly 12 to 16 knots. Seas 3 to 4 feet and temperatures 65 to 70 degrees are forecasted. In the west Pacific landing zone centered about 400 miles Southeast of Tokyo partly cloudy skies and northwesterly winds at 15 knots are expected. Seas will be about 4 feet and temperature 52 degrees. In the east Atlantic landing zone, centered about 500 miles southwest of the Canary Islands partly cloudy skies are forecast. Southerly winds at 12 to 15 knots are expected with seas 3 to 4 feet and temperatures near 70 degrees. We should have acquired at Honeysuckle. We'll come back up with the circuit and monitor for any conversation.
068:14:36 Evans: Apollo 9, Houston through Honeysuckle. [Long pause]
068:14:58 Evans: Apollo 9, Houston through Honeysuckle. [Long pause]
068:15:26 Scott: Okay, Houston. We got you again out here somewhere.
068:15:28 Evans: Okay, Dave. What we said so far looks like the major changes. Of course, there may be a lot of optional changes in there in which you may or may not want to do - such as configuring the cameras, EVA gloves and moving the ISA and a few other things that are -
068:15:52 Schweickart: Roger. This is Rusty. We'll try to figure that out as we go along on any of those. Say, I've got one thing I would like to check with you before we start the LM operation again, and that was on the - Something happened yesterday we neglected to report, and I'd like to get a check on it.
068:16:09 Evans: Okay. Go.
068:16:11 Schweickart: Okay. During the cabin closeout - and I can't find the systems checklist right at the moment, but one of the last steps in the cabin closeout when we are powering down the ECS, one of the steps there is cabin repress from AUTO to CLOSE. And when I moved the valve from AUTO to CLOSE we got a great big, loud bang; and I immediately went back to AUTO and then recalled that LM 4 had had a problem like that in the chamber. And I think the word was that it came out okay, so I went to CLOSE, and as I went from AUTO to CLOSE it was bang again and then stopped. But I'd like to get confirmation on that. But is that the normal behavior of the valve.
068:17:06 Evans: Okay. We'll check it for you. [Pause]
068:17:14 Evans: Okay, Dave. Got a few comments on your part of the EVA.
068:17:21 Schweickart: Okay. Stand by. He's not on the LM just now.
068:17:23 Evans: Okay. [Long pause]
068:17:51 Evans: 9, Houston. What it looks like here we can go ahead and initiate a command module power down at 76 plus 55.
068:18:02 Schweickart: Command module power down at 76 plus 55.
068:18:05 Evans: Roger. That'll give you an extra hour tonight for a rest.
068:18:12 Evans: Thanks.
068:18:14 Evans: How about that?
068:18:15 Schweickart: We'll take it. [Pause]
068:18:22 Evans: Dave, you on?
068:18:24 Scott: Roger. [Pause]
068:18:30 Evans: Okay. Your EVA checklist is essentially the same. Go on up through opening the hatch. Now when you open the command module hatch, if you think you can retrieve that thermal sample by the hatch, do so. You know, if it looks like it's easy to reach and you can pull it back in there without crawling all the way out. But use your own judgement and whatever you think if you can get it back in.
068:18:57 Scott: Okay. We've gone through all that and told Houston the position [garble] with everything and I think I'll probably be able to do it, but I'm not going stretch the hoses at all, so we'll just take a look in real time to see what it seems like we can do.
068:19:10 Evans: Okay. Great. And your hatch closing will be at 73 plus 40.
068:19:18 Scott: 73 plus 40. Okay.
068:19:21 Evans: Roger. Your COMM plan will be your CMC basic SIMPLEX A receive B data except when the LMP is on the PLSS. When he's on there, you can figure DUPLEX A receive A only.
068:19:40 Scott: Okay. Understand SIMPLEX A - B data until we get on the PLSS and then DUPLEX A receive A only.
068:19:46 Evans: Roger. And then you return back to basic again when he goes off the PLSS.
068:19:51 Scott: Roger. Understand. [Long pause]
068:20:02 Schweickart (onboard): You got it now? Do you? Okay.
068:20:06 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
068:20:10 Evans: 9, Houston. Initial look at that valve looks like that's a normal condition that goes bang when you go from AUTO to CLOSE, and we'll just watch checking on it.
068:20:20 Schweickart: Okay. It sure increased the heart rate yesterday.
068:20:22 Schweickart (onboard): Three of them (laughter).
068:20:23 Evans: Roger. Understand. That's built in there to keep you alert, Rusty. [Pause]
068:20:35 Evans: 9, Houston. We'll pick you up Mercury at 26, and I'll have some block data for you at that time.
068:20:41 Scott: Roger. Understand. Mercury at 26 with block data.
Long comm break.
This is Apollo Control. We have had loss of signal of Honeysuckle, we're 5 minutes out of the tracking ship Mercury. At that time, we'll bring the circuit back up and monitor that pass. At 68 hours 21 minutes ground elapsed time, this is Apollo Control."
068:22:08 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
068:22:35 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, it's already supposed to be done. And it's 8 to B; 6 to B-6. Right.
068:25:50 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, I had a couple of honest-to-God barfs this morning.
This is Apollo Control 68 hours 26 minutes GET. We're coming up on acquisition of tracking ship Mercury for a 5-minute 42-second pass. 5-degree elevation angle to the south. We'll stand by for the continuing conversation between spacecraft communicator Ron Evans and the crew of Apollo 9.
068:26:33 Schweickart: Houston, Apollo 9. How do you read? [Pause]
Apollo 9 is calling Houston. Let's listen in."
068:26:41 Evans: Roger. Apollo 9, Houston. We've got you through Mercury.
068:26:46 Schweickart: Good morning, Sluggy. How're you doing?
068:26:48 Evans: Oh, real good. How are things in the wild blue?
068:26:53 Schweickart: Wild black.
068:26:58 McDivitt: He's doing all right.
068:27:00 Evans: Okay. And I've got block data number 8 when you're ready to copy.
068:27:02 McDivitt: All set. Go ahead.
068:27:07 Evans: Okay. Reading block data number 8. 045 1 Baker, plus 282, minus 06 29 070 12 33 43 54; 046 1 Baker, plus 332, minus 06 20 071 46 43 43 54; 047 1 Baker, plus 331, minus 06 20 073 20 28 43 54; 048 1 Alpha, plus 288, minus 06 40 074 54 09 43 54; 049 4 Baker, plus 320, minus 16 19 077 40 30 43 54; 050 4 Baker, plus 337, minus 16 20 079 14 13 43 54; and your SPS trim gimbals: pitch minus 1.07, yaw minus 1.11. End of the update. [Pause]
068:30:31 Schweickart: Okay. I think the only thing I missed was the third digit on the SPS pitch trim.
068:30:37 Evans: Okay. That's 7 pitch trim minus 1.07. [Pause]
068:30:46 McDivitt: Okay. You want to read back; or have you got some other poop?
068:30:48 Evans: No. Let's have the readback, and you can go as fast as you like.
068:30:53 Schweickart: Okay. 45 1 Bravo, plus 28.2, minus 0629 070 12 33 4354; 461 Bravo, plus 33.2, minus 62.0, 7146 43 435.4. Have you got them in the decimals in them, or do you want me to read all digits?
068:31:17 Schweickart (onboard): Got them in - Oh, [garble].
068:31:21 Evans: The way you're reading them is fine. Just keep pressing.
068:31:25 Schweickart: 471 Bravo, plus 33.1, minus 62.0 732028 435.4; 481 Alpha, plus 28.8, minus 64.0 745409 435.4; 494 Bravo, plus 32.0, minus 161.9 774030 435.4; 54 Bravo, plus 33.7, minus 162.0 791413, 435.4. Pitch trim minus 1.07, Yaw... [Pause]
068:32:12 Schweickart (onboard): ...minus 1.11.
068:32:17 Evans: Okay. I believe we lost you. We'll see you at Antigua at 52 if you can read me, and that was a good job. You were racing the clock.
Very long comm break.
068:32:26 Schweickart (onboard): Houston, 9.
This is Apollo Control. Apparently, we have had LOS at the Mercury tracking station. At 52 minutes past the hour some 20 minutes from now, we will come up over the Antigua tracking station overlapping Bermuda, Vanguard, Canary Island and Madrid for a total time of some - oh it looks like 23 minutes. At 68 hours 33 minutes GET, this is Apollo Control."
068:33:59 Schweickart (onboard): No, I'm not even using that UCD. The only thing I use is that UCDA. Man, I think that's great.
068:34:14 Schweickart (onboard): What?
068:34:26 Schweickart (onboard): 8 to Bravo; 6 to Baker 6.
068:34:51 Schweickart (onboard): Oh! Oh, I'm sorry, Dave. What did I -
068:36:56 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, Dave.
068:36:58 Scott (onboard): Hey.
068:37:00 Schweickart (onboard): Look, the only reason we had an IMU alignment was for the photography. We're not going to take any pictures, so why don't we just screw it?
068:37:07 Scott (onboard): [Garble].
068:37:09 Schweickart (onboard): Why?
068:37:10 Scott (onboard): [Garble].
068:37:12 Schweickart (onboard): Why? Why not just float?
068:37:30 Schweickart (onboard): What do we need to even fire up at all for today? Why do we have to fire up the platform at all today. I don't see any reason at all. It was only for the EVA attitude. We shouldn't even have to fire a jet.
068:38:51 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, can I get a breakfast out, Jim? Yes.
068:40:08 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. Thank you. And here's a piece of trash for the basket.
068:41:14 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, Dave. Next pass, why don't I ask them? Okay.
068:42:01 Schweickart (onboard): No, let me cut it for you first.
068:44:02 Schweickart (onboard): Let me know, Dave, when you got time to get me some water.
068:44:12 Schweickart (onboard): What about them? I haven't - I never started.
068:44:23 Schweickart (onboard): What - what didn't you do?
068:45:02 Schweickart (onboard): Where'd you put my checklist?
068:46:23 Schweickart (onboard): Here - why don't I just mark one? No, I can tell big the numbers. Hold on a minute.
068:46:40 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, this one's mine.
068:46:51 Schweickart (onboard): We supposed to take pages out? That's going to be tough because those rings are sealed. Oh, no, they're not.
068:47:09 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, can you give me yours? I got data marked on mine. 17 and what? Oh, wait a minute. Systems 17. Okay, systems 17. I thought that was already in the EVA checklist. I guess not.
068:48:12 Schweickart (onboard): Man, I don't have enough hands.
068:49:03 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, there's systems 17. What were the other one 33 and 34? 32 and 33.
068:49:52 Schweickart (onboard): We do, huh? Okay.
068:50:02 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
068:50:12 Schweickart (onboard): Where did Jim put that?
This is Apollo Control at 68 hours 52 minutes ground elapsed time. We're just a few seconds away from acquisition at the Antigua tracking station of the Eastern Test Range and a continuous pass over Vanguard tracking ship, Canary Islands tracking station and Madrid. We're estimating the Change of Shift Press Conference for 7:30 Central Standard Time; participant will be Orange Team flight director Pete Frank. We are standing by now for spacecraft communicator Stu Roosa to put in a call to the crew of Apollo 9 through Antigua. Generally they wait a few seconds after actual acquisition for all of the antennas to lock on and data flow to start into the Mission Control Center before they begin the conversation. Here we go.
068:53:38 Roosa: Apollo 9, this is Houston Antigua. Standing by. [Long pause]
068:54:05 McDivitt: Okay, Houston. Apollo 9 here. We're purging the three fuel cells with O2.
068:54:13 Roosa: Roger. Understand. [Pause]
068:54:24 Schweickart: And Houston, did you get the readback on all the block data.
068:54:27 Roosa: That was a beautiful job, Rusty. I got everything except the very last item. I'd like to verify the yaw trim as minus 1.11.
068:54:37 Schweickart: Roger, minus 1.11. [Pause]
068:54:45 Schweickart: Say, Houston, we have another question for you here. Looking over the day, we've come to the conclusion that there's no necessity for powering up the IMU and doing an alignment here in the command module. That way we can avoid using any fuel and playing Mickey Mouse with gimbal lock every 10 minutes. We'd like to know if you concur? [Pause]
068:55:09 Roosa: Roger. We copy. Stand by one.
Comm break.
068:57:51 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston.
068:57:56 Schweickart: Go ahead.
068:57:58 Roosa: Roger. That sounds like a pretty sterling idea. I guess - Is your plan to manually point it in about the right attitude via the Sun and then go to a SCS hold there?
068:58:12 Schweickart: Well, we didn't see any particular need for anything other than drifting flight today since we won't be taking the EVA photographs.
068:58:21 Roosa: Okay. We're kicking this around, and we'll have some more info for you. The consideration here, Rusty, is the Sun shafting on the command module hatch. [Pause]
068:58:34 Schweickart: Ah, I got you. Okay. We'll think about that one, too. Thank you.
068:58:37 Roosa: Roger.
Long comm break.
069:02:32 Schweickart: Houston, are you still with us?
069:02:37 Roosa: That's affirmative, Apollo 9. We're going to have you here for awhile.
069:02:40 Schweickart: Okay, Dave. We were just talking this over, Stu, and - Dave says that if there is any constraint on the inside of the spacecraft - that is - not the Sun on the hatch, evidently there's none there, but if there's a constraint with the Sun coming in impinging on the internal part of the spacecraft, he can maneuver manually to keep - to get the Sun out of the way, release the BMAGS and attitude hold using SPS there, the two quads MAX dead band, low rate. [Pause]
069:03:28 Roosa: Roger, Apollo 9. We copied that. And that's probably what we're going to come up with. You know, we had these discussions about doing drift and flight and covering up the instrument panel, and so forth. But this sounds like a good approach, and that's probably what we're going to arrive at.
069:03:36 Scott: Okay. We're favorable to that.
069:03:38 Roosa: Okay. [Long pause]
069:03:56 Roosa: And I'll have you here for about another 10 minutes. And you can go ahead and bring up your S-band volume if you want. We'll be handing over to Madrid later on in this pass.
069:04:01 Scott: Okay.
Comm break.
069:05:24 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston.
069:05:26 McDivitt: Go ahead.
069:05:28 Roosa: Roger. Another change here. We'd like to have the DFI ON from the time you start the EPS activation and checkout on EVA-6, and leave it on through your suit fan and water separation check on EVA-11. [Pause]
069:05:51 McDivitt: Okay. DFI ON EVA-6, and OFF on EVA-11.
069:05:55 Roosa: That's affirmative.
Comm break.
069:07:01 Scott: Houston, Apollo 9.
069:07:03 Roosa: Go, Apollo 9.
069:07:06 Scott: Roger. Do you want that DFI OFF prior to the S-band and VHF activation, or following it on systems-11? [Pause]
069:07:20 Roosa: Roger. You mean systems or EVA-11?
069:07:25 Scott: Whoops. Stand by. Wrong book.
069:07:33 Roosa: We'd like to have it ON through the suit fan water separation - separator check on EVA-11.
069:07:42 Scott: Roger. Stand by one.
069:07:43 Roosa: Roger.
Long comm break.
069:12:30 Roosa: Apollo 9, this is Houston. We're going to lose you here at Madrid in about another minute. We'll see you over Carnarvon at 39. [Pause]
069:12:38 Scott: Roger. Carnarvon at 39.
Very long comm break.
This is Apollo Control at 69 hours 13 minutes into the mission. Madrid has LOS. The crew discussed during this pass and we are considering here on the ground the possibility of remaining in drifting flight throughout the day, since we will not be doing the EVA proper. Staying in drifting flight and in case attitude control is needed going to the SCS stabilization control system, the secondary control system on the spacecraft. This would save the necessities of powering up the inertial measurement unit, aligning the platform, and would be a propellant saving device, the SPS system uses body mounted attitude gyros instead of the inertial measurement unit - those are known in the trade as BMAGS and there was a reference to that in the conversation. The DFI reference is to Development Flight Instrumentation. This is a last-time instrumentation on this spacecraft - special instrumentation for engineering data and analysis on the LM will not be flown operationally, but strictly for the engineering test flight of this vehicle. Apollo 9 misses the Tananarive station in this 44th revolution. Next station will be Carnarvon at 69 hours, 39 minutes, the white team has come onboard with the exception of its flight director Gene Kranz, because of the complexity of this mission, the flight directors have specialized in several areas, the EVA day specialist is Gerry Griffin, flight director of the gold team, so he is directing the white team today. Gene Kranz will be back leading the white team tomorrow; flight director Charles, Cliff Charlesworth will fill in for Gerry Griffin on the gold team shift tonight and then Gerry will go back on his regular team tomorrow. At 69 hours, 16 minutes, this is Mission Control, Houston."
069:13:20 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, just a minute, Dave, Jim.
069:13:42 McDivitt (onboard): Now, see - There's - they're three - Dave, there are three - three rolls of film in a bag over there in A-7. Did you look in there?
069:14:12 McDivitt (onboard): Did we log that S-1 in the film log, Rusty? That was used it for - used it for the dock [garble].
069:14:23 McDivitt (onboard): No.
069:14:41 McDivitt (onboard): I wonder if I should put the exterior or the interior on this one. Put the interior on?
069:14:51 Schweickart (onboard): What's the setting for interior?
069:14:53 McDivitt (onboard): I don't know.
069:14:57 Schweickart (onboard): What magazine was it - it was S that we used?
069:14:59 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. It was 8.
069:15:04 Schweickart (onboard): And that was 49 something, wasn't it? What the hell was that burn time?
069:15:15 McDivitt (onboard): What is the setting for the interior, do you have it in that log there? [Garble].
069:15:21 Schweickart (onboard): Standby. I'm flipping pages like mad, here.
069:15:30 McDivitt (onboard): I'm going to put the 18-millimeter - I mean the 5-millimeter lens on it also.
069:16:09 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, f:2 at a 60th.
069:16:14 McDivitt (onboard): f:2.
069:16:15 Schweickart (onboard): Six frames per second.
069:16:17 McDivitt (onboard): f:2 at 1/60th, six frames per second.
069:16:31 Schweickart (onboard): Which one are you using? Q?
069:16:33 McDivitt (onboard): R, the one we had with us yesterday.
069:16:38 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, okay. You - you're talking about the LM.
069:16:43 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
069:16:44 Schweickart (onboard): Which one are we loading on the CSM?
069:16:46 McDivitt (onboard): I don't know. (Cough)
069:16:59 Schweickart (onboard): Q is the one we're supposed to use on the IVT.
069:17:06 McDivitt (onboard): Dave had that one all loaded yesterday when we came back, but we were in such a big hurry, he didn't get a chance to take a picture.
069:17:27 McDivitt (onboard): Let's see, the sample end goes on to the...
069:17:43 McDivitt (onboard): Goes where, now?
069:18:05 McDivitt (onboard): Here, I'll get it, Dave.
069:18:16 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. It's got some junk in it. Smells!
069:18:42 McDivitt (onboard): Want to use my EVVA. Okay. Fine.
069:19:05 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
069:19:18 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, boy, we're running late again.
069:19:48 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. We have some antifog, if that's what you want to know.
069:20:18 McDivitt (onboard): That it?
069:20:24 McDivitt (onboard): I went through the film pack; where did that come from?
069:20:30 McDivitt (onboard): Magazine M.
069:20:45 McDivitt (onboard): Okay. Very good.
069:20:57 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. I'd like - I think we start getting all this kind of stuff out of here.
069:21:12 McDivitt (onboard): We don't need stuff like that right near the hatch.
069:21:31 Schweickart (onboard): Here, I'll leave this stuck up here, Dave, because you get a chance to eat that again.
069:21:54 Schweickart (onboard): This is going to really be a play-it-by-ear day, man.
069:21:57 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
069:22:15 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, I think we ought to be able to get most of these objectives accomplished.
069:22:23 Scott (onboard): Okay. I've got two more food packs here that I - to wrap up and throw away.
069:22:44 Schweickart (onboard): Say, you know what we ought to do today, Jim? I don't know if they mentioned it, but we ought to unstow the radar and do the rendezvous radar self-check.
069:22:50 McDivitt (onboard): No, they didn't mention it. We talked to them about that last night.
069:22:54 Schweickart (onboard): Yes. Let's mention it today - If we get time over there somewhere, let's make sure we remember to do that.
069:23:00 McDivitt (onboard): I want to check out lights, too. Maybe we ought to bring our systems rate checklist back over there with us.
069:23:08 Scott (onboard): [Garble].
069:23:12 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
069:23:18 Schweickart (onboard): Well, we started that boiler dryout too fast yesterday. Boy, we were lucky we didn't hurt something there. In fact, we may still have hurt something. We may have that damn tube saturated with water. I think we ought to wait until Dave has got the tunnel almost ready, so that as soon as we start that thing you can get off the suit loop, Jim.
069:23:37 Scott (onboard): [Garble].
069:23:40 McDivitt (onboard): See who got it, huh?
069:23:44 Schweickart (onboard): Dave, do you have the tape anywhere there?
069:23:50 Schweickart (onboard): I used the only one I see. Oh - I know.
069:24:05 Schweickart (onboard): Sure did.
069:24:23 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, you got that nasty old food - waste bag around there?
069:24:30 Schweickart (onboard): Yes. I've got it. Okay.
069:24:53 Schweickart (onboard): Here.
069:25:06 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, here's some - a meal that I didn't eat all [garble] Close that up [garble].
069:25:28 Schweickart (onboard): Now, what the hell am I going to do with that?
069:25:34 McDivitt (onboard): Here, I'll take it and stick it over here in this other temporary storage bag.
069:25:37 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. I'll try to remember it's in there, because want to finish it up later.
069:25:41 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. There's a whole bunch of loose food; right here.
069:26:17 McDivitt (onboard): A lovely snowstorm.
069:26:32 Schweickart (onboard): Is Dave dumping?
069:26:33 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
069:27:21 McDivitt (onboard): What? Oh. (Laughter)
069:27:38 Scott (onboard): [Garble].
069:27:43 McDivitt (onboard): Well, all I can figure is stick it underneath the right seat, now, Dave. I don't think we ought to [garble] it out in orbit here.
069:27:56 Schweickart (onboard): I don't think it would be bothering us for the rendezvous though, Jim. Give it a half a foot per second; a day later, it's going to be nowhere near.
069:28:03 McDivitt (onboard): A half a foot per second out of plane brings it back into plane. Every -
069:28:11 Schweickart (onboard): Yes. I can't believe a day later it's going to be in the plane again. Hey - Where are you, Dave? Still taking a leak? Okay. Well - here, maybe I can get it. Oh - oh, there it is. Let's put it. Oh. Hey, you are right in the right place. You to throw this little thing in that waste disposal.
069:29:00 Schweickart (onboard): Boy, they ought to have more of those around.
069:29:14 Schweickart (onboard): No, the one - the one that was - that right there. The other one, I don't know where that came from. This is the one I wet this morning, yes. Yes, this one is a good one, though.
069:29:38 McDivitt (onboard): What?
069:29:40 Scott (onboard): [Garble].
069:29:43 McDivitt (onboard): Okay. Let me see what I can do.
069:29:49 Schweickart (onboard): All the stuff out of that waste bag. Yes, boy, [garble] too, and I can't imagine it's not going to. Either that or split the bag down the side. Some of those bags are probably going to explode, Dave. I mean you know, go booms. So be ready to hear some boom booms. I wonder where I can put this towel?
069:30:14 McDivitt (onboard): Look at what we have for string.
069:30:17 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, we had some string. No, that was great big.
069:30:24 McDivitt (onboard): What?
069:30:26 Scott (onboard): [Garble].
069:30:29 McDivitt (onboard): I'm going, too. Here's a - You know...
069:30:36 McDivitt (onboard): You try to do it with this scrap.
069:31:09 Schweickart (onboard): Dave, you're not going to be using this mirror, [garble] you? Okay, I'm going to put my towel up underneath it.
069:31:26 Scott (onboard): [Garble].
069:31:28 Schweickart (onboard): Don't - don't rush it. Groove.
069:31:47 Schweickart (onboard): Say, I'm going to have to put my command module checklist away. What other hooks do you want out?
069:31:53 Scott (onboard): [Garble].
069:31:56 Schweickart (onboard): I'm afraid they're not all going to fit. You want the flight plan out or not?
069:32:06 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. Here's the systems EVAL checklist, Jim. We don't want that anymore, right?
069:32:10 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. Why don't you take it with you? Put it in the ISA. Let's take it back over there with us.
069:32:15 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
069:32:16 McDivitt (onboard): Maybe we'll want to - want - maybe we can test another run out of it.
069:32:20 Schweickart (onboard): You want - Dave - Here - Hey, Jim, most of them are in the rendezvous checklist, which is over there.
069:32:25 McDivitt (onboard): Let's take it along anyway...
069:32:26 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
069:32:27 McDivitt (onboard): ...Just put it in the ISA. Will you put that in the ISA?
069:32:31 Scott (onboard): Okay.
069:32:32 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, excuse me.
069:32:54 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, where's that other checklist? You got it with you?
069:32:57 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. I have it.
069:32:58 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. Boy.
069:33:03 McDivitt (onboard): There you are, Davey. I got it closed up, but I don't know if it's going to stay.
069:33:21 McDivitt (onboard): What?
069:33:23 Scott (onboard): Wonder where I ought to put it.
069:33:24 McDivitt (onboard): I'd just put it underneath the right seat. I don't know where else you could put it.
069:33:27 Schweickart (onboard): Shoot, man. I guess.
069:33:53 McDivitt (onboard): I can see, tomorrow, we're going to have to get up about an hour earlier than we planned.
069:34:07 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. We've got a procedures book, a log, and a - something. That's six today - LCG, update book, crew log, and procedures book. You don't want any of them out, do you? Dave?
069:34:36 McDivitt (onboard): He can't -
069:34:37 Schweickart (onboard): Yes. Do you want the crew - the crew log, the procedures book, or the - Okay. Okay. Then we're ready to stow anytime. And my LMP checklist, too. Okay, and there's a pair of scissors.
069:35:35 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, you don't have any place to stow these, do you?
069:35:39 McDivitt (onboard): No, I sure don't.
069:35:53 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
069:36:22 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, I've got almost everything cleaned up over here that looks like it - it could possibly be any trouble.
069:37:07 Schweickart (onboard): Man, our rates are almost zero.
069:37:11 McDivitt (onboard): We got a - we get about a little bit of pitch down -
069:37:16 Schweickart (onboard): 0.1 of a degree per second pitch. Not very much yaw and got almost 0.2 of a degree per second roll.
069:37:21 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, you got the BMAG's?
069:37:22 Schweickart (onboard): Right.
069:37:40 Schweickart (onboard): You got that camera over there?
069:37:42 McDivitt (onboard): No, I haven't.
069:37:44 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, I want to take - I'm supposed to take moving pictures of you guys stowing the tunnel, I guess.
069:37:53 McDivitt (onboard): Dave, how do you have that - What - what film pack does that camera have in it?
069:38:07 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. Listen, never mind, you get - you get going. You're the pacing item on how late we're going to be. Why - why don't you go ahead and do that, and we'll work out - See if you can take him with this other camera - They don't have camera [garble] problem.
069:38:20 Schweickart (onboard): Yes. We got to get the power cable.
069:38:23 Schweickart (onboard): We can take some SWA pictures.
069:38:26 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, boy, we ought to take - we ought to -
069:38:32 McDivitt (onboard): Shoot! We're so God-blessed far behind right now, better not screw around.
069:38:36 Schweickart (onboard): If you can get the power cable, I can wrap it up over here and just leave it hanging right here after we get done, Jim.
069:38:46 McDivitt (onboard): We'll probably [garble].
069:38:48 Schweickart (onboard): Well, let me see if I can see it there. There's the remote cable hanging right there.
069:38:57 Scott (onboard): The power cable for the camera - Why don't you go ahead and get suited up?
069:39:01 Schweickart (onboard): It looks like it's all the way down at the other end here.
069:39:05 McDivitt (onboard): Go ahead. Listen, we're about an hour late now and so - We don't - I'd rather be on time and get the rest of the test done and to hell with the pictures. We could fake taking it all out sometime.
069:39:45 Roosa: Apollo 9, this is Houston, through Carnarvon. Standing by.
069:39:49 McDivitt: Roger, Houston. This is Apollo 9. And we are running way late again, so we're going to be scrambling to get caught up.
069:39:56 Roosa: Roger. Understand.
Long comm break.
069:46:23 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. We're going to drop you; we'll pick you up Honeysuckle in about a minute with the S-band volume up, please.
069:46:30 McDivitt: Okay.
Very long comm break.
069:53:24 Schweickart (onboard): There is the drogue -
069:53:50 Schweickart (onboard): Where's that camera?
069:54:41 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, I'm going to stop taking pictures and get ready to go.
069:54:45 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
069:54:59 McDivitt (onboard): Can you -
069:55:04 Schweickart (onboard): Dave, want me to go across the top?
This is Apollo Control at 69 hours 55 minutes. Apollo 9 just passed out of range of the Honeysuckle station. Acquired at Carnarvon just after the change of shift news conference started, practically no conversation during this entire Australian pass. Jim McDivitt came up right at the start of Carnarvon, reported the crew was running late and was scrambling to get caught up. He and Rusty Schweickart have not yet transferred into the Lunar Module. We have about 40, 45 seconds worth of tape on this entire Australian pass. Next station to acquire will be Mercury in about 3 and a half minutes. We'll play the tape for you now."
069:55:05 Scott (onboard): Wa - wait. Can you pick your feet up? I need to get in here.
069:55:09 Schweickart (onboard): They're already as high as they can go.
069:55:14 Scott (onboard): Those hoses! Unbelievable!
069:55:17 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, as a matter of fact, they are sort of, aren't they?
069:55:33 Scott (onboard): Absolutely unbelievable! The best thing, Rusty, I guess, though, you can go anyway you want.
069:55:39 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, well...
069:55:40 Scott (onboard): Your hoses are down here; you've got to come out through...
069:55:42 Schweickart (onboard): I've got to go this way.
069:55:44 Scott (onboard): No, you've got to come this way; your hoses are all across here.
069:55:47 Schweickart (onboard): No, that's alright, Dave. I'll just...
069:55:49 McDivitt (onboard): ...that pole, Dave.
069:55:50 Scott (onboard): Oh, okay! I did that purposely. [Garble].
069:55:53 Schweickart (onboard): This morning - I was clever. Okay, I've got to get my helmet and gloves on here.
069:56:02 Scott (onboard): Do you really?
069:56:03 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
069:56:04 Scott (onboard): Why don't you just take them with you?
069:56:07 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
069:56:08 McDivitt (onboard): It's probably going to be alright over there. We've already pressurized.
069:56:11 Scott (onboard): We're here. If you - you know, if you have your helmet and gloves on when you go through the tunnel, and we don't have ours on, why - we're in trouble!
069:56:26 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, now I need my hoses.
069:56:27 Scott (onboard): In here. Here you go.
069:56:30 Schweickart (onboard): Hoses, hoses, hoses!
069:56:59 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, I'm going to - dump the dump valve; and - we're in AUTO, so we're probably going to get a hiss here.
069:57:06 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
069:57:07 Schweickart (onboard): Watch the O2 flow - or watch the cabin pressure.
069:57:10 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. Okay, the O2 flow is going up very slowly, very slowly. Cabin pressure's staying right up. 0...
069:57:18 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
069:57:19 McDivitt (onboard): ...O2 flow's up at 1; we're going to get a MASTER ALARM. Cabin pressure's staying right on up.
069:57:25 Schweickart (onboard): DELTA-P is okay. No more leakage.
069:57:30 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, we'll still probably get the MASTER ALARM, here.
069:57:35 Schweickart (onboard): Hatch in open.
069:57:36 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
069:57:37 Scott (onboard): There's the MASTER ALARM, O2 FLOW HIGH; alright.
069:57:42 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, lights are on again.
069:57:44 Scott (onboard): Okay.
069:58:04 Scott (onboard): [Garble] couch, if anything.
069:58:08 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, Jim?
069:58:09 McDivitt (onboard): Go.
069:58:10 Schweickart (onboard): I don't think I'm going to need it, but you want to bring that barf bag over?
069:58:13 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
069:58:14 Schweickart (onboard): Ouch!
069:58:15 McDivitt (onboard): Where is it?
069:58:17 Scott (onboard): In the [garble].
069:58:20 McDivitt (onboard): Rusty.
069:58:21 Schweickart (onboard): Stand by 1. Okay.
069:58:28 Scott (onboard): Well, I'll send it to you, just a minute. [Garble].
069:58:34 Scott (onboard): Okay, here it comes.
069:58:36 Schweickart (onboard): Stand by. Okay, go ahead. Jesus, not so hard!
069:58:40 Scott (onboard): That thing really goes good, doesn't it?
069:58:42 Schweickart (onboard): (Laughter) God damn!
069:58:44 McDivitt (onboard): Did you get it?
069:58:45 Schweickart (onboard): Yes!
069:58:46 Scott (onboard): You alright?
069:58:47 Schweickart (onboard): Man!
069:58:48 Scott (onboard): Thought that little piece of plastic wouldn't hardly go at all.
069:58:50 Schweickart (onboard): It's a Bob Sellers shot.
069:58:53 McDivitt (onboard): LMP verify LCG is donned; remove the leg pockets from the PGA...
069:58:58 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, we went through all that.
069:58:59 Scott (onboard): ... CDR retains scissors; stow in the ISA: sequence camera; one 16-millimeter MAG of P; one partially full, R; don't take any C-IN...
069:59:08 Schweickart (onboard): Alright, we went through that once.
069:59:09 McDivitt (onboard): Remote cable, we don't need that; sequence camera bracket, don't need that; SWA, you got that? One 70-millimeter magazine, E.
069:59:16 Schweickart (onboard): Something else we might bring over, by the way, is some of that tape, so we can collect some of this trash over here.
069:59:22 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, I have some in my pocket.
069:59:24 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
069:59:25 McDivitt (onboard): LMP transfer...
069:59:26 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, God damn it!
069:59:28 McDivitt (onboard): ...LMP transfer to the LM with the EVA checklist and the flight plan cards, two. I'm not sure whether - where those flight plan cards are.
069:59:35 Schweickart (onboard): No, I'm not either. As a matter of fact, we really need one of those.
069:59:40 McDivitt (onboard): Actuate the dump cabin valve and ingress the LM.
069:59:43 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, we're in.
069:59:44 McDivitt (onboard): FLOODLIGHT, ALL; EXTERIOR LIGHTING, OFF.
069:59:47 Schweickart (onboard): EXTERIOR - FLOODLIGHTS to ALL; EXTERIOR LIGHTING is OFF.
069:59:50 McDivitt (onboard): DESCENT H2O, OPEN.
069:59:52 Schweickart (onboard): Stand by. I've got a big bunch of stuff here; I got to stick it in this bag.
069:59:59 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, DESCENT H2O...
This is Apollo Control at 69 hours, 59 minutes. Apollo 9 tagging up at the Mercury. We'll standby.
070:00:58 Roosa: And Apollo 9, Houston. Don't bother to answer. We've got you through the Mercury for about the next 6 minutes.
070:01:04 McDivitt: Okay.
Long comm break.
070:06:23 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. We'll see you over Texas at two-two.
Very long comm break.
This is Apollo Control. We've had LOS at the Mercury. Went through this pass without any conversation with the crew as we didn't want to disturb them. They are behind time lines - they are trying to catch up and are very busy. Next station to acquire will be Texas at 70 hours and 22 minutes. This is Mission Control Houston."
070:06:47 McDivitt (onboard): PRIMARY EVAP...
070:06:48 Schweickart (onboard): Number 2, CLOSE.
070:06:49 McDivitt (onboard): DESCENT H2O, OPEN.
070:06:50 Schweickart (onboard): OPEN.
070:06:51 McDivitt (onboard): WATER TANK SELECTORS, DESCENT.
070:06:52 Schweickart (onboard): DESCENT.
070:06:53 McDivitt (onboard): SUIT TEMP, COLD.
070:06:54 Schweickart (onboard): COLD.
070:06:55 McDivitt (onboard): CABIN TEMP, NORMAL.
070:06:56 Schweickart (onboard): NORMAL.
070:06:57 McDivitt (onboard): Next step, CABIN RELIEF AND DUMP, two, to AUTO.
070:07:00 Schweickart (onboard): FORWARD is in AUTO, and the UPPER is in AUTO.
070:07:02 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, next step: DFI: PRIMARY, ON; SECONDARY, OFF.
070:07:07 Schweickart (onboard): Stand by.
070:07:12 Schweickart (onboard): PRIMARY, ON; SECONDARY, OFF?
070:07:14 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
070:07:16 McDivitt (onboard): UTILITY LIGHTS, both, as desired.
070:07:17 Schweickart (onboard): As desired
070:07:18 McDivitt (onboard): Forward hatch closed and locked.
070:07:19 Schweickart (onboard): Forward hatch is closed and locked.
070:07:20 McDivitt (onboard): EPS activation checkout: DFI, ON. Let's see, AC POWER, ON. What's this (cough) "DFI, ON" at - down at the bottom mean? R/D, A and B, POWER, OFF.
070:07:39 Schweickart (onboard): No, that's after the power transfer, Jim.
070:07:41 McDivitt (onboard): Okay. CSM position LM POWER to RESET, then OFF. Okay? Going RESET, then OFF. Ready?
070:07:47 Schweickart (onboard): Stand by. All set.
070:07:50 McDivitt (onboard): Okay. RESET?
070:07:52 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, did it.
070:07:53 McDivitt (onboard): Then OFF. Okay, we're showing - we're showing 00 - lighting: ANNUNCIATOR/NUMERICS to BRIGHT. Okay, one caution...
070:07:59 Schweickart (onboard): Stand by; I'm trying to stow this stupid eye thing. (Coughing) Damn it, come on; get in there, you son of a gun!
070:08:13 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, there's something wrong with something. I don't think you're getting it.
070:08:16 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, I'm getting it here.
070:08:25 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
070:08:26 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
070:08:27 Schweickart (onboard): What was your next one now?
070:08:28 McDivitt (onboard): LIGHTING: ANNUNCIATOR/NUMERICS to BRIGHT.
070:08:30 Schweickart (onboard): ANNUNCIATOR/NUMERICS to BRIGHT.
070:08:32 McDivitt (onboard): One caution light, nine power-failure lights.
070:08:35 Schweickart (onboard): That's a verify.
070:08:41 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, stand by. SIGNAL CONDITIONER 1, CLOSE.
070:08:45 McDivitt (onboard): EPS: TRANSLUNAR BUS TIE, CLOSE.
070:08:46 Schweickart (onboard): TRANSLUNAR BUS TIE, CLOSE.
070:08:47 McDivitt (onboard): DESCENT ECA CONTROL, CLOSE.
070:08:49 Schweickart (onboard): ECA CONTROL, CLOSE.
070:08:50 McDivitt (onboard): DC BUS VOLT, CLOSE.
070:08:51 Schweickart (onboard): DC BUS VOLT, CLOSE.
070:08:52 McDivitt (onboard): CB(16), INSTRUMENTATION: SIGNAL SENSOR, CLOSE.
070:08:57 Schweickart (onboard): SIGNAL SENSOR, CLOSE.
070:08:59 McDivitt (onboard): PCM/TE, CLOSE.
070:09:00 Schweickart (onboard): PCM/TE, CLOSE.
070:09:02 McDivitt (onboard): SIGNAL CONDITIONER 2, CLOSE.
070:09:04 Schweickart (onboard): SIGNAL CONDITIONER 2, CLOSE.
070:09:05 McDivitt (onboard): COMM: PRIMARY S-BAND; POWER AMP, CLOSE.
070:09:07 Schweickart (onboard): PRIMARY S-BAND; POWER AMP.
070:09:11 Schweickart (onboard): TRANSMITTER/RECEIVER.
070:09:12 McDivitt (onboard): PMP, CLOSE.
070:09:13 Schweickart (onboard): PMP.
070:09:14 McDivitt (onboard): EPS: DISPLAY, CLOSE.
070:09:15 Schweickart (onboard): EPS: DISPLAY.
070:09:16 McDivitt (onboard): DESCENT ECA, CLOSE.
070:09:17 Schweickart (onboard): DESCENT ECA CONTROL.
070:09:20 McDivitt (onboard): No, this says DESCENT ECA, CLOSE.
070:09:23 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, I thought you said "ECA, CLOSED."
070:09:25 McDivitt (onboard): DC BUS VOLT, CLOSE.
070:09:26 Schweickart (onboard): DC BUS VOLT, CLOSE.
070:09:28 McDivitt (onboard): TRANSLUNAR BUS TIE, CLOSE.
070:09:29 Schweickart (onboard): TRANSLUNAR BUS TIE, CLOSE.
070:09:30 McDivitt (onboard): Next step: CB(11), COMM: VHF B TRANSMITTER, CLOSE.
070:09:35 Schweickart (onboard): Stand by.
070:09:36 McDivitt (onboard): Dave, get ready to set up the receivers a little bit early.
070:09:38 Scott (onboard): Okay.
070:09:40 Schweickart (onboard): VHF B TRANSMITTER, CLOSE.
070:09:42 McDivitt (onboard): VHF B to DATA.
070:09:43 Schweickart (onboard): VHF B coming to DATA right now.
070:09:45 McDivitt (onboard): TELEMETRY to LOW.
070:09:48 Schweickart (onboard): DATA; LOW.
070:09:50 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, Dave, ...
070:09:51 Scott (onboard): [Garble].
070:09:52 McDivitt (onboard): LOW? Okay? Next step: verify BAT's 1, 2, 3, 4, and talkback LOW.
070:09:57 Schweickart (onboard): Verified.
070:09:59 McDivitt (onboard): DESCENT BAT's?
070:10:00 Scott (onboard): Gray.
070:10:01 Schweickart (onboard): Gray.
070:10:03 McDivitt (onboard): BAT 5 and 6, NORMAL, BACKUP, four, talkback barber pole.
070:10:07 Scott (onboard): Roger.
070:10:08 McDivitt (onboard): Check the BAT and BUS voltages. When BUS voltages less than 27, you go to high tap.
070:10:13 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, they're right at 27, so I'll go to high tap.
070:10:16 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, CROSS TIE BALANCE LOADS, OPEN.
070:10:18 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, stand by. BALANCE LOADS, OPEN.
070:10:23 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, then we go each battery...
070:10:25 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
070:10:26 McDivitt (onboard): ...to HIGH VOLTAGE.
070:10:31 Schweickart (onboard): All HIGH VOLTAGE.
070:10:32 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, CROSS TIE BALANCE LOADS, CLOSED.
070:10:34 Schweickart (onboard): BALANCE LOADS, CLOSED.
070:10:35 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, DFI, ON.
070:10:36 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
070:10:37 McDivitt (onboard): R/D A and B, and POWER, ON, I guess.
070:10:41 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, that's R/D A; R/D B; DFI, ON.
070:10:45 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, CB(11), AC BUS B and A: BUS TIE INVERTERS 2 and 1, four of them, CLOSE.
070:10:52 Schweickart (onboard): Got them.
070:10:53 McDivitt (onboard): AC BUS VOLTAGE, CLOSE.
070:10:54 Schweickart (onboard): AC BUS VOLT, CLOSE.
070:10:55 McDivitt (onboard): EPS: INVERTER 1, CLOSE.
070:10:56 Schweickart (onboard): INVERTER 1, CLOSE.
070:10:58 McDivitt (onboard): CB(16), EPS: INVERTER 2, CLOSE.
070:10:59 Schweickart (onboard): INVERTER 2, CLOSE.
070:11:01 McDivitt (onboard): And the next step: POWER/TEMP MONITOR to AC BUS.
070:11:04 Schweickart (onboard): MONITOR going to AC BUS.
070:11:07 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:11:08 McDivitt (onboard): INVERTER 1, then INVERTER 2.
070:11:10 Schweickart (onboard): INVERTER 1, into the upper end of the green; INVERTER 2, into the upper end of the green.
070:11:14 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, CB(11), EPS: INVERTER 1, OPEN.
070:11:16 Schweickart (onboard): INVERTER 1 coming OPEN.
070:11:18 McDivitt (onboard): Let's see, R/D INSTRUMENTATION B, CLOSE. We've already done that.
070:11:20 Schweickart (onboard): Got it.
070:11:21 McDivitt (onboard): Activate the S-BAND for TM.
070:11:22 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, go.
070:11:24 McDivitt (onboard): S-BAND to PM, PRIME, PRIME, VOICE, PCM, RANGE, OFF, LOW.
070:11:34 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:11:35 McDivitt (onboard): Glycol pump activation: CB(16), ECS: DISPLAYS, CLOSE.
070:11:41 Schweickart (onboard): ECS: DISPLAYS, CLOSE.
070:11:43 McDivitt (onboard): CB(11), ECS: GLYCOL PUMP AUTO TRANSFER, CLOSE.
070:11:48 Schweickart (onboard): GLYCOL PUMP AUTO TRANSFER, CLOSE.
070:11:49 McDivitt (onboard): GLYCOL PUMP 1, CLOSE.
070:11:50 Schweickart (onboard): 1, CLOSE.
070:11:51 McDivitt (onboard): GLYCOL PUMP AUTO TRANSFER, OPEN.
070:11:52 Schweickart (onboard): AUTO TRANSFER, OPEN.
070:11:54 McDivitt (onboard): Then go to GLYCOL PUMP 1.
070:11:56 Schweickart (onboard): Roger; 1.
070:11:57 McDivitt (onboard): Okay. CB(11).
070:12:01 Schweickart (onboard): Gee, that sounds like it's got some air in it.
070:12:02 McDivitt (onboard): What?
070:12:03 Schweickart (onboard): Go ahead. It sounded like it had some air in it.
070:12:06 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, CB(11), ECS: GLYCOL PUMP 2, CLOSE.
070:12:09 Schweickart (onboard): 2, CLOSE.
070:12:10 McDivitt (onboard): GLYCOL PUMP AUTO TRANSFER, CLOSE.
070:12:11 Schweickart (onboard): AUTO TRANSFER, CLOSE.
070:12:14 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, caution and warning checkout: CB(16), INSTRUMENTATION: CWEA, CLOSE.
070:12:18 Schweickart (onboard): Stand by. CWEA, CLOSE.
070:12:21 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, you should have the LGC, CES AC, CES DC warning lights, the PRE AMPS, the HEATER, and the GLYCOL, and ECS caution lights.
070:12:28 Schweickart (onboard): Got them all.
070:12:29 McDivitt (onboard): H2O SEP COMP lights, ON.
070:12:30 Schweickart (onboard): Got it.
070:12:31 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, LIGHTING: ANUNCIATOR/DOCKING/COMPONENT, CLOSE; that's a circuit breaker.
070:12:33 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, got it.
070:12:34 McDivitt (onboard): MASTER ALARM, CLOSE.
070:12:36 Schweickart (onboard): MASTER ALARM, CLOSE. Got the ALARM.
070:12:38 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, HEATERS: DISPLAY, CLOSE.
070:12:40 Schweickart (onboard): Reset; HEATERS: DISPLAY, CLOSE.
070:12:42 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, next step. RCS TEMP/PRESS MONITOR, cycle, then HELIUM.
070:12:46 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. I don't know - I don't know why the hell we do that. We don't have that light on...
070:12:50 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, HEATER TEMP MONITOR, cycle, then LANDING. Let's just put it up and see.
070:12:52 Schweickart (onboard): A hangover.
070:12:53 McDivitt (onboard): GYRO TEST, POSITIVE RATING.
070:12:56 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, wait a minute, let me look at the quads here. the way, the quad temperatures are 70, 90, and in the ball park.
070:13:01 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
070:13:02 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
070:13:03 McDivitt (onboard): LAMPS ON? Good. Check all positions.
070:13:05 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, coming up. l
070:13:14 Schweickart (onboard): 4 - they're all ON; 3's are all ON; 2 - they're all ON; 1 - they're all ON; ALARM TONE works, then OFF again. Okay, go ahead.
070:13:28 McDivitt (onboard): Okay. Circuit breaker activation: CB(11), row 1, all OPEN except: AC BUS B: SYSTEMS ENGINEER WIND HEATER is CLOSE.
070:13:40 Schweickart (onboard): All OPEN except?
070:13:42 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, row 1, all OPEN except. And I'm going to [garble] a bunch.
070:13:47 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
070:13:49 McDivitt (onboard): AC BUS B: SYSTEMS ENGINEER WINDOW HEATER is CLC.
070:13:52 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:13:53 McDivitt (onboard): NUMERICS LIGHTING is CLOSE.
070:13:55 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:13:56 McDivitt (onboard): BUS TIE INVERTER 2 and 1, CLOSE.
070:13:59 Schweickart (onboard): Roger. Go through AC BUS VOLT.
070:14:09 Schweickart (onboard): COMMANDER WINDOW HEATER. Boy, we could do without those.
070:14:10 McDivitt (onboard): TAPE RECORDER, CLOSE.
070:14:12 Schweickart (onboard): TAPE RECORDER, CLOSE.
070:14:13 McDivitt (onboard): INTEGRAL LIGHTING, CLOSE.
070:14:14 Schweickart (onboard): INTEGRAL LIGHTING, CLOSE.
070:14:16 McDivitt (onboard): Row 2, all OPEN except: FLIGHT DISPLAYS: MISSION TIMER, CLOSED.
070:14:20 Schweickart (onboard): MISSION TIMER, CLOSED.
070:14:21 McDivitt (onboard): That one is OPEN?
070:14:22 Schweickart (onboard): CLOSE; OPEN.
070:14:23 McDivitt (onboard): Row 3, all OPEN except: HEATERS: RENDEZVOUS PADAR STANDBY, CLOSE.
070:14:28 Schweickart (onboard): RENDEZVOUS RADAR STANDBY, CLOSE.
070:14:30 McDivitt (onboard): LANDING RADAR, CLOSE.
070:14:32 Schweickart (onboard): LANDING RADAR, CLOSE.
070:14:34 McDivitt (onboard): DOCKING WINDOW, CLOSE.
070:14:35 Schweickart (onboard): DOCKING WINDOW, CLOSE. Boy, we could do without all those window heaters.
070:14:39 McDivitt (onboard): Well, just leave them ON and we'll see if we op - open them up when we go along. Okay, INSTRUMENTATION: SIGNAL CONDITIONER 1, CLOSE.
070:14:46 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:14:48 McDivitt (onboard): ANNUNCIATOR/DOCKING/C0MPONENT, CLOSE.
070:14:51 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:14:52 McDivitt (onboard): Row 3, all others OPEN.
070:14:54 Schweickart (onboard): OPEN.
070:14:56 McDivitt (onboard): Row 4, all OPEN except: CABIN FAN 1, CLOSE.
070:14:58 Schweickart (onboard): CABIN FAN 1, CLOSE.
070:14:59 McDivitt (onboard): GLYCOL PUMPS 2 and 1, CLOSE.
070:15:01 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:15:04 McDivitt (onboard): GLYCOL PUMP AUTO TRANSFER, CLOSE.
070:15:06 Schweickart (onboard): AUTO TRANSFER, CLOSE.
070:15:07 McDivitt (onboard): COMM: VHF B TRANSMITTER, CLOSE.
070:15:09 Schweickart (onboard): VHF B TRANSMITTER, CLOSE.
070:15:10 McDivitt (onboard): VHF A RECEIVER, CLOSE.
070:15:11 Schweickart (onboard): A RECEIVER.
070:15:12 McDivitt (onboard): CDR AUDIO, CLOSE.
070:15:13 Schweickart (onboard): CDR AUDIO.
070:15:14 McDivitt (onboard): PGNS: IMU STANDBY, CLOSE.
070:15:15 Schweickart (onboard): PGNS: IMU STANDBY.
070:15:17 McDivitt (onboard): All others, OPEN.
070:15:18 Schweickart (onboard): All others, OPEN.
070:15:19 McDivitt (onboard): Row 5, all OPEN except: EPS: BAT FEED TIE, two, CLOSE.
070:15:22 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:15:23 McDivitt (onboard): CROSS TIE BALANCE LOADS, CLOSE.
070:15:24 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:15:25 McDivitt (onboard): TRANSLUNAR BUS TIE, CLOSE.
070:15:26 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:15:27 McDivitt (onboard): DESCENT ECA CONTROL, CLOSE.
070:15:28 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:15:29 McDivitt (onboard): DESCENT ECA, CLOSE.
070:15:30 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:15:31 McDivitt (onboard): ASCENT ECA, CLOSE.
070:15:32 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:15:33 McDivitt (onboard): DC BUS VOLT, CLOSE.
070:15:34 Schweickart (onboard): ASCENT ECA, CLOSE; DC BUS VOLT, CLOSE.
070:15:37 McDivitt (onboard): R/D INSTRUMENTATION B, CLOSE.
070:15:40 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, I got it - all the DFI, ON.
070:15:42 McDivitt (onboard): All others OPEN.
070:15:44 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, go.
070:15:45 McDivitt (onboard): CB(16).
070:15:46 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:15:47 McDivitt (onboard): Row 1, all OPEN except: FLIGHT DISPLAY: EVENT TIMER/SYSTEMS ENGINEER FDAI, CLOSE.
070:15:51 Schweickart (onboard): Got it.
070:15:52 McDivitt (onboard): All others OPEN.
070:15:54 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:15:55 McDivitt (onboard): Row 2, all OPEN except: LIGHTING: FLOOD, CLOSE.
070:15:56 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:15:58 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:15:59 McDivitt (onboard): MASTER ALARM, CLOSE.
070:16:00 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:16:01 McDivitt (onboard): STAB/CONTROL: ASA, CLOSE.
070:16:02 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:16:03 McDivitt (onboard): INSTRUMENTATION: CWEA, CLOSE.
070:16:06 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:16:07 McDivitt (onboard): SIGNAL SENSOR, CLOSE.
070:16:08 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:16:09 McDivitt (onboard): PCM/TE, CLOSE.
070:16:11 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:16:12 McDivitt (onboard): SIGNAL CONDITIONER 2, CLOSE.
070:16:13 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:16:14 McDivitt (onboard): ECS: SUIT FLOW CONTROL, CLOSE.
070:16:15 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:16:16 McDivitt (onboard): SUIT/CABIN REPRESS, CLOSE.
070:16:17 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:16:18 McDivitt (onboard): All others OPEN.
070:16:19 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:16:20 McDivitt (onboard): Row 3, all OPEN except: COMM: DISPLAYS, CLOSE.
070:16:23 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:16:24 McDivitt (onboard): SYSTEMS ENGINEER AUDIO, CLOSE.
070:16:25 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:16:26 McDivitt (onboard): VHF A TRANSMITTER and B RECEIVER, CLOSE.
070:16:29 Schweickart (onboard): A TRANSMITTER and B RECEIVER?
070:16:31 McDivitt (onboard): CLOSE.
070:16:32 Schweickart (onboard): Alright.
070:16:33 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, PRIMARY S-BAND POWER AMP's ON.
070:16:36 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:16:38 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:16:39 McDivitt (onboard): PMP, CLOSE.
070:16:40 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:16:41 McDivitt (onboard): ECS: DISPLAYS, CLOSE.
070:16:42 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:16:48 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:16:49 McDivitt (onboard): CABIN FAN 2, CLOSE.
070:16:50 Schweickart (onboard): I'm going to leave that OPEN. It makes too much noise as it is. Go ahead.
070:16:53 McDivitt (onboard): CABIN FAN CONTROL, CLOSE.
070:16:54 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:16:55 McDivitt (onboard): CABIN REPRESS, CLOSE.
070:16:56 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:16:57 McDivitt (onboard): SUIT FAN 2, CLOSE.
070:16:58 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:16:59 McDivitt (onboard): SUIT FAN DELTA-P, CLOSE.
070:17:00 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:17:01 McDivitt (onboard): SUIT/FAN component light come om?
070:17:02 Schweickart (onboard): It is.
070:17:04 McDivitt (onboard): DIVERTER VALVE, CLOSE.
070:17:05 Schweickart (onboard): DIVERTER VALVE.
070:17:06 McDivitt (onboard): CO2 SENSOR, CLOSE...
070:17:07 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:17:08 McDivitt (onboard): MASTER ALARM may come on; all others OPEN.
070:17:09 Schweickart (onboard): No MASTER ALARM. Go ahead.
070:17:10 McDivitt (onboard): Row 4, all OPEN except: HEATERS: DISPLAYS, CLOSE
070:17:12 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:17:13 McDivitt (onboard): EPS: DISPLAYS, CLOSE.
070:17:14 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:17:15 McDivitt (onboard): DC BUS VOLT, CLOSE.
070:17:18 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, we got S-BAND ANTENNA, too. Go ahead.
070:17:21 McDivitt (onboard): INVERTER 2, CLOSE.
070:17:22 Schweickart (onboard): INVERTER 2.
070:17:24 McDivitt (onboard): ASCENT ECA, CLOSE.
070:17:25 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:17:26 McDivitt (onboard): DESCENT ECA, CLOSE.
070:17:27 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:17:28 McDivitt (onboard): DESCENT ECA CONTROL, CLOSE.
070:17:29 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:17:30 McDivitt (onboard): TRANSLUNAR BUS TIE, CLOSE.
070:17:31 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:17:32 McDivitt (onboard): CROSS TIE BALANCE LOADS, CLOSE.
070:17:33 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:17:34 McDivitt (onboard): BAT FEED TIE, two, CLOSE.
070:17:35 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:17:36 McDivitt (onboard): All others OPEN.
070:17:37 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
070:17:38 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, get your timer set. It'll be 70...
070:17:39 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, let me - let me turn on the water first.
070:17:42 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
070:17:45 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, water's on.
070:17:46 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, MISSION TIMER set; it will be 70:18 in 10 seconds.
070:17:52 Schweickart (onboard): No, I can't make it.
070:17:53 McDivitt (onboard): Well, set it to whatever you think you can make.
070:17:55 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. How about 70:18:30?
070:17:57 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
070:18:15 McDivitt (onboard): 15 now.
070:18:20 Schweickart (onboard): 70:18:30. Okay.
070:18:22 McDivitt (onboard): Okay. 22, right?
070:18:24 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
070:18:27 McDivitt (onboard): 3, 2, 1, -
070:18:30 McDivitt (onboard): MARK.
070:18:32 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, now I'll give you a 35: 2, 1 -
070:18:35 Schweickart (onboard): MARK.
070:18:37 Schweickart (onboard): 70:18:35.
070:18:39 McDivitt (onboard): Okay. CB(16), INSTRUMENTATION: CWEA, OPEN and RECLOSE.
070:18:43 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, CWEA coming OPEN and RECLOSE.
070:18:47 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, MASTER ALARM, ON; ECS: HEATER and GLYCOL caution lights, and H2O SEP, SUIT FAN component lights, ON.
070:18:55 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:18:56 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, ECS activation and checkout: O2/H2O QUANTITY MONITOR ASCENT 2, ASCENT 1, and DESCENT.
070:19:03 Schweickart (onboard): ASCENT 2 - You want to copy these?
070:19:04 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
070:19:06 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, it's 99 and 99, 99 and 97, and the DESCENT is 95 and 82. Okay?
070:19:23 McDivitt (onboard): DESCENT O2, OPEN.
070:19:25 Schweickart (onboard): DESCENT O2. Stand by. DESCENT O2, OPEN.
070:19:31 McDivitt (onboard): SUIT GAS DIVERTER to PUSH/CABIN.
070:19:33 Schweickart (onboard): SUIT GAS DIVERTER going PUSH/CABIN.
070:19:37 McDivitt (onboard): PRESS REG's A and B to EGRESS.
070:19:39 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. REG's A to EGRESS, B to EGRESS.
070:19:44 McDivitt (onboard): SUIT GAS DIVERTER automatically extends and CABIN FANS go OFF.
070:19:47 Schweickart (onboard): Roger.
070:19:48 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, SUIT PRESSURE, 4.8 to 5.2.
070:19:51 Schweickart (onboard): That's a verify: 5.0.
070:19:53 McDivitt (onboard): CB(16), ECS: CABIN FAN CONTROL, OPEN...
070:19:57 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
070:19:58 McDivitt (onboard): ...cabin fans should pop off.
070:19:59 Schweickart (onboard): CABIN FAN CONTROL, OPEN.
070:20:01 McDivitt (onboard): Okay. SUIT FANS back to 2 - I mean, SUIT FAN 2.
070:20:05 Schweickart (onboard): SUIT FAN 2.
070:20:07 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, MASTEH ALARM, SUIT/FAN warning light ON momentarily.
070:20:10 Schweickart (onboard): Got it. You're going to have to talk a lot louder now, Jim.
070:20:12 McDivitt (onboard): ECS caution, light, H2O SEP COMP light, ON, then OFF in less than 2 minutes.
070:20:17 Schweickart (onboard): Roger.
070:20:19 McDivitt (onboard): PARTIAL PRESSURE CO2 should be less than 7.6.
070:20:21 Schweickart (onboard): It's zero.
070:20:23 McDivitt (onboard): Okay. Ready to go on to the next step?
070:20:24 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:20:25 McDivitt (onboard): Suit fan, H2O SEP check. CB(16), ECS: SUIT FAN 2, OPEN.
070:20:33 Schweickart (onboard): SUIT FAN 2 coming OPEN.
070:20:34 McDivitt (onboard): You get the MASTER ALARM, SUIT/FAN warning light, and SUIT FAN component warning light.
070:20:37 Schweickart (onboard): Got them.
070:20:39 McDivitt (onboard): step. When ECS caution light, H2O SEP light, and MASTER ALARM are ON, CB(11), ECS: SUIT FAN 1, CLOSE. I guess it's OFF.
070:20:49 Schweickart (onboard): SUIT FAN 1 going CLOSED.
070:20:52 McDivitt (onboard): Okay. H2 SEP SELECTOR, SEP 1.
070:20:55 Schweickart (onboard): H2O SEP going to - push SEP 1.
070:21:02 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, SUIT FAN to 1.
070:21:04 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, SUIT FAN to 1.
070:21:06 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, SUIT/FAN warning light and SUIT FAN component light, OUT. ECS caution light, H2O SEP COMP light OUT in less than 2 minutes.
070:21:13 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, go.
070:21:14 McDivitt (onboard): CB(16), ECS: SUIT FAN 2, CLOSE.
070:21:17 Schweickart (onboard): SUIT FAN 2, CLOSE.
070:21:20 McDivitt (onboard): Hello, Houston; Apollo 9.
070:21:25 Schweickart (onboard): I think that's it.
070:21:26 McDivitt (onboard): Need a count on the DFI.
070:21:27 McDivitt (onboard): Hello, Houston; Apollo 9.
070:21:29 Schweickart (onboard): No lock, Jim.
070:21:30 McDivitt (onboard): No lock, okay. Well, no sense in doing a [garble]. Why don't you POWER, OFF and R/D A, OPEN?
070:21:36 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. Or you want to wait until we get them?
070:21:39 McDivitt (onboard): The heck with them. Let's just go on.
070:21:41 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. Stand by. DFI POWER has gone OFF; R/D A, OPEN; and LEB, CLOSED. You don't have that.
070:21:48 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, S-band and VHF activation. Set your COMM configuration. S-BAND. Ready?
070:21:55 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:21:56 McDivitt (onboard): PM, PRIME, PRIME, VOICE, PCM, RANGE, RIGHT, LOW.
070:22:04 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
070:22:05 McDivitt (onboard): VHF; ON, ON, VCICE, ON.
070:22:10 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
This is Apollo Control 70 hours 22 minutes, and Apollo 9 is being acquired by the Texas station."
070:22:11 McDivitt (onboard): S-BAND and VHF ANTENNA, as desired. AUDIO, bo - both -
070:22:15 Schweickart (onboard): (Sigh)
We have LM data which indicates at least one of the pilots, Rusty Schweickart, is in the LM."
070:22:17 McDivitt (onboard): S-BAND to T/R, volume to just hear MSFN; ICS to T/R.
070:22:24 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, go ahead and read through them, Jim. I'm doing them while you're reading them.
070:22:28 McDivitt (onboard): Okay. S-BAND to T/R; ICS to T/R; RELAY OFF; AUDIO CONTROL to NORMAL.
070:22:34 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, I've got it all complete.
070:22:45 Roosa: Apollo 9, this is Houston through Texas. Standing by. [Long pause]
070:22:46 McDivitt (onboard): VOX, ICS; VHF A COMMANDER is T/R, LMP's is OFF; VEF B COMMANDER is OFF, LMP's to T/R. Connect the umbilical to your right side: red to red and blue to blue.
070:22:51 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, that's in work.
070:22:55 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, Dave, you want to configure simplex B?
070:22:57 Scott (onboard): Simplex B. Hey, we forgot to chlorinate the water.
070:23:02 McDivitt (onboard): I know it. I didn't forget it; I kept remembering it.
070:23:28 Roosa: Apollo 9, this is Houston. Could you give us high bit in the Spider? [Long pause]
070:23:51 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. How do you read? [Long pause]
070:24:21 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. Do you read?
070:24:25 McDivitt: Roger. Apollo 9 reading you, Houston.
070:24:28 Roosa: Roger. We'd like to have high bit rate in Spider, please.
070:24:31 McDivitt (Gumdrop): Okay. [Pause]
070:24:36 McDivitt (Gumdrop): Stand by. We're reconfiguring the COMM right now. We're on EVA-12 if you wonder where we are.
070:24:40 Roosa: Thank you very much.
070:24:44 McDivitt (Gumdrop): Say, this - It really takes a long time to get ready to start clearing the tunnel. Once we get work done on the tunnel, everything goes pretty fast, but up until then it sure takes a long time.
070:24:54 Roosa: Roger. Copy that. I think we need to talk about that in preparation for tomorrow, sometime today.
070:25:00 McDivitt (Gumdrop): Roger. That's why I'm telling you now. We've got to get another plan. We have to get up earlier, and we also have to do a lot more reconfiguring at night. I cannot run too long before I do that. [Pause]
070:25:16 Scott (Gumdrop): We started configuring the tunnel today 5 minutes late.
070:25:20 Schweickart (Spider): Gumdrop, Spider. How do you read?
070:25:23 Scott (Gumdrop): Spider, Gumdrop. Five-by.
070:25:25 Schweickart (Spider): Roger. We're supposed to be on A, shall I switch it to B and see if you are receiving me there?
070:25:29 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay, how about B? [Long pause]
070:25:54 Schweickart (Spider): Okay, Gumdrop. Spider on A.
070:26:00 Schweickart (Spider): Roger. We're ready to proceed, Commander.
070:26:04 McDivitt (Gumdrop): They would like to have you go to bit rate high, please. [Pause]
070:26:12 Schweickart (Spider): Roger. High bit rate.
070:26:13 McDivitt (Gumdrop): Okay. And VHF B transfer to DATA and VHF B receiver OFF.
070:26:20 Schweickart (Spider): Roger. Go.
070:26:23 Schweickart (Spider): This one a VHF antenna check here?
070:26:29 McDivitt (Gumdrop): Okay. That's still set up from yesterday, okay?
070:26:31 McDivitt (Gumdrop): Okay. [Pause]
070:26:35 McDivitt (Gumdrop): You can turn the tape off.
070:26:37 Schweickart (Spider): Roger. Tape off.
070:26:41 McDivitt (Gumdrop): That's affirmative, isn't it.
070:26:43 Schweickart (Spider): Affirmative.
070:26:44 McDivitt (Gumdrop): Okay. Let me send a few other things over there with you, and we'll be all set.
070:26:50 McDivitt (Gumdrop): I tell you what, how about getting me off - the Commander off these hoses and get them back through and then send them back over. I can't move here.
070:26:56 McDivitt (Gumdrop): Okay.
070:26:59 McDivitt (Gumdrop): Do you turn my suit flow off? [Pause]
070:27:15 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. You can pull them back through.
070:27:17 McDivitt (Gumdrop): Okay. [Long pause]
070:27:31 McDivitt (Gumdrop): Houston, this is Apollo 9.
070:27:33 Roosa: Go ahead Apollo 9. This is Houston.
070:27:36 McDivitt (Gumdrop): We haven't got the water chlorinated this morning. We don't [garbled]. [Long pause]
070:28:06 McDivitt (Gumdrop): Say, Rusty. I'm going to go off the COMM here, and I'll be over there in a minute.
070:28:10 Schweickart (Spider): Okay.
Long comm break.
Apollo Control. Cabin pressure in Spider holding 5 pounds per square inch, temperature 69 degrees F. Gumdrop showing 4.9 pounds per square inch and 67 degrees."
070:32:06 Schweickart (Spider): Houston, Spider.
070:32:10 Roosa: Spider, this is Houston.
070:32:13 Schweickart (Spider): Roger. One of the things we noticed yesterday was the window heaters get the windows very hot, and we're going to have the shades up for a good part of the day. I wonder if we could have clearance to shut those window heaters off? [Pause]
070:32:33 Roosa: Roger, Spider. We understand that. You can go ahead and turn them OFF.
070:32:40 Schweickart (Spider): Roger. Thank you. [Long pause]
070:33:04 Schweickart (Spider): Okay. We have got the three window heaters OFF.
070:33:08 Roosa: Roger. Copy. Three window heaters OFF.
Long comm break.
070:38:08 Scott (Gumdrop): Five by, Spider.
070:38:09 Schweickart (Spider): Again.
070:38:10 Schweickart (Spider): Five-by again.
070:38:11 Schweickart (Spider): Again.
070:38:13 Scott (Gumdrop): One more five-by.
070:38:16 Schweickart (Spider): Okay. Fine. Thank you.
070:38:18 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. You have got your normal squeal, but other than that it's pretty good.
070:38:25 McDivitt (Spider): Is mine still on and running?
070:38:27 Scott (Gumdrop): Sure is.
Long comm break.
Jim McDivitt just Joined Rusty Schweickart in Spider now."
070:43:24 Roosa: Spider, Houston. [Long pause]
070:43:39 Roosa: Spider, this is Houston. [Long pause]
070:43:53 Scott (Gumdrop): Houston, Gumdrop. Spider is reading you. Go ahead.
070:43:56 Roosa: Roger. We are showing battery 4 is higher than the other three. We'd like to have him turn off battery 4 at this time, and we will give him a call. We'll turn it back on prior to DEPRESS. [Pause]
070:44:15 Scott (Gumdrop): Spider, Gumdrop. Did you copy?
070:44:17 Roosa: Hey, I'm sorry about that. It's lower than the other three - just to end the confusion. And we'll turn it off now, and we'll get it back on prior to DEPRESS. [Pause]
070:44:31 Schweickart (Spider): Okay.
070:44:32 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay, Houston. Spider copied, and battery 4 is coming off.
070:44:39 Roosa: Roger.
070:44:43 Schweickart (Spider): Gumdrop, was that battery 4 OFF or 3 OFF?
070:44:47 Scott (Gumdrop): Battery 4, Spider. Battery 4. [Pause]
070:44:51 Schweickart (Spider): Roger. Battery 4 is OFF. [Long pause]
070:45:17 Roosa: Spider, Houston. I read your last transmission. If you read me, we'd like to know if Rusty is planning on being on the Commander's hoses and COMM leads - [Long pause]
070:45:50 Roosa: Spider, we'd like to have you go low bit rate, and at this time we'll see you over Carnarvon at about one-four. [Long pause]
070:46:11 Roosa: And, Gumdrop, I am not reading Spider, if you will relay that to him.
Very long comm break.
This is Apollo Control. Madrid has lost the signal and Gumdrop and Spider are moving down across the continent of Africa. Jim McDivitt reported crew is experiencing difficulty into sticking to the time lines in the preparatory work leading up to clearing the tunnel. This morning they ran 50 minutes late getting the tunnel cleared. They said in the future it looked like they'll have to get up a little earlier and do more configuring before going to bed the night before. The flight planners are working on this problem here on the ground and to give the crew a little help in this task tomorrow for the rendezvous day. We have a little more information on the scheduled TV pass. Goldstone will acquire the spacecraft at 74 hours and 57 minutes and 25 seconds. There will be LOS at Goldstone at 75 hours, 5 minutes, 13 seconds. Mila will acquire at 75 hours, 5 minutes, 22 seconds and LOS at Mila - 75 hours, 13 minutes, 10 seconds. So there will be approximately 9 seconds, 9-10 second dropout between Goldstone and Mila. Coverage does not overlap there. But Goldstone acquisition will be 12:57:25 Central Standard Time. Carnarvon will acquire Gumdrop and Spider at 71 hours, 13 minutes. We'll come back up then. This is Mission Control Houston."
070:50:04 Scott (onboard): Spider, Gumdrop.
070:50:09 Schweickart (onboard): Go ahead, Gumdrop.
070:50:11 Scott (onboard): Roger. The tunnel's closed now - the hatch is closed and I'd like you to verify the dump valve's in AUTO.
070:50:18 Schweickart (onboard): It's verified.
070:50:20 Scott (onboard): Okay, I'm going to vent the tunnel now, okay?
070:50:24 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
071:08:23 Scott (onboard): Spider , Gumdrop.
071:08:29 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, go ahead.
071:08:30 Scott (onboard): What you guys doing over there?
071:08:32 Schweickart (onboard): Making noises.
071:08:34 Scott (onboard): Yes.
071:08:35 Schweickart (onboard): We're making our regulator check; it's going to make a few noises here for you.
071:08:38 Scott (onboard): Okay.
071:08:39 Schweickart (onboard): You can hear that all the way over there, huh?
071:08:42 Scott (onboard): Oh, yes. Very loud.
071:08:43 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, stand by for another one.
071:10:18 Schweickart (onboard): Here comes another noise, Gumdrop.
071:10:19 Scott (onboard): Okay.
071:10:23 Scott (onboard): Gosh!
071:10:35 McDivitt (onboard): Another noise.
071:10:41 Scott (onboard): Boy, that was a big one.
This is Apollo Control at 71 hours 13 minutes into the Mission. And Apollo 9 is within range of the Carnarvon station. We will monitor through the Australian pass.
071:13:26 Roosa: Apollo 9 - Gumdrop and Spider, this is Houston through Carnarvon.
071:13:32 Schweickart (Spider): Roger. Houston. This is Apollo - this is Spider, here.
071:13:36 Scott (Gumdrop): And the Gumdrop.
071:13:37 Roosa: Roger. Copy you both. Spider, could you give us high bit rate?
071:13:42 Roosa: Okay. We've got it, Spider.
071:13:45 McDivitt (Spider): Finishing up the ascent battery checkup, and we are going to start on EVA-17 here. We are going to be a little late for your 32 - systems - 32.
071:13:56 Roosa: Roger. We understand.
071:13:59 Schweickart (Spider): And Houston, the EV batteries are 36.8, 37.5, respectively.
071:14:06 Roosa: Roger. 36.8, 37.5. Thank you.
071:14:13 Schweickart (Spider): Roger. With the ascent batteries ON, ascent battery 5 is drawing 16 AMPS and 6 is drawing 10.
071:14:22 Roosa: Roger. Copy. [Pause]
071:14:32 Scott (Gumdrop): And, Houston, Gumdrop.
071:14:33 Roosa: Go ahead, Gumdrop.
071:14:36 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. On the other side, we are just about up to the time line; the hatch is closed and the hatch - The tunnel hatch and the tunnel hatch integrity check is complete.
071:14:46 Roosa: Roger. Copy, Gumdrop. If you've got about 30 seconds, I would like to talk to you a little bit about the attitude control on the rest of day here. [Pause]
071:14:58 Scott (Gumdrop): That was my next question. Go ahead.
071:15:00 Roosa: Roger. I must be looking down your checklist. Okay. We would like to have you go with standard EVA configuration as far as quads A and - Alpha and Bravo are concerned, in other words, OFF. We would like to turn off the roll jets in quad Delta, leaving only quad Charlie for roll control. And when you start your attitude hold, we would like to do that with the limit cycle on. Now we may get some excessive firings. If we get just a series of small pulses, we would like to have you turn the limit cycle OFF. [Pause]
071:15:49 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. Understand quads A - Alpha and Bravo are OFF, Delta roll OFF, and limit cycle at the attitude hold. And I tried that the other day when we were doing something. I don't remember what, but in a tight - I know what it was. It was with the LM in a tight deadband; SCS to LIMIT CYCLE seemed to help quite a bit. [Long pause]
071:16:13 Roosa: Roger. Copy. [Pause]
071:16:17 Scott (Gumdrop): Now, do you want to try to assume an attitude, or do you just want to let it go until we think there may be a problem and then pick up an attitude. [Pause]
071:16:30 Roosa: Apollo - Gumdrop, this is Houston. We would like, if you could, to take just a gross cut at the proper attitude. Now if it's going to take you a lot to get there, why you might use your own judgment, but if you get somewhat near the right attitude and then - of course, the primary concern is just keep out of the cockpit.
071:16:54 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. I'll give it a whirl.
071:16:56 Roosa: Okay. [Long pause]
071:17:10 Roosa: And, Spider, this is Houston. We show you have gone to low bit rate. We would like to leave it on high, please. [Pause]
071:17:20 McDivitt (Spider): Roger. High. [Long pause]
071:18:02 Roosa: And, Spider, this is Houston. When you get a chance, we would like to get an onboard readout of your supercritical helium, and we'd like to remind you about the circuit breaker on panel 11 - to get that reading. We are showing it a little lower than normal. And we would also like to have a comment on how you will be hooked up to the LM hoses. Will the CDR be on the LMP's hoses and COMM umbilical? [Pause]
071:18:37 McDivitt (Spider): No. CDR will be on his own hoses.
071:18:40 Roosa: Understand. Copy. The CDR will be on his own hoses.
071:18:44 McDivitt (Spider): You want me to read the SUPERCRIT pressure out, is that what you want?
071:18:47 Roosa: That is affirmative. That's when you get a chance.
071:18:54 Schweickart (Spider): Roger. Let's stand by a little while.
071:18:56 Roosa: Roger. No sweat at all. [Pause]
071:19:06 Scott (Gumdrop): Houston, Gumdrop. I just got a H2 one low pressure on the cryo pressure light. Do you want to do anything with that?
071:19:16 Roosa: Copy, Gumdrop. Stand by. [Long pause]
071:20:05 Roosa: And Gumdrop and Spider. We will have Honeysuckle in about a minute. Let's bring up our S-band volumes.
071:20:14 Scott (Gumdrop): Gumdrop.
071:20:15 Schweickart (Spider): Spider.
Long comm break.
071:27:29 Roosa: And, Gumdrop and Spider. We are going to lose you at Honeysuckle here in about a minute. We will see you over the Mercury in about 6 minutes at 33.
071:27:37 Schweickart (Spider): Okay.
071:27:39 Scott (Gumdrop): Roger.
Long comm break.
This is Apollo Control. Gumdrop and Spider are beyond the range of the Honeysuckle station. During this pass, we got a readout on the extravehicular batteries. We passed on the information to Dave Scott in Gumdrop that we wanted to configure the service module reaction control system the same way we had planned to for the regular EVA. Today he is using the secondary guidance system, SCS, stabilization and control system, for attitude control rather than the primary guidance and navigation system. We are able to save a considerable amount of propellant this way. In the configuration, he will be essentially drifting, using the SCS for gross attitude hold. He will have two quads completely turned off, quads A and B. The roll thruster in the D quad will be turned off, but he will have roll control through the C quad. Along toward the end of this pass, the guidance and navigation control officer, Neil Hutchinson, reported to Flight Director Jerry Griffin that the SCS was powered up. Mercury will acquire the spacecraft in about 3 and 1/2 minutes. We will be back up then. This is Mission Control Houston."
071:30:19 Scott (onboard): Spider, Gumdrop.
071:30:23 McDivitt (onboard): Go ahead.
071:30:25 Scott (onboard): Are you going to be ready for the COMM check here the - over Mercury?
071:30:28 McDivitt (onboard): Keep trying.
071:30:30 Scott (onboard): Okay, I'll be standing by for you to give me the call whenever you want me to go to EVA configuration.
071:30:34 McDivitt (onboard): Okay. How much time have we got, Dave?
071:30:36 Scott (onboard): We've got about 3 or 4 minutes until you hit the Mercury.
071:30:41 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, we're not - we're probably not going to make it, but we'll - we'll mush on.
071:30:44 Scott (onboard): Okay.
This is Apollo Control at 71 hours 33 minutes, and the Mercury is about to acquire. We'll stand by.
071:34:24 Roosa: And, Gumdrop and Spider. We've got you through the Mercury for about 6 minutes. Standing by. [Long pause]
071:34:59 Roosa: Spider and Gumdrop, this is Houston through the Mercury. Standing by. We've got about another 4 minutes.
Comm break.
071:36:06 Schweickart (Spider): Okay. Gum - Houston, this is Spider. How do you read?
071:36:09 Roosa: I'm reading you loud and clear, Rusty.
071:36:12 Schweickart (Spider): Okay. We're just completing the donning procedure at this time, so it will be a while before we can make any COMM check here.
071:36:18 Roosa: Roger. Understand.
071:36:22 Scott (Gumdrop): Gumdrop's with you.
071:36:24 Roosa: Roger, Gumdrop.
Comm break.
This is Apollo Control. Rusty Schweickart has reference to the PLSS, the Portable Life Support System when he talks about donning, he's putting that on now."
071:39:06 McDivitt (Spider): Houston, do you read Spider?
071:39:09 Roosa: That's affirmative, Spider. We read you. We'll have you for about another minute and a half.
071:39:13 McDivitt (Spider): Okay. We're not going to have enough time to make that COMM check.
071:39:19 McDivitt (Spider): We have -
071:39:21 Roosa: No sweat, Spider.-
071:39:24 McDivitt (Spider): Go ahead.
071:39:25 Roosa: No sweat on that. We've already scrubbed it.
071:39:29 McDivitt (Spider): Okay. Hey, I've got a recommendation to make here.
071:39:34 Roosa: Okay. Go ahead.
071:39:37 McDivitt (Spider): Why don't we hook up the OPS to the - to Rusty the same way we normally hook it up - take out all those things that you scrapped this morning, put them back in.
071:39:48 Roosa: Okay. We copy that, and we're going to lose you here in about a minute. Let's see if we can give you a fast reading. [Pause]
071:39:59 McDivitt (Spider): Okay. He's feeling a lot better and he looks like - He's acting like he feels a little better. Maybe we can extend this a little bit.
071:40:08 Roosa: Okay. That's your judgement there, and we say go ahead if you feel that way, Jim. [Pause]
071:40:19 McDivitt (Spider): Okay. Let me - I'd like to configure that way, and then we will see how things go.
071:40:20 Roosa: Okay. Very good, and we'll see you over Guaymas about 52.
071:40:25 McDivitt (Spider): Okay. [Long pause]
Very long comm break.
This is Apollo Control. Mercury has LOS and the Redstone will be the next station to acquire at 71 hours 49 and a half minutes. This is Mission Control Houston."
071:41:20 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, Gumdrop; Spider.
071:41:24 Scott (onboard): Roger. Go ahead.
071:41:26 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, Rusty's feeling a lot better and he's looking better, too. Maybe we ought to let him get out on the front porch or something.
071:41:32 Scott (onboard): Hey, man, I agree with that; the camera's all set.
071:41:35 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, good...
071:41:36 Scott (onboard): Great!
071:41:37 McDivitt (onboard): ...just hang loose and we'll see how it goes here.
071:41:38 Scott (onboard): Okay, all I've got to do is push the button.
071:41:39 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, I think we still ought to terminate it - at the end of that daylight pass.
071:41:45 Scott (onboard): Okay.
This is Apollo Control at 71 hours, 49 minutes. The Redstone has acquired. Very low elevation pass and the duration less than a minute.
And Redstone has LOS already, but we will be at Guaymas in - very shortly - less than a minute we'll have acquisition at Guaymas.
071:52:37 Roosa: Gumdrop and Spider, this is Houston through Guaymas. Standing by. [Long pause]
071:52:44 Scott (onboard): Gumdrop.
071:52:56 Roosa: And I copy you, Gumdrop.
Long comm break.
This is Apollo Control. The GO/NO-GO decision for 63 revolutions will be made during this pass. We are in the 45th revolution now. We'll continue to stand by."
071:55:57 Scott (Gumdrop): VHF A OFF. [Long pause]
071:56:58 Roosa: And, Gumdrop and Spider, you are GO for 63 dash 1.
071:57:06 McDivitt (Spider): [Garble] door handle?
071:57:07 Schweickart (Spider): I know it.
071:57:10 Scott (Gumdrop): Roger. Gumdrop copies. Go for 63 dash 1.
071:57:13 Roosa: Roger, Gumdrop. [Long pause]
071:57:58 Schweickart (Spider): [Garble] HIGH; VHF antenna selector 1 slash 2 [garble] PLSS valve to position 1; connecting the COMM cable; portable warning tone ON. [Pause]
071:58:16 Scott (Gumdrop): Reading you loud and clear. How about me?
071:58:18 Scott (Gumdrop): Do you? Good.
071:58:21 Schweickart (Spider): Hey, Spider - or Gumdrop - whatever your name is.
071:58:24 Scott (Gumdrop): Roger. This is the Gumdrop.
071:58:26 Schweickart (Spider): Configure for the normal EVA, Davey. We're going to skip all of these COMM checks, so just configure for your normal one-way down relay.
071:58:37 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. Just a minute.
071:58:42 Schweickart (Spider): [Garble] O2 pressure gage -
071:58:50 Schweickart (Spider): Okay. Perform COMM check for CDR, CMP and biolink to MSFN.
071:58:54 McDivitt (Spider): Let's skip MSFN. [Long pause]
071:59:28 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. Push/pull position 5.
071:59:36 McDivitt (Spider): We're reading you okay [garble].
071:59:41 McDivitt (Spider): PLSS [garble] mode position 3.
071:59:43 Schweickart (Spider): PLSS [garble] in E.
071:59:44 McDivitt (Spider): PGA dump.
071:59:49 Scott (Gumdrop): Spider, Gumdrop.
071:59:50 McDivitt (Spider): Go ahead, Gumdrop. Do you read Spider?
071:59:51 Scott (Gumdrop): Roger. I'm reading you five-by; I couldn't relay. I guess I lose you; let me try again.
071:59:56 McDivitt (Spider): Okay. Were you reading the PLSS? Try him now, Rusty.
072:00:00 McDivitt (Spider): Just a second, Gumdrop [garble] before you go anyplace.
072:00:02 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay.
072:00:03 Roosa: Spider, this is Houston. I hate to break in on that; I'm reading you. We need R and D, A and B circuit breakers ON and DFI ON. [Pause]
072:00:19 Scott (Gumdrop): Roger. I read you. Spider, did you copy Houston?
072:00:23 McDivitt (Spider): Have him give me another call. I think I hear him very weakly.
072:00:29 Roosa: Spider, I was reading you real good just a second ago, Jim. We need R and D, A and B circuit breaker IN and the DFI ON. [Pause]
072:00:40 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay, Smokey. This is Gumdrop. He got that. PLSS, the Gumdrop here. You are very weak but readable.
072:00:49 Scott (Gumdrop): Still weak but readable.
Comm break.
072:02:11 McDivitt (Spider): Whistling around. [Pause]
072:02:18 McDivitt (Spider): Okay. Your helmet's on and locked. [Long pause]
072:02:38 McDivitt (Spider): Where are your other gloves?
072:02:42 McDivitt (Spider): Don't need your watch, do you?
Comm break.
072:04:08 McDivitt (Spider): Where did the checklist go? Okay. Here it is. Got it. [Long pause]
072:04:31 McDivitt (Spider): Okay. Here, we don't need this thing on it. [Pause]
072:04:44 McDivitt (Spider): Snap - Recognize that! [Long pause]
072:05:00 Scott (Gumdrop): Spider, Gumdrop.
072:05:01 McDivitt (Spider): Go ahead.
072:05:02 Scott (Gumdrop): Let me give you a COMM check on VOX on the other panel, please.
072:05:07 McDivitt (Spider): Okay. Say, you gonna give me one?
072:05:10 Scott (Gumdrop): Roger. I'd like to listen to the [garble].
072:05:16 McDivitt (Spider): Okay. Go ahead.
072:05:18 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. Gumdrop on the VOX. How do you read?
072:05:20 Schweickart (PLSS): Loud and clear. [Pause]
072:05:27 Roosa: Roger, PLSS. You're loud and clear. Very good on this panel.
072:05:34 Scott (Gumdrop): Yes. It really sounds very good.
072:05:44 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. Very good. [Pause]
072:05:54 Scott (Gumdrop): PLSS, Gumdrop.
072:05:56 Schweickart (PLSS): Roger. Go ahead
072:05:58 McDivitt (Spider): Okay. That sounds fine, too. Now I'm RELAY, and I'm all configured to hold both of them.
072:06:03 Schweickart (PLSS): Roger. Understand you are in RELAY at this time.
072:06:06 McDivitt (Spider): That's affirmative.
072:06:07 Schweickart (PLSS): Roger. We are also, I think, in proper configuration right now.
072:06:15 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay, Spider. How do you read me?
072:06:17 McDivitt (Spider): I'm reading you okay, Davey.
072:06:19 Scott (Gumdrop): Hey, that's great.
072:06:23 McDivitt (Spider): Man, have I got a bunch of bags over here.
072:06:28 McDivitt (Spider): All the snaps are off them and the locks don't lock.
072:06:35 Schweickart (PLSS): All I need to do is have that float out.
072:06:39 Scott (Gumdrop): Jim, the only thing that we didn't get that we got to get is the EVA tether out.
072:06:45 McDivitt (Spider): Yes. [Pause]
072:06:49 Schweickart (PLSS): [Garble] sure here's about 50 percent of the snaps in the spacecraft left on. [Pause]
072:07:00 Roosa: Spider and Gumdrop and PLSS, this is Houston. And we can read all three of you loud and clear.
072:07:06 McDivitt (Spider): Roger. Very good.
072:07:09 Schweickart (PLSS): Roger, Houston. This is PLSS. Believe it or not, I read you.
072:07:13 Roosa: Roger. You're coming through beautifully, Rusty. I's loud and clear. [Long pause]
072:08:06 Roosa: Gumdrop, this is Houston. Did you call? If you did, say again.
072:08:13 Scott (Gumdrop): Roger, Houston. [Garble] within 20 degrees of the proper attitude [garble] go in attitude hold for about 10 minutes.
072:08:24 Roosa: Roger. Understand. Copy. And you came through loud and clear there at the last, Gumdrop.
072:08:30 McDivitt (Spider): This is Spider here. Just so everybody [garble] familiar, I think we'll do one daylight pass out on the porch.
072:08:40 Roosa: Roger. Copy. Spider. And we agree with that wholeheartedly. A loud cheer. [Long pause]
072:08:57 McDivitt (Spider): You get that, Dave?
072:09:01 McDivitt (Spider): Gumdrop? [Pause]
072:09:09 McDivitt (Spider): [Garble] bypass out on the porch, okay?
072:09:15 Scott (Gumdrop): Spider, Gumdrop. Go.
072:09:17 McDivitt (Spider): Roger, Gumdrop. I say we are going to do one daylight pass out on the porch. [ ]
072:09:21 Scott (Gumdrop): All right. [Long pause]
This is Apollo Control. The crew is planning one daylight pass out on the LM porch.
072:09:44 McDivitt (Spider): Gumdrop, bow do you read Spider?
072:09:46 Scott (Gumdrop): All right.
072:09:49 McDivitt (Spider): I don't read you any more, Gumdrop.
072:09:52 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. How about now?
072:09:54 McDivitt (Spider): Reading you loud and clear now.
072:09:58 McDivitt (Spider): How me? [Pause]
072:10:06 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. Spider, Gumdrop. How do you read now? [Pause]
072:10:11 McDivitt (Spider): Read you load and clear. How me?
072:10:14 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. You are five-by. Did you catch the comment on the break lock?
072:10:18 McDivitt (Spider): Negative.
072:10:20 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. Seems like we break lock with the S-band. I get a lot of static unless I turn relay off, so I'll probably have to run the relay off to hear you. I can't even hear you with my relay on when we break lock.
072:10:33 McDivitt (Spider): Okay. [Pause]
072:10:39 McDivitt (Spider): 56 minutes to go - egress. [Long pause]
072:11:08 McDivitt (Spider): Hey, I want to see where I am. I want to suit up here, too. [Long pause]
072:11:30 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. [Long pause]
Gumdrop and Spider are about a minute away from LOS at the Vanguard, the the Canaries have overlapping coverage."
072:12:26 McDivitt (Spider): I keep thinking of that food. [Pause]
And the GO/NO-GO decision -"
072:12:35 McDivitt (Spider): If you get it open, it's going to keep falling out. [Pause]
The GO/NO-GO -"
072:12:44 Schweickart (PLSS): I'll just leave it some place. [Pause]
072:12:52 Schweickart (Spider): Yea, if it blows up, it won't hurt anything in there. [Long pause]
072:13:10 Roosa: Spider, this is Houston. We would like to have DFI OFF and battery 4 ON.
072:13:15 McDivitt (Spider): You want DFI power OFF and battery 4 ON?
072:13:20 Roosa: That is affirmative. Spider.
072:13:22 McDivitt (Spider): Okay.
072:13:26 Roosa: And R and D circuit breaker Alfa OPEN.
072:13:30 Schweickart (PLSS): Oh, okay. [Long pause]
072:14:10 Schweickart (PLSS): Battery 4 coming ON. Oh, is that great.
072:14:12 McDivitt (Spider): I guess I better get this visor on. [Pause]
072:14:23 McDivitt (Spider): Waste of time. [Pause]
072:14:33 Roosa: And, Spider and Gumdrop, you are GO for DEPRESS.
072:14:39 McDivitt (Spider): Roger. Spider. [Pause]
072:14:54 McDivitt (Spider): Tell you what we'll do is you go on outside, stand there, get accustomed to what you are doing. I'll take a couple of pictures of you, [garble] look around, and get hold, Gumdrop. When you look like you're stabilized and you think you can handle something, I'll send the camera out to you.
072:15:11 Schweickart (PLSS): Right. [Pause]
072:15:18 McDivitt (Spider): Very cleverly put on that piece of rubber that we've never had on this thing before. [Pause]
072:15:30 McDivitt (Spider): Leave it off on this side. Get mine on first. [Long pause]
072:15:57 McDivitt (Spider): Okey-dokey. [Long pause]
072:16:26 Schweickart (PLSS): Remember to clean that out when we leave. [Long pause]
072:16:48 Schweickart (PLSS): Throw that up here. [Long pause]
072:17:18 McDivitt (Spider): Okay. The camera is up there. Put the handle on it.
072:17:26 Schweickart (PLSS): Let's see; do we have the sequence camera circuit breaker in here? [Long pause]
072:17:47 McDivitt (Spider): Test the belt. [Pause]
072:17:56 McDivitt (Spider): I can't get that thing screwed in.
072:18:01 McDivitt (Spider): Look at that. [Pause]
072:18:11 Schweickart (PLSS): Hey, I can't get it out.
072:18:17 McDivitt (Spider): [Garble] get it out [garble]. [Pause]
072:18:33 Schweickart (PLSS): That's supposed to go in that bag over there. Stick that over in the bag. [Pause]
072:18:42 Roosa: Spider and Gumdrop, 1 minute LOS Canaries. We may talk to you over Tananarive at about 32; if not, Carnarvon at 48. And, Gumdrop, you do have a GO for DEPRESS. I didn't hear you acknowledge it. [Pause]
072:19:05 Scott (Gumdrop): Roger, Houston. Gumdrop copied the GO for DEPRESS.
072:19:09 Roosa: Roger. You are loud and clear on that one.
072:19:11 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. Thank you. [Pause]
072:19:17 Schweickart (PLSS): Let me check to see if everything is glued down. [Long pause]
072:19:19 Scott (onboard): (Laughter)
072:19:39 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
072:19:40 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. Why don't we get this pressure-integrity check out of the way?
072:19:43 Schweickart (PLSS): Verify the following: helmet visor 2, locked and adjusted - helmet tie down 2 adjusted, [garble] O2 connectors. [Long pause]
072:19:50 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. My helmet's tiedown [garble], your helmet is lock alright.
072:19:55 McDivitt (onboard): O2 connectors.
072:19:59 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, you've got two connect and locked [garble].
072:20:01 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, are they in?
072:20:03 McDivitt (Spider): [Garble]. Close and in.
Very long comm break.
Spider and Gumdrop still talking to each other as they go over the hill at Canaries. Both spacecraft received a GO for depressurization over the Canary station. Spider scheduled to depress the spacecraft over the Carnarvon station about 72 hours and 53 or 4 minutes, with Gumdrop depressing the spacecraft over Honeysuckle shortly after 73 hours. You heard the crew discussing a decision that Rusty will get out onto the LM porch for one daylight pass. We anticipate this will be the first daylight pass, which starts about midway through the Huntsville acquisition, about 73 hours and 8 or 9 minutes. I believe you could - some of the communication was clear, some was not, but I believe you could hear Jim McDivitt discussing with Rusty the fact that he wanted him to get out on the porch, get adjusted, take a look around, see how he felt, and if everything was going well, he would hand a camera out to him so that he could take some pictures. Tananarive will acquire at 72 hours 32 minutes. We may or may not have communication through this station. We will come back up and see. If we do not, the next station will be Carnarvon at 72 hours 48 minutes. This is Mission Control Houston at 72 hours 22 minutes."
072:20:04 Schweickart (onboard): Those are in and locked. You want to check two of them on me? Okay. Those you don't have to worry about.
072:20:16 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] O2 connectors, six locked; H2O connectors, two, locked.
072:20:24 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, yours are locked.
072:20:25 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, [garble] are locked; I checked yours earlier this morning.
072:20:28 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
072:20:29 McDivitt (onboard): RELIEF valve, two, open.
072:20:31 Schweickart (onboard): Mine's OPEN - to OPEN. Boy, that sun is bright.
072:20:38 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. Wrist locks, four, locked.
072:20:51 Schweickart (onboard): It's locked.
072:20:53 McDivitt (onboard): Glove straps, four, adjusted.
072:20:56 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, mine are alright. Let me tighten this one a little.
072:21:03 McDivitt (onboard): LMP PGN DIVERTER, two, vertical.
072:21:06 Schweickart (onboard): I already checked those.
072:21:07 McDivitt (onboard): Okay. Verify necessary service module RCS thrusters disabled. Hey, Gumdrop, you got the right thrusters disabled?
072:21:16 Scott (onboard): Roger. [Garble].
072:21:23 Schweickart (onboard): Now.
072:21:24 McDivitt (onboard): What?
072:21:25 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble] again.
072:21:26 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble], I heard him fine.
072:21:27 Schweickart (onboard): I know, but when you - You try to talk to him, and you're both on A, you see, and it was just garbled.
072:21:32 McDivitt (onboard): I heard him fine. Okay, SUIT GAS DIVERTER, pull to EGRESS. Ready?
072:21:41 Schweickart (onboard): Ready.
072:21:43 McDivitt (onboard): CIRCUIT RELIEF, CLOSE.
072:21:47 Schweickart (onboard): CIRCUIT RELIEF - it's CLOSE.
072:21:50 McDivitt (onboard): CABIN GAS RETURN, OPEN.
072:21:51 Schweickart (onboard): You want me to read out to you, Jim?
072:21:53 Scott (onboard): Yes. [Garble] midposition on that.
072:22:00 Schweickart (onboard): Let me see where we are now. Okay. We got SUIT GAS DIVERTER, pull to EGRESS; SUIT CABIN RELIEF - SUIT CIRCUIT RELIEF, CLOSE; CABIN GAS RETURN, OPEN - okay; CO2 CANISTER SELECT, midposition.
072:22:14 McDivitt (onboard): Midposition.
072:22:16 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. PRESSURE REG A, CLOSED.
072:22:18 McDivitt (onboard): PRESSURE REG A, CLOSED.
072:22:20 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, purge the suit loop by setting PRESS REG B to DIRECT O2 for 2 minutes.
072:22:25 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
072:22:26 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, now the cabin may relieve on this.
072:22:30 McDivitt (onboard): 24 [garble]. Okay, what else do we need to do in here?
072:22:41 Schweickart (onboard): Well, we've got to wait for 2 minutes. But after [garble] - Okay, the next thing you do then is set the CABIN GAS RETURN to EGRESS, and then PRESS REG B to CLOSE. And we want to maintain the suits above the cabin. We may have to go to DIRECT O2 occasionally in order to do that, because we breathe them down [garble].
072:23:06 McDivitt (onboard): PRESS REG B goes to CLOSE.
072:23:09 Schweickart (onboard): Yes. We - we got them to CLOSE, see, and then, although we have high O2 in the suit loop - Jim, I think you're pretty far over towards secondary on that. Not that it makes any difference - Okay. And then the next thing that we do is a - verify that we're disconnect from all restraints. And unstow and mount the EVAH card.
072:23:34 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble].
072:23:35 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, and the next thing we discuss is on the EVAH card. It should start out with PLSS FAN, ON; SUIT ISOLATION LMP to SUIT DISCONNECT; et cetera, is that right?
072:23:59 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, on top of that - written right on the top should be...
072:24:02 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, PLSS FAN, ON.
072:24:03 Schweickart (onboard): ...yes.
072:24:04 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, so that's where that picks up. Jim, while you're waiting, you might as well stow that water gun a little better.
072:24:25 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
072:24:33 Schweickart (onboard): And in order to keep from snagging -
072:24:36 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] for a few minutes.
072:24:40 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, let me [garble] SUIT GAS RETURN to EGRESS. All the way around, clockwise.
072:24:49 McDivitt (onboard): What was that? What did you get - the CABIN GAS RETURN to EGRESS?
072:24:52 Schweickart (onboard): CABIN GAS RETURN to EGRESS. Right. And I want to - Okay, PRESS REG B, CLOSED.
072:24:59 McDivitt (onboard): PRESS REG B, CLOSED.
072:25:00 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, now we want to keep our suits up by going to DIRECT O2 on occasion. Either REG. Okay, CO2 CANISTER SELECT to PRIMARY. Okay?
072:25:16 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
072:25:18 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, why don't we build our suits up a little bit just to make sure we don't [garble] back in? Okay. And now we're ready for the EVAH card. So if you want to stow this, you can.
072:25:50 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, PLSS FAN, ON. It's 32 minutes; we're going to have to -
072:25:55 Schweickart (onboard): No, we're just about right.
072:25:57 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] so I can see.
072:26:00 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, flip the light [garble] - Oh, okay, I don't know which way you want your light.
072:26:04 Scott (onboard): [Garble].
072:26:05 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
072:26:07 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
072:26:08 Schweickart (onboard): I'm going to go to [garble] here and then turn the PLSS FAN, ON, and you're going to make the integrity check. You want me to read to you?
072:26:13 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. Why don't you go ahead and do that?
072:26:14 Schweickart (onboard): Stand by there, I want to turn this off. Turn mine off too, Jim. Okay, and I got the PLSS FAN, ON.
072:26:23 McDivitt (onboard): Warble tone is off.
072:26:26 Schweickart (onboard): Stand by. Okay, it's off.
072:26:28 McDivitt (onboard): SUIT ISOLATION, LMP, SUIT DISCONNECT. Okay. Go ahead.
072:26:36 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. SUIT/CABIN REPRESS to CLOSE.
072:26:40 McDivitt (onboard): SUIT/CABIN REPRESS, CLOSE.
072:26:41 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, [garble] you go to CABIN REPRESS, CLOSE.
072:26:47 McDivitt (onboard): CABIN REPRESS, CLOSE.
072:26:49 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, CABIN REPRESS valve to AUTO.
072:26:51 McDivitt (onboard): CABIN REPRESS to AUTO.
072:26:54 Schweickart (onboard): SUIT GAS DIVERTER, PULL/EGRESS.
072:26:56 McDivitt (onboard): PULL/EGRESS.
072:26:57 Schweickart (onboard): CABIN GAS RETURN to EGRESS, and SUIT CIRCUIT RELIEF to CLOSE.
072:27:03 McDivitt (onboard): EGRESS and CLOSE.
072:27:04 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. PRESS REG A, CLOSE.
072:27:06 McDivitt (onboard): PRESS REG A, CLOSE.
072:27:08 Schweickart (onboard): PRESS REG B, DIRECT O2.
072:27:12 McDivitt (onboard): DIRECT O2.
072:27:13 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, build up your suit to 8.85, and I can - I can give you a call on that. Oh, you can see it on your gage, actually.
072:27:41 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, let me know when you're going to do it; I'll time you 1 minute.
072:27:46 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble].
072:27:47 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. [Garble] now wait until you got down there again. 35 seconds to go.
072:27:58 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
072:28:12 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. And you want it to be less than 0.3 decay. Okay, you got about 25 seconds to go.
072:28:43 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, there you are.
072:28:44 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, [garble].
072:28:48 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, PRESS REG B to CLOSE. Okay, SUIT CIRCUIT RELIEF to AUTO. When suit decays to about 5.5 psi, SUIT CIRCUIT RELIEF to CLOSE; you don't want to get down to the CABIN PRESS. And the cabin's about to relieve, Jim. We are - The cabin's all the way up to 5.5 right now. [Garble] I'll check it. I'll give you a call.
072:29:12 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, yes. I can't see it.
072:29:14 Scott (onboard): Okay. You're - you're at 7 now. Keep coming. Keep coming; you're at 6.5, 6.3, 6.2. Okay, you're about 6 now. Alright, back to CLOSED.
072:29:29 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, Gumdrop; Spider.
072:29:32 Scott (onboard): Roger; go, Spider.
072:29:35 McDivitt (onboard): We'll be relieving here shortly [garble] into the tunnel.
072:29:41 Schweickart (onboard): PRESS REG A and B to EGRESS.
072:29:45 McDivitt (onboard): PRESS REG A and B to EGRESS.
072:29:49 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. Here, I want to turn the PLSS FAN, OFF, and then you can turn on my suit flow, again.
072:29:56 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
072:29:57 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, PLSS FAN's OFF. No, the other one.
072:29:58 McDivitt (onboard): I'm sorry (laughter).
072:30:01 Schweickart (onboard): There I go. Okay, I'm back on.
072:30:08 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, and I got the warning tone back again.
072:30:11 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, we're -
072:30:16 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble] again. Okay, we're standing by for 30 minutes.
072:30:28 McDivitt (onboard): Gumdrop, are you calling?
072:30:31 Scott (onboard): Negative.
072:30:52 McDivitt (onboard): Gumdrop, how long do you have us until DEPRESS - or, egress. I mean? To sunrise?
072:30:56 Scott (onboard): [Garble] until now [Garble].
072:31:07 McDivitt (onboard): What time - What are you counting down to? Do you have a clock counting down?
072:31:12 Scott (onboard): Matter of fact, I don't.
072:31:18 McDivitt (onboard): Hawaii says about 35 minutes until first sun - sunrise.
072:31:30 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, we got the battery connectors; we got plenty of O2, fan's off, and the pump is off.
072:31:37 McDivitt (onboard): Not fixed up yet.
072:31:40 Schweickart (onboard): Say again?
072:31:41 McDivitt (onboard): We got to get your OPS hooked on you properly.
072:31:44 Schweickart (onboard): Well, that comes during this second series of things here.
072:31:53 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, but what I'd like to have you do is just go up there, and I'd get on that porch and be exercising out around the golden slippers and stuff. If you feel bad, don't hesitate to get back in here, because that's going to -
072:32:04 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
072:32:05 Communications Technician: TAN AOS. [Long pause]
072:32:06 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble].
072:32:07 Schweickart (onboard): No problem.
072:32:09 Scott (onboard): [Garble] one-g mockup at about 2 in the morning.
072:32:23 McDivitt (onboard): If you get back through the door okay, we can close the door and REPRESS just like that, and get your helmet off.
072:32:28 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, [garble].
072:32:32 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, now on this next series of steps, that's the one where we don't want to dally or I'm going to get pretty hot.
072:32:43 Schweickart (onboard): So even though it's not the egress time, I want to get the door open and get the [garble] off.
072:32:47 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
072:32:51 Schweickart (onboard): And I've got these so I can read them. Okay.
072:32:53 McDivitt (onboard): Right.
072:32:56 Scott (onboard): Spider, Gumdrop.
072:32:57 McDivitt (onboard): Go ahead.
072:32:58 Scott (onboard): [Garble] sunrise is at 7 [garble].
072:33:00 Scott (Gumdrop): Be advised it is 73:02. [Long pause]
072:33:09 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
072:33:10 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. It's 29 minutes away, right?
072:33:20 McDivitt (Spider): Okay, they - they gave me a time - a different time on that update this morning, Dave. I can't remember what it was. I wrote it down in the book here.
072:33:25 Scott (Gumdrop): I wrote the time down in the flight plan as 73:02. [Pause]
072:33:28 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
072:33:29 Scott (onboard): I'm going to set that to 29, [garble].
072:33:32 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, why don't we just let it go and we'll sort of assume that it was 29? We'll just subtract 3 minutes.
072:33:36 Scott (onboard): Okay.
This is Apollo Control at 72 hours 32 minutes. Tananarive has LOS. We will stand by here."
072:33:37 Roosa: Spider and Gumdrop, this is Houston through Tananarive. Sunrise time is 08.
072:33:38 McDivitt (onboard): LMP pressure-integrity check, CB(16).
072:36:43 Communications Technician: Tananarive, Houston COMM TECH NET 1.
072:36:46 Communications Technician: Houston GOMM TECH, Tananarive.
072:36:51 Communications Technician: Roger. Are you receiving anything down from the spacecraft at this time?
072:36:55 Communications Technician: We were when they first came overhead, but we are not at the present time.
072:36:59 Communications Technician: All rights thank you. [Pause]
072:37:14 Roosa: Spider and Gumdrop, Houston. Sunrise is at 08. We will see you over Carnarvon at 48.
Very long comm break.
072:39:46 Scott (onboard): Roger. I copy.
This is Apollo Control 72 hours 39 minutes. Gumdrop and Spider are beyond Tananarive now. All that chatter in the latter part of that pass was cross talk, it was not between the spacecraft. Carnarvon will acquire at 72 hours 48 minutes. This is Mission Control Houston."
072:40:07 McDivitt (Spider onboard): Hello there, tape recorder. It's working fine. The time right now is 72:40:10. The cabin down to what, 3.5?
072:40:16 McDivitt (Spider onboard): I can see it.
072:40:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): PGNS to AUTO.
072:40:XX Schweickart (Spider onboard): Okay.
072:40:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): [Garble] all the way to zero?
072:41:32 Scott (onboard): Say again.
072:41:40 Scott (onboard): Spider, Gumdrop.
072:41:47 Scott (onboard): Okay.
072:4X:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): You got that?
072:4X:XX Schweickart (Spider onboard): Zero.
072:4X:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): PRESS in the cabin at this time.
072:4X:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): [Garble] Rusty? Hey, on the tape, remember we have to be on the air for [garble].
072:4X:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): But we still have about 1 psi.
072:4X:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): Oddly enough, it's not going down.
072:43:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): [Garble] 243, and we're down to about - holding at about 0.7 of a psi. I'll never get the door open against that [garble].
072:4X:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): Well, we [garble] opened [garble].
072:4X:XX Schweickart (Spider onboard): LATCH HANDLE to UNLOCK.
072:4X:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): [Garble] to where? [Garble] not at all [garble] over any farther, huh?
072:44:29 Schweickart (Spider onboard): Unlock it?
072:44:30 McDivitt (Spider onboard): Right there. No, I can't pull it open. None.
072:4X:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): [Garble] and the pressure seal's broken, too.
072:45:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): [Garble] air bubbles in it [garble].
072:45:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): [Garble] yes [garble]. Slowly.
072:45:52 Schweickart (Spider onboard): [Garble] pulling the cabin off.
072:45:56 McDivitt (Spider onboard): [Garble] we're at [garble].
072:4X:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): [Garble] I haven't got it [garble] no [garble].
072:46:37 Schweickart (Spider onboard): Hey, Dave, it's all open up over here.
072:4X:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): [Garble] making out [garble].
072:4X:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): Got the other LCG on.
072:4X:XX Schweickart (Spider onboard): Got that?
072:4X:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): Yes [garble] feeling [garble].
072:47:30 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, very good.
072:47:56 Schweickart (PLSS): And I'm going to go to MAX as soon as the tone goes off and see if I do get good cooling, [Pause]
072:48:04 Scott (Gumdrop): Hey, you've got the other LCG on.
072:48:05 Schweickart (PLSS): I know. [Pause]
This is Apollo Control - 72 hours, 48 minutes. We are at Carnarvon. The crew is having a discussion."
072:48:06 McDivitt (Spider onboard): [Garble] I'll pass you up your Hasselblad. Then I'll pass you the camera - a movie camera right after that. Thereafter [garble].
072:48:16 Schweickart (PLSS): Got that nice pump sound, though
072:48:20 Scott (Gumdrop): Nice pump what?
072:48:21 Schweickart (PLSS): I say it's got that nice solid PLSS pump sound, though. Purrrr. [Pause]
072:48:30 Scott (Gumdrop): Rusty, how are you feeling?
072:48:32 Schweickart (PLSS): Good.
072:48:36 Roosa: Spider and Gumdrop. We've got you through Carnarvon. Houston standing by.
072:48:42 Scott (Gumdrop): We're probably going to have to REPRESS the cabin fairly slow.
072:48:45 McDivitt (Spider): Okay.
072:48:47 McDivitt (Spider): First thing I pass you will be a Hasselblad; then I will pass you a can - movie camera right after that - shortly thereafter.
072:48:53 McDivitt (Spider onboard): [Garble] a couple of pictures and pass you the Hasselblad. You take a couple and pass it back [garble] the movie camera, and I'll take some more pictures of [garble].
072:48:54 Schweickart (PLSS): After I pass the Hasselblad in?
072:48:56 McDivitt (Spider): Okay.
072:49:01 McDivitt (Spider): I'll take a couple of pictures and pass you the Hasselblad. You take a couple and pass it back. I'll hand you the movie camera, and I'll take some more pictures with the Hasselblad.
072:49:08 Schweickart (PLSS): And I'll retrieve the EVA sample, too.
072:49:09 McDivitt (Spider): Right. That too.
072:49:XX Schweickart (Spider onboard): [Garble] back to [garble] where it belongs.
072:49:14 McDivitt (Spider): Wonder where that belongs? [Pause]
072:49:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): It's now 47. Further on at 47; it's now 49:35. Do you read [garble].
072:49:22 Schweickart (PLSS): What time did I say it was when I turned that on?
072:49:25 McDivitt (Spider): 47, wasn't it?
072:49:26 Schweickart (PLSS): I think so. 47.
072:49:28 McDivitt (Spider): Okay. [Pause]
The LM cabin pressure reading zero."
072:49:34 McDivitt (Spider): [Garble] PLSS water or at 47. It is now 49 35, Do you feel anything?
072:49:XX Schweickart (Spider onboard): [Garble] cooling yet?
072:49:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): It [garble] up.
072:49:41 McDivitt (Spider): Is it cooling yet?
072:49:42 Schweickart (PLSS): No, I'm waiting for the tone to go off.
072:49:47 Schweickart (PLSS): That pressure? Okay, it's coming down to 4.1. [Long pause]
072:49:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): [Garble] up, lock, flying your tether?
072:49:XX Schweickart (Spider onboard): Yes.
072:50:07 McDivitt (Spider): It picked up [garble] hooked up - locked. [Pause]
072:50:14 Schweickart (PLSS): The what?
072:50:15 McDivitt (Spider): The life line - your tether.
072:50:16 Schweickart (PLSS): Yes. [Long pause]
072:50:30 Schweickart (PLSS): [Garble] make sure I've got it all the way down?
072:50:36 Schweickart (PLSS): Okay. Feed water is ON. Going to MAX cooling
072:50:41 Schweickart (PLSS): Come on. Baby. [Long pause]
072:50:56 Scott (Gumdrop): ...Blink.
072:50:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): [Garble] it's now - 72:50, and we've turned the [garble] on [garble], cool, and Rusty said he feels the cooling come [garble].
072:50:57 McDivitt (Spider): Okay. It's now showing 250, and we've turned the cooling ON - MAX cool, and Rusty says he feels the cooling coming.
072:51:07 Scott (Gumdrop): Great. [Long pause]
072:51:20 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. Spider, Gumdrop.
072:51:26 McDivitt (Spider): Go ahead.
072:51:28 Scott (Gumdrop): I'm all set to DEPRESS whenever you give the word.
072:51:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): We're all set over here, Dave.
072:51:32 McDivitt (Spider): Okay. We're all set over here, Dave.
072:51:35 Scott (Gumdrop): Say again.
072:51:38 McDivitt (Spider): Roger. You are clear to DEPRESS.
072:51:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): You're - you're clear to DEPRESS. Very good.
072:51:40 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. And I just checked all the systems, and everything's running like a clock.
072:51:46 Schweickart (PLSS): Going hack to intermediate cooling.
072:51:48 McDivitt (Spider): Very good. [Pause]
072:52:00 McDivitt (Spider): Okay. My antenna is released.
072:52:02 Schweickart (PLSS): Yes.
072:52:04 McDivitt (Spider): Okay, I've got...
072:52:05 Schweickart (PLSS): I've [garble] down [garble].
072:52:08 McDivitt (Spider): The antenna is all bent out of shape, but it will [garble].
072:5X:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): [Garble] buckle down. [Garble] 10 is all bent out of shape, but it'll [garble] pull it's [garble].
072:52:11 Schweickart (PLSS): Is it still out of shape? Come down [garble].
072:52:12 McDivitt (Spider): No. It's all right now.
072:5X:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): Oh, it's alright now [garble].
072:52:09 McDivitt (Spider onboard): Got to be careful now; that's sharp on the door handle [garble].
072:52:16 McDivitt (Spider): It means you got to be careful now with that flap on that door handle.
072:52:XX Schweickart (Spider onboard): The [garble] will wipe that out.
072:52:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): [Garble] the back handle.
072:52:20 Schweickart (PLSS): Yes. I know. It's almost impossible not to wipe that off. [Pause]
072:52:20 Schweickart (Spider onboard): I have it Velcroed closed again.
072:52:31 McDivitt (Spider): There. Velcro is back in.
072:52:35 Schweickart (PLSS): Say again.
072:52:36 McDivitt (Spider): I have a Velcro closed again.
072:52:38 Schweickart (PLSS): Okay. [Long pause]
072:52:57 Schweickart (PLSS): How's the descent oxygen and everything look?
072:53:00 McDivitt (Spider): They're all doing fine.
072:53:02 Schweickart (PLSS): Let's see, that cabin pressure is still reading at a tenth, isn't it?
072:53:05 McDivitt (Spider): Yes. [Long pause]
072:5X:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): Okay. We're doing fine. [Garble] tangle on any of the knobs, either, on the way out. [Garble] 10 minutes to sunrise [garble].
072:53:21 Schweickart (PLSS): The next thing I've got to do is not get this doggone tether tangled around my wrist. Okay. I got it the right way now.
072:53:28 McDivitt (Spider): Don't get it tangled around any of your knobs either, on the way out.
072:53:31 Schweickart (PLSS): Yes. [Long pause]
072:53:32 McDivitt (Spider onboard): Houston, you read Spider? When's our next station pass over there, Rusty?
072:54:24 Schweickart (PLSS): I've got a MIN cooling.
072:54:27 McDivitt (Spider): Okay. [Pause]
072:54:35 Scott (Gumdrop): About 10 minutes to sunrise. [Long pause]
072:54:54 Roosa: Spider, Gumdrop. No need to answer. Sunrise 08.
Comm break.
Mean heart rates - McDivitt - 90, Scott - 88, and Schweickart is up close to 100.
G&C says propellant consumption, so far, is almost NIL.
072:56:19 Scott (Gumdrop): Hello, Spider. [Long pause]
072:56:22 Schweickart (Spider onboard): Hello, Carnarvon. Do you read Spider? [Garble].
072:56:39 McDivitt (Spider): Hello. Can you read, Spider? [Pause]
072:56:48 Scott (Gumdrop): [Garble] and Honeysuckle, too, but now Honeysuckle on S-band only.
072:56:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): That's alright.
072:56:52 McDivitt (Spider): Yes, that's right.
072:56:57 Roosa: Spider and Gumdrop, this is Houston through Honeysuckle. I'm reading the Spider loud and clear.
072:57:06 McDivitt (Spider): Listen, this is Spider. Transmitting in the dark. If you read, fine; if you don't, too bad. It's 72:57. We've had this cabin depressurized for about 12 minutes. Everything looks like it's going along fine, now. Rusty's PLSS seems to be working all right, and Dave is in the process of depressurizing the... [Pause]
072:57:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): Had a little trouble getting the door open, but it's open now. [Garble] seems to be working alright, and - Dave is in the process of depressurizing the command module [garble]. Gummy, this is Spider. [Garble] anything when you open the door. [Garble]. Okay, [garble] the goaltender - keep everything in [garble]. Hey, we're about - somewhere between - 7 minutes of being a sunrise, Dave. You might go ahead and start the door [garble] quieter now [garble]. I wasn't hearing any data for a long time; I wasn't hearing any noise for a long time, then about [garble] it sort of dribbled on down. I thought that's what that [garble] was [garble]. Crank that up - It was just as clear as a bell. Now it's not making as much as it was before you entered [garble] cooling. Cooling [garble]. Hey, let's hope it swings back again now [garble].
072:57:37 Scott (Gumdrop): They were calling in the middle while you were trying to talk, Jim.
072:57:40 Roosa: Roger. Spider, this is Houston. I copy all of that. You are coming through loud and clear. I'm reading the PLSS loud and clear.
Comm break.
Gumdrop pressure down to one and one-half pounds now.
Gumdrop pressure down to one and a half pounds now."
072:59:02 Scott (Gumdrop): Spider, Gumdrop.
072:59:04 McDivitt (Spider): Go ahead, Gummy. Here's the Spider.
072:59:06 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. All DEPRESSED, and everything is looking good.
072:59:11 McDivitt (Spider): Notice anything when you open the door?
072:59:13 Scott (Gumdrop): No. I haven't opened the door yet.
072:59:16 McDivitt (Spider): Okay.
072:59:20 Schweickart (PLSS): Don't lose anything when you do.
072:59:23 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. I'll try.
072:59:27 Schweickart (PLSS): I'll be the goaltender - keep everything in.
072:59:30 Scott (Gumdrop): Yes.
072:59:32 McDivitt (Spider): Okay, we're about - sort of between 4 and 7 minutes of being at sunrise, Dave. You might go ahead and start the door.
072:5X:XX Scott (Spider onboard): Are you in the - relay -
072:5X:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): I think it's going to get to be sunlight pretty soon. [Garble] see Hawaii on the horizon [garble].
072:59:41 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay, sure will. [Long pause]
Schweickart's heart rate in the mid 60's now."
072:5X:XX Schweickart (Spider onboard): Shoot that other - go ahead, I - There's nothing I can do about that [garble].
072:5X:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): [Garble] the door [garble] the door on your hoses [garble]. Well, alright [garble].
072:5X:XX Scott (Spider onboard): Looks pretty good.
072:5X:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): Hey, that's far enough, why don't you just hang right there until [garble]. Why don't you just stay there until the Sun gets up [garble]. You holler, Dave, when you - Looks light enough to take a picture. [Garble] view pretty neat, huh? I plan to as soon as Rusty gets out of the way. I especially rolled back the shade, just so I could see you, Dave.
072:5X:XX Scott (Spider onboard): Very good.
072:5X:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): Okay, I'm going to reset the DET here and get her going up [garble] over there, Dave. Now we'll fly DEADBAND, LIMIT CYCLE? [Garble] that ought to about do it, hadn't it? [Garble] Mr. Schweickart, proceed out the door [garble]. I see a little bag full of [garble] floating away. Red dot on it. Try mine. Davey, hey - Rusty, the [garble] is going to be useless from in here except to take a picture of Dave, which I am going to do here in just a minute. Why don't you just stand out there and just sort of [garble] easy for a while. Get that door all the way closed there for fear we'll never get it open again. [Garble] down there, Davey.
073:00:22 McDivitt (Spider): Are you hearing the data at all?
073:00:25 Scott (Gumdrop): No. [Pause]
073:00:31 Schweickart (PLSS): I feel much different with this down.
073:00:36 McDivitt (Spider): Any change?
073:00:37 Schweickart (PLSS): Yes. At lot quieter.
073:00:41 Scott (Gumdrop): I'll go back to data.
073:00:44 McDivitt (Spider): Okay.
073:00:45 Scott (Gumdrop): Put that - I wasn't hearing any data for a long time, so I wasn't hearing any noise for a long time, and then about 5 minutes ago I started picking up a lot of high static. And I don't know how it started; it sort of dribbled on down. I thought that's what that still was. When we first cranked that up, it was just as clear as a bell. In fact, now it's not making as much as it was before we got this other FREQ on.
073:01:05 McDivitt (Spider): Roger.
073:01:08 McDivitt (Spider): Well, we've had a little problem with some of the commutators. The transducers or the battery current things - Sometimes it will fall to detent, and it makes a funny noise. That happened in chamber A. It could be that same thing. Maybe if you wiggle it in 1, you will hear a different noise. [Pause]
073:01:33 Scott (Gumdrop): Oh, okay [Pause]
073:01:41 Schweickart (PLSS): Come on, PLSS.
073:01:45 Roosa: Roger, Spider and Gumdrop. We're going to lose you here at Honeysuckle, and you're showing 6 minutes to sunrise.
073:01:48 McDivitt (Spider): How's your cooling?
073:01:52 McDivitt (Spider): How are you feeling?
073:01:53 Schweickart (PLSS): Good.
073:01:56 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. Spider, Gumdrop. The hatch is open. no sweat. It just swings like it ought to swing.
073:02:02 McDivitt (Spider): Very good; let's hope it swings back again, now.
073:02:05 Scott (Gumdrop): Well, it stays just where I wanted it.
073:02:07 McDivitt (Spider): Good.
073:02:09 Scott (Gumdrop): Where I put it.
073:02:10 Roosa: Gumdrop and Spider, Houston. Sunrise will be in about 5 minutes 40 seconds. We're going to lose you at Honeysuckle.
Comm break.
They're LOS at Honeysuckle. Huntsville will be coming up in about 1 minute.
Both spacecraft are depressurized, the hatches are open in both Gumdrop and Spider."
073:03:21 Scott (onboard): Yes.
073:03:43 Scott (onboard): Oh, man, that's really pretty.
We're up at the Huntsville now.
073:03:53 Scott (Gumdrop): I can see Rusty's foot.
073:03:57 McDivitt (Spider): Very good.
073:03:58 McDivitt (Spider): Does he have a camera set up, Dave?
073:03:59 Scott (onboard): Yes. All set.
073:04:03 Scott (Gumdrop): Forgot. [Pause]
073:04:08 Schweickart (PLSS): Hey, this is like spectacular.
073:04:12 Scott (Gumdrop): Pretty neat, huh?
073:04:14 Schweickart (PLSS): Oh, boy!
073:04:16 Schweickart (PLSS): Can you see me wiggling my toes?
073:04:18 Scott (Gumdrop): Sure can. [Pause]
073:04:28 Scott (Gumdrop): If Jim looks out the top window he can see me. [Pause]
073:04:33 Scott (onboard): Oh.
073:04:36 McDivitt (Spider): Just so I can see you, Dave.
073:04:39 Scott (Gumdrop): Jim, you're going to have to try and be a little more careful about that VOX cutting - You've got a squeal in both your units. [Pause]
073:04:52 Schweickart (PLSS): Oh, gee. I'm glad we stopped here. I pulled down my visors.
073:05:00 Schweickart (PLSS): Okay, I've got the EVVA now.
073:05:05 Scott (Gumdrop): He's brlliant.
073:05:08 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. I'm going to reset the PEP here and go on. I'm going to go on up.
073:05:10 Schweickart (PLSS): Okay. [Long pause]
073:05:25 Schweickart (PLSS): Did you see that moonrise?
073:05:28 Scott (Gumdrop): What?
073:05:29 Schweickart (PLSS): The moonrise.
073:05:30 McDivitt (Spider): Yes.
073:05:33 Scott (Gumdrop): Yes. You really can see at night, can't you?
073:05:37 Schweickart (PLSS): Yes. [Pause]
073:06:28 McDivitt (Spider): Okay. The sun is going to be just about over your left shoulder. How's that?
073:06:36 Schweickart (PLSS): While standing in the slippers?
073:06:38 Scott (onboard): Right.
073:06:39 McDivitt (Spider): Right.
073:06:40 Schweickart (PLSS): Okay. [Pause]
073:06:49 McDivitt (Spider): [Garble] over there, Dave. You hold Y deadband limit cycle?
073:06:56 Scott (Gumdrop): Yes, I had to turn the limit cycle off. It was just banging too much. [Long pause]
073:07:23 McDivitt (Spider): Okay. That ought to about do it, hadn't it?
073:07:25 Scott (Gumdrop): Sort of looks like it.
073:07:27 McDivitt (Spider): Mr. Schweickart, proceed on the door.
073:07:30 Schweickart (PLSS): Do you have your camera on there, CMP?
073:07:32 Scott (Gumdrop): It's ready.
073:07:34 Schweickart (PLSS): Okay. Proceeding on out.
073:07:43 McDivitt (Spider): I see a little bag full of...
073:07:49 Scott (Gumdrop): Floating away?
073:07:52 Schweickart (PLSS): Yes. I missed that one.
073:07:57 Schweickart (PLSS): It has a red dot on it and a striped line.
073:08:00 Scott (Gumdrop): Jim has that one.
073:08:05 Schweickart (PLSS): Okay, in the golden slippers. [Pause]
073:08:12 Schweickart (PLSS): Hello, there.
073:08:15 Scott (Gumdrop): Hello, there. That looks comfortable.
073:08:18 Schweickart (PLSS): Boy, oh boy; what a view!
073:08:20 Scott (Gumdrop): Isn't that spectacular?
073:08:21 Schweickart (PLSS): It really is. There's the Moon right over there. [Pause]
073:08:29 McDivitt (Spider): Okay, Rusty. The Hasselblad is going to be useless from in here except to take a picture of Dave.
073:08:38 McDivitt (Spider): Okay.
073:08:42 Schweickart (PLSS): Did you reel out the [garble].
073:08:45 Scott (Gumdrop): Why don't you just throw it out [garble].
073:08:48 McDivitt (Spider): Okay. Take it easy for a while.
073:08:50 Schweickart (PLSS): There's a nice reflection off the [garble]. [Pause]
073:09:03 Schweickart (PLSS): I'm going to get that - We'll never get it opened again.
073:09:07 Scott (Spider onboard): Hey, Rusty, Why don't you throw the - Let me see if I can - What he's - Everybody's tethered down except me. Very interesting.
073:09:10 Schweickart (PLSS): Dave, how do you read?
073:09:12 Scott (Gumdrop): Five-square. How me?
073:09:13 Schweickart (PLSS): Okay. Read you just fine. Are you in RELAY now?
073:09:16 Scott (Gumdrop): That's right.
073:09:17 Schweickart (PLSS): Very good.
073:09:19 Scott (Gumdrop): Why don't you say hello to the camera or something?
073:09:23 Schweickart (PLSS): Hello there, camera. Boy, is this great!
Very long comm break.
And that's LOS at Huntsville. Rusty Schweickart out in the golden slippers on the front porch of the LM. We copied a few unofficial times here. We'll refine those later, but Jim McDivitt reported at 72:57 that the lunar module had been depressed for 12 minutes. We copied CSM depress at 72:59, we copied the start of the egress, when Rusty started out the hatch as 73:07:37, and he reported being in the slippers at 73:08:08. You may have heard a reference - Rusty reported that he could see the bull's eye very well. Astronaut Dick Gordon, who is in the Control Room right now, says that's a reference to the star called Deborah, which is familiar to navigators. Old friends of old Deborah call it the bulls eye. We'll be back up at the Redstone at 73 hours 19 minutes - 19 and a half minutes. This is Mission Control Houston."
073:09:48 Scott (onboard): Yes, I can see the one behind you, and - as a matter of fact, I don't even see the probe. Must be [garble].
073:10:30 Scott (onboard): Oh, really.
073:XX:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): Hey, Rusty, why don't you [garble] gloves working out, Dave? [Garble] Rusty, the Sun's hot on those gloves. [Garble] the camera?
073:11:01 Scott (onboard): No, I haven't gotten it yet. Isn't it there?
073:11:05 Scott (onboard): You're kidding?
073:11:19 Scott (onboard): By George, you're right. I can see where it was, but it's gone. Sure enough.
073:11:29 Scott (onboard): Gee, that's too bad.
073:11:43 Scott (onboard): Okay. Coming off now.
073:11:54 Scott (onboard): Fine, fine.
073:12:00 Scott (onboard): They're fine.
073:12:14 Scott (onboard): Hey, come out to take a peek.
073:12:18 Scott (onboard): Hey, yes, right through the hatch window.
073:12:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): Houston, this is Spider. Anybody reading us? [Garble] Davey [garble] just a second, and I'll send in the movie camera. Send the movie camera for that [garble] minutes into a 15-minute pass. [Garble] left hand up a minute, Dave.
073:12:33 Scott (onboard): Yes. Yes. Matter of fact, if I can get number 1, I can get them all, right? I better get the tether.
073:13:12 Scott (onboard): Pretty, pretty, isn't it?
073:13:27 Scott (onboard): [Garble].
073:13:52 Scott (onboard): Hey, Jim. Hey, you can take a picture of me getting the thermal samples, maybe.
073:14:00 Scott (onboard): Say again.
073:14:05 Scott (onboard): Okay. I'll stand by.
073:14:XX Scott (Spider onboard): Okay.
073:14:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): Just checking it. What was that, a bolt? (Laughter) It's a little mole in a hole over there, you pop up every once in a while [garble]. See you're still getting rid of a lot of that junk [garble]. Well, it's just dirt though. (Laughter) [garble] you're feeling, Dave. Keep hopping back down like that; that's a good idea. I said keep hopping up and down like that; it looks like a good idea. [Garble]. Not far enough, huh? Good, how you feeling?
073:14:12 Scott (onboard): Okay.
073:14:25 Scott (onboard): The left hand? (Laughter) Hey, they're fine.
073:14:39 Scott (onboard): I am a mole in the hole.
073:15:05 Scott (onboard): Yes. I noticed.
073:15:14 Scott (onboard): Alright! Fair deal. Get out here where I can line up on you.
073:15:28 Scott (onboard): Okay, amigo.
073:15:36 Scott (onboard): Hey, I like these handles.
073:15:44 Scott (onboard): Oh, me. Yes.
073:15:53 Scott (onboard): Good, Jim. I'm not going to stay in the sun too long, but it feels fine.
073:16:12 Scott (onboard): Yes, I'll just come out, take a couple of snaps, and then go back in.
073:16:22 Scott (onboard): Yes.
073:16:XX Schweickart (Spider onboard): Fine.
073:16:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): [Garble] stay up another 30 minutes.
073:16:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): [Garble].
073:16:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): I'll [garble] the sequence camera if you're through with that other one. Sure isn't. [Garble] out there; shoot, I could have taken it [garble].
073:16:46 Scott (onboard): Yes, that's what I'm set on.
073:17:56 McDivitt (Spider onboard): Yes, send the camera back in here; I'll take a picture - a couple of pictures like that.
073:XX:XX Schweickart (Spider onboard): [Garble].
073:XX:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): How about getting over by the other window? That one's in the shade.
073:XX:XX Schweickart (Spider onboard): Okay.
073:18:31 Scott (onboard): Yes, that's a pretty one.
073:18:43 McDivitt (Spider onboard): [Garble]. See you out this one. Let me see if everything is still set. You have a reflection of you - Oh, I've got to have that camera and get you - I can see you - Yes - and in your visor, our spacecraft Gumdrop completely all the way down to the bottom of the service module and the whole Earth behind you.
073:19:03 Scott (onboard): Oh, hey! I got one of those too, now that you mention it. Just don't move, Russell.
073:19:04 Schweickart (Spider onboard): Where?
073:19:05 McDivitt (Spider onboard): [Garble] your visor; it's really fantastic [garble] even with you as soon as we get back together. Hey - Rusty, let me [garble] camera back in or I'll send you the sequence camera. [Garble] ahead, Houston. Every thing's going along fine up here. Do you have anything special that you want done in this pass? [Garble] sure we can get that configured out quickly. [Garble] I want to get it through there without putting a hole in that door. [Garble] the time limit. How you feeling, Rusty? Hey, you want to go ahead and try to run the thing for the [garble] passes and the one night pass? [Garble] think we might be able to do that for you. The thing that bothers me is that - if it does - we may have to reconsider how we are going to do that [garble] tomorrow. We're going to have to get some sleep, here sometime. [Garble] it over and see what you decide. Hey, Rusty, why don't you start hauling it out again?
073:19:19 Scott (onboard): Me and my big [garble].
This is Apollo Control, 73 hours, 19 minutes and we'll be at the Redstone within a few seconds. We'll stand by.
073:XX:XX Schweickart (Spider onboard): Okay [garble]. Let me [garble].
073:XX:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): Hey, I sort of felt that way, too. I don't think we ought to try that transfer for sure [garble] we'll terminate here. [Garble] come on out, wherever you are. [Garble] Rusty, why don't you lean over here again. I'd sure like to get a picture of that whole scene. [Garble] fantastic [garble] those window marks are all over there [garble]. Okay [garble] Dave, let me get around here where I can get a picture, too [garble]. These marks all over the window. Shoot, oh dear [garble]. You're ahead when you're out there, you know. This isn't a contest between you and that sample [garble]. Hey [garble]. Someplace that's not too hard to recognize [garble] f:11 your stop, set on infinity [garble]. I wanted one out there. No, the other ones were taken at - It depends on - One of them got knocked over [garble]. Got knocked over when you were - when it was going out [garble] better leave it there. [Garble] know there's a washer between the two panes of our overhead window? It's 24 minutes through the run. We've got about another 15 minutes, and then we should start thinking about getting back in. [Garble] the water's all dirty. Things are still falling out up there. What are you doing, throwing everything overboard? [Garble] it sticks out, but the city doesn't. (Laughter) The winds look pretty strong [garble]. Clouds [garble]. Hey [garble] blue from up here [garble]. No, I haven't heard him say anything either [garble]. This is Spider; do you read? [Garble]. Yes, I heard him then [garble]. This [garble] Spider, do you read?
073:19:31 Schweickart (PLSS): The sequence cameras [garble]. Oh heck. Let me take one of the radar antenna. I haven't taken one of that.
073:19:42 Roosa: Spider and Gumdrop, we have you through Redstone, and we've been copying you loud and clear.
073:19:48 McDivitt (Spider): Very good, Houston. Everything's going along fine up here.
073:19:53 Roosa: Boger. We copied you all across Carnarvon and Huntsville real well; we've been following you, and it sounds great.
073:20:00 McDivitt (Spider): Okay. Do you have anything special that you want done in this pass? [Pause]
073:20:10 Roosa: No, unless you want to poke the TV camera out there. [Pause]
073:20:17 McDivitt (Spider): I'm not sure we can get that configured out that quickly.
073:20:20 Roosa: Roger. Understand.
073:20:23 Schweickart (PLSS): Dave, are you taking some more movies?
073:20:26 Scott (Gumdrop): I will as soon as he passes the camera out to you.
073:20:28 Schweickart (PLSS): Dude, are you ready for this camera?
073:20:31 McDivitt (Spider): Yes.
073:20:32 Schweickart (PLSS): Okay. Haul away.
073:20:35 Scott (Gumdrop): Camera - It's running,
073:20:37 Schweickart (PLSS): Dude, you ought to get a picture of this relay here. It's too late.
073:20:42 Scott (Gumdrop): I'm taking it.
073:20:43 Schweickart (PLSS): Okay. [Pause]
073:20:53 Schweickart (PLSS): Little more. [Pause]
073:21:01 Schweickart (PLSS): Right in.
073:21:02 Roosa: Spider and Gumdrop, this is Houston. You are clear to do anything - go as far as you want. [Pause]
073:21:10 Schweickart (PLSS): Houston, you cut up on that one; say that again.
073:21:14 Roosa: Roger. Just let you know that it sounds great, and you are clear to go as far as you want to as far as we're concerned.
073:21:20 McDivitt (Spider): Okay. What about the time limit? How are you feeling. Rusty?
073:21:24 Schweickart (PLSS): I'm feeling fine.
073:21:29 McDivitt (Spider): Houston, do you want to go ahead and try the thing for two day passes and the one night pass? Looks like we might be able to do that for you.
073:21:39 Roosa: Jim, that's your decision, it's up to you; it's all GO with us.
073:21:46 McDivitt (Spider): Okay. The thing that bothers me is if it does, we may have to reconsider how we're going to do the rendezvous tomorrow. We're going to have to get some sleep here sometime.
073:21:57 Roosa: Roger. We copy.
073:22:00 McDivitt (Spider): Well, think it over and see what you decide.
073:22:02 Roosa: Okay.
073:22:05 Scott (Gumdrop): And, Houston, Gumdrop [Pause]
073:22:17 Scott (Gumdrop): Houston, Gumdrop.
073:22:23 Schweickart (PLSS): Houston, Gumdrop is calling. How do you read?
073:22:27 Roosa: Go, Gumdrop.
073:22:31 Scott (Gumdrop): Now we do.
073:22:32 Schweickart (PLSS): But I can't really tell when the jets are firing, and it's sort of hard for me to tell on the quantity. [Long pause]
073:22:52 McDivitt (Spider): Okay, Rusty. Why don't you start hauling out again?
073:22:55 Schweickart (PLSS): Okay. Coming out.
073:23:01 Scott (Gumdrop): Hey, how about giving Houston a call and asking them about that?
073:23:04 Schweickart (PLSS): Okay. Hey, Houston. How do you read the PLSS?
073:23:08 Roosa: PLSS, you are coming through loud and clear.
073:23:12 Schweickart (PLSS): It keeps slipping, Jim. You're going to have to help the cable come out a little. Let me get up closer.
073:23:20 McDivitt (Spider): Just a minute.
073:23:21 Schweickart (PLSS): Never mind; I got it. I'll just come up closer here. Okay, I got it now. [Pause]
073:23:31 Roosa: Gumdrop, this is Houston. You are using very little propellant; looks real good.
073:23:38 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay, Houston. Thank you. Just wanted to make sure.
073:23:43 Roosa: And, Spider, this is Houston. We are recommending that you terminate at the end of this daylight pass.
073:23:50 McDivitt (Spider): Okay. I sort of felt that way too. I don't think we ought to try that transfer for sure.
073:23:55 McDivitt (Spider): All right. We'll terminate here.
073:24:01 Schweickart (PLSS): Okay, Davey. Come on out.
073:24:03 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. I'm going to let the camera run here.
073:24:08 Schweickart (PLSS): Dave, come on out, wherever you are.
073:24:10 Scott (Gumdrop): Stand by. Let me get away my little pushbutton. How we're all taking pictures of everybody taking pictures. [Pause]
073:24:25 Schweickart (PLSS): Yes; you want to retrieve the sample?
073:24:27 Scott (Gumdrop): Roger. That's a good idea.
073:24:33 Roosa: And, Gumdrop, you'll be getting a warning on your H2 tank in about 4 minutes
073:24:36 Scott (Gumdrop): Hey, Rusty. Why don't you lean over here again; I'd sure like to get a picture of that whole scene.
073:24:41 Schweickart (PLSS): Okay. Coming over. [Pause]
073:24:49 Roosa: Gumdrop, you'll be getting a warning in about 4 minutes on your H2 tank. No sweat. [Pause]
073:25:03 McDivitt (Spider): [Garble] bet those window marks were over there.
073:25:06 Schweickart (PLSS): Yes. [Long pause]
073:25:17 Roosa: Gumdrop, this is Houston. You may be getting a warning on your H2 tank; no problem.
073:25:19 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. [Pause]
073:25:26 Scott (Gumdrop): Hey, you ready for...
073:25:29 Schweickart (PLSS): Okay. You ready?
073:25:30 Scott (Gumdrop): ...thermal samples here?
073:25:32 Schweickart (PLSS): Ready. [Pause]
073:25:37 Schweickart (PLSS): Okay, Dave. Let me get around here where I can get a picture, too.
073:25:40 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay.
073:25:42 Roosa: Gumdrop, Houston.
073:25:46 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. Look at all these marks all over these windows; shoot. Oh, dear. [Pause]
073:25:56 Roosa: Gumdrop, Houston.
073:25:57 Schweickart (PLSS): Hey, Dave. Are you ready?
073:26:04 McDivitt (Spider): Hey, use your head when you're out there; you know this isn't a contest between you and that sample.
073:26:07 Scott (Gumdrop): Roger. [Pause]
073:26:13 Roosa: Gumdrop, Houston. Anticipate a warning very soon on your H2 tank.
073:26:18 Schweickart (PLSS): Okay. And you want to hook it in the solid ring, David, rather than that wire.
073:26:22 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. [Long pause]
073:26:39 Schweickart (PLSS): No problem. There's one.
073:26:42 Scott (Gumdrop): It didn't even close on itself.
073:26:47 Schweickart (PLSS): Now you got to pull [garble]; and there's one more. Okay, now, next one - oops!
073:26:55 Scott (Gumdrop): How about this.
073:26:56 Scott (Gumdrop): That's the thermal sample.
073:26:59 Schweickart (PLSS): Yea, you're getting it wrapped up around your neck.
073:27:02 Scott (Gumdrop): [Garble].
073:27:05 Schweickart (PLSS): Okay [garble]. [Pause]
073:27:16 Roosa: Gumdrop, do you read Houston?
073:27:18 Scott (Gumdrop): Do we... [Pause]
073:27:25 Roosa: Gumdrop, do you read Houston?
073:27:29 Schweickart (PLSS): Oh, there's Baja California. Oh, very pretty! Wonder if I got any film left? Oh, yes; got more film here - going across Baja here. [Long pause]
Schweickart's heart rate is 77."
073:28:02 McDivitt (Spider): That's one place that's not too hard to recognize.
073:28:05 Schweickart (PLSS): Yes. That's true. Got to switch hands with the camera. [Pause]
073:28:17 Schweickart (PLSS): Oh, no. You got it on a sixtieth, though.
073:28:20 McDivitt (Spider): It wasn't when it went out there.
073:28:24 Schweickart (PLSS): Okay. You got it now.
073:28:28 Roosa: Spider, do you read Houston?
073:28:34 Schweickart (PLSS): I wonder if I ought to keep it there.
073:28:38 McDivitt (Spider): I don't know. The other ones were taken at 250; it depends on when it got knocked over. If it got knocked over when you [garble] when it was going out. Why not leave it there?
073:28:48 Schweickart (PLSS): Is this the camera we used this morning when I took pictures inside the tunnel with the wide angle lens on it at a sixtieth, Jim?
073:28:56 McDivitt (Spider): Well, I... [Pause]
073:29:07 Schweickart (PLSS): Did you know there is a washer between the two panes of our overhead window?
073:29:11 McDivitt (Spider): Hey [garble].
073:29:14 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. Come on in and I'll fix you...
073:29:19 Roosa: Gumdrop, this is Houston. Do you read?
073:29:22 Schweickart (PLSS): Houston, LMP receiving.
073:29:24 Roosa: Roger. Pass the word to Gumdrop that if he just got a MASTER ALARM, it's the H2 tank; no problem.
073:29:31 Scott (Gumdrop): The lights are off, which was not scheduled.
073:29:37 Roosa: Gumdrop, Houston. [Long pause]
073:29:52 McDivitt (Spider): It's 24 minutes through the run. We've got about another 15 minutes, and we should start thinking about getting back in.
Comm break.
073:31:04 Scott (Gumdrop): Must be inhabited; the water's all dirty. [Long pause]
073:31:45 Scott (Gumdrop): Hey, you [garble]. [Long pause]
073:32:01 Scott (Gumdrop): There you go.
073:32:06 McDivitt (Spider): David, things are still falling out up there. What are you doing, throwing everything overboard? [Long pause]
073:32:26 Schweickart (PLSS): Yeah, yeah.
073:32:31 Scott (Gumdrop): The border sticks out, but the city doesn't. [Pause]
073:32:40 Schweickart (PLSS): (Laughter) Yes, the winds look pretty strong.
073:32:45 Scott (Gumdrop): Lots of clouds.
073:32:47 Schweickart (PLSS): [Garble] flags.
073:32:50 Scott (Gumdrop): That's right. They're red, white, and blue from up here. [Long pause]
073:33:09 Schweickart (PLSS): Houston, how are you reading Red Rover here? [Pause]
073:33:14 Roosa: Roger. Reading you loud and clear here; how do you read me? [Pause]
073:33:27 Schweickart (PLSS): Wonder why they're not talking to us.
073:33:31 Roosa: Spider; Gumdrop, this is Houston. How you read me?
073:33:34 Schweickart (PLSS): Spider, are you reading Houston?
073:33:37 Scott (Gumdrop): No. I haven't heard him say anything, either.
073:33:40 McDivitt (Spider): This is Spider. Do you read?
073:33:44 Roosa: Roger, Spider. This is Houston.
073:33:46 Scott (Gumdrop): [Garble] I heard him then.
073:33:49 Roosa: Spider, this is Houston. How do you read?
073:33:54 McDivitt (Spider): Houston, Spider. Do you read?
073:33:57 Roosa: That's affirmative, Spider. This is Houston. Reading you loud and clear. [Pause]
073:34:09 McDivitt (Spider): Okay, Rusty. Why don't you pass the camera back in here and work on the handrails for just a minute.
073:34:14 McDivitt (Spider onboard): Come here and let me get this other one zipped in.
073:34:14 Schweickart (PLSS): Can you stand by one? Let me change film packs here.
073:XX:XX Schweickart (Spider onboard): Yes.
073:XX:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): Easy out there, I don't want you - getting [garble]. Sun's really bright [garble] that tether - You're getting things in and out, but they are sort of out of control. Just getting them through that - that last part of the door there - They ricochet off everything on the door [garble]. Want the camera back again?
073:34:20 McDivitt (Spider): Okay. Here comes a camera. Just a minute, let me get this other one zipped in. Now take it easy out there; don't want you getting...
073:34:25 Schweickart (PLSS): Okay.
073:34:27 Scott (Gumdrop): Hey, Rusty?
073:34:28 Schweickart (PLSS): Yes, sir?
073:34:29 Scott (Gumdrop): Stand by.
073:34:31 Schweickart (PLSS): Oh, I'm not going to start yet. I've got to pass this camera back in. Take your time. [Pause]
073:34:42 Schweickart (PLSS): Oh, that sun is really bright! Houston, this is Red Rover. If you read me, I'm just going to call you in the blind here. The suit is very comfortable. I'm on MIN cooling, and I haven't had any problem at all. The only thing that is warm at all are my hands, and they are just barely warm; they are not very hot at all. [Pause]
073:35:07 Roosa: Roger. Red Rover, this is Houston. We are reading you loud and clear. We are copying all transmissions. [Pause]
073:35:20 Schweickart (PLSS): You know that tether - a good way of getting things in and out, but they are sort of out of control. [Pause]
073:35:28 McDivitt (Spider): Why? Won't they get inside?
073:35:30 Schweickart (PLSS): It's just getting it through the last part of the door there. It ricocheted off everything on the door.
073:35:34 McDivitt (Spider): Oh, yes. [Pause]
073:35:40 Schweickart (PLSS): You know, the one thing I didn't take a picture of was the hatch.
073:35:44 McDivitt (Spider): Hey, you want the camera back again?
073:35:45 Schweickart (PLSS): No; that's all right. [Long pause]
073:36:04 Roosa: Red Rover, this is Houston. How do you read?
073:36:05 McDivitt (Spider): [Garble] have about 10 more minutes out there, and then you ought to start coming back in.
073:36:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): Be in when it's still light outside [garble]. Shoot something out there, we'll make a satellite. Coming right between your legs.
073:36:08 Schweickart (PLSS): Okay.
073:36:11 McDivitt (Spider): I want us to be in while it's still light outside.
073:36:14 Schweickart (Spider onboard): Is it really?
073:36:18 Schweickart (PLSS): Oh, we just passed over Florida or somewhere. It looks like maybe Jacksonville.
073:36:28 Roosa: Red Rover, Houston. How are you reading now?
073:36:30 Schweickart (PLSS): It's all cloudy. I guess the Cape is clouded over. [Pause]
073:36:45 Schweickart (PLSS): Let me see if I can see any islands down there. [Pause]
073:36:58 Schweickart (PLSS): No. I can't tell how far north we are, but we came up fairly far south of the Baja, so [garble].
073:37:08 Scott (Gumdrop): Here, I'll shoot something out there, and we will make a satellite.
073:37:14 Scott (Gumdrop): It's right between your legs. It's gone up, now it's down on your knee. [Pause]
073:37:23 Schweickart (PLSS): My heavens! It's an antifog wipe. [Pause]
073:37:30 Scott (Gumdrop): I'll tell you, the toughest part of the whole thing is trying to change the film magazine.
073:37:34 McDivitt (Spider): Yes; I figured it would be, Dave.
073:37:37 Scott (Gumdrop): It's a rather mundane task.
073:37:39 McDivitt (Spider): Matter of fact, Rusty, why don't you get out there and move around a little bit and - Hey, there goes the camera, Dave.
073:37:45 Scott (Gumdrop): No; it's tethered. I learned that from a friend of mine named Mike.
073:37:48 McDivitt (Spider): Yes.
073:37:50 McDivitt (Spider): Rusty, why don't you exercise the handrails just a little bit just to see how they work, and don't go very far up. And if Dave gets the picture, fine, and if he doesn't well that's just too bad.
073:38:01 Schweickart (PLSS): Okay.
073:38:02 McDivitt (Spider): I think it's going to go 90 degrees to that way, Dave.
073:38:04 Scott (Gumdrop): Right.
073:38:06 Roosa: Red Rover, Houston. Do you read?
073:38:10 Scott (Gumdrop): I can't see it very good.
073:38:13 McDivitt (Spider): [Garble] don't know what to [garble].
073:38:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): Hey, you [garble] looks very great either. (Laughter)
073:38:17 Scott (Gumdrop): Say again.
073:38:18 Schweickart (PLSS): Ever see one of these things before, Dave?
073:38:19 McDivitt (Spider): [Garble] about this zero G.
073:38:24 Schweickart (PLSS): It's the somebody effect.
073:38:28 McDivitt (Spider): There you go. Got it.
073:38:29 Scott (Gumdrop): A friend of mine named Gene.
073:38:31 Schweickart (PLSS): Yes.
073:38:33 Scott (Gumdrop): He checked the various and sandry settings.
073:38:36 Schweickart (PLSS): Okay. As soon as you get that done, turn it on, and I'll be going here.
073:38:40 McDivitt (Spider): Why don't you come over and get the thermal sample and get it in so we won't have to mess around with it.
073:38:44 Schweickart (PLSS): That's a good idea; coming up. Hey, let me have my [garble].
073:38:49 Scott (Gumdrop): Oh, shoot.
073:38:53 Scott (Gumdrop): Wait a second. This poor movie camera. If it ever runs again, it will be a miracle.
073:38:59 Schweickart (PLSS): Was it kind of warm when it came in?
073:39:01 Scott (Gumdrop): No. It just got bashed around. The hook doesn't hook onto it right; it slides up and down the wire, and it's got that stretched cable on it, so every time the tension come out, the stretch cable slams it into something.
073:39:12 Schweickart (PLSS): Okay.
073:39:13 Scott (Gumdrop): Go ahead; pull it.
073:39:14 Schweickart (PLSS): Okay. I'm coming.
073:XX:XX Scott (Spider onboard): Okay - I've got it.
073:39:20 Roosa: Red Rover, Houston. Do you read?
073:39:21 Schweickart (PLSS): Okay. Stand by.
073:39:25 Schweickart (PLSS): Okay. [Garble]. Okay, hook it on down there and lock it. Dave, have you taken any pictures yet!
073:39:31 Scott (Gumdrop): No. I can't get it to run now, would you believe?
073:39:33 Schweickart (PLSS): Okay. The heck with it then.
073:39:35 McDivitt (Spider): His camera got smashed around a little bit too. I think these cameras are good for one film pack, and that's about it when you are doing work like this with them.
073:XX:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): [Garble] the nut. (Laughter) [Garble] If you'll just - hang on just a second. Oh, goodness! Get down in there food. Ah - [Garble]
073:39:45 Roosa: Red Rover, Houston. Do you read?
073:39:47 McDivitt (Spider): Let me turn around here and get some stills.
073:39:53 Schweickart (PLSS): Okay, Jim. Stand by just one here. [Pause]
073:39:59 Roosa: Gumdrop, Houston. Do you read? [Pause]
073:40:05 Roosa: Hey, anybody up there read me? This is Houston.
073:40:09 McDivitt (Spider): Oops, there goes a nut.
073:40:12 Schweickart (PLSS): Okay. What, are you talking about me again?
073:40:15 McDivitt (Spider): (Laughter)
073:40:17 Schweickart (PLSS): Okay. Pull her in. One each, thermal sample coming in. [Pause]
073:40:26 Roosa: Spider, Houston. Do you read?
073:40:28 Schweickart (PLSS): Okay. Can you take up out there and let me get that hook back?
073:40:31 Scott (Gumdrop): Yes; you just [garble] hang on a second.
073:40:34 Schweickart (PLSS): Okay. I tell you what. I don't need the hook just to go part of the way up and back down again. Okay...
073:40:41 Scott (Gumdrop): Goodness. Get down in there.
073:40:44 Schweickart (PLSS): ...what [garble].
073:40:45 Schweickart (PLSS): Do you want me to start, Jim?
073:40:47 McDivitt (Spider): Yes, Rusty.
073:40:XX Schweickart (Spider onboard): Yes.
073:40:49 Schweickart (PLSS): Okay. Here I go.
073:40:50 McDivitt (Spider): Rusty, I want you to evaluate those handles and when you get through with that, I want a conclusion from you on whether or not it's a practical way of doing it, like we've already said it is.
073:41:00 Schweickart (PLSS): Okay.
073:41:01 McDivitt (Spider): Stay away from the radar antenna.
073:41:02 Schweickart (PLSS): Roger.
073:41:04 Schweickart (PLSS): Oh, yes. This is very good.
073:41:06 McDivitt (Spider): Yes. Hey, let me get that camera out.
073:41:10 Schweickart (PLSS): Okay.
073:41:12 McDivitt (Spider): Anything left of that one.
073:41:14 Schweickart (PLSS): This is very good. This is no problem at all. [Pause]
073:41:23 McDivitt (Spider): Good. Be right there. Smile.
073:41:28 Schweickart (PLSS): Hello, there. This is no problem at all.
073:41:33 McDivitt (Spider): Okay. Go on back down it again. Hey, Dave, did you get your movie camera running yet?
073:41:37 Scott (Gumdrop): Not yet; but I would like to try it, if you will give me a minute.
073:41:41 McDivitt (Spider): Well, you've got 4 minutes. When the 4 minutes are over, then we are going to have to come back in, with or without the movies. If we get them, fine.
073:41:XX Scott (Spider onboard): Okay.
073:41:52 Schweickart (PLSS): Yes, there are almost no disturbing torques, I mean I don't have any problem at all just maintaining myself wherever I want.
073:42:00 McDivitt (Spider): Come around the window here. Can you?
073:42:02 Schweickart (PLSS): Yes. Hold on. I'll just push out a little bit.
073:42:06 Schweickart (PLSS): Wait, let me come up this way. How's that? [Pause]
073:42:12 McDivitt (Spider): Good.
073:42:14 Schweickart (PLSS): I'm in the shade, though.
073:42:15 McDivitt (Spider): That's okay.
073:42:18 Schweickart (PLSS): Now, you got to get a good picture.
073:42:21 McDivitt (Spider): If we got any good pictures, it will take a lot of them.
073:41:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): These aren't going to be very good; you just can't - You're just not over far enough.
073:42:24 Schweickart (PLSS): Yes. Then, too, maybe it will change the setting a little too. [Pause]
073:42:38 Schweickart (PLSS): How's that?
073:42:42 McDivitt (Spider): That was pretty good.
073:42:43 Schweickart (PLSS): Yes. I don't want to touch your quad, though.
073:42:45 McDivitt (Spider): Good idea. Don't touch the quad.
073:42:48 Schweickart (PLSS): Yes. [Pause]
073:42:59 McDivitt (Spider): Yes. The trouble is, I've got this latch [garble] I'll try to take pictures around that. I'm not sure I'm succeeding.
073:43:05 McDivitt (Spider): Okay, Dave. You ought to take some pictures that I can turn around and - Rusty, why don't you go up and down the thing. Go back down to the shoes and get back out there again, and let's call it quits. [Long pause]
073:43:41 Roosa: Spider, this is Houston. We are copying all transmissions loud and clear. [Pause]
073:43:51 Schweickart (PLSS): That's a very pretty scene. [Long pause]
073:44:15 Roosa: Spider, this is Houston - or Gumdrop or Red Rover. Do you read? [Pause]
073:44:27 Roosa: Hello, Gumdrop. This is Houston. How do you read? [Long pause]
073:44:46 McDivitt (Spider): Okay, Dave. Do you have it running yet?
073:44:48 Scott (Gumdrop): Just about.
073:44:49 McDivitt (Spider): What?
073:44:50 Scott (Gumdrop): Just about.
073:44:54 McDivitt (Spider): Want to set it on 24 frames a second?
073:44:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): [Garble] because - to come in.
073:44:57 Schweickart (PLSS): Yes. And hand hold it there. You're going to have to coming in. [Long pause]
073:45:11 Schweickart (PLSS): Is it working?
073:45:12 Scott (Gumdrop): I can't tell. Just a minute.
073:45:15 Schweickart (PLSS): I could feel it when mine was going. [Pause]
073:45:24 Scott (Gumdrop): I'm afraid, amigo, the camera has failed.
073:45:27 Schweickart (PLSS): Okay.
073:45:28 McDivitt (Spider): Okay.
073:45:29 McDivitt (Spider): Okay, Rusty. Why don't you start coming in?
073:45:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): [Garble] Oh, shoot. Sure like to.
073:45:30 Schweickart (PLSS): Right. Coming in. [Long pause]
073:45:47 McDivitt (Spider): Oh, shoot.
073:45:48 Schweickart (PLSS): Okay, Jim. Do you want to pull in the tether a little?
073:45:52 McDivitt (Spider): I'd sure like to. [Pause]
073:45:59 Schweickart (PLSS): I believe the door finally got itself closed and stuck. It's open now again. [Pause]
073:46:09 McDivitt (Spider): Okay.
073:46:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): [Garble] Oh, shoot. Sure like to.
073:4X:XX McDivitt (Spider): [Garble]. Believe the door finally got itself closed and stuck.
073:4X:XX McDivitt (Spider): It's open now again
073:4X:XX Schweickart (PLSS): Okay.
073:46:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): [Garble] golly.
073:4X:XX McDivitt (Spider): Okay. Now [garble] I'll do my best to stay out of your way. The only trouble is my hoses are kind of out where you are liable to hit them.
073:4X:XX Schweickart (PLSS): Okay.
073:4X:XX McDivitt (Spider): Okay. I think they're out of your way.
073:46:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): [Garble]. Hey, this way. Can you get over towards me. [Garble] stand right up, you'll be all set [garble].
073:4X:XX McDivitt (Spider): Okay [garble].
We're between the Vanguard and the Canaries, Canary should acquire right now.
At the time Jim McDivitt said, "You'd better start getting in now," Rusty Schweickart had been out for 37 and a half minutes."
073:46:43 McDivitt (Spider onboard): Don't let the hatch go closed, whatever you do [garble]. Okay, now see if you - pull up all the straps; pull up all the tethers.
073:46:XX Schweickart (Spider onboard): Okay [garble].
073:46:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): [Garble] right there on my hand [garble]. Some more now. One long strap hanging down. Look out now [garble].
073:47:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): Go to that - We go to that 2 plus 15 checklist right there [garble]. Come on egress forward hatch, closed and locked. [Garble]. That's right, that's right here.
073:47:45 McDivitt (Spider): It's going to take me awhile to get down there and get that thing closed. I just wanted to make sure you got back inside. I'm having trouble with the hatch. Every time it's been once closed [garble].
073:47:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): It hung up up there on the top [garble]. Sure we're clear that thing while it's still daylight.
073:47:58 Schweickart (PLSS): [Garble] while it's still daylight.
073:48:02 Schweickart (PLSS): How can I help you?
073:48:04 McDivitt (Spider): We ought to close that thing so I can see this hatch before I try to lock it. [Pause]
073:48:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): [Garble] I think it's okay [garble]. No, like the way it is.
073:48:14 McDivitt (Spider): [Garble] there we are.
073:48:17 Schweickart (PLSS): Okay.
073:48:19 Schweickart (PLSS): Okay, now. [Pause]
073:48:24 Schweickart (PLSS): Okay!
073:48:26 McDivitt (Spider): Whew!
073:48:27 Schweickart (PLSS): Okay.
073:48:28 Schweickart (PLSS): Let me get across the top here. Maybe I can get out of your way. No. That isn't going to work; let me get back in the corner.
073:48:36 McDivitt (Spider): No. I think it's okay.
073:48:39 Schweickart (PLSS): Looks like it's all right the way it is.
073:48:41 McDivitt (Spider): The best that you can do, if you can, is to gather this tube up here; sort of keep it up off the floor. [Pause]
073:48:51 McDivitt (Spider): Okay, Dave. You ought to start getting your hatch closed.
073:48:55 Scott (Gumdrop): Say again.
073:48:56 McDivitt (Spider): Better start getting your hatch closed if you aren't already doing it.
073:49:00 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. [Pause]
073:49:05 Roosa: Spider, this is Houston. Do you read? Sounds like you have your hatch closed.
073:49:11 McDivitt (Spider): No, not quite. It closed, just not locked.
073:49:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): [Garble]. What did you do with that
073:49:16 Roosa: Roger. Understand.
073:49:18 Scott (Gumdrop): Houston, Gumdrop.
073:49:20 Roosa: Gumdrop, Houston. Go ahead.
073:49:23 Scott (Gumdrop): Gumdrop's hatch is closed and locked.
073:49:26 Roosa: Roger. Understand. Hatch closed and locked. Good show. And I couldn't get up to you, but all three of you were coming in loud and clear. Sounded like Red Rover bad quite a time. [Long pause]
073:49:44 McDivitt (Spider): [Garble] Well, I hate to do it, but I've got to get my head in front of your legs, instead of behind them.
073:49:53 McDivitt (Spider): There, that's good.
073:49:56 McDivitt (Spider): Oooh, it's closed! Locked!
073:49:58 Schweickart (PLSS): It's locked?
073:50:00 Roosa: Houston. Copy. [Long pause]
073:50:08 McDivitt (onboard): I got my foot caught.
073:50:14 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, you ready?
073:50:16 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. Let's go back to that 215 thing there.
073:50:20 Schweickart (onboard): CM sequence camera, off. OPS antenna, stow. You want to stow that?
073:50:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): [Garble]. Opps, just stay right there. Okay.
073:50:31 Roosa: And, Spider and Gumdrop, if we lose you over Canaries here in a couple of minutes, we'll see you over Tananarive about 06.
073:50:32 McDivitt (onboard): It's alright; just leave it right there.
073:50:39 McDivitt (Spider): Okay.
073:50:40 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, DUMP valves, both, in AUTO.
073:50:41 McDivitt (onboard): Wait a second, I want to check...
073:50:42 Unidentifiable crewmember: [Garble] this again. I ha...
073:50:45 Schweickart (onboard): Get it? Well, the heck with it.
073:50:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): [Garble]. Can I - Let me get the cloth over it. Hey, don't -
073:50:49 Unidentifiable crewmember: [Garble] Bravo [garble].
073:50:51 McDivitt (Spider): Okay. I got it.
073:50:52 McDivitt (onboard): DUMP valve, AUTO. Looks like it should be in AUTO. It is. Okay?
073:50:53 Schweickart (Spider): ...order, this one should be in order [garble].
073:50:57 Unidentifiable crewmember: ...do you?
073:50:58 Unidentifiable crewmember: ...Okay. [Pause]
073:50:59 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. DUMP valves, both, in AUTO; CABIN REPRESS to AUTO. Okay, now, I'm going to - [garble] up here, I want to [garble] my oxygen [garble]. Okay, go ahead.
073:51:08 McDivitt (onboard): CABIN REPRESS going to AUTO. Let's see, let's - What are the steps after that? Log DELTA-T CABIN REPRESS to AUTO/CABIN?
073:51:10 McDivitt (Spider): [Garble] in REPRESS code AUTO. Let's see, let's...
073:51:12 Schweickart (Spider): What are the steps after that?
073:51:15 McDivitt (Spider): [Garble] CABIS REPRESS, AUTO CABIN, and it's 4,4 psi.
073:51:17 Schweickart (onboard): LMP Yes.
073:51:18 McDivitt (onboard): At 4.4 psi.
073:51:19 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
073:51:20 McDivitt (Spider): Okay.
073:51:22 McDivitt (Spider): And, we'll do it at 46 [garble].
073:51:26 McDivitt (onboard): Huh?
073:51:27 Unidentifiable crewmember: ...from AUTO?
073:51:30 Schweickart (onboard): Is it in AUTO?
073:51:31 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] AUTO?
073:51:32 Unidentifiable crewmember: ...AUTO? [Pause]
073:51:39 McDivitt (onboard): How about that? It's not repressing.
073:51:40 McDivitt (Spider): ...I'm repressing. [Pause]
073:51:43 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, that's alright. SUIT FLOW CONTROL, CLOSE. Jim?
073:51:51 McDivitt (onboard): What a second. What's that?
073:51:52 McDivitt (Spider): ...Rusty?
073:51:53 Schweickart (onboard): SUIT FLOW CONTROL, CLOSE.
073:51:54 Schweickart (Spider): What's that?
073:51:55 McDivitt (Spider): Oh, yes. [Pause]
073:51:56 McDivitt (onboard): Alright. SUIT FLOW CONTROL, CLOSE.
073:52:05 McDivitt (Spider): OPS purge control CLOSED. [Pause]
073:52:07 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, now. CABIN REG's A and B to CABIN; PRESSURE REG's A and B to CABIN, and now it will REPRESS.
073:52:16 McDivitt (Spider): There we go! [Pause]
073:52:24 McDivitt (onboard): How are your ears? How are your ears, Rusty?
073:52:25 McDivitt (Spider): How are your ears?
073:52:28 McDivitt (Spider): How are your ears, Rusty?
073:52:09 Schweickart (Spider onboard): Alright [garble].
073:52:30 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble].
073:52:31 Schweickart (Spider): Okay. [Pause]
073:52:37 McDivitt (Spider): Okay, Rusty. The psi. [Pause]
073:52:39 McDivitt (onboard): Okay. Okay, we're at 2 psi.
073:52:46 Schweickart (Spider): 2.2. [Pause]
073:52:47 McDivitt (Spider onboard): 2.3.
073:52:48 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. 2.6. [Garble].
073:52:56 Schweickart (Spider): About 3.
073:52:57 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, 3. Boy, I don't even see the cabin pressure [garble] 3.5.
073:52:59 McDivitt (Spider onboard): 4.4.
073:53:00 McDivitt (Spider): [Garble] cabin pressure a little [garble].
Very lng comm break.
This is Apollo Control. LM cabin pressure up over 2 pounds at LOS Canaries, and you heard it here live, first hand, the adventures of Red Rover and his friends, Gumdrop and Spider."
073:53:28 McDivitt (onboard): Are you coming up with it, or are you slipping down?
073:53:30 Schweickart (onboard): I'm right with it now.
We copied the CSM hatch closed and locked from Dave Scott's report at 73 hours 49 minutes 24 seconds. The LM hatch locked 73 hours 49 minutes 57 seconds. This, we're getting heart rates now from the Flight Surgeon. Red Rover's heart rate varied from 61 to 88 throughout this entire EVA period."
073:53:32 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] beautiful.
073:53:34 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
073:53:35 McDivitt (onboard): Okay. CB(16): SUIT FLOW, CLOSE. Okay, we've had the MASTER ALARM [garble]. Verify pressure increase and give CMP GO for REPRESS. Okay, Gumdrop; this is Spider here.
073:53:39 McDivitt (Spider onboard): And CABIN WARN LIGHT, ON. Okay.
073:53:48 Scott (onboard): Roger, Spider. I'm ready to REPRESS, if you are.
073:53:56 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, we are already repressed now, Dave.
073:53:58 Scott (onboard): Okay.
A very good EVA, Dave Scott even poked his head out of the Gumdrop hatch and retrieved the thermal sample there. Red Rover, alias Rusty Schweickart, got the thermal sample from the lunar module, spent most of his time in the golden slippers, but he did get out, evaluated the handrail to some extent, reported he was comfortable in his suit, had the portable life support set for minimum cooling, felt very comfortable."
073:54:00 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, now we can REPRESS you, too.
073:54:03 McDivitt (onboard): You'll have to do the last part of it.
073:54:05 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, we got - we're much greater than 35 percent, though.
073:54:08 McDivitt (onboard): We have about 68.
073:54:10 Scott (onboard): Okay, give me a minute, and I'll keep you posted.
073:54:18 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble].
073:54:20 Scott (onboard): Great. Looks good.
073:54:28 McDivitt (onboard): Yesterday, I wouldn't have given you a plug nickel for that.
His hands he said were warm, but not hot. He gave a fair travel log coming over the United States and out over the Bahamas, in that area, saw Jacksonville, Florida."
073:54:30 Scott (onboard): I wouldn't have either.
073:54:32 McDivitt (onboard): In fact, I wasn't sure we were even going to be up here today.
073:54:39 Schweickart (onboard): I feel hungry.
073:54:40 McDivitt (onboard): (Laughter)
073:54:52 Schweickart (onboard): I'll tell you what. Let's get me back on the [garble] here.
073:54:56 McDivitt (onboard): You ready to go?
073:54:57 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
073:54:58 McDivitt (onboard): Okay. So you want PLSS O2 , OFF?
He reported he had no problem maintaining himself where he wanted to, once he got out of the slippers and started exercising the handrail, and as they passed over the Houston area Jim McDivitt said it looked red, white, and blue over Nassau Bay again, this is a reference to the American flags being flown in that community."
073:55:01 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, it's off. I...
073:55:02 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, LMP operates the OPS PURGE valve to DEPRESS the suit. You've done that?
073:55:06 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, I've already...
073:55:07 McDivitt (onboard): REPRESS valve closes at 4.4; if LM DESCENT O2 - DUMP valve, OPEN; verify [garble].
073:55:09 McDivitt (Spider onboard): OVERHEAD DUMP valve, AUTO [garble] EVA systems. Oh.
073:55:11 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, I've already done that.
073:55:14 McDivitt (onboard): CABIN REPRESS...
073:55:15 Schweickart (onboard): That's okay.
073:55:17 McDivitt (Spider onboard): For him, yes. EVA systems configuration.
073:55:19 McDivitt (onboard): Let me give you these next two readings. CABIN 1 FAN, CLOSE [garble].
073:55:26 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, [garble].
All three of these crewmen live in Nassau Bay, and there are hundred and hundreds of American flags being flown there. This EVA was terminated after 1 daylight pass in the interest of staying on the time lines, letting the crew get some rest so that they will be in good shape for the rendezvous day tomorrow, rendezvous the most important part of this mission."
073:55:33 McDivitt (onboard): CABIN FAN 2.
073:55:34 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. CABIN GAS RETURN to AUTO.
073:55:35 McDivitt (Spider onboard): Anyway - FAN 2.
073:55:36 McDivitt (onboard): CABIN GAS RETURN to AUTO.
073:55:38 McDivitt (Spider onboard): CABIN. And that's just - Oh.
073:55:39 Schweickart (onboard): SUIT CIRCUIT RELIEF to AUTO?
073:55:42 McDivitt (onboard): RELIEF is in AUTO.
073:55:44 Schweickart (onboard): SUIT GAS DIVERTER valve to PUSH/CABIN.
073:55:47 McDivitt (onboard): PUSH/CABIN.
073:55:49 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. Doff gloves, helmets, and EV visors. Okay.
073:55:56 McDivitt (onboard): We're not going to pressurize him.
073:55:58 Schweickart (onboard): Huh?
Tananarive will acquire at 74 hours 5 minutes 41 seconds. We haven't had too good a COMM at Tananarive, but we'll come back up then and see how it goes. At 73 hours 56 minutes, this is Mission Control Houston."
073:56:00 McDivitt (onboard): You want to take your helmet off? You'll have to put that stuff back on if we're going to pressurize him.
073:56:04 Schweickart (onboard): Right.
073:56:05 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble].
073:56:09 McDivitt (Spider onboard): Don't want to open up a big hole in the roof with - if he's in a vacuum. Just like opening up the front valve.
073:56:14 McDivitt (onboard): Dave, how are you doing over there?
073:56:15 McDivitt (Spider onboard): [Garble] the other hoses.
073:56:16 Scott (onboard): [Garble].
073:56:22 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. [Garble] also want to do something here. I want to turn the pump off before I turn the boiler on. I have to remember to do that [garble].
073:56:55 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, plug me in, and then go to it.
073:56:58 McDivitt (onboard): Stand by just a minute, Dave.
073:57:01 Schweickart (onboard): I'm okay where I am, Jim.
073:57:04 McDivitt (onboard): Well, I have a backup.
073:57:13 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, I just want to put Rusty on the suit hoses from the spacecraft, and I'll be right with you. Okay?
073:57:1X McDivitt (Spider onboard): The blue in the red hole [garble]. Yes, but mine do.
073:57:20 Scott (onboard): Very well.
073:57:27 McDivitt (onboard): Okay. Okay, now, [garble].
073:57:43 Schweickart (onboard): Probably not open?
073:57:44 McDivitt (onboard): It is open.
073:57:45 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
073:57:52 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, tell you what...
073:57:53 McDivitt (onboard): I don't want to force it in.
073:57:55 Schweickart (onboard): I can [garble] a lot better than you can, I think.
073:57:56 McDivitt (Spider onboard): Push it in again.
073:57:57 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] push [garble] on the [garble], if you want to push on it. To get it started, all you do is push it.
073:58:02 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble].
073:58:05 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. Okay, Dave, are you ready?
073:58:08 Scott (onboard): Ready for what?
073:58:18 Scott (onboard): Hey, say again what you want me to be ready for. Say again. Go ahead. Stand by.
073:58:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): PRESS. Hey, come and repress you with our oxygen [garble] like to have me pressurize you.
073:58:26 McDivitt (onboard): We repressurize you with the LM oxygen.
073:58:31 Scott (onboard): Stand by. I'm not [garble] yet out of the PLSS [garble].
073:58:49 Schweickart (onboard): Jim, you can hear him, but he can't hear the first part of what you say; that's the problem.
073:58:54 McDivitt (onboard): I can hear him cut off. It sounds like - I can hear something; it goes along and stops like that.
073:59:02 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, but about 50 percent of the time, you're talking while he's saying stuff to you, and you miss the first three words. That's right.
073:59:12 Scott (onboard): Stand by and let me make sure that the [garble] is configured right.
073:59:18 Schweickart (onboard): Since we're in CABIN, all we got to do is open that, and it will automatically REPRESS.
073:59:29 Scott (onboard): Okay, Jim, I'm going to have to open the VENT valve in [garble] first. [Garble].
073:59:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): Great.
073:59:33 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble].
073:59:35 Scott (onboard): Right.
073:59:36 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, what's your cabin pressure now?
073:59:38 Scott (onboard): Okay, I'm up to 2.0 with the PLSS package only. I'm going to go ahead and open the [garble] PRESSURE EQUALIZATION valve, and that will drop me back down until I fill the tunnel up, and then you can fill me up. Okay?
073:59:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): Very good.
074:00:01 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, very good.
074:00:04 McDivitt (onboard): I heard him cut off again. He goes along, drops right off like that.
074:00:07 Schweickart (onboard): You heard his voice cut off that...
074:00:09 McDivitt (onboard): No, there's a long string of static that just - just cuts off.
074:00:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): I thought I just saw a whole bunch of those.
074:00:14 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble] some trash.
074:00:16 McDivitt (onboard): I know it [garble] copper with a screw through it. [Garble].
074:00:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): [Garble] man, here comes your old gas.
074:00:24 Scott (onboard): Okay, Spider, go ahead and give me [garble].
074:00:30 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, I'll give you [garble].
074:00:31 McDivitt (Spider onboard): Pressure.
074:00:32 Schweickart (Spider onboard): Good [garble] 0.8.
074:00:33 Scott (onboard): Okay.
074:00:38 McDivitt (onboard): Cabin pressure, Rusty; would you read that to me?
074:00:41 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, it's 4.5, 4.4, ...
074:00:47 McDivitt (onboard): Dave, going up?
074:00:48 Schweickart (onboard): ...4.3...
074:00:49 McDivitt (onboard): Are you going up?
074:00:50 Scott (onboard): Roger. Up to 2.0.
074:00:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): The O2 quantity?
074:00:52 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, it's going up slowly, Jim. You just leave it open.
074:00:58 Scott (onboard): Okay, I'm up to 2.3.
074:01:01 Schweickart (onboard): How's your O2 quantity? Okay, it's going to cut off in a minute. We got 65 percent. No sweat. And it's building up, Jim; we're ahead of them, so it's going to cut off and open up again.
074:01:14 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, I'm cutting it off myself, too, because there's so much crap floating around back here, I want to get in the DUMP valve.
074:00:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): No, it's not.
074:01:19 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. Okay, you can open it up again. Leave it open.
074:01:27 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble].
074:01:32 Scott (onboard): Okay, it's coming down again; it's about 4.2. There it goes again.
074:01:42 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, our O2 quantity is 62 percent. No sweat.
074:01:48 Scott (onboard): Okay, I'm up to 3.5.
074:01:51 Schweickart (onboard): We're up to 4.7, Jim.
074:01:53 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
074:02:07 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, we're 4.8; it's going to cut off again here.
074:02:13 McDivitt (onboard): Where are you at now, Dave?
074:02:15 Scott (onboard): Okay, I'm at 4.2, and the cabin pressure [garble].
074:02:19 McDivitt (onboard): 4.2?
074:02:21 Schweickart (onboard): Give it one more shot here [garble].
074:02:24 McDivitt (onboard): At 4.2?
074:02:27 Scott (onboard): 4.2.
074:02:32 Schweickart (onboard): Could you read that, Jim? He's 4.2.
074:02:36 McDivitt (onboard): I'll give you just a little more.
074:02:39 Scott (onboard): Okay.
074:00:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): [Garble] stop right there.
074:02:42 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] for you.
074:02:44 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. If we can - That's all you're getting?
074:02:46 Scott (onboard): Yes.
074:02:47 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
074:02:55 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, [garble] tank up again.
074:03:01 McDivitt (onboard): The tank?
074:03:02 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, go ahead.
074:00:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): Go ahead and start.
074:03:05 McDivitt (onboard): Configuring here now. I'm giving you all you're going to get.
074:03:06 Scott (onboard): Okay, thank you.
074:0X:XX Scott (Spider onboard): Go to it.
074:03:18 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, CABIN FAN 1, CLOSE; CABIN GAS - doff helmets and gloves.
074:03:22 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
074:03:38 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, boy. All the time did not have those [garble] liners on.
074:0X:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): Look at that. [Garble] that's it.
074:03:40 Schweickart (onboard): Yes. I guess I'd better stay here until I connect it into the COMM. You want to open my flow, Jim?
074:04:02 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, you all set?
074:04:05 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, thank you.
074:04:19 Schweickart (onboard): Boy, now I can see better.
074:05:25 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
074:05:28 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. CABIN FAN 1 and 2, CLOSE; CABIN GAS RETURN to AUTO; SUIT CIRCUIT RELIEF to AUTO; GAS DIVERTER, PUSH/CABIN now. Okay, CABIN PRESSURE REG's are in CABIN. Doff gloves, helmets, and visors; set the LM COMM, basic. I believe I'll go tell Dave we're going back to basic COMM, huh?
074:05:49 Scott (onboard): Roger. I caught that; going back to basic COMM.
This is Apollo Control at 74 hours, 5 minutes and Apollo 9 is at Tananarive. We'll standby.
074:06:00 Roosa: Spider; Gumdrop, Houston through Tananarive. [Long pause]
074:03:47 McDivitt (Spider onboard): Okay, we'll see you later.
074:06:07 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, now we want to configure...
074:06:16 McDivitt (onboard): He can't hear me, I don't believe.
074:03:47 McDivitt (Spider onboard): Can you? [Garble].
074:06:18 Schweickart (onboard): He can't?
074:06:19 McDivitt (onboard): I can't hear you. Come back out here. I can't hear you.
074:06:54 Roosa: Spider; Gumdrop, Houston through Tananarive. Receiving no transmission. All stand by and talk to you over Carnarvon at 22. [Long pause]
074:07:03 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, Houston, this is Spider here. We're about to repressurize at this time. Everything is hunkydory onboard, and we're just reconfiguring. We're trying - we're trying to make that TV pass for you.
074:07:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): [Garble] hold onto this, and I'll put the cover back on this thing you've [garble] close up with these on.
074:07:25 Scott (onboard): Houston, Gumdrop. Did you copy Spider?
074:07:30 McDivitt (onboard): Let's see. [Garble] on this, and I'll put the cover back on this again.
074:07:XX McDivitt (Spider onboard): Hello!
074:07:35 Schweickart (Spider onboard): Hello.
074:07:37 McDivitt (Spider onboard): Okay. Let me turn off your VOX. Okay.
074:08:29 Roosa: Spider; Gumdrop, Houston through Tananarive. How do you read? [Long pause]
074:09:19 Roosa: Tananarive M&O, Houston CAP COMM. Do you read?
074:09:24 Communications Technician: [Garble] Tananarive.
074:09:26 Roosa: Roger. Am I going up to the spacecraft?
074:09:30 Communications Technician: Say again.
074:09:31 Roosa: Roger. Are you hearing anything from the spacecraft?
074:09:35 Communications Technician: Negative. Downlink from the spacecraft, but you are going out, though.
074:09:38 Roosa: Okay. Thank you.
Very long comm break.
This is Apollo Control. Apollo 9 is beyond the range of the Tananarive station now. Carnarvon will acquire at 74 hours, 22 minutes. This is Mission Control Houston."
074:12:27 Schweickart (Spider onboard): Okay, you're back in basic over here.
074:12:28 McDivitt (Spider onboard): Alright. Okay. Let's - Why don't you hold these, and I'll go put your helmet in the back so it won't float away, and then we'll take that crap off.
074:12:45 Schweickart (Spider onboard): Well, okay. Then we got to re - we got to recharge it before we take, it off.
074:12:52 McDivitt (Spider onboard): Uh oh. What I did with that thing [garble].
074:12:59 Schweickart (Spider onboard): I tell you, one thing I kept wanting to get out of here was that helmet bag of mine. Holy Christmas!
074:14:11 Schweickart (Spider onboard): Thank you, by the way.
074:14:12 McDivitt (Spider onboard): Okay, appreciate it. That's what we came up here for. I just don't want you getting yourself killed.
074:14:19 Schweickart (Spider onboard): No, Well, I agree with you on that one. Let's see if we can avoid it the rest of the trip.
074:14:34 McDivitt (Spider onboard): Oh, shoot! Let's - let's get this [garble] up before we - It's a real rat's nest.
074:14:40 Schweickart (Spider onboard): Yes, You want to try to keep it in there?
074:14:48 McDivitt (Spider onboard): Well, I don't know what the hell else to do with it, do you?
074:14:51 Schweickart (Spider onboard): Okay, well, why don't I fold it while you do something useful.
074:14:53 McDivitt (Spider onboard): Yes. Okay. Hey -
074:14:59 Schweickart (Spider onboard): Oh, by the way, we want to change out the - the LiOH, and do a lot of things, you know, while it's still on.
074:15:05 McDivitt (Spider onboard): Yes, right.
074:16:35 McDivitt (Spider onboard): Get that later. Okay, we don't need the - this anymore, do we?
074:16:42 Schweickart (Spider onboard): Hey, - could you turn down my intercom volume a little bit? You're killing me.
074:16:48 McDivitt (Spider onboard): How's that? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
074:16:50 Schweickart (Spider onboard): No, still too loud. Lower. Okay, good, great, whoa!
074:16:55 McDivitt (Spider onboard): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. How's that?
074:16:56 Schweickart (Spider onboard): That's good.
074:16:58 McDivitt (Spider onboard): You need this anymore?
074:17:00 Schweickart (Spider onboard): A - Yes.
074:17:02 McDivitt (Spider onboard): Save that for the recharge.
074:17:03 Schweickart (Spider onboard): Yes, re - the recharge. Okay, why don't you start reading the checklist here, while I finish this up.
074:17:26 McDivitt (Spider onboard): Forgot to put the purge valve in your thing.
074:17:30 Schweickart (Spider onboard): In my what?
074:17:32 McDivitt (Spider onboard): Your helmet bag.
074:17:33 Schweickart (Spider onboard): Oh yes.
074:17:45 McDivitt (Spider onboard): Shoot.
074:18:00 Schweickart (Spider onboard): Shoot, man, the control out there is easy as pie. My God, I wasn't even moving.
074:18:29 Schweickart (Spider onboard): Gee, too bad we couldn't quite see Houston.
074:18:31 McDivitt (Spider onboard): Yes, that was a shame, wasn't it?
074:18:33 Schweickart (Spider onboard): Yes. Wonder why they left the radio?
074:18:39 McDivitt (Spider onboard): I don't know. I wonder what happened to our cameras. We better check these mothers and see if they still work.
074:18:49 Schweickart (Spider onboard): Alright, that one does. It was working great outside.
074:18:58 McDivitt (Spider onboard): Yes, it seems like it does. After we got that handle on it, we'll never get it off.
074:19:04 Schweickart (Spider onboard): Yes. Okay, now I got to - I'm ready to put the ...
074:19:12 McDivitt (Spider onboard): [Garble] that.
074:19:15 Schweickart (Spider onboard): No, that's just that decal. I'm ready to put the flap around this thing.
074:19:21 McDivitt (Spider onboard): Whoop. You better look that one over. It really got bashed around coming in.
074:19:24 Schweickart (Spider onboard): Yes. Hey, wait a minute. Don't - don't -
074:20:17 McDivitt (Spider onboard): PLSS PUMP, OFF; PLSS FAN, OFF; PLSS MODE, POSITION 3; connect the LM COMM audio. COMMANDER SUIT ISOLATION to SUIT DISCONNECT; COMMANDER SUIT ISOLATION, SUIT FLOW. Emergency cabin repress. Okay, we finished all that. Okay, that helped.
074:20:42 Schweickart (Spider onboard): Okay. Here's the tether.
074:20:54 McDivitt (Spider onboard): Okay, here's the checklist. I'll trade you.
074:20:56 Schweickart (Spider onboard): Okay, let me see whether I can move here. Okay.
074:21:06 Scott (onboard): Spider, Gumdrop.
074:21:09 Schweickart (Spider onboard): Alright.
This is Apollo Control at 74 hours, 22 minutes and Carnarvon has acquired.
074:21:09 Schweickart (Spider): Go ahead, Gumdrop.
074:21:10 Scott (Gumdrop): How are you doing over there?
074:21:11 Schweickart (Spider onboard): Fi -
074:21:12 Schweickart (Spider): Okay. We are trying to get through the -
074:21:14 Schweickart (onboard): - the mess in here and -
074:21:15 Schweickart (Spider): - get it back -
074:21:16 Schweickart (onboard): - stowed again.
074:21:19 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. Everything squared away over here. We are back up to 5.1; the O2 flow now is [garble].
074:21:25 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
074:21:27 Roosa: And, Spider and Gumdrop, this is Houston through Carnarvon. Reading you loud and clear. [Long pause]
074:21:30 McDivitt (onboard): Good job, David Scott.
074:21:34 Scott (onboard): Good job to you guys! Hey, that was really a neat demonstration. That really looked pretty neat.
074:21:45 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, it really was, as a matter of fact.
074:22:09 Schweickart (Spider onboard): Okay, we can go red to red - red to blue, and blue to red, if you want. I don't want to. Okay. Here we go. Next ...
074:22:15 McDivitt (Spider onboard): [Garble] you give me that other EVA card over there.
074:22:20 Schweickart (Spider onboard): Okay. I didn't figure out the rendezvous - Well, we'll do that later. Okay, log the DELTA-T ...
074:22:27 Roosa: Spider and Gumdrop, Houston through Carnarvon.
074:22:32 McDivitt (Spider): Houston, this is the Spider.
074:22:34 McDivitt (Spider onboard): Let Dave talk to them. We got to get this mess cleaned up.
074:22:35 Roosa: Roger, Spider. Reading you loud and clear.
074:22:40 Scott (Gumdrop): And, Houston, this is Gumdrop. Back up to 5.1. Everything is nominal.
074:22:42 McDivitt (Spider onboard): Let me see this just a minute.
074:22:43 Schweickart (Spider onboard): Okay, that's right where we want to be.
074:22:44 McDivitt (Spider onboard): Well, let's see ...
074:22:45 Roosa: Roger. Copy, Gumdrop.
074:22:48 Schweickart (Spider onboard): EVA-23.
074:22:51 McDivitt (Spider): Hey, Houston. This is Spider.
074:22:53 Roosa: Go ahead, Spider.
074:22:57 McDivitt (Spider): Spider here, Houston. What time was TV pass? [Pause]
074:23:07 Scott (Spider onboard): Spider [garble].
074:23:08 Roosa: Roger, Spider. It's 74 plus 57 and will last until 75 plus 13. [Pause]
074:23:17 Schweickart (Spider onboard): Hey, Gumdrop. (Coughing)
074:23:18 McDivitt (Spider): Can't read him. See if you can get him.
074:23:21 Scott (Gumdrop): Roger. Understand, Houston. 74 plus 57 to 75 plus 13. Is that correct?
074:23:27 Roosa: That's affirmative, Gumdrop. [Pause]
074:23:28 Schweickart (Spider onboard): Yes.
074:23:31 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. You copy. Spider?
074:23:32 Schweickart (Spider onboard): 74 plus 57.
074:23:33 McDivitt (Spider): Yes; we got it.
074:23:34 Scott (Gumdrop): He copies.
Long comm break.
074:23:35 Scott (Spider onboard): He copied.
074:23:37 Schweickart (Spider onboard): Okay, - Look, that's strictly a COMM thing. Why don't we set that up now ...
074:23:40 McDivitt (Spider onboard): Yes. Just set it up?
074:23:42 Schweickart (Spider onboard): ... and then press on with the rest.
074:23:43 McDivitt (Spider onboard): That's what I think we probably ought to do.
074:23:44 Schweickart (Spider onboard): Okay?
074:23:45 McDivitt (Spider onboard): Yes.
074:23:46 Schweickart (Spider onboard): Let me, get this TV out.
074:23:47 McDivitt (Spider onboard): Maybe we can get that PLSS off your back, and - and move it back here a little ways.
074:23:49 Schweickart (Spider onboard): Well, I'll tell you what, let's get -
074:23:50 McDivitt (Spider onboard): Why don't we hurry up and do that, and then we can ...
074:23:51 Schweickart (Spider onboard): Let's see a - okay [garble].
074:23:53 McDivitt (Spider onboard): Read the checklist.
074:23:54 Schweickart (Spider onboard): Okay, read the checklist. Log DELTA-T of the LiOH and O2 recharge. Okay, I'll reset it here.
074:24:02 McDivitt (Spider onboard): We still have the tape on. I guess I should turn it off, huh?
074:24:06 Schweickart (Spider onboard): Yes, it's all [garble].
074:28:30 Roosa: And, Spider and Gumdrop, we are going to lose you here at Carnarvon in about a minute. We'll see you over Huntsville about 37.
074:28:37 Scott (Gumdrop): Roger. Huntsville 37.
Long comm break.
This is Apollo Control at 74 hours, 30 minutes. Apollo 9 passing over from Carnarvon acquisition to Honeysuckle acquisition. We don't intend to call the crew during these next couple of passes. They are busy getting squared away after the EVA and getting prepared for this long stateside pass which will include television, so we'll just stand by and await any calls from them. We are at Honeysuckle now.
This is Apollo Control at 74 hours, 33 minutes. Honeysuckle has LOS of signal. The Huntsville will acquire in about 2 and one-half minutes. We'll come back then. This is Mission Control Houston.
This is Apollo Control 74 hours 36 minutes and Huntsville has acquired.
074:38:12 Roosa: And, Spider; Gumdrop, Houston through the Huntsville. Standing by. [Long pause]
074:39:18 Roosa: Spider and Gumdrop, this is Houston through the Huntsville. How do you read?
Long comm break.
074:44:02 Roosa: And, Gumdrop; Spider, if you read, we will see you over Hawaii in about 4 minutes.
Long comm break.
Huntsville has loss of signal. Hawaii will acquire at 74 hour 47-1/2 minutes. This is Mission Control Houston.
This is Apollo Control 74 hours 47 minutes and Hawaii has acquired.
074:47:44 Roosa: And, Spider; Gumdrop, Houston through Hawaii. Standing by.
074:47:49 McDivitt (Spider): Hello, Houston. This is Spider.
074:47:52 Roosa: Roger, Spider. Reading you loud and clear.
074:47:55 McDivitt (Spider): Okay. On this TV pass, all you want is a TV on. You don't want a whole bunch of COMM checks, do you?
074:48:00 Roosa: That is affirmative. We would just like to look at some nice, pretty pictures of you all.
074:48:06 McDivitt (Spider): We don't have any up here. [Pause]
074:48:12 Schweickart (Spider): Okay. Be advised we will be in basic COMM band, with the exception that the S-band will be in MODULATE, and we will have a TV breaker pushed In. [Pause]
074:48:26 Roosa: Roger. Copy. You will be basic COMM S-band FM, and you will be having a circuit breaker shortly before 57. Affirm? [Pause]
074:48:39 Schweickart (Spider): That is affirmative, and we are in FM now; and when we come over the hill at 55, we will push the TV breaker closed.
074:48:48 Roosa: Okay. At 55 you will be closing the breaker.
074:48:51 Schweickart (Spider): Right. [Long pause]
074:49:12 Roosa: And, Spider, this is Houston. I'm not trying to hurry you at all; just at your convenience, we would like to have an onboard readout of your supercritical helium.
074:49:24 Schweickart (Spider): Roger, in work. For your information, the onboard readout of the O2 quantity is 57 percent, and be advised we REPRESSED the command module for about 2 psi, to about 4.5. [Pause]
074:49:42 Roosa: Roger. Copy. [Long pause]
074:50:05 McDivitt (Spider): Houston, it looks like it is about 750.
074:50:10 Roosa: Roger. Copy 750. And that verifies our reading. And just for your info, we feel this is either a leak upstream of the helium... [Pause]
074:50:21 McDivitt (Spider): ...Houston, are you still there?
074:50:24 Roosa: Roger, Spider. How do you read Houston? [Pause]
074:50:35 Roosa: Hello, Spider. This is Houston. Do you read? [Pause]
074:50:50 Roosa: Hello, Gumdrop. Do you read Houston? I haven't heard you over Hawaii here. [Long pause]
074:51:40 Roosa: Hello, Spider. Houston. How do you read?
Long comm break.
This is Apollo Control. We are about 1/2 minute away from LOS with Hawaii. We already have overlapping coverage from the Redstone, then we will go into the Goldstone station at 74:57:25, for the TV pass.
074:55:15 Roosa: Spider; Gumdrop, Houston. How do you read through the Redstone? [Pause]
074:55:27 Roosa: Hello, Spider; Gumdrop, this is Houston through the Redstone. How do you read? [Long pause]
074:56:15 Roosa: Spider; Gumdrop, Houston. How do you read?
Comm break.
074:57:31 Roosa: Spider; Gumdrop. How do you read Houston? [Long pause]
We do not have a picture yet and we're having voice communications difficulties here. There's a picture coming in now.
074:58:03 Roosa: Okay, Spider. This is Houston. We do have a TV picture. We are receiving no voice.
074:58:10 Schweickart (Spider): Roger. Understand you are receiving no voice.
074:58:12 Roosa: Oh, that's it. You are coming through loud and clear. Rusty.
074:58:16 Schweickart (Spider): Oh, crazy. You're reading voice now.
074:58:20 Schweickart (Spider): Okay. We are in the process of recharging the PLSS. We have recharged it with oxygen, and we've just put in the water, and we are going to vent now.
074:58:32 Roosa: Roger. Your picture is good. We can see you loud and clear going down the checklist there like a good pilot.
074:58:39 Schweickart (Spider): Right. [Long pause]
074:59:12 Roosa: And, Spider, this is Houston. Do we still have you in voice here?
074:59:17 McDivitt (Spider): Sure do. Just kind of busy here. That's why we are not talking.
074:59:23 Roosa: Okay. Understand.
074:59:25 McDivitt (Spider): What we are doing is - We are recharging the PLSS, and I'm eating lunch.
074:59:30 Schweickart (Spider): Yes. The Commander is talking while he is eating. He's not supposed to do that. [Pause]
074:59:56 McDivitt (Spider): Okay, Houston. It's done.
074:59:59 Roosa: Oh, very good. Hey, it's a tremendous picture, Spider.
075:00:04 McDivitt (Spider): Great.
075:00:09 McDivitt (Spider): How much longer do we have on this picture? Ten minutes?
075:00:17 Roosa: Yes. We've got it for about another 13 minutes, Spider. We can watch your whole lunch there - count your bites.
075:00:24 McDivitt (Spider): Thanks.
075:00:26 Roosa: You are welcome. [Pause]
075:00:33 Roosa: And, Spider, were you reading me back over Redstone and Hawaii?
075:00:38 McDivitt (Spider): I read you the first time, but that was only one time.
075:00:41 Roosa: Okay. Understand.
075:00:45 Schweickart (Spider): [Garble] just barely in [garble]. [Pause]
075:01:00 Schweickart (Spider): Houston, Spider.
075:01:01 Roosa: Go ahead, Spider.
075:01:03 Schweickart (Spider): We wondered - going over the stateside there - the EVA. Did you read us all the way? We noticed that you didn't say anything even when we asked questions.
075:01:13 Roosa: We were reading everything - all of you - loud and clear, and we just weren't getting up to you. But the COMM from you was terrific. We read all your conversations - sounded like you were really having a ball.
075:01:27 Schweickart (Spider): Yes. Pretty good view from out there.
075:01:30 Schweickart (Spider): That's what you call a view from the top of the stairs - LM stairs, that is. [Pause]
075:01:42 McDivitt (Spider): Have you got any words of wisdom on tomorrow's flight plan yet, Smokey?
075:01:48 Roosa: Roger. We'll cover that with you later if you want. We'll settle down, and - Have you got anything that you can give us along the line about clearing the tunnel? It sounds like that goes pretty well. [Pause]
075:02:02 McDivitt (Spider): Yes. The tunnel doesn't take long at all. It's getting ready to clear the tunnel. [Pause]
075:02:13 Roosa: Okay. And hey, Red Rover, we've - How about a big smile for the folks at home here. Let us know if you are feeling pretty good after that show.
075:02:23 McDivitt (Spider): Yea. We're feeling great as a matter of fact.
075:02:28 Schweickart (Spider): McDivitt doesn't look so good, but he feels all right.
075:02:32 Roosa: Well, that was a typical friendly CDR smile.
075:02:36 McDivitt (Spider): Right. They don't like me because I have got a better beard than they do.
075:02:41 Schweickart (Spider): Straight teeth, but a crooked smile.
075:02:46 Roosa: I don't like you because you've got a better view than I do.
075:02:50 McDivitt (Spider): That's okay. We just don't like you.
075:02:58 Roosa: Okay. We are coming up on a keyhole now. We'll probably have a dropout for about a minute and 55 seconds or so and pick you back up again.
075:03:05 McDivitt (Spider): Okay. Okay. Do you want the TV to stay on?
075:03:09 Roosa: That's affirmative. Leave it just like it is. We'll just have a little blizzard for the folks at home and pick you back up again.
075:03:16 McDivitt (Spider): Okay.
Comm break.
Should be getting a picture momentarily.
075:04:42 Roosa: Okay, Spider. We've lost your picture here now. We should be able to pick it back up shortly. I'm curious, if we get the picture back, if you could show us a view out of the overhead window of the command module. Would that be possible? [Pause]
075:04:58 McDivitt (Spider): Roger.
075:04:59 Roosa: Out the window and up around the tunnel area if you could, and we are showing about 8 minutes left in the pass.
075:05:08 McDivitt (Spider): Okay. I'll show you a picture of Dave over in the Gumdrop waving at us.
075:05:12 Roosa: Okay. We do not have your TV picture at this time. I'll let you know when we get it. [Long pause]
075:05:37 Roosa: Okay. Spider, we've got the picture back again now. [Pause]
075:05:51 McDivitt (Spider): I can show you a picture of the back of the LM. I don't know if you could see much back there.
075:05:56 Roosa: Okay. And just a word, Jim. We'd like to have you hold the camera, oh, about a minute or so in each position, to let the light compensate right. Maybe the picture will come in a little clearer.
075:06:10 McDivitt (Spider): Okay. I'll give you the one out of the top first - to make sure we get it.
075:06:12 Roosa: Okay. Yes. We can see it out - we - It's a good view, Spider. [Pause]
075:06:21 Roosa: Hey, that's terrific. Dave, how about waving to the folks at home? [Pause]
075:06:34 Roosa: Hey, that's really great, Spider and Gumdrop. It is really beautiful! And we can see you waving, Dave. [Pause]
075:06:47 Roosa: Hey, that's really a terrific shot.
075:06:52 McDivitt (Spider): Tell you what I'll do. I don't know if it is still light out there, maybe I can give you a view out the top window of the LM down at the light.
075:07:00 Roosa: All right. Yes. Let's do that. And we've got about 6 minutes left. That's really great. [Pause]
075:07:09 McDivitt (Spider): Well, I can't see much out there. I'll show you one of our quads. [Pause]
075:07:15 Roosa: Hey, that's a terrific shot. You know that camera picks up pretty well even when you are moving it fast. And that's a beautiful shot of the quad now, Jim. [Pause]
075:07:30 McDivitt (Spider): Okay. Now I'll show it right straight down the minus X-axis, or as close as I can get it, and you can just see the legs sticking out down there. [Pause]
075:07:45 Roosa: Okay. The picture is pretty good, Spider. It's real clear. I'm not sure I can pick out the leg right there at this time. We'll take a look at it. [Pause]
075:07:56 McDivitt (Spider): That's okay. Neither can I. You don't see very much of it, Smokey.
075:08:01 Roosa: Okay. Well, I don't feel so bad then.
075:08:04 McDivitt (Spider): Okay. Just a minute. [Pause]
075:08:14 McDivitt (Spider): Let me show you a little more of the outside of the command module. I'll show you the side window, and you can see the EVA light sticking out, out there on the pole. It's also part of the LM radar antenna. [Pause]
075:08:37 Roosa: Jim, can you move the camera a little closer to the window?
075:08:41 McDivitt (Spider): It's right up against the window, now.
075:08:43 Roosa: Okay.
075:08:46 McDivitt (Spider): I'm not sure that you can really see it that well. [Pause]
075:08:56 McDivitt (Spider): Here's a picture of the radiation meter. So far, we haven't detected any radiation.
075:08:59 Roosa: Oh, very good. Hey, that's a real good picture. [Pause]
075:09:06 McDivitt (Spider): It also might be interesting to look at the front of the LM and the instrument panel.
075:09:13 Roosa: Yes. That would he real great. If you could show us a couple of views of that, and maybe one of up in the tunnel, so we can see how you get in and out of there on your way to work each morning.
075:09:22 McDivitt (Spider): Okay. This is the interim stowage assembly that we are looking at right here. Instrument panel is right behind it. For the EVA, we put all of our equipment in that big bag. You can see the telescope sticking out right above that with all the wires wrapped around it. [Pause]
075:09:39 Roosa: Okay, Jim. We can see where it is. It's just a little dark to show the AOP up real good, but we've got a real clear picture of your stowage bag.
075:09:50 McDivitt (Spider): Okay. Maybe I can take a diagonal picture of the instrument panel here.
075:09:57 Scott (Gumdrop): Spider, I got the docking target up here. Why don't you try that?
075:10:01 McDivitt (Spider): Okay. [Pause]
075:10:06 McDivitt (Spider): Smokey, can you see this picture?
075:10:10 Roosa: Okay. We can see the caution and warning panel with a couple or three lights lit up, but it is just a little dark on the panel itself. [Pause]
075:10:20 McDivitt (Spider): Okay. Listen, we'll go back, and I'll show you the docking target. It is green and yellow; too bad we don't have green and red. Too bad we don't have color TV. It is in the command module window now.
075:10:32 Roosa: Okay. That will be a good shot if we can get through to that. [Pause]
075:10:40 Roosa: Oh, hey. That picture is fantastic, Dave - I mean Jim. Let's just hold it right there for awhile. [Pause]
075:10:54 Roosa: That's really a terrific shot, Jim. We are getting the Earth in the background and the clearness of the command module is outstanding. [Pause]
075:11:05 Scott (Gumdrop): It's a clear command module.
075:11:08 Roosa: Roger.
075:11:12 Roosa: I guess I should say, "The Gumdrop looks loud and clear." [Long pause]
075:11:34 Roosa: Okay, Jim. We've got about a minute and a half left. That picture looks beautiful. [Pause]
075:11:41 McDivitt (Spider): Okay.
075:11:43 Roosa: And could we give it a try up the tunnel? It's probably pretty dark, but we'd like to see how it comes in. [Pause]
075:11:54 McDivitt (Spider): Hey, I'm not sure. Say, Dave, is the tunnel pressurized or not?
075:12:00 Scott (Gumdrop): Yes. It's pressurized.
075:12:02 McDivitt (Spider): Okay. It's still [garble]. We don't have the tunnel open, and we can't get it open very far because we still have the OPS's on the back wall.
075:12:11 Roosa: Roger. We understand, Jim. [Pause]
075:12:18 McDivitt (Spider): Okay. There's a picture of the drogue sticking down into the tunnel with the probe stuck in the end of it, and you can see the upper hatch of the LM is open. It's probably not...
075:12:28 Roosa: Now hold the camera right there, Jim. That's real clear. It's a beautiful picture.
075:12:33 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. Stand by. And I'll pull the hatch off.
075:12:36 Roosa: Okay. [Pause]
075:12:45 Roosa: It's really a clear picture, Jim. [Pause]
075:12:51 McDivitt (Spider): I'll tell you, the picture we really ought to have for you are those six black hoses in the LM, or in the command module snaking around three people who are trying to do something.
075:12:59 Roosa: Roger. Understand. We're going to lose you here. Tell Dave to delay taking out the hatch. We're just about to drop you. [Pause]
075:13:10 McDivitt (Spider): I think it's out now. I don't think you can see anything.
075:13:13 Roosa: No. We're lost the picture. That's the end of the pass. Right on schedule.
075:13:17 McDivitt (Spider): It works.
075:13:18 Roosa: Hey, we sure appreciate your taking that time out, Jim, That was great. [Long pause]
This is Apollo Control at 75 hours 13 minutes. We're in acquisition at Antigua and will continue on through Vanguard. We will stay up live.
075:14:24 Roosa: Apollo 9, this is Houston - excuse me, Spider; Gumdrop, Houston. We should still have COMM with you. How do you read?
075:14:33 McDivitt (Spider): Spider, loud and clear.
075:14:34 Scott (Gumdrop): Gumdrop, five-by.
075:14:36 Roosa: Okay. Spider, we've got you for about another 5 minutes before we fall off the Vanguard, and we'd like a few comments from you how we're to shape up for tomorrow's work. What is - is it just getting on the suits and hoses and everything that's giving you the delay in the morning? [Pause]
075:14:55 McDivitt (Spider): Yes. The problem is that although we've got three people in there, we can't have all three guys working at the same time. And once you put your suit on, you become sort of useless. And everybody has to eat, and we have to get the suits on, we have to power up the spacecraft, we probably have to take them through a P52 or P51, and by the time you get through doing all those things, it just takes up 2 or 3 hours.
075:15:19 Roosa: Roger. Understand. We're starting the rest period tonight at 77:30 - right about that - which is an hour and a half early. And as far as tomorrow morning goes, do you agree with getting up an hour and a half before the scheduled time? Is that going to give you enough time? [Pause]
075:15:42 McDivitt (Spider): I think maybe if we did some more work tonight, we might be able to get up something like an hour beforehand tomorrow. The trouble is we were up pretty late last night trying to sort out all the things. As you know, we transferred the checklist back and forth, and flight plans back and forth; it's really kind of a mess. I guess the thing that we can plan on doing is getting up something like an hour [garble] checklist squared away, and then we'll be ISA UP for tomorrow morning tonight. I just hope we can get it all done in an extra hour. I tell you what, I have to look at tomorrow morning's flight plan before I can tell you. I'll let you know exactly what we are going to do. [Pause]
075:16:26 Roosa: Roger. Spider, do you still read me? [Pause]
075:16:35 Scott (Gumdrop): Houston, Gumdrop's still with you.
075:16:37 Roosa: Okay, Gumdrop. Spider sort of faded out there. We agree with that. We're going to do everything we can to get you turned in as soon as possible tonight, and we agree to the hour in the morning for getting up earlier and guess we can discuss it more later, but we sure concur with all those. [Pause]
075:17:00 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. Very good. We'll take a look at the flight plan later on, too, and get it all squared sway.
075:17:05 Roosa: All right. Fine. [Pause]
075:17:14 Scott (Gumdrop): Spider, Gumdrop.
075:17:16 McDivitt (Spider): Go ahead.
075:17:17 Scott (Gumdrop): They copied. They agree with all that.
075:17:20 McDivitt (Spider): Okay.
Comm break.
075:19:38 McDivitt (Spider): Gumdrop.
075:19:41 Scott (Gumdrop): Go ahead.
075:19:42 McDivitt (Spider): Find out what we do with the super [garble] whether we leave it here or bring it back.
075:19:47 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. Stand by.
075:19:49 Schweickart (onboard): Thank you.
075:19:53 Roosa: And, Spider; Gumdrop, if you read Houston, we're deleting the backup COMM check over Ascension.
Long comm break.
This is Apollo Control, and the Vanguard has loss of signal. During this pass you heard spacecraft commander Jim McDivitt explains why it takes so long to prepare for transfer into the lunar module. When all three pilots are suited, it's very difficult for all of them to move around at the same time, doing what they are supposed to be doing. And as you heard, we will start the rest period today at 77 hours 30 minutes, that's 3:30 central standard time. And we are looking toward awakening the crew perhaps an hour early, an hour earlier than scheduled in the flight plan tomorrow, scheduled was to awaken them at approximately 87 hours elapsed time. We are looking toward getting them up about 86 hours now. The total duration of that television pass was 12 minutes 43 seconds. The station at Ascension Island will acquire Apollo 9 at 75 hours 25 minutes, about 4 minutes from now. This is Mission Control Houston."
075:20:05 Schweickart (onboard): See, I've got no way of telling really. There's - there's nothing I have here that really tells me what to do.
075:20:11 Scott (onboard): Okay. It tells me that you take it back over there tomorrow, but it doesn't - doesn't say what.
075:20:17 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. It says we take the superwide back here tomorrow?
075:20:20 Scott (onboard): Let's see, let me check the other books.
075:20:23 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
075:20:26 McDivitt (onboard): Don't sweat it, Dave. We'll just bring a couple of cameras back.
075:20:30 Scott (onboard): Okay.
075:21:04 Scott (onboard): Hey, Spider. How far are you from [garble] update?
075:21:09 McDivitt (onboard): We're pretty quick.
075:21:11 Scott (onboard): Oh, really?
075:21:12 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, where - where do you stand, Dave?
075:21:14 Scott (onboard): Well, I can [garble], I'll get it ready for you.
075:21:17 McDivitt (onboard): Okay. Let us know when - when you're ready.
075:21:21 Scott (onboard): Okay.
075:21:23 McDivitt (onboard): We've got some more cleanup too, but probably by the time you get ready, we'll be ready to go [garble].
075:21:28 Scott (onboard): Okay, I'm trying to get a little bit of [garble].
This is Apollo Control at 75 hours, 25 minutes and Apollo 9 is tagging up with Ascension; we'll stand by.
075:25:42 Roosa: Gumdrop/Spider, this is Houston through Ascension. And we are deleting this backup voice check.
075:25:50 Scott (Gumdrop): Roger. [Pause]
075:25:58 Schweickart (Spider): And, Houston, this is Spider. As soon as we get the tunnel clear, we're going to be transferring back and drying out the sublimator.
075:26:05 Roosa: Roger. We agree with that. We'll just be standing by.
Long comm break.
075:32:07 Roosa: We'll see you over Tananarive at 42.
Very long comm break.
This is Apollo Control, Ascension has LOS. Tananarive will acquire in about 10 minutes. This is Mission Control Houston."
075:32:16 Scott (onboard): Roger.
075:39:47 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, Gumdrop? You about ready?
075:39:50 Scott (onboard): I've got a bunch of other things to do, but I'm taking the hatch out right now.
075:39:56 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, I think we're getting ready to leave here.
075:39:59 Scott (onboard): Okay, I've got the basic stuff down here, just a bunch of little cleanup items.
This is Apollo Control at 75 hours 41 minutes. And Apollo 9 is coming up on the tracking station at Tananarive. We will stand by.
075:42:36 Roosa: Spider/Gumdrop, Houston through Tananarive. Standing by. We will have you for about 4 minutes; see you at Carnarvon at 56.
075:42:45 McDivitt (Spider): Spider.
075:42:47 Scott (onboard): Gumdrop.
075:43:01 McDivitt (Spider): Hey, Dave, how would you like to have us mix up this fruit plate with this LM water?
075:43:07 Scott (Gumdrop): I think that would be all right.
075:43:10 McDivitt (Spider): Okay. Should make it a lot better.
075:43:12 Scott (Gumdrop): Yes. I wouldn't mind having some of that.
075:43:18 Scott (Gumdrop): Good idea.
Very long comm break.
This is Apollo Control 75 hours 46 minutes. And Gumdrop and Spider have completed the pass at Tananarive. Carnarvon will acquire at 75 hours and 55 minutes. This is Mission Control Houston."
075:47:55 McDivitt (onboard): Dave, are you up working in the tunnel?
075:47:58 Scott (onboard): Say again.
075:47:59 McDivitt (onboard): Are you up in the tunnel?
075:48:00 Scott (onboard): Yes, open the door.
075:48:02 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
This is Apollo Control at 75 hours 55 minutes. Carnarvon has acquisition.
075:56:12 Roosa: Spider/Gumdrop, Houston through Carnarvon. Standing by.
075:56:17 Schweickart (Spider): Roger, Houston. Spider here. We've started to dry out. [Long pause]
075:57:21 Roosa: Roger. Understand. [Long pause]
075:57:34 Roosa: And, Rusty, could you give us a time on when you started?
075:57:39 Schweickart (Spider): Roger. On my Mark, we started 6 minutes and 40 seconds ago. 3, 2, 1,
075:57:48 Schweickart (Spider): MARK.
075:57:49 Schweickart (Spider): Six minutes and 40 seconds into the dryout.
075:57:53 Roosa: Very good; thank you. Rusty
075:57:57 Schweickart (Spider): Roger.
Long comm break.
This is Apollo Control. That dryout refers to the LM sublimator, or waterboiler. They dry it out each time before they power down the LM so it that it won't freeze up."
076:01:28 Roosa: Spider, Houston.
076:01:32 Schweickart (Spider): Roger. Go ahead, Houston.
076:01:34 Roosa: Roger. Just to verify our TM here. Rusty. Several times we've noticed connects and disconnects of the suit isolation valve, the suit isolation valve, going from connect to disconnect. Can you verify that? [Pause]
076:01:52 Schweickart (Spider): The commander just went off, and we disconnected his.
076:01:56 Roosa: No, I mean this was during the day.
076:02:02 Schweickart (Spider): Yes. I guess we did it about four or five times today.
076:02:09 Roosa: Okay. And are you connected now?
076:02:14 Schweickart (Spider): That is affirmative. The LMP is connected and flowing, and the Commander is not.
076:02:22 Roosa: Okay. That solves our problem, then. Thank you. Rusty. [Long pause]
076:02:47 Roosa: Spider, Houston.
076:02:51 Schweickart (Spider): Go ahead.
076:02:52 Roosa: Roger. We're recommending that you be off of the LM ECS hoses by 76 plus 10. That's about 8 minutes from now, if you can make it. We would also like the time at which you do go off. It's about 1 minute to LOS here at Carnarvon, and I'll probably see you over Hawaii around 21. [Pause]
076:03:14 Schweickart (Spider): Okay. I'll be on the command module hoses by that time. [Pause]
076:03:22 Roosa: And, Spider, one more question. Could you - Would you have time to tell me whether the suit isolation disconnect circuit breaker is IN or OUT? [Pause]
076:03:36 Schweickart (Spider): Suit flow control circuit is CLOSED. I believe that's what you want.
076:03:41 Roosa: That's what I wanted, Rusty; thank you. It's closed.
076:03:44 Schweickart (Spider): Roger.
Long comm break.
And Carnarvon has LOS. There is a very low elevation pass at the Huntsville. We miss Honeysuckle this time. We may or may not have air to ground at Huntsville. It is a low elevation pass. Acquisition there at 76 hours 12-1/2 minutes. We will come back up then, in case there is air to ground. This is Mission Control Houston."
076:04:58 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, Gumdrop; Spider.
076:05:02 Scott (onboard): Go, Spider.
076:05:03 Schweickart (onboard): Roger; how about sending [garble]?
076:05:06 Scott (onboard): Okay.
076:05:22 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, and I'm going to go off the LM COMM now, and why don't you give me about a minute and then put me - all the switches ON on my COMM panel.
076:05:30 Scott (onboard): Okay.
076:06:04 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, I'm ON.
076:08:30 McDivitt (onboard): Okay. Let's start counting this mother down.
076:08:38 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
076:08:53 Schweickart (onboard): Anybody know where the camera fuses are?
076:08:56 McDivitt (onboard): Ahh - No, I don't.
076:09:02 Schweickart (onboard): Boy, I knew.
076:09:04 McDivitt (onboard): I saw it once, too. In something.
076:09:07 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, we ran into one earlier in the flight.
076:09:10 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
076:09:11 Schweickart (onboard): A fuse, a camera fuse. Where is it?
076:09:17 McDivitt (onboard): There's one in your data bag.
076:09:20 Schweickart (onboard): That's where we saw it.
076:09:24 McDivitt (onboard): It's worth a try.
076:09:41 Schweickart (onboard): You going to try to get back to the same place, Jim.
076:09:57 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, did you put it in the middle - the COAS? The slot?
076:10:00 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
076:10:29 McDivitt (onboard): Great!
076:12:08 McDivitt (onboard): Well!
076:12:43 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
076:12:56 McDivitt (onboard): Too bad1
076:13:01 Schweickart (onboard): Did you find your camera, Jim?
076:13:06 Schweickart (onboard): Voila!
076:13:10 Schweickart (onboard): Voila! Le camera, she work!
076:13:14 McDivitt (onboard): She works! Did you get the fuse?
This is Apollo Control, at 76 hours, 12 minutes. We are coming within range of the Huntsville now, we'll stand by.
076:13:17 Roosa: Gumdrop/Spider, this is Houston through the Huntsville. I'll have you about 2-1/2 minutes. And Gumdrop, do you read? [Pause]
076:13:29 McDivitt (onboard): What's going on? Okay.
076:13:31 Schweickart (Spider): This is Spider here. Go ahead.
076:13:33 Roosa: Okay. Could you pass the word to Gumdrop there that we will pick him up - We'll pick y'all up over Hawaii in about 8 minutes at 21. [Pause]
076:13:39 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, dummy, he's calling you.
076:13:41 Scott (onboard): Oh. Houston, Gumdrop; go.
076:13:44 Roosa: The first item will be some block data that we would like to get out of the way, and then we'll have some questions on the optics and on the cryo plan for tonight. [Pause]
076:13:53 McDivitt (onboard): Did you get that, David?
076:13:55 Schweickart (Spider): Roger. When did you say you were going to do that?
076:13:57 Roosa: We'll do that over Hawaii - coming across the States - We'll have Hawaii at 21, and we would like to have them to have their block data PAD out.
076:14:06 Schweickart (Spider): Okay. We'll be all set.
076:14:08 Roosa: Okay. And, Gumdrop, we're trying to do some COMM troubleshooting here. This will be VHF only at Hawaii, if we can make it. And I'd like to insure that your VHF is set up. [Pause]
076:14:24 Schweickart (Spider): Okay. All set; VHF only.
076:14:26 Roosa: Okay.
Long comm break.
This is Apollo Control, Apollo 9 beyond the range at Huntsville now. Hawaii will acquire at 76 hours, 21 minutes. This is Mission Control Houston."
076:14:36 Scott (onboard): You ready to go, Jimmy?
076:14:46 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, no, I'm going [garble].
076:14:53 Scott (onboard): Wait a minute, wait a minute [garble].
076:14:58 Scott (onboard): Whoo!
076:15:30 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, Rusty. You ready?
076:15:32 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
076:15:33 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, we got initial powerdown. FDAI 1 and 2, INERTIAL.
076:15:38 Schweickart (onboard): Roger.
076:15:39 McDivitt (onboard): EARTH/LUNAR POWER, OFF.
076:15:41 Schweickart (onboard): EARTH/LUNAR POWER, OFF.
076:15:42 McDivitt (onboard): LIGHTING, OFF.
076:15:43 Schweickart (onboard): LIGHTING, OFF.
076:15:44 McDivitt (onboard): MODE, HOLD/FAST; ALTIM - ALTITUDE SET at 130.
076:15:48 Schweickart (onboard): Roger.
076:15:49 McDivitt (onboard): MASTER ALARM, OFF? ASC HELIUM SELECTOR, both? STAGE, SAFE and guarded.
076:15:54 Schweickart (onboard): I'll verify it.
076:15:56 McDivitt (onboard): AUDIO CONTROL, all switches, OFF. COAS, OFF.
076:15:59 Schweickart (onboard): Alright. Stand by.
076:16:06 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, go ahead.
076:16:10 McDivitt (onboard): Next step: TTCA (COMMANDER's), JETS, down.
076:16:11 Schweickart (onboard): JETS, down.
076:16:12 McDivitt (onboard): Next step: OVERRIDE ANUN, OFF; NUM, OFF; INTEGRAL, OFF. Are you SIDE PANELS, OFF?
076:16:19 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
076:16:20 McDivitt (onboard): I didn't think they would be. INTEGRAL's DIM.
076:16:22 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
076:16:23 McDivitt (onboard): Next step: TRANSPOINTER SCALE, HIGH MULT.
076:16:27 Schweickart (onboard): HIGH MULT.
076:16:31 Schweickart (onboard): LANDING RADAR/COMPUTER.
076:16:32 McDivitt (onboard): ATTITUDE MONITOR, PGNS.
076:16:35 Schweickart (onboard): PGNS.
076:16:36 McDivitt (onboard): GUIDENCE CONTROL, PGNS.
076:16:37 Schweickart (onboard): PGNS.
076:16:38 McDivitt (onboard): MODE SELECTOR, LANDING RADAR.
076:16:40 Schweickart (onboard): LANDING RADAR.
076:16:41 McDivitt (onboard): Alright, RANGE/ALTITUDE MONITOR, ALTITUDE/ALTITUDE RATE.
076:16:43 Schweickart (onboard): ALTATODE/ALTITUDE RATE.
076:16:44 McDivitt (onboard): SHAFT - SHAFT and TRUNNION, 50 degrees.
076:16:46 Schweickart (onboard): 50.
076:16:47 McDivitt (onboard): RATESCALE, 25.
076:16:49 Schweickart (onboard): Alright, stand by just a minute here, Jim; I want to plot a point here. My temperature just started going up.
076:16:59 McDivitt (onboard): How soon...
076:17:00 Schweickart (onboard): Ahh, I just turned down the - 26; yes.
076:17:18 McDivitt (onboard): Is that COAS on? Or is that docking part of it [garble] right, Dave?
076:17:22 Scott (onboard): Yes.
076:17:23 Schweickart (onboard): 3, 14, 7...
076:17:24 McDivitt (onboard): It's off 4-1/2degrees in pitch and about a half degree in yaw.
076:17:26 Scott (onboard): Oh, you're kidding!
076:17:28 Scott (onboard): And, what it is. I'm not in the right place [garble].
076:17:37 McDivitt (onboard): You!
076:17:38 Schweickart (onboard): You'd better keep a sharp eye on...
076:17:39 Scott (onboard): Okay.
076:17:42 McDivitt (onboard): RATE SCALE, 25.
076:17:43 Schweickart (onboard): 25.
076:17:45 McDivitt (onboard): THROTTLE CONTROL, AUTO.
076:17:46 Schweickart (onboard): AUTO.
076:17:47 McDivitt (onboard): MANUAL THROTTLE, COMMANDER.
076:17:48 Schweickart (onboard): COMMANDER
076:17:49 McDivitt (onboard): ENGINE ARM, OFF.
076:17:51 Schweickart (onboard): ENGINE ARM, OFF.
076:17:52 McDivitt (onboard): X-TRANSLATION, 2 JETS.
076:17:54 Schweickart (onboard): Roger; 2 JETS.
076:17:55 McDivitt (onboard): BALANCE COUPLES, ON.
076:17:56 Schweickart (onboard): BALANCE COUPLES, OFF.
076:17:57 McDivitt (onboard): ASCENT HELIUM...
076:17:58 Scott (onboard): No-o-o.
076:17:59 McDivitt (onboard): BALANCE COUPLES, ON!
076:18:00 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, Jim.
076:18:01 McDivitt (onboard): ASCENT HELIUM REG's 1 and 2, talkback gray.
076:18:04 Schweickart (onboard): Gray.
076:18:05 McDivitt (onboard): DESCENT HELIUM REG: 1, talkback gray; 2, talkback barber pole.
076:18:09 Schweickart (onboard): Ahh...
076:18:10 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] got the barber pole one.
076:18:12 Schweickart (onboard): No.
076:18:13 McDivitt (onboard): We turn the POWER, OFF, on this one?
076:18:14 Schweickart (onboard): No, the POWER, OFF, is three grays and one barber pole.
076:18:18 McDivitt (onboard): Have we had the POWER, OFF, yet?
076:18:19 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, we never put the breakers on there.
076:18:21 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, that's right, yes.
076:18:22 McDivitt (onboard): PROPELLANT QUANTITY MONITOR, OFF.
076:18:25 Schweickart (onboard): PROPELLANT QUANTITY MONITOR, OFF.
076:18:30 Schweickart (onboard): ASCENT.
076:18:31 McDivitt (onboard): HELIUM MONITOR, OFF.
076:18:32 Schweickart (onboard): HELIUM MONITOR going OFF.
076:18:33 McDivitt (onboard): ABORT and ABORT STAGE, flush and guarded.
076:18:35 Schweickart (onboard): Flush and guarded.
076:18:36 McDivitt (onboard): ASCENT SYSTEMS A and B, ASCENT FUEL and ASCENT OXIDIZER, four, talkback - talkback barber pole.
076:18:41 Schweickart (onboard): Roger.
076:18:42 McDivitt (onboard): SYSTEMS A and B, QUADS 1, 2, 3, 4, (eight), OPEN; talkback gray.
076:18:46 Schweickart (onboard): Gray.
076:18:47 McDivitt (onboard): THRUSTERS, talkback barber pole.
076:18:49 Schweickart (onboard): THRUSTERS, barber pole.
076:18:51 McDivitt (onboard): A and B MAIN SHUT OFF VALVE, talkback...
076:20:23 Unidentifiable crewmember (onboard): Roger.
076:20:24 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] LMP JETS, down.
076:20:27 Schweickart (onboard): JETS, down.
076:20:28 McDivitt (onboard): CONTROL, all systems, OFF.
076:20:31 Schweickart (onboard): All systems, OFF.
076:20:32 McDivitt (onboard): Roger. VHF TRANSMITTER and RECEIVER is OFF.
076:20:40 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
076:20:41 McDivitt (onboard): TRACK MODE, OFF.
076:20:42 Schweickart (onboard): Say again.
076:20:45 McDivitt (onboard): TRACK MODE, OFF.
076:20:48 Schweickart (onboard): TRACK MODE, OFF. Did you say B TRANSMITTER, OFF, also?
076:20:52 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, A and B TRANSMITTER and RECEIVER, OFF.
076:20:53 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
076:20:55 McDivitt (onboard): Next step. SUIT GAS DIVERTER, PUSH and CABIN.
This is Apollo Control at 76 hours, 21 minutes. Apollo 9 is at Hawaii now. We'll stand by.
076:21:20 Roosa: Hello, Spider/Gumdrop, Houston through Hawaii.
076:21:25 Unidentifiable crewmember: Roger. Standing by. [Long pause]
076:21:42 Roosa: Gumdrop, do you read Houston?
076:21:45 McDivitt (Spider): [Garble] Houston. Never mind. We're reading you.
076:21:50 Roosa: Roger. Copy. Stand by. [Long pause]
076:22:54 Scott (Gumdrop): Houston, Apollo 9.
076:22:57 Roosa: Roger. Apollo 9, this is Houston. I think I've got you a little better now. How do you read me?
076:23:05 Scott (Gumdrop): I'm picking you up five-square. Go ahead with your block data.
076:23:08 Roosa: Okay. Reading block data: 051 4 Alfa, plus 307, minus 1619 080 49 10 4651; 052 3 Baker, plus 338, plus 1485 082 12 23 4710; 053 3 Alfa, plus 3l6, plus 1485 083 46 06 4663; 054 3 Baker, plus 259, plus 1450 085 19 30 4601; 055 Charlie Charlie, minus 210, minus 1620 087 11 08 4475; and the last one, 056 Alfa Charlie, plus 014, minus 0240 087 47 06 4580. And your SPS trim: pitch, minus 1.07; yaw, minus 1.11. End of update. [Pause]
076:26:19 Scott (Gumdrop): Roger. I missed the first 2 lines of the third one.
076:26:23 Roosa: Okay. The first two lines of the third one: 053 3 Alfa, plus 3l6. [Pause]
076:26:37 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. Coming back at you. Ready?
076:26:40 Roosa: Go ahead.
076:26:42 Scott (Gumdrop): 051 4 Alfa, plus 307, minus l6l9 080 49 10 4651; 052 3 Bravo, plus 338, plus 1485 082 12 23 4710; 053 3 Alfa, plus 316, plus 1485 083 46 06 4663; 054 3 Bravo, plus 259, plus 1450 085 19 30 4601; 055 Charlie Charlie, minus 210, minus 1620 087 11 08 4475; 056 Alfa Charlie, plus 014, minus 0240 087 47 06 4580.
076:27:48 Roosa: Roger. Your readback correct. Your trim's minus 1.07 and minus 1.11.
076:27:55 Scott (Gumdrop): Roger. Minus 1.07 and minus 1.11.
076:28:00 Roosa: Okay. And while I've got you in a writing mood, let me pass you a NAV check that will be for a state vector. We'll load to you coming across the States, here.
076:28:12 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. Houston, you faded. Stand by one.
076:28:16 Roosa: Roger.
076:28:19 Roosa: We'll see you in about 30 seconds, if you read, Gumdrop.
Comm break.
This is Apoll Control. Hawaii's handing over to Redstone here and there is a slight break.
076:29:49 Roosa: Okay. Gumdrop, Houston again. Do you read me now?
076:29:56 Scott (Gumdrop): [Garble] Houston [garble]. [Pause]
076:30:16 Roosa: Gumdrop, this is Houston. I think you answered me. Try me again. See if I can read you.
076:30:20 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. How about now?
076:30:22 Roosa: Okay. You're loud and clear. Are you ready to copy a NAV check?
076:30:26 Scott (Gumdrop): Roger. Go with the NAV check.
076:30:28 Roosa: It's 077 all zeros all zeros, minus 0735, minus 02499 1272. [Pause]
076:30:55 Scott (Gumdrop): Roger. 077 all zeros, minus 0735, minus 024 - and I didn't catch the rest - 1272?
076:31:08 Roosa: Roger. The longitude is minus 02499.
076:31:16 Scott (Gumdrop): Minus 02499.
076:31:19 Roosa: That is affirmative. And, Dave, if you've got time, there's a couple of questions I'd like to ask you about the optics. [Pause]
076:31:38 Scott (Gumdrop): Hey, Houston. [Pause]
076:31:46 Roosa: Gumdrop, this is Houston. Could you give us P00 in ACCEPT, please? We're going to uplink you a state vector. [Long pause]
076:32:27 Roosa: Hello, Gumdrop; this is Houston. How do you read me now? [Long pause]
076:33:11 Roosa: Okay. Gumdrop, this is Houston. I think we've got you again, now. How do you read?
076:33:16 Unidentifiable crewmember: [Garble]. [Long pause]
076:33:54 Roosa: Okay. Gumdrop, Houston trying again. Do you read?
076:33:58 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. I read you again; how me?
076:34:00 Roosa: Oh, boy; you are loud and clear now. I don't know what our COMM troubles are, but we've got them. I'd like to talk to you a little bit about the cryo plan for tonight.
076:34:11 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. Go.
076:34:12 Roosa: Okay. We'd like this to be done just before you go to sleep, and you are going to have to allow about 30 minutes. What we'd like to have you do is bring both H2 tanks up to 270 psi, using manual operation of both heaters and fans in both tanks. This 270 psi in tank 2 flow should correspond to the caution and warning trip limit, so you should get a light on that. Then after you've got the pressure up, we'd like to have you turn fans OFF, and place heaters in AUTO. [Pause]
076:35:02 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. Copied that. You want both H2 up to 270 with both the heaters and the fans. And then, when we get there, the fans OFF and the heaters to AUTO. And expect a caution warning light on tank 2 at 270.
076:35:18 Roosa: That's right. And this should be done just before your sleep period; you should allow about 30 minutes for this.
076:35:24 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. Understand.
076:35:26 Roosa: Dave, can you answer a couple of questions about your optics?
076:35:29 Scott (Gumdrop): Go ahead.
076:35:31 Roosa: Okay. This is in regard to the problem you stated the other day about the telescope sticking in 64 degrees in MANUAL drive.
076:35:41 Scott (Gumdrop): Roger.
076:35:43 Roosa: Okay. Is that shaft counter permanently frozen at 64, or when you get it past 64, does it count again? [Pause]
076:35:54 Scott (Gumdrop): No. The mechanical counter is permanently frozen.
076:35:58 Roosa: Okay. It is frozen. The way we copied it, you went to AUTO OPTICS to get past 64. Is that correct?
076:36:07 Scott (Gumdrop): Not - Yes, that's one way; it was a sort of transient kind of thing. The feedback readout froze the day before, but we didn't notice any stowing up. Then on the morning when I realigned, when I came - just before I gave you the comments - I got stuck in 64 one time, but got it past and haven't had any trouble since. [Long pause]
076:36:31 Roosa: Okay. Understand that you do not have any trouble with it now, with the exception of the counter being at 64 degrees.
076:36:39 Scott (Gumdrop): That's affirmative. I've done two more alignments since then, and I've run back and forth across about the 60-degree point, and it doesn't seem to hang up any more.
076:36:48 Roosa: Okay. That's real good. We really were scratching our heads on that one. So, It sounds like you are squared away for tomorrow, then.
076:36:57 Scott (Gumdrop): Yes. I believe it's working all right, and the CMC AUTO drive seems to work fine, too.
076:37:04 Roosa: Okay. Real fine; that helps us out. At this time I would remind you of the waste water dump, which we are showing down here at about 77:30; and we're showing your rest period starting right after, about 77:40. [Pause]
076:37:25 Scott (Gumdrop): All right; thanks for the reminder. We'll even try and chlorinate the water before we go to bed.
076:37:31 Roosa: Okay. Very good. [Pause]
076:37:42 Roosa: And, Gumdrop, also we would like to remind you, sometime we would like to get a dosimeter reading.
076:37:49 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. We'll get that. [Long pause]
076:38:39 Roosa: And, Gumdrop, we're through with the computer. It's yours.
076:38:42 Scott (Gumdrop): Roger. [Long pause]
076:39:20 Scott (Gumdrop): Houston, Gumdrop. I've got the dosimeter readings, if you want them.
076:39:26 Roosa: Roger. Right. Go ahead.
076:39:29 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. 3112, 6112, 8012 for the CDR, CMP, and LMP. [Long pause]
076:39:41 Roosa: Roger. I copy those, Gumdrop, Thank you very much.
076:39:49 Scott (Gumdrop): Roger. [Long pause]
076:40:16 Roosa: And, Gumdrop, is Rusty still over in the LM?
076:40:20 Scott (Gumdrop): Roger. We're sort of cleaning things up and fixing chow with some good water in it?
076:40:26 Roosa: Okay. Real good. I'll get with him later, then. There is a note I want to give about the checklist - his malfunction procedure.
076:40:35 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. He ought to be back over in about a half hour or so.
076:40:38 Roosa: Okay.
Long comm break.
076:42:01 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, it won't stay there.
076:42:03 McDivitt (onboard): CABIN REPRESS, CLOSE.
076:42:05 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, if you're ready, here it comes again.
076:42:07 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, here comes that [garble]...
076:44:24 Roosa: And, no need to answer, Gumdrop. This is Houston. Just like to remind you, you are still in ACCEPT. We would like to have you go back to BLOCK whenever you get around to it.
076:44:32 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. Thank you. Good night.
076:44:35 Roosa: Roger [Long pause]
076:44:57 Scott (Gumdrop): Hello. Houston, Apollo 9.
076:45:00 Roosa: Go ahead, Apollo 9.
076:45:02 Scott (Gumdrop): I've got a question for tomorrow. When we finish up with the LM, we are collecting a tremendous amount of garbage and stuff in the command module here, and we have to bring a bunch of books and things like that back from the LM. I'd like to take one of these great big temporary stowage bags, fill it with all our garbage, and leave it in the LM. This means that the doctors aren't going to be able to figure out when we ate, because all the white spots, and red spots, and blue spots of the food bags are going to be over there in the LM. But we've been intermixing bags and stuff here, Houston, in an attempt to get something to eat whenever we can, so that data is sort of gone down the tubes anyway.
076:45:44 Roosa: Roger, Apollo 9. We copy that.
076:45:49 Scott (Gumdrop): Okay. Could you let us know if we could drop off a couple of big bags of junk over there? [Pause]
076:45:55 Roosa: Roger. Why don't you go ahead and do it?
076:45:59 Scott (Gumdrop): That was sort of my plan, too, Stu.
076:46:03 Roosa: Say again, Apollo 9.
076:46:05 Scott (Gumdrop): I said, that was sort of my plan, too.
076:46:07 Roosa: Roger. That's the official word. Go ahead. We would just like to caution you: could you sort of fasten it down with one of the restraints or something?
076:46:17 Scott (Gumdrop): Yes. We'll have it fixed so it doesn't float around, but we've just got to get rid of some of this junk.
076:46:22 Roosa: That sounds like a great idea.
076:46:25 Scott (Gumdrop): We just haven't had much time for playing housekeeping, and it's really building up.
076:46:30 Roosa: We appreciate that. You all are doing a magnificent job, and we're really pulling for you. [Pause]
076:46:41 Scott (Gumdrop): Right now, we are filling all our bags full of water from the LM because that water tastes better.
076:46:46 Roosa: Roger. Understand the water in the LM is much, much better than that in the command module.
076:46:52 Scott (Gumdrop): Yes. It doesn't have any bubbles, and you can drink it without blowing up like a balloon.
076:46:56 Roosa: Hey, that sounds great.
076:46:58 Scott (Gumdrop): Yes. But you ought to see where they go when they ask for a soda.
076:47:04 Roosa: Of course, I guess it's a little inconvenient to always pull that LM around just so you will have good water to drink, isn't it?
076:47:10 Scott (Gumdrop): Yes. It's sort of going to be in the way after tomorrow.
076:47:13 Roosa: Roger.
076:47:15 Scott (Gumdrop): Besides which, I'm getting tired of looking at the top of it through the command module windows. It sort of blocks the view.
076:47:21 Roosa: Yes. I guess that cuts down on your geography viewing, there.
076:47:26 Scott (Gumdrop): Man, I haven't even had time to look at the ground yet.
076:47:30 Roosa: Yes. I bet I got more view of the ground today from your TV show than you have so far.
076:47:40 Scott (Gumdrop): The only good view I think I've really had was yesterday during the docked DPS burn when we went across the States face down. That was really quite pretty.
076:47:48 Roosa: Yes, man; that docked DPS burn was a beautiful thing. It was really great.
Comm break.
076:50:13 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. One other question.
076:50:15 Scott (Gumdrop): Go ahead.
076:50:17 Roosa: Roger. We would like to verify that the heaters on the LM windows were OFF all day.
076:50:25 Schweickart (Spider): Roger. They were. That's affirmative. They were OFF all day.
076:50:29 Roosa: Okay. Thank you.
Comm break.
076:51:42 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, we are going to lose you here at Antigua. We'll see you over Ascension at about 59.
076:51:49 Schweickart (Spider): Roger.
076:51:50 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, tell them we're done with the dryout.
076:51:53 Schweickart (Spider): Hey, Houston, it looks like we're all done drying out the water boiler. What do you think?
076:52:00 Roosa: Stand by, Apollo 9. [Long pause]
076:52:04 Scott (onboard): You know, when you called it that time, the damned thing was shining right through the hatch window.
076:52:15 McDivitt (onboard): Looks to me like it's just about right, Dave.
076:52:17 Scott (onboard): Yes, I maneuvered about 5...
076:52:18 Roosa: That's negative. We don't think it's dry yet, Apollo 9. We will try to get you a hack, here, on our estimate.
076:52:25 Schweickart (Spider): Okay. Very good. [Long pause]
076:52:26 Scott (onboard): Okay, please do.
076:52:28 McDivitt (onboard): They don't think it's dried out yet, Rusty.
076:52:30 Schweickart (onboard): They don't?
076:52:31 Scott (onboard): No. Well, I had to maneuver about 40 degrees, I guess, altogether; I had an hour to do it in, so it worked out fairly well. I'm glad we sat down and talked about that now - that sun-angle bit. You know, with the model, that day we did it, a long, long, long time ago, you know?
076:52:49 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
076:52:50 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. In about 5 more minutes, if you read me, you can shut down the water boiler. I mean, it will be dried up.
Long comm break.
This is Apollo Control. We have LOS at Antigua. Jim McDivitt is back in the command module. Rusty Schweickart is still in the LM and it looks like he has drawn the role of chief cook for the crew for this mission. As you heard, Rusty is preparing the meals for all three crewmen, using the LM water supply. The water in the command module is that produced by the fuel cell, whereas the water in the LM was loaded prior to launch and is tastier. So they like to prepare their food with the better tasting water. Ascension will be the next station to acquire at 76 hours 58 minutes. This is Mission Control Houston."
076:52:51 Scott (onboard): You know? Instead of having gimbal angles - torquing angles. That was a - that was a good thing.
076:52:59 Schweickart (onboard): Jim, here's your pea soup.
076:53:01 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, good! I think I'll eat that right now. Cold pea soup [garble] cold pea soup [garble].
076:53:13 McDivitt (onboard): (Laughter)
076:53:16 Schweickart (onboard): Well, I tell you, I'm really scramble.
076:53:18 McDivitt (onboard): (Laughter)
076:53:22 Schweickart (onboard): Another day of up, up, up (laughter).
076:53:26 McDivitt (onboard): Listen, you just get things set tomorrow, because it's my day for looking out the window; man, you're going to have to fight me to get your hands - to get one of those cameras away. I haven't taken a picture yet, hardly. I'm going to take some nice pictures of the ground - of the whole world; I'm just going to make a strip map of the world. You're supposed to do SO 65, yet (laughter).
076:53:56 Scott (onboard): Hey, listen, I need to get a picture of Rusty coming down through the hatch. Why don't I [garble].
076:54:02 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, Dave.
076:54:03 Scott (onboard): Yes.
076:54:04 Schweickart (onboard): I meant to tell you that TCA helped yesterday. Give me another one today. Oh, yes, oh, I see a lot easier [garble].
076:54:18 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, Dave.
076:54:21 Schweickart (onboard): Yes. I got the camera working. I changed the fuse, and it works. That doesn't mean that's what was wrong with it, but at least that's - that made it work.
076:54:43 McDivitt (onboard): Hmm, [garble] gummed up the inside; I've already gummed up the outside. I'm going to have to take another crap tonight.
076:54:48 Scott (onboard): You take one last night?
076:54:49 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. [Garble].
076:54:55 Scott (onboard): Ha!
076:54:59 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, has anybody done that - How about sending me some - some of my own food so I can eat. I'm hungry, man.
076:55:06 Scott (onboard): Yes. That's a good idea. [Garble]. These are the two that he sent up here, okay?
076:55:12 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, look what's coming down my way.
076:55:13 McDivitt (onboard): What?
076:55:14 Schweickart (onboard): Toothpaste.
076:55:17 Scott (onboard): Well, how did that get out?
076:55:18 Schweickart (onboard): I don't know how, but it did. Dave has a lot of good useful things - all kinds of things [garble] like the toothpaste, the [garble] cover. [Garble] something like this.
076:55:28 Scott (onboard): Okay, just a minute, let me put the toothpaste away before I get more mess. I had it away [garble] the food bag. Hey, what's the setting in here of Earth? Better get the spotmeter.
076:55:43 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, how are they going to let us know when it's dry?
076:55:46 McDivitt (onboard): They're going to talk to us over some other place in about 57 minutes, roughly.
076:55:58 McDivitt (onboard): Umm. Not enough light in there. Hey, that's a pretty picture out there. The clouds. Hey, this thing is as stable as a rock, isn't it?
076:56:46 Schweickart (onboard): I don't think it's going to work. But it's worth a try. Wide open at 1/50th. That's what it is. Let me get down here where I can get - more ov de whol show!
076:57:24 Scott (onboard): Hmm. Yes.
076:57:33 McDivitt (onboard): Do you still have the BMAG's on?
This is Apollo Control at 76 hours, 57 minutes, GET. The spacecraft is approaching the Ascension Island tracking station. We have had - we are in the process, rather, of having a shift change here at the present time with the Gold teem replacing the White. However, the Flight Director will not be Gerald Griffin, but rather Clif Charlesworth, who is replacing him for this shift. We expect acquisition in a few more seconds. In the mean time, a administrative announcement. We are estimating that the change of shift press conference involving the white team will take place in Houston at 3:30, that is 3:30 Central Standard Time. Mean while, let's standby for the Ascension acquisition."
076:57:37 Scott (onboard): What?
076:57:38 McDivitt (onboard): I just wondered if you still had the BMAG's on? Why is it we're not going into gimbal lock today?
076:57:51 Scott (onboard): Well, we have -
076:57:55 McDivitt (onboard): Are you doing anything, Rusty?
076:57:56 Schweickart (onboard): Yes. I'm eating.
076:57:58 Scott (onboard): [Garble].
076:58:01 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, yes. Hey, I can see one of the running lights on the LM.
076:58:15 Schweickart (onboard): Can you really?
076:58:16 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, it's lit up.
076:58:17 Scott (onboard): Here, let me turn it off.
076:58:18 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
076:58:19 Scott (onboard): Did you really?
076:58:20 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. Now it went off. [Garble] I'll be darned; there's another one right out there. Well, the next I need to get is [garble].
076:58:33 Scott (onboard): Okay.
076:58:44 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, boy, that pea soup is really not mixing too well. The world's lumpiest pea soup. Hey, did anything blow up over there?
076:58:56 Schweickart (onboard): Huh?
076:58:57 McDivitt (onboard): Did anything blow up [garble door open?
076:58:58 Schweickart (onboard): No. [Garble].
076:59:02 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, man. I really had a tough time getting my door, open. Whoo!
076:59:04 Schweickart (onboard): Yes! You'll have a tough time getting it closed, too.
076:59:07 McDivitt (onboard): Oh.
076:59:08 Scott (onboard): Yes, it always makes the ground go "gulp" when McDivitt starts working on a hatch.
076:59:13 McDivitt (onboard): (Laughter) [garble]. It's just that Rusty wouldn't get out of the way.
076:59:21 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble].
076:59:22 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble].
076:59:23 McDivitt (onboard): He's like a big [garble]. He comes in and stands around, and lets you wait on him. Close the door, will you?
076:59:25 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. [Long pause]
076:59:36 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, boy!
076:59:37 Scott (onboard): Well, I'm sorry that camera didn't work for the little transfer you did, because it looked pretty easy.
076:59:44 Schweickart (onboard): Well, it was.
076:59:46 Scott (onboard): I tried to take some Hasselblads, but I didn't have that ready, because I'd been fighting with that damn camera. That EVA glove I had was so bad - I just thought that my right hand - it was good for grabbing hold of the hatch handle and that was about all.
077:00:13 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, you take more than [garble] this water...
077:00:15 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston through Ascension.
077:00:18 McDivitt (onboard): Hello, Ascension. Hello, Houston; this is Apollo 9.
077:00:21 Scott: This is Apollo 9.
077:00:27 Roosa: Apollo 9, this is Houston through Ascension. We've got a question on that sequence camera, Dave. Did we report - record that yours broke today?
077:00:38 Scott (Gumdrop): Yes, [garble] troubleshooting [garble] pulled out the spare fuse.
077:00:50 Roosa: Roger. Understanding that you were troubleshooting, and then you faded out. We will try you again in a little bit.
077:00:58 Scott (Gumdrop): I said I put in a spare fuse and fiddled with it and now it works fine.
077:01:04 Roosa: Roger. Understand. Tremendous. And, Apollo 9, what we were considering - to make sure we got the pictures of the undocking and so forth - is that maybe you would like to swap that one with the one in the LM. [Pause]
077:01:21 Scott (Gumdrop): This one's a fine outfit. [Pause]
077:01:27 McDivitt (Gumdrop): Houston, this is Apollo 9.
077:01:29 Roosa: Go ahead.
077:01:32 McDivitt (Gumdrop): I have sort of a climax or summary of what we did today. I think that the procedure that we have worked out for the EVA transfer from one spacecraft to another is no problem whatsoever. The procedures are good, and I think we can plan on using them henceforth if they are needed. [Pause]
077:01:56 Roosa: Roger, Apollo 9. We copy and agree with that. From monitoring in your conversation, it did sound like they were real good. It sounded like the getting in and out of the hatch was quite easy, and I heard Rusty's comments on the handrail. Sounded like they were pretty good.
077:02:13 Schweickart (Spider): Yes. Everything seems to work.
077:02:16 Roosa: Apollo 9, we are ready to shut down. It looks like the water boiler is dried up.
077:02:24 Scott (Gumdrop): Roger. Very good. [Long pause]
077:02:51 Scott (Gumdrop): Houston, here comes a TM CAL.
077:02:55 Roosa: Apollo 9, this is Houston. Say again.
077:02:57 Scott (Gumdrop): Here comes a TM CAL.
077:02:59 Roosa: Okay. Thank you.
Very long comm break.
We have had loss of signal at the Ascension tracking station. The spacecraft will again be acquired at Tananarive at 17 after the hour. At 77 hours, 6 minutes, ground elapse time, this is Apollo Control."
077:05:48 McDivitt (onboard): LANDING RADAR STANDBY, CLOSED.
077:05:50 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, I'm sorry. Hold on. Okay, now, LANDING RADAR, STANDBY: RANGE RADAR going OFF - Yes, LANDING RADAR, CLOSED.
077:06:05 Schweickart (onboard): Roger.
077:06:08 McDivitt (onboard): SIGNAL CONDITIONER 1, CLOSED.
077:06:09 Schweickart (onboard): Roger.
077:06:11 McDivitt (onboard): LIGHTING: ANNUNCIATOR/DOCKING (laughter) CLOSED...
077:06:14 Schweickart (onboard): Got them.
077:06:15 McDivitt (onboard): ...all others OPEN.
077:06:16 Schweickart (onboard): Got them.
077:06:17 McDivitt (onboard): Row 4, all OPEN except PGNS: IMU STANDBY.
077:06:21 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
077:06:22 McDivitt (onboard): All others OPEN. You get a MASTER ALARM and a GLYCOL PUMP.
077:06:32 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
077:06:34 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, row 5, all OPEN except: EPS: BAT FEED TIE, two, CLOSED.
077:06:38 Schweickart (onboard): Got it.
077:06:39 McDivitt (onboard): CROSS TIE BALANCE LOADS, CLOSED.
077:06:42 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
077:06:43 McDivitt (onboard): DESCENT ECA CONTROL, CLOSE.
077:06:44 Schweickart (onboard): Co.
077:06:45 McDivitt (onboard): DESCENT ECA, CLOSE.
077:06:46 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
077:06:47 McDivitt (onboard): DC BUS - BUS VOLTS, CLOSE.
077:06:52 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
077:06:53 McDivitt (onboard): DFI POWER, OFF.
077:06:55 Schweickart (onboard): DFI PWER, OFF.
077:06:57 McDivitt (onboard): CB(16).
077:07:01 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble] I don't - Did you read DESCENT ECA CONTROL and DESCENT ECA, CLOSE?
077:07:04 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, I did.
077:07:05 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
077:07:06 McDivitt (onboard): Then I read DC BUS VOLTS, CLOSED, too.
077:07:07 Schweickart (onboard): Alright, go ahead.
077:07:09 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, well - CB(16), row 1, all OPEN.
077:07:14 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
077:07:15 McDivitt (onboard): Row 2, all OPEN except LIGHTING: LIGHTING is CLOSED.
077:07:19 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
077:07:20 McDivitt (onboard): STAB/CONTROL: ASA, CLOSED.
077:07:21 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
077:07:26 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
077:07:27 McDivitt (onboard): SIGNAL CONDITIONER 2, CLOSE.
077:07:28 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
077:07:29 McDivitt (onboard): Row 3, all OPEN - Oh, all others OPEN on row 2.
077:07:31 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
077:07:33 McDivitt (onboard): Row 3 is all OPEN.
077:07:34 Schweickart (onboard): Row 3, all OPEN?
077:07:35 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
077:07:41 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
077:07:42 McDivitt (onboard): Row 4, all OPEN except: HEATERS: S-BAND ANTENNA, CLOSED.
077:07:47 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
077:07:48 McDivitt (onboard): EPS: DISPLAY is CLOSED.
077:07:50 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
077:07:51 McDivitt (onboard): DC BUS VOLTAGE, CLOSE.
077:07:52 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
077:07:53 McDivitt (onboard): DESCENT ECA, CLOSE.
077:07:54 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
077:07:56 McDivitt (onboard): DESCENT ECA CONTROL, CLOSE.
077:07:58 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
077:07:59 McDivitt (onboard): BAT FEED TIE, two, CLOSE.
077:08:00 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, once again. We got to leave the [garble] BUS TIE, CLOSED. BALANCE LOADS, CLOSED? That's missing, too. Okay, go.
077:08:12 McDivitt (onboard): That's the BAT's and the BUS VOLTAGES. Wait a second, do we have DC - DESCENT ECA CONTROL, CLOSE?
077:08:17 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
077:08:18 McDivitt (onboard): BAT FEED TIE, two, CLOSE.
077:08:19 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
077:08:20 McDivitt (onboard): Okay. Check the BAT's and BUSES.
077:08:26 Schweickart (onboard): You want them read out?
077:08:28 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, go.
077:08:29 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, 31 - all four of them are 31; 37 and 37 on 5 and 6; BUSES are 31 and 31; and the ED BAT's are 36.5 and 37.3.
077:08:49 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble]. Okay, BAT 1, LOW VOLTAGE, OFF/RESET, talkback barber pole.
077:08:56 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
077:08:58 McDivitt (onboard): Got BAT 1, LOW VOLTAGE, and talkback, LOW.
077:09:04 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
077:09:05 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble].
077:09:06 Schweickart (onboard): Got them.
077:09:07 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] BAT BUS VOLTAGES [garble] ED/OFF.
077:09:18 McDivitt (onboard): CB(11), INSTRUMENTATION: SIGNAL CONDITIONER 1, OPEN.
077:09:22 Schweickart (onboard): SIGNAL CONDITIONER 1, OPEN.
077:09:27 McDivitt (onboard): EPS: DESCENT ECA CONTROL, OPEN.
077:09:29 Schweickart (onboard): DESCENT ECA CONTROL, OPEN.
077:09:31 McDivitt (onboard): DC BIS VOLT's OPEN.
077:09:33 Schweickart (onboard): DC BUS VOLT's OPEN.
077:09:34 McDivitt (onboard): CB(16), [garble] - CB(16), INSTRUMENTATION: SIGNAL SENSOR, OPEN.
077:09:40 Schweickart (onboard): SIGNAL SENSOR, OPEN.
077:09:41 McDivitt (onboard): SIGNAL CONDITIONER 2, OPEN.
077:09:43 Schweickart (onboard): SIGNAL CONDITIONER 2, OPEN.
077:09:44 McDivitt (onboard): EPS: DISPLAY's OPEN.
077:09:46 Schweickart (onboard): EPS: DISPLAY's OPEN.
077:09:50 McDivitt (onboard): DC BUS VOLT's OPEN.
077:09:51 Schweickart (onboard): DC BUS VOLT's OPEN.
077:09:52 McDivitt (onboard): DESCENT (cough) - DESCENT ECA CONTROL, OPEN.
077:09:56 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
077:09:57 McDivitt (onboard): CROSS TIE BALANCE LOADS, CLOSED.
077:09:59 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
077:10:01 McDivitt (onboard): CROSS TIE BALANCE LOADS, CLOSED!
077:10:03 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, we left it CLOSED.
077:10:05 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, DESCENT H2O, CLOSED.
077:10:08 Schweickart (onboard): I think I'm going to want a drink of water.
077:10:13 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] drink some water. [Garble].
077:10:26 Schweickart (onboard): Really good water.
077:10:43 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, DESCENT H2O, CLOSE.
077:10:49 Schweickart (onboard): I'll tell you, if [garble] the CSM. Yes. You know something, we didn't close the DESCENT O2 again.
077:10:55 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] I noticed that [garble]...
077:10:58 Schweickart (onboard): I got it closed now. Let's see what else we've got: We've got...
077:11:01 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble].
077:11:02 Schweickart (onboard): ...we've got the REG's in EGRESS, too. That should be in CLOSE.
077:11:05 McDivitt (onboard): I wonder how come they do that? I never thought about that.
077:11:10 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. Now I've got a little bird. Okay, everything looks good, now.
077:11:23 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, CSM position LM POWER to CSM.
077:11:29 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, when - when that happens, look out the window and see [garble] docking lights.
077:11:32 McDivitt (onboard): I'm already looking.
077:11:34 Schweickart (onboard): Alright. [Garble] good.
077:11:37 McDivitt (onboard): How about that? Goes out. Whee! Everything works!
077:11:41 McDivitt (onboard): FLOOD's OFF.
077:11:43 Schweickart (onboard): FLOOD, OFF.
077:11:44 McDivitt (onboard): Lights should stay on.
077:11:45 Schweickart (onboard): They do.
077:11:46 McDivitt (onboard): LIGHTS - UTILITY LIGHTS, both, OFF.
077:11:48 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, both, OFF.
077:11:51 McDivitt (onboard): CSM LM POWER; [garble]?
077:11:53 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
077:11:54 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] checking the volts. [Garble] the wrong thing.
077:11:59 Schweickart (onboard): Really?
077:12:00 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble].
077:12:09 McDivitt (onboard): OVERHEAD DUMP - CABIN DUMP valve to AUTO.
077:12:11 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, it's in AUTO.
077:12:13 McDivitt (onboard): LMP transfer to the CSM and secure the hatch...
077:12:15 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, let me get my helmet here.
077:12:16 McDivitt (onboard): ...with the EVA checklist. Wait a minute, let me also [garble] take some pictures.
077:12:23 Schweickart (onboard): Well, I'm going to [garble] the helmet up first - and the gloves.
077:12:40 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, stand by, here comes some gloves. Humph! Come on, gloves! [Garble] Okay, ready?
077:13:15 Schweickart (onboard): No.
077:13:16 McDivitt (onboard): Okay. Let me know.
077:13:45 McDivitt (onboard): That pea soup still tastes like pea soup.
077:13:47 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, I ready.
077:13:48 McDivitt (onboard): You ready?
077:13:49 Schweickart (onboard): I ready.
077:13:52 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble].
077:13:57 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, now, I'm ready.
077:13:59 McDivitt (onboard): Now you're ready, huh?
077:14:01 Schweickart (onboard): Ready.
077:14:02 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
077:14:08 Schweickart (onboard): I guess I'll come up feet first.
077:14:11 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, I got it.
077:14:12 Schweickart (onboard): You want to pull up the hose, Jim?
077:14:14 McDivitt (onboard): Wait, I don't know; let me - No, I can't pull up your hose. [Garble].
077:14:29 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble] can you pull my hose?
077:14:33 Scott (onboard): Okay, [garble].
077:14:36 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, just give it a -
077:14:39 Scott (onboard): Is this the way?
077:14:41 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
077:14:42 Scott (onboard): Okay to start pulling, okay?
077:14:44 Schweickart (onboard): Let me see, let's figure out how the best way to do this is going to be. How about taking a [garble] over here? That makes it a little better. Oh, I'll close the hatch, Jim.
077:15:03 Scott (onboard): I - I can close the hatch, Rusty.
077:15:06 Schweickart (onboard): No, I don't want to [garble], Dave. Let me just put my feet down on this side of it until my feet down through there and go in here. Okay?
077:15:15 Scott (onboard): Well, I don't know where you mean it, but alright.
077:15:23 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, stand by.
077:15:37 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, [garble].
077:15:39 Scott (onboard): Okay, you [garble]. - As a matter of fact, if you want to put your feet towards me -
077:15:43 Schweickart (onboard): Yes. That's what I...
077:15:44 Scott (onboard): This way -
077:15:59 Schweickart (onboard): Now, that did it.
077:16:13 Scott (onboard): They're hooked the other way, Jim.
077:16:15 Schweickart (onboard): Let me disconnect them [garble].
This is Apollo Control at 77 hours, 16 minutes into the mission. The spacecraft at the present time is on its 49th revolution around Earth. It will be acquired by the tracking site at Tananarive in about 34 seconds or so. We've been advised that the comm through Tananarive all today has been - all during the day - has been marginal, however, we will stand by to listen to any conversation between the crew and the CAPCOM here in Houston, who for few moments at least, is going to be Astronaut Al Worden."
077:16:45 Scott (onboard): Okay.
077:16:55 Scott (onboard): [Garble]. Would you get that, too, please?
077:17:00 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
077:17:43 Schweickart (onboard): (Laughter) Oh, wait a minute here, let me get that [garble].
077:17:51 McDivitt (onboard): Where's that superwide-angle Hasselblad?
077:18:51 McDivitt (onboard): Boy, are we going to have a short night tonight. Whooee!
077:19:19 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble]?
077:19:26 McDivitt (onboard): Okay. Okay. Yes. Oh, boy!
077:20:30 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. I'm still - Don't like to eat, I must admit.
077:20:38 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, I do - Well, I know it; there's no question if I'd eat, I'd feel a lot better, but boy, I'm - I really [garble] I don't have much appetite.
077:20:51 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. I know it.
We have an indication that the spacecraft has moved beyond the range of the tracking site at Tananarive and evidently there was no requirement for transmitting information for the crew on that pass. The next station to acquire will be the Carnarvon tracking station at 77:30, about 10 minutes from now. At 77 hours, 20 minutes Ground Elapsed Time, this is Mission Control in Houston."
077:21:57 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, boy! Tomorrow we have 2-1/2 hours to do everything we did today plus a P51 in the morning. It took us 2-1/2 hours today to do that - just get ready. We've got to figure out some better way to get the hell out of here tomorrow.
077:22:16 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, but we've - [garble].
077:22:18 McDivitt (onboard): There's one little ground station [garble]. What we ought to do is get up an hour earlier and get a little more organized, get over there quicker.
077:22:27 Schweickart (onboard): Why in the hell do they put the whole job in 1 day? What the hell is the goddamn rush?
077:22:32 Scott (onboard): Because we're liable to die [garble]...
077:22:33 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, shoot! We're liable to die.
077:22:38 McDivitt (onboard): Well, one thing we ought to do is fix up that ISA tonight - bypass the [garble] star check. Oh, there's the place - Oh, they can call us an hour early. They'll call us over Ascension an hour and a half earlier. They can - yes, they can call us over Guam about 50 minutes early. I think if they got us up over Guam? Oh, hell, Guam is [garble]. If they get us up over Guam, and we've got the ISA all squared away, and we don't dillydally getting our suits on, I think we can be out of here on time. [Garble] we've got a bypass [garble] if we take plenty of time [garble]. Yes, you know the status check is about 4 to 5 minutes.
077:24:01 Scott (onboard): [Garble].
077:24:18 Scott (onboard): What else have we got to do?
077:24:24 McDivitt (onboard): I tell you what, is everybody going to get out of these suits?
077:24:28 Schweickart (onboard): No, I'm not [garble].
077:24:34 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] going to get out of your suit. What? Well, maybe two of us ought to get out of their suits, and put it back together in the [garble].
077:24:56 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] already we're into our sleep time; that extra hours that we were supposed to have is all gone.
077:25:09 Scott (onboard): Where - where's my helmet bag? Hey, Jim, I think that's mine over there. This one's for [garble].
077:25:15 McDivitt (onboard): Here's mine here. Here's mine, right here, Dave.
077:25:23 Scott (onboard): Okay, well, I'll go below.
077:25:26 McDivitt (onboard): Right out where I could see it. That's why we couldn't find it.
077:26:02 McDivitt (onboard): One more big day.
077:26:05 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, [garble] exactly [garble].
077:26:08 Scott (onboard): Boy, I'll tell you, I'm [garble].
077:26:11 McDivitt (onboard): (Laughter)
077:26:15 Scott (onboard): I'm agreeing with what you said, huh?
077:26:17 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
077:26:19 Scott (onboard): [Garble] hungry [garble] normal food.
077:26:58 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble] all the way around.
077:27:04 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] EVA visors [garble].
077:27:12 Scott (onboard): The one that - the old ones don't cover all the visible glass.
077:27:17 McDivitt (onboard): I know, but that doesn't have anything to do with that little hunk of black rubber. I guess we ought to be [garble] a little more specific. Why do you have to put them on with a piece of black rubber when all the other ones fit so well?
077:27:27 Scott (onboard): Yes, but it's the space that I [garble], Jim. [Garble] worry about black rubber. It's just a much [garble].
077:27:34 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
077:27:40 McDivitt (onboard): What? What? Oh.
077:28:07 Scott (onboard): You know that [garble] scared hell out of me?
077:28:10 McDivitt (onboard): What's that?
077:28:11 Scott (onboard): That first [garble] check.
077:30:17 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, we also have to figure out something to cover you up with tonight, Dave.
077:30:23 Scott (onboard): [Garble] cryo PRESS.
077:30:26 Schweickart (onboard): What did you say...
077:30:27 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston.
077:30:31 Schweickart: Roger. Houston, Apollo 9.
077:30:34 Roosa: Roger. Rusty, got a message for you, if you're ready to copy.
077:30:41 Schweickart: Roger. Stand by. Let me get a book.
077:30:43 Roosa: Okay. It's just a message on the malfunction procedures. You don't need to copy. [Pause]
077:30:49 Schweickart: Okay. Go ahead.
077:30:51 Roosa: Okay. The message is: we've reviewed the electrical emergency procedure that you and Al came up with prelaunch and LMS and the emergency procedure in the back of the rendezvous checklist. In the light of this review, we recommend that you do not use either of the procedures and use instead the existing malfunction procedures.
077:31:13 Schweickart: On the electrical system?
077:31:14 Roosa: Affirmative.
077:31:18 Schweickart: Okay.
077:31:19 McDivitt: Hello, Sonny. How are you?
077:31:21 Roosa: Fine, Jimmy. [Long pause]
077:31:46 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston.
077:31:48 Scott: Go ahead, Houston. Apollo 9.
077:31:50 Roosa: Roger. I'm ready to copy the LM batteries. If you've got them there.
077:31:57 Scott: Roger. BATT 1, 2, 3, and 4 all 31 volts; BATO 5 and 6 are 37; commander's and systems engineering bus is 31; BATT A was 36.5, and ED BATT B was 37.3, [Pause]
077:32:22 Roosa: Roger. Copy. BATT 1, 2, 3, and 4 were 31; BATT 5 and 6 were 37; CDR and SE bus is 31, ED BAIT A 36.5 and ED BATT B 37.3. [Pause]
077:32:38 Scott: Roger. [Pause]
077:32:43 Roosa: If you are at that point yet, we can go ahead and copy the systems stuff from Gumdrop. [Pause]
077:32:51 Scott: I don't think we've generated that yet.
077:32:54 Roosa: Okey-doke.
077:32:55 Scott: [Garble] the flight plan a little bit.
077:32:58 Roosa: Roger.
077:33:02 Scott: It's already 77:33 here, and according to our other scheme, we were going to be to bed in an hour or something like that. It looks like we're going to make it about time 79 hours, just like in the regular flight plan here. [Pause]
077:33:21 Roosa: Roger.
077:33:23 Schweickart: [Garble] early tomorrow.
077:33:25 Roosa: Going to get up early tomorrow?
077:33:28 Scott: Roger. Normally, we're supposed to get up over Ascension about 86:30. I recommend we get up over Guam at about 85:40.
077:33:38 Roosa: Roger. I'll get the parents to get you tip about 85:30 or 40.
077:33:42 Scott: Okay. Fine. We'll try to organize the spacecraft so we're in better shape tonight before we go to bed so we'll be able to get over there, but I don't want to stay up all night doing it either. So we'll just have to wait and see. [Pause]
077:33:57 Schweickart (onboard): Roger.
077:34:00 Scott (onboard): Looks like the day to get that one - that one COMM cable up.
077:34:04 Roosa: Roger. Understand. Are you going to stow away any of your stuff to put in the LM for tomorrow?
077:34:09 Scott: Roger. We're still putting the spacecraft back together; getting the drogue, the probe and stuff like that back in the tunnel and rearranging the other stuff. [Long pause]
077:34:30 Roosa: Okay. Are you going to have a chance to get the spacecraft batteries and service module RCS readouts for us?
077:34:35 Scott: I'll get that for you in just a minute.
077:34:37 Roosa: Okey-doke. [Long pause]
077:34:39 Schweickart (onboard): Have we powered down yet?
077:34:42 McDivitt (onboard): No, we haven't done that either. Why don't you and I do that and get on this other stuff here first?
077:34:46 Schweickart (onboard): Well: we've got to power down to [garble], Jim.
077:34:48 McDivitt (onboard): Well, okay [garble].
077:34:51 Schweickart (onboard): No, I think Dave [garble]. Let me see if Dave has got one in [garble]. No, Dave doesn't have one [garble]. He doesn't have the systems hook. [Garble].
077:35:30 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
077:35:39 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston.
077:35:43 McDivitt: Go ahead. Houston.
077:35:44 Roosa: You can go AUTO on the heaters now and turn the fans OFF.
077:35:51 McDivitt: Okay. AUTO on the heaters and turning the fans
077:35:54 Roosa: Yes. On the H2 tanks.
077:35:56 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, I hope you're back on [garble].
077:35:58 McDivitt: Roger. H2 heaters. [Pause]
077:36:08 Roosa: Roger. Apollo 9, Houston. We're going to lose you here for a minute and we'll pick you up at Guam for the systems stuff. That'll be about 41. [Pause]
077:36:15 McDivitt: Okay. fine.
Long comm break.
077:37:00 McDivitt (onboard): Did they already pass us all our block data?
077:37:02 Schweickart (onboard): I thought Dave copied that [garble].
077:37:12 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, Dave, we need the checklist for the powerdown here, so when [garble] on the batteries.
077:37:17 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, [garble]. What?
077:38:27 McDivitt (onboard): Let's see, you power up, then power down.
077:38:53 McDivitt (onboard): Say, did we - did we [garble] the CMC? Yes, [garble]. Okay, P00; VERB 48, ENTER. Dave, did you get our state vector update?
077:39:08 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, VERB 48, ENTER.
077:39:12 McDivitt (onboard): And no DAP.
077:39:13 Schweickart (onboard): No DAP's in there.
077:39:15 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, PRO, PRO, PRO.
077:39:16 Schweickart (onboard): PRO, PRO, PRO.
077:39:19 McDivitt (onboard): VERB 46, ENTER.
077:39:21 Schweickart (onboard): VERB 46, ENTER.
077:39:25 McDivitt (onboard): Call PO6.
077:39:28 Schweickart (onboard): VERB 37, ENTER; 06, ENTER.
077:39:34 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, now -
077:39:38 Schweickart (onboard): PRO until STANDBY, is that what you mean?
077:39:44 McDivitt (onboard): STANDBY! CMC MODE, FREE.
077:39:47 Schweickart (onboard): CMC MODE, FREE.
077:39:50 McDivitt (onboard): G/N IMU POWER, OFF, and G/N OPTICS, OFF.
077:40:13 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, SCS ORDEAL POWER, OFF; FDAI, INERTIAL.
077:40:19 Schweickart (onboard): FDAI POWER, OFF.
077:40:22 McDivitt (onboard): EMS FUNCTION, OFF.
077:40:24 Schweickart (onboard): EMS FUNCTION, OFF.
077:40:25 McDivitt (onboard): EMS MODE, STANDBY.
077:40:26 Schweickart (onboard): STANDBY.
077:40:29 McDivitt (onboard): CMC ATTITUDE, IMU.
077:40:31 Schweickart (onboard): CMC ATTITUDE to IMU.
077:40:32 McDivitt (onboard): FDAI SCALE, 5/1.
077:40:34 Schweickart (onboard): 5/1.
077:40:35 McDivitt (onboard): FDAI SELECT to 1.
077:40:36 Schweickart (onboard): 1.
077:40:38 McDivitt (onboard): FDAI SOURCE to CMC.
077:40:41 Schweickart (onboard): CMC.
077:40:45 McDivitt (onboard): ATTITUDE SET to IMU.
077:40:47 Schweickart (onboard): IMU.
077:40:48 McDivitt (onboard): AUTO RCS, 16, 0FF.
077:40:54 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, OFF.
077:40:59 McDivitt (onboard): MANUAL ATTITUDE, RATE COMMAND.
077:41:00 Schweickart (onboard): RATE COMMAND.
077:41:01 McDivitt (onboard): LIMIT CYCLE, ON.
077:41:02 Schweickart (onboard): LIMIT CYCLE, ON.
077:41:03 McDivitt (onboard): ATTITUDE DEADBAND, MAX.
077:41:04 Schweickart (onboard): MAX.
077:41:05 McDivitt (onboard): RATE, LOW.
077:41:06 Schweickart (onboard): LOW.
077:41:07 McDivitt (onboard): THC POWER, OFF.
077:41:08 Schweickart (onboard): OFF.
077:41:09 McDivitt (onboard): ROTATIONAL CONTROL POWER NORMAL, two, OFF.
077:41:11 Schweickart (onboard): Two, OFF.
077:41:12 McDivitt (onboard): DIRECT, two, to OFF.
077:41:16 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, two, OFF.
077:41:18 McDivitt (onboard): SPACECRAFT CONTROL to SCS.
077:41:19 Schweickart (onboard): SCS.
077:41:20 McDivitt (onboard): CMC, FREE.
077:41:22 Schweickart (onboard): CMC, FREE.
077:41:23 McDivitt (onboard): BMAG MODE, three, RATE 2.
077:41:25 Schweickart (onboard): RATE 2.
077:41:26 McDivitt (onboard): TVC, two, RATE COMMAND.
077:41:27 Schweickart (onboard): RATE CO_ND...
077:41:28 McDivitt (onboard): SCS TVC to RATE COMMAND.
077:41:29 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
077:41:30 McDivitt (onboard): EMS ROLL, OFF.
077:41:31 Schweickart (onboard): EMS ROLL, OFF.
077:41:32 McDivitt (onboard): 0.05g switch, OFF.
077:41:33 Schweickart (onboard): OFF.
077:41:34 McDivitt (onboard): LV/SPS INDICATORS to Pc.
077:41:36 Schweickart (onboard): Pc.
077:41:37 McDivitt (onboard): TVC GIMBAL DRIVES, PITCH and YAW, 1.
077:41:40 Schweickart (onboard): 1.
077:41:41 McDivitt (onboard): EDS POWER, OFF.
077:41:45 Schweickart (onboard): EDS POWER, OFF.
077:41:47 McDivitt (onboard): TVC SERVO POWER, two, OFF.
077:41:49 Schweickart (onboard): Two, OFF.
077:41:50 McDivitt (onboard): FDAI POWER, OFF.
077:41:52 Schweickart (onboard): FDAI POWER is OFF.
077:41:55 McDivitt (onboard): LOGIC POWER 2/3, OFF.
077:41:58 Schweickart (onboard): OFF.
077:41:59 McDivitt (onboard): SCS ELECTRONICS POWER, OFF.
077:42:00 Schweickart (onboard): SCS ELECTRONICS POWER is OFF.
077:42:02 McDivitt (onboard): SIGNAL CONTROL/BIAS POWER, OFF.
077:42:04 Schweickart (onboard): OFF.
077:42:05 McDivitt (onboard): BMAG POWER, two, to WARM UP.
077:42:09 Schweickart (onboard): Let's see, two to WARM UP?
077:42:10 McDivitt (onboard): One to WARM UP and [garble], okay?
077:42:15 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, did we ever...
077:43:05 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. [Long pause]
077:43:23 Roosa: Apollo 9. Houston. [Long pause]
077:43:51 Roosa: Apollo 9. Houston at Guam.
077:43:54 Schweickart: Houston, Apollo 9. Go ahead.
077:43:56 Roosa: Roger. Apollo 9, Houston. We've got a couple of questions to ask you about the LM IMU heater. Do you recall placing an IMU standby circuit breaker in.
077:44:11 Schweickart: The IMU standby circuit breaker has never been out to my knowledge.
077:44:15 Roosa: Roger. I also have a question on opening the translunar bus tie circuit breaker. Did you open those before you got out? [Pause]
077:44:29 Schweickart: I believe not. I believe they are closed. [Pause]
077:44:38 Roosa: Roger. We might have some word on that in a minute.
077:44:41 Schweickart: Roger. [Long pause]
077:45:40 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston.
077:45:42 Schweickart: Go ahead, Houston.
077:45:43 Roosa: Roger, Rusty. The problem with IMU heater is that we're not seeing it cycling down here, and apparently with the translunar bus tie circuit breakers in, you get a ground return path, and they don't see the total load that's going into the LM. So, they are investigating a little further right now to see if they can discern some cycling on the IMU heater.
077:46:10 Schweickart: Roger. Understand. When do you think we'll have some word?
077:46:14 Roosa: We should have it here very shortly for you. In the meantime, we can copy that systems stuff if you have it ready, Dave.
077:46:20 Schweickart: Dave is still closing out the tunnel; that's why we'd like to know. He's stopped work right now.
077:46:25 Roosa: Roger. Understand.
077:46:27 Schweickart: It's already all closed. I beg your pardon.
Comm break.
077:48:26 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston.
077:48:28 Schweickart: Go ahead, Houston.
077:48:29 Roosa: Roger. We're taking a look at all of the bus currents down here now, Rusty, and we won't have a good story for you until you get to Hawaii on whether the thing is okay for tonight or not.
077:48:40 Schweickart: Okay. [Pause]
077:48:46 Roosa: The initial interpretation down here right now is that the IMU is cycling, and they are seeing some variations in the currents now. It looks initially like it's probably okay.
077:48:58 Schweickart: Okay. Thank you.
Long comm break.
077:49:01 Schweickart (onboard): You know what? I just [garble].
077:49:09 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, what else do you want to do?
077:49:12 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, nothing, Jim.
077:49:13 McDivitt (onboard): Okay. I need that systems test meter readout [garble]. What did you do with that systems test meter readout, so we can get that data to Houston before we lose them? Did you get us that systems test meter readout from 5 C and - D? Well, hell, they've gone [garble].
077:49:46 McDivitt (onboard): Wait a second. Wait a second. Rusty, ...
077:49:51 Scott (onboard): [Garble].
077:49:53 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
077:49:54 Scott (onboard): [Garble].
077:50:05 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
077:50:29 McDivitt (onboard): Why don't you take your suit off [garble] with your suit off [garble].
077:50:41 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, we [garble] one for [garble] in quad B.
077:50:43 McDivitt (onboard): Did we really? (Laughter) Are we doing [garble] today? [Garble] than you had yesterday.
077:51:11 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble].
077:51:14 McDivitt (onboard): B is [garble]. Did you say A and B? Yes. Okay, use [garble].
077:52:07 Schweickart (onboard): Dave, the first [garble] shows that the tunnel's okay.
077:52:15 Scott (onboard): [Garble].
077:52:27 Schweickart (onboard): Good.
077:53:30 McDivitt (onboard): (Laughter)
077:54:17 Schweickart (onboard): Did we [garble] the tape?
077:54:23 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. It's right there.
077:56:12 Schweickart: Houston, Apollo 9.
077:56:15 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. Go.
077:56:19 McDivitt: Okay. Ready to copy the systems readout?
077:56:23 Roosa: Roger. Go.
077:56:26 McDivitt: Okay. QUAD quantities A, B, C, D: 75, 77, 71, 72; BATT C, 37.0; pyro A and B, 37.1. Command module quad temperatures: all of them are OFF SCALE HIGH, except 6 Charlie, which is 4.6. [Pause]
077:56:59 Roosa: Roger. Copy. Quantities A, B, C, and D: 75, 77, 71, 72; BATT C, 37;0; pyro BATT A, 37.1; pyro BATT B, 37.1. And injector temperatures all OFF SCALE HIGH, except 6 Charlie, which is 4.6. [Pause]
077:57:19 McDivitt: Roger.
077:57:22 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. We'd like for you to confirm that you're all in COMM basic on the audio centers. [Long pause]
077:57:42 Schweickart: I can't tell what Dave is [garble]. [Pause]
077:57:55 Schweickart: We have one man out - off the - in his altogether, if that's what you wonder.
077:57:59 Roosa: Roger.
077:58:04 Roosa: Roger. That answers that question. Like to talk for a minute about this IMU heater. Looks like all the currents they are reading down here are about the same as they were reading last night. However, with the translunar bus ties closed, if there is anything else pulling current in the LM, it won't show up on their monitoring down here to the extent they can tell what's going on. So we're trying to come to a decision now on whether to recommend going back up in there and opening up those circuit breakers or not.
077:58:41 McDivitt: Okay.
Comm break.
078:01:32 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston.
078:01:36 McDivitt: Go ahead.
078:01:39 Roosa: Roger, Apollo 9. We'd like to get some sort of feeling from you, how long you think it would throw you back in the cycle - your sleep cycle - to go back up in there and open the translunar bus ties. We're still working on the data down here, and we can't get any good answer probably until you get to the States. Maybe we could save some time if you just went ahead and did that.
Comm break.
078:03:24 McDivitt: Houston, Apollo 9.
078:03:26 Roosa: Apollo 9. Houston.
078:03:29 McDivitt: Roger. You called just as you had broke lock last time. What was it you called down?
078:03:34 Roosa: Okay. We're discussing this LM on your heater problem, and they're still massaging the data down here to see whether we're okay for the night or not. In the meantime, we wanted to get a feeling from you as to how much that would cut into your sleep cycle if you just went ahead and got in the LM and pulled those circuit breakers. I think that the problem is that we really can't give you a good feeling for what you've got with those circuit breakers in. We don't know what other systems are powered up, and we don't have a good way of monitoring what's going on.
Comm break.
078:06:32 McDivitt: Houston, Apollo 9.
078:06:36 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. Go.
078:06:39 McDivitt: Houston, do you read Apollo 9?
078:06:40 Roosa: Roger. Read you loud and clear. We'll have an answer for you on these circuit breakers in just a minute, Apollo 9.
078:06:50 McDivitt: Okay. Fine. [Long pause]
078:07:33 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston.
078:07:35 Scott: Go ahead, Houston. Apollo 9.
078:07:37 Roosa: Roger, Dave. How long would it take you to get back up there and pull those circuit breakers?
078:07:41 McDivitt: It's going to take about 30 minutes to clear the tunnel and go back up there to pull the circuit breakers out and get back to here. That's if we go like mad.
078:07:48 Roosa: Roger. Okay. The problem down here, Jim, is that we don't know what else is on the line right now, and we don't have a good way of monitoring it, with those circuit breakers in. They're able to catch the IMU heater cycling, and most of the systems seem to be okay for the night. But we - There is an uncertainty as to what the configuration is and what's pulling the power at this point.
078:08:15 McDivitt: I don't - What's the uncertainty about what the configuration is? [Pause]
078:08:24 McDivitt: Houston, I don't understand what the uncertainty is.
078:08:27 Roosa: Roger. Apollo 9, Houston. Stand by one. [Long pause]
078:08:45 Roosa: Apollo 9. Houston. The problem is that they're monitoring the command module loads, and they don't know whether the loads that they are reading are command module only or some LM loads which we don't know about at this time.
078:09:01 McDivitt: Okay. I don't think there's any doubt that the IMU standby circuit breaker is in, if that's what they're wondering about.
078:09:05 Roosa: Yes. Roger. And...
078:09:11 McDivitt: Tell you, if we're going to do it, we ought to get going on it and not keep talking about it all night.
078:09:15 Roosa: Yes. That's firm. Let's do it. Stand by one, Apollo 9. [Long pause]
078:09:33 Roosa: Apollo 9, the decision down in here is for you to go pull the circuit breakers.
078:09:40 McDivitt: Okay. What are we going to do about the rendezvous tomorrow? [Pause]
078:09:52 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. I guess we need to know what you want to do about that. We can press along as planned, and it will mean you'll get a half an hour less sleep. [Pause]
078:10:04 McDivitt: Yes. Minus the other hour we subtracted from it.
078:10:07 Roosa: Roger.
078:10:09 McDivitt: Add all this up and see what it comes to.
078:10:16 Roosa: Say again, please, Apollo 9.
078:10:18 McDivitt: Roger. Let me add up sleep times that we're going to have before tomorrow and see what it comes to.
078:10:26 Roosa: Roger. Copy.
078:10:28 McDivitt: If we went to bed right now, we'd need 7 hours and 30 minutes. We're not going to be in bed for another hour and a half at least. [Long pause]
078:11:05 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston.
078:11:09 McDivitt: Go ahead, Houston.
078:11:11 Roosa: Roger. It looks like we can probably slip the rendezvous one rev tomorrow morning to make up for the sleep time. We might have some problems with communications and the sites that we have available, but we can work that out through the night. [Pause]
078:11:26 McDivitt: Well, I don't want to do that. We've got enough problems. If we have any problems during the rendezvous, we're going to need that extra rev to recover from it.
078:11:33 Roosa: Roger Understand. [Long pause]
078:11:57 McDivitt: Look. I don't want to change - I don't want to slip the site times of that rendezvous. We need all the COMM link we can get on this thing, and we need to have that extra rev in there in case something goes wrong. Also, it's going to jeopardize the APS burn and depletion, too.
078:12:11 Roosa: Roger. Understand.
078:12:13 McDivitt: [Garble] we can get this thing done.
078:12:16 Roosa: Roger.
Comm break.
078:13:18 Communications Technician: [Garble].
078:13:23 Unidentifiable crewmember: Roger. [Long pause]
078:14:09 Communications Technician: Spacecraft range and DCA in tune.
078:14:13 McDivitt: Roger. Thank you.
Long comm break.
This is Apollo Control at 78 hours, 17 minutes into the flight. During the press conference, which concluded just a while ago, we had recorded some conversation between the crew and the ground here and are now prepared to play that back for you.
078:19:44 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. [Pause]
078:19:54 McDivitt: Houston, Apollo 9.
078:19:56 Roosa: Okay. Just a couple more things before we turn you loose for the night here, Jim. When you get the circuit breakers open in the LM, you can perform the system test to verify that everything is okay. And if you're ready to copy, I'll give that to you. [Pause]
078:20:15 McDivitt: We already had those circuit breakers open, Houston. What else do you want now?
078:20:19 Roosa: Okay. Check system test meter on position 4 Delta, and you should read 0.5 for 26 seconds, then 2.0 for 5 seconds, and if that looks okay, why, we'll skip that one. The second thing is to remind you of the waste water dump down to 25 percent before you turn in for the night. [Pause]
078:20:45 McDivitt: Okay. Very good. And we've already checked 4 Delta, and it looks like it is operating properly.
078:20:49 Roosa: Roger. And we'll see yon in the morning.
078:20:52 McDivitt: Okay. Adios.
078:20:53 Roosa: Adios.
Very long comm break.
As you heard, if you were monitoring that conversation, we requested that the crew go back into the LM to check those circuit breakers that are associated with the current going into the IMU. This is not a major problem nor will it in any way compromise the rendezvous activity for tomorrow. However, what it does is that it cuts into the astronaut's sleep cycle or rest cycle for about some 20 to perhaps 30 minutes and the tail end of the conversation indicated that they would - the astronaut's when they accomplished their task, would settle down for their rest cycle. At 78 hours, 34 minutes, with the spacecraft now over the Atlantic Ocean, it will be acquired next by Tananarive, this is Apollo Control.
This is Apollo Control at 78 hours, 54 minutes into the flight. Spacecraft is currently - has been acquired by the Tananarive station at the present time. And, the crew before we lost our last transmissions, we found from the crew that they were able to quickly get into the LM. As a matter of fact, it took them about less than 11 minutes, and configure the circuit breakers properly. And that later was checked out between the ground and the spacecraft and everything looked okay. All of the telemetry checked out between the two units. Present time the crew is in its rest cycle. I should point out that this would have not impacted the rendezvous or tomorrows activities. Again as I said earlier it would - it did however, cut into their rest cycle. Indicated however, they could remove the mechanism to get into the LM without too much difficutly. With reference to the circuit or the potential circuit breaker problem, it could have impacted on the primary Guidance and Navigation System in the LM. So, that was the reason that the ground here asked that the crew check it, so that they could check to see that they were properly, the breakers were properly configured, so an excessive load would not have been placed on the Command Module LM interface. If they would have gotten more deeply into the rest cycle, it probably would have been impossible to monitor - it could have been impossible to monitor on the ground the LM CSM electrical interface, or as least it would have been more difficult. Therefore, to ascertain that the - those heater circuits were being - were in the proper configuration so that current could be supplied. And also, so that no unwanted loads would have entered or could have entered through that interface between the LM and CSM, that electrical interface. As it is, the circuit breakers were checked, configured properly, spacecraft personnel returned back to the Command Service Module and closed out the hatch, and they are now in their rest cycle, and it is the desire of the ground here not to disturb them anymore for the evening, for the balance of their rest cycle, so they can get their proper rest in preparation for tomorrow's extensive activities involving rendezvous. At 78 hours and 58 minutes into the flight of Apollo 9, this is Apollo Control.
This is Apollo Control at 79 hours 30 minutes into the flight. The spacecraft at the present time is approaching the tracking station at Hawaii we would expect acquisition there in about another 10 minutes or so. However we don't think that there will be any conversation with the crew since they are well into their rest cycle at this time. In the process apparently of bedding down. Going back to the earlier activity where one of the crew men had returned to the LM for a quick trip to check circuit breakers. The total evolution there back into the LM required about 11 minutes or so of crew time. We're here on the ground we're not certain who made the quick trip back into the LM but the flight surgeon on the basis of the mean heart rate that they were monitoring at the time, believes that it was the LM pilot, astronaut Schweickart. He reconfigured the circuit breakers from the closed position, which they were in, to the open position. Two circuit breakers were involved in this case, they are identified as the translunar bus tie circuitbreakers and their function is to, is to select a separate electrical ground path from which load current can be monitored, that is monitored here on the ground as well as in the command module. Those circuit breakers are located, one on either side of the panel, so one on either of the side panels. That is one on the right side panel on the commander's side and one on the left side panel or [garble] belay that, one on the right side panel on the LM pilot side and one on the left side panel, the commander's side. At approximately 78 hours and 9 minutes those circuit breakers were opened and the normal currents were obtained at that particular time. Right now all the systems are reading normally and as the spacecraft passes over Hawaii at 79 hours and 33 minutes this is Apollo Control.
This is Apollo Control at 79 hours, 54 minutes, ground elapsed time. The spacecraft at the present time is in the 50th rev. It is currently approaching the West Coast of South America, and everything seemed to look okay during the last pass over the tracking stations at Guaymas and Texas, when they were acquired by those two sites. The current orbital altitudes of the spacecraft at this time are 122.9 nautical miles, at the low point or perigee by 128 miles at the high point or apogee. The crew evidently has settled down in its rest cycle at the present time. No communications were maintained with the crew over the stations that were acquired. Systems are looking okay in the spacecraft, at 79 hours, 55 minutes, this is Mission Control.
This is Apollo Control at 80 hours 50 minutes ground elapsed time. The spacecraft presently is in the West Pacific area. Hawaii acquisition will be coming up in a matter of oh about some 14 minutes. Present time the crew is in its rest cycle, the flight surgeon, Doctor John F. Zieglschmid reported a little earlier that on our last pass we were unable to receive any biomedical data on the crew and he indicated that this was probably due to the fact that the crew was still in the manner of housekeeping, stowing things, that sort of thing and they hadn't yet settled down for a, a period of rest. The countdown clock has now been activitated, that is the clock that tells them when they are going to be awakened again. And at this time they still have some 4 hours and 48 minutes of rest time left having consumed about 1 hour and almost 52 minutes of their rest cycle. We would expect according to the physician, flight surgeon here that on the pass coming up over Hawaii we will get some biomedical information on the status of the crew which could permit us to give some kind of an analysis on their, the nature of their rest. Meanwhile we will stand by, maintain a minimum of com with the crew, in order that they can get more rest. At 80 hours 52 minutes into the flight this is Apollo Control.
This is Apollo Control at 81 hours, 52 minutes into the flight, and at the present time the spacecraft is approaching the tip of Africa. We had some medical information, some biomedical parameters transmitted to the ground here, from the pass over Hawaii at about 42 minutes ago. At that time the Commander's heart rate was in the low 60's, and his respiration was about 12 per minute. The Command Module Pilot's heart rate was in the low 40's, with a respiration rate of about 14. This lead the Flight Surgeon to report to the Flight Director, that he thought both of the Astronauts, that would be McDivitt and Dave Scott, were in a sound sleep at that time. A little bit ago, we had the scriber plotter in front of us here at Mission Control, that is the 10 foot by 20 foot rectangular viewing device on which the ground tracks are plotted. That was down - the display was down for about 1/2 hour or so. We had some difficulty with the characters. They were not printing out properly, there was no difficulty with the spacecraft or the tracking; but some of the characters, the numbers and the figures were not scribing out properly. The problem probably was in the character generator in the back, which caused these to be displayed improperly. The scriber plotter is back up at the present time and everything looks to be normal on the board. As far as spacecraft systems are concerned, the last pass that we had indicated that all systems were functioning well while the spacecraft was in its powered down configuration. At 81 hours, and 55 minutes, GET, this is Apollo Control.
082:44:09 Worden: Apollo 9, Houston. [Long pause]
082:44:28 Worden: Apollo 9, Houston. [Pause]
082:44:39 McDivitt: Houston, this is Apollo 9.
082:44:41 Worden: Roger. Apollo 9, Houston. Pressure in your H2 tanks is dropping a little faster than we had anticipated. Sorry to disturb you, but we'd like you to go MANUAL heaters and fans until the pressure goes to 260, and go heaters AUTO and fans OFF so that you won't get a MASTER ALARM. [Pause]
082:45:02 McDivitt: Okay. You want us to go MANUAL heaters and fans on H2 number 1 until it gets to 265 and go heaters MANUAL and fans OFF.
082:45:12 Worden: Roger. Go to 260, Jim, and then heaters to AUTO and fans to OFF, and that's H2 tanks 1 and 2.
082:45:20 McDivitt: Okay; fine.
Very long comm break.
This is Apollo Control at 82 hours, 51 minutes into the flight. The spacecraft has just passed beyond the Hawaii tracking station a few moments ago. At 82 hours and 46 minutes into the flight, the CAPCOM here, Astronaut Worden, called the Apollo 9 crew for purposes of a check on heaters and fans and we have that 25 or so seconds of recorded conversation which we will play to you at the present time.
That was a sleepy Commander McDivitt, Commander Jim McDivitt, that you heard, the spacecraft Commander. Immediately after that little exercise the Surgeon reported that the Commander's heart rate returned back down to in the 60's. His mean heart rate returned back down into the 60's, indicating that he did the little operation required and went back to sleep almost immediately. In the meantime the command module pilot slept peacefully, evidently, through all of it, for his heart rate remained at the average, 40 average level. At 82 hours, 53 minutes into the flight of Apollo 9, this is Apollo Control.
This is Apollo Control at 83 hours, 50 minutes ground elapsed time. We have about an hour and 49 minutes of the rest cycle left before the Apollo 9 crew will be awakened to start what promises to be a very busy day. Astronauts Jim McDivitt and Rusty Schweikart again will transfer into the LM and start checking out the systems leading to the LM-CSM docking - or undocking exercise and follow on rendezvous. Formation flying LM inspection will follow the checkout and then next a small thrust with the CSM, or as it will be called frequently, the Gumdrop reaction control system thrusters. After separation from the LM will place that command service module in an orbit or maneuver for a small scale rendezvous. This has been defined as the mini-football. The maximum distance between the spacecraft during this time is something on the order of 3 nautical miles. About one and a half revolutions after the separation Spider, that's what the LM will be called frequently, Spider's descent engine is ignited to place the LM in an orbit ranging 11 to 12 nautical miles above and below the Gumdrop orbit. After one and a quarter revolutions it's fired again, a second time, and this places LM in an orbit about 11 nautical miles above the command service module. At the same time the distance between the two spacecraft will be opening. The LM descent stage a little bit later will be jettisoned and then the LM upper or Spider's upper stage, reaction control thrusters will be fired and this will lower the perigee, the LM spacecraft perigee, to about 10 miles below the CSM orbit. What it does, it sets up conditions for you might call circularization. The maximum Spider to Gumdrop range will be on the order of 95 nautical miles during this sequence. That will be the greatest distance - the greatest distance the two will achieve. Next circularization of the upper stage orbit at 10 nautical miles - sorry about that - belay that - the ascent stage orbit at about 10 nautical miles below the CSM and the closing range will be affected. This, of course, will be the first duty in the mission for the 3,500 pound thrust upper stage engine. As that upper stage aproaches to some nautical, some 20 nautical miles, behind and about 10 nautical miles below the command service module, the commander will thrust along the line of sight, that will be the LM commander, Jim McDivitt, will thrust along the line of sight toward the CSM using the upper stage RCS thrusters. He'll make necessary mid-course corrections and braking maneuvers until rendezvous phase is completed. After the two vehicles dock, the two astronauts will remove certain items out of the LM and into the command service module and then the ascent or upper stage will be prepared for what they call an APS burn to depletion, as that propulsion system burn to depletion of the propellants. The CSM will maneuver away a safe distance, something on the order of half mile. After the final separation and undocking the three crewmen, of course, will have been back - moved back into the CSM, it will move away and this ascent engine then of the LM will be fired in what will be the final maneuver using that vehicle and we suspect will be placed in an orbit with an estimated apogee of something on the order of 3,000 to 3,300 nautical miles and with a perigee of something on the order of 131 nautical - 130, a very highly eliptical or egg-shaped orbit. That will conclude a busy day for the crew. At the present time they're still in their rest cycle. Spacecraft is approaching the Westpack area, the surgeon reports his last downlink communication of bio-medical information data, revealed that the astronauts were again sleeping rather soundly. The spacecraft systems during this phase of powered-down flight, all are functioning well. So, at 83 hours, 58 minutes, ground elapsed time, this is mission control in Houston.
This is Apollo Control at 84 hours 47 minutes ground elapsed time. The spacecraft at the present time is over the Atlantic Ocean, heading toward the Ascension island tracking station. We recently had reports from some of the engineers in Mission Control center here on the spacecraft's operation. The electrical environmental communications engineer noted that all of his systems were functioning very well, and shortly thereafter the CSM guidance navigation and control engineer, Mr. Larry Cannon said all parameters are fine, stable on his console. The surgeon had received some information, some down link information on the biomedical parameters, on the two astronauts that are, that are instrumented, currently instrumented. He noted that Jim McDivitt, was reading his heart rate, was reading in the low 50's while the Command Module pilot, Dave Scott his average heartrate was in the low 40's, and of course with those parameters the surgeon concluded that both of the men still were sleeping very soundly. This was about 40, 45 minutes ago and at the present time they are about 50 minutes from the time when they will be awakened, to begin those activities which will lead up to a rather busy day including the rendezvous, the undocking exercise, the rendezvous with the LM and the subsequent, rerendezvous or subsequent redocking. There is a shift change underway here at mission control center with the members of the White team coming on and the members of the Gold team taking off. So at 84 hours 50 minutes into the flight. This is mission control in Houston.
This is Apollo Control at 85 hours 36 minutes ground elapsed time. The countdown clock for awakening the crew of Apollo 9 now shows some 3 minutes 49 seconds remaining in the rest period. Meanwhile here in Mission Control Center while we're waiting for spacecraft communicator Ron Evans to place his initial call to the crew to wake them up and act as an alarm clock. Orange team flight director Pete Frank is polling the various console positions to determine the status of the various systems. Now what the opinions are of the flight controllers on the readiness to continue with todays rendezvous sequence. Decision was made just a few moments ago actually to transfer both of the men, that is lunar module pilot Rusty Schweickart and commander Jim McDivitt through the tunnel to the lunar module without their helmets gloves or umbilicals. During the earlier trip by one of the crewmen back to the lunar module to open a circuit breaker that inadvertently had been left closed in the powerdown check list. The man did go through the tunnel in a similar situation. We are continuing to stand by. We do have acquisition over the tracking ship, over the tracking station at Guam. We're standing by for the call. We actually still have something over 2 minutes in the rest period left. There will be about a 12 minute gap between loss of signal at Guam and acquisition at Mercury, tracking ship Mercury in the South Pacific. It is felt by omitting the complete suiting up of the two crewmen that a considerable amount of time can be saved in the powering up of the LM. They'll be able to move through the tunnel faster without being restrained or restricted by the umbilical and since the LM is pressurized at this time the ah and the tunnel there is no real reason why the men would have to be in ah complete suit. Naturally they will put on their helmets and gloves prior to undocking. We're still monitoring the circuit here for the initial call we're now less than a minute away from the end of wake up time. We're beginning to get data through from the Guam station. EECOM just reported to flight director that the data was beginning to show up on his displays at his console. Surgeon reported that McDivitt appears to be asleep but Scott has changed seats and apparently is awake. One of the first items after waking up will be of course to eat breakfast. Following their breakfast they'll have flight plan and consumables up date passed up to them by spacecraft communicator Ron Evans. And immediat [garble] here goes the call now."
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