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Apollo 7

Day 9 (preliminary)

Corrected Transcript and Commentary Copyright © 2019-2023 by W. David Woods and Alexander Turhanov. All rights reserved.
Last updated 2023-12-14
HAWAII through ANTIGUA (REV 121)
192:00:57 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Hawaii.
192:01:00 Schirra: Roger.
Long comm break.
192:05:21 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston.
192:05:23 Schirra: Go ahead.
192:05:25 Swigert: On some questions earlier: UCLA plays Calif. today, and Navy plays Pitt. [Pause.]
192:05:34 Schirra: Roger. Thank you. What about that ole school of yours? [Pause.]
192:05:42 Swigert: Oh, I didn't think that would interest you - and on this relay test that we are going to do over Guaymas: when we get Guaymas AOS, I'll tell you to go the relay mode per the COMM slide rule, and then we will conduct it then. [Long pause.]
192:06:01 Cunningham: Okay.
Comm break.
This is Apollo Control Houston, 192 hours, 6 minutes into the flight. We've tagged up via Hawaii and we'll tune in on that conversation in a moment. Early today you heard discussion of the fuel cell data and we've pulled up the chart giving us the fuel cell status. The main item which keeps recurring in fuel cell conversation, is the temperature of fuel cell no. 2. Here is the way the temperatures look. Fuel cell no. 1 is running a temperature of 161 degrees Fahrenheit, fuel cell no. 2 - 177, which is near the red line, and no. 3 is running 162. All in all, the fuel cells are sharing the load very nicely, we have no concern over them, they seem to have plenty of operating gases. All in all, they are very productive. Here is the Hawaii comm.
192:07:29 Unidentifiable crewmember: Hey, Jack. Are you going to be sending up VHF and receiving S-band or vice versa? [Pause.]
192:07:38 Swigert: We're sending up VHF and receiving S-band.
192:07:42 Cunningham: Okay. Then I'll set Donn's panel up with VHF OFF and S-band TR, right? [Pause.]
192:07:51 Swigert: No - stand by.
192:07:54 Cunningham: Our slide rule is set up for you sending - for you receiving S-hand and receiving VHF. [Long pause.]
192:08:09 Swigert: Walt, the configuration we want is exactly the same one on the COMM slide rule there.
192:08:15 Cunningham: Okay.
Long comm break.
192:13:25 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston.
192:13:28 Schirra: Go ahead.
192:13:29 Swigert: Wally, in view of the attitude problem - display that you had on ball number 1 yesterday, we would like you to leave the FDAI select switch in the one-half position for the remainder of the flight. [Long pause.]
192:13:48 Schirra: (Laughter) You'd have a hell of a time talking me into doing that run again; I'll clue you. I may troubleshoot it a couple of times.
192:13:56 Swigert: Okay.
192:13:58 Schirra: [Garble] data very well. [Pause.]
192:14:04 Swigert: Well, we're just looking at it, and we don't want anything to happen and lose the display on reentry.
192:14:09 Schirra: Right. Quit while we're ahead. I've already considered not using ORDEAL on number 2 ball. I'll probably fly it that way.
192:14:16 Swigert: Okay.
192:14:17 Schirra: Use GDC number 2 on reentry.
192:14:20 Swigert: All right. [Pause.]
192:14:29 Swigert: Apollo 7, we are ready to perform the relay test. Would you configure per the COMM slide rule for relay mode? [Pause.]
192:14:37 Schirra: Roger. [Long pause.]
192:15:23 Unidentifiable crewmember: Houston, Apollo 7.
192:15:27 Swigert: Go ahead, 7.
192:15:28 Unidentifiable crewmember: They are configured. [Pause.]
192:15:36 Swigert: Okay. Apollo 7, this is Houston on S-band for the USB relay test. [Pause.]
192:15:50 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. Performing the relay test: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Okay, Apollo 7, the relay test is complete. It was an outstanding success. You can return to your normal COMM configuration.
192:16:21 Schirra: Roger. [Long pause.]
192:16:42 Cunningham: Houston, Apollo 7. How do you read?
192:16:43 Swigert: Reading you five-by, Walt. [Pause.]
192:16:52 Swigert: And Walt, I have your block data number 21 when you are ready to copy it. [Long pause.]
192:17:37 Cunningham: Go ahead, Jack.
192:17:39 Swigert: Okay. 123 dash 4 Alpha plus 295 minus 1620 194 plus 50 plus 14, 2813, 124 dash 4 Alpha plus 250 minus 1635 196 plus 31 plus 45 3012, 125 dash Charlie Charlie plus 168 minus 1660 198 plus 09 plus 52 3079. 126 dash Alpha Charlie minus 223 minus 0100 198 plus 43 plus 50 7088, 127 dash Alpha Charlie minus 123 minus 0120 200 plus 17 plus 18 6447, 128 dash Alpha Charlie minus 020 minus 0180 201 plus 50 plus 35 5824. End.
192:20:24 Cunningham: Readback follows: 123 dash 4 Alpha plus 295 minus 1620 194 plus 50 plus 14 2813, 124 dash 4 Alpha plus 250 minus 1635 196 plus 31 plus 45 3012, 125 dash Charlie Charlie plus 168 minus 1660 198 plus 09 plus 52 3079, 126 dash Alpha Charlie minus 223 minus 0100 198 plus 43 plus 50 7088, 127 dash Alpha Charlie minus 123 minus 0120 200 plus 17 plus 18 6447, 128 dash Alpha Charlie minus 020 minus 0180 201 plus 50 plus 35 5824. Over.
192:21:21 Swigert: Roger. That's correct, Walt.
Long comm break.
HAWAII through ANTIGUA (REV 122)
192:28:58 Cunningham: Houston, Apollo 7.
192:29:01 Swigert: Go ahead, 7.
192:29:02 Cunningham: I do have the command module RCS temperatures about an hour ago. All six were reading 5 volts.
192:29:09 Swigert: Roger. Thanks, Walt.
Comm break.
192:30:32 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. We are 1 minute LOS Antigua; pick you up at Ascension at 38.
192:30:40 Schirra: Roger.
Long comm break.
This is Apollo Control. That apparently wraps up the communication via Antigua. We've been looking at the spacecraft temperatures and such this morning here at the conclusion of that long stateside pass, and according to Antigua data here is what we have. We have a cabin pressure of a rock solid 5.1 pounds. I don't think it's deviated off that for days. The cabin temperature is 65, that's a couple of degrees lower than what we've seen the last few days as I recall, and the oxygen quantity in pounds tank 01 showing 46 pounds, tank 02 showing 45. Our flow rate is like .2 pounds per hour and that is a very steady value. And the last biomed data which we got, which I think was on Walt Cunningham, shows a nice steady mean heart rate of 62, a very restful heart rate, with a high range of 74 and a low of 55, and Walt Cunningham is breathing at a rate of 18 respirations per minute. At 192 hours 32 minutes into the flight this is Apollo Control Houston.
192:37:04 Eisele (onboard): 192 hours 36 minutes; magazine R, frame 43 is a picture of [garble] and landmark 141 on the northeast corner of South America.
192:38:55 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Ascension. Standing by.
192:38:59 Schirra (onboard): Loud and clear.
192:39:46 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Ascension. Standing by. [Long pause.]
192:40:28 Schirra: I read you loud and clear.
192:40:30 Swigert: Roger, Wally. [Long pause.]
192:41:30 Cunningham: Houston, Apollo 7.
192:41:32 Swigert: Go ahead, Apollo 7.
192:41:35 Cunningham: Roger. Magazine Victor, frames 12, 13, and 14 were of cloud cover, my present position, taken with the red filter on. [Long pause.]
192:41:51 Swigert: Copy that.
192:41:52 Cunningham: We have more Panatomic-X on board than we're going to be able to use for the multispectral stuff. Could you check and find out with the weather people if they would like to have black and white weather pictures with the red filter on or the red filter off? It's a very thin red filter. [Pause.]
192:42:12 Swigert: Okay. It is in work. [Pause.]
192:42:17 Cunningham: 331 000 50 dash 204. There's a Hasselblad 50 series. [Long pause.]
192:42:29 Swigert: Okay. [Pause.]
192:42:33 Schirra: Jack, you better check with Helmut Kuehnel on the color correction for that. It sounds like a pretty good [garble] but it may be pretty hard. [Pause.]
192:42:42 Swigert: Okay, Wally.
Comm break.
192:43:58 Schirra: Houston, Apollo 7.
192:44:02 Swigert: Go ahead, 7.
192:44:04 Schirra: Roger. The COAS is just barely bright enough for tracking against the clouds. I am not sure it would be acceptable. [Pause.]
192:44:17 Swigert: I didn't get the first part, Wally.
192:44:20 Schirra: The COAS for ... It's so bright it just barely shows. I'm not sure it's bright enough for tracking various objects. [Pause.]
192:44:33 Swigert: Okay. [Long pause.]
192:45:11 Swigert: 7, we're 1 minute LOS Ascension; we pick up Tananarive at 54.
192:45:19 Schirra: Roger.
Very long comm break.
Apollo Control, Houston, at 192 hours 48 minutes. Via Ascension we had some discussion with Walt Cunningham about pictures and he requested some information from some of the weather experimenters on what kind of filters he should use on future shots. Here's how it went.
This is Apollo Control back again. We have from the recovery forces received some information regarding the WESTPAC recovery zone, which we indicated earlier, is out of business due to the fact that a typhoon is moving through the area. Just to give you some feel for the extraordinary planning involved in these recovery tasks on a rev by rev basis, our recovery forces worked out a planned primary landing areas, and a planned secondary areas for each of four revs that we feel sure that the WESTPAC area will be out of business. In other words, we could not land in WESTPAC and we have gotten from them eight alternate landing areas. The range on these alternate landing areas is fantastic. Some of them are in the, in fact, about half of them are in the South Atlantic, in the area around the Ascension Islands. On rev 125 for instance, if trouble developed that would indicate normally a Western Pacific landing, we would bring the spacecraft down near Hawaii, which is accessible on that particular rev in an area just south of Hawaii. On rev 126 should trouble develop we would, rather than land it in the typhoon stricken area, bring it down at about 22 degrees south 10 degrees west, very near Ascension Island in the South Atlantic, and so forth. Just an indication of the extraordinary range and flexibility of our recovery forces and some of the planning detail they get into. HC130H aircraft of the Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Service out of Tachikawa, Pago Pago, Samoa, Anderson, Guam, and Ascension Islands in the Atlantic will be involved in these ... in the manning of shifted or alternate recovery areas that are under discussion here. At 192 hours 52 minutes this is Apollo Control, Houston.
192:56:15 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Tananarive.
192:56:18 Schirra: Roger. [Pause.]
192:56:22 Swigert: Wally, on your question on Panatomic-X film and the red filter: weather says that they agree with your decision to use this film photographing clouds with the red filter on there. They do request that land, water, and clouds be included in the pictures that you take. [Long pause.]
192:56:46 Schirra: Roger. [Garble]. [Pause.]
192:56:48 Schirra (onboard): It's pretty hard to eliminate any one - any two of those three.
192:56:56 Swigert: I couldn't copy that, Wally.
192:56:57 Schirra: We had to eliminate all the [garble]. [Pause.]
192:56:59 Schirra (onboard): It's pretty hard to eliminate more than one of those three, anyway.
192:57:08 Schirra (onboard): Power is Go.
192:57:10 Swigert: We couldn't copy that, Wally.
192:57:11 Schirra (onboard): Roger.
192:57:12 Swigert: We will pick you up over Guam here.
Long comm break.
192:57:19 Schirra (onboard): Roger.
193:01:59 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute LOS Tananarive; we will pick you up at Carnarvon at 10.
Very long comm break.
193:02:07 Schirra (onboard): Roger.
193:13:15 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Carnarvon. Standing by.
193:13:19 Schirra: Standing by.
Long comm break.
193:16:46 Swigert: Apollo 7, 1 minute LOS Carnarvon; Guam at 21.
193:16:50 Schirra: Roger [garble].
193:16:51 Schirra (onboard): That mark was [garble].
193:16:55 Swigert: Roger. Copy that.
193:16:59 Schirra: You are reading our DSKY, I assume. Did you get the stars and the distance on program 53?
193:17:06 Swigert: Negative, Wally. You went trough that before we had data.
193:17:10 Schirra: Okay. Three balls 18.
193:17:13 Swigert: Copy.
Long comm break.
Apollo Control here. At just any second now we should hear a call going out via Guam. We have been watching that fuel cell number 2 temperature. It has continued to climb and it is up to 183, now, 183 and we are really not concerned about it though, because we have reached that part of the day where we are going to start powering down the equipment and we are rather certain it will follow the course it has followed the last few days and that temperature will recede very quickly when the equipment is taken off line. The flight plan calls for the next rev, which will be the 123th rev, to do an IMU realign in the South African area, Pretoria and Tananarive zone. Here goes the Guam com.
193:21:40 Schirra (onboard): That's 00026, star angle difference, on P54.
193:21:56 Schirra (onboard): [Garble] Houston.
This is Apollo Control Houston 193 hours 21 minutes into the flight. Over Tananarive a few minutes ago, we had this conversation, and very shortly we should acquire via Guam. Let's hear the Tananarive tape first.
GUAM (REV 122)
193:23:52 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Guam.
193:23:56 Schirra: Roger. We're playing program 52 to now check our errors. [Pause.]
193:24:03 Swigert: Okay, Wally.
193:24:05 Schirra: The star angle difference in 54, was three balls 26, and the torquing angles we put on the tape - they were like two balls 8 something, two balls 8 something, two balls 9 something. [Pause.]
193:24:19 Swigert: Roger.
193:24:21 Schirra: So we'll see what we really have now. Used Alpheratz and Fomalgaut. [Pause.]
193:24:30 Swigert: Okay. [Pause.]
193:24:37 Schirra: We needed to use Sirius or Orion this time.
193:24:41 Swigert: Roger.
Comm break.
193:26:21 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston.
193:26:23 Schirra: Roger.
193:26:25 Swigert: Wally, what option did you select when you did P52? [Pause.]
193:26:34 Schirra: We took two. [Pause.]
193:26:41 Cunningham: Star angle difference four balls 1, torquing angles are minus two balls 199, plus three balls 64, plus three balls 93. [Long pause.]
193:27:00 Schirra: Will that do me on?
193:27:05 Swigert: Stand by one.
193:27:07 Schirra: That's about two-tenths of a degree off.
193:27:11 Swigert: Copy.
193:27:14 Schirra: I hope once and for all we have indicated what the heck a COAS is for.
193:27:20 Swigert: Roger. Wally, just a minute; we are having some discussion down here.
193:27:24 Schirra: If you have a check, we are off about two-tenths of a degree.
193:27:27 Swigert: Roger. [Pause.]
193:27:31 Eisele: Did you copy my gyro torquing angles I read down?
193:27:34 Swigert: Affirmative, Walt. [Long pause.]
193:28:22 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. [Pause.]
193:28:30 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston.
193:28:33 Schirra: Go ahead, Jack.
193:28:34 Swigert: Okay. Wally, we are having some discussion down here on whether we need to redo that P52, so we are requesting that you do not power down until we get back to you. Secondly, we would like you now to switch to the secondary tanks on quad Delta.
193:28:52 Schirra: Roger.
193:28:54 Swigert: Okay. And while you are up there, could you give me batt C voltage readout? [Pause.]
193:29:03 Schirra: Jack, we are kind of blacked out up here if you could hold on that one.
193:29:06 Swigert: Okay. No problem; there is no hurry.
193:29:08 Schirra: Okay.
Comm break.
193:30:36 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston.
193:30:39 Schirra: Go ahead.
193:30:40 Swigert: Roger. Wally, just a minute.
193:30:45 Schirra: Our navigator is arguing with that three violently up here. Soon as you get his headset on, he will start talking.
193:30:52 Swigert: Okay.
193:30:54 Cunningham: You reading my DSKY?
193:30:59 Swigert: Roger. Four balls 1.
193:31:02 Cunningham: Okay. I'm just doing a fine align check. I won't read them out to you then.
193:31:05 Swigert: Okay. Just going over the hill here. The brown material that you see there and the subsequent salt development was observed on 2TV-1. What we are doing is recommending that the material be wiped off the injector and wiping cloth stowed for observation when you get back down and the chlorination proceed as per scheduled in the flight plan. [Pause.]
193:31:30 Schirra: Okay. We note it crystallized out today. It is a white powder all over the place. I suspect that this stuff is inside the plmubing, too. [Pause.]
193:31:42 Swigert: Roger. Copy that.
Long comm break.
That probably wraps up the communication via Guam, although the signal is unusually sharp and clear. That is one of the signals that is relayed to us via communication satellite, of course, and it is one of our most dependable throughout the entire flight. The data is excellent, so is the voice communication. Our orbital elements this morning are 240 miles apogee by 90 miles perigee. And while we were over the Guam circle during that recent pass, the spacecraft was at an altitude of 210 miles down to perhaps 175 when it left. It is now between Guam and Hawaii. We should acquire via Hawaii in 4 minutes. We will be backto you then.
193:31:46 Schirra (onboard): We'll chlorinate on schedule.
193:31:51 Schirra (onboard): We'll expect full dentures after we get back.
193:32:19 Schirra (onboard): Houston, Apollo 7.
193:34:20 Cunningham (onboard): Star angle difference is 00001; gyro-torquing angles minus 00008, minus 00006, plus 00003.
193:36:49 Schirra (onboard): The 53, 54 combination goes back very well. The one problem, of course, that we discovered during the flight and then forgot about, was that a urine dump dropped just before sunset, and we were deluged with frost particles that light the spectrum. In addition, we had a dump, probably from the water bottle, and that kept us blinded for a good 10 minutes into the sunset. This is not fatal on this particular run, but it's something to remember in debriefing for the lunar crew ...
This is Apollo Control Houston. Via Hawaii, we're having this conversation.
193:37:26 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Hawaii. [Pause.]
193:37:31 Schirra: Roger, Houston.
193:37:33 Swigert: Roger. Wally, we've looked at the data, and you can proceed with the power down. [Pause.]
193:37:39 Schirra: Roger.
193:37:40 Eisele: Did you get the reason I'm doing the option 2 instead of 3 in 52? [Pause.]
193:37:46 Swigert: Negative, Donn. I guess you went over the hill too fast. [Pause.]
193:37:53 Eisele: Well, the reason I did that - see, if we done a three, all we would have done is find a line to the REFSMMAT determined in 54. That wouldn't tell you how accurate 54 was. It might give you some idea on how accurate the star difference angle was, but you would get - by doing 52 option 2, I got a comparison. There is a gyro torque angle in program 52 option 2, represent the error between it and the one determined in 54. [Pause.]
193:38:31 Swigert: Okay, Donn. We're discussing that down here.
193:38:34 Eisele: Okay. [Pause.]
193:38:38 Swigert: Opposite omni, 7. [Pause.]
193:38:43 Schirra: Jack, do you understand Donn's logic there? [Pause.]
193:38:50 Swigert: We've got all of the data we need, Wally. There's some discussion on that going back and forth here, but we've got all of the data we need.
193:38:57 Schirra: Okay. Just have them check the REFSMMAT we got out of 54 - the REFSMMAT we compared to 52, and the technique you have with option 2 and 3 on 52. [Pause.]
193:39:12 Swigert: I see some shaking of the heads, but we copy.
193:39:15 Eisele: Hey, Jack, before we quit, I did do an option 3 on that thing. [Pause.]
193:39:24 Swigert: When did you do the option 3?
193:39:27 Eisele: After the two option 2's.
193:39:31 Swigert: Okay.
193:39:32 Schirra: It's academic to the problem.
193:39:35 Swigert: Okay. Could you give me a batt C voltage reading when you get a minute? And I have a flight plan update here. [Pause.]
193:39:47 Cunningham: Batt C is 36.0.
193:39:49 Swigert: Copy.
193:39:50 Schirra: Go ahead with your flight plan update.
193:39:53 Swigert: Okay. We want to do a fuel cell O2 purge at 195 plus 00. [Pause.]
193:40:07 Cunningham: Roger, Proceed. [Pause.]
193:40:13 Swigert: Okay. That's it.
193:40:16 Schirra: Okay. [Long pause.]
193:40:32 Swigert: Apollo 7, we would like you to delay the power down. We're going to have a NAV load for you. [Pause.]
193:40:41 Schirra: Going too slow. Our computer's still going-going around; the IMU's going. [Pause.]
193:40:46 Swigert: Okay. We'll be ready for you in just a minute. Wally, I would like to get some feel from you on how long you think it would take you to doff suits. [Pause.]
193:41:00 Schirra: To doff the suits?
193:41:01 Swigert: Roger.
193:41:02 Schirra: What's the occasion? You have to explain the reasoning behind our doff. I can cut it off, or I can take it off. [Long pause.]
193:41:21 Swigert: Roger. When you were inserted and you got - you doffed the suits, about how long do you figure it took you to take them off and stow them? [Pause.]
193:41:32 Schirra: Oh, you mean as we started the mission?
193:41:35 Swigert: Affirmative.
193:41:36 Schirra: Yes, because there's where you're taking the suit off to protect it, and you put it away very carefully. I'd say it took about 30 to 35 minutes.
193:41:46 Swigert: Okay. Copy that.
193:41:47 Schirra: Wait a minute; wait a mtnute. [Pause.]
193:41:53 Schirra: Well, Jack, what we did: we did it in stages. We took the helmets and gloves off after early GO, and then the suits off after seventeenth or sixteenth one.
193:42:07 Swigert: Wally, could you go to ACCEPT, and we'll send this load up? [Pause.]
193:42:15 Schirra: We're going to get squared away on this in just a second.
193:42:18 Swigert: Okay. [Pause.]
193:42:23 Schirra: We'll get P00 straightened up, and you can have it.
193:42:26 Cunningham: You've got it now, Jack.
193:42:27 Swigert: Okay. Coming up. I'll read you the NAV cheek when you are ready.
193:42:31 Cunningham: Okay. [Pause.]
193:42:37 Schirra: Go ahead on the NAV check.
193:42:38 Swigert: Okay. Time: 199 plus 30 plus four balls plus 1589 plus 05853 1875. [Long pause.]
193:42:59 Schirra: Roger. [Long pause.]
193:43:55 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston.
193:43:57 Schirra: Go ahead.
193:43:59 Swigert: Roger. We would like you to stand by on any power down till we pick you up in Guaymas.
193:44:05 Schirra: We've already powered-down, Jack. Do you want me to bring it back up?
193:44:09 Swigert: Negative. We didn't quite finish the NAV load. We want to pick it up here at Guaymas.
193:44:13 Schirra: Okay. The computer is still going, still going.
193:44:16 Swigert: Okay.
193:44:17 Schirra: We'll keep the computer going.
193:44:19 Swigert: Roger.
Long comm break.
193:49:21 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston.
193:49:24 Schirra: Go ahead, Jack.
193:49:25 Swigert: Okay. We verified the load that we sent up, and the computer is yours; you can go ahead and begin powering down.
Apollo Control here. I just got a report from guidance and navigation officer that our total expenditure of fuel - of propellant - forgive me, for the day is 14 pounds of propellant. We've still got an open line to the spacecraft via Guaymas and should hold them for another 5 to 10 minutes.
193:49:32 Schirra: Okay. [Long pause.]
193:50:26 Schirra: Okay. Jack, we buy it.
193:50:29 Swigert: Okay. Roger. Good news.
Long comm break.
193:55:36 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute LOS Texas; Ascension at 17.
193:55:42 Schirra: Roger.
Very long comm break.
That will probably wrap up the communications via Texas site for this rev as we proceed now in the last few moments of the 123rd revolution around the Earth. I believe that's 123, it's a little hard to make out here on the wall map, no, it's 122. I'm sorry. We - in just a very few minutes will cross the 80th parallel to begin rev 123. At 193 hours S8 minutes into the flight, Apollo Control Houston.
194:05:03 Schirra (onboard): Magazine R, frame 45 is a - toward the water. That's the river - it looks large, it might be the Amazon, we're guessing. It goes into the Amazon, but the cloud formation does not form over the river all the way down to the Atlantic Ocean, and that's the reason for the picture.
194:12:59 Eisele (onboard): Magazine R - I dropped it behind the tanks -
194:13:06 Eisele (onboard): Magasine R, frames 47 and 48, the east coast of South America and Brazil, north of Rio and south of Salvador.
194:17:28 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston throgh Ascension.
194:17:32 Schirra: Roger, League City. Loud and clear.
194:17:37 Swigert: Wally, you're loud and clear also.
194:17:40 Schirra: Roger. [Long pause.]
194:17:53 Swigert: Wally, one point: because of the visibility problem that we've had in window number 3, if you'd like, we have some simple instructions which would provide you with 55- and 90-degree roll lines on window number 2. [Pause.]
194:18:11 Schirra: It's cleared up enough to where we can [garble] ...
194:18:13 Schirra (onboard): ...a sort of delta in the sun ...
194:18:15 Schirra: ... the center the last couple of days. But we can live with it. We can't shoot pictures out of it or see detail out of it. [Pause.]
194:18:22 Schirra (onboard): ...but the horizon will show.
194:18:24 Swigert: Okay: Real fine. Copy that.
194:18:26 Schirra (onboard): You're cut off, Jack.
194:18:33 Schirra: Are we on FM? [Pause.]
194:18:37 Swigert: We're transmitting both.
194:18:40 Swigert: Okay. What is satisfactory for bank angles on reentry?
194:18:45 Swigert: Okay. Copy that, Wally. [Pause.]
194:18:52 Swigert: We're 40 seconds LOS Ascension; we pick up Tananarive at 29.
194:18:57 Schirra: Roger.
Very long comm break.
Apollo Control here. That concluded the conversation by Ascension. This morning we had a great number of requests for a repeat performance of the television, the video pass. We have it on our tape machine and we're planning to rerun it for our News Center monitored cameras, for our News Center receivers, at 1:00 this afternoon, Houston time, about 35 minutes from now. I say again, we will rerun the video tape this morning. We have the audio track on it. It was a particularly enlightening tape and it was not without its humor. It will be shown at 1:00 this afternoon on the NASA News Center monitors. This is Apollo Control Houston.
194:22:57 Schirra (onboard): On the COAS star alignment, programs 53 and 54, the star dimmed considerably through the reticle plate of the COAS, I would say exactly the same as I'm used to seeing on the simulator; I don't know how to use the split-eye image, but I looked at the star with my left eye, I looked at the COAS with my right eye to bring the two together, and these stars that reach to infinity [garble] it's a real nightmare.
194:30:22 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Tananarive. Standing by.
194:30:25 Cunningham (onboard): Roger, do you hear ...
194:30:27 Cunningham: ... through Tananarive yet?
194:30:31 Swigert: Say again. [Pause.]
194:30:36 Cunningham: Checking to see if you could hear through Tananarive.
194:30:39 Swigert: Roger. We are reading you five-by. [Pause.]
194:30:45 Cunningham: It's dinner time here.
Long comm break.
194:30:52 Cunningham (onboard): We like to eat dinner at the continental hour, and I'm sure some place in the world, it's the right time.
194:39:12 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute LOS Tananarive; the Mercury at 54. [Pause.]
194:39:20 Schirra: Thank you.
Very long comm break.
This is Apollo Control Houston 194 hours 56 minutes. We've got a scheduled acquisition here of the Mercury ship just momentarily, but because we had promised to replay the television pass of earlier this morning we'll go ahead and play that tape and then we will tape the audio communication via Mercury and play it for you at the conclusion of this video presentation. This is Apollo Control. go ahead and roll the tape if you would, the video tape.
And we have now the taped conversation via Guam. We'll play that for you.
194:55:16 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through the Mercury. Standing by.
194:55:20 Cunningham: Roger, Jack.
Comm break.
194:57:30 Swigert: Apollo 7, opposite omni.
Comm break.
194:59:28 Cunningham: Hey, Jack, are you still there?
194:59:31 Swigert: Roger. Walt, go ahead.
194:59:34 Cunningham: Roger. If you get a chance, maybe we could get an updated RCS number for our chart.
194:59:39 Swigert: Okay. In work.
Long comm break.
GUAM (REV 123)
195:03:22 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston.
195:03:24 Cunningham: Go ahead, Jack.
195:03:26 Swigert: Roger. Your chart value for RCS today, Walt, is 588. It shows a little bit larger usage than we expected, and we can't account for it at this time. We're going back over the data and looking at it. [Pause.]
195:03:43 Cunningham: Roger. [Long pause.]
195:04:21 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston.
195:04:23 Cunningham: Go ahead, Jack.
195:04:25 Swigert: Just for the record, you might help us out and give us some clues about how much you think you used today. [Pause.]
195:04:34 Cunningham: Oh, I don't really know - I think all we did was - we didn't do any [garble] around. The pictures: we probably used a pulse or two on that. We did the alignments and did a little maneuvering then and then the maneuvering of the alignments. [Long pause.]
195:05:01 Swigert: Okay. Copy that. We're about I minute LOS Guam; we'll pick up Hawaii at 13. [Pause.]
195:05:12 Cunningham: Roger.
Long comm break.
And we have now the taped conversation by Guam, we'll play that for you.
195:13:53 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Hawaii. Standing by.
195:13:58 Cunningham: Roger. Jack, need a map update if you can get it, and I'd just as soon have one that's not two revs ahead, if you can get it.
195:14:05 Swigert: Sure can. In work. [Long pause.]
195:14:25 Cunningham: I took a weather picture at 195 hours and 13 minutes, magazine V as in Victor, frame number 14. [Pause.]
195:14:37 Swigert: Okay. Copy that. Walt. When would you like the map update? This rev? [Pause.]
195:14:46 Cunningham: Yes, the next ascending node if you have it. [Pause.]
195:14:54 Swigert: Okay. Stand by. Okay, Walt. The GET of the next ascending node, REV 124 will be 196 plus 20 plus 48 with a longitude of 7.77 degrees east. [Long pause.]
195:15:45 Cunningham: Roger.
Long comm break.
Apollo Control, Houston, 195 hours 17 minutes. Through Hawaii we're having this conversation.
195:24:08 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute LOS Huntsville; Tananarive at 196 plus 05. [Pause.]
195:24:17 Cunningham: Thank you. [Pause.]
195:24:27 Communications technician: Huntsville LOS.
Very long comm break.
195:42:32 Cunningham (onboard): Magazine R, frame 49, east coast of the southern part of Africa. Correction. That's the west coast of the southern part of Africa.
195:43:46 Cunningham (onboard): Try again. Frame 40 - let's try again. Frame 49, magazine R, is the west coast of South Amirica...
195:44:07 Cunningham (onboard): ...near Peru.
195:48:25 Cunningham (onboard): Frame 51, magazine R, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Frame 50 is the area just south of Sao Paulo.
196:05:52 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Tananarive. Standing by. [Long pause.]
196:06:41 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Tananarive. Standing by.
Long comm break.
196:06:56 Cunningham (onboard): Roger, Jack.
196:15:12 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute LOS Tananarive; Mercury at 30.
Very long comm break.
196:15:23 Cunningham (onboard): Roger, Jack.
At 196 hours 18 minutes into the flight, we've had only a tag up through Tananarive with the crew in the last 1/2 hour or so, no active communication, nothing - no tapes to pass on. We have also had a meeting around the Flight Director's console, and couple of actions have been taken. For one, it's been determined the pilots will wear their space suits on reentry, the matter of whether they will put the helmet and gloves on is still open - I mean it's still under consideration. Our programed TV time for Sunday morning has been altered. It had been planned to do it at 8:30, the time has been moved up to 7:14 am Sunday morning, 7:14 AM will be Corpus acquisition and it's scheduled as a television pass. Other activities remain pretty much as flight planned as we see them right now. Our next acquisition should be the ship Mercury in perhaps 10 minutes. At 196 hours 20 minutes, this is Apollo Control Houston.
196:30:31 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through the Mercury. Standing by.
196:30:36 Cunningham: Roger. Jack, we've got a readout on our O2 manifold pressure. [Pause.]
196:30:44 Swigert: Walt, we don't have data yet from the Mercury. Stand by. [Long pause.]
196:31:06 Schirra: Houston, Apollo 7.
196:31:09 Swigert: Go ahead, Wally.
196:31:11 Schirra: I assume from the radar transponder test that we successfully completed - that we do not require doing that again. Is that correct? Are we going to back up in case the first one fails? [Pause.]
196:31:28 Swigert: Wally, you are correct there in that assumption. We're going to have a general update on tomorrow's activities for you over Hawaii. [Pause.]
196:31:37 Schirra: Okay. [Long pause.]
196:32:01 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. Opposite omni.
196:32:05 Schirra: Roger.
Comm break.
196:33:13 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. We're ready to read that out, the O2 manifold pressure out.
196:33:18 Cunningham: What do you have?
196:33:20 Swigert: We have 102 now. [Pause.]
196:33:27 Cunningham: Okay. Try again.
196:33:29 Swigert: Roger. 105.
196:33:32 Cunningham: Have you done the component check as GO? [Long pause.]
196:33:46 Swigert: Roger.
Comm break.
GUAM (REV 124)
196:36:01 Swigert: Apollo 7, opposite omni.
Comm break.
196:38:32 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute LOS Guam; Hawaii at 49. [Pause.]
196:38:39 Cunningham: Roger, Jack. [Long pause.]
196:38:54 Cunningham: What are you going to do with your weekend, Jack?
196:38:57 Swigert: Oh, I think I'll just hang around mission control. [Pause.]
196:39:03 Cunningham: They'll give you a lot to do.
Very long comm break.
Apollo Control Houston here, at 196 hours, 49 minutes. And we are about to acquire by Hawaii. It should be an important discussion in that it will cover the flight plan updates for the next several days. The flight director has just cautioned everybody to turn out any outside interference and pay a close ear to this discussion. Here goes the first call.
196:49:26 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Hawaii.
196:49:31 Cunningham: Thanks, Jack. [Pause.]
196:49:42 Cunningham: Hey, Jack, give the LMP 15 clicks of water.
196:49:46 Swigert: Okay. I am logging that, Walt. Is Wally monitoring? [Pause.]
196:49:55 Cunningham: Yes, he's monitoring.
196:49:57 Swigert: Okay. Just generally, on tomorrow's activities: we are going to tailor them to accomplish the objectives based on what we know to date. We are going to remain above the service module RCS DAP redline, and we'll curtail any activities to remain so. Basically, what we are going to do, and this is generally, because the exact times their are still working on. We are going to delete the rendezvous radar test during tomorrow; we are going to perform burn 6 as per the normal flight plan, and in that period from 211 to 219, we are going to have the following four activities: two revs of orbital navigation, using the 9-by-9 W matrix; one PTC - it will be just like the preceding test except it will be about the pitch axis there; we are going to do the pitch instead of a roll - and one P22 horizon sighting test for horizon definition and generally for the television tomorrow. Basically, with the activities that are planned, we felt that if you just turn it on and proceed with your regular flight plan activities, that would be fine. [Pause.]
196:51:33 Schirra: Okay. We'll have it mounted above the tunnel and just let it go.
196:51:38 Swigert: Okay. And some information has come about the discussion on the reentry configuration. Right now, the thinking is to have the suits on for reentry, to provide a heel of restraint. The helmets and glove question is still in question. [Pause.]
196:52:05 Schirra: Hey, now that's pretty immature; we were going to launch without that kind of special heel restraint. And then all of a sudden, they got worried about land landing, and they put it in. If you are worried about a water landing for heel restraint, we got a long way to go before we can call this thing a flying machine. [Pause.]
196:52:23 Slayton: Hey, Wally.
196:52:24 Schirra: Yes.
196:52:26 Slayton: You did have heel restraint before, anyway, and I think the only concern here is that if you do get a tumbling even on the water, your legs can end up flailing around, and that clearance between your knees and the MDC, as you remember, has always been a bit of a concern. Think it's just an attempt here to make darn sure you don't have some leg damage is all.
196:52:47 Schirra: Yes, but how about our heads? With that neck ring laying out there, we don't fit the couch too well.
196:52:55 Slayton: I missed that one.
196:52:56 Schirra: We intended to fix the headrest to prop our heads in, and without a helmet, we're pretty floppy on the head part, which you'll expect on any kind of landing. [Pause.]
196:53:08 Slayton: Okay. Well, yes, I think you got to be able to clear your ears, and whatever is the best way to do that, obviously we are going to have to do.
196:53:14 Schirra: Yes, we are in trouble on the ears, Deke; no way out of that.
196:53:19 Slayton: I think as far as what happens from 10 000 feet on down, we need to discuss in some more detail.
196:53:26 Schirra: Yes.
196:53:28 Slayton: Okay. We'll think about ...
196:53:29 Schirra: We bought the cabin a long time ago, so we're not worried about it.
196:53:34 Slayton: Yes, nobody else is either; that's not the concern.
196:53:38 Schirra: Yes, I take it it's the foot restraint you are worried about.
196:53:41 Slayton: That's affirmative; that's the only concern, is your legs rattling around down there.
196:53:45 Schirra: Yes.
196:53:46 Slayton: You might give that one some thought, because we've talked that one around previously as you remember.
196:53:51 Schirra: Right. I should have prepared for something like this, but I didn't expect a cold. We might tape our feet to the foot restraints; that's about all I can think of. We've got a lot of tape left up here. That doesn't sound like too easy a job, but it is really easy at zero g. We could cut the tape off with our surgical scissors when we land.
196:54:19 Slayton: Yes.
196:54:21 Schirra: Deke, kick that one around, anyway.
196:54:25 Slayton: That doesn't sound too great, Wally.
196:54:27 Schirra: Say again.
196:54:28 Slayton: That doesn't sound too great; you can think Of lots of contingencies that that would give you real trouble with. [Pause.]
196:54:38 Schirra: What, getting our feet out?
196:54:40 Slayton: Yes. [Pause.]
196:54:50 Slayton: We don't have to settle it today, but I think you ought to be thinking about it. I think the prime concern here is ending up with some broken kneecaps, and that sort of thing, which you are well aware of the arguments there. And I guess you prefer to have a couple of good ones to walk off on. [Long pause.]
196:55:05 Schirra: Yes, right. I know it's taken me 3 or 4 weeks at least to get away from a bad case of ears and all three of us have those. [Pause.]
196:55:12 Slayton: Yes, and ...
196:55:13 Schirra: I'm afraid that can't the helmets down; that's the first conclusion. And whether they came off at 10,000 or where we are right now is rather academic. [Pause.]
196:55:24 Slayton: Okay. Well, I guess - well, we've been thinking to clear the air on this one a bit, is that you probably ought to don the suits in any case, and have the heel protection - okay. Then the question of whether you put helmets on and where you release them; whether you can clear your nose with it on, and not tied to the neck ring or off. I think that's all subject to some discussion. You guys got a better feel for that than anybody else. [Pause.]
196:55:49 Eisele (onboard): Yes.
196:55:52 Schirra (onboard): Okay. Well, we will - we'll just go ahead and work on it.
196:55:55 Schirra: Okay. [Garble] we've been thinking about this for a week.
196:55:56 Eisele (onboard): We'll stand by.
196:55:57 Swigert: We're about at LOS; we'll have to carry this on at some later date.
196:56:02 Schirra: Okay. We'll work on it.
Comm break.
196:57:57 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute LOS Huntsville; Tananarive at 42.
196:58:03 Schirra: Roger.
196:59:54 Communications technician: Huntsville LOS.
Very long comm break.
197:44:23 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. Tananarive standing by. Good afternoon.
197:44:26 Schirra (onboard): Good afternoon.
197:44:28 Schirra: [Garble].
Long comm break.
197:49:55 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute LOS; Mercury at 06.
197:50:00 Schirra: Okay.
Very long comm break.
198:06:48 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Mercury. Standing by.
198:06:53 Schirra: Roger. Loud and clear.
198:06:54 Swigert: Roger. The same. [Pause.]
198:07:10 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. Opposite omni.
Long comm break.
198:13:24 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute LOS; Hawaii 25. [Pause.]
198:13:29 Schirra: Roger.
Very long comm break.
This is Apollo Control at 198 hours 16 minutes. Apollo 7 has had passes at Tananarive and the tracking ship, Mercury, during the news conference. At each sight, we notified them that we were standing by and there was no conversation at either of those sights. One bit of information on the Mercury reports now experiencing heavy sea states number 6, waves 15 to 16 feet, rolling up to 20 degrees. However, we were still able to get telemetry data during this pass, despite the rough weather that ship was experiencing. Crew condition described as green. The next station will be Hawaii at 198 hours 25 minutes.
This is Apollo Control at 198 hours 25 minutes. Apollo 7 about to be acquired over the Hawaii station. Donn Eisele should be awake for this pass, with Wally Schirra and Walt Cunningham preparing for their sleep period. We'll stand by for conversation at Hawaii.
198:25:38 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston through Hawaii. Standing by. [Pause.]
198:25:42 Eisele: Hello, Bill.
198:25:44 Pogue: Good morning.
198:25:47 Eisele: How are you?
198:25:49 Pogue: Great. You're getting up earlier and earlier.
198:25:52 Eisele: Sure seems like it. What time is it?
198:25:56 Pogue: It's 4:30.
198:25:58 Eisele: Say again.
198:26:00 Pogue: 16:30.
198:26:02 Eisele: Okay. Cot you. I thought so but wasn't sure. [Pause.]
198:26:15 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. Opposite omni.
198:26:18 Eisele: Roger. Opposite omni. [Pause.]
198:26:27 Eisele: Hello, Ron, log ten clicks of water for CDR and five clicks for LMP.
198:26:34 Evans: Roger.
198:26:35 Eisele: And log me 7 hours of very fine sound sleep.
198:26:40 Evans: Hey, great. [Long pause.]
198:27:02 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston.
198:27:05 Eisele: Go.
198:27:07 Evans: Roger. Request O2 tank 2 fan on for 5 minutes, then off. [Pause.]
198:27:14 Eisele: Okay. It's on.
Long comm break.
198:30:38 Evans: LOS; Redstone 40.
198:30:40 Eisele: Okay.
Very long comm break.
This is Apollo Control 198 hours 30 minutes, Hawaii has LOS. Don Eisele sounding very chipper reported 7 hours of very fine sound sleep. Redstone will acquire Apollo 7 in about 10 minutes. This is Mission Control, Houston.
This is Apollo Control at 198 hours 40 minutes. Apollo 7 coming up on the Redstone now.
198:41:08 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston through Redstone. Standing by.
198:41:13 Eisele: Roger, Houston.
198:41:15 Evans: Roger. Loud and clear.
Long comm break.
198:44:30 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston.
198:44:31 Eisele: Go, Houston. [Pause.]
198:44:36 Evans: Roger. Verify O2 tank 2 fan OFF.
198:44:42 Eisele: Roger. It's still ON; I'll get it in a minute.
198:44:44 Evans: Roger. [Long pause.]
198:45:22 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute LOS; Ascension at 05.
Very long comm break.
198:45:28 Eisele (onboard): Roger.
Apollo Control at 198 hours 46 minutes. The Redstone has LOS as Apollo 7 nears the end of its 125th revolution. Next station will be Ascension at 199 hours 5 minutes.
This is Apollo Control 199 hours 06 minutes Ascension has acquired Apollo 7. We'll stand by.
199:07:18 Evans: ApoLlo 7, Houston through Ascension. Standing by.
Long comm break.
199:12:08 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute LOS; Mercury at 42. [Pause.]
199:12:14 Eisele: Roger.
Very long comm break.
Apollo Control, 199 hours 13 minutes Ascension has LOS and there was no conversation. During this pass, we're in the period set aside for command module pilot, Donn Eisele to eat breakfast. The other two crewmen, Wally Schirra and Walt Cunningham, are in their sleep period. The Mercury will acquire Apollo 7 at 199, 42 minutes. This is Mission Control Houston.
This is Apollo control, 199 hours 42 minutes, the Mercury tracking ship is about to acquire Apollo 7, Guam has very brief overlapping coverage on this rev, we'll stand by through those two.
199:43:33 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston through Mercury. Standing by.
199:43:38 Eisele: Hello, Houston, Apollo 7.
199:43:41 Evans: Roger. Loud and clear.
Comm break.
199:45:20 Eisele: Got any ball score yet?
199:45:24 Evans: Roger. Would you believe Kansas beat Oklahoma State 28 to 6? [Pause.]
199:45:31 Eisele: I see. [Pause.]
199:45:36 Evans: Oklahoma beat Iowa State 42 to 7. [Long pause.]
199:46:05 Eisele: How did Houston and Rice do?
199:46:10 Evans: Haven't got - don't have that one yet, Donn; we're working on it.
199:46:14 Eisele: I see. [Pause.]
199:46:19 Eisele: Have you got Southern Cal and Ohio state?
199:46:25 Evans: Not yet. Got Tennessee 10, Alabama 9; Georgia Tech 21 And Auburn 20. [Pause.]
199:46:36 Eisele: Couple of close ones.
199:46:38 Evans: Roger.
Comm break.
199:47:50 Evans: 7, be advised the Mercury's doing a good job down there. They're taking rolls up to about 20 degrees and 40- to 50-knot winds, some 15-16-foot waves, and we're still getting good data coming through.
199:48:06 Eisele: Wow, sounds like they're having a high old time. Where are they exactly? Is there a big storm in their area; is that what's going on? [Pause.]
199:48:16 Evans: Well, the typhoon is coming on them from the Philippines, and they're up around Taiwan, somewhere in that area.
199:48:25 Eisele: Oh, yes. Up at Taiwan, you say?
199:48:30 Evans: Somewhere around in there.
199:48:32 Eisele: Yes. That's kind of a bad place to be with that typhoon going on there.
199:48:38 Evans: Yes, I think they're going to ride it out. [Pause.]
199:48:45 Eisele: I don't think they have much choice.
199:48:48 Evans: That's what they said. We got word that they're a little green, and it's not exactly green with envy. [Pause.]
199:49:05 Eisele: Non. [Long pause.]
199:49:35 Eisele: Hey, Ron.
199:49:37 Evans: Roger.
199:49:38 Eisele: We, at least Walt and I, started drinking out of our little plastic bags instead of the water gun because it's too hard to work anymore. Something's wrong with the trigger. I estimate I've had about 16 to 20 ounces of water in an hour or so using the plastic bag.
Comm break.
GUAM (REV 126)
199:51:14 Evans: 7, Houston through Guam now. [Long pause.]
199:51:43 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston.
199:51:46 Eisele: Go.
199:51:48 Evans: Roger. Did the drink gun stick completely now, or is it still just hard to operate?
199:51:53 Eisele: It works; it's just real hard to operate.
199:51:57 Evans: Roger. [Long pause.]
199:52:49 Evans: 7, Houston. LOS; Redstone at 14.
199:52:53 Eisele: Roger.
Very long comm break.
Apollo Control at 199 hours 53 minutes Guam has LOS now. During that pass Donn Eisele advised us that he started drinking water from plastic bag instead of the water gun, the usual mode, because the trigger - there's a problem which makes it hard to operate. Apollo 7 misses Hawaii on this rev, the next station to acquire will be the Redstone. [Garble]. This is Mission Control, Houston.
This is Apollo Control at 200 hours, 14 minutes into the mission. The Redstone has acquired Apollo 7. We'll stand by through this pass.
200:14:38 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston through Redstone.
200:14:43 Eisele: Roger.
200:14:44 Evans: Roger. Loud and clear. I have a one-line flight plan update. [Pause.]
200:14:53 Eisele: Go ahead.
200:14:55 Evans: Roger. At 204 plus 20, delete radar transponder self-test. [Pause.]
200:15:06 Eisele: Roger. I got it.
200:15:08 Evans: Roger.
Comm break.
200:17:45 Evans: Say, Donn.
200:17:48 Eisele: Go, Ron.
200:17:49 Evans: Roger. At 201 plus 24, you'll be passing right over Typhoon Gloria. [Pause.]
200:17:59 Eisele: Okay. I'll try to get a look at it, a picture if possible.
200:18:03 Evans: Roger. That's right over the center.
200:18:07 Eisele: Okay. Thank you.
Comm break.
200:19:18 Eisele: Ron, could you get me a map update, please?
200:19:23 Evans: Wilco. [Long pause.]
200:19:49 Evans: 7 Houston. Are you ready to copy?
200:19:53 Eisele: Yes, go ahead.
200:19:54 Evans: Roger. REV 126 GET 199 plus 21 plus 32, longitude 31.4 east. [Pause.]
200:20:13 Eisele: Okay. Okay. Thank you.
200:20:14 Evans: Roger.
Comm break.
200:22:40 Evans: 7, Houston. Thirty seconds LOS; Ascension at 40.
200:22:45 Eisele: Roger.
Very long comm break.
This is Apollo Control at 200 hours, 23 minutes. Apollo 7 is beyond the Redstone's range. During this pass CapCom, Ron Evans, advised Donn Eisele that at 201 hours, 24 minutes elapsed time Apollo 7 will pass directly over the center of typhoon Gloria. Apollo 7 is about to enter its 127th revolution, and the next station to acquire will be Ascension at 200 hours, 40 minutes. This is Mission Control, Houston.
This is Apollo control 200 hours 39 minutes into the mission, Apollo 7 in the night side of its 127 revolution, coming up on Ascension at - upon acquisition et Ascension. Ascension has acquired now, we'll wait for a call.
200:40:28 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston through Ascension. And I have some battery ampere-hours remaining. [Long pause.]
200:40:50 Eisele: You know, this bird with all of its windows makes a hell of a planetarium. [Pause.]
200:40:59 Evans: You mean, it's kind of hard to see.
200:41:02 Eisele: No, it's very good to see.
200:41:04 Evans: Great.
200:41:06 Eisele: Boy, you can really spot them. [Long pause.]
200:41:32 Eisele: Go ahead, Ron.
200:41:35 Evans: Roger. Batt A 28.9, B 26.5, C 39.5, Lima Sierra 073 slant NA. [Long pause.]
200:41:59 Eisele: Roger. I understand.
Long comm break.
200:46:02 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. Opposite omni.
200:46:07 Eisele: Roger.
Long comm break.
200:50:34 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. About LOS; pick you up at Mercury, 18.
200:50:40 Evans: Roger.
Very long comm break.
This is Apollo control 200 hours 50 minutes into the mission. Ascension has LOS now after about 11 minutes of acquisition on that pass, a good long pass. Donn Eisele reporting that Apollo 7 makes a good planetarium during the night side of the revolution. Star identification very easy out the window. Next station to acquire will be the tracking ship Mercury over in the storm tossed western Pacific at time 201 hours 18 minutes. This is mission control, Houston.
This is Apollo control 201 hours 18 minutes into the mission the Mercury is acquiring Apollo 7 now, Guam has overlapping coverage.
MERCURY through GUAM (REV 127)
201:18:40 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston through Mercury.
201:18:45 Eisele: Roger, Houston.
201:18:49 Evans: Roger. Donn, I've got block data to send up there and work; try to work it in around checking for the typhoon now. So let me know when you want it.
201:18:59 Eisele: Okay. Fine. Thanks, Ron.
Comm break.
Apollo 7, should be over typhoon Gloria, in about 5 minutes, just about the time Guam acquires, we'll continue to stand by.
201:20:30 Evans: And - 7, Houston - we would like for you to do the CMC power up prior to Redstone, and then we'll update your W matrix over Redstone this pass.
201:20:41 Eisele: This pass? Okay; will do.
Comm break.
201:21:50 Eisele: I think I've got the storm here.
201:21:53 Evans: Good. [Long pause.]
201:22:46 Eisele: I'll have to say it really covers a huge area. [Pause.]
201:22:56 Evans: Can you kind of determine where the eye is? [Pause.]
201:23:02 Eisele: Well, not exactly; hold it a second, hold the phone, I think I do have it. We're going right over the eye, Ron, and I'll give you a mark when we're directly over it. [Pause.]
201:23:36 Evans: Roger. [Long pause.]
201:23:50 Eisele: MARK.
201:23:52 Evans: Roger. 23 50. [Long pause.]
201:24:33 Eisele: Hey, Ron, are you there?
201:24:34 Evans: Affirmative. Go.
201:24:36 Eisele: Okay. Frames 54 and 55 of magazine R were of typhoon Gloria, and 35 is a picture of the eye. [Pause.]
201:24:47 Evans: Roger.
201:24:51 Eisele: At least that's what it looked like to me. [Pause.]
201:24:57 Evans: That's about right on time; that's where they forecasted.
201:25:01 Eisele: [Garble] you could see the long straight through [garble] circulation in the thing and then there was almost a solid mass of white right into the eye, then there was this little peephole in the middle of it. You could see there were some scattered and broken clouds in it. You could see the water even through it. [Pause.]
201:25:26 Evans: Well, I'll be darned.
201:25:28 Eisele: Very interesting.
201:25:31 Evans: Yes.
201:25:33 Eisele: How's the Mercury group holding up out there? [Pause.]
201:25:38 Evans: I think they're still green.
201:25:42 Eisele: I'll bet they are.
Comm break.
201:27:43 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. Opposite omni.
201:27:49 Eisele: Roger.
201:27:51 Evans: It's a good thing we don't log those transmissions.
201:27:57 Eisele: What's that?
201:27:58 Evans: Opposite omni type.
201:28:01 Eisele: Yes.
Comm break.
201:30:14 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. Thirty seconds LOS; Redstone at 49.
201:30:19 Eisele: Could I get your block update then?
201:30:22 Evans: Roger.
Very long comm break.
Apollo control at 201 hours 30 minutes, Guam has LOS Apollo 7 passing directly over typhoon Gloria. Donn Eisele photographing the storm, reported a clear spot in the eye through which he could see the water. The tracking ship Redstone will acquire next at 201 hours 49 minutes. This is mission control, Houston.
This is Apollo Control, 201 hours 49 minutes into the mission. Apollo 7 coming within range of the Redstone tracking ship.
201:50:41 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston through Redstone. [Long pause.]
201:50:43 Eisele (onboard): Roger, Houston. Apollo.
201:51:10 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. [Long pause.]
201:51:12 Eisele (onboard): Roger, Houston, Apollo 7. Go.
201:51:56 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. Trying again.
201:51:58 Communications technician: That's affirmative the spacecraft acknowledged your last transmission over.
201:51:59 Eisele (onboard): Say again.
201:52:05 Communications technician: Houston, Comm Tech Redstone, spacecraft request you say again, over. This is Redstone Comm tech spacecraft request you say again over. [Pause.]
201:52:24 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. How do you read?
201:52:26 Eisele (onboard): Read you 5 by, Ron.
201:52:33 Communications technician: This is the Redstone Comm Tech spacecraft read you 5 by over. Loud and clear, over. [Pause.]
201:52:46 Evans: Roger. Donn, you're not getting back to us. The Redstone M and O is relaying. If you want me to read the block data up, then you can read it back over Ascension. [Pause.]
201:52:58 Eisele (onboard): Okay.
201:52:59 Communications technician: This is Redstone Comm Tech, The spacecraft acknowledges your last transmission, over. [Long pause.]
201:53:24 Evans: Redstone M&O, does he want me to read the data?
201:53:28 Eisele (onboard): Roger. Go ahead.
201:53:30 Communications technician: Try again, Redstone here.
201:53:33 Evans: Redstone M&O, Houston CapCom. Does Apollo 7 want me to read the data to him? [Long pause.]
201:53:43 Eisele (onboard): Roger, Apollo 7 would like to do an update.
201:53:55 Communications technician: This is the Redstone Comm Tech, go. The spacecraft is reading you loud and clear, over. [Long pause.]
201:54:35 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston transmitting in the blind. I'll give you block data for area 129, the rest over Ascension. 129 dash Alpha Charlie plus 080 minus 0250 203 plus 23 plus 55 5190. [Long pause.]
201:54:43 Eisele (onboard): Roger.
201:55:22 Communications technician: Redstone LOS. Redstone reacquiring. [Long pause.]
201:55:37 Communications technician: Redstone LOS. Redstone reacquiring. [Long pause.]
201:55:53 Communications technician: Redstone LOS. [Long pause.]
201:56:19 Evans: ApoLlo 7, Houston in the blind. We will send your W matrix over Ascension. Keep the CMC powered up. [Long pause.]
201:56:41 Communications technician: Redstone LOS. Redstone AOS. [Long pause.]
201:57:21 Evans: ApoLlo 7, Houston. Ascension at 16.
Very long comm break.
201:57:27 Eisele (onboard): Roger, 16.
This is Apollo Control at 201 hours 57 minutes. Communications problems here at the Redstone. We can apparently get to Apollo 7, but we do not read transmissions from the spacecraft, although the Redstone does. We'll try again at Ascension that pass coming up at 202 hours 15 minutes. This is mission control, Houston.
This is Apollo Control at 202 hours 15 minutes into the mission. Apollo 7 coming within range of Ascension now. We'll stand by.
202:16:03 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston through Ascension. [Pause.]
202:16:10 Eisele: Roger.
202:16:11 Evans: Roger. Load and clear this time, Donn, and I have the block when you're ready. [Long pause.]
202:16:41 Eisele: Okay, Ron. Go ahead. [Pause.]
202:16:48 Evans: Roger. Are you in ACCSEPT? Then we will send the W matrix update.
202:16:54 Eisele: Okay. You have it.
202:16:59 Eisele: I got your 129 update.
202:17:01 Evans: Okay. I'll start with area 130 dash 2 Alpha plus 192 minus 0270 204 plus 58 plus 45 4399. [Long pause.]
202:17:29 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. Switch omni. [Pause.]
202:17:39 Eisele: Okay. Go ahead.
202:17:42 Evans: Roger. 131 dash 2 Charlie plus 271 minus 0271 206 plus 35 plus 31 3774, 132 dash 1 Charlie plus 237 minus 0620 208 plus 02 plus 22 4055, 133 dash 1 Alpha plus 294 minus 0600 209 plus 40 plus 53 3367, 134 dash 1 Alpha plus 299 minus 0600 211 plus 20 plus 43 2938. Over. [Pause.]
202:19:32 Eisele: Roger. 129 dash Alpha Charlie plus 080 minus 0250 03 23 55 5190, 130 dash 2 Alpha plus 192 minus 0270 204 58 45 4399, 131 dash 2 Charlie plus 271 minus 0271 206 35 31 3774, 132 dash 1 Charlie plus 237 minus 0620 208 02 22 4055, 133 dash 1 Alpha plus 294 minus 0600 209 40 53 33 67, 134 dash 1 Alpha 299 minus 0600 211 20 43 2938. [Pause.]
202:20:34 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. Your readback correct. [Pause.]
202:20:47 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. Our link is complete; you can power down.
202:20:54 Eisele: Roger. Okay. I'll put it back to bed.
202:20:56 Evans: Roger. [Long pause.]
202:21:42 Evans: A couple more football scores here if you want.
202:21:46 Eisele: Roger. Oh, okay. Go ahead.
202:21:49 Evans: Roger. Air Force over Colorado State 31 to nothing.
202:21:55 Eisele: Roger. Wow. They're coming up in the world.
202:21:59 Evans: Roger. Navy over Pittsburg 17 to 16.
202:22:03 Eisele: Roger. Navy over who?
202:22:05 Evans: Pittsburg.
202:22:06 Eisele: Roger. Oh, that's very good.
202:22:10 Evans: California over UCLA 39 to 15. Purdue eked out one 28 to 27 over Wake Forest. Michigan 27, Indiana 19. Minesota beat Michigan State 14 to 13. [Long pause.]
202:23:03 Evans: Notre Dame 58, Illinois 8. Still don't have any Texas games yet. [Long pause.]
202:23:20 Eisele: Ron, what did you say that California - UCLA score was?
202:23:23 Evans: 39 California, 15 UCLA. [Long pause.]
202:23:47 Eisele: How about Ohio State? Do you have them there? [Pause.]
202:23:56 Evans: Say again, Donn. Opposite omni. [Pause.]
202:24:02 Eisele: Roger. Ohio State.
202:24:04 Evans: Roger. Ohio State 45, Northwestern 21. [Long pause.]
202:24:27 Eisele: Roger. [Long pause.]
202:25:10 Evans: 7, Houston. One minute LOS; Mercury at 54. [Pause.]
202:25:18 Eisele: Okay.
202:25:19 Evans: We show your waste quantity 84. You can dump your convenience or wait till the other guys getup. [Pause.]
202:25:27 Eisele: Okay. I'll get on it in a little while. [Long pause.]
202:26:24 Evans: Ascension must have a good radar. They've beat our LOS times every time. [Pause.]
202:26:31 Eisele: Yes, they do all right.
Very long comm break.
Apollo Control at 202 hours and 26 minutes Ascension has LOS. During this pass, we passed up contingency reentry information through rev 134. We also up linked some navigational information to the command module computer. Then Donn Eisele powered down that computer again. The next station to acquire again is the tracking ship Mercury. 202 hours 54 minutes. This is Mission Control.
This is Apollo control at 202 hours 54 minutes, and the Mercury is acquiring Apollo 7.
202:57:04 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston through Mercury. Or try a voice check. Pretty poor.
GUAM (REV 128)
202:57:05 Communications technician: This is Mercury on trial voice check. Report.
Long comm break.
This is Apollo Control, very noisy circuits to the Mercury. This time we may wait until we get Guam acquisition at 203 hours about 3 and a half 4 minutes from now before we put in a call. We'll come back up at Guam.
This is Apollo Control at 203 hours. We're at Guam now, and we'll monitor through this pass. Hopefully it will be not quite so noisy.
GUAM (REV 129)
203:00:29 Evans: Apollo 7. Houston through Guam. [Long pause.]
203:00:31 Eisele (onboard): Roger, Houston.
203:01:10 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston through Guam.
203:01:13 Eisele: Yes, Roger, Houston.
203:01:14 Evans: Roger. Loud and clear. Donn, I've got a flight update when you're ready to copy.
203:01:21 Eisele: Okay. Go ahead.
203:01:23 Evans: Roger. Normal flight plan through SPS burn number 6. GETI about 210 plus 08. At 207 plus 20, fuel cell oxygen purge. At 211 plus 40, MCC update P22 horizon sightings. 212 plus 05 as scheduled. 213 plus 00 to 217 plus 30, delete all scheduled activity. 213 plus 00, add MCC update, state vector, NAV check, P22 landmark data. 213 plus 10, TV turn-on; 213 plus 12 to 213 plus 23, TV pass. Still with me, Donn? [Pause.]
203:03:57 Eisele: Still with you.
203:03:59 Evans: 213 plus 40, P22 horizon sightings. [Pause.]
203:04:13 Eisele: Ron, I don't understand that. What in the world is a P22 horizon sighting?
203:04:22 Evans: Roger. What we're trying to do is get a hack on the difference between the real horizon and what you think the horizon is. And we'll pass up some more data on that later. [Pause.]
203:04:39 Eisele: Say, this is a new one on me; I don't know anything about this.
203:04:42 Evans: That's affirmative. We'll - I've got some information to pass up to you.
203:04:47 Eisele: Okay.
203:04:50 Evans: Okay. At 214 plus 10, P52 IMU realign option 3. At 214 plus 45, start P22 landmark tracking pass. At 215 plus 30, MCC update P22 landmark data. At 216 plus 00, MCC state vector, if required. At 216 plus 15, start P22 landmark tracking pass. At 217 plus 15, power down.
Very long comm break.
This is Apollo Control 203 hours and 6 minutes. Guam has LOS. The Redstone will acquire at 203 hours 25 minutes.
203:06:57 Eisele (onboard): Okay, let's see if I got this right now. We're going to have a nominal flight plan as it's written here, adding a fuel cell purge at 207:20, and it will run right up to the burn at 210:08, roughly. And we're going to do P22 horizon sighting at 211:40. Is that correct?
This is Apollo Control at 203 hours, 25 minutes. Apollo 7 coming up on the Redstone now down in the South Pacific. We'll stand by for this pass.
203:26:13 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston through Redstone. Standing by.
203:26:17 Eisele: Roger, Houston.
203:26:18 Evans: Roger. Loud and clear, Donn. Did you copy everything on that?
203:26:24 Eisele: Wait just a second. [Long pause.]
203:26:36 Eisele: I'm going to check the waste water in about a minute or two. [Pause.]
203:26:41 Evans: Roger.
203:26:42 Eisele: What I got was a normal flight plan adding a fuel cell O2 purge at 27 20. Is that what you gave met 27 20, is that right? [Pause.]
203:26:55 Evans: Yes.
203:26:57 Eisele: Coming up on burn at 210:08. I have at 211:40 P22 horizon sightings. Is that right? [Pause.]
203:27:12 Evans: Yes. I'll update you. The information, at that time, - it is an MCC update at that time. [Pause.]
203:27:18 Eisele: Okay. That's the information. Wait a second. [Long pause.]
203:27:32 Eisele: Got 213 on the hour. We got state vector, NAV check, and P22 landmark data, right? [Pause.]
203:27:41 Evans: Affirmative.
203:27:42 Eisele: Okay. Then we have a TV pass starting at 12 and running through 24, is that it? [Pause.]
203:27:50 Evans: Roger. Through 23.
203:27:52 Eisele: Okay. Turn the TV on in 10 minutes, anyway, at 23 10.
203:27:55 Evans: Roger.
203:27:57 Eisele: We got P22 horizon check, whatever that is, at 213:40?
203:28:03 Evans: Roger. [Pause.]
203:28:12 Eisele: A P22 opposite 214:10 start of P22 landmark tracking at about 214:25, I guess that is; anyway, the date matches. And get more P22 data at 215:30. [Pause.]
203:28:34 Evans: Roger.
203:28:37 Eisele: An updated state vector of 216 - P22 again at 216:15. [Pause.]
203:28:46 Evans: Roger.
203:28:48 Eisele: And power down at 217:15.
203:28:51 Evans: Roger. And if you notice, this goes into your sleep period, so we recommend that you change your sleep periods and move it hack 2 hours - everybody back 2 hours.
203:29:07 Eisele: Stand by one; I've got to shut the water off.
203:29:10 Evans: Roger. We show 24 percent now. [Pause.]
203:29:18 Eisele: You show 24?
203:29:20 Evans: Oops, we just lost date again.
203:29:24 Eisele: Okay. I'm reading about 15 in here now; I'm going to shut it off.
203:29:26 Eisele (onboard): Okay now, I'm going to shut it off.
203:29:32 Evans: Roger. We concur. [Long pause.]
203:29:56 Eisele: Still got that big water bubble around the fitting.
203:30:03 Evans: Great [Pause.]
203:30:12 Eisele: It's really funny looking; it's a big - almost a sphere about as big around as a silver dollar, hanging on the wall by the fitting for the water dump.
203:30:22 Evans: Well, I'll be darned. Is the leak between hose and the fitting or between the fitting, and the panel? [Long pause.]
203:30:45 Evans: Donn, does it leak between the hose and the fitting and - or between the fitting and the panel?
203:30:51 Eisele: It's between the fitting and the panel - the water service panel.
203:30:54 Evans: Roger.
203:30:55 Eisele: It leaks - are on that P-nut, that you tighten down on to get the fitting on.
203:31:01 Evans: Roger. [Pause.]
203:31:06 Eisele: It doesn't hurt anything; it's just a big blob and stays there until you wipe it up. [Long pause.]
203:31:48 Evans: 7, Houston.
203:31:49 Eisele: Right.
203:31:50 Evans: Roger. On this passive thermal control test tomorrow, we want to use the same procedures that you have on board except we want to pitch instead of roll. [Pause.]
203:32:12 Eisele: Okay. This is the one on 212, is that it?
203:32:14 Evans: Say again.
203:32:17 Eisele: This is the one the strength of 212 hours?
203:32:22 Evans: That's affirmative.
203:32:25 Eisele: Okay. [Pause.]
203:32:29 Evans: Your procedure is written up to roll, but we want the pitch about the Y-axis.
203:32:35 Eisele: Okay. Same deal; we just substitute a pitch for a roll, is that right?
203:32:38 Evans: That's affirmative.
203:32:40 Eisele: You want the same rate, 310?
203:32:43 Evans: Affirmative.
203:32:45 Eisele: Okay.
Comm break.
203:34:31 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute LOS. I have some good news for you at Canaries at 57.
203:34:39 Eisele: What did you say again?
203:34:41 Evans: Roger. Canary at 57.
Very long comm break.
Apollo Control at 203 hours, 35 minutes LOS at the Redstone. Apollo 7 about to enter its 129 revolution. Too far North for the Ascension station at this time so the next station to acquire will be Canary Island at 203 hours, 57 minutes. This is Mission Control Houston.
203:57:53 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston through Canaries. [Long pause.]
203:58:51 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. [Pause.]
203:58:56 Eisele: Roger. Houston, Apollo 7.
203:58:57 Evans: Roger. Loud and clear. Donn, when Wally and Walt wake up, have them remove their BIOMED harnesses and stow carefully for postflight malfunction analysis. Over. [Pause.]
203:59:26 Eisele: Good.
Long comm break.
204:04:04 Evans: 7, Houston. One minute LOS; Redstone at 01. [Pause.]
204:04:10 Eisele: Roger. I understand.
Very long comm break.
This is Apollo control, 204 hours 04 minutes, LOS at Canary, Apollo 7 will be out of touch now for about and hour. It missed the Mercury and Guam stations on this the 129 revolution, next station to acquire will be the tracking ship Redstone at 205 hours 1 minute, this is mission control, Houston.
This is Apollo Control at 205 hours 1 minute into the mission. At the present time the spacecraft is approaching the tracking ship Redstone in the South Pacific. And here in the Mission Control center we are in the process of changing shift. Flight director Jerry Griffin will be coming on shortly to replace Gene Kranz, and Bill Pogue will be taking over as Cap Com. One piece of logistics information, we anticipate that the Change of Shift Press Briefing will occur in about 15 minutes in the Building One News Center. We'll stand by now for the call to the crew through the Redstone.
205:01:43 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston through Redstone.
205:01:47 Schirra: Houston, Apollo 7.
205:01:48 Pogue: Roger. Loud and clear.
205:01:51 Schirra: Roger.
Comm break.
205:04:41 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. I have the procedures for your P22 horizon sighting if you'd like to copy. [Pause.]
205:04:50 Schirra: Roger. Stand by.
205:04:52 Pogue: Roger. Select P22, use unknown landmark option. Do steps 1 to 6. Go to optics mode MANUAL and proceed to step 9. Disregard R-1, R-2, and R-3. Make five marks at least 10 seconds apart and then exit the program at step 12. We will give you the gimbal angles for starting with zero optics, if you so desire. [Long pause.]
205:06:11 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. Opposite omni.
205:06:15 Schirra: Roger. All right. [Pause.]
205:06:22 Eisele: Let's see, I just select P22, use unknown landmark, go through the program to step 6 and then OPTICS MANUAL, proceed to step 9, ignore the display, make five marks 10 seconds apart, then exit at step 12.
205:06:38 Pogue: That's affirmative. [Pause.]
205:06:43 Eisele: Okay. I don't think we need gimbal angles for zero optics. What de you want to use - just the sextant, or the telescope? I guess the sextant they'd Prefer, huh?
205:06:55 Pogue: They'd prefer the sextant, and use the upper horizon, or what you think is the upper horizon, anyhow.
205:07:03 Schirra: Yes, whatever that is.
205:07:05 Pogue: Roger.
205:07:07 Eisele: Okay. We'll try it. These done in daylight, are they? [Pause.]
205:07:15 Pogue: That's affirmative. In the daylight.
205:07:19 Eisele: Okay. I don't think we'll need any gimbal angles. Just set up for small in forward ORB rate.
205:07:26 Pogue: Okay. And if it's going good and you can get it at different shaft and trunnion angles, the more data we get the better off we'll be, but don't waste any more fuel on it.
205:07:39 Eisele: Okay. What's the purpose of this anyway? I guess I don't understand what and why we're doing it.
205:07:44 Pogue: Okay. The purpose is for - to get an idea on the difference between the apparent horizon and the real Earth horizon for the calculations on some midcourse corrections.
205:07:55 Eisele: Yes. I understand that, but I don't understand what use it is because midcourse navigation is done several thousand miles out from the Earth and at that point, this horizon jazz doesn't mean anything. Hell, it's all I'm going to be ... [Long pause.]
205:07:59 Eisele (onboard): ... 20 feet wide anymore when you're out a 1000 miles.
205:08:17 Pogue: I see what your saying but we don't ...
205:08:19 Eisele: [Garble] that's the only place this program applies anyway.
205:08:24 Pogue: Roger. We see what you're saying but we still don't have a hack on what this difference is; we don't have any hack on what the difference is, so we'd like to get at least one data point on that.
205:08:35 Eisele: Yes, okay. We can go ahead and do it. [Long pause.]
205:09:14 Pogue: 7, Houston.
205:09:16 Eisele: Go.
205:09:18 Pogue: Roger. Antigua acquisition at 21, and we'd like to have you be in P00 at that time, to send a load to you. [Pause.]
205:09:31 Eisele: Okay. I'm going to power up before that and try to do P51.
205:09:35 Pogue: Roger.
Comm break.
205:11:03 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute LOS.
205:11:08 Eisele: Roger.
Very long comm break.
This is Apollo control, we've had loss of signal now with the spacecraft through the Redstone. During that pass Apollo 7 was approaching apogee in the spacecraft and the present time at an altitude of about 236 nautical miles our apogee is about 237, we'll be passing through apogee in just a very short while. The next station to acquire will be the station at Antigua, we'll pick up there in about 10 minutes, this is Apollo control at 205 hours 13 minutes.
This is Apollo Control at 205 hours 21 minutes. We're standing by now to acquire the spacecraft at the Antigua station.
205:22:26 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston through Antigua.
Comm break.
205:23:54 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston through Antigua.
205:23:58 Eisele: Roger. Houston, Apollo 7.
205:24:01 Pogue: Roger. We monitor P00. If you go to ACCEPT, we have a couple of loads for you.
205:24:06 Eisele: Okay
205:24:08 Pogue: And I have the maneuver PAD when you're ready to copy.
205:24:13 Eisele: Okay. Stand by.
Comm break.
205:25:47 Eisele: Go ahead with your up PAD data.
205:25:50 Pogue: Roger. SPS number 6, minimum impulse 210 08 0000 minus 00000 plus 00154 minus 00000 2362 plus 0902 00055 24814 minus 073 minus 128 000 34 0422 124 209 20 0000 minus 2214 plus 10262 1511. Last block: roll, pitch and yaw, all balls. [Pause.]
205:27:45 Pogue: And we have about 1 minute to LOS. I'll wait for Canary for the readback.
205:27:50 Eisele: Okay. What are you going to do about this uplink? Is it all through, or are you still doing it?
205:28:00 Pogue: Do we have a VERB 33 in the DSKY, Donn?
205:28:03 Eisele: Okay. After we [garble] we can go on? [Pause.]
205:28:09 Pogue: Yes. Punch and ENTER and go on.
205:28:12 Eisele: Las Vegas. [Pause.]
205:28:17 Pogue: And, Donn, LOS is coming up. We'll get the readback at Canary.
205:28:23 Eisele: Okay, Bill. Thank you.
205:28:24 Pogue: Thank you.
Long comm break.
This is Apollo Control. The spacecraft now out of range of the tracking station at Antigua. During that pass, we handed some information up to Donn Eisele for tomorrow's scheduled SPS burn, the 6th burn of the service propulsion system engine, scheduled to come at 210 hours 8 minutes. The next station to acquire Apollo 7 will be the Canary Islands and we will pick up there in about 4 minutes. This is Apollo Control at 205 hours 29 minutes into the mission.
205:32:06 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston through Canary. [Long pause.]
205:32:31 Pogue: Apollo 7. Houston throngh Canary. [Pause.]
205:32:39 Eisele: Roger. This is Apollo 7.
205:32:41 Pogue: Roger. I have one comment for the maneuver PAD before readback, and that is that maneuver is heads up, out of plane, south. [Pause.]
205:32:52 Eisele: Roger.
205:32:53 Pogue: And standing by for readback.
205:32:55 Eisele: Stand by one.
Comm break.
205:34:36 Eisele: Houston, Apollo 7.
205:34:38 Pogue: Roger. Go, Donn.
205:34:43 Eisele: Roger. I'm ready to read this back now.
205:34:45 Pogue: Okay.
205:34:47 Eisele: Okay. SPS 6: Min impulse 21008 0000 minus all balls plus 00154 minus all balls 6362 0902 3 balls 55 24814 minus 073 minus 129 000 34 0422 124. I guess that's 12.4 degrees trunnion angle.
205:35:18 Pogue: Affirmative.
205:35:20 Eisele: 209 00 0000 minus 2214 plus 102 62 151 and all zeros for attitude. This will he heads up out of plane. Say what's the rest of your comments? [Long pause.]
205:35:40 Pogue: Heads up, out of plane, south and I'm sure you have it right but the altitude in NOUN 43 is 151.1. [Pause.]
205:35:50 Eisele: Oh, Roger. I thought I read that.
205:35:56 Pogue: Readback is correct.
205:35:59 Eisele: Okeydoke. [Long pause.]
205:36:19 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. Opposite omni, please.
205:36:24 Eisele: Roger.
Long comm break.
205:39:54 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. Coming up 1 minute LOS Canary. We'll have another minute and onehalf with Madrid if you want to turn your S-band volume up at 40 plus 30. Also would like for you to go to BLOCK on your uplink.
205:40:08 Eisele: Roger. BLOCK. Thank you.
205:40:10 Pogue: Thank you.
Comm break.
205:41:24 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute LOS Madrid; Honeysuckle at 17.
205:41:35 Eisele: Roger, Houston. [Pause.]
205:41:46 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. We will need S-band volume up for Honeysuckle.
205:41:50 Eisele: Roger. I'll get it up for Honeysuckle, too.
Very long comm break.
This is Apollo Control at 206 hours 14 minutes. At the present time Apollo 7 is just crossing over the northeastern coast of Australia. We are preparing to acquire the spacecraft in a few minutes at Honeysuckle. During the Change of Shift Briefing, we had some conversation with Donn Eisele over the Canary Island site and on out over Madrid and we'll play that back for you now and then pick up with the conversation through Honeysuckle.
That completes the playback for the tape from the pass over Canary Islands. We'll stand by now for the spacecraft to be acquired through Honeysuckle.
206:19:04 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston through Honeysuckle. [Long pause.]
206:19:43 Pogue: ApoLlo 7, Houston through Honeysuckle.
206:19:48 Eisele: Roger. Houston, Apollo 7.
206:19:50 Pogue: Roger. [Long pause.]
206:20:04 Eisele: Houston, Apollo 7.
206:20:05 Pogue: Go.
206:20:08 Eisele: Say again.
206:20:10 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston.
206:20:11 Eisele: Roger. [Pause.]
206:20:15 Pogue: Oh, I'm sorry, Donn. I thought you were calling me.
206:20:18 Eisele: Yes, I was; I was just answering.
Comm break.
206:22:41 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute 30 seconds LOS Honeysuckle. One thing I didn't pass up on the maneuver PAD that they wanted mentioned was that it will be quad B and D ullage for burn 6.
206:22:57 Eisele: Yes. Roger. That's what I figured on using, Bill.
206:22:58 Pogue: That's what I told them.
206:23:00 Eisele: Okay. Thank you.
Comm break.
206:24:09 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. Coming up on LOS; Redstone at36.
206:24:15 Eisele: Roger. Bill, see you at 36.
206:24:18 Pogue: Roger.
Very long comm break.
And we have loss of signal now from the spacecraft through Honeysuckle. During that pass we advised Donn Eisele to use quads B and D for the ullage maneuver preceding the upcoming burn this morning. Since coming on shift here in Mission Control Center, Flight Director Gerry Griffin has been going through the status of all systems for that burn and at this point, everything looks good. The burn is scheduled to take place at 210 hours 08 minutes elapsed time and will be another minimum impulse burn the second such burn performed by the spacecraft service propulsion system engine. That would be a burn of about one-half second duration and would impart a change in velocity adding velocity to the spacecraft on the order of about 15.4 feet per second. The next station to acquire the spacecraft will be the tracking ship Redstone and we'll pick up there in about 5 minutes from now. At 206 hours 25 minutes, this is Apollo Control.
This is Mission Control Houston at 206 hours 36 minutes into the flight of Apollo 7. The spacecraft is presently in its 130th revolution, we're coming up on apogee at this time presently at a height of about 226 nautical miles and we're standing by to put in a call to the spacecraft through Redstone.
206:36:56 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston through Redstone.
206:37:02 Eisele: Roger. Houston, Apollo 7.
206:37:06 Evans: Roger. Ron has been working on this P22 procedure, and he has a few more notes he'd like to give you.
206:37:13 Eisele: Oh, okay. Just a second; I'll get my pen out. [Pause.]
206:37:23 Eisele: Go ahead.
206:37:25 Evans: Okay. Donn, before select P22 on the thing, preset your shaft to approximately zero degrees and the trunion to approximately 10 degrees. [Pause.]
206:37:42 Eisele: What for?
206:37:44 Evans: Roger. What we want to do is use the landmark line of sight in the sextant there, so when you're making the mark - [Pause.]
206:37:55 Eisele: Wait a minute. Wait a minute now, Ron. You mean you want me to use the landmark line of sight, and you want me to fly the spacecraft and look at the horizon?
206:38:04 Evans: That's affirmative.
206:38:08 Eisele: I don't think that makes much sense, frankly. For one thing, we're going to be pitched way up if we do that, which means that we're going to be fighting this perigee torque, very likely. The other thing is it takes fuel to do that. You've got to keep maneuvering around to get it on there. You maneuver line of sight around with the spacecraft rather than maneuvering the optics with the optics controls. Can't they get the same - P22 measures optics angles as well as IMU gimbal angles. That's what it's for. I don't see why we can't use the - if we're going to use P22, why don't we use the sextant line of sight rather than the landmark line of sight.
206:38:50 Eisele: If we use the [garble] line of sight, we can hold local horizontal attitude; with it pitched up 15 degrees or so, it will work out fine, but if you go pitch up 50 degrees to put that line of sight on it, that's going to be a horse of a different color.
206:39:07 Evans: Okay. I understand your concern, Donn, but what we want to do is get a hack when looking through this landmark line of sight at the horizon. It looks different than, it does through the star line of sight on the sextant.
206:39:24 Eisele: Oh, I see. Okay, all right. We'll give it a whirl.
206:39:29 Evans: Roger.
206:39:33 Eisele: That takes a little more than "gee whiz" data anyway because that horizon doesn't look anythong like that when you're 10,000 miles away.
Comm break.
206:40:53 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. [Pause.]
206:40:58 Eisele: Roger.
206:40:59 Evans: Roger. To add a little food to what I said before on why we want it in this mission at a close distance: if we can get a better feel for what this DELTA-H of the horizon is, we get a better feel closer than we would at say 10,000 miles out.
206:41:19 Eisele: Roger. I can tell you what it is. It's 2.8 degrees; we measured it.
206:41:25 Evans: Okay.
206:41:26 Eisele: No, we did. We measured it in the COAS; we measured it in the telescope. Wally's measured it in Mercury and Gemini flights, and it's - well 2.8 plus or minus a couple [garble] depending on where the Sun is and the lighting conditions and maybe even what you're looking at it with, I dont know. [Pause.]
206:41:56 Evans: Roger. I think the only difference we might have in there is that we're looking at it through the diachromatic filter on that landmark line of sight now. [Pause.]
206:42:10 Eisele: Yes, that could change it a little; I don't know, make it look orange.
206:42:13 Evans: Roger. [Long pause.]
206:42:31 Evans: 7, Houston. What you last said there is the object of the whole thing, really. We just want to get an idea of what it looks like - what you think the top of the horizon is through that orange-looking filter. [Pause.]
206:42:52 Eisele: Well, we did that the other day, you know. That's why I gave up on making those starmarks. There just wasn't anything there that you could say was a firm line to make a mark on. It was all fUzzy and amorphous and like that. [Pause.]
206:43:12 Evans: We see what you're saying, really. [Long pause.]
206:43:40 Evans: Donn, new subject. My errand was completed this afternoon. [Pause.]
206:43:47 Eisele: Roger. Thank you.
206:43:49 Evans: Roger.
206:43:52 Eisele: What sort of response did you get?
206:43:56 Evans: The right kind, the good kind. [Pause.]
206:44:00 Eisele: Very good.
206:44:04 Evans: And we'll see you tomorrow evening.
206:44:07 Eisele: Okay, Ron. Good night.
206:44:10 Evans: Roger. [Pause.]
206:44:19 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. Opposite omni.
206:44:22 Eisele: Roger. [Pause.]
206:44:32 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. Switch omni again, please.
Comm break.
206:45:37 Eisele: Roger. [Long pause.]
206:46:23 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute LOS Redstone; Antigua at 55. [Long pause.]
206:47:04 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. Coming up on LOS Redstone; Antigua at 55. [Pause.]
206:47:10 Eisele: Roger.
Long comm break.
This is Mission Control. The spacecraft now going out of range of the tracking ship Redstone. We'll have acquisition again over Antigua in about 9 minutes. At 206 hours 47 minutes, this is Apollo Control.
This is Apollo Control at 206 hours 55 minutes. The spacecraft is just beginning its 131st revolution now and we've just acquired through Antigua. We'll stand by for CapCom Bill Pogue to put in the call.
206:56:46 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston through Antigua.
Long comm break.
207:04:16 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. Coming up on Antigua LOS in about 1 minute; at Canaries at 07. [Pause.]
207:04:27 Eisele: Roger, Bill. [Long pause.]
207:04:39 Pogue: Donn, I have one question. Do you have the number 1 set of BMAG's powered?
207:04:45 Eisele: Negative. I do not.
207:04:46 Pogue: Thank you.
207:04:50 Eisele: Bill, I've got about half the SCS system powered up here. [Pause.]
207:04:54 Pogue: Thank you.
Long comm break.
This is Mission Control at 207 hours 6 minutes and we have lost contact with the spacecraft through Antigua. We'll be reacquiring in about 2 minutes from the station at Canary Islands. The sleep periods for Wally Schirra and Walt Cunningham are scheduled to have ended by now. We should be hearing from them shortly and the spacecraft crew will also be involved during the period of time coming up now. We're aligning the platform on the guidance and navigation system, getting prepared for that service propulsion system burn, scheduled for 210 hours 8 minutes into the mission. We'll be prepared to pick up in about 1 minute from now as we acquire at Canary Islands. This is Apollo Control at 207 hours 7 minutes.
207:07:57 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston through Canaries.
207:08:02 Cunningham: Roger , Bill. Good morning.
207:08:03 Pogue: Good morning. How are you today? Just wanted to re-confirm that you understand that the LMP and the CDR may remove BIOMED harnesses. [Pause.]
207:08:17 Cunningham: Roger. We've got that word.
207:08:20 Pogue: Okay. Thank you.
207:08:22 Cunningham: Do you mean we can remove them right now?
207:08:23 Pogue: Affirmative.
207:08:25 Cunningham: I see; okay. [Pause.]
207:08:34 Schirra: Aren't you all very clever?
207:08:37 Pogue: Thought you'd like that.
207:08:39 Schirra: do. It doesn't bother us much one way or the other, but the real point is that I think somebody probably cought on to the fact that they're not very good equipment.
Long comm break.
207:15:34 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. About 1 minute from LOS Canary. S-band volume up at 16 for approximately 2 more minutes of S-band. [Pause.]
207:15:47 Cunningham: Roger, Bill.
207:15:50 Pogue: And we'd like to confirm that you have a - have an update for fuel cell O2 purge at 207 plus 20. [Pause.]
207:16:00 Eisele: Roger. We've got that there on the flight plan.
207:16:03 Pogue: Thank you. [Long pause.]
207:16:58 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute LOS Madrid; Carnarvon at 43.
Very long comm break.
This is Apollo Control we've now had loss of signal from Canarys. We'll pick up the spacecraft again in about 25 minutes over Carnarvon, Australia. This is Apollo Control at 207 hours 18 minutes.
This is Apollo Control at 207 hours 43 minutes and we're standing by at the present time to acquire the spacecraft over Carnarvon, Australia. Coming up on the midway point in the 131st revolution, we'll listen for Cap Com Bill Pegue to put in a call to the crew.
207:44:10 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston through Carnarvon. Standing by.
Comm break.
207:45:51 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. Opposite omni, please. [Pause.]
207:45:58 Eisele: Roger, Bill.
207:46:01 Pogue: Thank you.
Comm break.
207:48:33 Cunningham: Houston, Apollo 7. Can we get a chart update, please?
207:48:36 Pogue: Roger. Stand by. [Pause.]
207:48:44 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. Chart update, REV 132 209 plus 53 plus 55 130.3 west. [Long pause.]
207:49:11 Cunningham: Roger.
Comm break.
207:50:19 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute LOS Carnarvon. S-band up for Honeysuckle at 52. [Pause.]
207:50:30 Schirra: Roger.
Long comm break.
This is Mission Control. We show that the spacecraft has now gone out of range of the Carnarvon station, however, we will be acquiring again within a matter of seconds at Honeysuckle. We show now that we do have acquisition at Honeysuckle and we'll continue to monitor.
207:57:13 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. We still have about 3 minutes to go. Sounds like we're coming into a keyhole. Redstone at 13.
207:57:22 Cunningham: Roger, Bill.
207:57:25 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. Opposite omni, please.
Very long comm break.
It appears that's all the conversation we'll have with the crew over Australia this revolution. We'll be in touch next through the tracking ship Redstone and in about 28 minutes, we'll have our first acquisition of the day through the site at Corpus Christi, Texas. This is Apollo Control at 208 hours into the mission.
This is Apollo Control, Houston, at 208 hours 13 minutes. At the present time, the spacecraft is approaching the tracking ship Redstone. This will be a relatively low-angle pass. The spacecraft is about 5 degrees off the horizon and at this time, the crew aboard Apollo 7 is involved in getting set up for that sixth service propulsion system burn scheduled in a little less than 2 hours. We now have acquisition of the spacecraft and we'll stand by for CapCom Bill Pogue to put in a call to Wally Schirra and the crew.
208:13:41 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston through Redstone. [Long pause.]
208:13:59 Cunningham: [Garble], Bill?
208:14:00 Pogue: Go.
208:14:04 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. Go. [Pause.]
208:14:17 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. I read you. Go.
208:14:22 Cunningham: Roger.
Comm break.
208:16:07 Cunningham: Houston, Apollo 7
208:16:09 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. Go.
208:16:11 Cunningham: Roger. You're getting the readouts off our DSKY down there, aren't you?
208:16:14 Pogue: Affirmative.
208:16:16 Cunningham: Okay. Thank you.
208:16:19 Schirra: I blew it, Bill. I had 34 balls, and I thought I got 34 balls 1 here. [Pause.]
208:16:26 Pogue: I've been watching that. They've been looking good.
Long comm break.
208:20:06 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute LOS Redstone; Texas at 28.
Long comm break.
This is Mission Control. We've now had loss of signal from the Redstone and we'll pick up the spacecraft in about 7 minutes from the outside at Corpus Christi, Texas. This is Apollo Control, 208 hours 21 minutes
This is Apollo Control at 208 hours 28 minutes and we have acquired the spacecraft for the first time today from our site at Corpus Christi, Texas, and we'll pick that one up for you at the beginning.
TEXAS through BERMUDA (REV 132)
208:27:39 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston through Texas.
208:27:44 Cunningham: Good morning, Texas.
208:27:47 Pogue: Good morning. And I have an update for the second passive thermal control test. [Pause.]
208:27:55 Cunningham: Wait one.
Comm break.
208:29:33 Cunningham: Roger. Go ahead, Bill. What do you have on the passive thermal control?
208:29:36 Pogue: Right. I have the update for times and attitude.
208:29:41 Cunningham: Go ahead.
208:29:42 Pogue: Right. T0 212 plus 05, T align 212 plus 31, attitude is roll zero, pitch zero, yaw zero. I also have some changes to the procedure. [Pause.]
208:30:07 Cunningham: Roger. Did you give me the T zero first?
208:30:09 Pogue: T zero 212 plus zero 5. [Pause.]
208:30:18 Cunningham: Zero 212 plus zero 5, 212 plus 31, roll zero, pitch zero, yaw zero. Change your procedure?
208:30:25 Pogue: Right. At T plus 5, make it read set up pitch rate, et cetera. [Pause.]
208:30:38 Cunningham: Pitch rate of 0.3.
208:30:39 Pogue: Right. And then just below LBR, where it says P and Y attitude hold, make that read R and Y attitude hold. [Pause.]
208:30:58 Cunningham: Roll and yaw attitude hold, pitch attitude reads 0.3 degrees per second. Go on.
208:31:02 Pogue: Right. At T plus 26, confirm right - that's correct, pitch rate 0.3 degrees per second, et cetera. And make it disable R and Y, roll and yaw. [Pause.]
208:31:22 Cunningham: Okay.
208:31:23 Pogue: And the second line from the bottom there, from Y-axis orientation, et cetera. [Long pause.]
208:31:40 Pogue: And just as a reminder, don't key in the T align until within 90 minutes of start test.
Comm break.
208:33:29 Pogue: Apollo 7, this is Houston. You're Go for 150 dash 1. [Pause.]
208:33:35 Cunningham: Roger. Thank you. That's the next to last one, isn't it?
208:33:39 Pogue: Just about. And I passed up - I said don't key in T align time till within 90 minutes of start test. That was wrong. It should have been don't key in T align time till within 90 minutes of T align time.
208:33:54 Cunningham: Roger. That's the way I took it.
208:33:55 Pogue: Okay.
Long comm break.
208:40:15 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute LOS Bermuda. Canaries at 44. [Pause.]
208:40:22 Schirra: Roger, Bill.
Long comm break.
This is Apollo Control. We've had loss of signal now from the tracking station at Bermuda. We'll pick up the spacecraft again in about 4 minutes as it swings on out over the Canary Islands site. During that stateside pass, we passed up to the crew a Go for rev 150 dash 1, a Go for another in orbit. We also gave them an update for their second passive thermal control test, scheduled to take place in a little over 3 hours, at which time they will put the spacecraft into a very slow forward pitching maneuver so that it will be tumbling end over end once about every 20 minutes. The test total - last a total of about 26 minutes. At 208 hours 42 minutes, this is Apollo Control.
This is Apollo Control. We are about to reacquire the spacecraft now at the Canary Island site at 208 hours 44 minutes. We'll stand by for Cap Com Bill Pogue to put in a call to the crew.
208:44:04 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston through Canary. Standing by.
208:44:08 Schirra: Roger. Bill, would you work up the man hours that were flown on Gemini 7?
208:44:17 Pogue: Stand by.
208:44:19 Schirra: We passed Gemini V on time; we're waiting to pass Gemini VII on man hours.
208:44:26 Pogue: Oh, I see what - okay.
Comm break.
208:47:16 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. [Pause.]
208:47:20 Schirra: Go ahead, Bill.
208:47:21 Pogue: Right. Gemini VII: 661.2 hours. You are coming up on 627 in about 13 minutes. [Pause.]
208:47:35 Schirra: Roger.
208:47:36 Pogue: Also, we would like the SPS line heaters to A; we have an engine valve temp around 50 degrees; we'd like to warm that up a little bit. And you can turn that back off whenever the inlet temperature reaches 75 degrees, or in any event turn it OFF before the burn. [Pause.]
208:48:06 Cunningham: Okay. I have an SPS propellant tank temperature here which is not a very apt description, maybe, of the main. one. Should I turn it off when my measurement shows 75?
208:48:19 Pogue: That is affirmative. But stand by for a check on that.
208:48:25 Cunningham: Okay. I'm turning the heaters ON now.
208:48:27 Pogue: Right. [Long pause.]
208:48:42 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. That is affirmative. When the propellant tank temperature reaches 75 degrees.
Comm break.
208:50:36 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute LOS Canary; Carnarvon at 18.
208:50:44 Schirra: Roger. We got a real thrill, we saw a contrail - oh, about 100 miles long right over the Canary Islands. We didn't get a chance to get a picture, though.
208:50:54 Pogue: Roger. Contrail.
208:50:56 Schirra: Roger. It was really a long one.
208:51:02 Schirra: We just don't have that kind of film anymore.
208:51:04 Pogue: Right. Too bad.
Very long comm break.
This is Apollo Control. The spacecraft has now gone out of range of the Canary station. We'll acquire again at Carnarvon, Australia. During that pass you heard Wally Schirra request the total man hours in orbit for the longest U.S. space flight to date, the Gemini VII mission and that figured out to about 661.2 hours. We advised the spacecraft that they will shortly have 627 man hours. In rough figures that means they have about 10 hours to go before they equal and surpass the Gemini VII for man hours in space, on a single mission. Wally also mention sighting a very long contrail, we assume from a jet aircraft flying below them over the Canary Islands. He estimated that it was about 100 miles and was a very spectacular sight. This is Apollo Control at 208 hours 53 minutes into the mission.
This is Apollo Control at 209 hours 18 minutes. The spacecraft presently coming up on the Carnarvon, Australia, tracking station and we'll be acquiring shortly. Coming up at the end of this burn, rather at the end of this revolution and the beginning of the next one, we will have the minimum impulse burn, the sixth maneuver with the service propulsion system engine. That burn will be on the order of one-half second duration for the purpose of determining just how closely the guidance and navigation system can control a very short duration burn. And CapCom Bill Pogue has just put in a call to the crew over Carnarvon.
209:18:37 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston through Carnarvon.
209:18:42 Schirra: Roger. [Pause.]
209:18:49 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. I'll give you a time hack on 209 plus 19 coming up in 5 seconds. [Pause.]
209:19:00 Pogue: MARK.
209:19:01 Pogue: 209 plus 19. [Pause.]
209:19:10 Schirra: [Garble].
209:19:11 Cunningham (onboard): Missed that one.
209:19:15 Pogue: Roger. I'll give you a MARK on 209 plus 20.
209:19:17 Schirra (onboard): Roger.
209:19:20 Schirra: Roger. [Garble] okay. [Pause.]
209:19:30 Schirra: We'll try to work those into the Mercury block, Bill. [Pause.]
209:19:44 Pogue: I'm having difficulty copying. I'll ...
209:19:50 Pogue: Ten, five, four, three, two, one.
209:20:00 Pogue: MARK.
209:20:03 Pogue: 20 ...
209:20:04 Schirra: Watch my DSKY, babe.
209:20:08 Pogue: Right. Thank you.
209:20:10 Schirra: I was [garble] when you hit it. That's pretty tight, isn't it? My remark was you should have played with those Mercury range clocks if you want the fun.
209:20:20 Pogue: Right.
Comm break.
209:22:58 Schirra: Hello, down there, Carnarvon. You look good today.
Long comm break.
209:26:50 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute LOS Carnarvon. S-band volume up in 1 minute for Honeysuckle.
209:26:57 Schirra: Okay.
Long comm break.
209:35:22 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute LOS Honeysuckle; Guaymas at 58. [Pause.]
209:35:30 Schirra: Roger.
Very long comm break.
This is Apollo Control. Very little conversation on that pass over Australia as the crew appears to be actively involved in getting ready for the upcoming SPS burn. Now that burn, by the way, is scheduled to occur over the eastern Gulf of Mexico at just the time we hand over communications from Corpus Christi to the station at MILA. Burn time, again, is 210 hours 8 minutes elapsed time. At 209 hours 37 minutes, this is Apollo Control.
This is Apollo Control at 209 hours 59 minutes. Apollo 7 is now crossing the Eastern Pacific coming up on the coast of Mexico. As we approach the stateside pass that will see the sixth burn of the 20,000 pound thrust service propulsion system engine. As the spacecraft went out of sight from the Honeysuckle, Australia station, we got a report that they were in burn attitude, rolled heads down and the nose of the spacecraft at right angles to the flight path. We'll pick up the conversation now from the station at Guaymas.
209:39:53 Schirra (onboard): Mark that star within two or three tenths of a degree. Star is HM.
209:58:33 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston through Guaymas. [Long pause.]
209:58:58 Schirra: Loud and clear.
209:59:02 Pogue: Roger. Apollo 7, Houston. You can confirm SPS line heaters Off. [Pause.]
209:59:10 Cunningham: They're coming OFF at the 5 minute and 30 second checklist.
209:59:13 Pogue: Roger. Thank you.
209:59:16 Cunningham: Have you noticed anything to be accomplished out of line heaters on board? I'm reading exactly the same temperature on mine - my heaters.
209:59:26 Pogue: Yes, we did show an increase at Carnarvon on your valve TEMP.
209:59:32 Cunningham: Okay. I'd like to leave a request. We may not be able to get it on your watch. I'd like to find out how much water we burned yesterday on the secondary coolant loop test.
209:59:41 Pogue: Okay. We're checking on it.
Comm break.
210:01:52 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. Are you trying to call?
210:01:55 Cunningham: Negative.
210:01:56 Pogue: Fine. [Long pause.]
210:02:16 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. Confirm omni A.
210:02:20 Cunningham: That's affirmative.
210:02:22 Pogue: Thank you.
210:02:24 Cunningham: Looks like another one might be better.
210:02:29 Cunningham: All SCS circuit breakers CLOSED.
210:02:35 Cunningham: Gimbal motor control, four CLOSED. [Pause.]
210:02:41 Cunningham: Direct RCS OFF.
210:02:44 Eisele: Direct RCS OFF.
210:02:46 Cunningham: One roll channel ENABLED.
210:02:47 Eisele: One roll channel B and D ENABLED.
210:02:50 Cunningham: BMAGS to RATE 2.
210:02:51 Eisele: BMAGS to RATE 2.
210:02:52 Cunningham: Spacecraft control, CMC AUTO.
210:02:55 Eisele: CMC AUTO.
210:02:56 Cunningham: SCS TV pulse RATE COMMAND.
210:02:58 Eisele: RATE COMMAND.
210:03:00 Cunningham: TVC gimbal drive, pitch and yaw, AUTO.
210:03:02 Eisele: AUTO.
210:03:03 Cunningham: TVC SERVO power, one smd two ON.
210:03:05 Eisele: One and two ON.
210:03:06 Cunningham: Handcontroller power to ONE.
210:03:09 Eisele: Handcontroller power to ONE.
210:03:10 Cunningham: Handcontroller two ARMED, stand by for main bus tie.
Less than five minutes now from the burn the crew going through a final check list.
210:03:14 Eisele: Check. [Pause.]
210:03:22 Cunningham: Bus ties ON. Gimbal motor pitch one, yaw one.
210:03:25 Cunningham: Pitch one, START.
210:03:27 Eisele: ON.
210:03:29 Cunningham: Gimbal one, START.
210:03:31 Eisele: ON.
210:03:33 Cunningham: Translation handcontroller clockwise.
210:03:36 Eisele: Clockwise.
210:03:37 Cunningham: Verify no MTVC.
210:03:41 Eisele: No MTVC.
210:03:42 Cunningham: Pitch two, yaw two.
210:03:43 Eisele: Pitch two, START.
210:03:46 Cunningham: ON.
210:03:47 Eisele: Yaw two, START.
210:03:48 Cunningham: ON.
210:03:50 Cunningham: Confim and set GTI trim. [Long pause.]
210:04:09 Eisele: GTI set.
210:04:14 Cunningham: Verify MTVC.
210:04:16 Eisele: Roger. MTVC verified.
210:04:18 Cunningham: Translation handcontroller NEUTRAL.
210:04:21 Eisele: NEUTRAL.
210:04:22 Cunningham: Handcontroller power to BOTH.
210:04:25 Eisele: BOTH.
210:04:26 Cunningham: Do your trim maneuver.
210:04:27 Eisele: Roger. [Pause.]
210:04:34 Cunningham: Direct RCS ON. [Pause.]
210:04:46 Cunningham: Direct RCS ON.
210:04:50 Eisele: Roger. Direct RCS is ON.
210:04:52 Cunningham: Mannual attitude RATE COMMAND.
210:04:53 Eisele: RATE COMMAND.
210:04:54 Cunningham: BMAG ATT-1/RATE 2.
210:04:57 Eisele: ATT-1/RATE 2.
210:04:59 Cunningham: Standing by for 2 minutes.
210:05:00 Eisele: Roger.
210:05:02 Schirra: Trim maneuvers, GO. [Long pause.]
210:05:18 Cunningham: Do I need another GDC align? [Pause.]
210:05:28 Cunningham: If we do, now is the time to do it. [Long pause.]
210:06:00 Pogue: Two minutes.
210:06:01 Schirra: Two minutes.
210:06:02 Cunningham: FDAI scale five-five.
210:06:07 Eisele: Five and five.
210:06:08 Cunningham: DELTA-V thrust A and B NORMAL.
210:06:11 Eisele: A and B NORMAL.
210:06:12 Cunningham: Handcontrollers ARMED.
210:06:14 Eisele: Handcontrollers ARMED.
210:06:16 Cunningham: Standing by for 30 seconds.
210:06:18 Eisele: Roger.
Comm break.
Coming up on one minute to the burn and all displays on flight director Jerry Griffin's console continue to show green.
210:07:29 Cunningham: OkAy. EMS to DELTA-V in AUTO.
210:07:31 Schirra: DELTA-V AUTO 30 seconds.
210:07:33 Cunningham: Two-jet ullage in 20 seconds.
210:07:34 Eisele: Roger. [Pause.]
210:07:41 Eisele: Twenty seconds.
210:07:43 Cunningham: Jet ullage now. [Pause.]
210:07:50 Pogue: Ten [pause], five, four, three, two, one.
210:08:00 Pogue: Ignition. [Long pause.]
210:08:21 Cunningham: Roger. Burn complete DELTA-V thrust A and B OFF. Spacecraft control SCS. [Pause.]
210:08:36 Schirra: Do you read the residuals, ground?
210:08:40 Pogue: Roger. I have them.
210:08:42 Schirra: Roger.
210:08:45 Cunningham: Circuit breakers gimbal motor control, four OPEN. [Long pause.]
210:09:05 Schirra: Gimbal motor control circuit breakers OPEN.
210:09:09 Eisele: TV servo power one and two OFF.
210:09:11 Cunningham: Direct RCS OFF.
210:09:13 Eisele: Direct RCS OFF.
210:09:14 Cunningham: Main bus ties are already OFF.
210:09:16 Eisele: EMS mode - OFF. Stand by reading residuals.
210:09:21 Cunningham: Roger. I got minus 12.8 on the DELTA-V counter. No chance to make it now.
210:09:31 Pogue: Done, what'd you have to start with? What did you have set in?
210:09:34 Eisele: 5.5.
210:09:36 Pogue: Thank you.
210:09:40 Schirra: That's almost a space first. We did it without hearing you, cats.
210:09:45 Eisele: Can we go back to bed now?
210:09:47 Eisele: (Snoring)
210:09:48 Schirra: Hope you all weren't scared down there.
210:09:51 Pogue: We were watching.
210:09:54 Schirra: Don't you feel like you're kind a left out? [Pause.]
210:10:00 Pogue: We saw it all.
210:10:02 Schirra: Okay. [Long pause.]
And, we've been advised here in the Control Center that that burn apparently had a duration of 0.4 of a second 1/10th of a second below the nominal 5/10ths and very good.
210:10:49 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston.
210:10:52 Cunningham: Go ahead, Bill. Roger.
210:10:53 Pogue: I have a block data PAD here, back to the mundane things, when you're ready to copy. [Long pause.]
210:11:21 Cunningham: Ready to copy.
Comm break.
210:13:22 Pogue: Roger. Blockdata: 135 dash 1 Alpha plus 266 minus 0630 213 00 32 2817, 136 dash 4 Alpha plus 279 minus 1618 215 38 45 3689, 137 dash 4 Bravo plus 302 minus 1620 217 17 27 3168, 138 dash 4 Alpha plus 280 minus 1617 218 57 54 2840, 139 dash 4 Bravo plus 217 minus 1640 220 39 03 2969, 140 dash Alpha Charlie minus 250 minus 0050 221 19 06, 7392. Standing by for readback.
210:13:44 Cunningham: Readback follows: 135 dash 1 Alpha plus 266 minus 0630 213 plus 00 plus 32 2817, 136 dash 4 Alpha plus 279 minus 1618 215 plus 38 plus 45 3689, 137 dash 4 Baker plus 302 minus 1620 217 plus 17 plus 27 3168, 138 dash 4 Alpha plus 280 minus 161.7 218 plus 57 plus 54 2840, 139 dash 4 Baker plus 217 minus 1640 220 plus 39 plus 03 2969, 140 dash Alpha Charlie minus 250 minus 0050 221 plus 19 plus 06 7392. Over. [Pause.]
210:14:46 Pogue: Readback is correct. [Long pause.]
210:15:39 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute to LOS Bermuda; Canary at 19.
Long comm break.
This is Apollo Control. That minimum impulse SPS burn appeared to be right on the money. We were targeted for a maximum of about five tenths of a second and we came up a little better than that at about four tenths of a second. We're standing by for a readout on the Delta V imported to the orbit, the change in velocity and the amount of propellant consumed in that very short burn. We would anticipate that the change in velocity would be something on the order of 15 feet per second. We don't anticipate that it would have much affect on the orbit. We will be reacquiring the spacecraft shortly from the station at Canary Island. At the present time we have gone out of range from the Bermuda station. This is Apollo Control at 210 hours, 19 minutes.
This is Apollo Control. We've just put in a call to the spacecraft through Canaries. We'll pick up that conversation.
210:19:53 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston through Canary.
210:19:57 Schirra: Roger, Bill.
210:20:00 Schirra: What happened to your CONM down there this morning?
210:20:04 Pogue: Say again?
210:20:07 Schirra: What happened to your COMM? We missed your 2-minute and 1-minute check.
210:20:11 Pogue: Well, I gave you a 2 minute and I waited - I didn't say anything at 1 minute. We said we were going to stay a bit more quiet on this burn for you. [Pause.]
210:20:20 Schirra: Okay. I don't think we read your 2 minute. Of course, we may have overridden you because you were broadcasting. There was some background noise activity just about that time that was very strong. [Pause.]
210:20:39 Pogue: Yes, it must have been us. I've also been having some trouble keying.
210:20:45 Schirra: Yes, it sounded like somebody was keying. It was open on the key. That's why I'm trying to bring the point up for you. That will give the COM TECH something to do.
210:20:54 Pogue: Roger. [Pause.]
210:21:05 Schirra: Bill, do you have apogee and perigee for us after that, yet?
210:21:08 Pogue: Stand by. [Pause.]
210:21:16 Pogue: We're reading some tracking right now. We'll give you the results shortly.
210:21:21 Schirra: Okay. [Long pause.]
210:21:48 Schirra: Bill, this is Wally.
210:21:50 Pogue: Go.
210:21:52 Schirra: Roger. Someone is keying in on us.
210:21:57 Pogue: Say someone is keying in on you?
210:21:59 Schirra: That's right. Very slowly. I'd like to give you a statement for the day.
210:22:04 Pogue: Right.
210:22:05 Schirra: We do not require a static fire on the SPS engine for 101.
210:22:11 Pogue: Right. Copied.
210:22:12 Schirra: At this time.
210:22:14 Pogue: Roger. [Long pause.]
210:22:28 Schirra: I might add that I 'm also glad to be in the position of having the ability to avoid saying I told you so on this one.
210:22:36 Pogue: Amen to that. And have your orbit now. 90.3 by 236.2. [Pause.]
210:22:49 Schirra: Roger. [Pause.]
210:22:56 Schirra: 263.2, huh? Was that 236.2, Bill?
210:23:01 Pogue: Affirmative. 236.2. [Pause.]
210:23:09 Schirra: Okay. Our first cut onboard, just to compare the two was 234.7 and 88.2. [Pause.]
210:23:20 Pogue: Roger. 234.7 and 88.2. [Pause.]
210:23:24 Schirra: Right. Guess we'll have to compare the two as best we can.
210:23:28 Pogue: Roger.
Comm break.
210:24:40 Schirra: Houston, Apollo 7.
210:24:41 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. Go.
210:24:44 Schirra: Roger. We had the TV camera OFF that time, not running, and it came out of the bracket.
210:24:50 Pogue: Roger. Understand.
210:24:52 Schirra: In my lap. Didn't hurt anything, just got caught on my leg.
210:24:57 Pogue: And you did have it in the bracket?
210:24:59 Schirra: That's right, the tunel hatch bracket.
210:25:03 Pogue: Right. [Pause.]
210:25:07 Schirra: The other thing that I don't think we've ever made note of is that all of our burns have been conducted with the couch in dock position - no problem.
210:25:19 Pogue: Understand.
210:25:23 Schirra: We'll make the retroburn with the couch in the boost position.
210:25:27 Pogue: Roger. [Long pause.]
210:25:46 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute LOS Canary; Tananarive at 40.
210:25:53 Schirra: Roger.
Very long comm break.
This is Apollo Control. We've had loss of signal now from the station at Canaries. We'll acquire next over Tananarive. During that pass, you heard Wally Schirra comment that the TV camera apparently came off its bracket and into his lap during the SPS burn. He reported that there was no damage done and seemed to indicate satisfaction with the performance again of the SPS engine in that sixth burn. We now have two more burns scheduled, one of those being the burn to take the spacecraft out of orbit early Tuesday morning. At 210 hours, 28 minutes into the flight, this is Apollo Control.
210:31:50 Schirra (onboard): Frame either 53 or 55 - can hardly tell on the magazine; it's Lake Chad on magazine R.
210:32:00 Schirra (onboard): I'll correct that number later.
This is Apollo Control, Houston at 210 hours, 41 minutes. We're standing by at this time to acquire the spacecraft over Tannanarive off the southeast coast of Africa.
210:41:24 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston through Tananarive.
Long comm break.
210:41:31 Cunningham (onboard): Roger, Bill. Are you reading through Tananarive okay?
210:44:37 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute LOS Tananarive; Carnarvon at 54.
Long comm break.
210:44:46 Cunningham (onboard): Roger.
This is Mission Control. We've had loss of signal now from Tananarive, no conversations with the crew on that pass. This is Apollo Control at 210 hours 46 minutes.
This is Apollo Control at 210 hours 54 minutes. We have some updated figures for that previous SPS burn, burn number 6, the minimum impulse. Subsequent telemetry shows that the total time of the burn including tail-off was five-tenths of a second and we calculate a Delta-V change of velocity of 18.6 feet per second. Now we've just put in a call to the crew now over the Carnarvon, Australia, tracking station. We'll listen in.
210:54:12 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston through Carnarvon.
210:54:15 Cunningham: Roger. Loud and clear. [Pause.]
210:54:28 Pogue: And, Walt, I have the water consumption during the secondary loop test yesterday as being approximately 5 to 8 pounds. Some uncertainty because there was an eat period at that time.
210:54:43 Cunningham: Because there was a what period?
210:54:46 Pogue: An eat period.
210:54:47 Cunningham: An eat period. Okay. [Pause.]
210:54:54 Cunningham: You can tell them that they can count on whatever reconstitutables were in that meal; we used the water that went with them.
210:55:02 Pogue: Roger. [Long pause.]
210:55:21 Cunningham: Hey, Bill, log me eight clicks from the water gun.
210:55:25 Pogue: Roger.
210:55:26 Cunningham: Might make a note that I think yesterday I reported that the water pistol trigger action is becoming very, very stiff and we're taking some of our drinking water and putting it in an empty hag out of the spout down there and the cold water spout seems to be getting a little stiff, too. The hot water spout still works nice and smooth.
210:55:46 Pogue: Roger. Understand. Copied.
Long comm break.
211:03:05 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute LOS Carnarvon. S-band volume up in 1 minute for Honeysuckle.
Comm break.
This is Apollo Control. We've now lost our communications with the spacecraft over Carnarvon. We'll be reacquiring at Honeysuckle shortly. We'll stand by and we'll come back up with any conversations that develop over eastern Australia. This is Apollo Control, at 211 hours 4 minutes into the flight.
211:04:49 Pogue: ApoLlo 7, Houston through Honeysuckle. [Long pause.]
211:05:41 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston through Honeysuckle.
Very long comm break.
211:11:57 Eisele (onboard): Okay, doing a P52 with a T-align time of 210 hours and 31 minutes, used Rigel and Aldebaran. Star angle difference 00001, torquing angles, 2 - plus 00780, plus 01308, minus 03096.
211:16:32 Cunningham (onboard): I've done a fine align cheek on that last P52, I got 00000. Torquing angles are plus 00001, minus 00004, minus 00012.
211:27:23 Communications technician: Huntsville AOS. [Long pause.]
211:27:46 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston through Huntsville.
This is Apollo Control at 211 hours 28 minutes. We've just acquired the spacecraft now from the tracking ship Huntsville. We'll stand by for the call.
211:27:51 Schirra: Roger, Bill.
211:27:53 Pogue: And. we'd like the O2 tank 2 fans ON 3 minutes and then OFF.
211:28:00 Schirra: Roger. [Garble]. [Long pause.]
211:28:02 Schirra (onboard): ... we'll get it ON.
211:28:37 Communications technician: Houston, Huntsville cannot lock, downlink too low. [Long pause.]
211:28:56 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. Would you say again last?
211:29:02 Schirra: Roger. [Garble]. [Long pause.]
211:29:03 Schirra (onboard): We will turn them on. We're not very good at turning them off.
211:29:33 Cunningham: Hey, Bill, we've got the SPS line heaters OFF and are leaving them OFF now.
211:29:39 Pogue: Okay. Roger.
Comm break.
211:32:34 Communications technician: Huntsville LOS.
Long comm break.
211:35:38 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. How do you read?
211:35:42 Cunningham: Loud and clear.
211:35:44 Pogue: Roger. I was having difficulty reading you at Huntsville. I read you to say line heaters were OFF and that you were leaving them OFF. Was that correct? [Pause.]
211:35:59 Cunningham: No, the line heaters are OFF. We're leaving them OFF, and we also turned the fans OFF on the O2 tank 2.
211:36:05 Pogue: Roger. Did you cycle them?
211:36:07 Cunningham: Sure did.
211:36:08 Pogue: Roger. Thank you.
Comm break.
211:38:46 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston.
211:38:48 Schirra: Go ahead.
211:38:49 Pogue: I have some information here on landmark tracking that might be helpful. If you desire to get your landmark maps in order, the following landmarks will be on track for the first landmark exercise. I'll stand by until you're ready to copy.
211:39:09 Cunningham: Okay, Bill. Roger. You just going to read off the numbers, right?
211:39:14 Pogue: Affirmative.
211:39:16 Eisele: Okay. Go ahead with the numbers.
211:39:19 Pogue: 20, 48, 71, 225. That's it. Note: we will have landmark update for you at 212 plus 30. An additional note for clarification, also, landmark 48 is on the page for landmark 40 in your map set. [Pause.]
211:39:54 Cunningham: Okay. Thank you.
211:39:56 Pogue: Roger.
211:40:03 Cunningham: You got any idea of the weather along these marks, Bill? Are they all clear?
211:40:07 Pogue: Stand by. That's a good question. [Pause.]
211:40:58 Pogue: Apo]lo 7, Houston. I have the weather on those landmarks.
211:41:03 Cunningham: Go ahead, Bill.
211:41:05 Pogue: Roger. For landmark 20, the coverage is four-tenths, for landmark 48, coverage is two-tenths; 71, three-tenths; 225 is one-tenth. [Pause.]
211:41:22 Cunningham: Roger. Thank you.
Long comm break.
211:46:11 Schirra: Houston, Apollo 7.
211:46:15 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston.
211:46:17 Schirra: Looks like you got me set up for about the maximum perigee torque I can get. [Pause.]
211:46:28 Pogue: Stand by.
211:46:30 Schirra: Yes, we'll go ahead with it - I think we've got plenty of fuel. No problems.
211:46:34 Pogue: Okay. We'll check. [Pause.]
211:46:38 Schirra: I'm going to try to give this thing the most torque I could in perigee. This is the way I planned. That's BEF about 60 degrees off. [Long pause.]
211:47:20 Pogue: Apello 7, Houston. [Pause.]
211:47:30 Schirra: Roger.
211:47:31 Pogue: Roger. This is the same thing that we had last night. Donn questioned us on it, and it was a good question then and it is now, and the answer is that we realize what you're saying is true, but in order to get the test performed above 200 miles, we have to start it low like this.
211:47:50 Schirra: Roger. It's amazing that the [garble] of people can figure it out up here and those computers can't [garble]. [Pause.]
211:48:03 Pogue: Okay. [Long pause.]
211:48:15 Schirra: If you get a chance, get some more data on this perigee torque.
211:48:20 Pogue: Roger.
Long comm break.
This is Apollo Control at 211 hours 51 minutes. It doesn't appear as if we'll have any additional communication with the spacecraft until we re-acquire at Canary Island is about 5 minutes.
This is Mission Control, Houston at 211 hours 56 minutes. Spacecraft approaching the Canary Island site now - we'll be acquiring shortly there. At the present time the orbital weight of the combined command and service module is at 24,736 pounds. That following the sixth SPS burn this morning. The orbit is 236.1 by 90.1 and we have an orbital period of 90 minutes 35 seconds. We've just acquired spacecraft at Canaries. We'll stand by for the call.
211:57:19 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston through Canary.
211:57:24 Cunningham: Roger.
211:57:26 Pogue: Say, Donn, I have a little tweek on that P22 horizon sighting procedure. [Pause.]
211:57:34 Cunningham: Okay. Go ahead.
211:57:36 Pogue: Roger. We want to get TM and during this procedure and the procedure has been modified as follows: One, do the test over Ascension on the next pass. That will be at approximately 213 plus 37 and wait for call from ground before starting. We want TM lockup for data, and this is a low elevation pass. Two - and this is a change from the previous procedure - go through P22 twice making two marks approximately 5 seconds between marks. Before going through P22 the second time, wait for a GO from ground. Again, we want to insure that we have a TM lockup. [Pause.]
211:58:55 Cunningham: Okay. You want this TM at 213 plus 37?
211:58:59 Pogue: Affirmative.
211:59:00 Cunningham: Do you want me to wait for you to confirm that you have a lookup, is that correct?
211:59:03 Pogue: Affirmative.
211:59:05 Cunningham: And you want to go through twice, and you want to do marks 5 seconds apart.
211:59:11 Pogue: Two marks. That's right. But we only need two marks each time. [Pause.]
211:59:24 Cunningham: Oh, just two marks, right?
211:59:26 Pogue: Affirmative.
Very long comm break.
212:01:48 Eisele (onboard): Hey, Bill, do you read?
212:01:55 Cunningham (onboard): Starting with frame 35 on magazine B - 34 or 35 - I started skip-mapping with alternate red and green filters across Africa.
This is Apollo Control, we've had LOS now following that relatively quiet pass over the Canary Islands. We'll acquire the spacecraft again over Tananarive and that will be in about 12 or 13 minutes from now. This is Apollo Control at 212 hours 2 minutes.
212:03:15 Cunningham (onboard): I started skip-mapping the multispectral photography across Africa. I'm taking two pictures in a row with the red filter and then two pictures in a row with the green filter, so I can get one of each over the same site.
212:04:54 Cunningham (onboard): All right, the photographing was handicapped by the presence of a tremendous amount of cloud cover over Africa at this area.
212:10:32 Cunningham (onboard): Well, those pictures that were shot on magazine B - that was the multispectral staff coming across Mauritania on down through Ghana and the beginning of Gabon. They're all wasted film. The slide was in, and thanks to the modification of the Hasselblad camera - this thing will shoot very nicely with that slide in.
This is Apollo Control at 212 hours 14 minutes. We're standing by now to acquire the spacecraft through Tananarive.
212:15:19 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston through Tananarive.
Long comm break.
212:22:07 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute LOS Tananarive; Carnarvon at 29.
Long comm break.
212:22:11 Schirra (onboard): Roger.
212:22:46 Schirra (onboard): Houston, Apollo 7.
We've had loss of signal with the spacecraft through Tananarive on another very quiet pass. Now this is a relatively quiet period in the flight plan for the Apollo 7 crew. We do have a passive thermal control test in progress, at the present time. That is scheduled to last a total of about 45 minutes, and it involves the - requires the crew to impart a very slow tumbling momentum to the spacecraft at a rate of about three-tenths of a degree per second, which would figure out to about one revolution or one complete tumble every 20 minutes. During this period of time, be observing the thermal condition of the spacecraft and how it behaves thermally when in a, not a controlled, but a drifting flight mode. We'll be acquiring at Carnarvon in about 6 or 7 minutes from now. This is Apollo Control at 212 hours 24 minutes.
This is Apollo Control at 212 hours 30 minutes. We are in touch with the spacecraft over Carnaryon. We will tune in on that conversation now.
212:29:47 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston through Carnarvon.
212:29:51 Schirra: Roger. I wish you would find out the idiot's name who thought up this test. I want to find out, and I want to talk to him personally when I get back down.
212:30:02 Pogue: Roger, Wally. Good morning.
212:30:05 Schirra: Good morning.
212:30:07 Schirra: Where is Jack? They told me I was out about 20 pounds of fuel to get this attitude right now.
212:30:14 Pogue: Roger.
212:30:15 Eisele: While you are at it, find out who dreamed up P22 horizon test; that is a beauty also.
212:30:20 Pogue: Okay, Donn. [Pause.]
212:30:25 Eisele: I understand the objectives, and I understand the reason, but I just don't understand all the changes and so forth at the last minute. I think it's rather ill prepared and hastily conceived.
212:30:36 Pogue: Roger.
212:30:37 Schirra: I'm sitting just watching roll beat back and forth plus two-tenths of a degree per second. I have got to do better than that. [Pause.]
212:30:46 Eisele: Jack, I need one question answered on this landmark jazz, too. I guess the idea is to put the sixth landmark on the horizon. Now what do you want me to do with the line of sight on the right, with the movable one? Do I make it the zero optics, or do you want me to run it off so that we are looking only through the sixth line of sight with a filter in it?
212:31:10 Swigert: Okay. Donn, I will get you an answer.
212:31:13 Eisele: Okay.
212:31:14 Schirra: Other than, that, we are real happy this morning. [Pause.]
212:31:22 Swigert: Navy won, and so did Ohio State.
212:31:25 Schirra: How did Stanford do, by the way?
212:31:28 Swigert: Just a minute; I'll get it for you.
Comm break.
212:33:34 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston.
212:33:36 Schirra: Go ahead.
212:33:39 Swigert: Roger.
212:33:40 Schirra: Go ahead, Jack.
212:33:41 Swigert: Okay. In answer to Donn's question on the landmark line of sight on the horizon: you can move the star line of sight away from the horizon to get rid of the Earth's albedo effect.
212:33:56 Eisele: Okay. I see.
212:33:58 Swigert: And, Wally, you - the answer to your question: Stanford and Washington played to a 21-21 tie. [Pause.]
212:34:07 Schirra: Very good, or very bad, just depending. [Pause.]
212:34:17 Schirra: Thank you.
212:34:18 Swigert: Roger. [Pause.]
212:34:25 Schirra: We have a feeling you are believing that some of these experimenters are holier than God down there. We are a heck of a lot closer to Him right now. [Pause.]
212:34:39 Swigert: Roger. (Chuckle) [Pause.]
212:34:49 Schirra: What we just did was spend 26 minutes getting to a very precise attitude, then high pick and right through perigee. [Pause.]
212:35:01 Swigert: Roger. Copy, Wally.
212:35:03 Schirra: Pulses started just about 4 minutes ago when it appeared. [Pause.]
212:35:14 Schirra: Can't even get a roll to get it down. [Pause.]
212:35:22 Swigert: Could we have opposite omni, 7?
212:35:24 Schirra: Roger.
Comm break.
212:37:50 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston.
212:37:53 Eisele: Go.
212:37:54 Swigert: Okay. We are close to losing you here at Carnarvon; we do have Honeysuckle. Do you want to turn your S-band up? Over Hawaii, we are going to send you a state vector update, and I've got the lunar - I mean this landmark tracking pass for you. [Pause.]
212:38:12 Eisele: Okay.
Comm break.
This is Mission Control Houston. The spacecraft now going out of range of the station at Carnaryon. We will be reacquiring shortly at Honeysuckle. Here at the Mission Control Center, we are presently undergoing a change of shift, with Glynn Lunney's black team coming on to replace the gold team headed by flight director Jerry Griffin. During the previous shift, we gave the spacecraft a go for - through revs 150 and that will be another day in flight, at least. That came on the 131st revolution at 208 hours into the flight. At 210 hours 08 minutes, we carried out the sixth service propulsion system burn, right on schedule. That burn was as planned, with a duration of about 1/2 second and imparted a delta velocity, a change in velocity, to the spacecraft of about 18.6 feet per second. The present orbit is 90.3 nautical miles at the low point, and we have an apogee of 236.2. During the previous shift, we also began the second passive thermal control test, putting the spacecraft in a slow end-over-end roll, or rather, tumble and observed the thermal control - the effects on the thermal condition of the spacecraft during this control tumbling action. The television pass for the morning is scheduled to come up at the end of this revolution, ground elapsed time of 213 hours 12 minutes, or about 7:14 am Houston time. The Space Flight Meteorology Group, our weather bureau, reports that weather conditions for the flight of Apollo 7 during the next 24 hours will be satisfactory. This is Apollo Control at 212 hours 41 minutes.
212:40:24 Eisele: Houston, Apollo 7.
212:40:26 Swigert: Go ahead, Donn.
212:40:31 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston.
212:40:36 Eisele: Houston, Apollo 7.
212:40:38 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston.
212:40:40 Eisele: Roger. You want to give me those updates now, Jack?
212:40:44 Swigert: Okay, Donn. I can do it.
212:40:48 Eisele: Fire avay.
212:40:50 Swigert: There are three landmarks. Number 1 is 48. It's north of ground track 49 miles. The time, 214 plus 55, shaft 327, trunnion 033. And the second one, Donn, is 71. It's 4 miles south of ground track, 214 plus 59, shaft 002, and a trunnion 030. We're giving you these two, and we're just going to let you choose which one of the two that you think you would rather do. The weather is about the same in both of these. You can choose either one of those, and the second landmark is number 225. It's 44 miles north of ground track, DT is 215 plus 21, shaft 340, the trunnion 030.
212:42:18 Eisele: What happened to landmark 20?
212:42:21 Swigert: Okay. Donn, that's so close to the other two that we thought we'd rather not do it. I can give you the data. It's only 4 minutes before landmark 48, so we kind of thought that was too close for you.
212:42:38 Eisele: Well, give me the data anyway.
212:42:40 Swigert: Okay. landmark 20 is 51 miles north of ground track. It's 214 plus 51 on the GET; shaft 329, trunnion 032. [Long pause.]
212:43:08 Eisele: Say again the landmark 225. How far north or south?
212:43:13 Swigert: Landmark 225 is 44 miles north of ground track.
212:43:21 Eisele: Okay.
212:43:23 Swigert: And, Donn, landmark 20 is about four-tenths covered. That's about the worst of all of them.
212:43:30 Eisele: Okay. [Long pause.]
212:43:47 Schirra: He should know where 20 is by now. [Pause.]
212:43:54 Swigert: Say again, Donn.
212:43:56 Schirra: I said Donn should know where 20 is, at least.
212:43:59 Swigert: We're about 2 minutes LOS Honeysuckle; we'll pick you up in Hawaii at 56.
212:44:08 Schirra: Okay.
Very long comm break.
This is Apollo Control Houston at 212 hours 57 minutes into the flight. We have some tape through Hawaii, which just acquired, and we'll start that tape and catch up with the conversation.
HAWAII through BERMUDA (REV 134)
212:56:45 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Hawaii. [Pause.]
212:56:56 Schirra: I finished the so-called pitch pony test, and I think you might take note of the fuel we have left after that caper. I wish you would log that. [Pause.]
212:57:10 Swigert: Okay. Wally, I'm going to be coming back with you. It's a real good hack on your fuel usage. We've really been watching that closely.
212:57:18 Schirra: We've got the fuel to burn, but that's a hell of a way to burn it up.
212:57:21 Swigert: I agree. [Long pause.]
212:57:50 Swigert: Okay. Wally, right now we show that you've used 13 pounds in the PTC test, which is right on what we expected, and - [Pause.]
212:58:03 Schirra: We could cut that to about 4 pounds, I bet.
212:58:07 Swigert: Could you go to P00 and ACCEPT, and we'll send up this state vector? And I have the NAV check whenever you're ready.
Comm break.
212:59:08 Schirra: Go ahead. Jack.
212:59:11 Swigert: Okay. 214 plus 20 plus all balls minus 0921 plus 14534 2341. [Pause.]
212:59:34 Cunningham: Roger. Could you read it to me again, please?
212:59:36 Swigert: Roger. 214 plus 20 plus all balls minus 0921 plus 14534 2341. [Pause.]
213:00:16 Cunningham: Jack, I'm sorry. Would you give it to me one more time?
213:00:19 Swigert: Okay. 214 plus 20 plus all balls minus 0921 plus 14534 2341. [Pause.]
213:00:52 Cunningham: Roger. 214 20 0000 minus 0921 plus 14534 2341.
213:01:02 Swigert: You got it. [Pause.]
213:01:13 Schirra: Hey, Jack, what day - what meal are we supposed to be eating around noon? [Pause.]
213:01:22 Swigert: You want to know what your eat period is?
213:01:26 Schirra: No, what meal I'm supposed to eat next.
213:01:29 Swigert: Okay. Stand by.
213:01:31 Schirra: I think we've got a minor crisis.
213:01:33 Swigert: Roger. [Pause.]
213:01:40 Swigert: Apollo 7, the computer is yours.
Comm break.
213:03:06 Cunningham: GO on the NAV check.
213:03:10 Swigert: Okay. Copy that.
213:03:12 Schirra: We have a feeling that the dietician thought we were on a 10.8 day flight which means like 11 working days. The flight plan, however, has 12 working days. It looks like we're one day short on chow.
213:03:27 Swigert: Okay. Wally, we're just coming up - we're 3 hours short of starting our tenth day, so this would be meal C on the ninth day, or meal A on the tenth day.
213:03:40 Schirra: Roger. It's meal B. Like everybody else, we eat three meals a working day. [Pause.]
213:03:48 Swigert: Roger.
Long comm break.
213:10:17 Swigert: Go ahead, Apollo 7.
Comm break.
Apollo Control here 213 hours and 10 minutes into the flight and Guaymas is acquiring, on which we just might see some television here in a moment.
The Flight Director reminds us all that we are about to get acquisition with Texas, according to the chart we should acquisition there right now. This pass has been an unusually quiet one since we acquired at Hawaii. The crew yesterday was advised to make this purely an operational test of the television system, that is, to simply turn it on and go about their normal duties as they cross the States. We are seeing a rather foggy picture right now, let's see if we can sharpen it up a little. There, we get a shot of the camera looking up at - .
213:12:42 Swigert: Apollo 7, a picture's coming through.
213:12:48 Schirra: Roger.
213:12:50 Cunningham: We have ALC in on that right now.
213:12:54 Swigert: Okay. Looks good.
213:12:56 Cunningham: Out. We have it out. Well, one way or the other, anyway. [Pause.]
213:13:08 Cunningham: If you don't like it, we can change the ALC.
213:13:10 Swigert: Okay.
213:13:12 Schirra: [Garble] is just coming up. [Long pause.]
The camera is looking up at Donn Eisele there, from the lower equipment bay mounted position.
213:13:25 Swigert: That looks real fine. It's a real good picture.
Comm break.
Notice Donn Eisele has his suit on, his hoses all hooked up.
That was a big space yawn.
213:16:14 Cunningham: Jack, is this the pass that takes us up by Tuscon? [Long pause.]
See Walt Cunningham off to the top of the picture there. Donn Eisele takes a look at the flight plan. It's not clear to us how Donn is anchored below there, perhaps he has his feet wedged in somehow under the struts under of - under the seat. The trouble, they say, is not due to your set, the picture has gone bad. Here it is back. The sound of the voice quality, if they are saying anything, getting some sound now.
HAWAII through BERMUDA (REV 135)
213:16:55 Cunningham: There's a beautiful sight today. The sun's lighting up the whole Gulf of Mexico. [Pause.]
213:17:04 Cunningham: We can see Lake Okeechobee from here. [Pause.]
213:17:15 Cunningham: Houston, Apollo 7.
213:17:18 Swigert: Roger. Go ahead, 7.
213:17:19 Cunningham: Roger. There's a beautiful lighten E [garble] around here. [Pause.]
213:17:29 Swigert: It looks like Donn needs a shave.
213:17:31 Schirra: I think we all do. [Pause.]
213:17:40 Swigert: If anybody is near the camera, they might switch the ALC position.
213:17:46 Cunningham: Okay. [Pause.]
ALC means the Automatic Lighting Control. I think, unless they have changed the camera, everybody is going to have a kink in their neck trying to see it.
213:17:52 Swigert: I think it was better the other way.
213:17:55 Cunningham: Okay. We'll go back. [Long pause.]
213:18:12 Cunningham: It looks like a beautiful day all the way from - beginning with the Gulf Coast on around to the tip of Florida.
213:18:20 Swigert: That's good news.
Comm break.
That weather observation came from Walt Cunningham. You can observe the dramatic changes in lighting conditions from the start of this pass to this point. That just shows how rapidly the light conditions do change in space. I guess we can't be accused of looking over their shoulder, but we can be accused of looking under their shoulder this morning.
213:20:14 Swigert: Could we have opposite omni, Apollo 7?
213:20:20 Schirra: Roger. Do you still have the picture?
213:20:24 Swigert: We've still got it; we've got it for a couple more minutes.
213:20:34 Swigert: Looks like you're doing a little looking for landmarks, Donn. [Pause.]
213:20:40 Eisele: [Garble].
213:20:41 Schirra: That's one of the most spectacular sights I've seen, just now, all the way across the States. You can see the whole Florida peninsula lit up by the sunrays. It's morning, of course, all the way from the west coast, all the way across the Gulf Coast.
213:20:58 Swigert: Copy that. [Long pause.]
This has been a long, quiet, strictly business pass this morning. Now we can see Wally Schirra on the lower part of your screen.
213:21:51 Cunningham: Hey, Jack, on magazine R, frames 58, 59, and 60 were taken looking towards Florida on this pass. [Pause.]
213:22:03 Swigert: Okay. I log that.
213:22:05 Cunningham: The last one is looking down at the Cape. Got a lot of sun coming in the lens; I hope we have some nice pictures of it. [Pause.]
213:22:12 Swigert: Yes, we can see it's pretty sunny in there. [Pause.]
That's probably the water gun in Cunningham's hand.
213:22:26 Swigert: Hey, Walt.
213:22:30 Cunningham: Yes?
213:22:31 Swigert: What's the coil-like wire that's coming right in front of the lens there?
213:22:39 Cunningham: See that?
213:22:40 Swigert: Yes, we can see it.
213:22:42 Schirra: That's the water gun.
213:22:43 Swigert: That's what we thought.
213:22:46 Cunningham: Can you actually see all three of us sitting in here like this?
213:22:49 Swigert: I can just barely see you. It looks like you're chewing on something, and I can see Donn real good, but I can't see Wally.
213:22:59 Cunningham: Donn came up to join us especially for the show.
213:23:02 Swigert: Okay.
213:23:03 Schirra: He has been down below with the computer.
213:23:06 Swigert: I can see Wally now. He's just handing - no, that's Donn that has the map.
213:23:13 Eisele: They don't let me up here very often.
213:23:16 Eisele: Only for the show.
213:23:18 Swigert: Roger.
213:23:19 Eisele: Somebody has to pump the pedals down there to keep us going.
213:23:23 Swigert: Copy that. [Pause.]
213:23:31 Swigert: It looks like we're just about to lose the picture. [Pause.]
213:23:45 Cunningham: Did you see the beards we've got up here, Jack?
213:23:48 Swigert: Sure can.
It looks like we're at the ragged edge of acquisition, the picture coming back a little sharp - no, it's cloudy, it's snowy. That will probably do it, everybody has had their heads cocked at an 80 degree angle. They can pull it back up to upright now. Let's standby for any additional audio for this pass.
213:23:53 Swigert: Okay. The picture's fading now. You can let Donn go back to work. [Long pause.]
213:24:29 Eisele: Roger, Jack. I'm only allowed up - I can only get up here for special occasions like SPS burns and TV shows. [Pause.]
213:24:37 Swigert: Copy that. You can go back to work now. The TV's OFF.
Very long comm break.
213:36:49 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Ascension. [Long pause.]
213:37:08 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Ascension. [Long pause.]
Apollo Control here 213 hours 37 minutes. We've put the first call in via Ascension and we've not gotten an answer. Let's listen.
213:37:27 Swigert: Apollo 7, Apollo 7. Do you read, Houston? [Long pause.]
213:37:47 Swigert: Apollo 7, Apollo 7. Do you read, Houston? [Long pause.]
213:38:00 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. Opposite omni. [Long pause.]
213:38:15 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston.
213:38:21 Schirra: Go ahead.
213:38:22 Swigert: Okay. We've get good solid TM. You can start P22.
Comm break.
213:40:12 Swigert: Apollo 7, how are you doing with the marks on P22?
213:40:18 Cunningham: We're working on it.
213:40:20 Swigert: Okay. [Pause.]
213:40:27 Swigert: We're about 1 minute LOS Ascension; we get Tananarive at 50. [Pause.]
213:40:57 Swigert: Donn, if we lose you here, we want you to continue this thing, recording it in high bit rate; and then when you've finished the program, then go to your - up telemetry to your COMMAND RESET back to NORMAL. We'll dump it back over the States.
213:41:12 Eisele: Okay. And then you want high hit rate if we don't get it real time.
213:41:19 Swigert: Okay. Just about to lose you.
213:41:21 Eisele: Roger. Jack?
Very long comm break.
213:46:25 Schirra (onboard): [Garble] main block test is going into BMAG ATT 1, RATE 2, which is a display system [garble]. The problem shoots the whole thing. As a result, the crew is all screwed up.
213:49:01 Eisele (onboard): Time, 213 hours 49 minutes; they are attempting to perform the horizon landmark test, which is going to [garble] marks on the horizon. The first mark is done with the sextant. They got as far as step 3 and proceeded to take it to step 4, which is unknown landmark. They got a PROGRAM ALARM and a RESTART. These lights [garble], and they were unable to enter a VERB, a NOUN, or anything like that. After waiting several minutes and deliberating, they decided to take the option of performing the so-called NO-GO effort, to punch the MARK 3 REJECT button and the RESET button simultaneously. This did, in fact, release the RESTART. However, it called up the PROGRAM ALARM, and we have a 1302. It's a SQRT augment negative argument. Apparently we're in the reentry. The problem was, first, marking on the horizon and accepting those marks, somehow calling upon the computer to work with square roots of negative numbers. And it didn't like that too well.
213:52:54 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Tananarive. [Long pause.]
213:52:57 Eisele (onboard): Roger, Jack. I just gave you a great P22 bitch and a dandy readout problem. I've got a PROGRAM ALARM and a RESTART light. I'm unable to get out of it because of this GO jam thing that's part REJECT and RESET. This wiped out the RESTART finally. Called up the alarm 1302, which has the practical effect that the computer was trying to work with negative square roots, or square roots with negative numbers, rather. I'd like to compliment all the fine planners who had a hand in that one.
213:53:16 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Tananarive. Standing by. [Long pause.]
213:53:32 Schirra (onboard): Yes, Jack, we have a comment. Do you read me?
213:53:37 Schirra (onboard): Houston, Apollo 7.
213:53:40 Cunningham: Houston, Apollo 7.
213:53:42 Communications technician: Roger. [Long pause.]
213:54:02 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston.
213:54:05 Eisele: This is Apollo 7. Do you read?
213:54:07 Swigert: Roger. You're about two-by, Donn. We're standing by here. [Pause.]
213:54:13 Eisele: Okay. You're going to get some sleep remarks.
213:54:17 Swigert: Roger. Donn, could you give me an approximate GET. The tape was stopped on that P22. [Pause.]
213:54:26 Eisele: Jack, I'll give you the rundown here. Do you read me okay?
213:54:30 Swigert: I'd rather get to wait till Carnarvon to get the rundown so I don't miss anything.
213:54:36 Eisele: You won't miss a hell of a lot if you don't get it here. Okay. If you like, I'll give you a little preview. We did not get the results that you're after. We didn't get a damn thing, in fact. All we got was PROGRAM ALARM and a RESTART light and a CMC light. [Long pause.]
213:54:51 Swigert: Roger. I understand; I copy you got a PROGRAM ALARM, RESTART, and a CMC light. [Long pause.]
213:54:56 Eisele (onboard): You bet your arse we did. I got rid of it by going to Go jam which was [garble] the computer [garble] consecutive numbers. And it happened when I punched the PROCEED button at step 10 in the program of P20 - I think it's a result of marking on the horizon rather than on real landmarks.
213:55:13 Eisele: I still read your negative numbers, and it happened when I punched the PROCEED button and stepped in to the program, P20. I think it's a result of [garble] realign lights. [Pause.]
213:55:29 Swigert: Okay. Donn, you faded there, I didn't quite get it all. [Pause.]
213:55:36 Eisele: I didn't get anything.
213:55:37 Eisele (onboard): [Garble] brief you over ...
213:55:38 Eisele: ... over Carnarvon. [Pause.]
213:55:51 Swigert: Okay, Donn. Copy. You didn't get anything in P22. We'll be with you over Carnarvon at 05.
Long comm break.
213:56:01 Eisele (onboard): Roger. As far as we're concerned, somebody down there screwed up royally when he laid that one on us.
213:56:08 Eisele (onboard): Jack, do you read?
213:56:11 Eisele (onboard): Houston, Apollo 7.
214:05:36 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Carnarvon. [Pause.]
214:05:45 Eisele: Carnarvon, Houston, Apollo 7. How do you read me?
214:05:50 Swigert: I read you five-by, Donn.
214:05:53 Eisele: Okay. Jack, I don't know if you've got what I said at Ascension or not. Did you read all that?
214:05:57 Swigert: Negative. You faded out at Ascension, and at Tananarive you were just about two-by, fading in and out also.
214:06:05 Eisele: Okay. I'll start over. We got into the proper attitude, and I got the horizon into the sextant fixed line of sight. I ran through P22 as per your instructions, up through step 10, I believe, where you proceed, and the next display and - well, anyway, step 10, when I hit PROCEED, I got a PROGRAM ALARM, a RESTART light and a CMC light. [Pause.]
214:06:35 Swigert: Okay, Donn...
214:06:36 Eisele: I tried to ENTER on the VERB side to see what the alarm was, and the computer wouldn't take it. It was locked up tight. A few minutes later, we decided to try to unlock it, so we did the go-jam procedure. Hit RESET, marked REJECT and RESET at the same time, and that unlocked it. I looked at the program alarm and it was 1302, which says that the computer was trying to work with the square root of negative numbers. I think probably as a result of trying to do marks on the horizon which is a couple thousand miles away.
214:07:07 Swigert: Okay. Donn, I want to ask you, on that step 10, when you were setting your option, did you use the unknown or the known ...
214:07:16 Eisele: I loaded in known landmarks.
214:07:18 Swigert: Okay. Copy that. That's what we wanted, and so we have got something to mull over down here on the ground.
214:07:27 Eisele: You sure do. I want to compliment all the - whoever it was that thought up that little rig, that one really got to us.
214:07:35 Schirra: Jack.
This is Apollo Control Houston, 214 hours 07 minutes into the flight. The computer lockup, which you heard discussed over Tananarive, is getting a good working over, in a conversation via Carnarvon. Let's listen.
214:07:36 Swigert: Okay, Donn ...
214:07:37 Schirra: Jack.
214:07:39 Swigert: Go ahead, Wally.
214:07:40 Schirra: I have had it up here today and from now on, I going to be an onboard flight director for these updates. We are not going to accept any new games like gaining 50 feet to the DELTA-V counter for a burn, or doing some crazy tests we never heard of before.
214:07:54 Swigert: Roger ...
214:07:55 Schirra: Each test is going to be reviewed thoroughly before we act on it.
214:07:59 Swigert: Okay. Understand that, Wally.
214:08:03 Schirra: And I suggest that when something like this comes up again, that you take it over the simulator, run it through, if it wrings out, we may try it for you.
214:08:13 Swigert: Copy. could you give me the approximate GET that you went to COMMAND RESET, Wally? [Pause.]
214:08:23 Cunningham: It was only a few minutes after we left your - LOS last night, last night when you called.
214:08:27 Swigert: Okay. Copy. Do you think you will be able to do the P22 landmark tracing now? [Pause.]
214:08:36 Schirra: Jack, we went ahead and used your last NAV check for the update. It wrang out, so rather than taking erasable, we will go ahead and do the landmarks; and after that, we want to check the erasable.
214:08:50 Swigert: Okay. Copy that. I have a voice P27 update to give you at this pass, too, over Carnarvon here. [Pause.]
214:09:01 Schirra: What's behind that one?
214:09:03 Swigert: That was part of the flight plan. It is just to give you prior to the landmark tracking here, in case you need it.
214:09:11 Schirra: Okay. We buy it.
214:09:12 Schirra: [Garble] kind of hard to us up here from now on.
214:09:16 Swigert: Okay. And the other thing is on the P22 landmark tracking area, you going to do it? If you are going to maneuver in minimum impulse, we are recommending AC roll for quad balance. If you are going to use the DAP, we would recommend failing quad A and B, this again for balance fuel.
214:09:37 Schirra: Are you saying that B and D is below A and C now?
214:09:44 Swigert: No. A and C, A and B are the low quads, we would like to fail those and just maneuver in quad C and D, if you are going to use DAP control for this landmark tracking.
214:09:55 Schirra: We are going to use pulse, DAP is too expensive.
214:09:58 Swigert: Okay. If you are going to use pulse, then in SCS, we would recommend AC roll and BD roll OFF, and the rest of the channels ON. [Pause.]
214:10:10 Schirra: Starting right now.
214:10:11 Swigert: Okay.
214:10:14 Cunningham: Ready to copy, Jack. Go.
214:10:16 Swigert: Okay. This is state vector VERB 71: 216 plus 14 plus 00 21 01605 00001 75414 66060 13056 34401 06175 07200 50152 41550 70237 43677 03151 11244 11217 07040. The NAV check: 215 44 all balls minus 1995 plus 10145 2335. And could you delay the readback just a second?
214:12:10 Cunningham: Roger. Readback follows: VERB 71 216 1400 21 ... [Pause.]
214:12:20 Cunningham: Did you say delay, Jack?
214:12:22 Swigert: Roger. Delay just a second, Walt. [Long pause.]
214:12:48 Swigert: Okay, Wally?
214:12:52 Schirra: Go ahead.
214:12:53 Swigert: Okay. Because of the CMC light and the go-jam procedure, we have got to go back through and do a P51and P52, option 2. The T align time will be 215 plus 00 plus 00. [Pause.]
214:13:20 Schirra: Roger. [Garble] we can get it right now.
214:13:25 Swigert: And I'm ready on the readback there,Walt.
214:13:33 Cunningham: Roger. Readback follows: VERB 71 216 14 00 21 01605 00001 75414 60601 13056 34401 06175 07200 ... 50152 41550 70237 43677 03151 11244 11217 07040 and I'll give you the T align time is 215 plus 00 plus 00. NAV check: 21544 4 ball minus 1995 plus 10145 2335. Over.
214:14:22 Swigert: Roger. Voice P27 was correct, and your T align was correct also.
214:14:28 Cunningham: Okay. Thank you, Jack.
214:14:35 Schirra: Jack, have you detected the concern? We got a computer that bogs under, and the reason I think you understand why.
214:14:40 Swigert: Roger. It has concerned us equally as much, Wally.
214:14:44 Schirra: I know, but we have a bigger problem right now.
214:14:48 Swigert: Roger.
214:14:51 Schirra: I hope everybody is learning that you don't make updates like that without a lot of thought. This is not a simple machine; it's very sneaky; it has a lot of steep paths in it, and I want everything validated before we train any more with it.
214:15:05 Swigert: Okay. Wully, we want to get a VERB 74; we would like to get an E mod dump here before you go over the hill. We are about 1 minute 15 seconds LOS.
214:15:15 Schirra: We've got alignment coming up, sorry about that.
214:15:22 Swigert: Roger. Wally, we still would like to get that VERB 74 and catch the dump before you go over the hill.
214:15:27 Schirra: Okay. [Long pause.]
214:15:41 Swigert: Okay. We are about 40 seconds LOS Carnarvon, we get Guam at 21.
214:15:49 Schirra: Okay. Looks like we are in good shape here, line them up and continue.
214:15:53 Cunningham: You got the data dump, Jack?
214:15:56 Swigert: Just a minute. [Pause.]
214:16:03 Swigert: Okay. Keep dumping, Wally, as you go over the hill, and we'll get as much as we can.
214:16:09 Schirra: Roger. ... Thank God this isn't tomorrow.
Long comm break.
214:19:14 Eisele (onboard): I just completed a P51, star angle difference 00000.
214:22:54 Eisele: 214 hours and 22 minutes. Program 52 opposite 02, gyro torquing angles plus two balls 744 plus two balls 376 mimus 01696. Star distance angle of five ballss.
214:23:14 Swigert: Okay. Copied that, Donn.
214:23:17 Schirra: Hey, you're up, are you?
214:23:19 Swigert: Roger. Read that.
Long comm break.
214:26:02 Eisele (onboard): Houston, Apollo 7.
This is Apollo Control 214 hours 33 minutes. And the conversation has been resumed via Hawaii. We've just tagged up, let's tune in. To background you a little here, the crew apparently assumes that some navigational information that was passed up to them, when it was put in the computer apparently caused program alarm. That's at least, we're assuming on the ground that they are making that assumption. We don't know whether it's a valid assumption yet or not, but there is no question about the fact that they are making that assumption. Here is the start of the Hawaii pass.
214:32:16 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Hawaii.
214:32:22 Eisele: How does our erasable look, Jack?
214:32:26 Swigert: It takes us 15 or 20 minutes, Donn, to have the people look at it in the back room. [Pause.]
214:32:32 Eisele: Okay.
214:32:33 Schirra: That's a lot better than they did when we had to dump it down at the Cape.
214:32:36 Swigert: You're right.
214:32:38 Schirra: What was that? Three months?
214:32:44 Swigert: We'll get you the word to that as soon as we can.
214:32:48 Schirra: Roger. Jack, we'll give that last goop to the lead, elbow, and pipe set. [Long pause.]
214:33:46 Swigert: Wally, I have the morning news and any football scores you're interested in.
214:33:52 Schirra: Roger. Go ahead.
214:33:55 Swigert: Okay. Jackie Kennedy and Aristotle Onassis are to be married today on his island off Greece. They tell me that back here in Houston the city is sinking the last 65 years, that parts of the city have sunk as much as 6 feet. What scores would you like?
214:34:16 Eisele: I've already heard that UCLA lost. How about the University of Houston?
214:34:23 Swigert: They didn't play. [Pause.]
214:34:29 Schirra: You might run up the score on our fuel so far.
214:34:31 Swigert: Okay. In work.
214:34:33 Schirra: That was a real load up as far as I could tell.
214:34:36 Swigert: Roger.
Comm break.
214:36:45 Swigert: Wally, we've got an RCS chart update for you.
214:36:53 Schirra: Go.
214:36:55 Swigert: Okay. 543 pounds.
214:36:58 Schirra: 543.
214:36:59 Swigert: Roger. [Long pause.]
214:37:13 Schirra: Except for the burn, what did we accomplish with all that?
214:37:23 Swigert: Say again, Wally.
214:37:25 Schirra: Except for the burn 6, what did we accomplish today? [Pause.]
214:37:36 Swigert: Well, we're going to get a lot of landmark tracking in, and I tbink that will pretty much accomplish what we set out to do.
214:37:45 Schirra: Yes, we're going to burn on that, though. I haven't finished flying that part. [Pause.]
214:38:00 Schirra: If we subtract out the burn there, burn 6, I'd say we blew about 25 pounds on those normal experiments.
214:38:10 Swigert: Roger. [Long pause.]
214:39:03 Schirra: Jack, what's [garble]. Do you read?
214:39:07 Swigert: Go ahead, Wally.
214:39:09 Schirra: What's so discouraging is I sit up here and we pulse all over the place trying to save a couple of pounds of fuel, and some guy comes along and puts it in tight, tight, tight deadband right through perigee.
214:39:19 Swigert: Roger. Understand. We discussed all that hefore we read up the flight plan to you, and we really wanted to do it.
214:39:30 Schirra: I understand that, but why do we have to have tight deadband and then turn it off to get a coding test? I can do that in pulse mode. I don't need to fly this spacecraft for 26 minutes in tight deadband and then let it drift. In fact, in the minimum pulse, I can get out of the thruster is pulse mode.
214:39:48 Swigert: Roger. I understand.
214:39:50 Schirra: I wish somebody would make the people aware of that.
214:39:56 Swigert: Roger, Wally.
214:39:57 Schirra: In tight deadband, it sits here and oscillates in roll alone, plus or minus two-tenths of a degree per second. In pulse, I can get about one-one-hundredth of a degree per second.
214:40:08 Swigert: Roger.
214:40:10 Schirra: That's what we are complaining about.
214:40:12 Swigert: I understand. [Long pause.]
214:40:27 Schirra: Jack, I would like to have you call Frank Borman and inform him he better go over his total flight plan from liftoff in real time and check his time line out for sleep, work cycles, and for food periods. [Pause.]
214:40:45 Swigert: Roger. Copy.
214:40:47 Schirra: And not too soon.
214:40:49 Swigert: Roger. [Pause.]
214:41:39 Schirra: Jack?
214:41:40 Swigert: Go ahead, Wally.
214:41:42 Schirra: Can you read the DSKY now?
214:41:45 Swigert: Negative. We've been handed over to the Huntsville. We don't get data there. We'll have to wait till California.
214:41:51 Schirra: Okay. When we come over California, I'll show you what zero roll looks like and what zero yaw looks like in pulse.
214:41:57 Swigert: Roger.
214:42:00 Schirra: We've got a lot of graphs going today.
Comm break.
214:43:08 Unidentifiable crewmember: [Garble].
Long comm break.
We should pick up the spacecraft at California just any second now. We have moved through the Huntsville area.
214:47:06 Schirra: Houston, Apollo 7.
214:47:09 Swigert: Go ahead, 7.
214:47:10 Schirra: Do you read the DSKY?
214:47:15 Swigert: Affirm.
214:47:16 Schirra: Note roll and yaw. [Garble] I didn't take the 26 minutes to get it that tight, either.
Long comm break.
The spacecraft is maintaining 0 rolls, 0 yaw, and is pitched down 25 degrees.
214:51:26 Schirra: Houston, from up here, we can't see Galveston.
214:51:30 Swigert: Roger.
214:51:31 Schirra: You've got some high cirrus that blocks it out on top of low altitude.
214:51:37 Swigert: Okay. Copy. [Long pause.]
214:52:31 Schirra: Jack, I don't know whether to pass this down to you ar not, but the light, sunlight - gives us a hard time reading the DSKY and DELTA-V counter, and the MET. We may need some shade type device up here to permit us to read the instruments. [Pause.]
214:53:01 Swigert: Okay. I've logged that.
214:53:03 Schirra: That's what got to us on that 50 foot per second overburn the other day. I'll have to reset the DET now to get the MET. I can't read the MET with full bright. [Pause.]
214:53:17 Swigert: Okay. I logged that, Wally.
214:53:19 Schirra: Roger.
Apollo Control here, 214 hours, 54 minutes and we're about halfway through a long and rather quiet stateside pass.
214:53:24 Communications technician: You need the high bit rate or low bit rate.
Comm break.
214:55:23 Unidentifiable crewmember: Frame 59, magazine R, Havana. [Pause.]
214:55:31 Swigert: Roger.
214:55:33 Schirra: Now, Jack, you can say today a that we're small Moon over Miami.
214:55:38 Swigert: Roger. [Pause.]
214:55:46 Eisele: Got 5 marks, marks, on Coral Gables.
214:55:51 Swigert: Okay. Real fine, Donn.
214:55:54 Unidentifiable crewmember: Or that key, whatever it is; Key Biscayne, I guess.
Long comm break.
Apollo Control here. Landmark 20, the one the crew missed was Galveston Bay area, and you heard them note, "high cirrus clouds socked in, couldn't make it out." They did pick up at least one, perhaps two landmark sights in Florida, around Miami, Coral Gables. We're still holding an open line to 7, which now is just south east of Florida.
Meanwhile out in the far west Pacific, we've got a second storm southeast of Gloria, which is now swirling just within - the eye of which is quite close to our ship Mercury. Mercury is taking pretty good waves out there. Understand in the order of 15 to 20 foot waves. A second storm, meanwhile is brewing, it's due east of Guam, perhaps 500 to 600 miles southeast of the present storm Gloria. We have no predictions yet on its path, but it boiling into a pretty full size storm.
214:59:39 Swigert: Alpollo 7, Houston.
214:59:41 Cunningham: Go ahead, Jack.
214:59:43 Swigert: I have the PAD far this landmark - second revolution landmark tracking. [Pause.]
214:59:52 Eisele: Wait one.
214:59:54 Cunningham: Jack, the second landmark is clobbered with clouds. I can't see it.
214:59:58 Swigert: Okay. That's the number 71?
215:00:01 Cunningham: Right.
215:00:02 Swigert: Okay. Real fine. [Pause.]
215:00:10 Cunningham: Go ahead, Jack. Ready.
215:00:12 Swigert: Okay. The first one is landmark 11, that's 54 miles north of ground track, 216 plus 23, shaft 325, trunnion 033. Number 2 - number 128, that's 1 and 1/2 miles north of ground track, 216 plus 34, shaft 000, trunnion 030. Third, number 144 at 16 miles north of ground track, 216 plus 44, 350 shaft, 030 trunnion. Number 4 227, 45 miles north of ground track 216 plus 57 GET, 342 shaft, 029 trunnion, and that's all.
215:01:41 Eisele: Roger. Jack, the last part I didn't get the - how far north or south.
215:01:44 Swigert: Okay. The last one is 45 miles north of ground track.
215:01:50 Eisele: Okay. I'll give you the landmark number, the GET 227 for that one, 216 plus 57. Going back to the beginning with landmark 11, 216 plus 23; landmark 128. 216 plUS 34; landmark 144 at 216 plus [garble] 4.
215:02:11 Swigert: Roger. You faded on the last one, 216 plus 44.
215:02:14 Eisele: Right. On that one, what was the shaft angle?
215:02:17 Swigert: Okay. Shaft was 350. [Pause.]
215:02:25 Eisele: Thank you. [Pause.]
215:02:32 Swigert: Okay. We are about 1 minute LOS Antigua. We'll pick you up at Ascension at 10.
215:02:38 Schirra: Roger. Note 60 and 20 again.
215:02:43 Swigert: Copy.
Long comm break.
215:10:56 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Ascension. Standing by. [Long pause.]
215:11:00 Cunningham (onboard): Roger.
215:11:25 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Ascension. Stauding by.
Long comm break.
215:17:32 Swigert: Apollo 7, we're 1 minute LOS Ascension. We pick up Tananarive at 26. [Pause.]
215:17:38 Unidentifiable crewmember: Roger. We're GO here.
Long comm break.
Apollo Control Houston here at 215 hours, 22 minutes. Via Ascension a few minutes ago, we simply had a Hello and a Goodbye. There was no communication beyond establishing circuit. The recovery room advises that the dash 3 area, the far western Pacific area, has been closed and will not be considered for a landing operation through the remainder of the mission. Two destroyers that were operating there yesterday were directed to port early yesterday. They will be told to remain in port because a second typhoon is aborting out there in WESTPAC and there's just no point in trying to get the ships back on station. Meanwhile, the Mercury, which is somewhat to the west of the typhoon Gloria, is still riding around on 15 foot waves and it's captain's option there, but the captain has elected to remain in the area to continue to service the flight. We will contact Apollo 7 at Tananarive at 26 minutes - 215 hours, 26 minutes, about 2 minutes from now. If there is communication, we'll be back to you.
215:27:30 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. Standing by Tananarive. [Long pause.]
215:27:33 Cunningham (onboard): Roger, loud and clear.
215:28:05 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. Standing by through Tananarive.
Long comm break.
215:28:09 Cunningham (onboard): Roger, loud and clear.
215:32:40 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. Two minutes LOS Tananarive. Carnarvon at 41.
Long comm break.
215:32:46 Cunningham (onboard): Roger. Who was the supernumerary a while ago?
215:37:45 Schirra (onboard): At 215 hoars (laughter) 37 minutes, it's easy to observe the bell of the big engine from the number 2 window of the command module. The attitude is approximately zero roll zero yaw, 180 degrees pitch at sunset, and when the urine dump occurred, there were a large number of sparkles that formed a light pattern down to the number 2 window. Now, the sun in the background in back of the command module would light up the sparkles. You could see a tunnel of silvery stuff which lasts for many hundreds of feet. And the silhouette of the command module, including that of the big engine, the bell exhaust, is very easy to discern.
215:41:22 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Carnarvon. Standing by. [Long pause.]
215:41:41 Schirra: Houston, the oxygen masks work very well.
215:41:45 Swigert: Roger. Cory that.
Long comm break.
215:50:14 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. One minuute LOS Carnarvon. We'll pick you up at Guam at 53. [Long pause.]
215:50:53 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. To tell you that Guam is down, we will pick you up at Hawaii at 08.
Long comm break.
Apollo Control Houston here. 215 hours, 49 minutes into the flight. About 7 minutes ago we established - we had an establishing call with Apollo 7 via Tananarive and - but no conversation developed and a similar situation has developed here at Carnarvon. We moved through the Carnarvon circle now without any further conversation with the crew. We expect to acquire via Guam in - at 215 hours, 53 minutes, about 3 minutes from now. The crew is being given a 1 minute LOS at Carnarvon. And they acknowledged that LOS. In the - more on the western Pacific weather area, typhoon Gloria's position at 1100 Zulu, it's now 1400 Zulu. That's 3 hours ago. It was estimated at 23 degrees north, 132 degrees east. The Apollo ship Mercury is still on station and doing an excellent job. It's 400 miles west of the storm and it's riding in swells of up to 15 to 18 feet. The ship is taking as much as 20 degrees roll. The targeting points for the WESTPAC, the Western Pacific area, have all been moved east to the Hawaii area, the dash 4 area, for the rest of the mission actually. But they're presently - we have the information on revs 136 through 140, and alternate targeting for those points, for those revs 136 through 140, have been set up for landing areas in the south Atlantic around Ascension Island and a few points north and east of Tananarive, in the south Indian Ocean. The destroyer that had been in the western Pacific area, the Rupertus, and the Tucker, have made port now in Yokusuka, Japan. At 215 hours, 52 minutes into the flight, this is Apollo Control.
215:52:40 Communications technician: GO COMM TECH. We'll have Guam but not Guaymas.
GUAM (REV 136)
215:54:10 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. Now through Guam. Standing by.
215:54:14 Schirra: Roger. Loud and clear.
215:54:16 Swigert: You also.
215:54:18 Schirra: Roger. Donn and I tried out the oxigen masks, and it was a [garble]. [Long ause]
215:54:24 Cunningham (onboard): It was a requirement.
215:54:29 Cunningham: We think that they work.
Apollo Control here. Jack Swigert is putting a call in and let's pick it up.
215:54:30 Schirra: Houston, did you read?
215:54:32 Swigert: Say again, Wally.
215:54:34 Schirra: Donn and I tried out the oxygen masks; it was a mandatory DTO.
215:54:40 Swigert: Roger. Copy that.
Long comm break.
215:57:48 Schirra: Houston, Apollo 7.
215:57:50 Swigert: Go ahead, 7.
215:57:51 Schirra: Roger. We had a PROGRAM ALARM that anomalied too fast. What we were doing was trying the lights all turned out to see the computer exterior lights and had a GMI power [garble] light - [Pause.]
215:58:12 Swigert: That was when you turned the lights down you got it?
215:58:16 Schirra: That's affirm. Oh no, we are not sure; I had the numerics down also. I brought the lights back up again, and the PROGRAM ALARM was on.
215:58:23 Swigert: Yes, we can read it here, 1105.
215:58:27 Schirra: Roger. Print. We tried to get in a variable in the exterior light, and we are trying to see if it came on.
215:58:35 Swigert: Okay. [Long pause.]
215:58:55 Schirra: That occurred in P00, by the way.
215:58:57 Swigert: Roger.
Long comm break.
216:02:18 Swigert: Apollo 7, you are about 1 minute LOS Guam. We get Hawaii at 08.
216:02:23 Schirra: Roger. Who is that superduper [garble] with you?
216:02:28 Swigert: That's the number 1 substitute. [Pause.]
216:02:39 Schirra: (Laughter) She's running along pretty well today.
216:02:42 Swigert: Yes, all the systems looking pretty good, Wally.
216:02:46 Schirra: Going to have to ask you to watch those new flight plan revisions, though. [Long pause.]
216:03:00 Schirra: You been east or north, I mean west or north?
216:03:05 Swigert: Say again, you are coming garbled.
216:03:07 Schirra: Have you been west or north? [Pause.]
216:03:14 Swigert: Oh, north. [Pause.]
216:03:20 Schirra: How is it looking?
216:03:22 Swigert: Pretty good.
216:03:23 Schirra: Good. [Long pause.]
216:03:41 Cunningham (onboard): Did you get the word that we've tried out the oxygen masks?
216:03:42 Schirra: [Garble]. [Pause.]
216:03:48 Swigert: We are just about LOS. We will pick you up at Hawaii.
216:03:51 Cunningham (onboard): Roger.
Long comm break.
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