Figure 1. McDonnell's proposed mission for a Mercury capsule modified to be capable of maneuvering in orbit. This was one of the six follow-on series of experiments incorporated in the company's report on potential uses of the Mercury capsule beyond the officially approved program. (McDonnell Engineering Report No. 6919, "Follow on Experiments, Project Mercury Capsule, 1 September 1959," rev. Oct. 5, 1959, p. 2.3-2.) |
Figure 2. One version of the "lifting" Mercury capsule being considered in 1960 for a flight test program between the end of Mercury and the start of a manned circumlunar program. (STG, "Guidelines for Advanced Manned Space Vehicle Program," June 1960, p. 53) |
Figure 3. One of two versions of a one-man space station proposed by McDonnell. In this version, access to the laboratory was through an inflated tunnel connecting the Mercury-type capsule (in which the astronaut rode into orbit) with the laboratory proper (the forward section of an Agena booster attached to the capsule). (McDonnell, "One Man Space Station," Aug. 24, 1960, rev. Oct. 28, 1960, p. 3.) |
Figure 4. The classes of orbital operations which a NASA Headquarters working group felt would be required in any future space program and which thus made a rendezvous development program necessary. (NASA Hq., staff paper, "Guidelines for a Program for Manned and Unmanned Orbital Operations," May 1961, p. 4) |
Figure 5. The deployment of the Mercury paraglider proposed by North American after Phase I of the Paraglider Development Program. (North American Aviation, Inc., Space and Information Systems Division, "Paraglider Development Program, Phase I: Final Report," SID 61-226, Aug. 15, 1961, p. 18.) |
Figure 6. McDonnell-proposed two-man Mercury spacecraft. Shown is the interior arrangement of spacecraft equipment. (McDonnell Report, "Manned Spacecraft - Advanced Versions," July 27-28, 1961, part 4, "Two Man MK II Spacecraft," unpaged report.) |
Figure 7. The adapter section of McDonnell's proposed two-man Mercury spacecraft. (McDonnell Report, "Manned Spacecraft - Advanced Versions," July 27-28, 1961, part 4, "Two Man MK II Spacecraft," unpaged.) |
Figure 8. Engineering drawing by Harry C. Shoaf (Space Task Group Engineering Division) of the proposed "lunar lander" to be used with an advanced version of the Mercury spacecraft. (Shoaf, Drawing, Nov. 15, 1961.) |
Figure 9. The modified Titan II booster that was to launch the advanced Mercury spacecraft. (STG, "Preliminary Project Development Plan for an Advanced Manned Space Program Utilizing the Mark II Two Man Spacecraft," Aug. 14, 1961, Fig. 4.1.) |
Figure 10. The launch schedule that accompanied the final version of the Mark II Project Development Plan. (STG, "Project Development Plan for Rendezvous Development Utilizing the Mark II Two Man Spacecraft," Oct. 27, 1961, Fig. 5.5.) |