Headquarters, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, D.C. - | |
General manager of national space program. | |
Manned Spacecraft Center (formerly Space Task Group), Houston, Texas - | |
Project manager for manned space flight program. | |
Langley Research Center, Langley Field, Virginia - | |
Wind tunnel aerodynamics, fluid mechanics, stability and control, vibration and flutter, loads, structures, materials, arc-jet, reentry body, and planning and contracting for Mercury instrumentation facilities. | |
Launch Operations Division (Later Launch Operations Center), Cape Canaveral, Florida - | |
Launch vehicle manager for Mercury-Redstone. | |
Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio - | |
Flight propulsion, engine testing, stabilization and control system for spacecraft. | |
Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California - | |
Basic and applied research on aeronautical and space problems, atmosphere reentry forms and high-speed aerodynamic research. | |
Marshall Space Flight Center (formerly Development Operations Division of ABMA), Huntsville, Alabama - | |
Spacecraft launch vehicle development and reliability, and trajectory studies for Mercury-Redstone. | |
Wallops Station, Wallops Island, Virginia - | |
Little Joe flight test for Mercury spacecraft and launch test of Mercury model spacecraft. | |
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland - | |
Coordinated all tracking and processed all tracking data for Mercury-Redstone and Mercury-Atlas flights. | |
Flight Research CenterEdwards, California - | |
High-speed flight research and drogue parachute tests. | |
Department of Defense, Washington, D.C. - | |
Launch and recovery operations. | |
Weather Bureau of the Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. - | |
Weather coverage and studies. | |
U.S. Navy, Norfolk, Virginia - | |
Recovery operations. | |
Arnold Engineering Development Center, Tullahoma, Tennessee - | |
High-speed wind tunnel tests. | |
Air Force Systems Command, Space Systems Division, Inglewood, California - | |
Project manager for Atlas launch vehicle. | |
Army Missile Command, Huntsville, Alabama - | |
Project manager for the Redstone launch vehicle. | |
Aviation Medical Acceleration LaboratoryJohnsville, Pennsylvania - | |
Astronaut centrifuge training and spacecraft couch and restraint harness testing. | |
El Centro Naval Parachute Test Facility, El Centro, California - | |
Parachute drop test program. | |
Wright Air Development Center, Dayton, Ohio - | |
Acceleration tests, noise and vibration study support, astronaut medical examinations, and pressure suit indoctrination. | |
Aero Medical Field Laboratory, Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico - | |
Furnished and trained primates for the Mercury animal program. | |
U.S. Air Force Survival School, Stead Air Force Base, Reno, Nevada - | |
Astronaut desert survival training. | |
Aerospace Medical Division, San Antonio, Texas - | |
Cooperation in bioscience experiments in the Little Joe flights. | |
China Lake Naval Ordnance Test Station, China Lake, California - | |
Fairing-adapter sled tests. | |
Pensacola Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Florida - | |
Astronaut egress training and swimmer training in support of Mercury spacecraft recovery operations, and flotation collar fabrication. | |
Elgin Air Force Base, Pensacola, Florida - | |
Astronaut survival training. | |
Air Force Chart and Information Center, St. Louis, Missouri - | |
Worldwide Mercury tracking network maps. | |
U.S. Army, Fort Eustis, Newport News, Virginia - | |
Supplied Larc vehicle for recovery. | |
Public Health Service, Washington, D.C. - | |
Supplied medical monitor personnel. | |
U.S. Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, North Carolina - | |
Recovery helicopters. | |
Military Air Transport Service, Scott Air Force Base, Illinois - | |
Air transportation. | |
White Sands Missile Range, White Sands, New Mexico - | |
Tracking facilities. | |
Pacific Missile Range, Point Mugu, California - | |
Tracking facilities. | |
Naval Air Station, Corpus Christi, Texas - | |
Tracking facilities. | |
Department of State, Washington, D.C. - | |
Government-to-government negotiations for overseas sites in Mercury worldwide tracking network. | |
Navy Daingerfield Test Facility, Daingerfield, California - | |
Spacecraft afterbody shingle heat resistance and dynamic pressure test. | |
Navy Aircrew Equipment Laboratory, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - | |
Reentry-heat-pulse orientation for the astronauts and environmental systems training. | |
U.S. Air Force Flight Test Center, Edwards Air Force Base, California - | |
Assistance to NASA Flight Research Center in parachute drop tests and reefing parameters. | |
Army Audit Office, Pasadena, California - | |
Audit services. | |
District Coast Guard, San Francisco, California - | |
Support services for project. | |
Headquarters, U.S. Air Force, Washington, D.C. - | |
Airlift services and data reduction. | |
Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, D.C. - | |
Animal test program. | |
U.S. Navy Comptroller, Washington, D.C. - | |
Materiel inspection services. | |
U.S. Navy Bureau of Ships, Washington, D.C. - | |
Command receiver equipment and installation, planned recovery, contingency recovery, and modification of destroyer davits for spacecraft recovery. | |
U.S. Navy Bureau of Weapons, Washington, D.C. - | |
Consultation, planned recovery, and recovery operations. | |
U.S. Navy Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C. - | |
Consultive services. | |
U.S. Navy Weapons Plant, Washington, D.C. - | |
Packaging of hardware. | |
U.S. Marine Corps Air Facility, Jacksonville, Florida - | |
Pilot test facility. | |
Air Rescue Service, Military Air Transport Service, Orlando, Florida - | |
Recovery operation support. | |
U.S. Navy Bureau of Weapons, Pensacola, Florida - | |
Fabrication of auxiliary flotation collar for Mercury spacecraft. | |
U.S. Navy School of Aviation Medicine, Pensacola, Florida - | |
Radiation monitoring for Mercury flights. | |
Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Florida - | |
Spacecraft test flotation collar. | |
U.S. European Command, Paris, France - | |
Contingency recovery. | |
U.S. Army, Europe, Heidelberg, Germany and Weisbaden, Germany - | |
Contingency recovery. | |
U.S. Air Forces, Europe, Weisbaden, Germany - | |
Contingency recovery. | |
U.S. Air Force Pacific Air Forces, Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii - | |
Contingency recovery and photographic services. | |
U.S. Air Force Communications Service, Scott Air Force Base, Illinois - | |
Communication services during recovery. | |
U.S. Navy Bureau of Weapons, St. Louis, Missouri - | |
Issued Government bill of lading for Contract NAS 5-59, Mercury spacecraft, also contracting support, etc. | |
U.S. Army Audit Agency, New York, New York - | |
Audit services. | |
U.S. Navy Laboratory, Dalgren, Virginia - | |
Cartridges for Mercury antenna. | |
Air Weather Service, Scott Air Force Base, Illinois - | |
Weather surveillance flights preceding Mercury manned orbital mission. | |
Tactical Air Command, Langley Air Force Base, Virginia - | |
C-130 aircraft for spacecraft test drops and photographic coverage. | |
U.S. Army Research and Engineering Laboratory, Natick, Massachusetts - | |
Preliminary studies of calorie and water requirements for astronauts during orbital flight. | |
U.S. Air Force Surgeon General's Office, Washington, D.C. - | |
Compilation of medical monitors' training program. |