Source: This document taken from the Report of Apollo 204 Review Board
NASA Historical Reference Collection, NASA History Office, NASA Headquarters, Washington,
The Apollo 204 Review Board was established by the Administrator, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, under the authority of NASA Management Instruction 8621.1 dated April 14, 1966. Dr. Robert C. Seamans, Jr., Deputy Administrator, NASA, in Memorandum dated January 28, 1967 and February 3, 1967, appointed Board Members, defined Board responsibilities and amplified oral instructions to the Board Chairman, Dr. Floyd L. Thompson.
The Board was composed of eight members, including the Chairman. Six members were NASA personnel; one member was an officer from the Aerospace Safety Directorate of the Air Force Inspector General and one member was from the Bureau of Mines, Department of Interior. A Counsel was assigned to provide legal advice.
Twenty-one Task Panels were formed, each reporting to a Monitor who was a Board Member. Task Panels were assigned the responsibility of providing administrative assistance and technical investigation for the Board. Each Panel, with the exception of the Final Board Panel, was chaired by NASA personnel experienced in the area of interest of that particular Panel. The Final Board Report Panel was chaired by an Air Force Officer. Each Panel was manned by NASA personnel assisted by contractor personnel in defined technical areas.
In addition, Representatives, Consultants and Observers participated in General Board Meetings and Panel activities. These individuals assisted the Panels and Board Members in their area of expertise and responsibilities.
The established procedure for the Board was to convene a General Session daily at 10:30 a.m. for approximately one hour. During these meetings, plans and schedules were reviewed. Reports on proposed actions were presented for approval of plans and schedules and the determination of requirements for testing and analyses.
An Executive Session was held each afternoon at 4:00 p.m. This Meeting was restricted to Board Members; however, additional personnel were requested to attend when necessary.
Basic direction to all Board activities was developed and consummated during Executive Sessions. The Executive Sessions provided the Board the opportunity to freely discuss sensitive matters. Plans, schedules and other investigating actions were formally approved by the Board in these Sessions.
Operational procedures for the activities of the Board, the Advisory Group and supporting personnel were delineated in a series of Administrative Procedures authorized by the Chairman of the Board.
The investigation techniques employed by the Board required the coordinated effort of numerous agencies. An overall Master Plan was developed to insure that the investigation was accomplished systematically without disturbing or destroying evidence. This plan required disassembly of the Spacecraft on a component or system basis with continual observation by appropriate Panel personnel and photography before, during and after the removal of each component. The technique of disassembly was validated in Spacecraft 014 Command Module prior to the actual component removal from Spacecraft 012 Command Module involved in the accident. During the disassembly, extreme caution was exercised to prevent disruption of adjacent areas. As components were removed they were identified and placed in a bonded area and made available for inspection as authorized by the Board.
Simultaneously with Spacecraft disassembly, extensive testing and numerous analyses were accomplished. These tests and analyses were accomplished by many agencies: i.e. Kennedy Space Center, Manned Spacecraft Center, United States Air Force, Bell Laboratories, contractors, subcontractors.
Updated February 3, 2003
Steve Garber, NASA History Web Curator
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