Applications Opening Soon: GeneLab for High Schools (GL4HS) summer 2025 training program!
NASA’s GeneLab for High Schools (GL4HS) program is returning in summer 2025 to inspire and train the next generation of scientists! Sponsored by NASA’s Ames Research Center, GL4HS is a free, four-week training program held on a virtual platform for rising high school juniors and seniors. This intensive program provides students with hands-on experience in NASA space biology research, focusing on omics-based bioinformatics—the study of complex biological data, such as genetic codes, in the context of spaceflight factors. Students gain valuable skills in data analysis, problem-solving, and scientific research while working closely with the NASA researchers and the extended community comprised of university affiliates, industry professionals, and more.
GL4HS offers a unique opportunity to explore applied sciences through interactive learning modules, team-based research competitions, and networking with academic and industry experts. Students collaborate on a bioinformatics project based on public data available from NASA’s Open Science Data Repository (OSDR) and develop competitive research proposals.
Teachers may also apply to the program to learn the bioinformatics techniques presented in the program. Culminating projects for teachers involve developing their own curricular materials to integrate program content into their classrooms, and have the opportunity to publish their product as an educational material on the NASA Open Science Data Repository website.
Applications will open in late January 2025 and are expected to close mid-February, so stay tuned for updates and visit our website for additional details. To receive announcements about the application process, subscribe to our mailing list by emailing with “subscribe” in the subject line.