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POC: Jennifer Heldmann (SST) — 

Abstract: The NASA ARC-led FINESSE (Field Investigations to Enable Solar System Science & Exploration) team, supported by NASA’s SSERVI (Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute), hosted a 1-day virtual meeting to highlight science and exploration research accomplishments from the past 4 years of the FINESSE project. The FINESSE team delivered a series of technical talks as well as education and public outreach highlights for the SSERVI Executive Council. Topics included, but were not limited to, terrestrial analog studies of volcanic fields, lunar volcanic morphologies, asteroid formation and internal structures, remote sensing applications for lunar and asteroid missions, instrument development and field testing, use of virtual reality to enable future exploration, assessment of handheld field instruments for human exploration, and human factors considerations for spaceflight.  FINESSE is led by Ames PI Jennifer Heldmann and Deputy PIs Darlene Lim and Anthony Colaprete.

Strategic Plan Core Capability 6: Analog Research & Instrument Development