STS-105The STS-105 crew patch symbolizes the exchange of the Expedition Two and Expedition Three crews aboard the International Space Station...This is the portrait of the astronaut and cosmonaut crewmembers comprising the STS-105 mission. The base crew (bottom center), left...KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, Fla. -- Viewed from below, Space Shuttle Discovery nearly hides the orange external tank behind it. The...Space Shuttle Orbiter Discovery lifted off for the STS-105 mission on August 10, 2001. The main purpose of the mission...Space Shuttle Orbiter Discovery lifted off for the STS-105 mission on August 10, 2001. The main purpose of the mission...STS105-717-032 (17 August 2001) --- The Expedition Three (white shirts), STS-105 (striped shirts), and Expedition Two (red shirts) crews assemble...Backdropped by a sunrise, the newly installed Materials International Space Station Experiment (MISSE) is visible on this image. MISSE would...This image of the International Space Station (ISS) was photographed by one of the crewmembers of the STS-105 mission from...STS105-E-5434 (21 August 2001) --- Lake Chad and parts of Chad, Niger and Cameroon in Africa are pictured in this...STS105-343-004 (18 August 2001) --- Astronaut Daniel T. Barry, STS-105 mission specialist, is pictured near the end of the Space...STS105-725-006 (16 August 2001) --- Astronaut Daniel T. Barry, STS-105 mission specialist, traverses along the Space Shuttle Discovery's payload bay,...STS105-343-010 (18 August 2001) --- Backdropped over the blue and white Earth, astronaut Daniel T. Barry, STS-105 mission specialist, is...STS105-346-011 (18 August 2001) --- Astronaut Patrick G. Forrester, during the second STS-105 extravehicular activity, prepares to work with the...STS105-346-007 (18 August 2001) --- Astronaut Patrick G. Forrester, during the second STS-105 extravehicular activity, prepares to work with the...In this photograph, Astronaut James Voss, flight engineer of Expedition Two, performs a task at a work station in the...The setting sun and the thin blue airglow line at Earth's horizon was captured by the International Space Station's (ISS)...STS105-345-014 (18 August 2001) --- Astronauts Daniel T. Barry (bottom) and Patrick G. Forrester, holding onto handrails of the Destiny...STS105-E-5236 (16 August 2001) --- Astronaut Daniel T. Barry appears to be hanging by his hands from the cargo bay's...STS105-725-024 (16 August 2001) --- Astronaut Patrick G. Forrester, STS-105 mission specialist, waves at a crew member inside Discovery's cabin...