SR-71 BlackbirdA NASA SR-71 refuels with an Edwards Air Force Base KC-135 during the first flight of the NASA/Rocketdyne/ Lockheed Martin...A NASA SR-71 successfully completed its first flight 31 October 1997 as part of the NASA/Rocketdyne/Lockheed Martin Linear Aerospike SR-71...A NASA SR-71 successfully completed its first flight 31 October 1997 as part of the NASA/Rocketdyne/Lockheed Martin Linear Aerospike SR-71...The NASA SR-71A successfully completed its first cold flow flight as part of the NASA/Rocketdyne/Lockheed Martin Linear Aerospike SR-71 Experiment...This photograph shows a ground cold flow test of the linear aerospike rocket engine mounted on the rear fuselage of...This photograph shows the LASRE pod on the upper rear fuselage of an SR-71 aircraft during take-off of the first...This photograph shows the SR-71 with the Linear Aerospike SR-71 Experiment on the rear fuselage as seen from above. The...A NASA SR-71 takes off Oct. 31, making its first flight as part of the NASA/Rocketdyne/Lockheed Martin Linear Aerospike SR-71...A NASA SR-71 made its successful first flight Oct. 31 as part of the NASA/Rocketdyne/Lockheed Martin Linear Aerospike SR-71 Experiment...A NASA SR-71 made its successful first flight Oct. 31 as part of the NASA/Rocketdyne/ Lockheed Martin Linear Aerospike SR-71...Dryden Flight Research Center's SR-71B Blackbird aircraft, NASA tail number 831, is destined for the Kalamazoo Air Zoo museum in...A collection of NASA's research aircraft on the ramp at the Dryden Flight Research Center in July 1997: X-31, F-15...Flight engineers Marta Bohn-Meyer and Bob Meyer and pilots Ed Schneider and Rogers Smith flew the triple-sonic SR-71 in high-speed...NASA's SR-71 #844 being towed to its hangar with the Linear Aerospike SR-71 Experiment (LASRE) installed.The Linear Aerospike SR Experiment (LASRE) pod is shown on the back of a NASA SR-71. Pictured is the half-span...The SR-71 scale wind tunnel model showing the Linear Aerospike SR Experiment (LASRE) pod attachment location.A NASA SR-71A with the Linear Aerospike SR-71 Experiment (LASRE) mounted parks beside a NASA SR-71B trainer aircraft.The Linear Aerospike SR-71 Experiment (LASRE) is mounted on a NASA SR-71 aircraft Aug. 26, at the NASA Dryden Flight...The NASA-Dryden Flight Research Center (DFRC) SR-71 with the Linear Aerospike SR Experiment (LASRE) pod held over its attachment points...The Linear Aerospike SR-71 Experiment (LASRE) before its first flight aboard NASA's SR-71 No. 844. The initial test flight took...Technicians performing a fit-check of the Linear Aerospike SR-71 Experiment (LASRE) on the back of a NASA Dryden Flight Research...Rear/side view of the Linear Aerospike SR Experiment (LASRE) pod on NASA SR-71, tail number 844.SR-71 landing with drag chute.SR-71A in flight over southern Sierra Nevada Mountains.SR-71A on ramp with dual max afterburner engines firing.SR-71B in flight - view from Air Force tanker.SR-71 mid-air refueling with KC-135 tanker.SR-71 taxi on ramp with engines.Flight engineers Marta Bohn-Meyer and Bob Meyer and pilots Eddie Schneider and Rogers Smith flew the SR-71 in high-speed research...SR-71 on rampSR-71A in flight at takeoff.Taxi arrival of second SR-71 to Dryden.SR-71 BlackbirdNASA-Dryden Flight Research Center (DFRC) SR-71 with the Linear Aerospike SR Experiment (LASRE) pod held over its attachment points on...This rear view of the Linear Aerospike SR Experiment (LASRE) pod shows the business end of the linear aerospike rocket...The triple supersonic SR-71 pilots and crew included, from left, Rogers Smith, Bob Meyer, Marta Bohn-Meyer and Steve Ishmael.Three SR-71 aircraft were used at different times during the 1990s by NASA as test beds for high-speed and high-altitude...Three SR-71 aircraft were used at different times during the 1990s by NASA as test beds for high-speed and high-altitude...Research pilot Rogers E. Smith is shown here in front of the SR-71 Blackbird he flew for NASA.SR-71B Mach 3 trainer in flight at sunset.