Simulation LaboratoryNASA's 2017 astronaut candidates (L to R) Jenni Sidey-Gibbons, Jessica Watkins and Joshua Kutryk practice flying in an F-18 aircraft...NASA's 2017 astronaut candidates toured aircraft hangar at Armstrong Flight Research Center, in Southern California. After tour of aircraft hangar...NASA’s 2017 astronaut candidates (L to R) Jonny Kim and Raja Chari practice flying in an X-59 QueSST simulator at...NASA's 2017 astronaut candidates (L to R) Zena Cardman, Loral O'Hara, Frank Rubio, Jonny Kim, Raja Chari practice flying in...NASA's 2017 astronaut candidates (L to R) Jessica Watkins and Jenni Sidey-Gibbons practice flying in an F-18 aircraft cockpit simulator...NASA's 2017 astronaut candidates (L to R) Bob Hines, Matthew Dominick and Jasmin Moghbeli practice flying in X-57 aircraft simulator...NASA’s 2017 astronaut candidates (L to R) Jessica Watkins, Jenni Sidey-Gibbons, Joshua Kutryk, and Jasmin Moghbeli practice flying in an...NASA's 2017 astronaut candidate Matthew Dominick practices flying in the X-57 aircraft simulator at Armstrong Flight Research Center in Southern...NASA's 2017 astronaut candidate Kayla Barron practices flying in an X-59 QueSST simulator at Armstrong Flight Research Center, in Southern...NASA's 2017 astronaut candidate Kayla Barron practices flying in an X-59 QueSST simulator at Armstrong Flight Research Center, in Southern...NASA's 2017 astronaut candidate Kayla Barron practices flying in an X-59 QueSST simulator at Armstrong Flight Research Center, in Southern...NASA's 2017 astronaut candidate Kayla Barron practices flying in an X-59 QueSST simulator at Armstrong Flight Research Center, in Southern...NASA's 2017 astronaut candidate Kayla Barron practices flying in an X-59 QueSST simulator at Armstrong Flight Research Center, in Southern...NASA Administrator Bridenstine tests the X-57 "Maxwell" simulator at NASA's Armstrong Flight Research Center. The simulator is designed to provide...1975 Flight SimulatorsSimulation technicians Brent Bieber, left, and Dennis Pitts install a boilerplate Dream Chaser canopy structure over the cockpit of a...Gayle Patterson in the Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration in the National Airspace System (UAS in the NAS).Dream Chaser simulator, canopy down.Engineering student flies the Ikhana simulator.MD-11 Flight Simulator with Gordon Fullerton at the ControlsThe Flight Research Center Simulation Laboratory's (FSL) first cockpit was constructed of plywood, and had a movable seat, removable instrument...The Oblique Wing Research Aircraft was a small, remotely piloted, research craft designed and flight tested to look at the...Simulation Group Leader Martha Evans is at the controls of the F-18 aircraft simulator at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center,...NASA research test pilot Bill Dana controls the remotely operated HiMAT sub-scale research aircraft from a ground control station at...The pilot of the remotely operated Highly Maneuverable Aircraft Technology (HiMAT) demonstrator flew the aircraft from this control station at...NASA pilot Nils Larson evaluates software in the X-59 simulator that could predict where sonic booms would be felt on...Electronics technician Joe Ciganek was responsible for operation and maintenance of the SR-71 simulator while it was at NASA's Dryden...This moving base simulator was received in 1990 and is primarily a training and procedural trainer. It has been used...Pilot Fitz Fulton in CID (Controlled Impact Demonstration) SimulatorPilot Bill Dana in HiMAT cockpitF-15 Propulsion Controlled Aircraft (PCA) simulation cockpitPilot Mark Stucky in Eclipse SimulatorSpace Shuttle Simulator cockpitX-31 simulatorX-29 simulatorApex simulatorThe F-18 simulator at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, California. Simulators offer a safe and economical alternative to actual...The C-17 simulator at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, California. Simulators offer a safe and economical alternative to actual...