IkhanaThe No Chase COA (NCC) team at NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center pose for a group photo with the unmanned...Scott Howe, a pilot at NASA's Armstrong Flight Research Center in California, assisted with monitoring California's wildfires by operating a...NASA’s Ikhana aircraft, based at the agency’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California, takes off for the agency’s first...NASA’s Ikhana aircraft, based at the agency’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California, flew for 2.5 hours on June...NASA’s Ikhana aircraft, based at the agency’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California, flew for 2.5 hours on June...Ikhana flies a UAS Integration in the NAS missionThe Ikhana UAS soared over the Mojave Desert during a flight from NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center, Edwards, CA.NASA researchers (from left) Martin Hoffman, John Freudinger, and Ed Koshimoto observed one of the FT3 tests from the Research...The remotely piloted Ikhana is flying a checkout mission for an Air Collision Avoidance System project.The remotely piloted Ikhana flew a checkout mission for an Air Collision Avoidance System project.The remotely piloted Ikhana flew a checkout mission for an Air Collision Avoidance System project.Honeywell supplied a specially instrumented twin-engine King Air to serve as an intruder for NASA’s Ikhana UAS.The Ikhana remotely piloted aircraft captured real-time video when the Orion Exploration Flight Test-1 mission concluded on Dec. 5, 2014....The remotely piloted Ikhana is flying a checkout mission for an Air Collision Avoidance System project.The remotely piloted Ikhana is flying a checkout mission for an Air Collision Avoidance System project.The remotely piloted Ikhana flew a checkout mission for an Air Collision Avoidance System project.NASA's Ikhana MQ-9 remotely piloted research aircraft, carries a Raytheon-developed radar in a specialized pod in an effort to check...NASA's MQ-9 Ikhana is seen flying over Rogers Dry Lake, Edwards Air Force Base and NASA's Armstrong Flight Research Center...NASA's MQ-9 named Ikhana carried a Raytheon-developed radar in a specialized pod during a flight to check out new aircraft...NASA's Armstrong Flight Research Center operates the Agency's MQ-9 remotely piloted aircraft, seen flying in restricted airspace over California's Mojave...NASA's MQ-9, dubbed Ikhana, was ready for a dawn instrument checkout flight from NASA's Armstrong Flight Research Center in Southern...After takeoff from a runway at Edwards Air Force Base in Southern California, NASA's MQ-9 Ikhana climbed to altitude during...NASA's Armstrong Flight Research Center operates the Agency's MQ-9 Predator B, named Ikhana, as a science and aeronautics platform.NASA's Ikhana is a modified General Atomics Aeronautical Systems' Predator B unmanned aircraft system being used by NASA's Dryden Flight...NASA's Ikhana, a modified General Atomics Aeronautical Systems MQ-9 Predator B, conducts engine run-up before a pre-dawn takeoff on the...NASA's Ikhana, a modified General Atomics Aeronautical Systems MQ-9 Predator B, conducts engine run-up before a pre-dawn takeoff on the...NASA's Ikhana, a modified General Atomics Aeronautical Systems MQ-9 Predator B, glided in for landing at Edwards Air Force Base...NASA's Ikhana, a modified General Atomics Aeronautical Systems MQ-9 Predator B, conducted engine run-up before a pre-dawn takeoff on the...NASA's Ikhana, a modified General Atomics Aeronautical Systems MQ-9 Predator B, glides in for landing at Edwards Air Force Base...NASA's Ikhana, a modified General Atomics Aeronautical Systems MQ-9 Predator B, glided in for landing at Edwards Air Force Base...This 3-D illustration shows the real-time, mid-mission flight track of NASA's Ikhana remotely piloted aircraft over Southern California's Lake Isabella...NASA's Autonomous Modular Scanner, carried in a pod under the wing of the Agency's remotely piloted Predator B, Ikhana, collected...NASA's remotely piloted Ikhana aircraft, a modified General Atomics Predator B, taxis to a run-up pad in front of the...A ground crewman unplugs electrical connections during pre-flight checks of NASA's Ikhana research aircraft. Ikhana's payload pod is mounted on...Ground crewmen prepare NASA's Ikhana remotely piloted research aircraft for another flight. Ikhana's infrared imaging sensor pod is visible under...Ikhana fiber optic wing shape sensor team: clockwise from left, Anthony "Nino" Piazza, Allen Parker, William Ko and Lance Richards....NASA engineer Larry Hudson and Ikhana ground crew member James Smith work on a ground validation test with new fiber...Although the new fiber optic sensors on the Ikhana, which are located on fibers that are the diameter of a...With smoke from the Lake Arrowhead area fires streaming in the background, NASA's Ikhana unmanned aircraft heads out on a...With smoke from the Lake Arrowhead area fires streaming in the background, NASA's Ikhana unmanned aircraft heads out on a...