Faces of NASAThe Faces of NASA series combines stunning portraiture with interviews of NASA's workforce."It was just this Frankenstein monstrosity of PVC pipes and messy high schooler soldering and wiring. But no matter how...“Then, coming to NASA, [I was] like, ‘Oh, there's the bigger sense of purpose,’ I found it in Artemis, in..."In order to really bring the community up, we have to lift from the bottom. And when we do things..."So here I am, a transgender woman, an engineer, working at Kennedy Space Center, and I get to work around..."We always have some level of self-doubt, but if the end goal of what you’re trying to achieve is going..."My big takeaway is: it's okay to take chances. Sometimes we step in our own way and we need to...“I think I’m always seeking out projects that help people feel seen. And maybe that’s why I got so into..."…You cannot grow without approaching the fear, embracing the fear, and then pushing past it." — Tahira Allen, Digital Lead,...“I wanted to create a game because right now, a lot of what we [at NASA] make is geared toward..."So, part of the motivation [for my method acting] is just out of interest. I always find value out of..."[I asked myself] how am I going to teach about that heritage, if I'm not fully familiar with it? So,..."When the Challenger accident happened, I saw how everyone came together in the public affairs office. I mean, they were...“A lot of people in similar positions as myself, we struggle a lot with confidence and imposter syndrome – I...“NASA is so big on its own, and for kids to feel like they're a part of it, it symbolizes..."When you look out into space, and you see all those stars and all those galaxies — there’s just so...“That’s what makes communicating Earth science meaningful for me—knowing that indigenous Hawaiian wisdom and NASA research both point to the..."It was magical that I could just tell the computer exactly what to do. And [my career] all came from..."… I try to tell folks that it's not where you started. It's not the mistakes you've made. It's what..."I think that getting to be a crewmember on the International Space Station, and getting to serve there over the..."I was heartbroken by the devastation I saw, and it hit me that this is my calling — the kind..."These kids [in my Scout troop] learn how to cook outside. They know how to start a fire. And if..."I think I do that with my interns and teams too — I give them the space to grow and..."I believe you always end up where you need to be and that everybody can make things happen for themselves...."And I’ve come to know that giving my attention and my compassion away to others unconditionally is the most valuable...Priscilla De Leon, Project Administrator, Goddard Institute for Space Studies"The only reason that I am here is because I have had women and men in my life who have...“It was all because of this teacher. And to be honest, I wouldn’t have known that materials science was a..."…Yes, you must be good at math and do the academic work to prepare you to do the kind of...“Data are almost tangible, even though you can’t literally touch them. You can measure the brightness of a star. You..."There’s definitely an artistic component to science. You can just look at James Webb [Space Telescope]. It looks artistic. If..."You ask little kids what their big dream is, and it’s not uncommon to hear 'astronaut.' It’s not uncommon to...“The job just got better and better and better. I’ve just had door after door open up for me. I..."How many people get to see rocket launches? Or have ever seen a shuttle mission? Or had that direct experience...“When NASA hired me to be an astronaut, I had a lot of imposter syndrome going on. It was as..."People look at the International Space Station and think, this is a marvel of what humans can achieve. Which is...“Shí éí Nikki Tulley yinishyé. Tódích’íí’nii nishłį́. If I were to identify myself in my community, in my language, that’s..."I think I’ve helped put in place a future for younger engineers that are here that have the same interests..."My very first project was literally on a bar napkin. And I was given three dimensions: the top, the bottom..."My goal right now is to find a need and fill it. That’s my thing. And that’s all through life....“I was born in India soon after we got independence from the British. My mother was very keen that her...