Apollo 14S70-17851 (September 1970) --- This is the Apollo 14 crew patch designed by astronauts Alan B. Shepard Jr., commander; Stuart...These three astronauts are the prime crew of the Apollo 14 lunar landing mission. They are Alan B. Shepard Jr.,...S70-45232 (14 July 1970) --- Astronaut Alan B. Shepard Jr., commander of the Apollo 14 lunar landing mission. Photo credit:...S70-51699 (24 Oct. 1970) --- The prime crew of the Apollo 14 lunar landing mission relaxes aboard the NASA motor...Portrait of Astronaut Stuart A. Roosa, Apollo 14 lunar landing mission Command Module pilot in civilian clothes.S70-54121 (9 Nov. 1970) --- A ground level view at Launch Complex 39, Kennedy Space Center (KSC), showing the Apollo...S70-54127 (9 Nov. 1970) --- A high-angle view at Launch Complex 39, Kennedy Space Center (KSC), showing the Apollo 14...S71-16638 (31 Jan. 1971) --- Astronaut Alan B. Shepard Jr., commander, undergoes suiting up operations at the Kennedy Space Center...Apollo 14 Mission Commander, Alan B. Shepard, Jr., waves to well-wishers as he and astronauts Stuart A. Roosa, Command Module...S71-17620 (31 Jan. 1971) --- The huge, 363-feet tall Apollo 14 (Spacecraft 110/Lunar Module 8/Saturn 509) space vehicle is launched...S71-18400 (9 Feb. 1971) --- Flight controllers in the Mission Operations Control Room (MOCR) of the Mission Control Center (MCC)...AS14-66-9232 (5 Feb. 1971) --- Astronaut Alan B. Shepard Jr., commander of the Apollo 14 lunar landing mission, stands by...AS14-66-9305 (5 Feb. 1971) --- A front view of the Apollo 14 Lunar Module (LM), which reflects a circular flare...AS14-66-9277 (5 Feb. 1971) --- An excellent view of the Apollo 14 Lunar Module (LM) on the moon, as photographed...S71-16637 (January 1971) --- A close-up view of the plaque which the Apollo 14 astronauts will leave behind on the...Mission commander Alan Shepard assembles a double core tube. Astronauts Shepard and lunar module pilot Edgar D. Mitchell, who took...S71-18753 (9 Feb. 1971) --- The Apollo 14 Command Module (CM), with astronauts Alan B. Shepard Jr., commander; Stuart A....Astronaut Edgar D. Mitchell, lunar module pilot, is assisted out of the Command Module (CM) by a U.S. Navy underwater...