Ames Fluid Mechanics LabFluid Mechanics Laboratory at NASA's Ames Research Center Studies the Air Flow Around Model of Space Shuttle.When Ajay Ramesh and Prithvi Aiyaswamy, two seventh graders from Chaboya Middle School, San Jose, Calif., visited the Fluid Mechanics...NASA Ames Fluid Mechanics Lab Water Tunnel tests of flow around a 'black' FOOTBALL.NASA Ames Fluid Mechanics Lab Water Tunnel tests of flow around a 'black' FOOTBALL.The Ames Fluid Mechanics Laboratory Facilities to study the flow around an axisymmetric hill named "FAITH".Tennis Ball used as model in flow visualization test in Fluid Mechanics Laboratory (FML)Dr. Rabindra Mehta testing Soccer Ball at the Fluids Mechanics Lab.Dr Rabi Metha uses the Ames Fluid Mechanics Laboratory Facilities to study the flow around a SOCCER Ball.Dr Rabi Metha uses the Ames Fluid Mechanics Laboratory Facilities to study the flow around a SOCCER Ball.A series of experimental tests gathering various types of data is being conducted to better understand how air flows on...Dr Rabi Metha uses the Ames Fluid Mechanics Laboratory Facilities to study the flow around a SOCCER Ball.NASA Ames Fluid Mechanics Lab Water Tunnel tests of flow around a 'black' FOOTBALL.