The Energy Program encompasses management of funded energy conservation projects and renewable energy projects to support NASA’s energy management goals. The program promotes design and construction of energy efficient and sustainable buildings. To improve the energy efficiency of NASA facilities and to prepare NASA to construct large scale net zero energy buildings, NASA has developed an agency “Net Zero Energy Building Roadmap” identifying tactics and technologies to move from high performance buildings to net zero energy buildings.
The program advances these ends through functional leadership, program advice, and technical assistance to the Agency regarding energy investments, managing energy projects, and utility acquisitions. This includes guidance for the implementation of energy services agreements, contracts, and financing, such as Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC) and Utility Energy Services Contract (UESC) projects, and the use of Enhanced Use Lease (EUL) authorities for funding energy projects.
Agency Energy Program Manager: Wayne Thalasinos
Link: NASA Procedural Requirements for Energy and Water Program: NPR 88570.1