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NASA Natural Resource Initiatives

Natural Resource Management focuses on efficient use of natural resources while protecting the environment and valuable wildlife. This management further allows NASA to conserve natural resources for future generations. Partnerships with outside entities are vital for maintaining NASA’s progressive attitude towards management of natural resources.  These partnerships help build upon the foundation of NASA’s missions.

Creation of a Native Meadow 

With a shoestring budget and a lot of determination, the small 0.1 acre meadow area in front of the Earth Sciences Building at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD has become a shining star. Born from a collaboration with the University of Maryland Extension and the Master Gardener program, the meadow has meager beginnings. Sowed in 2017 from wild-collected seed and maintained with fairly minimal input from employees, in a little over four growing seasons the meadow project has bloomed into a nearly self-sustaining landscape that provides numerous ecosystem services. It serves as habitat to insects of many kinds, birds, mammals and even snakes; mitigates stormwater, sequesters carbon; provides beauty to the landscape; and offers health benefits. It has even caught the attention of Center management as the meadow offers an economic advantage over turf grass with its costly maintenance. Employees adore the meadow and want to see more areas transformed throughout the Center. The hope is that the B33 Meadow Demonstration Project serves as the prototype for future turf-to-meadow conversions at the Greenbelt campus, at other Goddard locations, and even elsewhere throughout the federal government. Other partnerships are being formed after the success of this one to continue on to other areas of the property.

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