About NRM
Natural Resource Management (NRM) at NASA
NASA’s global work on space exploration and aeronautic research predominately occurs on its 13 Centers and Facilities located throughout the United States. These facilities are also home to plants, animals, and the natural elements that support them including soil, air, water, and geological features. These natural resources are managed by multi-disciplined teams of experts executing NASA’s commitment to conservation, preservation, sustainability, and regulatory compliance.
While a Center’s natural resources are unique to a given area, all of NASA’s properties abide by legal requirements and seek to protect resources. Natural Resource Managers across the agency work to achieve regulatory compliance, protection of species, effective habitat management, and overall improvement of natural resource conditions. These efforts include partnerships with other federal and state-led environmental agencies, nonprofit organizations, and educational groups. Natural Resource Managers from different Centers collaborate regularly to share implementation strategies, identify opportunities, and learn from one another. By working together, NASA is able to continue pursuing its space and aeronautics mission while managing natural resources to protect the environment.
We encourage you to explore the website and learn about NASA Natural Resource Management programs!