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Picture Earth for Earth Day 2019

For Earth Day 2019, NASA invites you to celebrate the planet we call home with our #PictureEarth social media event.

NASA studies Earth as our mission to let you know what’s happening to your home. Our satellites and instruments #PictureEarth daily. Some take visible light photos, much like your camera. Others peer into the infrared, microwave and radio spectrums, which our human eyes can’t see. These images of Earth can be the width of an instrument’s path over the ground, a column of molecules in the air, the height of the ocean below, or even made up of signals emitted quietly from the surface.

Each satellite picture reveals a small detail of the land, water, atmosphere and life on Earth — a single brushstroke in the masterpiece that is our home planet.

Data globes of Earth
Four global views illustrate how NASA satellites and instruments #PictureEarth daily. From left to right, total precipitable water vapor average from the AIRS instrument on the Aqua satellite; monthly average sea level variation from the Jason-3 satellite; average daytime air temperature at the surface from AIRS; root zone soil moisture from the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) satellite.

How do you #PictureEarth?

Show NASA how you see our planet through photos posted on social media. Focus on the details around you with close-up images.

What makes your location on Earth special?

Where is the color of our living planet seen?

Is there a texture or pattern in your surroundings?

What makes Earth our home in the vast universe?

Look for Earth’s life, motion, and beauty: blooming flowers, ancient trees, colorful insects, furry and feathered animals, crashing waves, molten lava, puffy clouds, frozen ice and warm sunlight.

Montage of various photos
These photos of plants, animals, insects, and the atmosphere, land and water were taken by NASA employees and provide examples of how to #PictureEarth for Earth Day 2019.

Share your best Earth photo!

Share your best photo showing a detail of Earth on social media with hashtag #PictureEarth on Earth Day, Monday, April 22, 2019.

Be sure to tell us where your photo was taken in the text of your social media post. We’ll be watching Instagram, Twitter, and our Facebook event page for your images and messages celebrating our planet’s special day. We love to read posts from around the world because NASA Earth data is available to everyone – we’re all living on this planet together.

As with our previous Earth Day events, we’ll select some of the publicly-shared photos to showcase in videos and composite images featuring your beautiful imagery from around the world.

Earth book cover

Download the NASA Earth photo book

To see how we #PictureEarth from space, download the new NASA EARTH photo book featuring stunning satellite imagery:

Earth. Your home. Our mission.

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