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Atmospheric Science Branch (SGG)

NASA’s effort to further our understanding of atmospheric composition and dynamics is encapsulated in its recent Earth-Science-to-Action (ES2A) strategy, which calls for Earth Science Division (ESD) to increase the impact of Earth science in response to the urgency of the changes taking place on Earth.

Research conducted by scientists and engineers in NASA Ames’ Atmospheric Science Branch primarily supports the ESD Atmospheric Composition and Weather and Atmospheric Dynamics focus areas. The team designs and develops new instrument, and participates in collecting Earth observations from surface-based, airborne, and space-based platforms. They conduct studies to advance our understanding of changes in the Earth’s radiation balance, air quality, and the ozone layer that result from changes in atmospheric composition. That knowledge is used to improve our weather and climate predictive capability, while also delivering actionable information and applications to inform decisions about societal challenges.