
Campaign Objective:
The SaSa program will draw on NASA SMD’s (Science Mission Directorate’s) unique assets (aircraft, aircraft sensors and experts) to create an effective learning environment, where students will take part in a paid summer internship for

Campaign Objective:
SnowEx is an airborne campaign to determine which sensor or combination of sensors would work best at collecting global snow mass measurements from space — currently an inconsistently collected and

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Campaign Objective:
The Eco3D flight campaign objectives include:
* acquire coordinated active (lidar and radar) and passive (radiometer) data over forest ecosystems

Campaign Objective:
Polar Regions, with their extensive ice cover, are naturally sensitive to changes in surface air temperatures, and therefore could provide evidence of global temperature changes due to anthropogenic emissions.

Campaign Objective:
CLASIC (Cloud and Land Surface Interaction Campaign) focuses on advancing the understanding of how land surface processes influence cumulus convection.

Campaign Objective:
INTEX-B (Intercontinental Chemical Transport Experiment-Phase B) focuses on the long-range transport of pollution, global atmospheric photochemistry, and the effects of aerosols and clouds on radiation and climate.


Campaign Objective:
CLAMS is the Chesapeake Lighthouse and Aircraft Measurements for Satellites field campaign sponsored by CERES, MISR, MODIS-Atmospheres and the NASA/GEWEX Global Aerosol Climatology Project (GACP).

Campaign Objective:
The Southern African Regional Science Initiative (SAFARI) 2000 is an international science field campaign aimed at developing a better understanding of the southern Africa earth-atmosphere-human system.

Campaign Objective:
FIRE, the First ISCCP (International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project) Regional Experiment, went to the Arctic to study a variety of Arctic cloud systems under spring and summer conditions.


Campaign Objective:
The objectives for the SCAR mission are to advance our knowledge of how the physical, chemical and radiative processes in our atmosphere are affected by sulfate aerosol and smoke from biomass burning; to improve our expertise at remotely sensing s

Campaign Objective:
The Arctic Radiation Measurement in Column Atmosphere-surface System (ARMCAS) was a collaborative research effort between the Cloud and Aerosol Research (CAR) Group, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington (led by Professor Pe