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Take a deep dive into NASA’s electrified aircraft propulsion research and development.

An image of a desktop computer displaying a technical paper with an iPhone to the right displaying the front page of NASA’s Technical Reports Server website.

Researchers at NASA are continuously pushing the boundaries of innovation in electrified aircraft propulsion, publishing dozens of technical papers and presentations each year to share their findings with the world. Categorized by research areas, this collection of digital publications provides an in-depth look into the agency’s testing, development, and knowledge gained in all areas of electrified aircraft propulsion. 


System Requirements

What does it take to turn electrified aircraft propulsion into reality?

Explore an overview of the requirements, standards, and challenges that come with electrification in the aviation industry. 

Publications about System Requirements
A man and a women face away from the camera as they view colorful testing data displayed on multiple different screens in front of them inside a testing facility.
Researchers analyzing data from a cruise motor control test as part of NASA’s X-57 fully electric aircraft project.
NASA/Jef Janis


Technology Development

Innovative systems and components create the foundation for electrified aircraft propulsion.

Get an in-depth look inside NASA’s new technology innovations helping make future electrified aircraft propulsion systems more efficient. 

Publications about Technology Development
A woman with long brown hair examines a thin piece of material wedged in the middle of two metal testing devices.
A NASA engineer testing composite materials for the structure of NASA’s SUbsonic Single Aft eNgine (SUSAN) Electrofan.
NASA/Marvin Smith


Conceptual Aircraft Designs

Future electrified aircraft come in all sizes, propulsion system configurations, and vehicle architectures.

Dive into research and development of full-scale electrified aircraft concepts featuring hybrid and turboelectric configurations. 

Publications about Conceptual Aircraft Designs
Four men stand in front of a large screen discussing an image of a single-aisle aircraft with various colors indicating air flow across the vehicle.
Researchers conduct aerodynamics analysis for NASA’s SUbsonic Single Aft eNgine (SUSAN) Electrofan aircraft concept.


Flight Demonstrations

Integrating electrified aircraft propulsion technologies into flying testbeds helps accelerate development.

Learn more about NASA’s aeronautics projects that collaborate with industry to evaluate and mature electrified aircraft propulsion technologies through ground and flight tests. 

Publications about Flight Demonstrations
A turboprop plane with a red and white livery sits on a tarmac with a bright blue sky in the background. A man and a woman wearing safety vests stand at the front of the plane.
A De Havilland Dash 7 aircraft will serve as a hybrid electric aircraft testbed for flight demonstrations with electric motor manufacturer magniX under NASA’s Electrified Powertrain Flight Demonstration (EPFD) project.
NASA/David C. Bowman


Test Capabilities

Every step of the way, data and lessons learned are gathered from electrified aircraft propulsion ground testing.

Read more about progress being made at NASA Glenn’s labs and testbeds that enable comprehensive testing of electrified aircraft propulsion systems and components at various stages of development.

Publications about Test Capabilities
Two men adjust a device on a dynamometer surrounded by testing machinery and cables.
Researchers carry out hardware testing inside the Scaled Power ElEctrified Drivetrain (SPEED) testbed at NASA’s Glenn Research Center.
NASA/Jef Janis