Zhiting Tian
Cornell University
Sustained human presence on the Moon requires advances in mission-enabling cables and wires to realize a lunar electrical grid. The lunar environment presents challenges such as exposure to cosmic and UV radiation, extreme temperature deltas, and the electrostatic lunar exosphere and regolith. The electrical performance of high voltage power transmission (HVPT) cables is closely associated with the properties of the cable insulation. Modern polymeric insulators employed in cables on Earth and aeronautic wires fall short of the requirements for the electrical microgrid to operate effectively in a lunar environment. We propose a study on lightweight, multifunctional nanocomposites that will simultaneously act as an insulation and shielding layer. We will focus on improvements in thermal conductivity, dielectric strength, electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding, and mechanical strength of insulating polymer nanocomposites tailored to the demands of the lunar environment. The successful completion of this project will lead to dramatic improvements at the system level of performance, stability, and lifespan of current HVPT technologies.