Organization Name
University of Nevada, Reno
Organization POC
Hao Xu, Assistant Professor
POC E-mail
Area of Research Interest
Assured Autonomy (Intelligent and resilient distributed planning and control, real-time fault detection and resolution), Aviation/Aircraft Safety and Security (Cyber-security, block chain, guidance and navigation), Electrical Aircraft Design, Green Aviation, Air Traffic Management, UAS Traffic Management (UTM), Robotics Systems and UAV Design, Robot Autonomy, Formation Flight.
Lead Partner
Organization Name
Iowa State University
Organization POC
Hongwei Zhang, Associate Professor
POC E-mail
Area of Research Interest
Trustworthy, low-latency wireless systems for control and AR/VR
Lead Partner
Organization Name
Iowa State University
Organization POC
Hui HU, Professor
POC E-mail
Area of Research Interest
Aircraft Icing Physics and Anti-/De-icing; Unmanned-Aerial-System (UAS); UAS Aerodynamics and Propulsion; Aeroacoustics of UAS Propellers; Heat Transfer and Thermal Management of Gas Turbines
Lead Partner
Organization Name
University of Central Florida (Minority-Serving Institution)
Organization POC
Dr. Subith Vasu, Associate Professor
POC E-mail
Area of Research Interest
Topic 2: Innovation in Commercial Supersonic Aircraft (Strategic Thrust 2)
Topic 3: Subsonic Transport (Strategic Thrust 3a)
Topic 4: Civil Aircraft that Incorporate Vertical Lift Capability (Strategic Thrust 3b)
Topic 5: Transition to Alternative Propulsion and Energy (Strategic Thrust 4)
Gas turbine engines and propulsion system; Shock waves; Laser and optical sensors for engine and flow field characterization; Energy conversion;
Lead Partner
Organization Name
Western Illinois University-Quad City Manufacturing Lab
Organization POC
Dr. Eric Faierson, Interim Director
POC E-mail
Area of Research Interest
Topic 8: Materials and Structures
Lead Partner
Organization Name
University of Miami
Organization POC
Gecheng Zha
POC E-mail
Area of Research Interest
VTOL Aircraft, Flow control, High Fidelity CFD
Lead Partner
Organization Name
University of North Carolina at Greensboro, The Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering
Organization POC
Hemali Rathnayake, Associate Professor
POC E-mail
Area of Research Interest
Topic 8: Materials and Structures
Lead Partner
Organization Name
Michigan State University, Composite Materials and Structures Center
Organization POC
Lawrence T. Drzal, University Distinguished Professor, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science; Director, Composite Materials and Structures Center
POC E-mail
Area of Research Interest
Topic 8: Materials and Structures. Multifunctional polymers and composites, Surface and Interfacial Treatments for Adhesion and Adhesive Bonding; Graphene nanomaterials for mechanical, electrical, thermal, barrier, and fire retardancy property enhancement.
Lead Partner
Organization Name
University of Southern California
Organization POC
Qiming Wang, Assistant Professor
POC E-mail
Area of Research Interest
opic 8: Materials and Structures
Lead Partner
Organization Name
UNC Charlotte
Organization POC
Rodward L Hewlin, Jr., Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Tech
POC E-mail
Area of Research Interest
Topic 6: Real-Time System-Wide Safety Assurance
Lead Partner
Organization Name
Architecture Technology Corporation
Organization POC
Greg Carr, Research Engineer
POC E-mail
Area of Research Interest
Aviation Safety Analysis; Operations Research; Data Analysis and Visualization; Machine Learning; Cyber-Security; Fast-time and Real-time Simulation; Air Traffic Management/Air Traffic Control; Decision Support Automation; EFB Applications; UAS; Urban Air Mobility.
Lead Partner
Organization Name
Rutgers University
Organization POC
Dr. Rajiv Malhotra, Assistant Professor
POC E-mail
Area of Research Interest
Topic 8: Materials and structures. Scalable and automated additive- and deformation-based methods for integration of high performance conductive interconnects and functional devices with solid and/or shell structures.
Lead Partner
Organization Name
Arizona State University
Organization POC
Dhruv Bhate, Associate Professor
POC E-mail
Area of Research Interest
Topic 8: Materials & Structures
Specific interests in Additive Manufacturing, Biomimetic Design and Cellular Materials (i.e. honeycomb, lattices, foams)
Group Website:
Lead Partner
Organization Name
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Organization POC
Daewon Kim, Associate Professor
POC E-mail
Area of Research Interest
Topic 6: Real-Time System-Wide Safety Assurance
Lead Partner
Organization Name
ATAC Corporation
Organization POC
Dr. Aditya Saraf, Director of Research Programs
POC E-mail
Area of Research Interest
Autonomy; UAS Traffic Management; Explainable Artificial Intelligence; Aviation Safety Analysis; Fast-time and Real-time Air Traffic Simulation Tools; Aviation Big Data Analytics; Urban Air Mobility Noise Estimation; Environmental Analysis; ATM Decision Support Tools; Data Analysis and Visualization; ATM Benefits Assessment; ATM Concepts Development and Analysis
Lead Partner
Organization Name
University at Buffalo,
State University of New York
Organization POC
James Chen, Assistant Professor
POC E-mail
Area of Research Interest
Topic 2: Supersonic Commercial Aircraft;
Topic 3: Subsonic Transport;
Topic 5: Alternative Propulsion and Energy;
Compressible Turbulence, Hypersonics; Nonequilibrium Phenomena.
Lead Partner
Organization Name
Syracuse University
Organization POC
Amit K. Sanyal, Associate Professor
POC E-mail
Area of Research Interest
Topic 7: Assured Autonomy for Aviation Transformation (DAA for UAS in the NAS, UTM)
Lead Partner
Organization Name
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Organization POC
Fotis Kopsaftopoulos, Assistant Professor, Intelligent Structural Systems Laboratory (ISSL), Mechanical, Aerospace, and Nuclear Engineering
POC E-mail
Area of Research Interest
Topic 8: Materials and Structures (intelligent self-aware structures, SHM diagnostics and prognostics, aeroelasticity/structural dynamics),
Topic 6: Real-Time System-Wide Safety Assurance (intelligent systems, stochastic systems, system identification, fault detection and identification)
Lead Partner
Organization Name
Purdue University
Organization POC
Guillermo Paniagua, Professor
POC E-mail
Area of Research Interest
Turbomachinery; measurement techniques; propulsion
Lead Partner
Organization Name
Texas A&M University
Organization POC
Lesley Wright, Associate Professor
POC E-mail
Area of Research Interest
Topics 3 and 4 – Aircraft Propulsion; Heat Transfer in Turbomachinery; Flow and Thermal Diagnostics for Advanced Propulsion Applications
Lead Partner
Lead / Partner
Organization Name
Rutgers University
Organization POC
Onur Bilgen, Assistant Professor
POC E-mail
Area of Research Interest
Topic 5: Transition to Alternative Propulsion and Energy
Topic 8: Materials and Structures
Expertise: Morphing structures, multi-functional materials, fluid-structure interaction
Lead Partner
Lead / Partner
Organization Name
University of Cincinnati
Organization POC
Dr. Ou Ma, Professor
POC E-mail
Area of Research Interest
Topic 7: Assured Autonomy for Aviation Transformation
Lead Partner
Lead / Partner
Organization Name
Collins Aerospace
Organization POC
Laura M Smith-Velazquez
POC E-mail
Area of Research Interest
Commercial Supersonic Aircraft
Intelligent Flight Deck Technology leading to Increasingly Autonomous Systems
Human Autonomy Teaming
Lead Partner
Organization Name
University of California, Berkeley
Organization POC
Susan Shaheen, Professor
Adam Cohen, Researcher
POC E-mail
Area of Research Interest
Public Perception/Societal Acceptance of UAM, VTOL, Electrification, and Autonomous Aviation
Topics 1, 4, 5, 7
Topic 1: Safe, Efficient Growth in Global Operations
Topic 4: Civil Aircraft that Incorporate Vertical Lift Capability
Topic 5: Transition to Alternative Propulsion and Energy
Topic 7: Assured Autonomy for Aviation Transformation
Lead Partner
Organization Name
Utah State University
Organization POC
Doug Hunsaker, Assistant Professor
POC E-mail
Area of Research Interest
Topic 2: Innovation in Commercial Supersonic Aircraft (Strategic Thrust 2)
Topic 3: Subsonic Transport (Strategic Thrust 3a)
Topic 4: Civil Aircraft that Incorporate Vertical Lift Capability (Strategic Thrust 3b)
Topic 5: Transition to Alternative Propulsion and Energy (Strategic Thrust 4)
Aerodynamics, Flight Mechanics, Flight Simulation, Low-Fidelity Aerodynamic Modeling and Analysis, Aircraft Design, Subsonic/Supersonic.
Lead Partner
Organization Name
University of Kansas
Organization POC
Haiyang Chao, Assistant Professor
POC E-mail
Area of Research Interest
Topic 7: Assured Autonomy for Aviation Transformation, wind/turbulence estimation, aircraft wake encounter, formation flight, sensor fusion, vision aided navigation, aircraft system identification.
Lead Partner
Organization Name
General Atomics-Aeronautical Systems Inc.
Organization POC
Robert D. Love, Ph.D.
POC E-mail
Area of Research Interest
Leading manufacturer of Remotely Piloted Aircraft systems, radars, electro-optic and related mission systems solutions. Multi-disciplinary unmanned aircraft conceptual design and optimization (VTOL/STOL/CTOL), composite structures, hybrid-electric & electric propulsion systems, morphing wings and aeroservoelasticity.
Lead Partner
Organization Name
University of Virginia
Organization POC
Haiying Shen, Associate Professor
POC E-mail
Area of Research Interest
Topic 6: Real-Time System-Wide Safety Assurance
Lead Partner
Organization Name
University of Toledo
Organization POC
Mohammad Elahinia
POC E-mail
Area of Research Interest
Topic 8: additive manufacturing of HTSMA for embedded actuation of aerospace systems
Lead Partner
Organization Name
FGC Plasma Solutions
Organization POC
Felipe Gomez del Campo
POC E-mail
Area of Research Interest
Topic 2: Innovation in Commercial Supersonic Aircraft (Strategic Thrust 2)
Topic 3: Subsonic Transport (Strategic Thrust 3a)
Plasma-assisted combustion for low emissions, fuel flexible, compact combustors, active combustion control, hypersonics, gas turbine combustion
Lead Partner
Organization Name
University of Central Florida
(Minority-Serving Institution)
Organization POC
Dr. Kareem Ahmed
POC E-mail
Area of Research Interest
Topic 2: Innovation in Commercial Supersonic Aircraft (Strategic Thrust 2)
Topic 3: Subsonic Transport (Strategic Thrust 3a)
Topic 4: Civil Aircraft that Incorporate Vertical Lift Capability (Strategic Thrust 3b)
Topic 5: Transition to Alternative Propulsion and Energy (Strategic Thrust 4)
Propulsion systems and gas turbine engines, supersonic flows, combustion, high-speed laser optical diagnostics.
Lead Partner
Organization Name
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Organization POC
Peter Webley, Research Associate Professor
POC E-mail
Area of Research Interest
Unmanned Aircraft System Anti-/Deicing; Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS); UAS integration into U.S. National Airspace System; Large and Small UAS Operations; Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) UAS; UAS Traffic Management (UTM); Detect and Avoid (DAA) Technologies.
Lead Partner
Organization Name
University of Southern California
Organization POC
Sven Koenig, Professor
POC E-mail
Area of Research Interest
Topic 7: Assured Autonomy for Aviation Transformation artificial intelligence (planning and coordination) and robotics group working on autonomous aircraft towing vehicles (as listed in the ARMD Strategic Thrust 6: Assured Autonomy for Aviation Transformation – Vision and Roadmap)
Lead Partner
Organization Name
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Organization POC
Changmin Son, Professor
POC E-mail
Area of Research Interest
An integrated real-time flight safety and aero-engine diagnostics and prognostics system utilizing combined airframe, engine and atmospheric data
Lead Partner
Organization Name
University of Pittsburgh
Organization POC
Inanc Senocak, Associate Professor
POC E-mail
Area of Research Interest
Adaptive mesh methods for high fidelity subsonic aerodynamics, extreme-scale computing, wind estimation in urban and complex terrain environments for civil aviation and urban air mobility.
Lead Partner
Organization Name
Boise State University
Organization POC
Aykut C. Satici, Assistant Professor in the Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering
POC E-mail
Area of Research Interest
Robotics, control theory, dynamical systems, multi-agent cooperation, and optimization
Lead Partner
Organization Name
Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott
Organization POC
Sam Siewert, Assistant Professor
POC E-mail
Area of Research Interest
Assured Autonomy with emphasis on GPS denied, jammed, spoof or challenged scenarios and resilient navigation for fail safe and fail secure operations. Specifically ground and flight instrumentation with multi-modal sensor fusion. On the ground, RADAR, visible and LWIR optical, and acoustic localization, classification, potential identification and catalogs and history of sUAS, UAM, and GA traffic. For flight systems, multi-modal sensor fusion with LIDAR, LWIR, high fidelity INS and visible optical localization. Emphasis is machine vision and machine learning for autonomous operations and resilience of operation with or without GNSS.
Lead Partner
Organization Name
Georgia Institute of Technology
Organization POC
Krish Ahuja, Regents Professor
POC E-mail
Area of Research Interest
Lead Partner
Organization Name
Kent State University
Organization POC
Rui Liu, Ph.D.
POC E-mail
Area of Research Interest
Trust in HRI, robot safety awareness, robot attention, robot commonsense in decision making, resilient multi-robot systems, adversarial/deep/reinforcement learning
Lead Partner
Organization Name
Oklahoma State University
Organization POC
Omer San, Assistant Professor
POC E-mail
Area of Research Interest
Development of digital twin technologies, cyber-physical infrastructure, big data analytics, data assimilation, inference, intrusive and nonintrusive reduced order modeling of parameterized systems for near real-time predictions
Lead Partner
Organization Name
Boeing Research & Technology
Organization POC
Frederick Calkins, Associate Technical Fellow
POC E-mail
Area of Research Interest
Novel actuator development supporting active flow control and structural flow control; lightweight, robust, highly integrated Shape Memory Alloy actuators and supporting technology
Lead Partner
ULI Round 1 and 2 Partner List
University Leadership Initiative