Based on experience with previous rounds of University Leadership Initiative (ULI) selections, these general comments from proposal reviewers may be helpful to those responding to a current ULI solicitation.
- The proposal title should reflect the main objective of the proposal and avoid proposal titles that sound duplicative of ULI tasks that have already been awarded.
- Clearly communicate the focus and how the focus of the proposal links to the aviation outcomes defined in NASA Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate’s Strategic Implementation Plan. Show a clear flow down from the desired strategic plan outcome to the work that is proposed.
- Ensure that all parts of the proposal are clearly connected and describe how the parts support the overall proposal goals.
- Describe solid options for technology transition. The ULI goal is to improve both the community knowledge and transition to industry and/or to current NASA Aeronautics research projects. Rather than doing internal research and development for one company, more than one company could benefit from the transition.
- Discuss the rationale and impact of metrics that are chosen. Describe why the metrics are key measures of success.
- Discuss and provide rationale for focus on a specific configuration selection, specific technology target, or a range of technical areas. Describe why these are the important areas for the ULI focus.
- Proposals need to present the case that it is not too ambitious with respect to the scheduled completion timeframe. Access to tools/facilities that are critical to the success of the project should be readily available when needed.
- Ensure strong Historically Black Colleges and Universities/Minority-Serving Institution (HBCU/MSI) participation in the proposal and that the technical research and education plan reflects collaborative input from each university involved. Identify the HBCU/MSI partner within the proposal. It is not sufficient to simple state that a university is identified as a HBCU or MSI and will leverage existing programs. Proposals need to clearly address how underrepresented students would be involved in the proposed activities. The proposal should include any necessary budget allowance for the support of educational activities.
- Do not put U.S. Government personnel on the proposal as a “partner” or “co-I.” Inclusion of U.S. Government as anything other than a collaborator is specifically prohibited in the solicitation and could disqualify a proposal.
- Although it is good to have a proposal that has broad participation and is comprehensive in including all the technical aspects of a problem, this must be balanced so as not to dilute the overall effort.
- Ensure that all required information as described in the solicitation fits within the required page number limit. Additional pages will not be reviewed and could disqualify a proposal.
University Leadership Initiative