USRC Tech Talk: Drone Delivery ‘Catching a Ride’ on Public Transportation
ULI Tech Talk: Summary and Lessons Learned for Slotted, Natural-Laminar-Flow Airfoil
USRC Tech Talk: Sustainable Transport Research Aircraft for Test Operation (STRATO)
USRC Tech Talk: Additive Manufacturing Using In-Process Sensing and Machine Learning
USRC Tech Talk: Robotic Aerial Vehicle Fabricator Autonomous, robotic UAS
ULI Tech Talk: Composite Manufacturing Technologies
ULI Tech Talk: Safe Aviation Autonomy with Learning Enabled Components in the Loop
ULI Tech Talk: Secure and Safe Assured Autonomy (S2A2)
ULI Tech Talk: Atoms to Aircraft to Spacecraft
ULI Tech Talk: WINDMAP Weather Intelligent Navigation Data and Modeling
ULI Tech Talk: Transforming Manual Processes in Aircraft Manufacturing through Human Robot Teaming
USRC Tech Talk: Hybrid Airplanes An Optimum and Modular Approach
ULI Tech Talk: Development of an Ecosystem for Qualification of Additive Manufacturing Processes and Materials in Aviation
ULI Tech Talk: Enabling Aircraft Distributed Electric Propulsion through Cryogenic Hydrogen Energy
USRC Tech Talk: Multi-Mode Hybrid Unmanned Delivery System Combining Fixed Wing and Multi-Rotor Aircraft
USRC Tech Talk: GNSS Based Precise Navigation for Future UAS
USRC Tech Talk: Autonomous Vehicle for Infinite Air Time Apparatus (AVIATA)
ULI Tech Talk – Hyper Spectral Communications and Networking for Air Traffic Management
ULI Tech Talk: Design of Quiet Morphing Supersonic Aircraft
USRC Tech Talk: ATLAS – Advanced Transportation through Leading-Edge Aerial Systems
USRC Tech Talk: Improvement in Airframe Efficiency through a Modern Approach to Vortex Generation
ULI Tech Talk: OSU – Electric Propulsion Challenges and Opportunities
ULI Tech Talk: ASU – Dr. Yongming Liu
USRC Tech Talk: Robert Moore
ULI Tech Talk: UTK – Jim Coder
USRC Tech Talk: ATLAS Advanced Transportation through Leading-Edge Aerial Systems
University Leadership Initiative
Transformative Aeronautics Concepts Program