Division Functions
- Design and Construction
- Operations and Management
- Master Planning
- Real Estate Planning
- Energy
NASA’s sustainability policy is to execute the mission without compromising our planet’s resources so that future generations can meet their needs. Sustainability provides a unique opportunity to continuously improve the resilience of NASA’s space and ground asset operations and performance. The NASA will continue to integrate sustainability principles into existing policies and procedures. NASA requires sustainable principles to be incorporated into all new construction, renovations and leases.
Several years before the Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Memorandum of Understanding was issued, NASA set a policy requiring projects planned in fiscal year 2006 and beyond to meet the minimum Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating of Silver and strive to meet a LEED rating of Gold. As of mid-FY2015, we have exceeded those goals with over 57 percent of the gross square feet of NASA’s LEED-certified buildings rated Gold or Platinum. NASA’s current sustainable buildings policy requires all major projects to comply with the five guiding principles described for Federal High Performance and Sustainable Buildings (FHPSB) in Exec. Order 13514, Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance and Exec. Order 13423, Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management. In addition, new building construction and major renovations must meet a minimum LEED Silver rating.
NASA continues to make progress on its energy intensity and sustainable building goals. The sustainable building goal of fifteen percent of new construction and existing buildings, measured in gross square feet within the building inventory, has been met one year earlier than required by executive order. NASA continues to work toward meeting sustainable building goals, as measured by number of buildings. Facility Engineering continues to support coordination and integration across the Agency by providing sustainable practices through guidance and training to the Centers.
Guiding Principles for Federal Leadership in High Performance Sustainable Buildings
Policy Requirements
NASA Partnering Guide
Sustainable Policy Handbook for Facilities, December 15, 2010
NASA Project Definition Rating Index (PDRI)
Congressional Reports
FY 2008 Plan for Developing NASA Facilities
2009 Technology Innovation Magazine Green Article – “Sustainability”
CoF Routine Transaction Form, 2012
Self Assessment Metrics, December 2013
EUL Routine Transaction From
POE Guidebook
Reliability Centered Building and Equipment (RCB&E) Acceptance Guide
NASA Commissioning Guide November 2015
RCB&E Acceptance Course:
RCB&E Course Description
RCB&E Course Presentation
BIM Guide
Building Information Modeling, Scope of Service and Requirements for Architects and Engineers