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Doing Business with IV&V

NASA’s IV&V Program has a primary business focus of supporting NASA missions.  The Program takes a systems engineering approach to enable efficient, cost-effective services through the use of broad-based expertise, adaptive software engineering best practices and a comprehensive toolset.  IV&V leads to higher quality products, reduced risk and cost, greater insight for decision makers and increased knowledge transfer.  IV&V Program services include the following:

  • System and Software Assurance
    • Full lifecycle IV&V
    • Independent assessments
  • Safety and Mission Assurance (SMA) Support Services
    • Hazard analysis
    • Risk assessment
    • Software assurance plan development and evaluation
    • Standards development and evaluation
    • IV&V surveillance
  • Cybersecurity and Information Assurance (IA)
    • System security Assurance
    • Vulnerability assessment
    • Assessment and authorization
    • Risk assessment
    • Security training
    • Security testing (penetration testing, code analysis and vulnerability scanning)
    • Software Assurance and IV&V Research

NASA’s IV&V Program is interested in potentially expanding partnerships and establishing alliances with federal and state agencies, and strategically partnering with institutions relating to enabling and supporting our program’s mission and values.  NASA’s IV&V Program is a proven solution provider for organizations who want to ensure their system software operates reliably, safely, and securely. For more information about starting a space act agreement or entering another type of partnership to receive services from NASA’s IV&V Program, please contact Jarrod Petersavage (