Our number one goal is protecting our people and community by providing our workforce with a safe and healthy workplace. The wellbeing of our employees and the success of our facility is rooted in this critical endeavor and our Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Health Programs work in close collaboration to fulfill this commitment to our people.
Our industrial hygienists foster a safe and healthy work environment by
- Ensuring our personnel are following federal, state, and local health and safety laws, regulations, and procedures,
- Investigating and examining our workplace for potential dangers, and hazards,
- Making recommendations to improve the safety of our workers and surrounding community,
- Researching and developing techniques to anticipate and control potentially dangerous situations, and
- Training and educating our workforce about job-related risks.
Because our facility is located in a remote area for the purpose of testing hazardous materials, certain natural and operational hazards are inherent as a part of the work we do. Our medical clinic is staffed by medical and occupational health professionals who provide our personnel with top quality level of health and safety including
- CPR training,
- Emergency and routine medical care,
- Health promotion and immunization programs,
- Medical clearance for respirator use,
- Medical support for work-related tasks,
- Review of medical records, and
- Return to work evaluations.
When not available, the clinic is backed up by our Protective Services so assistance is available around the clock.