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Three Part ARSET Supported Lightning Trainings Successfully Presented to the Science Community

A collaboration between the MSFC Lightning Team, NOAA NESDIS, and the NASA ARSET (Applied Remote Sensing Training) team completed on 4/2/24 with the final installment of a three-part series focused on Lightning Observations and Applications. On 3/26/24, Part 1 was presented to an audience of people from around the globe focused on the background and history of lightning measurements. This presentation was given by Steven Goodman of Thunderbolt Technologies. Part 2 was titled” Overview of Current Lightning Data Products from Remote Sensing” and was given by MSFC Lightning lead Timothy Lang (ST11). This presentation focused a lot on NASA lightning missions, field campaigns, and data access and was given on 3/28/24. The final installment of the ARSET lightning series was given on 4/2/24 by Scott Rudlosky of NOAA NESDIS and Christopher Schultz (ST11) of MSFC. This third part focused specifically on the Geostationary Lightning Mapper and applications of the data for science, identify lightning hazards, and safety. The average total attendance was around 225 people per session. Schultz took a lead role in working with the ARSET team to identify the speakers, topics, and review materials for presentation. Each of the 6 sessions (2 per day per topic, 1.5 hours each session) were followed up with 10-15 questions from the audience. The ARSET team indicates that there is potential for additional lightning-based trainings going forward given the response to this first series.