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Release 2 of the U.S. Greenhouse Gas Center (U.S. GHG Center)

On 5/6/24, the U.S. GHG Center (beta) went live with its second release now featuring updated GHG datasets, a new visualization and exploration environment, new content, and other development changes, most of which were led by the IMPACT GHG Center System Development Team. The greatest developmental change between releases has been the enhanced Exploration and Analysis Environment, which now allows users to add and stack data layers from US GHG Center datasets to compare data visually and temporally. The latest release also includes new atmospheric carbon dioxide and methane concentration data from the NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory, expanded spatial and temporal resolution for several datasets including the NASA Wetland Methane Emissions LPJ-EOSIM model and the NASA MiCASA Land Carbon Flux model, a streamlined Data Catalog user interface providing clearer filtering capabilities and dataset views, and a new introduction video for the portal highlighting its main features and pages. For more information on the U.S. Greenhouse Gas Center please visit:

U.S. Greenhouse Gas Center video from their website.