Science and Research
NASA scientists conduct groundbreaking research across earth science, planetary science, heliophysics and astrophysics to answer some of the most profound questions facing humanity. In addition to exploring the vast unknowns of space, our science research is driving technology to improve life here on Earth. From supporting water purification efforts worldwide to developing critical medical advances, our scientists are uncovering discoveries that benefit humanity.
Quick Facts
A Journey of Discovery
Our diverse team of astrophysicists, geologists, biologists, chemists—the list goes on—are an integral part of NASA’s mission. And we don’t just work in traditional labs. We’re designing instruments for the first probe to touch the Sun. We’re developing hardware to detect compounds on Mars. Whether you’re working on the launch pad or studying the potential of DNA sequencing for crew health on the International Space Station—we’re involved in research and operations that will make an enduring impact.
Our scientists are always up for a challenge and our innovative culture ensures that no two days are the same. You’ll have the freedom to choose which projects within NASA’s science portfolio you work on. To pursue your dream project, it takes patience, resiliency and a proactive nature to work through the proposal and funding process—but you’re rewarded with the opportunity to solve problems no one else in the world has had a chance to tackle. In addition to pioneering cutting-edge research, our scientists have a unique ability to share their findings with the wide NASA community, partners, and the public to ensure our critical work is accessible to everyone.
NASA also employs scientists who play a critical role in science management. Program, project and discipline scientists work together to carry out science investigations, monitor program execution and ensure the scientific success of the mission. And, our discipline scientists also manage research programs, develop policy and maintain oversight of budget and scientific progress of selected investigations.
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Employee Spotlight
Meet Sarah Noble, a discipline scientist in the planetary science division. Her “everyday extraordinary” is using creativity to solve scientific problems.