ISS Daily Summary Report – 7/16/2024
Boeing CST-100 Crewed Flight Test (CFT): Today, the CFT crew assisted the ISS crew by completing a Waste Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Filter Removal & Replacement (R&R), and completing various hydroponic flow tests with Plant Water Management 6 (PWM-6) hardware.
Lumina: The crew power-cycled the Lumina hardware, and transferred the science data to a Station Support Computer (SSC) for subsequent downlink. Lumina uses optical fibers which darken on exposure to radiation as detectors. More information on the Lumina fiber dosimeter experiment can be found here.
Plant Water Management 5 and 6 (PWM-5/6): The crew performed various hydroponic flow tests with PWM-6 hardware. More about the PWM experiment can be found here.
Zero Treadmill-2 (Zero T2): A crewmember performed an Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull (IMTP) exercise on Advanced Resistive Exercise Device (ARED) equipment. More information on the Zero T2 experiment can be found here.
WHC Pump Separator and Filter Hose R&R: Today, the crew performed In-Flight Maintenance on the WHC system, completing both a Pump Separator R&R and a Filter Hose R&R. The Pump Separator is a component of the WHC system that separates liquid from air. The Filter Hose is a particulate filter inside the WHC that needs to be replaced every 12 months. The WHC feeds directly into the Urine Processor Assembly (UPA) which purifies waste liquid into potable water onboard the ISS.
Functional Cargo Block (FGB) USOS Audit: The crew continued an audit of USOS hardware stowed in the FGB. Audits are regularly performed in different sections of the ISS to ensure an accurate inventory of on-orbit equipment. The FGB, also known as Zarya was the first module of the ISS, primarily used for storage. It is the module connecting the Russian SM and the USOS Node 1.
PMA1 and FGB Hardware Gather: Today, the crew gathered equipment from PMA1 and the FGB. This equipment was moved to Node 1 to insure accessibility during upcoming operations.
Look Ahead Plan
Wednesday, July 17 (GMT 199)
- Astrobee Zero-Robotics Dry Run
- BioLab Glovebox Gloves Check
- ELC-6 Troubleshoot – Remove cable from ER9B And Use On ELC-6 Hooked Connected to ER11B
- JAXA Commercial Video Take 2 (PLT setup) Checkout with Materials Arriving On NG-21
- KEyence Research MIcroscope Testbed (KERMIT) USB Key Insert
- Minus Eighty-Degree Laboratory Freezer for ISS (MELFI) Icebrick Installs
- Plant UV-B Laptop Setup
- Plant Water Management 6 – Root Test Operations
- Protein Crystallization Research Facility (PCRF) Relocation
- Sleep In Orbit Post and Pre Sleep Operations and Battery Charge
- STEMonstration DNA demo
- Thigh Cuff Hardware Prep
- COL Stowage Management
- Node 3 Moderate Temperature Loop (MTL) Gas Trap Plug Replacement
- Toilet Hardware Cleanup
- USOS Food Audit
- LAB Stowage Management
Beginning Monday, July 29th, the IMC Daily Summary will be discontinued.
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