ISS Daily Summary Report – 7/10/2024
Boeing CST-100 Crewed Flight Test (CFT): Today, the CFT crew completed the ongoing Fluid System Servicer (FSS) refills, and purged and stowed the FSS and associated jumpers, and then participated in the on-orbit emergency simulation. The CFT crew also held a PAO event to answer questions from the media.
Cerebral Autoregulation: Cerebral Autoregulation measurement session was executed. More information on this experiment can be foundhere.
Surface Avatar: The crew performed the Surface Avatar hardware teardown. This experiment studies the control of a team of ground robots by an astronaut on the ISS using a force-feedback joystick. More information on this experiment can be found here.
Internal Thermal Control System (ITCS) Fluid System Servicer (FSS) Setup and Refill of the Node 3 Moderate Temperature Loop (MTL) and Low Temperature Loop (LTL) Pump Package Assembly (PPA) Accumulators: Today, the crew set up the FSS and refilled both of the Node 3 MTL and LTL PPA Accumulators. This concluded the ongoing FSS operations. Afterwards, the FSS and associated jumpers were purged and stowed. The ITCS provides equipment cooling and heat rejection through a combination of water loops and interface heat exchangers. The FSS is used to assist in the startup, maintenance, and repair of water lines and systems in racks on the ISS.
On-board Training (OBT) Cygnus Departure Review: The crew completed onboard reviews of the Cygnus release procedures and training videos in preparation of the NG-20 unberth. NG-20 is currently berthed on the port at Node 1 Nadir and is planned to remain at the space station until July 12th, before it departs the ISS for an eventual destructive re-entry in the Earth’s atmosphere.
OBT Emergency Simulation: Today, the crew participated in a training exercise for ISS rapid depressurization and fire emergency scenarios. The emergency training involved crew and ground teams working together to practice communication and coordination while the crew physically translated through ISS to the appropriate response locations to visualize the use of equipment and interfaces. A post-simulation crew conference took place to discuss and evaluate the crew/ground control responses during the training event.
Look Ahead Plan
Thursday, July 11 (GMT 193)
- Complement of Integrated Protocols for Human Exploration Research (CIPHER) Collections
- European Drawer Rack Mk II (EDR-2) Checkout
- European IP Comm Laptop (EICL) and the Columbus Network Monitoring and Administration Unit (CMAU) Zbook Deployment and Connection
- Genes in Space Molecular Operations and Sequencing (GiSMOS) –DNA Extraction
- Human Research Program (HRF) Sample Collections
- ISS Ham Pass
- Kentucky Re-Entry Probe Experiment 2 (KREPE-2) Hardware Activation
- Plant Habitat CO2 Bottle Close
- Plasma Kristall-4 (PK-4) Data Transfer
- Sleep In Orbit PostSleep and PreSleep Operations
- Space Tissue Equivalent Dosimeter (SpaceTED) Data Transfer
- Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Loop Scrub and Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Checkout
- NG-20 Cargo Closeout and Release Preparation Operations
- CGSE Gas Bottle Unit CO2 R&R
- Node 3 MTL and LTL Gas Trap Plug Replacement