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ISS On-Orbit Status Report

ISS Daily Summary Report – 7/01/2024

Integrated Laser Communications Relay Demonstration (LCRD) Low Earth Orbit User Modem and Amplifier Terminal (ILLUMA-T) Jettison: Over the weekend, ground operators prepared ILLUMA-T for jettison by grappling the lasercom experiment with the Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS). The payload was released from the station at 11:18 AM on Saturday, June 29th. After release, the SSRMS backed away clear of the payload and ILLUMA-T drifted away from the ISS. ILLUMA-T is on a safe trajectory relative to ISS.

ISS Reboost: On Saturday, the ISS performed a reboost using the Aft Progress 87P rendezvous and docking (R&D) thrusters. This was one of a series of reboosts to set up proper phasing conditions for the upcoming Progress 89P launch in mid-August. The burn duration was 09 minutes 10 seconds with a delta-V of 0.78 m/s.

Boeing CST-100 Crewed Flight Test (CFT): Today, the CFT crew completed a variety of cargo and stowage activities to assist the ISS crew. They performed a PMM Cleanup, an FGB USOS Audit, and disassembled the NanoRacks CubeSat Triple Deployer. The CFT Crew also performed a set of Moon Microscope operations.


Amazon Web Services Snowcone (AWS Snowcone): The crew powered up the AWS Snowcone to enable a new software load. AWS Snowcone is an example of an edge computing system, which attempts to keep the computer, storage, and data sources close together. More information on AWS Snowcone can be found here.

B Complex: A crewmember consolidated the contents of the partially filled supplement bottle with a new bottle and then trashed the empty bottle. B Complex studies the use of B-vitamins as a countermeasure for Spaceflight associated neuro-ocular syndrome (SANS), a condition which changes the vision in some astronauts. More information on this experiment can be found here.

ISS Ham Radio: The crew participated in an ISS Ham contact with the Moroccan School of Engineering Sciences (EMSI) in Casablanca, Morocco. EMSI is the largest engineering school in Morocco with more than 13,000 students across 18 campuses. More information on this experiment can be found here.

Standard Measures (SM): The crew completed their presleep questionnaires in support of the SM investigation. The questionnaires are one of several SM core measurements designed to characterize spaceflight adaptation. More information on Standard Measures can be found here.


Transfer Cygnus Cargo Operations: Today, the crew continued cargo transfer operations between the ISS and the NG-20 cargo vehicle. NG-20 is scheduled to remain on ISS until July 12th when it will unberth from ISS for an eventual destructive re-entry in the Earth’s atmosphere. Due to its destructive re-entry, Cygnus provides an opportunity to offload some of the unwanted mass onboard the ISS.

Lab Maintenance Operations: Today, the crew performed a few activities as part of in-flight maintenance in the Lab. The Lab Forward Port Intermodule Ventilation (IMV) Fans and Silencer Inlets were cleaned and inspected. The crew also replaced two missing Dzus fasteners used to secure LAB Closeout Panels.

Audio Terminal Unit (ATU) and Headset Extension Cable (HEC) Audit: The crew located and audited HECs to identify damage on connectors or alignment keys. HEC alignment pins were photographed and any HECs with pulled back sleeving were repaired with Kapton tape. ATUs audits include taking photographs and recording audio for each unit. All audio and imagery was downlinked for review by ground teams.

Moon Microscope: The crew collected blood to stain a slide which was examined using Moon Microscope. Images were obtained using the microscope and downlinked to the ground where flight surgeons will use sample imagery to check for illness or prescribe treatment. Moon Microscope can also be used to test water, food, and surfaces for contamination.

Look Ahead Plan

Tuesday, July 2 (GMT 184)

  • B Complex
  • Earth Knowledge Acquired by Middle schools (EarthKAM)
  • ISS Ham Contact
  • Plant Habitat
  • Standard Measures
  • Surface Avatar
  • Thor Davis
  • Transparent Alloys


  • Columbus Life Extension Audit
  • Transfer Cygnus Cargo Operations
  • EVA Battery Operations
  • HMS OCT2 Exam