ISS Daily Summary Report – 12/14/2023
Astro Bit: Materials were gathered to support upcoming Astro Bit experiment activities. As part of the ultra:space, Coding on ISS with Astro Bit experiment, students in Denmark and the other Scandinavian countries design an experiment that can also be repeated aboard the ISS with an interesting scientific outcome. The students program their own BBC micro:bit microcontrollers to implement their experiment and submit the resulting code, while being permitted to use a number of space station common items. The winning five experiments are then performed and filmed aboard the station using the Astro Bit experiment. The results are downlinked to Earth and returned to the student teams for analysis.
Fiber Optic Production-2 (FOP-2): The crew gained access to the MSG work volume and performed an inspection of the fiber alignment components. FOP-2 builds on previous work to manufacture commercial optical fibers in microgravity using a blend of elements called ZBLAN. Earlier theoretical and experimental studies suggest ZBLAN optical fibers produced in microgravity exhibit qualities superior to those of fibers produced on Earth. Results from FOP-2 could help further verify these studies and guide manufacture of high value optical fiber aboard the space station for commercial use.
ISS Ham: An ISS Ham pass was supported with the Primary School of Zipari Kos in Zipari, Greece. Some of the questions asked by the students included if the astronauts ever make repairs in space, what planet the astronauts consider their favorite, and what scares astronauts in space. Since the earliest space station expeditions, ISS Ham Radio has allowed groups of students in schools, camps, museums, and planetariums to hold a conversation with the people living in space. As the ISS passes overhead, students have about nine minutes to ask crew members 10 to 20 questions.
Polar Cold Stowage Transfers: The crew removed selected frozen and refrigerated science samples from the Minus Eighty-Degree Laboratory Freezers for ISS (MELFIs) and transferred them to Polars. This was performed in preparation for return on SpX-29. MELFI are the large, primary cold storage units on the ISS. They use nitrogen as a working fluid and have standard set points of -95°C, -35°C and 2°C. Polars provides transport and storage of science samples at cryogenic temperatures (-80°C) to and from the ISS. They can each accommodate up to 12.75 liters of sample volume and 20 lbm including sample support equipment.
Virtual Reality (VR) Mental Care: Experiment batteries were charged in preparation for a VR Mental Care experiment session. The VR Mental Care investigation demonstrates the application of VR for mental relaxation, using 360° high quality (HQ) VR video and sound scenarios delivered via a VR headset. The overall aim is to use VR technology to provide a positive impact on the general mental health of astronauts during a space mission. Investigation activities consist of in-flight testing sessions comprised of VR video viewing and questionnaires (via the ESA EveryWear app).
Health Maintenance System (HMS) On-Orbit Hearing Assessment (OOHA) with Kuduwave Software Setup and Test: The crew performed a hearing test using an OOHA Headset and the KUDUwave software. The assessment measures hearing function while crewmembers are exposed to noise and microgravity during long-duration spaceflight.
HMS Spaceflight Cognitive Assessment Tool for Windows (WinSCAT) Test: The crew performed a monthly WinSCAT test. The test is a screen tool developed by NASA to monitor astronauts and their neuro-cognitive status while in space and alert NASA flight surgeons to any accuracy or reaction time changes in an astronaut’s performance. WinSCAT tests working memory, computational skills, attention, visual tracking, and spatial processing.
Hatch Seal Inspection and Cleaning: The crew inspected the Node 1 Forward and US Lab Forward hatch seals, hatch plate sealing surfaces, crank handle mechanisms, and hatch seal interlocking joints for damage or Foreign Object Debris (FOD) following the use of the Hatch Depress Indicator (HDI) during the emergency on-board training (OBT) performed on Wednesday, November 29th. The crew downlinked photos of the inspection for the ground teams to analyze. The crew also cleaned the Node 1 Forward and Aft hatch seals.
NOD3F3 Intermodule Ventilation (IMV) Screen Remove and Replace: Today, as part of routine maintenance, the crew replaced the IMV screen in Node 3, which is responsible for providing air flow to the Cupola and the Permanent Multipurpose Module (PMM). The IMV is responsible for moving air between modules so that ideal atmospheric conditions are maintained throughout the ISS.
Axiom Smartphone and Tablet On-Orbit Test and Checkout: Today, in support of the upcoming Axiom Private Astronaut Mission (PAM) to the ISS, the crew performed a network test and checkout on the smartphones and tablets that the Axiom crew will use while they are on the ISS. The smartphones and tablets will enable the crew to perform all of their scheduled activities efficiently while they are on board.
Completed Task List Activities:
- WHC-KTO-Replace [GMT 347]
Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- PPS High Beta Ops
- IMV Screen R&R and Cleaning Systems Support
- JEMAL Depress Operations
- ISS ACS CCDB Attitude Update
- RWS DCP Checkout Support
Look Ahead Plan
Friday, December 15 (GMT 349)
- AC2 Touch
- Astrobee Off
- Facet Cell Installation
- Fiber Optic Production-2
- HRF Sample Collections
- Plant Habitat Facility Water Test Evaluation
- PLDR Deactivation
- Polar transfers
- VR Mental Care
- SSC 9 and 12 Swap
- SpX-29 Dragon Cargo Operations
- EHS Acoustic Monitor Modified Noise Survey and Data Transfer
- H2ST 4-Way Valve to Bypass
Saturday, December 16 (GMT 350)
- Cold Stowage DCB Packing for Return
- Fiber Optic Production-2
- HRF Sample Collections
- MT PCG 10 Pack for Return
- Payload NAS Vent Clean
- SpX-29 Cargo Dragon Departure Operations
Sunday, December 17 (GMT 351)
- HRF Sample Collections
- Crew Off Duty
Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- VR Controller, VR Anchor and ESA Power Bank Charging
- HMS PHS Evaluation
- Transfer Cygnus Cargo Operations
- Crew Gathers String for Upcoming Astro Bit Activities
- HMS EVW Tracking
- OBT Cygnus Review
- OBT Cygnus Ground Control Release Self Study
- Node 1 Hatch Seal Clean
- HMS WinSCAT Test
- WHC Air Filter R&R
- Hatch Seal Inspection
- xPWD Needle T/S
- HMS OOHA with Kuduwave Software Setup and Test
- THC IMV Flow Measurement Survey
- Urine Transfer System Offload EDV Swap
- EHS – REM2 Reseat
- ISS HAM Columbus Pass
- Polar Sample Transfer from Cold Stowage – 2
- NOD3F3 IMV Screen R&R
- CAS Adlink Mini PC Deploy in Node 2
- PMA1 IMV Cone Screen Cleaning
- USB Charger Deploy
- RWS DCP Checkout
- Fiber Optic Production 2.0 Glass Sleeve Inspection
- S&M UID Data Downlink and Teardown
- NOD2 Camera Setup for Tablet/Smartphone Activities
- PAM Tablet Checkout
- OBT ROBoT T&C Self Study
- Axiom Smartphone On-Orbit Test and Checkout
- HRF Generic Saliva Collection