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ISS On-Orbit Status Report

ISS Daily Summary Report – 7/27/2023

ISS Reboost: This morning, the ISS performed a reboost using the Aft Progress 83P rendezvous and docking (R&D) thrusters. This reboost is part of a series of reboosts to set up proper phasing conditions for the Progress 85P 34-orbit rendezvous in August. The burn duration was 5 minutes 30 seconds with a delta-V of 0.46 m/s.


BioFabrication Facility (BFF): BFF samples were removed from the Iceberg cold stowage facility. Using 3D biological printers to produce usable human organs has long been a dream of scientists and doctors around the globe; however, printing the tiny, complex structures found inside human organs, such as capillary structures, has proven difficult to accomplish in Earth’s gravity environment. To overcome this challenge, Techshot designed their BFF experiment to print organ-like tissues in microgravity, acting as a steppingstone in a long-term plan to manufacture whole human organs in space using refined biological 3D printing techniques.

Glovebox Freezer: The Glovebox Freezer hose was swapped back to the originally installed hose for additional leak checks. The Glovebox Freezer integrates into the Life Science Glovebox (LSG) and Microgravity Science Glovebox (MSG) to provide rapid freeze capability in support of biological sciences.

ISS Ham Radio: An ISS Ham pass (UAE-6) was initiated with Mohammad Bin Rashid Space Centre, Dubai, UAE. Since the earliest space station expeditions, ISS Ham Radio has allowed groups of students in schools, camps, museums, and planetariums to hold a conversation with the people living in space. As the ISS passes overhead, students have about nine minutes to ask crew members 10 to 20 questions.

JEM Small Satellite Orbital Deployer-26 (J-SSOD-26): The J-SSOD-26 deployer hardware was removed from the Multi-Purpose Experiment Platform (MPEP), and the JEM slide table was retracted back into the JEM Airlock. The J-SSOD-26 mission deployed the Maya-5 and Maya-6 satellites which will demonstrate on-board imaging software, provide Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS)-Digipeater (digital data packet repeater) capability to the Amateur radio community and verify the CubeSat structure as an antenna. J-SSOD provides a novel, safe, and small satellite launching capability to the ISS. The J-SSOD is a unique satellite launcher, handled by the Japanese Experiment Module Remote Manipulator System (JEMRMS), which provides containment and deployment mechanisms for several individual small satellites.

Microbial Aerosol Tethering on Innovative Surfaces in the ISS (MATISS): Four MATISS-3 Sample Holders were installed in predefined locations in the Columbus module. Bacteria are a big problem in space as they tend to build up in the constantly recycled atmosphere of the ISS. The main objective of the MATISS experiment is to find better materials with which to build a space station or spacecraft, which is especially important for longer missions farther from Earth. Researchers will also monitor how bacteria form biofilms that protect them from cleaning agents and help them adhere to surfaces

Space Automated Bioproduct Laboratory (SABL): The CO2 controller was removed from the SABL-3 unit. The SABL unit supports a wide variety of investigations in the life, physical, and material sciences with a focus on supporting research of biological systems and processes. It has over 23 liters of temperature-controlled volume with LED lighting for scientific hardware and investigations. It can be fitted to provide 5% CO2 (or any required concentration of CO2) for cell cultures or other types of investigations and has two USB 2.0 ports and two Ethernet LAN connections. The SABL unit also has switchable 28VDC and 5VDC power supplies for investigation use.


H2 Vent Valve Manual Override and Sensor Tech to Bypass: The H2 Vent Valve was manually overridden to the automatic control position. The crew performed a rack rotation on the Lab1P1 rack and completed the manual override. The crew then switched the H2 sensor 4-way to bypass. This valve override was performed following the Remote Power Control Module (RPCM) Replacements and Removals (R&R) on Monday.

Environmental Health System (EHS) Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOCA) Water Recovery System (WRS) Sample Analysis, Data Record, and Waste Water Bag (WWB) Changeout: The crew performed an analysis of the Water Processing Assembly (WPA) using the TOCA. The TOCA unit oxidizes organic carbon species present in the water to carbon dioxide gas and measures the concentration using nondispersive infrared spectroscopy. Analysis of the potable water using the TOCA occurs on a weekly basis. After the sample analysis and data record, the WWB was changed out.

Health Maintenance System (HMS) Spaceflight Cognitive Assessment Tool for Windows (WinSCAT) Test: The crew performed a monthly WinSCAT test. The test is a screen tool developed by NASA to monitor astronauts and their neuro-cognitive status while in space and alert NASA flight surgeons to any accuracy or reaction time changes in an astronaut’s performance. WinSCAT tests working memory, computational skills, attention, visual tracking, and spatial processing.

Russian Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Tool Gather and Transfer: The crew gathered hardware related to the upcoming RS EVA. After performing a safety tether and D-ring extender inspection, a Helmet Light and High-Definition EVA Mobility Unit (EMU) Camera Assembly to RS.

JSL Connectivity Check: A station support computer (SSC) was used to test JSL connectivity on the NOD204 Utility Interface Panel (UIP). The crew connected the Ethernet Cable from the SSC to different ports on the UIP and tested connectivity by opening operations products on the SSC.

Axiom Tablet Troubleshooting Test: Using an Axiom tablet, crew attempted to connect to the PAMNet wireless network and access whitelisted webpages and Axiom webmail. During the Ax-2 mission, several issues were reported of Axiom tablets having connectivity errors and/or being unable to access whitelisted webpages and applications such as webmail. This troubleshooting test is an effort to return Axiom tablets to an operational configuration before Ax-3 and other Private Astronaut Mission (PAM) flights arrive at the station.

Completed Task List Activities:

  • None

Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • ISS Reboost using 83P
  • OGS Activation after H2 Vent Valve Manipulation
  • VDS EHDC Survey of Soyuz before Undock

Look Ahead Plan

Friday, July 28 (GMT 209)

  • ADSEP Photo
  • Astrobee Off
  • BFF Media Replace
  • CIR T/S
  • Glovebox Freezer Check
  • Immunity Assay Kit Gathering
  • J-MPEP Stow
  • Kubiks Setup
  • MATISS-3 Install
  • NREP Slide Table Capture
  • SABL CO2 Controller Swap and Meter Setup
  • Standard Measures Collections
  • TREK Laptop Relocate


  • NRAL Ingress
  • OBT Cygnus ROBoT Session 1
  • PROX 1 and PROX 2 Photo Take

Saturday, July 29 (GMT 210)

  • Glovebox Freezer Check


  • Crew Off-Duty

Sunday, July 30 (GMT 211)

  • Glovebox Freezer Check and Teardown


  • Crew Off-Duty

Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • HRF Generic Collection
  • HRF Generic MELFI Sample Retrieval and Insertion
  • HRF Generic HRF Centrifuge Frozen Sample Collection
  • JEM Water Recovery System (JWRS) Water Disposal and Bag Exchange
  • In-flight Maintenance (IFM) Lab Oxygen Generation System (OGS) Gather
  • Astrobee Close Out
  • MATISS-3 sample holder installation
  • ISS HAM Columbus Pass Kenwood
  • H2 Vent Valve Manual Override and Sensor 4-Way Valve to Bypass
  • Environmental Health System (EHS) Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOCA) Water Recovery System (WRS) Sample Analysis, Data Record, and Waste Water Bag (WWB) Changeout
  • Standard Measures Cognition Testing
  • Health Maintenance System (HMS) Spaceflight Cognitive Assessment Tool for Windows (WinSCAT) Test
  • Columbus cabin cargo consolidation
  • JEM Small Satellite Orbital Deployer (SSOD) Resupply Removal from Multi-Purpose Experiment Platform (MPEP)
  • Russian Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Tool Gather and Transfer
  • JSL Connectivity Check
  • Public Affairs Office (PAO) Social Media Event
  • BioFabrication Facility ICEBERG Sample Retrieve
  • Axiom iPad Troubleshooting Test
  • Space Automated Bioproduct Lab, CO2 Incubator Removal
  • Food Consolidate
  • Glovebox Freezer
  • Flight Director/ISS CREW CONFERENCE