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ISS On-Orbit Status Report

ISS Daily Summary Report – 7/19/2023


Gradient Heating Furnace (GHF): The GHF Material Processing Unit heater insulation was measured for resistance using a multimeter. The GHF is a vacuum furnace that contains three heating blocks. Their positions and temperatures can be independently controlled, and various temperature profiles can be realized. This facility will be mainly used for high quality crystal growth experiments using unidirectional solidification.

Hicari-II: The sample Hicari cartridge was removed from the GHF Sample Cartridge Automatic Exchange Mechanism (SCAM) holder and the sample was removed from the cartridge and prepared for return. Study of Silicon-Germanium Crystal Growth in Microgravity (Hicari-II) continues work from the Hicari investigation examining the physical properties of Silicon-Germanium (SiGe) crystals. These crystals show promise as a material for making infrared optical lenses and electrical devices, but present challenges including slow growth rate and difficulty controlling impurities. This investigation could help solve those challenges and support development of techniques for growing and using SiGe crystals.

JEM Small Satellite Orbital Deployer-26 (J-SSOD-26): Imagery was taken of the J-SSOD-26 deployments. The J-SSOD-26 mission deployed the Maya-5 and Maya-6 satellites which will demonstrate on-board imaging software, provide Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS)-Digipeater (digital data packet repeater) capability to the Amateur radio community, and verify the CubeSat structure as an antenna. J-SSOD provides a novel, safe, and small satellite launching capability to the ISS. The J-SSOD is a unique satellite launcher, handled by the Japanese Experiment Module Remote Manipulator System (JEMRMS), which provides containment and deployment mechanisms for several individual small satellites.

TELe-Luminescence Analysis System (TELLAS): The TELLAS mission was completed and the Hardware was closed out. The TELLAS is an experimental facility that uses luminescence and an imager to make observations of tissues/genes in small living animals. Such in-vivo observations facilitate the study of mechanisms related to aging in the microgravity environment. Installed in the Kibo module, the TELLAS facility can provide information that contributes to aging research and improves the health and longevity of people on Earth.


In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Audits: Today the crew performed three audits. The crew continued the Node 2 spare tools audit that began yesterday, and then audited a 1.0 CTB with video cables and accessories. The crew also audited and reorganized the spare Active Rack Isolation System (ARIS) and rack hardware cargo transfer bag (CTB).

Regenerative Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) Recycle Tank Drain/Fill: The recycle tank was set up to drain via the Urine Processor Assembly (UPA) Fill Drain Valve into a Brine EDV using the Urine Transfer System (UTS). Following the setup, the ground performed the tank drain using the UTS. Once the ground specialists completed the transfer, the crew verified the recycle tank was empty, terminated the drain, repositioned the fill/drain valve to force fill the recycle tank using UTS, and configured for nominal processing operations. The crew also swapped the EDV in the offload EDV spot of the UTS.

Joint Station LAN (JSL) 20 Port Switch Cable Modification: Two spare uninstalled cables were modified in preparation for replacement of 16-port Ethernet switches with 20-port network switches and for a spare cable. The 16-port Ethernet switch power cables were modified to install a larger ring ground terminal for use with the 20-port network switches.

IFM Brine Processor (BPA) Filter Remove and Replace (R&R): As part of regular maintenance, the crew completed a brine filter changeout to R&R the UPA brine filter. Brine filters are replaced every 60 days. The filter scrubs odor from the air leaving the BPA.

Temperature and Humidity Control (THC) Common Cabin Air Assembly (CCAA) Swap: The crew configured the ducting to support Lab CCAA swap. The crew terminated the Low Temperature Loop (LTL) flow through the Lab P6 CCAA heat exchanger, and initiated LTL flow through the Lab S6 CCAA heat exchanger. This activity was done in preparation for the inspection of the Lab P6 Liquid Check Valve (LCV), which is planned for tomorrow. The CCAA circulates, cools, and dehumidifies air in USOS modules.

Countermeasures System (CMS) Advanced Resistive Exercise Device (ARED) Maintenance:The crew completed six-month routine ARED maintenance tasks including re-torqueing the crank handle socket head cap screw and inspecting the heel raise pin and mechanism. ARED helps the astronauts maintain muscle strength and mass by incorporating adjustable resistance piston-driven vacuum cylinders along with a flywheel system to simulate free-weight exercises in normal gravity.

Lab Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Connector Troubleshooting: As part of troubleshooting efforts following errors experienced after an R&R, the crew rotated the Air Revitalization System (ARS) rack to access the MCA, inspected the Lab MCA Mass Spectrometer Assembly (MSA) for connector damage or misalignment, then reseated the MSA and closed out the rack. No immediate anomalies were reported during the inspection, and the ground team will further review photos. The MCA is a mass spectrometer that monitors constituents in the air and calculates the percent concentration and partial pressures of these constituents.

Lab Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Blower Inspection: As part of troubleshooting efforts following a failed activation, the crew inspected and documented electrical connectors and cables on the Lab TCCS blower for damage or loose connections. No damage or off-nominal connections were found by the crew, and photos were downlinked to the ground for review. The TCCS provides a means to remove both low and high molecular weight contaminants.

Health Maintenance System (HMS) Ultrasound 2 Scan: Today, the crew performed eye exams using ultrasound equipment. Eye exams are performed regularly on-board to monitor crewmembers’ eye health. Eyesight is one of the many aspects of the human body that is affected by long-duration stays in a microgravity environment.

Completed Task List Activities:

  • WHC KTO Replace

Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • JSSOD-26 Deploy Commanding
  • Crew Dragon Quiescent System Checkout
  • CCAA Swap Commanding
  • Lab ARS Rack Commanding

Look Ahead Plan

Thursday, July 20 (GMT 201)

  • Astrobee Stowage and Powerdown
  • BFF Sample Retrieve
  • Food Physiology Diet Brief
  • HRF Collect
  • J-Camera Robot 2 Checkout
  • JEM Microscope Temperature Install
  • SAMS-2 R1 Screen Clean
  • Standard Measures Cognition Test and Presleep Question


  • IFM CCAA WS LCV Inspection
  • HMS OCT2 Exam
  • ARED KRAKN Troubleshooting
  • EVA Battery Ops
  • METOX Regen

Friday, July 21 (GMT 202)

  • Astrobee Prep
  • BFF Cassette Inserts
  • Genes In Space-10 FF Run2
  • HRF Collect
  • ISS Ham Pass
  • JWRS Sample Collect
  • BFF Cassette Install and Syringe Swap
  • Standard Measures PostSleep Question
  • Story from Space-9 Totality Demos


  • Cygnus OBT Review/Conference
  • IFM WHC UR and IF R&R
  • HMS OCT2 Exam

Saturday, July 22 (GMT 203)

  • Astrobee Off


  • Crew Off-Duty

Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • HRF Generic Collection
  • HRF Generic MELFI Sample Insertion Operations
  • Standard Measures Body Sampling Survey/Collection/Stow
  • JEMRMS Small Satellite Deployment Observation
  • Russian EVA Tool Gather, Part 1
  • IFM Node 2 Spare Tools Audit
  • Regenerative ECLSS Recycle Tank Drain/Fill
  • TELLAS Equipment Closeout
  • JSL 20 Port Switch Cable Modification
  • IFM BPA Filter R&R
  • PAO Event in JEM
  • Standard Measures Collection
  • Rack Cargo Transfer Bag Clean Up
  • Photo/TV CTB Audit
  • JEM WIS Air Flow Sensor Correction for RSU B4 (S/N 1001) at JPM1F0
  • Urine Transfer System Offload EDV Swap
  • Stowage Questionnaire
  • GHF HICARI 2 Cartridges Removal/Separation
  • THC CCAA Swap
  • GHF Heating Units Insulation Resistance Measurement
  • PAO Event in Columbus
  • CMS ARED 6-Month Maintenance
  • ON Office Mural Photo
  • PAO Social Media Event
  • IFM LAB MCA Connector Troubleshooting
  • Flight Director/ISS operations Manager/ISS Crew Conference
  • IFM Lab TCCS Blower Inspection
  • HMS Ultrasound 2 Scan