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ISS On-Orbit Status Report

ISS Daily Summary Report – 4/28/2023

USOS Extravehicular Activity (EVA) #86 RFG Retrieval: Today, EV1 (Steve Bowen) and EV2 (Sultan Al Neyadi) conducted USOS EVA #86. The main goal of this EVA was to retrieve the S-Band Radio Frequency Group (RFG) from the External Stowage Platform Two (ESP2) stanchion and perform preparation tasks for the upcoming ISS Roll Out Solar Array (IROSA) install EVAs. Hatch opening occurred at 8:09 AM CDT. The final Phase Elapsed Time (PET) from today’s EVA was 7 hours and 1 minute and the crew completed the following objectives:

  • Pre-stage IROSA Cable Bag to S6
  • Shuffle S6 APFRs
  • Route 1B Cables and fix 1B MLI
  • Complete Installation of 1A MLI

After significant effort attempting to remove the RFG from the ESP2 stanchion, the EV crewmembers were unable to complete the task due to the center jacking bolt not releasing. Therefore, the following objective was deferred:

  • Remove S-band RFG from ESP2 Stanchion and Stow in Airlock

The EV crew then re-secured the RFG to the stanchion and replaced its MLI cover prior to ingress.


  • None


Environmental Health System (EHS) – Formaldehyde Monitoring Kit (FMK) Stow Operation: The crew retrieved the two previously deployed Formaldehyde Monitors and sealed the monitoring surface on each Monitor. The FMKs are deployed side-by-side in each designated sample location for post-flight analysis of on-orbit formaldehyde levels.

Countermeasures System (CMS) Advanced Resistive Exercise Device (ARED) Cylinder Flywheel Evacuation: The crew performed an evacuation of the ARED Cylinder Flywheel. The ARED uses adjustable resistance piston-driven vacuum cylinders along with a flywheel system to simulate free-weight exercises in normal gravity. Studies have found that without exercises like those possible on the ARED, astronauts could lose up to 15% of their muscle volume, which could be difficult or even impossible to regain back on Earth. ARED’s primary goal is to maintain muscle strength and mass in astronauts during long periods in space.

Completed Task List Activities:

  • None

Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • EMU Data Recorder Operations
  • HD EMU Camera EVA Operations
  • MSS Maneuver for SSRMS Walk Off
  • EVA ISLE Prep and Pre Breathe Support
  • PRO PLD MDM File Transfer Commanding

Look Ahead Plan

Saturday, April 29 (GMT 119)

  • Crew Off Duty


  • EVA Debrief Conference
  • EMU Water Recharge
  • RS EVA Tool Gather

Sunday, April 30 (GMT 120)

  • Crew Off Duty


  • Crew Off Duty

Monday, May 1 (GMT 121)

  • ISS Ham Pass


  • Crew Off Duty

Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • EVA In-Suit Light Exercise (ISLE) Preparation, Assist, and Prebreathe
  • Crewlock Depress Leak Check and Teardown
  • Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Purge
  • Crewlock Depress, Egress, Ingress, and Repress
  • Bag Stow and Articulating Portable Foot Restraint (APFR) Relocate
  • 1B IROSA Cable Routing and Multi-Layer Insulation (MLI) Install
  • EHS – FMK Stow Operation
  • 1A MLI Install
  • CMS ARED Cylinder Flywheel Evacuation
  • External Stowage Platform (ESP-2) Setup and Cleanup
  • SSRMS/ESP-2 Setup, RFG Support, and Cleanup
  • [Aborted] RFG Removal, Tie Down, and Stow in Airlock
  • [Deferred] RFG Bagging
  • [Aborted] Gather Additional Tools for RFG Handling
  • EVA Post-EVA Activities
  • In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Airlock Cleanup
  • EVA Suit Dry Out