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ISS On-Orbit Status Report

ISS Daily Summary Report – 10/21/2022


eXposed Root On-Orbit Test System (XROOTS): The crew performed fluid management and seed cartridge/plant inspections. XROOTS is currently in the fourth and final planting for the experiment series. The XROOTS investigation uses hydroponic and aeroponic techniques to grow plants without soil or other growth media. Video and still images enable evaluation of multiple independent growth chambers for the entire plant life cycle from seed germination through maturity. Results could identify suitable methods to produce crops on a larger scale for future space missions.

Hyperspectral Imager Suite (HISUI): The crew exchanged the full Mission Data Recorder (MDR) data hard disk (HD) with a new data disk. This is performed roughly every 90 days when the current disk fills up with stored HISUI experiment data. HISUI is an external investigation, and the MDR is the internal component of the investigation which is used to record and transfer data. HISUI is a next generation spaceborne hyperspectral Earth imaging system. The objective of HISUI onboard the ISS is to obtain the data necessary to begin a full-scale practical application development for hyperspectral remote sensing through manufacturing, and the inflight performance verification of a hyperspectral imager onboard ISS.


Node 3 Moderate Temperature Loop (MTL) Activities: Today the crew removed the Node 3 MTL Gas Trap Plug on the Node 3 MTL Pump Package Assembly (PPA). The PPA Fine Filter was then removed and replaced (R&Red). These activities are in support of the Internal Thermal Control System (ITCS) fluid sampling occurring today, and the Gas Trap Plug will be reinstalled next week.

Regenerative ECLSS Recycle Tank Drain/Fill: The recycle tank was set up to drain via the Urine Processor Assembly (UPA) Fill Drain Valve into a Brine EDV using the Urine Transfer System (UTS). Following the setup, the ground performed the tank drain using the UTS. Once the ground specialists completed the transfer, the crew verified the recycle tank was empty, terminated the drain, repositioned the fill/drain valve to force fill the recycle tank using UTS, and configured for nominal processing operations. The crew also swapped the EDV in the offload EDV spot of the UTS.

Water Recovery System (WRS) Contingency Water Container (CWC)-Iodine Fill: The CWC is a soft container with an inner bladder that can store a variety of liquids including humidity condensate, wastewater, and other unique fluids such as Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) wastewater. Today’s activity involved transferring water from the Potable Bus into a CWC-Iodine container using the Potable Water Dispenser (PWD). Iodine was added to purify the water. The crew monitored the offload time as a secondary control to protect the CWC-Iodine from over-pressurization.

On-Orbit Hearing Assessment (O-OHA): Today the crew performed an auditory test using the O-OHA headset and KUDUwave software. The assessment measures hearing function while crewmembers are exposed to noise and microgravity during long-duration spaceflight.

EHS Coliform Water Sample Analysis: Today, the crew completed post-processing analysis of the coliform detection bags. The water samples were acquired on GMT 292 and allowed to incubate to check for the presence of Coliform bacteria. Following the incubation period, the crew visually analyzed the coliform detection bags and recorded the results. Visual confirmation must be performed within 40-48 hours of the initial sample collection.

ITCS Return to Ground Sampling: Today, the crew accessed and sampled ITCS fluid from sampling adapter ports in the Lab, Node 2 MTL and Low Temperature Loop (LTL), and Node 3 locations. The ITCS provides equipment cooling and heat rejection through a combination of water loops and interface heat exchangers. This is regularly scheduled preventive maintenance to verify health of the ITCS.

Emergency Health Maintenance System Contingency Drill Training: Training was completed by the crew which provided the opportunity to review procedures, hardware, and communication methods necessary to manage a medical emergency onboard ISS. Emergency medical equipment was deployed, and crew practiced CPR positioning to ensure familiarity with procedure execution should a medical emergency occur.

Completed Task List Activities:

  • None

Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • JEMRMS C&C MDM Bus and SLB2 C/O
  • JEMRMS Arm Bus Communication Checkout
  • JEMRMS Console Bus C/O

Look Ahead Plan

Saturday, October 22 (GMT 295)

  • HRP Blood/Saliva Setup


  • Crew Off-Duty

Sunday, October 23 (GMT 296)

  • Crew Off-Duty


  • Crew Off-Duty

Monday, October 24 (GMT 297)

  • Cardiobreath
  • FROST Reconfig
  • ISS Ham Pass
  • MSG Cleaning
  • PLT5 USB Relocate
  • Standard Measures


  • EHS TOCA PFU4 Functional Check
  • EVA Batt Ops
  • EHS – SSK and MAS Analysis
  • Node 3 MTL PPA Gas Trap Installation
  • EVA Helmet Light Installation
  • EMU Resize
  • NG-18 Trash Gather

Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • HRF Generic Saliva Collection
  • HRF Generic Urine Collection
  • Standard Measures Body Sampling Survey/Collection/Stow
  • HRF Generic MELFI Sample Retrieval and Insertion
  • HRF Generic HRF Centrifuge Frozen Blood Collection
  • Acoustic Monitor Data Transfer
  • Bio-Monitor Application Configuration File Upload
  • Node 3 MTL Gas Trap Plug (GTP) Removal
  • Standard Measures Collection
  • Node 3 MTL PPA Fine Filter Removal and Replacement
  • Standard Measures Cognition Testing
  • Regenerative ECLSS Recycle Tank Drain/Fill
  • JEMRMS CCP and RMS Monitors Activation Before JEMRMS Console C/O
  • Actiwatch Plus HRF Rack 1 Setup/Swap/Stow
  • JEMRMS Console Checkout
  • Mission Data Recorder Laptop Configuration Portable 4TB HDD R&R
  • JEMRMS CCP and RMS Monitors Deactivation After JEMRMS C/O
  • Water Recovery System CWC-Iodine Fill Initialization/Terminate
  • O-OHA with Kuduwave Software Setup and Test
  • EHS – Coliform Water Sample Analysis 44 +/- 4 hours post processing
  • CWC-Iodine Fill Teardown
  • Ammonia Cartridge Inspection
  • Urine Transfer System Offload EDV Swap
  • Internal Thermal Control System Lab Return to Ground Sampling
  • XROOTS Experiment Big Picture Words
  • Internal Thermal Control System Node 2 MTL Return to Ground Sampling
  • XROOTS Water Refill
  • Swap SSC (Station Support Computer) 20 and 12
  • CHeCS Emergency Health Maintenance System Contingency Drill Training
  • DOSIS Main Box LED Check
  • DOSIS 3D Triple Detector relocation in Columbus.
  • XROOTS Status Check
  • Internal Thermal Control System Node 2 LTL Return to Ground Sampling
  • ITCS Node 3 Return to Ground Sampling
  • Public Affairs Office (PAO) Event in JEM
  • Hardware handover from RS to USOS
  • FGB Reorganization
  • MELFI 1 Ice Brick Insert 6
  • IGO Hardware Reconfiguration