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ISS On-Orbit Status Report

ISS Daily Summary Report – 9/23/2022


Foams and Emulsions: The final day of the Experiment 2 science sessions was performed, but despite multiple attempts, a suitable foam was not able to be generated. The ground team believes the chip in the system may be faulty. Foams (dispersions of bubbles in a liquid) and emulsions (dispersions of droplets in a liquid) appear in many food, consumer, and personal care products and are used in a variety of industries. Structure and Stability of Foams and Emulsions examines the properties and performance of foams and emulsions, including using particles of various shapes and surface roughness to stabilize these materials. Microgravity enables examination of the microstructures of foams and emulsions due to the elimination of the influence of gravity-related factors such as buoyancy of particles.

Food Physiology: A diet briefing was attended between the crew and Principal Investigator team in support of the Food Physiology investigation. The Food Physiology experiment is designed to characterize the key effects of an enhanced spaceflight diet on immune function, the gut microbiome, and nutritional status indicators. These factors are interlinked, but diet is the only one that can be easily and meaningfully altered on Earth or during flight. This investigation aims to document the effect of dietary improvements on human physiology and the ability of those improvements to enhance adaptation to spaceflight.

eXposed Root On-Orbit Test System (XROOTS): Following the initiation of the 4th planting for the XROOTS experiment on Tuesday, the crew performed fluid management and wick opening. The wick opening allows the seeds to be assessed for germination and gives them more room to grow during the growth cycle. Over the next 30+ days, the crew will observe and assist with the seed germination and growout of the plants. The fourth planting includes Mizuna, Cherry Belle, Hakurei, and Tokyo Bekana. The XROOTS investigation uses hydroponic and aeroponic techniques to grow plants without soil or other growth media. Video and still images enable evaluation of multiple independent growth chambers for the entire plant life cycle from seed germination through maturity. Results could identify suitable methods to produce crops on a larger scale for future space missions.


Mobile Servicing System (MSS) Remote Power Control Module (RPCM) Firmware Load: As part of robotic activity, the ground teams successfully completed the MSS RPCM S12B-A Firmware Load and Pre-Position. The Cargo Transport Container J (CTC-J) RPCM was removed from into the S12B_A slot and inserted into the CTC-J slot. The CTC-A RPCM was removed from into the CTC-A slot and inserted into the S12B_A slot.

Crew Quarters (CQ) Cleaning: As part of in-flight maintenance, the crew cleaned the intake and exhaust ducts, fans, and airflow sensors in the Overhead Crew Quarters. Due to the large amounts of dust seen during previous CQ cleanings, the crew removed all relevant panels and temporarily stowed them to clean all areas at once.

ISS Crew Handover and Adaptation: The experienced 67S and Freedom crewmembers continued handover with the newly arrived 68S crew to transfer knowledge of the intricacies of onboard equipment and working in microgravity. The newly arrived crew member executed activities and the experienced crew member provided oversight and assistance. Today, the 68S crew were trained on the emergency roles and responsibilities to achieve a safe configuration on station.

Food Consolidate: Today, the crew consolidated the NOD1 food pantry to ensure the crew has easy access to food while also helping to reduce the overall stowage footprint in the Permanent Multipurpose Module (PMM). Crew time is often allocated toward stowage management to maintain safety, organization, and habitability.

Intermodule Ventilation (IMV) Fan Cleaning: Today, the crew inspected and cleaned the LAB Forward Port IMV Screen, IMV Fan, and Lower Flex Duct Inlet to improve airflow. The IMV flow rates should be sufficient to ensure that the IMV fan is operating outside of the stall region which causes a reduction of airflow and an increase fan acoustic noise. Excessive dust buildup can cause this phenomenon.

Completed Task List Activities:

  • None

Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • MSS RPCM S12B-A Firmware Load and Pre-Position
  • S12B_B Power up after Mate
  • ARS Thermal Amine Vent

Look Ahead Plan

Saturday, September 24 (GMT 267)

  • EarthKAM shutdown and stow
  • UNIGLO procedure review


  • Off Duty

Sunday, September 25 (GMT 268)

  • NutrISS


  • Off Duty

Monday, September 26 (GMT 269)

  • AWP
  • Neural Integration System
  • NutrISS
  • SABL2 tray insert
  • SCEM
  • Standard Measures
  • Vascular Aging


  • OBT Nominal Departure and Deorbit
  • Food Consolidation
  • THC IMV Flow Measurement Survey

Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • CQ Battery Remove and Replace
  • CQ Overhead Cleaning
  • Emergency Roles and Responsibilities Review
  • EMU Positive Pressure Relief Valve Cycling
  • EVA PGT Li-Ion Batteries (LPGT) Adapter Cable Taping
  • Foams and Emulsions Experiment 2
  • Food Consolidate
  • Food Physiology Crew Diet Briefing
  • Forward AC Inverter Secure
  • ISS Crew Adaptation
  • ISS Crew departure preparation
  • ISS Crew Handover
  • ISS Emergency Hardware Familiarization
  • KEyence Research Microscope Testbed (KERMIT)
  • Lab FWD Port Intermodule Ventilation (IMV) Fan Cleaning
  • PMA1 IMV Cone Screen Cleaning
  • Reconfiguration of the hose between SV18 and QP15
  • Surface tubes kit search
  • Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOCA) Sample Data Record
  • Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOCA) Waste Water Bag (WWB) Changeout
  • Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOCA) Water Recovery System (WRS) Sample Analysis
  • Urine Transfer System Offload EDV Swap
  • Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Manual Fill Initiate and Terminate