ISS Daily Summary Report – 9/19/2022
Airborne Particulate Monitor (APM): The APM hardware was checked, and the status of the hardware/display was reported to the ground. The crew also inspected the air inlet screen and cleaned as needed. Air quality in crewed spacecraft is important for keeping astronauts healthy and comfortable. Although requirements exist for maximum allowable concentrations of particulate matter, currently no measurement capability verifies whether these requirements are met. The APM demonstrates an instrument for measuring and quantifying the concentration of both small and large particles in spacecraft air. The data can be used to create a map of air quality in terms of particles and shed light on the sources of such particles.
Autonomous Systems and Operations (AMO) EXPRESS-2.5: A session was performed in which simulated commanding of EXPRESS rack 7 was conducted. AMO EXPRESS 2.5 conducts tests using automation and decision support software to help crew members manage spacecraft subsystems. The ability to perform such tasks without assistance from Mission Control is vital for future space exploration such as a mission to Mars, where significant time delays will occur in communications between space and ground. Using automation and decision support software to guide astronauts through complex spacecraft subsystem management activities also reduces the time needed to perform a task.
Behavioral Core Measures (BCM): The crew performed several BCM research sessions consisting of a set of 12 runs/tests each. The Behavioral Core Measures experiment initially examined a suite of measurements to reliably assess the risk of adverse cognitive or behavioral conditions and psychiatric disorders during long-duration spaceflight, and evaluated the feasibility of those tests within the operational and time constraints of spaceflight for two crewmembers. Subsequent subjects perform a subset of the original activities to measure the performance capabilities of deconditioned crew members to complete either individual or crew telerobotic operations within the first 24 hours after landing. This information may help characterize what tasks a crewmember, who has spent months in weightlessness, can reasonably be expected to perform after landing on the surface of Mars.
Foams and Emulsions: The appropriate items were set up to allow the start of the Experiment 2 science sessions. Today’s session injected a foam into an area with wire frames to observe the foam’s interaction and development over time. Foams (dispersions of bubbles in a liquid) and emulsions (dispersions of droplets in a liquid) appear in many food, consumer, and personal care products and are used in a variety of industries. Structure and Stability of Foams and Emulsions examines the properties and performance of foams and emulsions, including using particles of various shapes and surface roughness to stabilize these materials. Microgravity enables examination of the microstructures of foams and emulsions due to the elimination of the influence of gravity-related factors such as buoyancy of particles.
Surface Avatar: The crew executed various protocols to control robotic systems on the ground. Following the session, they also completed a questionnaire to document the various aspects of the session. Multi-Avatar and Robots Collaborating with Intuitive Interface (Surface Avatar) investigation evaluates how effectively multiple robots can be commanded in scalable autonomy under conditions in space. Surface Avatar also seeks to provide information on how well the robot operator responds to haptic feedback, and crucially what the challenges and sticking points are for a real orbit-to-ground setup to operate robots remotely.
Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Full Water Tank Dump and Fill: Today, the crew performed a water tank dump and fill for EMU 3004. The EMU dump and fill purges gas built-up in the EMU Water Tanks. The crew also inspected the Extravehicular Activity (EVA) cords for Retractable Tether (RET) damage. Each RET cord must be inspected prior to EVA use.
Crew Quarters (CQ) Cleaning: As part of in-flight maintenance, the crew cleaned the intake and exhaust ducts, fans, and airflow sensors in the Starboard Crew Quarters. Due to the large amounts of dust seen during previous CQ cleanings, the crew removed all relevant panels and temporarily stowed them to clean all areas at once.
Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Urine Receptacle (UR) and Insert Filter (IF) Remove and Replace (R&R): The crew completed routine maintenance to replace the urine receptacle and filter. As part of the R&R, the crew cleaned the WHC power supply, reactivated WHC, and performed a functionality test to verify the WHC was operational following the maintenance.
Completed Task List Activities:
- None
Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- MSE, MCE, OCA, and HEVS Windows Clients Security Patch Updates
- MSS RPCM S12B-A Firmware Load and Pre-Position
- EMU Data Recorder Operations
Look Ahead Plan
Tuesday, September 20 (GMT 263)
- Astrobee SVGS Session
- BCM Test
- EarthKAM Node 2 Setup and Act
- ESA-EPO Newton 3
- Foams and Emulsions Experiment 2 (continued)
- NUTRISS Measurement
- Vascular Aging Echo and BP Scan
- XROOTS 4th Planting Initiate
- WHC Pre-Treat Tank Remove & Replace
- Vestibule Outfitting Kit Audit
- Dragon Monthly Conference
Wednesday, September 21 (GMT 264)
- Foams and Emulsions
- MUSES Server Vent Clear
- Ring Sheared Drop Remove/Stow
- 68S Launch and Dock
- Integrated Emergency Procedure Review
- Airlock Vent and Relief Isolation Valve Rivet
Thursday, September 22 (GMT 265)
- Acoustic Diagnostics
- CBEF-L Ops
- EarthKAM Lens Change
- Foams and Emulsions
- POIC Overview
- Laptop Reconfiguration
- Crew Handover
- Crew Adaptation
Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- Advanced Resistive Exercise Device (ARED) Cylinder Flywheel Evacuation
- Airborne Particulate Monitor Inlet Clean and Status Check
- AMO EXPRESS 2.5 Overview
- Behavioral Core Measures ROBoT-r Research Testing
- Centerline Berthing Camera System (CBCS) Stow
- Crew Arrival Preparations
- Portable Emergency Provisions (PEPS) Inspection
- Compound Specific Analyzer-Combustion Products (CSA-CP) Extended Maintanence
- EVA RET Inspect
- EMU Full Water Tank Dump and Fill
- Foams And Emulsions Experiment
- Crew Quarters (CQ) Starboard Cleaning
- Rack Swap Restow
- WHC Urine Receptacle (UR) and Insert Filter (IF) Remove and Replace
- International Procedures Viewer (IPV) Tablet 2.1 Overview
- ISS Crew Departure Preparation
- LAN JSL Network Information for JSL Administration (NINJA) Print
- KEyence Research Microscope Testbed (KERMIT) Power Up, Power Down, and Stow
- Robotics On-board Trainer (ROBoT) Setup
- Station Support Computer 3 Reload
- Surface Avatar Hardware Teardown
- Surface Avatar Questionnaire
- Surface Avatar Robotic Control Terminal Checkout
- Surface Avatar Session
- Urine Transfer System Offload EDV Swap
- 68S iPad Deploy